U-Turn or Detour?

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You can’t drain the swamp without shutting off its wellsprings.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Disaffected veterans were the core of a group that would grow to millions, their “faith” in government and the people who ran it obliterated by its repeated failures and lies. Revolutions dawn when an appreciable number of the ruled realize their rulers are intellectual and moral inferiors. The mainstream media is filled with vituperative, patronizing, and insulting explanations of what’s “behind” the Trump phenomenon. It all boils down to revulsion with the self-anointed, incompetent, pretentious, hypocritical, corrupt, prevaricating elite that presumes to rule this country. It is, in a word, inferior to the populace on the other side of the yawning chasm, the ones they have patronized and insulted for decades, and the other side knows it.

Much More Than Trump,” SLL, 3/12/16

The election represented a triumph, after decades of mockery and defeat, of a voting bloc Donald Trump identified, validated, and vindicated.

Repudiating the elite and its supporting institutions—government and all its rackets, the media, academia, Hollywood—is the necessary first step to reversing America’s full-speed-ahead plunge into a Grand Canyon-size ditch. It has ruled America badly and corruptly, lining its pockets while maintaining its phony pose of moral and intellectual superiority. Trump is the decent besieged’s desperate call for a U-turn before the reigning establishment leaves the country smashed on the canyon floor.

Understandably, Trump’s supporters have celebrated their victory, basked in the establishment’s discomfiture, and mocked their foes. That a less-than-zero like Hillary Clinton could gain her party’s nomination (although she might not have if she hadn’t cheated), gain the endorsement of virtually everyone that “mattered,” and even win the popular vote (if the count is to be believed) gave Trump’s side plenty of targets and material.

Clinton and friends also gave Trump plenty of targets and material for investigations and legal proceedings. As SLL concluded in “The Rout Is On,” Trump has turned the tables. Russiagate fizzles while Uranium One, Fusion GPS, FBI favoritism, and Clinton’s emails and foundation sizzle. Last week, a judge ordered Fusion GPS to turn over all it’s banking records. It was learned the FBI is investigating the Clinton Foundation. The Justice Department reopened its investigation into Clinton’s emails. The FBI’s Freedom of Information Act officer said that every memo former FBI director James Comey leaked to a Columbia law professor was classified.

SLL has suggested, there won’t be a general swamp draining because Trump’s primary motivation is the acquisition of power. He will prosecute establishment criminality in some cases while using the threat as leverage against those who are useful to him in their present positions. That may explain why the Clintons and Comey are in the most legal jeopardy: they no longer have positions or power. Their prosecutions and convictions would be enormous victories for Trump, electrifying his base and further demoralizing the absurdly named resistance.

However, it would be a pleasant surprise to see Trump and team go after the entire swamp, offering welcome evidence that SLL’s hypothesis concerning Trump’s motives may be off base.

There’s an old adage in the securities business: you’re only as good as your last trade. It’s laudable and essential that Trump has his enemies on the run, especially if it leads to a swamp draining. That said, the next steps involve identifying the intellectual wellsprings that feed the swamp and taking the steps necessary to halt the flow. If those steps aren’t taken, the swamp will be half refilled by the time Trump’s helicopter reaches Andrews Air Force Base on his last day in office.

As long as Washington is a $4 trillion honey pot, as long as it sticks its nose in every important activity and business, as long as intervenes anywhere it wants around the globe, for whatever reason, it will be a swamp. Money and power feed the swamp. To not address the sophistries justifying that flow means that regardless of how successful Trump is, new swamp vermin will quickly replace the old.

The word “conservative” implies conserving something. What conservatives conserve, as well as nourish and profit from, is the ever-expanding federal government. Conservatives think small: a little less or a little more. A little less taxes, regulation, and welfare, a little more defense spending and foreign intervention. Fewer liberals in power, more conservatives. Republican presidents and Republican-controlled congresses have come and gone as the swamp has relentlessly grown. The current Republican president and congress have even managed to conserved Obamacare.

Looking at the mess Washington has made of America and the rest of the world, what would any rational, honest person want to conserve? Wouldn’t it be better just to blow the whole thing up and start all over? Isn’t that what’s necessary if you want not just to drain the swamp, but keep it drained?

Even as an intellectual exercise, ‘blowing the whole thing” up means asking questions that few ask. Why should the US be the world’s policeman? Does regulation do anything other than protect entrenched interests? By what right does the government steal from the productive? By what right does it burden future generations with trillions in debt and “entitlement” promises? Are central banking and fiat debt anything more than fraud and theft? Why should government have any role in the issuance of “money,” when it has every incentive to debase it? Do people have a right to keep what they earn, and in stores of value of their own choosing? Do people have the right to control their own lives? Are they to be forever tyrannized by government?

Both teams declared these issues settled long ago. Yet, as long as these issues are “settled,” so is the swamp, regardless of the progress Trump might make temporarily draining it. And as long as these issues are “settled,” so too is America’s impending plunge into the ditch.

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i forget
i forget
January 11, 2018 1:59 pm

How do ya repudiate elite with elite? How do ya traverse that elide?
Is everybody in this town on drugs? lol

Anony Mouse
Anony Mouse
  i forget
January 11, 2018 10:00 pm

Dat a reel gud trailer. Maybe I needs to see dat moofie. Jes maybe.

22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
  Anony Mouse
January 11, 2018 10:55 pm

Betta git u sum maff skillz!

  i forget
January 12, 2018 12:40 pm

Classic flick!

January 11, 2018 1:59 pm

Until those in power can no longer cling to the trappings of power, they will declare themselves to be ABOVE us and above the laws they impose on us. John McCain and Nancy Pelosi will join hands and demand yours and my “one-time” Constitution Review and Repair Tax in order to protect our property rights. And they will huddle together counting their take like a couple of vultures.

When will the American People turn on their CongressCritters in droves, Robert? I think soon.

Bob M
Bob M
  Robert Gore
January 11, 2018 6:34 pm

I refuse to read posts without a date in the original post. Digging down I found the date but please put it in your original post. To me it is disingenuous and a cheap attempt to market to everyone instead of people who support the team at the burning platform. I like your posts.

  Robert Gore
January 12, 2018 8:14 am

Me too… Chip

January 11, 2018 2:09 pm

I agree with the sentiment, it WOULD be nice if Trump went after people like Comey and killery. As you say, they ARE out of power now. One of the main reasons I voted for trump was his enemies list. It was, and remains, a who’s who of people I despise. But, he seems more interested in getting along with them now that he is in office. People on here and elsewhere seem to think trump is just playing the long game, and is getting all his ducks in a row, and will destroy these people in one fell swoop. My worry is that he is instead running a long con, and his base is the mark.

Dysmas The Thief
Dysmas The Thief
January 11, 2018 2:18 pm

We’re living during the collapse of Empire. Simply a historical repetition. It may take a year, it may take decades. As for me, I’ve made what preparation I can and now intend to sit back and watch the show.

Anony Mouse
Anony Mouse
  Dysmas The Thief
January 11, 2018 10:07 pm

It be bes for us’uns if dat collapse happen reel soon. You know who I meen by us’uns. If you don’t then you are not one of us’uns and can go back to yur regalarly skeduled programming.

De mo time de bad peeples hab, de mo preparing de bad peoples can do.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
January 11, 2018 2:23 pm

“Why should the US be the world’s policeman?”

This statement has been used for a long time and it really has worn out its welcome. It represents a ‘good’ force being applied to welcoming countries.

It did apply at one time when the US was admired (even though Regime Change was on-going; e.g., Pinochet).
Today, the ‘police’ activity amounts to death and destruction around the world.

One can see how the US has changed; once upon a time, the police dept’s in the US (generally) were a force for good; now, if you call the police for help, you have an excellent chance of being the victim.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon
January 11, 2018 3:01 pm

yes no doubt, but for who’s good?

  Hollywood Rob
January 11, 2018 4:20 pm

That is rather imposing.

  Hollywood Rob
January 11, 2018 6:16 pm

I know! I know! Admirals do good. I mean they do well, not good, actually. As does big oil, weapons manufacturers, ship builders, Statesmen, outfitters, suppliers to foreign and domestic bases, uniform makers, prostitutes, and the NFL. Furthermore, this country gets to pay for the protection of lots of other countries in the interest of doing good for them out of the goodness of our hearts. And to maintain the petrol dollar lest we fall into ruin from the debt that has piled up higher than the tallest ship and deeper than the deepest ocean.

