Flight 23 – The Unmentioned 9/11 “Conspiracy”

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter

Flight 23 is a scarcely-mentioned flight on September 11th, 2001, which most Americans are entirely unaware of.  This is much to the chagrin of this author, who notices far more conspiracy theories about 9/11 mentioned which completely omit Flight 23, in spite of the the extremely suspicious events surrounding the flight.

The flight number probably doesn’t sound familiar, and if you Google “Flight 23”, you’ll come with a search for the latest Michael Jordan shoes.  Narrowing the search parameter to “Flight 23 9/11” or “Flight 23 September 11th” will yield results, though the content is shockingly devoid of any official government inquiry beyond a cursory “no comment.”

Why is Flight 23 so important regarding the events of September 11th?  And, more importantly, why is it hardly mentioned by anyone at all, including conspiracy theorists?

Flight 23 is relatively unheard of, because it never took off.  It was one of the many flights taxiing for takeoff that was ordered back to terminal after the 2nd plane struck the WTC.

As the plane was taxiing back to the gate, four Middle Eastern passengers seated in first class began arguing with the flight attendants, insisting that they “have to be on this plane,” asking suspicious questions and exhibiting unruly behavior. As the passengers disembarked the aircraft, the four bolted from the airport before law enforcement could apprehend them, in spite of security officials meeting the plane at the gate.  Unclaimed baggage left behind contained fake IDs, a Quran, al-Qaeda instruction sheets, and box cutters.

Timmons confirmed that as the pilot grabbed the crash ax, she jumped from her seat and started barricading the cockpit door. From the other side of the barricade the cabin crew relayed their concern about four young Arab men in first-class who became agitated when the take-off was cancelled, and fled from the plane when it returned to the terminal. Box cutters and Al Qaeda documents were later found in their luggage.

Timmons, the pilot, and the rest of the crew were repeatedly questioned by the FBI, though the findings were never shared. The pilot concluded that Flight 23 would have been the next plane hijacked by terrorists if the airport shutdown order had been delayed.

Sounds eerily familiar to four other flights that day that ended in tragedy, doesn’t it?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mL-bBBTI8I]

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EC3dWzgyxjE]

ABC did the above recounting which included a History Channel summary and commentary from co-pilot Carol Timmons (who was later promoted to General of the Delaware Air National guard).  And 911blogger.com (of all places) provided an excellent synopsis of the whole Flight 23 situation, and of what was never discussed by anyone within government or in any government inquiry about Flight 23, even 16 years after the fact:

  • The names of first class and all other passengers on United flight 23
  • The amount of people booked for United flight 23
  • What exactly was found in the baggage of United flight 23
  • The results of the FBI’s investigation into United flight 23
  • Was surveillance footage from the airport checked and archived for suspect identification
  • Were any names of passengers from flight 23 on FBI or other watch lists
  • Why the 9/11 Commission Final Report did not mention United flight 23
  • What were the details of the arrests on 9/13 at JFK at JFK airport
  • What were the names of the people arrested on 9/13 at JFK airport
  • What was found in the possession of those arrested on 9/13 at JFK airport
  • What exactly did Joe Biden know about the arrests of 9/13 at JFK airport

So, why has there been no mention of Flight 23 in any major 9/11 commission report to this day?  I see two distinct possibilities:

  • The authorities let the men in question get away, for the purpose of tracking their communications and movements to gain intelligence, possibly to arrest them later on, or…
  • The authorities were incompetent enough to have absolutely no idea who the men in question were, and are clueless on their whereabouts to this day.  Four (or more) would-be hardened al-Qaeda trained hijackers slipped right through the hands of law enforcement, and are potentially still out there plotting attacks against this country.

No matter which of the two you conclude is the likely truth, it has now been 16 years since the 9/11 attacks.  The federal government and the FBI owes it to the public to release what was recovered in the bags left behind that day, and conduct some public inquiry into what went on surrounding Flight 23, and why the men in question were able to get away. The American people should know who these men were (or are) and whether or not they are still around to pose a threat.

This far after the fact, there is no reason to continue classifying whatever information was gleaned from this incident, unless the state is simply doing so to mask its own incompetence.  The tragic events of 9/11/2001 were perhaps a defining point in this country’s history.  It is stunning that so many people don’t understand how close this country came to even further tragedy, and even more stunning how few people realize that a “fifth plane” could easily have been hijacked and weaponized.  But the most stunning part of all is that our government appears more than willing to push the entire affair under the rug, denying the public information on would-be terrorists that it really ought to have.

