It Is Terrible To Be A Liberal In 2018 – Which Is Awesome

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

It Is Terrible To Be A Liberal In 2018 – Which Is Awesome

What a letdown – you libs were totally promised that you and your elite cohort would rule forever, unchallenged, over the filthy hordes infesting America’s non-coastal regions, and then all of a sudden those nasty Normals got militant and elected Donald Trump. It’s not fair, damnit! And it just gets worse and worse as things in America, under Trump, get better and better.

This prosperity and this relative peace are the worst things ever. Well, for you liberals. But then that’s all that matters, according to liberals.

So, now you got Bill Maher pining for a recession, apparently so Trump will somehow get tossed out of office to make room for some liberal to come in and … do what Trump did and bring prosperity, but more wokely? Then there’s Nancy Pelosi, fresh from bathing in a tub of 100-dollar bills, complaining that more cash in your pocket is a bad thing because it means she can’t spend it the way she chooses – and she chooses to spend it on greedy foreigners, lay-about bums, and other Democrat constituencies.

Never have so many been so angry about so little bad news. With nothing real to complain about, they have to hype every silly little thing to the point where they are screeching “Nazi!” at you while you are trying to gnaw on a Quarter Pounder.

Their anger is a giveaway. In poker, it’s called a “tell.” A tell is a little thing a player does that gives away the hand he’s holding. Liberals’ tell is how they constantly bemoan success, and what their tell tells us is that they are eager to trade our prosperity for their power.

But what do they care about our prosperity anyway? They are actively against our prosperity! Proud, self-sufficient people don’t need or want them. The entire business model of the Democratic Party is to keep Democratic constituencies poor and then give them money looted from non-Democratic constituencies. If the Democratic constituencies stop needing handouts, uh oh. What would they need the Dems for anymore?

Better a recession with them in power than prosperity without them in power. Which kind of shows where “Normals’ Happiness” ranks on the Big List of Liberal Priorities – at the bottom, Priority # 2382, right there between “Vegan Pronoun Equity” and “Reforming the FBI.”

Speaking of the FBI – well, no one is speaking of the FBI. The leftist media saw to that with a coordinated response of utter outrage against the Trump administration for treating criminals like criminals. Phew, that was close – we almost had to spend a few days talking about how simultaneously corrupt and inept the Democrats infesting the FBI and the DOJ are.

Still, if you’re a liberal, you not only have to have the major sadz because that sad-faced hack Bobbie the Beagle Mueller and his band of Democrat donors have found zero evidence of collusion. You have to be bummed that neither they nor all the lying sacks of Schiff in the deadwood fed bureaucracy can even manage to frame the president.

The libs bet the House on a bunch of government nimrods who are, unfortunately for #TheResistance, more incompetent than corrupt, which is saying something. Mueller’s got nothing, and he’s not going to get anything. He had Paul Manafort’s bail revoked, but is Manafort going to roll – by which I mean give Mueller the perjured testimony feds are used to pressing out of their stoolies? No. Manfort knows Mueller’s got nothing, because there is nothing, and he also absolutely knows there’s no pardon waiting for him if he invents Russia stuff to please Torquemueller. And Trump is totally going to pardon him, and General Mike Flynn too if that gun-to-head plea isn’t withdrawn in light of all the lies we’ve seen from Integrity Boy Comey’s cohorts.

Good. Because this corrupt practice of strong-arming testimony that is almost certainly false, in whole or part, out of “witnesses” by threatening them and their families with eternity in the slam has got to stop. Pardons would send a message – no more of this garbage. And then these lazy prosecutors might have to start proving their cases with evidence instead of with witnesses who have to choose between lying and dying in jail.

Liberals are devastated that Russiagate is a dud, and more so because the collateral damage on liberal institutions brought on by their fake scandal is going to be awesome. As a liberal you can’t be looking forward to November, not with Maxine Waters’ stupiding it up all over cable. Every Normal in America sympathized with Sarah Sanders, and the vast majority vowed some ballot box payback. These idiots ought to report their social warfare jerkiness as in-kind campaign contributions to Trump’s mid-term victory campaign.

Oh, there’s plenty of big talk among Dems and their media Schumer-sniffers about the onrushing blue wave, but where is this wave? Where is it hiding? Where is there any indication that the people who elected Trump are going to say “Yeah, I like the tax cuts and the booming economy and beating ISIS and my kid not having to fight street-to-street in Seoul and the crackdown on illegals and the conservative judges and Trump generally not taking of guff from liberals and their media pets, but I’ve suddenly just realized that Trump can be mean sometimes so I’ll vote for Democrat guy who wants to help Pelosi take my guns, import MS-13 into my neighborhood, and then pester me at the Arby’s.”

Where is someone saying that? Where?

Just look how unhappy the libs are. It’s all outrage, all the time. You can’t be happy if you are constantly agitated. It’s unhealthy. It makes you look like a wacko. Yet they go nuts on social media, they go nuts at awards shows, and they go nuts when conservatives are trying to scarf down some tacos. If you are always going nuts, maybe that’s an indicator that you are nuts.