January 11, 2018 2:24 pm

Well. Right when I pasted a link at the bottom of Stucky’s Hospital Hell story, here comes a far better place to show it. I promise, this will be the last time. It’s just really important. For them, and me personally.
Hammonds. Very, VERY good people. Total government overreach, beyond most people’s experience. No, it’s not my blog.


Drain the swamp? Start by working to help those already totally hammered by it.
U turn? I don’t know if we can. But no one knows the future for certain, except God Almighty. All we can do is the best we can do.
If we blow up the swamp I fear that everything else will blow up along with it. In fact, I’m pretty sure that’s how it will go. But I would rather have that happen than let this shit-show continue. Slavery doesn’t appeal to me.

ursel doran
ursel doran
January 11, 2018 2:33 pm

Further to this excellent article, Charles Hugh Smith embellishes, with some great references.

January 11, 2018 3:15 pm

Although it is wise to check our premises now before developing and implementing longer-term strategies, I do believe it would be best to focus on first things first.

Successfully prosecuting the Clintons, Comey, and other low hanging fruit(s) would, indeed, (as you say) electrify Trump’s supporters and further demoralize the resistance. I would think both would be required to pave the ideological “road” (so to speak) to address the queries in your penultimate paragraph (and more) above.

Until then, I’m afraid all of what you have proposed would be too many bridges and way too far.

Moreover, there does remain the possibility that too much water has passed under the bridge already; and, if that is true, then Trump is just a speedbump on the drive to One World anyway.

Prosecute and jail the Clintons, Comey, and others like Susan Rice and Eric Holder now. That would be a world worth saving. It also would wake up a lot of sheeple who deserve to be sheered. Maybe then we could rebuild anew, and travel new paths together on the way to better destinations.

As you can see, I like to dream too. 🙂

January 11, 2018 3:23 pm

Yeah, what he said.

January 12, 2018 12:38 pm

The dream as it slowly segues seems like a plodding way to kill a few chickens to scare the monkeys. My monkey is off my back but I know the circus is still in town. When I was 8 and went to the circus I was red pilled when the chimp handlers would beat the simian shit out of the misbehaving monkeys with lead filled blackjacks/saps. In 2002 when I went to Viet Nam I visited Monkey Island where autocratic North Vietnamese would bark orders at the little monkeys as they rode the merry-go-round. It was there I learned to discern the North Vietnam accent that reminded me of a militaristic Hochdeutsch as opposed to a pleasing Southern accent. The island monkeys were very obedient performers.

It would be nice to have the evidence and ability to scare a few 800 pound gorillas of the jungle’s deep swamp. It looks like that is what is going on.
Its an engrossing show.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
January 11, 2018 3:54 pm

Uncola said “there does remain the possibility that too much water has passed under the bridge already; and, if that is true, then Trump is just a speedbump on the way to One World anyway.”

I think it’s more than possible. It’s probable. Trump might be a speedbump, or maybe even a flat tire. Depends on how much swamp draining he actually does. So far, it seems more like he is plucking some crocodiles out of the swamp, while inviting alligators back in.

I just don’t think this country can live as one big dysfunctional family anymore. It’s going to break up and it will be ugly. There, I said it.

  Mary Christine
January 12, 2018 11:25 am

I just had a thought; definitely a dysfunctional family. I see the end of this ‘relationship’ as less of a divorce and more like a murder/suicide.

January 11, 2018 4:18 pm

“The election represented a triumph, after decades of mockery and defeat, of a voting bloc Donald Trump identified, validated, and vindicated.”

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA…… You’ve been played Bitch.

January 11, 2018 4:20 pm

Indeed, it would be nice, but it is probably too little, too late. I hope that I am wrong.


January 11, 2018 4:56 pm

I have been reading all my usual alternative news and commentary websites, trying desperately to find something to be outraged about. Sadly, all I can summon up lately is a bit of mild contempt and amorphous disdain for the general state of things. It has all become incredibly tiresome.

Douchebag politicians continue in their douchebaggery. Out-of-control cops multiply and their jackboot proclivities become more obvious every day. Knuckleheads of every stripe have the floor in the national debate and will not surrender the gavel.

The bastions of modern news, entertainment, and culture publicly reveal themselves for the noisome cesspits that any thinking person always knew them to be. Feminist harridans screech. Minority race hustlers howl. Homosexuals and “transgenders” ululate interminably about whatever currently has their collective panties in a bunch.

Courts have become de facto legislators, while legislators seem to have forgotten what their job exactly is. The upper class pulls more chips into their pile. The underclass whines and yelps for more of what they have not worked for but think they deserve. Rich and poor alike continue to hoover up the wealth of the dwindling middle class all the while reminding them of what awful people they are.

A pervasive miasma of corruption and civic decay reaches into virtually every corner of the nation like an intellectual and moral pestilence. The putrefaction of the American body politic is well advanced and the population has become nose-blind to the stench. The failing of the American experiment has become dull, tedious, and repetitive. The decline is a monumental bore.

January 11, 2018 5:14 pm

I get that a lot, also. Very tedious to watch a very slow-motion train wreck. And it will be until the lights go out and the barrels get hot. Then I doubt if any of us will be bored.

January 12, 2018 8:04 am

Thanks for concisely summarizing exactly how I think and feel.

January 11, 2018 5:23 pm

Understandably many in the Obama/Clinton camp need to be prosecuted. We would like to see all of them,but those with lesser transgressions perhaps not. What I mean is perhaps the use of interrogation methods. Where fear achieves the same results . Get the worst of them,and punish them with the maximum sentence for treason. The maximum…. The rest will think twice about what they do or have done. Strip those ones of their citizenship and give them a one way. That should make anyone new think twice. That may sound harsh to some,but did they care how harsh they were when they did this to us.

January 11, 2018 8:25 pm

Isn’t it time for direct action? “drain” is the wrong approach. How about we trap and skin all the animals. That’s what I hope is happening; a la Q. If not, we need to help in whatever manner we choose. Direct action is a solution , by whatever means. The Clintons seem to be good at “suicides”. Maybe we could learn from them…

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 11, 2018 8:33 pm

While I am certainly no fan of government, I am even less a fan of the Federal Reserve ! As long as a government is required to borrow money, the economy is GUARANTEED TO GET WORSE! IF THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT BORROW MONEY, IT WILL REDUCE THE MONEY SUPPLY, AND THE ECONOMY IS GUARANTEED TO GET WORSE!
Reprint from how to give a central banker a nervous breakdown in 13 minutes:
This is the truth about the Federal Reserve, from my It’s the Math Stupid article, with the exclamation points removed under the advice of a reader:

We can no longer pretend.

To say that 1+1 = 20 is a stupid mistake, is not an opinion. It is a fact. The math relied on by central banks and gold standard advocates is equally false. It is not an opinion. It is a fact based on math. You would have to believe that mathematical equations are opinions and not facts in order to support central banks and the the gold standard.

Here is rock solid evidence that central banks are for fools and thieves alone.

If America has a capitalistic economy, we must really suck at creating capital with a $20+ trillion national debt and $500 billion trade deficit in 2016. Where is the capital?

We must repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and abolish the Federal Reserve. IT IS NO COINCIDENCE THAT FEDERAL INCOME TAXES ALSO BEGAN IN 1913. Congress must resume its responsibility and coin money and regulate its value as granted to Congress in Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5 of the constitution.

The fundamental flaw in main stream economics is that it begins by accepting  the validity of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the IMF, BIS,  and World Bank which are all part of the privately owned banking cartel charging interest to sovereign nations which is nothing more than a bank tax on citizens for which they have no right to claim, therefore making it a circular argument based on a logical fallacy.

If we continue down the yellow brick road of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and privately owned international central banking cartel:

1.)We will destroy the economy  when we  reduce the national debt,  because the money supply is based on debt.

2.) There will  be an endless boom bust cycle because when the banks issue loans, they create money in the equivalent of the principal of the loan, but do not create the money required to pay the interest on the loan, leaving a shortfall in the money supply of the interest payments required.

3.) We will go deeper into debt or destroy the economy because the only central bank solutions are  to issue more debt or destroy the economy.