The 9/11 “conspiracy” theorists weaken their already implausible theories even further by refusing to mention Flight 23.  A more likely scenario than a masterful cover-up involving thousands of government employees is a bunch of morons in government using their authority to cover for their mistakes surrounding the events of 9/11. 

It is far beyond time for our government to inform its citizens whether or not there are still four would-be hijackers residing in this country, silently preparing to conduct attacks against Americans when and where they least expect it.  

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September 11, 2017 8:16 am


By the way, we installed the new toilet in the basement… a top of the line Toto and it was inspected by #23.

Questions of the Day: The Number 23

September 11, 2017 9:39 am

I just bought some Hanes underwear. Same thing!! Inspected by #23 !!! This is getting very SPOOKY, indeed!

September 13, 2017 12:02 am

Congrats on the new toidee. Always good to get a new crapper, which btw was the last name of the inventor!
On the flight 23 subject…this is the flight targeting Bldg 7. They had no choice but to blow it since an investigation would have revealed it was wired with explosives.

carnac the insignificant
carnac the insignificant
September 11, 2017 8:30 am

Meh. If thats the biggest conspiracy you see, get glasses.

carnac the insignificant
carnac the insignificant
  carnac the insignificant
September 11, 2017 9:53 am

Which was the fight that melted into the earth and disappeared in pennsylvania?
How bout the one that disappeared into that round hole in the pentagon?
WHich plane hit building seven?
And why did oswald shoot a cop who looked just like jfk?
7 bullets removed from victims, one in the cieling, two in the doorframe, and one from the wall, equalling 11 shots from sirhans 8 chamber pistol.
The world runs on conspiracy better and longer than it has on oil.

  carnac the insignificant
September 11, 2017 9:57 pm

Just don’t be so easily distracted –> 9/11 was an inside job! Remember the 7/7 event in England. Muslims were used & meant to be the fall guys. Remember Operation Mockingbird – the BBC was tied to both 7/7 & 9/11 – remember the BBC reported Building 7 falling into its own footprint 30 minutes before it actually happened! These Deep-State MI-5, MI-6, CIA, NSA, characters use the same playbook, repeating the same patterns over & over & over again. MSM is in on it – its the Deep-State’s propaganda arm. The Israeli Mossad, the PNAC neocons led by Cheney, the stolen gold in the basement vault of Building 7, Larry Silverstein, the Dancing Israelis, the Mossad agents that were there to film the event – these are the guys. It was planned out quite well – to have a vengeful finger pointed at Muslims, while the real bastards are running around with their deep-pockets stuffed full, still! Just don’t be so easily distracted! That’s all…

September 11, 2017 8:58 am

Circumstances don’t always indicate direct involvement.

Keep in mind that there was not TSA or other official agency directly charged with tracking Islamic terrorist threats in the United States at that time.

carnac the insignificant
carnac the insignificant
September 11, 2017 9:47 am


Rise Up
Rise Up
September 11, 2017 10:59 pm

TSA only provides passenger screening at airports and other public transportation facilities. They have no authority to track terrorists-that’s the FBI.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 11, 2017 9:01 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

That is all you need to see. If you accept the story after seeing that, then it doesn’t matter what anyone brings up.

Incompetence Theory, everybody’s doing it!

September 11, 2017 9:14 am

I’d not heard of Flight 23 before this post. Thanks for posting about it.

  Duane Norman
September 12, 2017 1:33 am

Something else about the Bin Laden family you never hear spoken of since 911.

It was reported at the time, that the state department facilitated the evacuation of Bin Laden family members from the US back to Saudi Arabia after the attacks had occurred. This after all flights had been grounded and the US airspace closed to ALL traffic except that of the military. Supposedly, this “special flight” had clearance from a “high” authority and was escorted by air force jets out of US airspace.
This opens another whole can of worms and begs investigation. So many questions.

September 11, 2017 7:56 pm

TJF, I had never heard of it either, before now.

September 11, 2017 7:59 pm

This above post was written by Vic. For some reason I came up as anonymous.

September 11, 2017 8:36 pm

I suspect that the 4 potential hijackers were being run by the Deep State (unwittingly, most likely) as part of the overall conspiracy, and so could not be allowed to be arrested and interrogated…..The problem with the “no conspiracy” theory is that Building 7 and the Pentagon “hit” completely disprove it….As does steel melting from aviation fuel…

September 11, 2017 10:34 am

If one honestly believes the story about Arabs with boxcutters taking over planes in the first place. Plenty of things bring even that story into serious question.

MN Steel
MN Steel
September 11, 2017 11:45 am

If I were setting up a bunch of stooges, I’d do the dirty work right, and leave a group of retard zealots holding the bag.

