The Deep State Intends To Destroy Alex Jones—Don’t Let Them

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Fabricated, unwarranted lawsuits are being used in an effort to shut down Alex Jones who raises too many issues that those who rule us do not want raised. At times Alex can be over the top, but overall he has spread a lot of awareness of events that otherwise would have received no notice.

There is no doubt whatsoever of William Binney’s expertise and integrity. This hour long interview with him is posted on Info Wars, not on CNN, BBC, MSNBC, NPR, or Fox News. It is not printed in the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times or the Washington Post.

William Binney developed the NSA’s spy capability and left the agency over its misuse. In this interview— — you will learn many things, such as the reason that it is strictly impossible that Hillary’s emails were hacked by the Russians or anyone else; they were downloaded on a thumb drive. You will learn that it is common practice for the US Department of Justice (sic), the FBI, and the so called “security agencies” to frame totally innocent people. You will learn that the entire federal intelligence and legal apparatus is corrupt beyond belief and cannot in any way be trusted.

This is the kind of information that Alex Jones brings to us, and it is the reason the deep state is determined to destroy Alex Jones, just as it attempted to destroy William Binney and still hopes to destroy Snowden and Assange.

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Just thinking
Just thinking
August 5, 2018 9:14 am

Thank you, PCR.

I had never heard of Alex Jones until about 3 years ago when Max Keiser of RT (RUSSIA!!!) fame did a short “man on the street” interview with him. Yeah, he gets emotional and carried away but, his overall message has been eye opening. The reports he and his staff did during the election-both primary and general-helped shed a bright light on the dirty deeds of both parties and particularly H. Clinton’s health very real issues. Not to mention the “mob for hire” antics of the Soros funded organizations responsible for so much of the violent counter demonstrations against right leaning groups.

Fan or not, he is an important source of information for many of us.

August 5, 2018 9:32 am

“attorney Randall Wilhite told state District Judge Orlinda Naranjo that using his client Alex Jones’ on-air Infowars persona to evaluate Alex Jones as a father would be like judging Jack Nicholson in a custody dispute based on his performance as the Joker in Batman”

“He’s playing a character,” Wilhite said of Jones. “He is a performance artist.”–regional-govt–politics/travis-county-custody-case-jury-will-search-for-real-alex-jones/rnbWzMHnFCd5SOPgP3A34J/

August 5, 2018 10:28 pm

@ Marshrabbit et al,

Ever hear this one?

“One massive branch of the theory revolves around a man named Kevin Booth. Booth’s production company, Sacred Cow Productions, was behind comedy films for the likes of Hicks, Rogan, and Stanhope—and Booth also produced Hicks’ posthumous comedy records. It was co-founded by Hicks and Booth in the early 90s but, since the comedian’s death, it’s one shining star has been, you guessed it, Alex Fuckin’ Jones. So, long story short, many believe that Booth is actually the man with the plan who had Hicks switch up characters much like in pro wrestling.

Another widely held explanation by the theorists on why Hicks decided to play the character of Alex Jones full time is, well, they say Jones is a CIA disinfo agent put into the AM shock jock scene to discredit actual radio hosts. Here’s a portion of a popular blog post explaining it:

Evidence indicates that Bill Hicks transitioned himself into a new ‘right wing’ talk-radio conspiracy-minded shock jock just as some in government were raising the alarm about Timothy McVeigh ‘lone wolf’ type domestic terrorists being inspired by AM radio talk jocks. Also it was the advent of the brand-new internet-era and so the timing was perfect to insert a glib provoking-agent into the ‘alternative media’ scene— someone who could get out front and the lead patriotic Americans around in circles. And so Bill Hicks apparently went to work for the CIA— transforming himself into Alex Jones, the new ‘info-warrior’.

In order to become a new man, the theorists posit that he utilized “plastic surgery, testosterone, growth hormone, larynx surgery, and cosmetics.” However, the one thing that people freak out about is that Jones and Hicks seemingly have similar teeth (seriously, a lot of work has gone into proving they have the teeth thing,) they have also done vocal comparisons and believe Jones’ voice is the same as one Hicks used, at times, in his comedy.”

That character that Hicks came up with in his stand up eerily resembled Alex Jones….a bit of a trip.

Long time lurker
Long time lurker
August 6, 2018 12:51 pm

How does your belief mesh with this reality…

YouTube Bans Alex Jones After iTunes, Facebook Remove Content

And let me state that I don’t know what the actual “truth” is. Literally no fucking clue. The fact that i have no idea what actually is going on makes my stomach hurt.