If Congress were to resume its responsibility as stipulated in Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5 of the constitution and coin money and regulate its value debt free, and if other nations would do the same:

1,) The budget would automatically balance.

2.) There would be no need for income taxes, estate taxes, capital gains taxes, and corporate taxes.

3.) There would be no need to reduce spending.

The rise of cryptocurrencies has litigated and won the case before the world, precisely how easy it is to get rid of the central banks.

I prefer cash, which would not use the gold standard because history has proven that every time that it has been implemented,  most of it ends up in the hands of a few wealthy families, and it and they destroy the nation.

During the middle ages in England, King Henry 1st implemented the tally system and the bankers and goldsmiths did not control the economy, the average man provided everything necessary for his family by working 16 weeks a year. The rest of the time was spent learning, traveling,  on the arts, and volunteering for the church.

For more on this topic please read The Web of Debt and the Shocking Truth About Our Money System And How We Can Break Free by Ellen Hodgson Brown J.D.

Rock solid evidence that the gold standard is for fools and thieves alone:

If every person on earth had an equal amount of gold, it would be the equivalent of 5 gold rings, per person.

Even with the fractional reserve ratio of 1/10 , it still doesn’t work, to have a monetary system based on the gold standard. China, is now proposing that they would like an  international currency linking the yuan, and oil futures contracts convertible to gold. All of the gold  in existence, 165,000 metric tons, is worth about $6.785 trillion dollars. Governments own only 18% of that. The world consumed $1.75 trillion of oil last year, and global GDP is $80 trillion. If China were to become the new currency leader for the entire world, there still is not enough gold on earth with fractional reserve banking convertible to physical gold.


The World Bank, BIS, and Chinese government are evidently setting up a giant rip-off plan. The oil futures, gold, yuan system is an economic impossibility. World oil consumption is 35 billion barrels a year.



Xi is a skillful psychopath and master of the art of persuasion and has evidently decided to relive the life of Ghengis Kahn.  Nobody ever announces to the world that they have the sole intention of becoming a global tyrant and nations suddenly sign trade deals and international banking contracts with them.

If you are not completely senile, you will recall that Barack Obama had practically convinced the world that he walked on water, was awarded the Nobel Peace prize for a speech in Berlin, maintained 2 wars, started 5 new ones, was the king of a real life video drone strike game, where he would choose who would be the next drone strike victim based on aerial surveillance photography alone, and was the only modern president to be at war everyday of his 8 year reign of international terror.

Xi has already shown signs of his psychopathy through the seizure of Brazilian  Amazon gold mines, and the biggest ripoff scheme in world history, the Yuan global currency based on oil futures contracts.

There is no logical reason to link currency to oil. This was evidently a Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger conspiracy.  The clues are everywhere.

I have been writing about this for the past ten days or so, and the Rockefellers, for years.

In 1973, Nixon ended the Oil Imports Limit,  which was previously limited to 12.5% of annual oil consumption. Nelson Rockefeller was Nixon’s Assistant Secretary of State at the time. It is highly probable that John D. Rockefeller was the one that lobbied for the Oil Imports Limit in the first place.

Oil had gone from $3..00 a barrel, to $12.00 a barrel, supposedly as a result of backing Israel in the Yom Kippur war,  which the U.S. stupidly did, since Israel threatened to rain weapons on the world if we did not support them. OPEC nations retaliated, supposedly,  by initiating the oil embargo, which took the price from $3.00 a barrel in 1973, to $12.00 a barrel in 1974.

Suddenly, the OPEC nations that wanted to destroy our economy for supporting Israel in the Yom Kippur war wanted to link the price of oil to the U.S. dollar ? Really?  Maybe they will have the last laugh after all.

I’m sorry but a 400% price increase, as a result of losing 12.5% of the oil that we had used annually, could not be  possibly justified by  anything other than price rigging.  They could have made up for the difference with Central and South American oil.

(It seems that Rockefeller was unwilling to accept the new dollar delinked from gold for oil, and that he and Kissinger conspired the entire thing, to benefit  the Rockefellers,  and Israel.

The Davos World Economic Forum coincidently began in 1974, where the wealthiest Americans and people around the world, suddenly had the urge to rush off to Switzerland once a year to discuss economics. It must be for their phenomenal hotdogs.

Rockefeller is also responsible for the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. His daughter married Nelson Aldrich who created it, at his request.

The Rockefellers and Morgans were competing for world domination.)



If all of that is not bad enough, don’t worry because it’s much worse than that, from my Bull$#!+ on Parade article, also with exclamation points removed:

I am truly baffled by the unprecented level of bull$#!+ being disseminated from the ruling elite in this country.

My blood boils every time that I read somewhere that the Federal Reserve purchased $4.5 trillion worth of treasuries.

They did no such thing. They didn’t pay a single penny, and wound up with $4.5 trillion worth of treasuries, in QE, that future generations will end up paying for, UNNECESSARILY.

The Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air, merely by issuing credit. The Federal Reserve is not federal, and there are no reserves.

I was enraged, that congress bailed out Wall Street with the TARP program, and foaming at the mouth watching Janet Yellen say that the Fed would keep up the treasury purchase program, of $60 billion a month in treasuries, until the banks started lending.

The Federal Reserve is owned 100% by 37% of banks in America which are Federal Reserve member banks. Some of them are foreign banks, like UBS, Credit Suisse, and Deutsche Bank to name a few.

Hmmm, let’s see, either we lend money to businesses and consumers, who could default, at the lowest interest rate in U.S. history, (actually in 4,000 years globally) or we keep getting $60 billion a month in free money.  What’s a banker to do?

One does not need to have an account with a Fed member bank to recieve FDIC insurance, in the event of a run on the bank. Most, if not all state charted banks and credit unions are FDIC insured. It will be posted on their door, or in their lobby, some account forms may not be FDIC insured, so be sure to ask. Usually, checking, savings, money markets, and C.D. accounts are, but be sure to ask. A stock portfolio would not be insured.

The lies of full employment are equally outrageous. Once someone is no longer receiving unemployment checks, they are no longer considered unemployed.

Detroit, Chicago, and Balimore, resemble third world countries. The retail apocalypse is devastating.  The malls and local retailers provided entry level jobs for many teenagers, college students, and many women provided part-time supplemental income to their families from those establishments.

Businesses are not hiring. They are closing their businesses.

New business creation is at an all time low, and business failures are at an all time high.

It’s not working.

If you thought that that was bad, don’t worry, because it gets even worse, from my A Facade of Rationality Covering Up a Kiting Scam, exclamation points removed:

Goldman and Barclays claim that the bull market will continue, because we will enter rational exuberance from corporate tax cuts.


1.) $4.5 trillion in QE

2.)$4 trillion  in corporate stock buybacks

3.) And $4 trillion in corporate bond sales.

All since the financial crisis?

Na, it’s probably just a coincidence.





From FT:

“where the size of the market has soared by 42 per cent to $7.7tn, the number of dedicated SEC staffers has barely budged: one employee devotes half his time to it.

The Bank for International Settlements estimates that the bond holdings of the 20 biggest asset managers jumped by $4tn between 2008 and 2012, growing to account for 40 per cent of their collective $23.4tn portfolio. At least $766bn has flowed into US bond funds alone since 2008, according to EPFR data, far outstripping all other asset classes in the same period.”


Don’t worry though, because it’s even worse than that, because now, we will be paying those banks 6% interest on our own deposits, and the reserves which they have accumulated by the federal government:


There are solutions to these problems. The reason that Iran, North Korea, Lybia, Syria, and Venezuela are always the enemy is because they have government owned central banks, barring the bankers from their fair share, the surplus of labor from the citizens of those nations. Syria does not have any IMF debt. How dare they?




Fighting for the freedom of international bankers to enslave nations, including our own is UnAmerican.

We should not be fighting on behalf of the terrorists and global bankers, as we have been,  we should be fighting against them. Jesus and Mohamed both had attempted to overthrow the bankers, in their compassionate wisdom.

