Who’s Afraid of the Trump/Putin Summit?

Guest Post by Ron Paul


President Trump’s National Security Advisor John Bolton was in Moscow last week organizing what promises to be an historic summit meeting between his boss and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Bolton, who has for years demanded that the US inflict “pain” on Russia and on Putin specifically, was tasked by Trump to change his tune. He was forced to shed some of his neoconservative skin and get involved in peacemaking. Trump surely deserves some credit for that!

As could be expected given the current political climate in the US, the neoconservatives have joined up with the anti-Trump forces on the Left — and US client states overseas — to vigorously oppose any movement toward peace with Russia. The mainstream media is, as also to be expected, amplifying every objection to any step away from a confrontation with Russia.

Bolton had hardly left Moscow when the media began its attacks. US allies are “nervous” over the planned summit, reported Reuters. They did not quote any US ally claiming to be nervous, but they did speculate that both the UK and Ukraine would not be happy were the US and Russia to improve relations. But why is that? The current Ukrainian government is only in power because the Obama Administration launched a coup against its democratically-elected president to put US puppets in charge. They’re right to be nervous. And the British government is also right to be worried. They swore that Russia was behind the “poisoning” of the Skripals without providing any evidence to back up their claims. Hundreds of Russian diplomats were expelled from Western countries on their word alone. And over the past couple of months, each of their claims has fallen short.

At the extreme of the reaction to Bolton’s Russia trip was the US-funded think tank, the Atlantic Council, which is stuck in a 1950s time warp. Its resident Russia “expert,” Anders Åslund, Tweeted that long-time Russia hawk Bolton had been “captured by the Kremlin” and must now be considered a Russian agent for having helped set up a meeting between Trump and Putin. Do they really prefer nuclear war?

The “experts” are usually wrong when it comes to peacemaking. They rely on having “official enemies” for their very livelihood. In 1985, national security “expert” Zbigniew Brzezinski attacked the idea of a summit between President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. It was “demeaning” and “tactically unwise,” he said as reported at the time by the Washington Times. Such a meeting would only “elevate” Gorbachev and make him “first among equals,” he said. Thankfully, Reagan did engage Gorbachev in several summits and the rest is history. Brzezinski was wrong and peacemakers were right.

President Trump should understand that any move toward better relations with Russia has been already pre-approved by the American people. His position on Russia was well known. He campaigned very clearly on the idea that the US should end the hostility toward Russia that characterized the Obama Administration and find a way to work together. Voters knew his position and they chose him over Hillary Clinton, who was also very clear on Russia: more confrontation and more aggression.

President Trump would be wise to ignore the neocon talking heads and think tank “experts” paid by defense contractors. He should ignore the “never Trumpers” who have yet to make a coherent policy argument opposing the president. The extent of their opposition to Trump seems to be “he’s mean and rude.” Let us hope that a Trump/Putin meeting begins a move toward real reconciliation and away from the threat of nuclear war.

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Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
July 2, 2018 1:58 pm

So, why did Putin not grab the warmonger bolton an throw him in the gulag? Where he belongs.

July 2, 2018 2:13 pm

When dealing with these people I have found the way to shut down their argument quickly is to simply ask. What is wrong with a world at peace? What is wrong with America First? What is wrong with Make America Great Again? Please explain…..The sound of crickets.

July 2, 2018 2:46 pm

“President Trump would be wise to ignore the neocon talking heads and think tank “experts” paid by defense contractors.” ——- article

Trump can ignore the neocons …… but, they will not ignore him.

Per my QOTD last week, I am clearly in favor of this meeting. But, the neocons, the MIC, and (((those people))) will do anything and everything in their power to sabotage a Trump-Putin olive branch from blossoming into a full grown tree.

July 3, 2018 12:46 am

((those people))

Hmm, I didn’t see a sarc tag, Stucky.

Hey Yo, did you “woke” Stucky?

July 2, 2018 2:48 pm

I said last year that Trump should have flown to Moscow, set up an easy up type canopy right on the tarmac, invite the media from every country on earth except the USA and hold a summit with Putin where every second is televised to work out a mutually beneficial foreign policy for both sides. FUCK the deep state assholes. They and their useful idiot lackeys are source of all ill will on this planet. The ONE thing they fear more than anything is an aware and awake population that is conscious of the fact that we don’t need them.

July 2, 2018 10:05 pm

I believe everyone will be pleasantly surprised at the results of this meeting. President Trump was a real pro with Kim Jung Un and showed us his sales abilities on the world stage. Quite impressive. And I think he and President Putin will develop a friendship beneficial to both countries and world peace.

July 3, 2018 7:34 am

So far, other than tweets, Trump has always done a good job of ignoring the advise of experts.

And lets face it, no matter what Trump does that is good or any good he achieves, the press, the experts, progressives, democrats, and Trump haters will disagree.
So much so it’s getting boring.

July 3, 2018 8:57 am

If Mr. Paul has it right, and I suspect he might be, about Bolton, that kind of torpedos all the negative expectation prophesies of all Crystal ball peering Nostradamus types who fear the worst about John, and the neocon Hawks he has associated with in the past, no?
Maybe this is one more upset of the status quo, and this leopards spots are changing.
-> Kind of why “let’s wait and see, how this plays out”, vs. “Oh, we’re screwed, and this is what’s gonna happen, based on the past.”
Winds of Change?