Mexico, as It Is and Wasn’t:: Some Stuff Worth Knowing

Guest Post by Fred Reed

For Americans concerned about  Mexico and Mexicans, and what sort of wights they be, a little history may help. We seem to know almost nothing  about a bordering nation of 130 million. It is not what most of us think it is. It is certainly not what the Loon Right would have us believe.

For many years, until 1910, Mexico was run by Europeans, lastly under Porfirio Diaz, for the benefit of Europeans. Literacy was extremely with economic conditions to match. The country was indeed, to borrow a favorite phrase of those hostile to Latin Americans, a Third-World hellhole. Many nations then were were, to include China.

In 1910 the Revolution broke out. It was godawful, as civil wars usually are. It ended in 1921, followed shortly by the Cristero religious war until 1929. This had the usual hideousness favored by religious wars.

It left the country devastated. It hadn’t been much to start with, but now it was a wreck. Aldous Huxley, writing in 1934, saw no improvement. (Beyond the Mexique Bay) At least until 1940 much of Mexico was barely civilized, unlettered, lawless, and poor. Things were not all that swell in 1970.

Today, seventy-six years later (says the CIA Factbook), literacy is at 95%; the economy at $2.2 trillion, 12th  in the world in PPP; median age, 28; population growth rate, 1.12%; mother’s mean age at first birth, 21.3; total fertility, 2.24 children per woman; life expectancy at birth, 76 years.

Mexico today has a large number of universities (the Technológico of Monterrey, a premier engineering school, has some thirty campuses in as many cities: Is that one university or thirty?) Mexico graduates  well over 100,000 engineers a year, including 13,000 in software, and has a rapidly growing high-tech industry  with centers in Guadalajara and Mexico City. Major American firms, to include IBM, Oracle, and Intel, come here to hire them.

And of course internet, airlines, computerized everything, and teenagers pecking at smartphones.

This is a lot of change in less than a man’s lifetime. Those hostile to Latin Americans do not want to know this, and usually manage not to.

In many ways Mexico remains a mess, mostly because of organized crime and corruption. Distribution of wealth is badly unequal, being now what the US is becoming. Books could be written about what is wrong with the country. Finland it isn’t. But neither is ti remotely a “Third-World hell hole” despite the squalling of such authorities as Ann Coulter, Manhattan’s premier she-ass.

It would be a good idea to retire the phrase, “Third World.”  Any designation that includes both Buenos Aires and Haiti (I have spent time in the slums of Cite Soleil with the US Army) is so broad as to be without meaning. In 1930, China, Mexico, Thailand and so on could reasonably have been called hellholes. None of these even comes close today. The slums of India do, as does much of Africa, yes.

To grasp the degree of educational advance between the Mexico as it was and as  of 1940 and today, look at what is visible on the ground:

Go into an ordinary bank, with which Mexico is littered. The clerks have to understand exchange rates, intermediate banks, SWIFT codes. They sit at computers, which are networked within the bank and with national headquarters, requiring network engineers and software weenies. Multitudinous ATMs require network people and maintainers. Telmex, the quite good telephone monopoly, needs people to program and maintain  switches and associated software. So do TelCel and ATT, cell-phone providers. Airlines need pilots and trainers of pilots, people to run and maintain high-bypass turbofans and avionics, the instrument-landing systems (ILS). The internet needs software people, router techs, help-line techs when someone’s modem fails (the techs are good). Also doctors and dentists, universities to train them, people who understand and maintain MRI gear, the usual elaborate diagnostic instrumentation, mechanics to run the diagnostic computers at car dealerships and understand what lurks under the hoods of today’s cars (which would baffle Stephen Hawking). And so on at great length. Similar observations could be made of many Latin American and Asian countries. Starting from roughly zero a few decades ago.

Anyone who actually lives here can see that the country continues to change at a high rate. The middle class grows. Internet speeds keep going up. Despite the ardent hopes of many web sites of the Loon Right, you do not come down with exotic diseases, or any diseases, by eating in restaurants. Schooling increases. Common is a mother, age forty with ten siblings, who has two children, both in university or tech schools. None of this is universal, but increasingly common. This in not up there with, say, a manned landing on Mars, but it is hardly consistent with stone-age hell-holedom.

What Mexican are not, yet anyway, is driven in the sense that Americans often are. Young Mexican engineers are more so more so, but not the general population. A Mexican girl–to use an example I know–will go to dental school and then stay in her home town, however small, marry, fix teeth, and raise children. Mexicans seem less entrepreneurial than Americans. They tend to regard a job as a way of supporting a family instead of the other way around.

