The link below is to a Periscope video by some guy calling himself @thebestcloser on Twatter. You can just play it in the background as the images don’t add anything to the story being told.


Cue it up to watch from 1:51:30 to about 2:14:00.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 8, 2018 9:26 am

From what I could make out of that mess, the theory seems to be that some Saudis opposed to Mohammed bin Salman wanted to kill him while he may or may not have been in the upper floors of the Mandalay Bay, but somehow all they accomplished was shooting a bunch of country music fans while MbS escaped unharmed.

I’m more amenable to the theory that the Deep State figured that killing a bunch of white country music fans would bring about the gun control they want.

In any case, there’s info about Paddock that the government is hiding. You don’t make money playing slot machines.

March 8, 2018 9:45 am

Thank you for that I.S. This is probably even more accurate than the gentleman knows. There is a giant war going on behind the scenes and we only get little snippets of it like the Vegas shooting which was an assassination attempt gone bad. Some of us are awake but many are still slumbering unwilling to look at the seething, roiling pool of evil that spews forth from DC and Silicon Valley. To think so many intelligent, thoughtful people think Trump’s a shill and the good jew Kushner is a traitor makes me wonder why they even care anymore about what happens to the United States. If Trump’s not an outlier then we’re all going down. Trump was the only choice. And nobody could have withstood the slings and arrows sent at him and still rolled back the Deep State, peeling away the layers of corruption and giving us a glimpse of what goes on in the swamp. With all due respect (none) Trump haters are fucking assholes. The man’s taking care of as much shit as is humanly possible.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
March 8, 2018 9:49 am

There is a belief that’s in the ascendancy among certain right leaning people that Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia is a uniquely beneficent force, bringing about a sort of Sunni Reformation. Twitter celeb Thomas Wictor is pushing this – along with his theory that the Gulf Cooperation Council is a superhuman military force about to free the Middle East from backwardness. Ironic that first among the GCC’s targets on the road to an enlightened Middle East is Syria’s Assad. So having failed to oust Assad with ISIS, the neocons are selling MbS as Savior, and his first goal is – surprise – ousting Assad. MbS recently gave rhetorical comfort to Egypt’s Copts. So he’s a protector of Christians, they say. Alternatively (I suspect) MbS noticed that Assad was seen (rightly) by many in the West as being relatively benign toward Christians, causing Americans like Trump, Buchanan and their supporters to resist deposing him. So MbS cleverly poses as a defender of Christians and religious pluralism generally in order to further the Saudi-Israeli joint effort to depose Assad. This deification of Mohammed bin Salman should have immediately been suspect when it was pushed by CIA employee David Ignatius of the Washington Post. There’s certainly been a power struggle/purge in Arabia, but that doesn’t mean it’s on the cusp of becoming a pluralistic society. It’s noticeable that those who think a reformed Islam is possible (I don’t) tend to be irreligious themselves so they can’t grok that anyone would actually believe the crap written in a 1,400 year old book. Hint: they do.

  Iska Waran
March 8, 2018 10:18 am

They really do believe it.

  Iska Waran
March 8, 2018 12:43 pm

Would that be the same sort of folks who can’t “grok” that “anyone would actually believe the crap written” in an even older book called the Bible?

NO ONE who holds political power and the wealth it brings believes in ANY transcendental religion! It’s all about the here and now. I have hanging on my wall a painting (repro) that was given me by the son of a late Muslim-country president, one that shows religious of all three “Religions of the Book” praying together. When all is said and done, it has about as much to do with politics as the painting I have of the fall of Icarus.

MbS is indeed clever; he puts himself first and his country’s interests (synonymous) foremost. What a surprise! Who’s behind this, do you think? Look familiar? Hint: it ain’t the Russians.

  Iska Waran
March 9, 2018 2:42 pm

I believe in the 12th Imam. Who I believe will say Mohammad is a false prophet.

March 8, 2018 10:43 am

Put that coffee down. Coffee is for closers.

March 8, 2018 2:26 pm

TJF I want that set of steak knives.

March 8, 2018 7:20 pm

Periscope is broken shit. Video does not work. Post the mp4, or don’t bother.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 9, 2018 9:34 pm

OK, so grokking the flimsy story we heard, Paddy shot through the door at the security guard. We were directed to ignore the tales of shooting and lockdown at the Bellagio. Nobody confirmed the radio caller’s story that she and a bunch of folks ran to away only to find there were also shooters at Hooters (sorry). She said they were led out of the crowded elevator and there were ambulance trucks in the parking area.

All that shit just to cover an assassination attempt seems like bullshit. I can’t believe Paddy got whacked (sorry) just to cover for some fucken clown prince.