Self-Governance in an Unreasonable Age

It seems that a great deal (if not all) of the subject matter and commentary here at TBP can be distilled down to the following question: “What is the present state of self-governance in the United States and does the concept have a future in this country?” Let’s have a little chat about that.

Variously attributed to Thomas Paine, or Thomas Jefferson, the statement, “That government is best which governs least.” was used by Henry David Thoreau to open his pamphlet on, appropriately, Civil Disobedience. The very concept of self-governance is rooted in the idea that human beings, imbued with common sense, buttressed by common morality, and inspired by common desires could order their own affairs with the bare minimum of interference by a government disconnected from their daily concerns. If Admin indulges me, what follows is part one of a three (or maybe four) part series on some modern aspects of American life, how they affect the commonalities mentioned above, and their effect on self-governance.


If there were ever a prime example of the emotional upchucking of national hairballs, it had to be the recent spectacle of manipulated urchins parading around pretending to know something about anything. The unrelenting political projectile vomiting on the necessity of “common sense gun laws” is just the latest example of governance by emotion.

It really sucks for parents to lose children to some freak of nature that should have been brought under control by the proper authorities long before he picked up an inanimate object with which to slaughter his fellows. However, where is it written that any individual’s personal tragedy is an excuse to reduce the liberty enjoyed by everyone else? Where in the Constitution is personal tragedy allowed a role of any kind in the promulgating of legislation or the regulating of civic life? I have lost people too, but I did not feel it incumbent upon me and mine at the time to ban motorcycles, pickup trucks, or drunken rednecks doing 120 mph at night on a two-lane country road. Perhaps I should have channeled my grief into a life-long dedication to lobbying for the banning of two-lane country roads or maybe even putting limitations on the duration of nighttime. After all, “if it saves even one life, it’s worth it” is the clarion call of the modern day tender-hearted totalitarian.

If the emotional question of any given distraught teenager is to be, “Is your gun worth more than my life?” the answer is obviously no. If the same question were rendered logical by asking, “Is your right to own a gun more important than my life?”, then the answer is unequivocally yes.

When emotion rules the day, a deranged criminal can slaughter someone’s child and immediately “something must be done.” “Something” usually involves curtailing the liberties of all those who had absolutely nothing to do with the crime or the criminal. The resulting raft of laws do nothing to address the actual problem, but teary-eyes are dabbed, sorrowful heads are patted, emotional ignoramuses are appeased (temporarily), and the pearl-clutching opportunists of the left nibble away another bit of what freedom remains to the law-abiding.

Self-governance demands clear heads, strong convictions, an unwavering commitment to intellectual honesty, and the ability to see beyond the emotion of the moment. The very concept of self-governance rests on the ability of the individual to govern himself and his emotions in order that society may govern itself in spite of his emotions. Emotion is the death of self-governance by a thousand cuts. Each wound is the worst thing that has ever happened and “something must be done” to heal the bereaved, comfort the stricken, and appease the outraged. Emotionally driven governance is a bottomless well from which only bucket after bucket of authoritarian dross may be drawn. What emerges from that poisonous void is anathema to freedom and a solvent to ordered liberty.

Muddle-headed children, raging feminist termagants, weeping soy boys, mentally ill sexual deviants, drug-addled welfare recipients, ululating mohammedans, emotionally stunted cat ladies, perpetually aggrieved minorities, and every other manner of screeching, bawling, snarling, entitlement seeking freak, wierdo, and gun-grabbing goofball are not the population pool from which competent self-governance springs. The United States is awash with such people…and they vote.

As a nation, we long ago crossed the line from civic responsibility based on logic, reason, and calm debate into the steaming fen of emotionally driven political chicanery, pop culture demagoguery, and the childish tantrums of every crazy-eyed lunatic leftist with a pulse. Whether we can find our way back to some semblance of common sense self-governance is an open question. Certainly, the current ascendancy of governance by the commode-hugging minions of emotional upchuckery is no way forward. Undoubtedly, overwrought attacks on the tattered remnants of the national fabric will never end because leftists and children, like dogs to their vomit, always return to their folly.


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Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
March 27, 2018 7:25 am

Nicely done there. This one is a keeper.

  Hollywood Rob
March 27, 2018 5:21 pm

Second [thousand] that!

  Hollywood Rob
March 28, 2018 9:55 pm

Sorry to jump in here, but here’s some fresh news from Bill Still about the FBI:

March 27, 2018 8:15 am

Amen brotha’. I look forward to the next installment. We live in an age of tyranny, your words are refreshing.