This is the way out, from my Unite the Sane and Independent Center:

The central banking third-way, triangulation strategy of the neocons and neoliberals,  is to unite the country ( and the world ) around perpetual war, the anhialation of the Bill of Rights and the constitution, globalist free-trade policies in a race to the bottom, pitting US workers against those earning $2 a day, through a  central banking debt financed money supply which enslaves virtually everyone in the world with only a few notable exceptions, North Korea, Iran, Syria, Lybia,  and Venezuela who have rejected privately owned Central banks. The false flag against communism and socialism is nothing more than that, with communist China and socialist EU countries to varying degrees as proof. We must do the opposite. We outnumber them on a scale of 1,000 / 1.

Americans should unite around issues that we can all agree upon. These issues are all ignored by the establishment elites of the neocons and neoliberals.

1.We must repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and abolish the Federal Reserve. Congress must resume its responsibility and coin money and regulate its value as granted to Congress in Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5 of the constitution.

( please see my It’s the Math Stupid article )

IT’S THE MATH STUPID! ‹ rebel0007com.wordpress.com ‹ Reader — WordPress.com

2.The military should be used for defending our borders. We should close the 698 permanent foreign military bases and 400 temporary military bases. Our international meddling is jeopardizing national and international security, human life, and economic prosperity. We should retract from all war on foreign soil.

Watch “Rage Against The Machine – Bulls on Parade” on YouTube

3. The prison industrial complex and the war on drugs must end. It is a horrific human rights abuse and is completely unacceptable. People should be released from prison and jail for non violent drug and alcohol related crimes. Some estimates state that 80% of the prison industrial complex population are such victims of a profiteering and tyrranical industry.

4. All laws which violate the Bill of Rights must be immediately repealed. The NDAA, The Patriot Act, HR6393, The American Freedom Act are all grotesque unconstitutional violations of the 4th amendment.

5. Freedom of speech and of the press , and  the right to assemble, must be protected.

6. The 11th amendment must be repealed. Congress has all but repealed the first ten and has relied on the 11th, making them accountable to nobody.

11th amendment:

“The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State.”

7.) Campaign contributions must be abolished. Money talks, but it isn’t speech, it’s bribery. There is no need for an honest and intelligent person to require campaign financing with today’s mass media, and social media.

8.) We need to allow for snap elections when Congress becomes entirely dysfunctional and corrupt. Twenty three other countries allow for this.


9. ) Lifetime supreme court appointments have been horrifically abused and they must end. Judges are not infallible. Judges are prone to the same short comings as every other human. Guarantying a permanent seat in the highest court in the land, has been abused and has resulted in our loss of liberty, and in a tyrranical government that believes that they are exempt from the law, and above the law.

10.) We need whistle blower protections. Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, and Julian Assange are heroes that should be celebrated for their selfless bravery , not criminals. Federal corruption is not a national secret, it is a national crime, and a national disgrace. All that the whistleblowers did was bring attention to it. We owe them a debt of gratitude.

11.) Anybody with dual citizenship or merely residency must be forbidden from any government position at any level. It is asking for treason, and it has been answered with treason.

12.) AIPAC, JStreet, and any other Zionist lobby must be registered with the Foreiegn Agents Relation Act of 1938,( FARA ) which was created after a number of Japanese and German lobby groups were used to influence foreign policies for those nations. No other country on earth holds more political power and influence in our government than Israel, which is not even our ally. In order to be an ally, a treaty must exist between two nations, by definition. Israel has never signed a treaty with the U.S. because treaties include borders, and the Israeli government has no intention of drawing borders.

The government has removed the common thread that wove the fabric of our nation, our liberty, in a futile attempt to take the heat off of them, where it rightfully belongs, and to incite civil war, leaving corruption as usual in charge.

Dedicated to my readers and all global citizens engaged in the struggle for peace, prosperity, and justice against the terrorist bankers, MIC, and their allied terrorists:

You Are Powerful! – Andrea Iravani

You Are Powerful!


Andrea Iravani

How to Give a Central Banker a Nervous Breakdown in 13 Minutes – Andrea Iravani

How to Give a Central Banker a Nervous Breakdown in 13 Minutes

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 12:50 pm

Your entire argument re the monetary system is mistaken because you didn’t take into account the fact that the gold-backed reserve currency will be based upon a valuation of gold many multiples higher than current, probably on the order of .0001 oz./currency unit.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
  A. R. Wasem
January 12, 2018 2:05 pm

Ok. Good luck trying to keep track of and pay for things in gold that is smaller than a spec of dust. Let me know how that works out for ya.

i forget
i forget
  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 2:17 pm

Bi\tri\quad – however many – metallic standards.

Edible gold leaf is pretty thin stuff. And if the demand materialized, tech-traptions that could parse molecules.

It doesn’t do to hold variables constant just because those “anchors” are necessary to an argument. Wish I was a willow tree…not a hockey stick.

  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 11:21 pm

Blockchain tech solves that. Available right now.

  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 11:19 pm

I hope no one accedes to this flawed thinking. The Austrian School explained the viability of a Gold standard nearly 100 years ago. The new blockchain technology would allow a modern Gold standard to operate with its ability to track continuously subdivided quantities (grains and smaller) of Gold. It would be deflationary so I doubt TPTB or the Ivy League shitheads would embrace it. Too hard to steal since you cannot print Gold.

January 11, 2018 9:03 pm

Not one drop has been drained in the last year. It’s not going to happen until and unless SHTF.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 11, 2018 9:37 pm

Right. Trump has been feeding the Swamp Creatures, and they have been breeding.

22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
22winmag - The South was Right (and slavery would have ended through legislation not war in the years to come, so don't give me that shit) What happened to places like Rhodesia and safe spaces for white folks? What comes next?
January 11, 2018 11:00 pm

There are no real conservatives anymore PERIOD.

Blow it all up and launch the ashes toward the sun.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 11, 2018 11:29 pm

I see that my post was removed. I admit, it was quite lengthy. Here is a condensed version:
While I am certainly no fan of government, I am even less a fan of the Federal Reserve ! As long as a government is required to borrow money, the economy is GUARANTEED TO GET WORSE! IF THE GOVERNMENT DOES NOT BORROW MONEY, IT WILL REDUCE THE MONEY SUPPLY, AND THE ECONOMY IS GUARANTEED TO GET WORSE!
Reprint from how to give a central banker a nervous breakdown in 13 minutes:
This is the truth about the Federal Reserve, from my It’s the Math Stupid article, with the exclamation points removed under the advice of a reader:

We can no longer pretend.

To say that 1+1 = 20 is a stupid mistake, is not an opinion. It is a fact. The math relied on by central banks and gold standard advocates is equally false. It is not an opinion. It is a fact based on math. You would have to believe that mathematical equations are opinions and not facts in order to support central banks and the the gold standard.

Here is rock solid evidence that central banks are for fools and thieves alone.

If America has a capitalistic economy, we must really suck at creating capital with a $20+ trillion national debt and $500 billion trade deficit in 2016. Where is the capital?

We must repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and abolish the Federal Reserve. IT IS NO COINCIDENCE THAT FEDERAL INCOME TAXES ALSO BEGAN IN 1913. Congress must resume its responsibility and coin money and regulate its value as granted to Congress in Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5 of the constitution.

The fundamental flaw in main stream economics is that it begins by accepting the validity of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the IMF, BIS, and World Bank which are all part of the privately owned banking cartel charging interest to sovereign nations which is nothing more than a bank tax on citizens for which they have no right to claim, therefore making it a circular argument based on a logical fallacy.

If we continue down the yellow brick road of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and privately owned international central banking cartel:

1.)We will destroy the economy when we reduce the national debt, because the money supply is based on debt.

2.) There will be an endless boom bust cycle because when the banks issue loans, they create money in the equivalent of the principal of the loan, but do not create the money required to pay the interest on the loan, leaving a shortfall in the money supply of the interest payments required.

3.) We will go deeper into debt or destroy the economy because the only central bank solutions are to issue more debt or destroy the economy.

If Congress were to resume its responsibility as stipulated in Article 1 Section 8 Clause 5 of the constitution and coin money and regulate its value debt free, and if other nations would do the same:

1,) The budget would automatically balance.

2.) There would be no need for income taxes, estate taxes, capital gains taxes, and corporate taxes.

3.) There would be no need to reduce spending.

The rise of cryptocurrencies has litigated and won the case before the world, precisely how easy it is to get rid of the central banks.

I prefer cash, which would not use the gold standard because history has proven that every time that it has been implemented, most of it ends up in the hands of a few wealthy families, and it and they destroy the nation.

