The Financial Jigsaw – Issue No.3

My unpublished (100,000 word) book “The Financial Jigsaw”, is being serialised here weekly in 100 issues by Peter J Underwood, author

We discussed the Cyprus event last week: see here issue-no-2 so now we should think about the general condition of our economic world which so energised the banksters to commit acts of blatant robbery that, had it been individuals that perpetrated them, they would have been locked up for a very long time.

The Cyprus event finally shattered my naturally optimistic outlook and became the driving force for my book.

Insidiously, the consensus about how the world operates is based on things that constitute unreal cultural constructs, especially TV, where younger people are held hostage to a cognitive field of rapidly degenerating, show-biz artefacts which become ever more ridiculous until daily life seems little more than a continuous circus of implausible, made-up spectacle that disguises the covert raids on our wealth.

This is a time in history when it’s hard to take anything seriously, including our fate. There remains, however, an age-old relationship between reality and truth, and societies that allow them to become divorced run a risk of collapse. In my view this is exactly the predicament of the Western world in general and America in particular.

What is especially remarkable is that a nation like the USA, with fairly deep traditions of free thought and speech, with durable institutions for exercising them and a supposedly free press, should sleepwalk into a captivity of pervasive, systematic, institutionalized lying and fraud otherwise known as advertising, marketing, corporate propaganda or any other euphemism you care to choose.

The people of Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia suffered under such regimes at gunpoint but in the USA of Bush and Obama and now Trump, the people have committed themselves to very similar circumstances, willingly, with gleeful disregard for the consequences, happy in their unknowing ignorance.

I suppose people need to know where all this is going, where it will end and what will happen. My book is not a prophecy, but I hope it will illuminate some dark patches nestled in the unseen corners of the financial universe and provide hope for the future as well as clues as to how we might manage in a world very different from that of my generation.

The word ‘recovery’ has been invoked by people managing the financial world following the crisis of 2008. Unfortunately, no such recovery is under way. It is an illusion perpetuated by the twin Federal Reserve policies of ‘quantitative easing’ (QE or printing money) and ‘financial repression’ (artificially low interest rates).

It is a combination of the central banks of the United States, ECB and many other countries issuing vast amounts of newly printed money at ultra-low interest rates (hardly any interest to pay on inter-bank loans) and creating excessive monetary inflation to reduce the burden of existing debt by shrinking the ‘dollar-value’ of the national debt.

The programme is a racket, a Ponzi scheme, and is a fundamentally dishonest policy in which are enlisted the ‘Too-Big-To-Fail’ (TBTF) global mega-banks. They play casino games as middlemen, purveying US Treasury bonds to the Fed for mammoth commissions and fees. They are also recipients of a bottomless cascade of near-zero interest loans that can be rolled into securities paying a bit more interest and therefore providing a steady stream of zero risk profit in what is known as the ‘carry trade’ and Re-purchase agreements (RePos).

Meanwhile, other kinds of games are being played by governments in general, from the simple misreporting of basic economic statistics to the misrepresentation of revenues and expenditures, and ‘known-to-be-false’ projections of future indexes – for example, inflation and unemployment.

The political and financial system in Western Europe and the America has degenerated from a solid rule of law to pervasive accounting fraud. The US Congress is not only deadlocked between two extreme positions but both major parties are wholly bought off by their sponsor-contributors, including the shadow army of lobbyists with no political stance other than ‘service-for-pay’ from the office-holders to whom they shovel endless money.

Business also joins in the game to stoke the recovery myth, like the ‘channel stuffing’ rampant in the car industry, in which new cars are jammed into the dealer lots (delivered on credit) beyond any reasonable expectation of actual sales, but are recorded as sales nonetheless; magic: car sales are up again this month! In 2011–12 another campaign was created to provide ‘sub-prime auto loans’ and ‘student loans’ on the same lines as dodgy mortgages, which had the banks in so much trouble a few years earlier, where massive student loans have come to eclipse even credit-card debt.

The presumed purpose of this obfuscation from the point of view of the Federal Reserve and the White House is to keep the financial system stable and afloat, and therefore to keep daily life ‘normal’. Unfortunately, it’s based on the unreal assumption that the financial norms of pre-2007/8 could be regained and be consistent with the reality of a post-crisis world.