Mike Moore
Mike Moore
March 27, 2018 8:54 am

O M G! This kind of word-smithing can only be the output of someone writing in the “cold fury” of a person “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore”. Bravo! Marvelous construction which I envy greatly, knowing I couldn’t duplicate, but only appreciate. That said, I await with great anticipation the promised follow-ups. This is just one of the reasons I lurk at TBP, to have the opportunity to read the thought of people expressing what I believe in far better formulations than I can express. ThankYou!

March 27, 2018 9:12 am

” Let’s have a little chat about that.”

I rather like Agnes’ Maglita’s chat at fireside. I am a moth drawn in by the light.

March 27, 2018 5:32 pm

The “gaslight”?

March 27, 2018 9:21 am

Great essay, thank you.

The men behind the curtain, the ones whose veins are filled with ice water and whose hearts are made of stone, have perfected the use of propaganda to destroy a nation. They own all the tools to incite emotional response, then they use the response to further their own agenda, the imposition of tyranny. It’s a marvel, really.

March 28, 2018 12:05 pm

Just history, sadly…

22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
22winmag - refugee from ZeroHedge who just couldn't take the explosion of doom porn and the avalanche of near-hourly Bitcoin stories
March 27, 2018 9:27 am

Since when do the feelings, opinions, and rantings of people with undeveloped frontal cortexes (young Mr. Hogg for instance) matter so much?


When we extended to women the vote we ensured that sentiments would rule.

March 27, 2018 9:44 am

Well done, T.

Great reading for those with open minds, common sense, and appreciative of liberty.
Too bad that the closed minded emotionalistas cannot, or will not be persuaded by such words as yours.
Yet maybe, just maybe…. one or two will see the light.
If so, it would be nice to hear from a convert, awakened from their hysteria.

Meantime, I’m anticipating the next installments also.

March 27, 2018 9:48 am

“tender-hearted totalitarians”

Loved that. And the essay in toto. Thanks X

March 27, 2018 9:50 am

“As a nation, we long ago crossed the line from civic responsibility based on logic, reason, and calm debate into the steaming fen of emotionally driven political chicanery, pop culture demagoguery, and the childish tantrums of every crazy-eyed lunatic leftist with a pulse. ”
The above is a good description of the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy – everything tends
towards disorder.

“Whether we can find our way back to some semblance of common sense self-governance is an open question.”….. only the rate of entropy can be influenced.

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
March 27, 2018 10:27 am

We are on the precipice of calamitous times. The looming debt bubble, Trumps war cabinet. There are storm clouds on the horizon. Things are about to get real, and when they do the welfare recipients, cat ladies, soy boys, and feminists are in for a shock. I know the powers that shouldn’t be are confident that they can use the upcoming crisis to ratchet the chains of oppression down even tighter and completely enslave us, but I can envision a scenario where the useful idiots either perish or learn competence and personal responsibility trying to survive the shit storm. Either way, when we emerge on the other side I predict it will be a much more self reliant population who will not tolerate tyranny.

March 27, 2018 10:27 am

Well said.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams.

We cannot duck the issue of morality when these things are discussed. I don’t want to set off yet another thread of diatribe about what ‘morality’ is, or where everyone believes it comes from. Suffice it to say that it concerns itself with the aspects of self-control and putting the welfare of others before our own self-interest.
Our government has become what we were warned it would become. I believe it is because , as a corporate whole, we have become what we were warned about.
That is a result of what I would call a selfish self-interest, instead of a healthy self-interest. When its all about me, me, me there’s nothing left for enlightened compassion, or a sense of sacrifice for a worthy ideal.
Whether your morality comes from a spiritual foundation, such as a sincere application of Christianity, or based on a true belief that we want a good place to live and how we treat others is the key, either way without that at the base, this whole juggling show falls apart. Which is what we see now.
I look forward to your next posts on this.

March 27, 2018 10:38 am

If people have no common moral values and beliefs, with everyone deciding for himself what is right and wrong, how are they to govern themselves in anything resembling a coherent manner?

March 28, 2018 12:47 pm

“When emotion rules the day, a deranged criminal can slaughter someone’s child and immediately “something must be done.” “Something” usually involves curtailing the liberties of all those who had absolutely nothing to do with the crime or the criminal.” Come on X. This is bullshit, and you know it. Damn right something needs to be done. Rick Scott is setting himself on a path where he could end up being strongly considered for for president in 2024. We all agree lack of fear of the gun grabbers and putting them in there place is important. I got news for you, the gun nuts are no better. Standing up for the rights of mentally ill people to have firearms is every bit cat lady in its own way. It’s total denial of what real men do. They protect what’s precious to them. So find your inner man and realize that taking guns away from psychopaths has nothing to do with your rights. Anybody standing up for the gun rights of psychopaths is completely controlled by their own fear. Fear that it leads to something else. That’s not necessarily true. It’s just an irrational fear. Man up. Psychos don’t need guns. And we can take their guns away for the protection of society, without infringing upon law-abiding citizens right to bear arms. Think about it.