There is considerable social mobility, at least around the cities. Women start businesses here, often restaurants , stores, bars, or maybe assisted-care homes in regions favored by retired Americans (e.g., Lakeside Care, down the street), but seem content with enough. “Enough” means something to them that it often does not to Americans. Whether this is good or bad can be debated, but it makes for contentedness but not commercial empires.

How will the new Mexican -American population adapt to the United States? I don’t know. Neither does anyone else, though many who know nothing about it have firm opinions. Will the government turn them into a sprawling class of welfare dependents? Doubtless if it can. Will furiously hostile anti-immigrant lobbies make them into internal enemies? They want to, and it would be the end of the US.

Or will they clamber, rapidly or otherwise, into the middle class and cease to be of much interest? The latter, I think. An intelligent policy would be to encourage them, but we can do it anyway. They are pretty good people, not given to terrorism or mutilating their daughters or the knockout game,  and they burn a minimum of cities. Everywhere I have been–LA, San Fran, DC, Huston, San Antonio, Pilsen and Berwyn in Chicago–they have seemed to be settling peacefully in. They have the potential to make it. We had better hope they get there.

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Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
November 16, 2017 11:17 am

Thanks Fred for educating us about our neighbor to the south. I work for a community which is 50% Hispanic here in the PNW. My experience with Mexicans has always been positive. Nice folks, very family oriented, and willing to help when needed. Plus, no one works harder then Hispanics. And I might add, their food is great!

Maybe we shouldn’t worry so much about the Mexicans and pay more attention to those untrustworthy Canadians. How can any group of people be so f__kin’ nice?

  Trapped in Portlandia
November 16, 2017 11:34 am

Just curious …. in your northwest utopia, do you ever run into something like this?

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 16, 2017 12:43 pm

That would not apply to the PNW. It would work in the PSW.
The poor kid is being used by the parents and/or the photographer.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
November 16, 2017 1:32 pm

Fortunately, we don’t seem to have asshole Mexicans like this in my neck of the woods. I know they exist, but they don’t seem to stray north of the California border. 8 months of rain probably keeps our Mexican asshole population in check.

November 16, 2017 2:34 pm

The vast majority of Mexicans in the US do not want to be part of Mexico. It was a place that they escaped from because it offered them nothing,the ruling class in Mexico are mafia who treat their owe like shit. They want the opportunity to progress at least for their children and are willing to make the sacrifices to do it . They are extremely grateful for that chance. Mex-Americans are called ponchos by south of the border Mexicans who will even admit that they are different.

November 16, 2017 3:04 pm

The sexy mulatta was incensed to think I was trying to exercise some cultural appropriation. The bomb in front of us, a 1950 black Chevy, had a Pachuco emblem on the rear windshield. I said, you know, only people from El Paso can rightly be called pachucos. Pachuco is a slur word that folks from Juarez called people from the US side. We had choice words for them too. Sometimes, the old rivalry springs up, but that’s a topic for later.

The sexy mulatta’s East LA spirit welled up, her pride in La Garfield showing. She said pachucos were from LA. Well, yeah, but the style originated in El Paso and was popularized by German Valdez, Tin Tan. And where do you find his statue except in Juarez, right across the border from El Paso?

November 16, 2017 3:23 pm

Yes. Thank you for making my point … Mexico ain’t as great as Fred says it is.

October 8, 2019 11:31 pm

Yeah, if Mexico was as good as Fred says, they wouldn’t be coming here in droves. overthecliff

November 16, 2017 11:18 am

“It is certainly not what the Loon Right would have us believe.”

So, who is the “Loon Right” and what would they have us believe?

I’ve never seen any “Loon Right” version of Mexican history being presented anywhere, maybe you could point us to it?

Most articles, across the political social and cultural spectrum, I see about Mexico are about recent and current conditions and how they affect us, not about Mexican history.

MN Steel
MN Steel
November 16, 2017 5:29 pm

I, for one, don’t give two shits for Mexican history, only a bright future where all Mexicans are living on their own fucking side of the border in their own technological paradise buying the shit they make for Mexican companies.

This side of the border can enjoy the newfound prosperity without the anchor-baby drag, and pay more for fruit and veggies picked by robots instead of brown farm equipment.

November 16, 2017 11:29 am

Huh. Is he trying to convince us? Or, himself?