During the middle ages in England, King Henry 1st implemented the tally system and the bankers and goldsmiths did not control the economy, the average man provided everything necessary for his family by working 16 weeks a year. The rest of the time was spent learning, traveling, on the arts, and volunteering for the church.

For more on this topic please read The Web of Debt and the Shocking Truth About Our Money System And How We Can Break Free by Ellen Hodgson Brown J.D.

Rock solid evidence that the gold standard is for fools and thieves alone:

If every person on earth had an equal amount of gold, it would be the equivalent of 5 gold rings, per person.

Even with the fractional reserve ratio of 1/10 , it still doesn’t work, to have a monetary system based on the gold standard. China, is now proposing that they would like an international currency linking the yuan, and oil futures contracts convertible to gold. All of the gold in existence, 165,000 metric tons, is worth about $6.785 trillion dollars. Governments own only 18% of that. The world consumed $1.75 trillion of oil last year, and global GDP is $80 trillion. If China were to become the new currency leader for the entire world, there still is not enough gold on earth with fractional reserve banking convertible to physical gold.


The World Bank, BIS, and Chinese government are evidently setting up a giant rip-off plan. The oil futures, gold, yuan system is an economic impossibility. World oil consumption is 35 billion barrels a year.



Xi is a skillful psychopath and master of the art of persuasion and has evidently decided to relive the life of Ghengis Kahn. Nobody ever announces to the world that they have the sole intention of becoming a global tyrant and nations suddenly sign trade deals and international banking contracts with them.

If you are not completely senile, you will recall that Barack Obama had practically convinced the world that he walked on water, was awarded the Nobel Peace prize for a speech in Berlin, maintained 2 wars, started 5 new ones, was the king of a real life video drone strike game, where he would choose who would be the next drone strike victim based on aerial surveillance photography alone, and was the only modern president to be at war everyday of his 8 year reign of international terror.

Xi has already shown signs of his psychopathy through the seizure of Brazilian Amazon gold mines, and the biggest ripoff scheme in world history, the Yuan global currency based on oil futures contracts.

There is no logical reason to link currency to oil. This was evidently a Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger conspiracy. The clues are everywhere.

I have been writing about this for the past ten days or so, and the Rockefellers, for years.

In 1973, Nixon ended the Oil Imports Limit, which was previously limited to 12.5% of annual oil consumption. Nelson Rockefeller was Nixon’s Assistant Secretary of State at the time. It is highly probable that John D. Rockefeller was the one that lobbied for the Oil Imports Limit in the first place.

Oil had gone from $3..00 a barrel, to $12.00 a barrel, supposedly as a result of backing Israel in the Yom Kippur war, which the U.S. stupidly did, since Israel threatened to rain weapons on the world if we did not support them. OPEC nations retaliated, supposedly, by initiating the oil embargo, which took the price from $3.00 a barrel in 1973, to $12.00 a barrel in 1974.

Suddenly, the OPEC nations that wanted to destroy our economy for supporting Israel in the Yom Kippur war wanted to link the price of oil to the U.S. dollar ? Really? Maybe they will have the last laugh after all.

I’m sorry but a 400% price increase, as a result of losing 12.5% of the oil that we had used annually, could not be possibly justified by anything other than price rigging. They could have made up for the difference with Central and South American oil.

(It seems that Rockefeller was unwilling to accept the new dollar delinked from gold for oil, and that he and Kissinger conspired the entire thing, to benefit the Rockefellers, and Israel.

The Davos World Economic Forum coincidently began in 1974, where the wealthiest Americans and people around the world, suddenly had the urge to rush off to Switzerland once a year to discuss economics. It must be for their phenomenal hotdogs.

Rockefeller is also responsible for the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. His daughter married Nelson Aldrich who created it, at his request.

The Rockefellers and Morgans were competing for world domination.)



If all of that is not bad enough, don’t worry because it’s much worse than that, from my Bull$#!+ on Parade article, also with exclamation points removed:

I am truly baffled by the unprecented level of bull$#!+ being disseminated from the ruling elite in this country.

My blood boils every time that I read somewhere that the Federal Reserve purchased $4.5 trillion worth of treasuries.

They did no such thing. They didn’t pay a single penny, and wound up with $4.5 trillion worth of treasuries, in QE, that future generations will end up paying for, UNNECESSARILY.

The Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air, merely by issuing credit. The Federal Reserve is not federal, and there are no reserves.

I was enraged, that congress bailed out Wall Street with the TARP program, and foaming at the mouth watching Janet Yellen say that the Fed would keep up the treasury purchase program, of $60 billion a month in treasuries, until the banks started lending.

The Federal Reserve is owned 100% by 37% of banks in America which are Federal Reserve member banks. Some of them are foreign banks, like UBS, Credit Suisse, and Deutsche Bank to name a few.

Hmmm, let’s see, either we lend money to businesses and consumers, who could default, at the lowest interest rate in U.S. history, (actually in 4,000 years globally) or we keep getting $60 billion a month in free money. What’s a banker to do?

The rest can be read here:
How to Give a Central Banker a Nervous Breakdown in 13 Minutes – Andrea Iravani

How to Give a Central Banker a Nervous Breakdown in 13 Minutes

  Andrea Iravani
January 11, 2018 11:55 pm

Hey genius: nobody here is going to read your idiotic article. Nobody.

Why would we listen to somebody that does not know the fucking difference between a liability and a payment? Hmmm?

The Swamp Creatures That Ate Over 2/3 of GDP

You are a retard.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 2:58 am

I know the difference. The treasury and Fed listed retiree entitlements due for 2013. They did not list liabilities or payments, so Yes, why would we trust the Fed and treasury when they do not list liabilities and their due dates and expenses, or payments?! According to their creative accounting, they paid out over 11 trillion in retirement benefits in 2013.

Why don’t you tell me how much they paid in 2013, since you are convinced that i am wrong, please enlighten me and tell me how much they paid in 2013 and when the liabilities are due.

Total federal employee and veteran benefits payable
In billions:
Total =6,538.3 for federal employees from treasury website

From Federal Reserve website on state employees:
example, as reported in Tables L.120.b and L.120.c of the Financial Accounts, state and local DB pension entitlements totaled $4.9 trillion in 2013, while DC arrangements such as 403(b) and 457 plans totaled only $0.5 trillion.

  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 3:26 am

Andrea – payable means liabilities. It does not mean paid. Entitlements due also does not mean paid. It is a liability, due in the future. Everyone knows that the liabilities are enormous. But that does not mean they are being paid today.

You truly do not understand what you are seeing, yet you insist you do. It is a sign of someone who is so slanted in their views that they cannot be trusted. No ine is going to read your stuff unless you use data that is correct, and stop using data that is not.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 3:39 am

There you go again. The websites are there. How much did they pay out in retirement benefits in 2013?

  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 5:19 am

In 2012 it was approx. 125 billion, military plus fed employees. 2013 would have been a few percent more. That is less than 1% of GDP.

“In 2012, the federal government paid pension benefits of about $75 billion to civilian retirees and their survivors and roughly $50 billion to military retirees and their survivors.”

Here is another link, with all kinds of info. Not only are you wrong, you are so wrong you prove yourself a blithering imbecile:


From the congressional budget offices. Andrea, you post links to data that you do not know how to read. Just stop it. Just stop posting any links, for that matter..

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
January 12, 2018 7:57 am

Llpoh remember our government printed or key stroked nearly half of its dollars paid out by creating money out of thin air . Doing so devalued every dollar we who were frugal savors and investors earned over our working life destroying the wealth of millions . Then the fed covered up the paper hanging scheme with 0% intrest rates adding insult to injury .
How we as a nation will fix the financial crisis is guess work but none of us will escape unharmed it’s just a question of how soon and how much $$

January 12, 2018 8:17 am

Boat guy – we are not in disagrement there.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 1:07 pm

That is not a treasury, Fed, or even a government website, and it doesn’t list its sources for the data. On the charts on the websites that I used, how much was spent in 2013? Please copy and paste.

January 12, 2018 2:32 pm

Einstein – the numbers come from the congressional offices, which I mentioned. The charts give the source documents. I looked at your link before and told you that you read it wrong. I told you that you had confused billions for millions re property tax, but dullard that you are you never figured it out.

