One is Truth, the Other Fiction

Palestinian medic, 21, is killed by Israeli sniper as she tends wounded in Gaza



Today’s news from Gaza was especially disturbing. Israeli snipers shot 40 protesters and killed one of them: Razan al-Najjar, a 21-year-old volunteer medic. She was wearing a white coat when she was shot, news accounts say, and one report says she was attempting to tend a wounded protester.

Update: Her funeral was Saturday June 2, and thousands attended.

Funeral of Razan al-Najjar, June 2, 2018.

The Guardian:

According to health ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qudra, Najjar was a volunteer with the ministry, wearing the white uniform of a medic when she was shot in the chest.

CNN has the story. Iyad Abuheweila of the New York Times reported the killing by twitter:

Razan Al Najjar 21, a volunteer paramedic, was shot dead by IDF in eastern Khan Younis in southern Gaza Strip according to Gaza Health Ministry spokesman.

Middle East Eye reports: al-Najjar “has been photographed on numerous occasions helping Palestinians injured by Israeli fire during protests.”

Palestine Live has tweeted this photo of al Najjar that it says was taken shortly before she was killed:

Razan Al-Najjar treating an injured youth shortly before she was killed at the Gaza fence. Photo from Palestine Live. June 1, 2018.

Asaf Ronel of Haaretz:

A paramedic who was with Razan al-Najjar told journalists in  that the 21-year-old nurse tried to reach a protester wounded near the . “I told her it is dangerous but she said she’s not afraid to die & wants to help the wounded”

Ronel says al-Najjar was not likely targeted when she was killed:

It’s unlikely that a sniper deliberately killed Razan al-Najjar. Her death is an expected result of repeated use of live fire by Israeli soldiers to prevent medical care in  (in addition to illegal & immoral use of snipers against unarmed protesters)

The New York Times has published a superb video interview of al-Najjar from a month ago, highlighting her strength and commitment. She works not for money but for God, she says. The piece is by Yousur Al-Hlou, Iyad Abuheweila and Neil Collier. The Times also published this article on the killing.

(James North had challenged the New York Times: “An  reporter is in , and and he tweeted out that ‘s snipers murdered a 21-year-old nurse, . Will his bosses in New York publish this in their newspaper? (If a rocket from Gaza killed an  nurse, we would read all about it.)”)

B’Tselem yesterday issued a report on the open-fire policy at the Gaza fence that describes the risks that medical personnel experience, even though they are clearly marked. From researcher Khaled al-Azayzeh, on a May 2 incident:

I advanced toward the spot with the first-aid team. The soldiers fired live rounds near us to warn us not to approach. One of the women on the emergency team put up her hands to set the soldiers minds at ease and let them know we were a medical crew, and we kept advancing, but the shooting continued near us and over our heads. The soldiers also fired teargas canisters behind us. Despite this, we managed to get to the two guys. I found that the guy who was injured is a relative of mine, Muhammad Musbah. He had been hit by a live bullet in the right leg and was lying on his back. His leg was completely torn up below the knee and he was bleeding badly. I bandaged the wound with medical gauze and Wasim Musbah, who was with us, brought the stick the Palestinian flag had been tied to, broke it in two and tied it to the injured leg as a splint for support. The entire time we were caring for him, the soldiers kept firing above us. A few young guys moved forward till they reached us, and together we lifted Muhammad and got him away from the barbed wire fence and on to a tuk-tuk, because there was no ambulance there.

Razan al-Najjar treating an injured man, undated photo from Palestine Live on twitter.

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti of the Palestinian Medical Relief Society issued a statement calling for an international investigation of Najjar’s killing and the shooting of three other medics yesterday.

We demand an immediate international response to Israeli humanitarian law violations in Gaza. We call on our international friends and partners to publicly condemn Razan’s killing and to demand that Israel be held accountable for its crimes under international law.

We grieve with her family and our colleagues in Gaza during this tragic time. We ask our partners who are in the country to please join us tomorrow at 12pm at the Manara circle in Ramallah to honor Razan’s memory and demand an end to the bloody oppression of Gaza.


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June 2, 2018 2:19 pm

If I had 1 wish, I would wish to know the truth of all things. The problem is, after I knew all things I’d probably just want to kill myself.

All these years spent reading, and for what? I’m no closer to the truth than when I was a little baby.


Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
June 2, 2018 9:22 pm

Truth exists.. caution: it’s not a religious truth.

Eppur si muove.

Truth lies in the observable and the reproducible.

Do living beings enter into conflict amongst each other in order to obtain energy and resources in order to propagate their kind? Why, indeed they do. Do stronger beings marginalize weaker ones? Indeed they do.

The idea of “supremacy” is a fleeting one, because beings who are invested in more elaborate organizational structures with higher costs are always going to be ripe for take-down by simpler organisms operating on a different level, especially in times of per-capita energy decline (as we are currently experiencing, with no end in sight).