Regrettably there is no consensus or counter-view to this wishful thinking anywhere within the boundaries of the political establishment. Nobody in power or in charge of anything can offer a vision of where our societies go from here, not even the feeble guidance from mainstream opinion-makers and political leaders that nothing else really matters so long as the stock markets keep going up.

I assume that any sane person reading this series is asking: how do we get out of this mess?

What I present here is to help the reader understand the defining trends; determine for yourself where to best position yourself financially to take advantage of these trends and start taking steps to do so now. Of all your current assets, none is more valuable than time. Don’t waste it waiting for direction from above. If that ever does arrive, it will be much too late to be of any use.

The story can be both tedious and complex because most people have little interest in how the global financial system works. As long as people have access to their normal day-to-day needs we generally have no desire to think about what is happening to the global financial system.

The Cyprus event is a wake-up-call to each and every one of us. It will affect you in unpredictable ways in the coming months and years, so now is the time to understand what is happening and what you can do now to protect yourself and your family.

I hope to make this series interesting as well as informative about how this crazy system of ours works, how it affects each one of us and what we can do in the near future to protect the wealth that we and our families have so carefully nurtured over our working lives.

To be continued next Saturday

Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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June 2, 2018 7:40 am

Am reading parts 1 and 2. I’d been on sporadically, Peter, and missed these. So, I’ll be back.

  Austrian Peter
June 2, 2018 4:54 pm

I saw a link posted a couple years ago, (perhaps on TPB?) that when one deposits money in a bank it is legally no longer the depositor’s money. The bank just has to promise to pay you it back, and you would be listed as an unsecured creditor. (FDIC bein underfunded and all)

  Austrian Peter
June 2, 2018 6:57 pm

Am up to this issue. good stuff. I paid attention to Cyprus too. We “moved” here to the hills of Missouri in 2014, with me preceding my husband and son to build our log home here while they sold the house in the city and we all packed up and moved into the boonies.

We ended up with a significant wad of cash and I didn’t like it in the banks. So… we purchased items we needed and the guns, ammo and silver all sank in the pond.

Thanks… will look forward to #4.

June 2, 2018 10:17 pm

Maggie – I haven’t told you but, I think you’re pretty awesome. I know that’s not a very TBPish thing to say but, I just had to.


  Austrian Peter
June 3, 2018 8:37 am

Now that Nick and I have the log home finished, the barn set up and the animals pretty much settled into permanent abodes (I really did have four chickens living in a UHaul cardboard box in the back yard for a couple of months), we talk about traveling a bit but I am not sure I want to go to Europe again.

I think a nice trip on a boat sounds lovely. Ten years is a bit long.

Bob P
Bob P
June 2, 2018 8:19 am

Great overview of the mess we face. I look forward to future installments.

June 2, 2018 9:04 am

Rare, nostalgic footage of either Alan Greenspan or Ben Bernanke as a very young child?

Just an uneducated guess on my part.

Actually Spanky, during the era of Stymie (predecessor to Buckwheat), and the fat one, Chubby.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 2, 2018 9:11 am

Mr Underwood explains how Joe Sixpack is being economically skinned by “the Suits” while he sits on his butt watching the NFL, etc. TPTB are painting a pretty economic picture using “Fake” BLS Stats while his whole town, state and nation are being turned into a Potemkin Village. I believe when TSHTF, they plan to create Chaos and then have UN Troops force Martial Law while they impose e-money and The Mark of the Beast.

June 2, 2018 1:28 pm

This is a comment by Logan Mohtashami (His bio is below the comment) concerning this article. I thought it was interesting.

“Anti Central bank people are not economist or data people and this is why they have failed not only in this cycle but have failed since 1913.

The only explanation I can give is that these people hate being alive, they regret ever being born and their sister soldiers the MMT people are almost just as bad.