So far you are batting .000. At least you are consistent.

Anyway, the number for 2103 govt pension expenditure was $131 billion, 6 billion more than what I posted was for 2012.

This is the link where it can be found: https://www.usgovernmentspending.com/federal_budget_detail_2017bs22017n_0002#usgs302

The source of the data is the US Budget documents. It is clearly documented. You need to punch down through the pension data to find it, as most of the pension money is SS. You can access the source documents from that site, same as from the link I posted above. You just need the IQ of a retarded gnat to do it, so I guess you are out of luck.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 2:32 pm

@Boat guy. Yes, out of thin air with interest and linked to oil. Linking it to oil was the reason for the inflation, for the obvious reason that a very powerful family will not admit to, Rockefellers! Linking currency to something GUARANTEED to diminish in supply guarantees inflation by the very laws of supply and demand, just as forcing the government to pay interest on money required to fund it does. Combine those two FUBAR principles and you get the US economy!

The thin air is not the primary cause of the inflation! The interest and linking it to oil are!

For proof, see tally system under king Henry 1st, crypto currencies, the first currency known were immovable large stones. A currency is not anything other than a means for conducting trade. Currency is not an asset, per se, nor should it be.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 8:41 pm

@LLpoh- You must know a lot of complete idiots to be so confident in your constant display of total fabrications! You have no fucking clue who you are up against buster. I’ve been reading government shit, and yes it is shit, for decades. I used to buy things in the government bookstore pre internet and read them. You are once again, wrong as usual. I even saw Paul Ryan give a “budget ” presentation in Racine. Here is one of Paul Ryan’s 99 pages of purely adulterated progandistic bullshit. I’m sure that Goebels would have been proud of him. Government employee pensions are of course not included in his used toilette paper “budget” !

January 13, 2018 4:53 am

Andrea – I am up against a mron with single digit IQ. I post facts. I direct you to the data and the source of the data. I show you how to interpret data, and point out to you that you have confused billions with millions. I give you multiple sources of pension payments. I point out that now way on God’s earth are pension payments 2/3 of GDP as you claimed (don’t you understand how ridiculous that is? How frigging moronic to even think such a thing?).

You are too stupid and stubborn to learn a damn thing. I was better at numbers than you before I entered first grade, and that is no joke. I have been a senior financial analyst, I have an MBA, I am a trained engineer, I have evaluated financial statements for decades and am sought after to give advice on such.

Who the fuck are you? Oh, yeah, now I remember. You are a dimwit.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 13, 2018 12:39 am

Sorry Rdawg, wrong again!

Minerva Arizona
Minerva Arizona
  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 8:21 am

Andrea Iravani: I enjoy reading the COMMENTS. If I want to scroll through a tiresome blog post, I’ll go elsewhere, thank you very much.

January 11, 2018 11:50 pm

Andrea Iravani says:
“I see that my post was removed.”

Perhaps you should take that as a hint? Go shit on someone else’ blog.

January 11, 2018 11:57 pm

What he said.

1. Nobody removed your post; although it would be warranted. You fucked up when posting; I guarantee it.

2. Nobody cares. Fuck off.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 3:22 am

Is this your blog? If not, then I suggest that you go and shit on somebody else’s blog. My post was pertinent to the topic. If it is your blog,maybe you just shouldn’t have a comments section. You can hire Zuckerberg to create hundreds or thousands of bots programmed to say whatever you want.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 12, 2018 12:20 am

UPDATE ON Q: Lt. Col. Potter is calling Q out. He says he believes Q was real until 11/24, then it was infiltrated, and the DEFCON 1 was part of the misinformation. He says Q Anon has become a cult, and if you dissent from what the Anons are telling you the clues mean, you’re a heretic and not welcome. He says Trump needs to confirm Q or Potter is out of it. At the end of the video, two people on the live feed basically told him he didn’t know what he was talking about, so he has signed off for a week, saying “I don’t need this.”


Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Vixen Vic
January 12, 2018 12:23 am

Video didn’t work. Will try again to post it. If it doesn’t work, just go to YouTube.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Vixen Vic
January 12, 2018 10:10 pm

Vix, just by pure chance I caught Potter live yesterday morning. It was quite a rant and worth watching. It’s possible that Q has become part of a corporate/government/intelligence/foreign intelligence/AI (not sure whether one or or some combination) scheme to take over the alternate media. They know they lost control of a good portion of the people when Trump won using twitter as part of the strategy. It still bears watching regardless.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 2:51 am

Just a Thought on the U.S. Bond Market and Whether It Will Enter a Bear Market or Not – Andrea Iravani

Just a Thought on the U.S. Bond Market and Whether It Will Enter a Bear Market or Not

  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 3:28 am

Admin – might I respectfully suggest enough is enough of Andrea?

January 12, 2018 7:36 am

Some of her postings are interesting-certainly some also I have never read anywhere else. Isn’t that part of the point of this site?

January 12, 2018 7:57 am

Mm – she is crapping on the site with her self promotion bullshit. No one minds her comments, as imbecilic as they often are. But the mile long cut and pastes and the endless links to her own site are disrespectful. She is using TBP as free advertising. At the very least Admin should get $100 every time she places an ad, which is multiple times each day.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 4:49 pm

Thank you so much MMinLamesa! I truly appreciate that you have defended me ! As you may have realized, I am not blogging for money. I do not have a donation link on my site. I am blogging for humanity. Nobody is sponsoring or paying me to blog either.

  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 9:31 pm

Blog for humanity all you like.

Just keep your fucking links off of here. Build your own successful site.

January 12, 2018 9:56 pm

I’ve been completely ignoring Andy’s Candies. I thought she was settling in and beginning to discuss instead of promote her own blog.

I was wrong… back to ignoring.

middle-aged mad gnome
middle-aged mad gnome
January 12, 2018 7:59 am

For whatever it’s worth, I agree with Llpoh. Andrea clutters this blog with material that doesn’t seem to fit.

  middle-aged mad gnome
January 12, 2018 8:06 am

Gnome – of course she does just that. She was pitched from ZH for lord knows what reason (but I bet it would not be hard to guess) and now has moved her snake oil sales pitch to TBP. Enough is enough.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
January 12, 2018 12:56 pm

Llpoh – Hey – no one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read her stuff. If you don’t like what she has to say ignore it. I have personally found an occasional nugget amidst the dross.

  A. R. Wasem
January 12, 2018 9:35 pm

It must not have been the article where dumbshit claims that 2/3rds of GDP is consumed in government pension payments. She’s an idiot, and furthermore believes she can’t leave her house because she’s being surveilled and harassed by .gov.

January 12, 2018 8:15 am

Very good essay, as usual, but I have one small bone to pick: ” Why should government have any role in the issuance of “money,” when it has every incentive to debase it?”

The US Constitution mandates that, does it not? That said, there’s no getting around the fact that gov will debase currency; all currency issuers do. Nevertheless, I’d rather see a tightly controlled public issuance of currency than a “currency” controlled by a privately-held cartel that has about as much interest in the well-being of the public than it has in promoting the virtues of Cincinnatus, the defense of domestic industry and small-scale agriculture.

January 12, 2018 11:32 pm

The Currency Act of 1792 which defined the value of the Dollar in pure silver by weight also had the death penalty for debasing the currency. The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 surely did away with that. We should dig up the fuqueres who gave us that and burn them, dumping their ashes in a Slurrystore on a hog farm.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
January 12, 2018 8:26 am

We all as Americans have a huge task ahead of us and President Trump has not even scratched the surface of our fiscal rot from within . Perhaps he will make minimal head way but like the old adage says when your up to your ass in alligators …
Our elected officials have piled debt upon debt with no end in site then piled lie upon lie to cover it up with bubble /bust economic strategies killing and destroying anyone who dare attempt to speak the truth . Government and elitist supporters are the ones left standing for now . What corrective action taken will determine who or what comes next . Remember the big club that George Carlin mentioned comedicly must go and it will not be pretty !
Prepare to defend your position financially and maybe even physically !

  Boat Guy
January 12, 2018 8:33 am

Boat – the debt is too large, and will never be repaid. All up, the debt plus unfunded liabilities is something like $200 trillion, with total gdp of around 17 trillion. The interest alone if properly funded at normal interest rates would be around 7 trillion a year, plus around 3 trillion of non-discretionary welfare type payments.