August 5, 2018 9:35 am

If it weren’t for Alex Jones we wouldn’t even know that Sandy Hook was a hoax that didn’t happen and its victims were just crisis actors.

And now that those “crisis” actors are suing him for the harassment caused by his revelations he is jumping for joy since he now has the chance to present the truth in a court of law and make it officially public record.

Truth is an absolute defense, and Jones is going to prove it.

Now that he is making it a legally proven fact, maybe he will give it to Remington’s attorneys so they can get the suits against Remington over its ownership of Bushmaster that made the AR-15 allegedly used in this hoax dismissed as well.

August 5, 2018 9:46 am

Used to think he was a nut case. I still do but just because he is paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get him. Fake MSM News makes him look pretty rational.

August 5, 2018 9:50 am

Paul J Watson says in this discussion with Argon that Jones is making money off the lawsuits he keeps winning. He ought to know.
The truth is getting hammered on You Tube and similar sites-duh. The number of Sandy Hoax videos taken down is astonishing. I had a large play list and the best videos showing the absolute lunacy of the official narrative are gone.
I support Jones even though he is a bit of a blowhard.

August 5, 2018 10:07 am

It’s not just Alex Jones, the other one’s who blew the lid off of the Sandy Hook hoax has been purged from the internet. There is an excellent documentary called “We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook”. The makers of the film has had their site taken down. The last snapshot taken of it was on March 24th 2017 on the internet archive.
You can probably still find it on Youtube or a torrent site.

August 5, 2018 12:52 pm

Book taken off Amazon, “nobody died at Sandy hook” online search reveals author posted pdf.

August 5, 2018 10:10 am

Jones is similar to Trump – they are both loud and regularly offensive to many. Their willingness to stand up to the deep state makes both of them marked men.

I have learned almost as much from Alex Jones as I have from Jim Quinn, another speaker of the truth who is an irritant to TPTB. The preferred tactic to deal with truthies is to attack financially; thus Quinn is denied advertising revenue and Jones is being sued by multiple parties, often on ridiculous charges.

If Jones goes down, it will be a huge step in the silencing of conservative commentary in this country.

August 5, 2018 10:12 am

Anon above was me. Am having the same ID difficulties as others.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 5, 2018 12:16 pm

Installing shortwave SSB radio gear in the late 80’s early 90’s I stumbled onto Alex Jones broadcast being bounced from Texas thru a station in Tennessee . It was a good distance away which gave me the opportunity to check antenna operation .
IT became a fun thing to tune in occasionally over several years . The shock came when I realized much of the time this wild man was either dead on or damn close to what the Circle Jerk Of Wall Street to K-Street to Capitol Street where really up to coupled to the deep state federal reserve control . Our government and its bought and paid for minions especially the armed badge wearing breed do not give a fuck about you your family nothing ! As George Carlin said “ITS A BIG CLUB and you and me are not in it”
What ever happens always follow the money and who gains and who loses or dies !

August 5, 2018 1:51 pm

The Lasting Trauma of Alex Jones’s Lies

This week, The New York Times reported that Alex Jones, InfoWars founder and professional peddler of lies, is seeking more than $100,000 in court costs from the family of Noah Pozner, one of the 20 children who were murdered in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. Jones is seeking that amount to recover the court costs involved with his legal defense: Veronique De La Rosa and Leonard Pozner, Noah’s mother and father, sued Jones for defamation because of the conspiracy theories he spread about the Sandy Hook murders. Jones insisted that the kids’ deaths were a great hoax, a performance staged by gun-control activists backed by the American government. As a result of that, Noah Pozner’s family says, they have been stalked and subjected to death threats by Jones’s legions of epistemically gullible yet digitally savvy followers—a fact that has, doxxing by doxxing, forced them to move seven times over the past five years, ever farther away from the body of their slain son.

To reiterate: Alex Jones is seeking money from the parents of a murdered child because of a series of lies that have cruelly compounded the family’s suffering since the initial tragedy—lies that Jones, himself, has spread.

There was once a time when the people who think about such things lamented the rise of information silos and filter bubbles and echo chambers: the newfound ability for people to choose their own adventures when it comes to the types of information they consume. Those concerns remain; they also, these days, seem decidedly quaint. Competing truths—“alternative facts”—are no longer the primary threat to American culture; competing lies are. Everything was possible and nothing was true: Conspiracies now smirk and smog in the air, issued from the giant smokestacks at InfoWars and The Gateway Pundit and the White House itself. Hannah Arendt warned of the mass cynicism that can befall cultures when propaganda is allowed to proliferate among them; that cynicism is here, now. And it is accompanied by something just as destructive: a sense of pervasive despair. Americans live in a world of information pollution—and the subsequent tragedy of this new environmental reality is that no one has been able to figure out a reliable method of clearing the air.