Your peonies (say) will be taken out by your Japanese knotweed, unless you invest a lot of energy against that happening. You may not have that energy to expend.

The problem lies rooting for the peony vs. the knotweed. Better not to have a dog in this fight if you don’t want to be disappointed.

Let’s think fractally. Nations, towns, regions, families… are like cells. Break down the cell wall, and the cell no longer functions as a living entity, performing the energy breakdowns and throughputs necessary to stay alive.

The US puts a lot of energy into maintaining Israel’s cell walls. It puts a lot of energy into the Korean DMZ, and into a lot of extraneous outposts world wide (something like 110 bases in Italy alone.. go figure how those bases have “protected” that country from an invasion of millions over just a few years, but I digress).

The US apparently does not put nearly as much, per mile or per capita, into maintaining its own cell walls, so it will eventually fail as an organism. (The degree to which Israel can maintain its boundaries after the fall of the US is extremely questionable.)

Europe as a political entity cannot maintain its boundaries —does not even pretend to intend to, **which is novel to say the least**—and so it will fail as an organism. Japan and China, for example, maintain their boundaries which would indicate their future existence as political organisms beyond the life-span of the USA and the Euro zone, barring enormous geological calamities.

The truth lies in thermodynamics: who will exploit the energy better, to better their lot (in the short term)? Of course, bettering one’s lot in the short term means stealing from the long term, and our human overshoot will leave a wrecked and largely sterile planet for our offspring. The fruit of success is -of necessity- collapse.

Life’s evolutionary “experiments” are strictly “Run-To-Failure”.

That is a truth you can bank on.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
June 2, 2018 3:00 pm

Their is a site that I had posted to a few times called “now the end begins” I posted the truth, Israel is not the Israel of the bible.
That country was created in 1948 by the Kasarian zionist rottinchild. The clown that runs the site, Jeffery Grider has his followers duped. Soon he will probably serve up the Jim Jones koolaid. I have been baned from posting. Satanyahoo is a murdering butcher and a good friend of the trumpster.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
June 2, 2018 3:05 pm

If you told the Truth, you would be like Cassandra: no one would believe anything you said.

June 2, 2018 3:22 pm

Why were there wounded in Gaza again? Shouldn’t they be at work or something? Or has the Palestinian Authority infused the blind hatred of jihadism in the rioters from the time they were young? If the sandniggers had any sense at all they would go about their lives and leave Israel the fuck alone. But no, not until every kike drowns in the sea. What a crock of shit. Fuck em.

June 2, 2018 4:36 pm

How would they go about their lives with Israel constantly stealing their land and destroying their infrastructure? Israel is a criminal State, which abides by no treaties and kills whomever it wishes.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
June 2, 2018 9:25 pm

“abides by no treaties and kills whomever it wishes.”

Much like the US and most countries. (Not an Israel fan, just a realist.)

June 2, 2018 6:14 pm

Pallywood…… wonder how many of the same defenders of the Pallys ( who make up 80% of the population of Jordan- their native land) would defend a Mexican or native population of the southwest attacking the border and laying claim to California, Arizona and N Mexico????????

Like American blacks–they are given autonomy, conceded their own government and individual self determination, given hundreds of billions over the decades from Israel, the US, the EU etc…and yet continue to choose violence and sloth.

Like the ghetto blacks of the USA, their failure to thrive in a modern world is always “whitey’s fault” ( in the ME it’s “the jooooos”

I’ll join you all day in bashing on the hook-nosed American, “bagel and lox” jews who utilize every media, banking and business loophole to exert disproportionate influence on our country. From fractional reserve currency to the Fed banking cartels– they are as evil and vile as they come. These usurers are only Jewish in name for the most part as they hold no faith, fear in the Almighty and only vaguely hold onto some minor traditions of their tribe like kosher foods on occasion and their own holidays–otherwise, these American monsters appear to only use their Jewishness as a form of nepotism.

June 2, 2018 6:35 pm

There has been nothing but lies coming out of Palestine since the time of Arafat. He had his chance and fucked it up. I am not a big supporter of Israel but enough is enough. Fuck Palestine, all they want is bloodshed and an end to Israel.

Kelly the Deplorable
Kelly the Deplorable
June 2, 2018 7:15 pm

Maybe if Israel would stop their policy of slow genocide via land and resource confiscation, the Palestinians wouldn’t hate Israel so much…

Israel is one of the most hypocritical, immoral regimes on earth.

“You can know who rules over you by finding out who you are NOT allowed to criticize.”

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
June 2, 2018 7:24 pm

The Palestinians are low IQ jihadists and Israel should just finish the job, give them 12 hours to leave Gaza and kill anybody left with Thermobaric bombs. Israel gave Gaza back to the savages and for that, they get rocket attacks and riots and terror attacks. I could give a shit, kill them all. Israel’s mistake is mercy.

The rest of the Arab world won’t take the Palestinians because they are savages and worth more to the broader jihadist cause being “victims”….well make them victims no more, slaughter them all, heads on pikes, babies on spits and women raped and killed……that’s what the Palestinians would do (and have done) to the Israeli’s……Grabbing popcorn hoping for a good show.