This will end in either default or inflation. I continue to believe they will escalate inflation and try to hold it around 10% or so a year. That would retire/devalue around 10 to 14 trillion of the accrued debt per year.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
January 12, 2018 1:03 pm

That scenario rapidly degenerates into a Zimbabwe or Venezuela. In addition, interest rates in financial markets rapidly adjust to such high inflation rates and you’re back where you started in terms of the debt service.

  A. R. Wasem
January 13, 2018 4:57 am

A R Wasem – ding ding ding. Wrong again. What do you think is real rate of inflation now?

Mad as hell
Mad as hell
  Boat Guy
January 12, 2018 9:20 am

The problem is that enough Muricans’ don’t see it as their job. If more of the sheeple disapproved of the stupid, you would see change in a fortnight, or at least enough fireworks to make this train wreck worth watching. Unfortunately, a large amount of the populous actually does not see the problems, and is blissfully basking in this ridiculous Utopia painted by the BLS, Fed, local chambers of commerce etc. Trump is not helping by constantly taking the blue pill side on everything now. If he would have continued red pilling everyone, like during the election, this country would be far further along on stemming the rot.
All I see around me is a ratio of about 4/10 people that are red pilled, the rest either don’t care either way (as RUSH said, you have still made a choice) or actively support their own captivity in the system. Sad. Change has to come from US. But so far, all I see is ignorance and a quest for “lifestyle” at any cost.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
  Mad as hell
January 12, 2018 9:27 pm

That is where you are wrong. Independents, like myself, realize what duped sheeple that both the red pill and blue pill poppers are. Just keep giving them your money and walking away in every voluntary stick up when you make a deposit at the bank. Just keep taking that red pill that has resulted in every bit as many losses of liberty and life as the blue pill takers. The color of the pills is not the problem. Pills are a problem, regardless of their color. It reminds me a story in the Big Book of alcoholics anonymous about a man that convinced himself that he could drink alcohol, if he mixed it with milk, or the millions of alcoholics who think that if they switch from hard liquor to beer or wine, they will be able to handle it.
The Reunited Democratic-Republican:

The Reunited Democratic-Republican Uniparty System

Mad as hell
Mad as hell
  Andrea Iravani
January 13, 2018 11:16 am

Andrea, I don’t think you comprehended what the difference is between a blue pill and red pill. A person who has been “red pilled” by very definition cannot walk in to a bank and be robbed as you say, as they know how the bank really works. Please watch the movie The Matrix for the understanding of the red pill vs. the blue pill. It is NOT about the Red (republican) vs. Blue (Democrat). Those references are sheeple, because anyone that buys in to that “team” mentality is clearly of the sheeple class.

January 12, 2018 4:56 pm

I take back my previous comment. If Andrea agrees with me, I must be profoundly wrong. My apologies to TBP.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 9:46 pm

Ok. What are you twelve years old? Mentally challenged? A spineless moron? Which is it?

Haven’t experienced this since I was a young kid. Don’t exactly miss the immaturity from many of the posters.

I’m guessing that posters are passed out, and their kids have their phones and are posting with them.

  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 9:55 pm

It’s much simpler than that.

The posters recognize an idiot when they see one.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 10:35 pm

Then some of them must be looking in the mirror, like you for example.

  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 10:49 pm

Wow. And you have the nerve to accuse others of being twelve years old?

Quick! Look under the bed! A government agent is hiding there!

Take your pill sweetheart, and the mean man will go away.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 13, 2018 12:44 am

@ Rdawg – Like i said. I don’t have any pills that I am supposed to take. Do you own stock in big pharma or something? You are clearly the lunatic here, not me. Just keep trusting the government that is ass raping you, you kinky bastard.

You sound totally stupid too if you don’t believe that the government does this kind of stuff. What is it like living in total reality unawareness? Are you the person that they polled last year that never heard of Hillary Clinton? Sounds like it!

You are obviously too stupid to pose a threat even to the stupid government. They fear intelligent, honest, credible people. You fall into none of those categories.

It Is Time to Crash the Surveillance State That Has Destroyed America and Increased Crime – Andrea Iravani

It Is Time to Crash the Surveillance State That Has Destroyed America and Increased Crime

PS. Took a screen shot of your post.

  Andrea Iravani
January 13, 2018 8:11 pm

“PS. Took a screen shot of your post.”

Good. Here’s another one for you. Take a screenshot of this one. Print it. Roll it up, nice and tight. Shove it up your dumb ass.

Nobody in .gov gives a fuck about spending money to watch a failed artist/blogger retard.

Norman Ball
Norman Ball
January 12, 2018 6:52 pm


Here’s the original essay as it appeared at The Burning Platform:


There is a school of thought that Trump has been sent in by a subset of the elite to dispatch the currently ensconced, thoroughly depraved/corrupted elite subset. Subset vs. subset. I’ve always felt this was the case, albeit in a slightly altered vein.

A few years back I published an essay The Janusian Class where I posed the notion (hardly original) of a tripartite class system. I’m wondering if, today, Orwell’s Inner Party (what I called International Capital) is purging the Rent-seeking Elite across the board –culture and political— because the latter has become completely putrid (and inviting needless mass unrest) as sclerotic empires are wont to do and it’s time for a restart, for a new empire. Their effectiveness is completely lost. They barely go through the motions of responsible governance. Empires are vehicles to be discarded by IC at appropriate times (think Daniel’s multi-tiered statue which is also an eschatological structure as the earth’s successive empires yield a coherent and finally rendered human form. History ends and not shambolically, but with discernible purpose, the anthropos readily reflective of the macros.)

There’s no doubt this purge is systematic and orchestrated. America, I felt was always the final empire to be constructed from strictly national auspices. The next and final one will be transnational. Thus, Trump, who may or may not be fully cognizant of his agency (I don’t think he is, entirely), is dismantling the final empire, ironically enough, under an America-First banner so that an interregnum/plateau can be established for the final dash to full-blown trans-nationalism.

As for the Military Industrial Complex, it is being aggressively expanded in the Trump era (rather at odds with an America-first policy). However its title will ‘transfer-up’ into trans-national hands at empire’s end. There are the obstinate nations yet to be cracked: Iran, Syria, North Korea.

By the way, if we know their names, they are part of the Rent-seeking Elite and not International Capital (IC), and I would suggest that includes the unbiquitous surname Rothschild, a family that surely has come to regret the eponymous 1940 movie that forever minted them the mascot for IC. Publicity is pathologically shunned at this level. Youtube is littered with breathless, endlessly repetitive Rothschild conspiracy shtick. Call me skeptical. This trope is far too well-received.

Nathaniel Rothschild has been a debacle living up to a near-mythic legacy (who wouldn’t?) and there is said to be a feud between he and his father, a very un-Rothschild-like development. Absent two centuries of steady compounding behind them, the Rothschilds –or any family for that matter– could never replicate their accrued fortunes in the current crowded and hyper-intermediated/financialized mono-economy we inhabit today. No doubt a lot of dissipation and divided inheritances stalks the family as Niall Ferguson suggested in his recent, rather fawning (and as I recall, family-commissioned) book on the subject.

I remember being struck by a comment Joel Skousen made a couple of years ago when asked the names of IC’s main families. He said ‘we may not know’. Keep in mind this is a guy who’s made a life-study of precisely this topic (and his Uncle Cleon before him with ‘The Naked Communist’ in 1958!). If the Skousen clan is still parched for crests, what chance do arm-chair students have?

That had always been my thinking as well, so it was encouraging to find an authoritative, confirming voice. After all a veil of secrecy is paramount due to the tiny numbers of this group. I would question whether these people even have passports or SSNs. They are trillionaires (which in a paradoxical way, creates a milieu where wealth ‘hardly matters’ and is wielded more as a matrix of control for downstream parties); they are also a hermetic culture-apart with an entirely antithetical spiritual praxis to our own. Maybe my imagination runs away with me but I don’t think so.

Of course there is the highly publicized merchant class –Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, et al, a highly accomplished subset of the Rent-seeking Elite. These are the beaming faces we routinely encounter on Fortune magazine covers.