The summer of 2018, even more stormy and even more Stormy than a typical one, has also been termed “the summer of scam.” It’s a title that nods to the popularity of stories about the grifters who lurk among us: Anna Delvey, Elizabeth Holmes, the “Con Queen of Hollywood,” and, in a broader sense, the smooth purveyors of “wellness” who balk at the notion of fact-checking and serve as reminders of how readily snake oil can dissolve in the water we all swim in. But the title is also partially sardonic: The scam, of course, is not a seasonal thing. It is thoroughly evergreen. The country’s current leader built his political reputation on a racist lie. He was elected, quite possibly, with the help of untruths that were designed, specifically, to go viral. Trolls, of foreign vintage and homegrown, proliferate, virtually unchecked, on Twitter and Facebook, and Jack Dorsey and Mark Zuckerberg and their fellow members of the small fraternity who are responsible for Americans’ new digital infrastructures have proven themselves, again and again, to be at a loss for how to combat them. And for good reason: As Kevin Roose, a technology reporter for The New York Times, recently put it, “How the hell do you build something that can accurately and completely rid a platform of misinformation that has 2 billion people on it?”

Sean Hannity, last year, spent weeks peddling falsehoods about the death of Seth Rich on Fox News; he faced, effectively, no repercussions. Members of the American media engage in a long debate about whether to refer to the stuff that spews from the mouth and the iPhone keyboard of the president as “baseless claims” or “misleading statements” or “lies.” Meanwhile, the untruths proliferate, heating the atmosphere and making it, day by day, just a little bit harder to breathe. In a press briefing this week, the White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders implied—based on a thoroughly debunked urban myth—that the press, in reporting on intelligence about Osama bin Laden in the late ’90s, might have an indirect responsibility for 9/11. Sean Spicer, who preceded Sanders as an issuer of such inaccuracies from the White House briefing room, is currently engaged in an ebullient cross-country book tour promoting the memoir he was contracted to produce in part because he proved to be so entertaining as he spouted his lies. Slate, tapping into the zeitgeist, recently offered an extensive explainer about the nuanced differences between the grifter and the grafter.

This summer, Michiko Kakutani, the celebrated former chief book critic of The New York Times, released her book The Death of Truth: Notes on Falsehood in the Age of Trump. The volume offers, despite its slight length, an impassioned argument about what is at stake when the president’s disregard for empirical reality is allowed to trickle down to the rest of us—how easily Americans could descend into the epistemic chaos that so easily becomes the breeding ground for autocrats and despots and tyrants. Kakutani’s gathered elements of wisdom—from George Orwell, from Hannah Arendt, from Jacques Derrida, from F. Scott Fitzgerald, from Fight Club—are infused, finally, with anguish: What, truly, can be done about this? What happens when the lies become environmental?

The Death of Truth has been criticized in some quarters for its tendency to diagnose the problems of a post-truth world rather than offer solutions to them; you could read the diagnosis itself, however, as its own revealingly sad conclusion. The questions that infuse Kakutani’s work, after all, are repeated in several other recent books that grapple with the power of lies. Books with telling titles like, yes, Post-Truth. And Truth Decay: An Initial Exploration of the Diminishing Role of Facts and Analysis in American Public Life. And Gaslighting America: Why We Love It When Trump Lies to Us. And On Truth, with its simple title reading, revealingly, as its own rebuke to the status quo.

The books are building on the fact that Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four and Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism have been enjoying a resurgence on Amazon—a popular attempt to grapple with the new state of things, before it becomes irrevocably solidified into Americans’ habits of thought and heart. “Ironically, at a time when the president’s supporters mock liberal sensitivities,” The Washington Post’s book critic, Carlos Lozada, notes, “Trump’s untruth sells best precisely when feelings and instincts overpower facts, when America becomes a safe space for fabrication.”

That space, as Lozada also points out, has been long in the making. Stephen Colbert, long before Donald Trump made good on his expressions of interest in a presidential run, mocked George W. Bush and his ilk for their belief that “we create our own reality.” Here’s how Colbert summarized his new and enduring coinage, the word truthiness, in 2005:

Now I’m sure some of the Word Police, the wordanistas over at Webster’s, are gonna say, “Hey, that’s not a word.” Well, anybody who knows me knows that I’m no fan of dictionaries or reference books. They’re elitist. Constantly telling us what is or isn’t true, or what did or didn’t happen. Who’s Britannica to tell me the Panama Canal was finished in 1914? If I wanna say it happened in 1941, that’s my right. I don’t trust books. They’re all fact, no heart.