The only thing you wouldn’t be able to control is the “professionals” being even more retarded than the patsies, and going to extreme lengths to cover up their mongoloidality.

Unless this, too, was taken into account, and the players were promoted later.

Like the players at Waco, OKC, the JFK assassination, or a female pilot from Delaware.

September 11, 2017 11:19 am

If it links correctly, you will see that while I was innocently watching my dear husband install our new Toto potty in my basement water closet, I was completely unaware of the sinister implication of having #23 stamped on the tank.

Well, first try didn’t work. Lemme see what I can do.

Okay, here I am, innocently watching my dear husband put in the potty.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Little did I know, the toilet carries the mark of conspiracy and is probably Unflushable due to an infestation of Jfishes.

Just guessing.

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 11, 2017 2:46 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

Flush it & move on.

September 11, 2017 2:41 pm

In “2001: A Space Odyssey”, the monoliths are the same dimensions as a movie screen. The wormhole is like the viewer flying into the light of the film projector, into a new dimension. The medium is the message. The monoliths are screens in a new dimension where babies are born with Eyes Wide Open.

At the 2:23 mark below, the camera blinks. What does it all mean? One must first begin by observing the the natural offspring of an imaginary elephant and a conceptual rhinoceros. The path to enlightment always begins with the humble birth of the “Elephino”, or, as the the ancient Greeks once called it: The “Hellifeyeknow”.


Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey
September 11, 2017 3:01 pm

9 + 11 = 20 + 3 digits total = 23. After the 2:23 cut-away scene in the above video, the temperature shows 69 degrees on the digital clock in the background. Divide this by the 3 buildings that fell on 911 = 23.

Or do we see what we want to see?

September 11, 2017 3:47 pm

“The federal government and the FBI owes it to the public to release what was recovered in the bags left behind that day, and conduct some public inquiry into what went on surrounding Flight 23, and why the men in question were able to get away. The American people should know who these men were (or are) and whether or not they are still around to pose a threat.”

Pfft! Entitled much? You must be thinking of the ‘Murica of yesteryear. You’ve got to get with the program! You act as though we have a constitutional republic in place or something!

The govt owes you nothing. Flight 23 is a govt success story. You sheep should be grateful. They stopped another plane from inflicting more harm that day and didn’t even want to brag about it. Just knowing they selflessly protected more innocent ‘Muricans was good enough for them but apparently not good enough for you! Seriously, you are a bunch of ungrateful fucks! What? Would you rather have seen Flight 23 crash into the…I don’t know…the IRS building or something? WTF is wrong with you? Govt is good! It’s only there for YOUR safety!

If you sheep don’t start showing a little gratitude the govt might stop it’s debt and deficit spending and force all you sheep to fend off the wolves yourself! Now quit being Un-‘Murican dammit! Go buy more cheap Chinese shit you don’t need with money you don’t have and be happy! Fucking whiners!

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 11, 2017 6:45 pm

The deadly happenings to our fellow countrymen on 9/11 deserve a full disclosure to the American people and the world . We should have done better by our own countrymen but instead their deaths were an excuse to piss over $6 trillion away with nothing to show for it !
Our free republic is being flushed and I doubt the jokes regarding the toto toilet or the underwear bring much comfort to the wives , husbands , sons and daughters lost that day and those ever since . We have agencies responsible for keeping people that wish to kill our citizens out of our country . So far they are all doing a pathetic job from the top down from before Bush to present !

September 11, 2017 7:49 pm

Never heard of this before. And now a movie titled 23 to boot. Just a coincidence and like Indent said above nuthin’ to see here folks. The Gobbermint has it covered. The Proles just need give thanks.

September 11, 2017 10:15 pm

The people on the airplanes have no one to blame but themselves. If just one of them had gotten out of their seat, stuck an index finger deep into the eye of a hijacker, and pulled it out then there could be reason to respect them. Instead they sat there like cowards, to frozen to move, to petrified to think, and were led needlessly to a much too soon death. Cowards to the end, one and all. If you can’t stomach this fact then don’t blame me, because it is the truth. I hope they raised better children than their parents did. thanks

September 11, 2017 10:31 pm

Normalcy bias is telling yourself that everything will be okay. They thought they were hostages. All except those on Flight 93 who knew and stepped up to the challenge. They took a vote, they prayed and then said: Let’s roll. Perhaps Flight 93 was on the way to Capitol Hill and 23 was meant for the White House or the other way around.

My Past Lives
My Past Lives
August 6, 2019 1:25 pm

wow..I’d never heard of flight 23…watching videos now. thanks