We have over 155,000,000 people working

We have the Longest Job expansion ever

We have the largest job openings in the history of the world

Real wages are at all time highs

Retail sales are at all time highs

U.S. is about to have the longest economic expansion ever

Unemployment Claims to civilian labor force is at all time lows .. remember how the crash of America was supposed to start in October of 2014…. when QE ended

We will never seen in our life time a more incoherent group of people than the Anti Central Bank People.”

Logan Mohtashami is a financial writer and blogger covering the U.S. economy with a specialization in the housing market. His work has been published by, Business Insider, and in his own highly respected blog, LoganMohtashami- Financial Truth. His blog articles are frequently reposted by economic insiders sites such as David Stockman’s Contra Corner, The Wall Street Examiner,, Advisor Perspectives and quoted by HousingWire,, AmericanBanker, Danielle DiMartino Booth and many others. Housing experts such as Professor Amir Sufi, (Booth School of Business), Professor Anthony Sanders (George Mason University) and reporters from CNBC and the Wall Street Journal have quoted Logan. Audio interviews with Logan have been featured on Jason Hartman’s Young Wealth Show, and he is a recurring guest on David Lykken’s Blog Talk Radio and Kathleen Hays Bloomberg Financial where he does the national housing market preview at the start of each year.

Called a social media star by National Mortgage News, and “the chart guy” and “housing guru” by nearly everyone else, Logan’s astute analysis of economic data and years of direct lending experience allow him to present a unique, informed and unbiased perspective on the financial markets. Logan is perhaps best known for his highly prescient yearly predictions articles, and his weekly predictions on the health of the housing market and mortgage rate trends on

Mad as Hell
Mad as Hell
June 2, 2018 2:09 pm

““Anti Central bank people are not economist or data people and this is why they have failed not only in this cycle but have failed since 1913.

The only explanation I can give is that these people hate being alive, they regret ever being born ”
And, the only explanation for the complete disregard for mathematics Logan Mohtashami displays is equally astonishing. Not only in the stats he quotes, but basic arithmetic. Since 1913, and the establishment of the income tax / federal reserve the laws of mathematics have had the illusion of being suspended simply because not one person in 1000 understand how inflation and exponential curves work. Each recession / depression was essentially a “break that refreshes” that allowed the math to stall a little longer. Due to productivity and technological advances, it has also been extended, however at some point the math becomes obvious, as it simply take a lot more “money” to get the same resulting “productivity” and perceived wealth. It gets to the point where the only beneficiaries in that type of circumstance, are the first to receive the new printed wealth, before the math asserts itself further down. Hence the current situation of wealth disparity. The haves and have not’s are directly correlated to their proximity to the money issuer, in this case, the Fed and Wall Street. Everyone else must either steal legally, illegally or play a negative sum game (due to taxes and interest) just to remain at the level they are presently at. This is the math, everything else is just a symptom of it. The ultimate result is chaos.

  Austrian Peter
June 2, 2018 2:52 pm

Austrian – thank you for defending your article. I’ll bet Logan didn’t call the housing bust. I asked Logan to prove it if he did. The problem for people like me is, I really have no idea what is true or not. When something will or will not happen. I am not trained and have limited skills to differentiate between who is right and who is not. All I ever see is either all-the-time pollyanna or all-the-time doom.

  Austrian Peter
June 3, 2018 8:28 am

Aw shucks! she said, blushing like a school girl, while dragging her toe in the dirt of her new herb garden made all by herself with a shovel, rake and trowel.

I am a fairly likeable person. Unless you have to live with me.

June 2, 2018 3:42 pm

Keep your articles coming.I enjoy having a leg up on the economic tribulations coming our way. I’m still not sure what to do except buy more preps .

  Austrian Peter
June 3, 2018 6:04 am

You have not been skinned yet by the TBP monkeys. That experience is not so much fun. In the end, it happens to everyone. Nice article. But at one a week, given there are 100k words, we are going to be at this a while. Any chance we can speed it up?

  Austrian Peter
June 3, 2018 8:14 am


Re hold your own – Damn monkeys like to attack en masse at times. Kind of like the line from Butch Cassidy – no rules in a knife fight! These days it is pretty calm, but scratch the surface and there are still remnants of the bloodbaths of yesteryear. Watch out for the Admin. He fights dirty.