What a disappointment we are to our liberal elite betters. We’ve let them down terribly. Oh well. These are bad times to be a liberal because these are good times to be a Normal American.

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June 28, 2018 8:26 am

Kennedy’s retirement is going to kick the Leftists into a frenzied high gear, they’re only in the shock phase of it now and will soon start mounting an all out effort to fight against any new conservative presence in the near future as a replacement for his position is nominated.

Watch hysterical action on all levels of the Left over the next week as they try to find and focus on a single course of action they think will be effective. They will be chaotic for a while till they find something they think will work.


June 28, 2018 8:56 am

Anon. You are correct. They will spit and sputter,rage and threaten. But…..There is really nothing they can do to stop it. Not that it matters much at this point in the country,but the President should pick a constitution leaning judge. Put him up for a vote as soon as possible,and shove it right down the liberals throats. That is what they do to us every time,and would do now if it was them in power. We have waited a very long time to start getting wins. Screw Them!!!!!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 28, 2018 8:57 am

McConnell should be able to schedule a vote to confirm Trump’s Supreme Court nominee shortly before the election. Make Manchin, Bob Casey, Heidi Heitkamp and Jon Tester choose between confirming or kissing their reelection hopes goodbye. Now we just need that fucker McCain to hurry up and die.

June 28, 2018 10:08 am

Meanwhile, on the PC&D side:
“The tax cuts might cut my check and the economy isn’t regulated enough and ISIS doesn’t exist and my kid will never be in the military and illegals flip my burgers and judges are too mean and Trump is Hitler and hates liberals and media, but I’ve suddenly just realized that Trump can be mean as Hitler sometimes so I’ll vote for Democrat guy/gal/whatever who wants to help Pelosi take all the guns, import MS-13 into my neighborhood, and then give me free stuff at Arby’s”.

June 28, 2018 12:28 pm

I feel sorry for whomever Trump does nominate……you know they are going to be ‘proven’ to be right down there with Charlie Manson, Adolph and Scrooge.

Trapped in Portlandia
Trapped in Portlandia
June 28, 2018 12:59 pm

I was having dinner last night with some members of my deep-blue family and the Trump subject came up. They figured with a 3 to 1 advantage they were safe. But foolish people who are blind to reality are never safe.

The Libs have absolutely no conception of what people who supported Trump, or even those who didn’t vote for Trump, but also didn’t vote for the bitch (me), are thinking. Here are a few things that the Blues refuse to understand:

1) The majority of Americans do not think a massive influx of migrants is a good idea.
2) The majority of Americans want to be able to purchase a gun if they so desire.
3) The majority of Americans don’t care that the President is a bit rough around the edges. In fact, the majority thinks it is an advantage when negotiating with other leaders, e.g., Kim & Putin.
4) The majority of Americans do not believe that the solution to every problem is a new federal law.

I could go on and on, but I need to get ready for the onslaught of barbarians (Libs) in my family coming to visit over the 4th of July holiday. Fortunately, I will have support from my son, a very liberty-minded young man, and my Texas relatives. While we will be outnumbered 12:4 and nothing the good guys (us) can say will change any of the Blues’ minds, pissing them off for 5 days by throwing truth bombs at them will be a nice summer activity.

June 28, 2018 2:09 pm

Lay it on thick, Schlich.
I’d like to run printouts, and tack them up on public notice boards at all college campuses.
The screams of hate speech would be heard across the land, reaching up into the great white North (ok to still say that, RiNS and FM?).

They’d have a meltdown.
Veins bulging in the young skulls full of soy plaque and mush.
Eyes bugging out, and steam gushing from their ears.
Hands trembling trying to hold their cup of latte.

Pushback, against Resist, I say.

Let freedom ring, let the white dove sing. Let the whole world know that today is the day of reckoning.
-Martina McBride
Country beauty, with sexy blue peepers, representing the red.
Me likey.

Big Dick
Big Dick
June 28, 2018 7:07 pm

I am still waiting for someone to recognize the real meaning of DACA and the immigrant problem. Just like the days of LBJ when he said “lets give those negroes everything we can and they will vote for us forever.” The name of the game is the same. The Demoncrats are trying to infuse ILLEGALS AND MIGRANTS EVERYWHERE TO TIE THEM TO THE PARTY AS SLAVES To the party of liberal horseshit. If they can bring in enough slave voters to every city in the central states they can accomplish their dream of ultimate power. Old Bullshit tried to build a bigger base but failed and now we face a new crisis. Reunite every illegal with their children and send them back NOW!!!!

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
  Big Dick
June 28, 2018 9:37 pm

They do not even have to let them vote. All they have to do is pump an area full of illegals, attach an adjoining area heavy with demoncraps and voila, a new congressional district can be created with few legal voters and hardly any non Democrats. Theoretically we could have majority illegal alien congressional districts as the Constitution apportions seats by population as opposed to citizen population.

June 28, 2018 11:51 pm

If Obamacare had worked and people had saved money the Democrats would have something to point at.
I just don’t see anything positive Democrats can point to. what do they offer? I think about more illegal immigration and massive gun control as just a few things Democrats bring to the table. Civil war is in progress.