March 28, 2018 12:57 pm

Shouldn’t you be touting Tesla as a screaming buy as they head towards bankruptcy? Only down another 8% today.

March 28, 2018 2:49 pm

Who upvoted that? No. I’m as firmly behind the Second Amendment as anybody here. And I probably have owned more guns than most people on this blog. But the idea that we can’t identify a problem and take care of it is ludacris. And I find it funny that a guy claiming he does not want the situation to be dictated by emotions is wallowing in his own fear instead of looking at everything with clear eyes. Last I checked fear is an emotion. We had a similar situations down here with the pill mills. There were more pill mills on the road I take on my way to work then there were fast foods or convenience stores. The Sun Sentinel was wailing because Rick Scott would not appropriate money for a database to track pills, or more treatment centers, and a bunch of other nonsense. While this insane debate was taking place, Rick Scott just sent guys with guns into the pill mills and shut them all down. Game over. Problem solved. In the Sun Sentinel still kept crying about how hard it would be now for legitimate pain sufferers to get their medication, etc. Total ACLU bullshit. Men solve problems. And the direct route is usually the best way

March 28, 2018 4:46 pm

X, those are great questions. And I don’t have good answers. But I’m sure there are answers. One of the guys that works for me is quite liberal. We laugh at a lot of things at lunch everyday because if you gave us any subject, in 10 minutes we would find a workable answer. Though ideologically we are quite far apart, we’re both just very pragmatic when it comes to solving problems and not wasting much time doing it. All slippery slopes are fear-based. And you can always find reasons that interfere with clear thinking and getting something done. We don’t live in a perfect world. There’s always going to be abuses, of everything. Ideally, you want to keep that to a minimum. Our side (in congress) never fights for anything. They surrender at the blink of an eye. And it would go too far. Fast. That problem need solving too. Florida and Rick Scott are going to be great lab rats in this case. They have passed the law, we’ll see how it plays out. Keep up the good work

March 28, 2018 7:43 pm


March 27, 2018 12:56 pm

Random thoughts….
Diversity of political thought must be offset with authoritarianism, increased diversity = increased authoritarianism.
Christianity can only get you part way there, after all, Christ died for your sins and misbehaviors, before you were even born. At some level, this great sacrifice precludes the need for responsibility, as long as you believe he did so.
Our replacement for church, government, growing in power as it subsumes whatever responsibility Christ absolved you of, has proven to be more detrimental to responsible self governance. Obviously, as it is anathema to the concept.
The one unified message all of the :
“Muddle-headed children, raging feminist termagants, weeping soy boys, mentally ill sexual deviants, drug-addled welfare recipients, ululating mohammedans, emotionally stunted cat ladies, perpetually aggrieved minorities, and every other manner of screeching, bawling, snarling, entitlement seeking freak, wierdo, and gun-grabbing goofballs” (very nicely done)
have in common is thus:
just take a cursory look at the 20th century to see how we can expect that to play out.

March 27, 2018 1:35 pm

Exactly what I would have said, had I 10times more cognitive ability. Thanks, Xrugger

March 27, 2018 2:50 pm

Most excellent.
What we are witnessing is “Democracy” more honestly described as rule by Mob Hysteria.
We were founded as a Republic to avoid this kind of mob rule and without changing, adding or repealing a single Constitutional Amendment we have been transformed into a DEMOCKERACY.


March 27, 2018 3:05 pm

“The Federal Government is treating the ‘long train of abuses’ enumerated in our Declaration of Independence like a shopping list, and is treating George Orwell’s 1984 like an operations manual.”

Stewart Rhodes

March 27, 2018 4:41 pm

Admin has magic powers. Presto, it is back at the top.

March 28, 2018 10:16 am

FWIW, I was initially drawn to this site by a piece MUCH further in the dustbin than page 2 and have been here trying to take it all in (long time lurker :)) ever since.

Never doubt the capacity for a well written piece (such as this) to have a tremendous impact on readers regardless of which page it falls or how much time has passed since posted.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 27, 2018 4:51 pm

Sometimes if you walk them through it like the children they are (without letting them in on it) you can get somewhere.

I was having a conversation with a younger person about gun control and I asked, “What’s the part about guns that really bothers you? Is it the gun itself or the fact that they can kill people?”