However we’re speaking potentially of wealth accumulation and compounding that dates arguably to Babylonian times. These folks have no ego-driven desire to curry favor with the likes of us. Ostentation has been bred out of them. And yet, they reserve their true contempt for the striving Janusian Class, as do we. (Think the Clintons as Strivers #1.) As for we the masses, they have shepherded us for millennia and understand our impulses, perhaps even respect us in an odd way, certainly our formidable numbers. They exercise Brahminic discipline against intermingling.

Anyway, the Trump/Q Anon revelations are a concerted assault mounted by IC against the prevailing Rent-seeking Elite. So we have an ostensibly ‘populist/nationalist’ movement orchestrated by the highest social strata on Earth. (I settled on the term Rent-seeking Elite years ago after encountering it on the Philosophy of Metrics blog. I believe the blogger over there, JC, also harbors similar views vis a vis Trump’s true mission, but I haven’t been there much since the site sprouted a paywall.)

I coined Janusian Class because it must perform to the wishes of IC while appearing ‘responsive’ to the masses. Thus two-facedness is an institutional facet of this sandwich class. Their cloying and striving makes them inauthentic, eminently discardable, mercenary and detested both by IC and the masses for their discreditable attempts to escape themselves, really to escape us, as well as the laughable conceit that they inhabit the roof of the world. It’s perfectly reasonable to think the vast majority of them are oblivious to the class that sits above them. Think compartmentalization and plausible deniability.

I guess my key point is we are not enmeshed in a simple us-versus-them configuration, but rather a two-tiered elite consisting of the bosses and the bosses’ bosses.

My belief, for what it’s worth? Only the return of Jesus will wrest earthly control from IC. Nothing on Earth can dislodge them. And why should it? When Satan offers Jesus dominion over all the earth’s kingdoms, the Savior does not challenge the former’s provenance to do so.

This realm belongs to them until history’s end after which it will no longer.

  Norman Ball
January 12, 2018 9:44 pm

A very interesting and well written statement.

And, NO, EC… that was not a welcome mat.

  Norman Ball
January 12, 2018 10:46 pm

Every time I try to go back through to find a point to further dissect or discuss, I realize that this comment cannot be improved upon, only repeated. I have started several times, and I have erased each one.
So I will simply say –
Excellent. I agree with you.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
  Norman Ball
January 12, 2018 11:00 pm

@ Norman Ball- There is evidence in support of many of your claims in Agenda 21 written in 1992 by the UN. It is a plan for public private partnerships in management, ownership, and distribution of all assets. Evidently, they view us as their assets as well, because they have advocated for taking extreme liberties with human bodies. This is Brave New World, meets 1984, meets Water World, to the power of infinity and beyond. It is sick as hell! I’ve read the entire approximately 300 pages! The best thing to do to fight them is to read it, and call them ( the globalists – Rockefellers Rothschilds who have been working in concert together for over a century! ) out on each individual abuse. The establishment has long relied on their ability to distract us with circus acts and gladiator shows, and work behind the scenes to increase their power, and we the people keep saying WTF just happened?! Well, we weren’t paying attention to the armed robbery in action for the past 105 years, which I am desperately trying to shed light on!

Notice also, the outcry from certain individuals calling for decentralization, which would expedite the process!

Here is Agenda 21:

  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 11:14 pm

WTF, AI; kinda missed Norman’s main point, didn’t you? You’re talking underlings and he’s talking top-tier. The group you’re focused on are the intentional focal-point. Hell, they can’t even get it together. They’re always shooting each other or themselves in the foot. That’s the problem with ‘evil geniuses’; the moronic (easy, oh etiquette-Nazis, I didn’t actually say the ‘m’ word) minions they have to deal with.
I admire your passion for justice, but the reality seemed to sail right over your head. See whadimean?

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 13, 2018 1:32 am

TS- somewhere i have never traveled- Do you think that the Rothschilds can have total control over 7 billion people without help? I don’t think that they are crazy enough to believe that. They also aren’t crazy enough to believe that they can single handedly take on every military and every multinational corporation. In order for their plan to succeed,which I do not know that it was in fact the Rothschild’ s idea, but whoever drempt this nightmare up, I am guessing it was sort of a future anarcho corporatist gang raping vision, realized that overthrowing every government in the world would be a monumental task too big for even the Davos-Bildeberg gangs to take on without additional assistance.

January 12, 2018 9:32 pm
January 12, 2018 9:38 pm

Is this the beginning?

January 12, 2018 9:47 pm

It surely appears that way. God, I can only hope so. It’s time. Time has come today.

January 12, 2018 10:23 pm

Hmmm…If it is the beginning I’m reminded of the old home row. “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.”

Surely if Brandon Smith is right…a controlled demolition will be the end of the beginning and take U.S. around the 4th Turning at warp speed?


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 12, 2018 10:44 pm
  EL Coyote
January 12, 2018 11:29 pm

Love the long version. My youth.. Thanks…

January 12, 2018 10:11 pm

Live and let live. AI, imo, is doing no damage to the site in terms of viewership. If she was, JQ would have given her the cease and desist order. Sure, her self-promotion annoys some, but we have had, and still have, some odder sorts around here. She is harming nobody that I can see. If she finds that there is nothing for her to gain by continually posting here, she will move on, I would think. The fact that she solicits no money for her site speaks loudly. You don’t have to read her comments if you don’t wish to.

Her money is good at this table…for now if I’m the stick man….roll em, AI. Build up some trust…Seven come eleven..

January 12, 2018 10:41 pm

She is likely mentally ill. She believes .gov is surveilling her and steals her shit and vandalizes her home when she leaves to walk the dog. Cray-cray.

Many of the articles on her blog (yes I have visited) are poorly written, poorly researched, and poorly thought-out. For example her article asserting that 2/3rds of GDP is consumed by government pension payments. It’s absurd, and her error was pointed out repeatedly. She misunderstands the difference between “liability” and “payment”. Upon seeing the critique she became hostile and lashed out, rather than examining the evidence.

She has also written on the situation regarding nuclear waste at Hanford, WA. It just so happens that I have many family members that spent their entire careers there, including a couple of engineers. Almost all of what she reported is simply false; sensationalism she no doubt gleaned from some other website.

So yeah, I agree she should post all she likes but give the blog linkage a rest.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 11:18 pm

Thanks. You are about as credible as Wolf Blitzer. Appreciate the derogatory comments from a clown like you. It can only help.

  Andrea Iravani
January 12, 2018 11:31 pm

Poorly written, poorly researched, poorly thought-out.

Your motto should be: “Often wrong, never in doubt”.

Does your doctor know you quit taking your pills?

January 12, 2018 11:38 pm

I get your drift Rdawg, and I respect your opinion, but, none-the-less, she is not hurting JQ’s site, as far as I can see. As I said, there is no requirement to read her comments.. Just scroll down and move on. Some folks here are giving her the attention that will keep her here. We’ve had worse noodle heads here.

Oh yeah, I have it on good authority that the government is watching you also.. just sayin’…limit the dog-walking….

January 13, 2018 12:01 am

You are wise indeed.

At some point one must take their lumps and move on.

I tried to encourage i forget to write without using ‘shrooms to no avail. Now I simply scroll on past because ain’t nobody got time for that.

I will do the same for AI.

January 13, 2018 1:19 am
Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
January 13, 2018 1:47 am

Thank you very much Nkit. I really appreciate that. I have no idea what the last paragraph means though. I will have to look that up. It’s all Greek to me.
Peace, and thanks for the beautiful northern lights and jelly fish photos!

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
  Robert Gore
January 12, 2018 11:31 pm

Go for it!

January 13, 2018 12:10 am

Hmm. 100. What do I say?
Oh, well. Hey, I hit 100.

January 13, 2018 12:12 am

Congratulations, I guess?

January 13, 2018 12:14 am

I was about to delete it, I thought you had hit it first.

January 13, 2018 12:15 am

Small potatoes. I hit 200 on a Stucky thread once. Best day of my life.

January 13, 2018 12:14 am

Was this your first time? Did it feel good?

January 13, 2018 12:15 am

Oh, yeah; I need a cigarette. I’ll just cap this gas can first.

January 13, 2018 12:16 am

Good move.

January 13, 2018 12:17 am


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 13, 2018 1:44 am

You never forget your first time. Mine was so long ago, I forget which article. Although I suspect I was one of the first to claim that honor. They laughed. Whose laughing now?