Anyway, I’ll take his word that Mexico is great (and also has problems, like any other nation.)

But, if it’s so great, why do they still stream over the borders? And the ones here, especially illegally, why don’t they go back?

You got some ‘splainin to do, Freddy!

November 16, 2017 12:13 pm

Today, seventy-six years later (says the CIA Factbook), literacy is at 95%; the economy at $2.2 trillion, 12th in the world in PPP; median age, 28; population growth rate, 1.12%; mother’s mean age at first birth, 21.3; total fertility, 2.24 children per woman; life expectancy at birth, 76 years.

If that’s so – why the fuck invade our country?

Mexcio is a fucking cesspool of corruption, and you know it.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 16, 2017 11:30 am

“Despite the ardent hopes of many web sites of the Loon Right…”

Whew, I’m so relieved that the Loon Left doesn’t have any web sites…

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2017 11:44 am

And yet they’re here.

November 16, 2017 11:47 am

One day Mexico is a failed state run by competing drug lords, the next day it is a tech savvy powerhouse. Which one is it?

November 16, 2017 12:01 pm

Tech savvy powerhouse run by corrupt politicians and drug lords, just like the good old usa.

November 16, 2017 12:38 pm

Yes, your right, Zar. There are parts of the US that are shitholes and there are places that are quite modern. You get to pick and choose when making your argument; funny how that works.

November 16, 2017 11:59 am

The problem is Mexicans will still be Mexicans even if they are granted American citizenship.Duel loyalty doesn’t work very well.Another problem overlooked is the Leftist Progressives groups that are backed by wealthy Jews will always be trying to cause racial confict between whites and Latinos in general. And if the polls are right the vast majority of Mexicans are in favor of gun control which is about as unamerican as you can get.The stage is set up for some major strife.

November 16, 2017 12:34 pm

Biebers, nobody granted me US citizenship, I got it for free from a Cracker Jack box.

Dual loyalty is not loyalty, maybe you’ve never read the bible where it says no man can serve two masters. I take the liberty of calling governments, masters.

What exactly is a vast majority – that sounds like a tautology, redundant, at best. It reminds me of Hilly’s’vast right-wing conspiracy’. Are you Hillarite, Bibi?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
November 16, 2017 12:10 pm

Good grief! I would read this if it wasn’t so poorly written. The first two paragraphs were terrible. Don’t make me try to figure out what you are saying because you won’t take the time to proofread what you have written.

  Mary Christine
November 16, 2017 12:12 pm

Is it a Mexican tradition to keep beating a dead horse?

Yours in Odin,

November 16, 2017 12:27 pm

Yes, definitely. Which is why we keep seeing those TV specials on the life of Jenny Rivera. Then we have the Selena national cry-in every anniversary of her death.

Beating a dead horse is the national pastime. Not that folks don’t do that here. Didn’t Hillary actually lose in 2016?

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
November 16, 2017 12:53 pm

I lived in Cuenca, Ec for the past 6 years,having left what I now call the “cesspool” The people in Ec. are very friendly and family oriented. I left due to the altitude/cold. I moved here to Puerto Vallarta a month or so ago. I love this place. The people are even more friendly here (if that were possible) Here they a more apt to stop there car in the middle of the block and wave you across.
They are very family oriented. The median age here is very young.
They really respect elders. And the food? The best on this planet.
Sorry US. one of your tax slave sheep just left the pasture .
But, do keep on badmouthing Mexico so as not to lose more sheep.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
  Jack Lovett
November 16, 2017 1:22 pm

Puerto Vallarta has developed into Mexico’s premier resort town as a sort of satellite gay space for its big sister Guadalajara, much as Fire Island is to New York City and Palm Springs is to Los Angeles.[19] It is now considered the most welcoming and gay-friendly destination in the country, dubbed the “San Francisco of Mexico.”[20


Lala Blood
Lala Blood

That’s why it’s a nice place to live/visit.

November 16, 2017 1:22 pm

He is really downplaying the corruption and crime. I crewed with Mexicans for years, and dealt with them several more years when I worked in the hospital.

Unilaterally they all had the same story:

#1 – Come from crime ridden part of Mexico.
#2 – Send money home for family, and save the other pennies.
#3 – Bring the family over once they have enough money.

The US has a mass shooting problem. Mexico has had entire school buses full of children go missing only to find them buried in the wilderness with their heads missing.

There are a lot of positives about Mexico, it is far from being the worse place on the planet.