He of course answered “the killing part.” I asked him if he had any problem with the military or the police keeping theirs and he of course said “No.” I asked him if he was aware that governments have killed tens of millions of people in the last century, almost exclusively unarmed ones. He didn’t really know about that. I also mentioned that having glasses like the ones he was wearing would have gotten him killed by a government not that long ago (Khmer Rouge) because they believed that people with glasses were smarter and thus more dangerous than those who didn’t wear glasses and that they carried out mass executions of those kinds of people.

Then we talked about firewood.

I don’t know if he winds up changing his mind, but I could see the glasses part of the conversation really triggered something.

  hardscrabble farmer
March 27, 2018 6:08 pm

I’m surprised that firewood talk didn’t lead to a discussion of axes and axe murderers.

Those things are dangerous ya’ know, and no one needs them anymore with the advent of chain saws.

Of course, there’s always that Texas chainsaw thing to consider ……..

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  hardscrabble farmer
March 27, 2018 8:04 pm

This is what I am saying. You have to find the one person who will listen to you and then you can change their mind. Once you have done that, you can move on to the next. It is not possible for you to take over the media or the internet. It can only be one person at a time. But it is up to you to do it.

I personally think that BPS has hit it right on the head. But he doesn’t offer up his idea as to how to remove the Anarcho/Tyranny State apparatus. HSF has just demonstrated one way to bring it about.

March 27, 2018 4:57 pm

Really enjoyed that, Xrugger. Thanks.

March 27, 2018 5:34 pm

WHEW – word-smithing for effect par excellence!

March 27, 2018 5:45 pm

When the [very special/unique] “Ones” – not “zeros”, manifested in to this world in the Lord’s image – learn to “operate” 121 – One-to-One DIRECT[ly] by honorable transaction with righteous intent – withOUT third-party gov-agent interference/fee-permitting, “we all be good”! And realizing said is EXACTLY what scares the HELLo out of the parasitic CRIMINAL State.

March 27, 2018 9:48 pm

“Is your gun worth more than my life?”

Fuck Yes.

March 27, 2018 10:13 pm

Kudos for possibly lighting one candle in that young man.
Suppose that’s how it needs to be done; one enlightenment at a time.

Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
March 27, 2018 11:16 pm

“good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws”
― Plato

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 27, 2018 11:56 pm

Great article. I’m passing it along to others.

March 28, 2018 1:27 pm

“Perhaps I should have channeled my grief into a life-long dedication to lobbying for the banning of two-lane country roads or maybe even putting limitations on the duration of nighttime. ”

This reminds me of a recent proposal by the mayor of the city in which I work. One of the busiest streets in this city of ~65,ooo runs on level ground in the downtown. It is one of the main arteries feeding our principal bridge. After crossing a one-way main street (standard 90 degree intersection with traffic lights) it takes a fairly sharp left turn, and then proceeds perpendicular to the river and feeds onto a bridge on-ramp. The speed limit is 50kmh (30 mph).

Last year a drunk driver not wearing a seat belt failed to negotiate the turn and ended up in the river, and an occupant of the vehicle died. This was second time that had happened, the first being seven years ago. Aside from those two incidents I have never heard of any other serious accidents. The turn is well signed, appropriately banked and has no visibility issues. Despite this, our retard mayor came out and publicly suggested that something should be done to improve the safety of this turn. Like what pray tell? A 20 km/h speed limit? Foam barriers? The inescapable conclusion was that this fucknut felt that all intersections had to be not only reasonably safe, but safe for drunk drivers not wearing seatbelts. Anyone with an ounce of sense would conclude that he is a latent totalitarian, but not many people have an ounce of sense.

March 28, 2018 2:53 pm

So now installing a simple guard rail is totalitarianism?

March 28, 2018 1:39 pm

Modern ‘schooling’ of young people leads to increasing cognitive dissonance. David Hogg’s response to clear backpacks as an infringement on students’ constitutional rights….you couldn’t make it up!

PS excellent writing. I’m looking forward to parts 2 – 4

March 28, 2018 2:05 pm

Hey Rugger

I am at work or I’d write moar. Just gotta say well done bud. That’s a good piece of writing. !I might have to write something myself. You have inspired me to think a bit while I am plugging away at desk..

[imgcomment image[/img]

What I am doing right now is even moar mindless than it looks…

Lots to think about. I promise to give attribution seeing as we were both bloodied in the same foxhole by our good buddy Justin O the other day…

Geeze now I got to step up my game

Thanks you fucker!


March 28, 2018 8:53 pm

The March in Washington was over a road as tired and trod upon as the snatch on Stormy Daniels.