You pathetic anti-semites have no idea of the level of savagery that will eventually be unleashed upon you. Be careful what you wish for.

June 2, 2018 7:24 pm

Frankly,the mid east has been a rat fuck for a long time.It did not help that fake nations were created with borders that bore no relationship to history/tribes and cultures that existed for centuries.I say fuck the mid east,and get the US out completely.You feel strong about say Israel,fine,the idf hiring.Feel strong about the Palestinians,fine,hamas hiring,just keep the US the fuck out of it all!

June 2, 2018 7:47 pm

It is eminently obvious that most of you do not know your history, especially that of Israel. The land that was designated for Israel in 1948 (UN Resolution in 1947) was not taken but the majority was purchased from Arabs (beginning in 1840 originally)
The current state of Israel is much larger as the result of the various wars with the sand niggers around them and are spoils of war.

They have turned barren desert waste land into incredibly productive real estate, something the previous owners were unable or unwilling to do.

While not a huge fan of the Zionist, they are a lot better than the alternative sand niggers.

So if you are one of those guilty of talking out your ass – stop.

June 2, 2018 11:33 pm

Wolverine,am talking about ALL the euro and other outside influences in 20 th century,not just Israel,a lot of border fiddling/nation creation ect. went on,and again,the mideast still a rat fuck and want US out,you care,go join a country over there but do not drag the US into it,seriously,they keep the shit storm(aqll involved) up hope the place gets glassed,perhaps the rest of world will step back and learn,and perhaps glass the un at that point.

Jarhead John
Jarhead John
June 2, 2018 9:56 pm

A man or woman can show no greater love, than to lay down their life for a friend….

June 2, 2018 10:15 pm

Riddle me this: why have the Palestinians never put forward a proposal on how to divide the land so as to get autonomy for themselves?

Because they want it all, and they want Israel destroyed. They have never put forward a proposal, and never will. Hezbollah is behind the current killings, not Israel. Quit attacking the fence and border, and the killings will stop.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
June 2, 2018 10:27 pm

“Quit attacking the fence and border, and the killings will stop.”

What border? Seeing as it keeps expanding.
[imgcomment image[/img]

Both sides want it all. Result: killings.
Deal with it.

This is kinda cool:

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 2, 2018 11:38 pm

I suggest you become familiar with Palestinian Christan’s who were also displaced by Isralies ! One more point to ponder even professional soldiers in the German Wehrmacht (NAZI’s) would not intentionally target medical personal in the field . No they were not choir boys however many had some honor as did their professional commanders .

Mr. Frosty
Mr. Frosty
June 2, 2018 10:39 pm

Occasionally, I’ll mildly suggest to my conservative friends that maybe Jews and Israel should somewhat be held responsible for their actions. The response is always the same;


It’s kinda disturbing to see otherwise smart people shut down most of their higher brain functions whenever (((they))) are mentioned. Truly, the Synagogue of Satan in the flesh.

(((They))) turned the Russian people into Palestinians for most of a century and now they are doing the same in every Western nation. We’re all Palestinians now.

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a (((boot))) stamping on a human face – forever.”

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
June 3, 2018 1:01 am

Hey go fight with Hamas fanatics if you want, I would have more respect for you if you did. Being a keyboard warrior bitching about your ZOG overlords is just abject cowardice. The Jews had the Irgun and were quite successful in securing the initial mandate and as they have been attacked have been expanding successfully ever since. I have been there 4 times and the country even today is so small that defense is somewhat laughable. The Gazan savages fired rockets into Israel today in futile retaliation for the murder of their medical whore.

Think about, you don’t even have the conviction of your own beliefs, if the Zionists were truly as bad as you say, why aren’t you over there planting IED’s, sniping, building rockets, hacking the Israeli powergrid, mining the harbors in Tel Avis and Haifa? I will tell you why because you are cuck fucking cowards, craven souless Renfields carping away on the web hoping somebody else will do something.

Many Americans went to fight with the Kurds (commie fucks that they are), because the job with ISIS was not finished. Many Americans have gone to countless battlefields in support of movements and ideologies they find attractive. E,g Spanish Civil War which was not a party for the American sympathetic to the commie side.

So if you want to be taken seriously in your ZOG/Jew/Zionist hatred, get off the couch and get on a plane and I am sure Hamas will find something useful for you to do. But we know better don’t we….your minuscule testicles are shriveling further at the thought. Cucks.

  Martel's Hammer
June 3, 2018 1:41 pm

I’m waiting for 5+ million jews to get on a train so that they can truthfully talk about the six million.

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
June 3, 2018 6:43 am

Why the sky-high scope mount?

It’s nice to rest your cheek on the stock when shooting.

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
June 3, 2018 12:05 pm

I found this article to be well reasoned, well researched and well documented. It explains a hell of a lot about what’s going on in the world. A must read.