But its not the United States.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 16, 2017 1:31 pm

It’s so great that over a third of Mexicans live in the USA. Apparently they haven’t met Fred.

November 16, 2017 1:45 pm

Apparently your perspective on Mexico changes when you are balls deep in Mexican pussy.

November 16, 2017 3:21 pm

Hmm, not a bad place to be.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 16, 2017 1:45 pm

In Florida, the MSM (a shield protecting Evil and the sword attacking Christians) constantly beats the dead horses of slavery (Whites have failed Blacks, never the other way around) and the Jewish Holocaust. There are a few Mexicans here now but a ton of Yankees, Caribbeans and Muslims. All government, TV & radio serve the NWO & minorities with 100% Cultural Communist crap for Useless idiots. Repent because every prophet said God cleans His Own House first and every modern prophet (Christian and otherwise) says America has turned against God and will be destroyed: ref Youtube, God will destroy America.

Chaz Bono
Chaz Bono
  rhs jr
November 16, 2017 1:55 pm

The same God that the child molester in Alabama is so keen on?

November 16, 2017 1:47 pm

The Mexican Economic Miracle! Here’s the formula: make conditions so severe that one-third of your population leaves the country. Then claim that the temporary respite from such a relief-
valve means that the leaders are economic geniuses and your country is unprecedently prosperous.

Fred is employing tequila induced logic in his praise of Ol’ Mehico. It is likely in an effort to keep from getting his Gringo ass kicked at his local cantina. Very sad.

Juanita de Talmas
Juanita de Talmas
November 16, 2017 2:01 pm

The same NAFTA that Trump wants to renegotiate is what destroyed the livelihood of so many Mexicans, forcing them to migrate north. These neo-liberal “trade” treaties were only designed to enrich the 1%, not American workers, and certainly not Mexican workers.

  Juanita de Talmas
November 16, 2017 2:44 pm

100% correct, it destroyed thousands of small Mexican farmers for the benefit of US farmers and big US multinationals. These people had to go and pick fruit and other low wage jobs in the US to survive again to the benefit of US farmers and US multinationals.

  Juanita de Talmas
November 17, 2017 12:11 am

On an individual basis, I have only compassion for desperate migrants from Latin America. But invasion levels of them is the 1% bringing third-world wages to the first-world. Where will people be able to aspire to migrate to in the future?

November 16, 2017 2:52 pm

Go over to the web site WOLF STREET ,there is a good article by don quijones about Nafta American farmers and the Mexican economy.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 16, 2017 3:07 pm

Mexico needs to build a wall to keep the gringos out of their paradise. Maybe that’s what Trump meant when he said “and Mexico will pay for it”.

November 16, 2017 4:29 pm

Hey dumb dumb ,vast majority is 70% or better depending on
The poll .Do the math .

November 16, 2017 6:15 pm

Fred has lost his mind.

Katze im Sack
Katze im Sack
November 16, 2017 10:09 pm

I quote George Carlin: There are three kinds of people: stupid, full of shit and fucking nuts.

Fred is all three.

November 16, 2017 11:19 pm

Who cares? I don’t need Fred’s Show and Tell projects about how awesome it is to retire to Mexico.
I guess all the filth, corruption, murder, gangs, drugs, etc is only near the border or made up in Hollywood, or something.
Having lived in Arizona, I’ve seen the effects of the flood of aliens north and the destruction and poverty and shit they bring with them. For instance, the San Pedro river, a wildlife sanctuary and one of the most diverse avian preserves in the world, is a massive garbage dump stretching from Mexico north. Illegals use it as a highway and it is littered with trash, abandoned clothes, human waste, shoes, etc. It’s disgusting and a great way to see the contribution they’re bringing the US. When I lived there, emergency rooms across the southwest were closing due to the massive drain on resources from the illegals, who don’t bother to pay. They’re also dangerous. The border patrol runs night ops in the desert and up in the mountains in Cochise with the same battle rattle the troops are carrying in Afghanistan.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 17, 2017 12:34 am

If Mexico is so great why are there so many Mexicans in the US ? I know many Hispanics are from other countries but the sieve we call a border has created a severe issue with people illegally in the US . The fact that most are nice people is irrelevant , if they enter the country illegally they need to berounded up and deported . There should be even harsher treatment for women popping out the proverbial anchor baby . The deliberate action of entering our country to gain a foothold by popping out offspring is criminal I. It’s intent !