There are some things that are more important than truth: This is one of the core premises of Trumpism, defined far before it occurred to the man in question to burnish his own presidential ambitions by questioning Barack Obama’s right to the same. The idea lurks in every new lie issued from the White House, in every new conspiracy theory that is moved into the mainstream discourse, in every new instance that “fake news” is summoned as a rebuttal or, worse, as a joke. P.T. Barnum’s crucial insight, as he stitched the desiccated head of a monkey onto the desiccated tail of a fish and insisted that his Frankenbeast was the shrunken corpse of a “FeeJee Mermaid,” was that people, on some level, like to be fooled. “Humbug,” as Barnum termed it, wasn’t merely a scam. It was also a game: an entertainment, a distraction. The kind of puzzle-at-scale that is reiterated when, for example, adherents of QAnon tell people that the “truth” of the world and its workings can be learned if only they “follow the White Rabbit.”

In her 2016 book The Confidence Game, an exploration of the minds and methods of con artists, Maria Konnikova argues that cons thrive, in particular, during times of transition—in the cultural chaos that typically results from the lurchings of economic and political shifts. That is because con artists are skilled above all, Konnikova notes, at “exploiting the sense of unease we feel when it appears that the world as we know it is about to change.” Now, in this time of American upheaval—populism, the digital transition, the storms of a stifled planet—con artists like Alex Jones have been given a microphone. And, with it, a megaphone.

Here is a headline that CBS News ran on Thursday: “Alex Jones’s Lawyer Makes Case Against Sandy Hook Parents Who Claim Death Threats.” It’s a summary of events that makes clear, in its concision, the upside-down moralities of the Jones case, which involves an attempt to gloss over the lies Alex Jones has told with normalizing legal niceties: arguments that his conspiracy theories are merely “opinion,” and that they therefore constitute speech protected by the First Amendment. Arguments that the parents of Noah Pozner, by virtue of their involvement in Sandy Hook as a news event, are public figures, and therefore required to prove that Jones spread false claims as a result of actual malice, rather than mere confusion or callousness or negligence.

Which is to say: arguments that suggest a tacit acknowledgement of how thoroughly lies have infiltrated the very systems that were developed, over time, to arbitrate truth in America. Arguments that engage in a great performance of equivalence: the lies on the one side of the table, the truths on the other. Arguments that participate, in that, in a somber metaphor for a time in which journalists are mocked as liars and threatened as the enemies of the people, and in which expertise is dismissed as elitism, and in which truth has been allowed to be treated not as the only thing that matters, but rather as a choice—an option that is often, being all fact and no heart, an imposition.

August 5, 2018 3:08 pm

You sir are a MORON. Check your facts before posting. Maybe you are the one that needs to be called out for FAKE NEWS.

August 5, 2018 3:27 pm

You complain about false fake news but you quote from the New York Times?

August 5, 2018 10:40 pm

@Sophrocynic et al

8 thumbs down for that excellent treatise on truth?

What’s wrong with you guys?

So many hopeless cultic personality American Idolators…

Why can’t A.J. fans admit that he is wrong sometimes. Geez.

August 5, 2018 10:49 pm

Soprocynic, you must be a troll. The lies of Sandy Hoax are so self evident you’d have to be blind or an idiot troll. You’re disgusting. Piss off mate.

August 5, 2018 2:41 pm

“Don’t let them”- great idea, but no information on HOW to ‘not let them’.

August 5, 2018 3:05 pm

Is it really that hard to figure out what to do? Simply support his site and spread the word. He also has a channel at

August 5, 2018 4:29 pm

Tucker Carlson had an exclusive interview with Tommy Robinson this week. In the interview, Tommy details how the legal system was used against him and how the pro-Islamic justice system kept shuttling him around to limit his access to his lawyers. For two months, the courts played this game with him and when he was finally able to see a judge, there were so many illegal discrepancies in how his case was handled that the Judge had to free him. While in prison, he was given very limited rations and he ended up losing nearly 40 pounds in just a little over two months.

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
August 5, 2018 6:04 pm

Alex Jones was also the only outlet that was regularly updating on Tommy Robinson after they swept him off to prison. Tucker Carlson said shit nothing the whole time.

August 5, 2018 10:58 pm

Wolfgang Halbig has taken on the Sandy Hoax. He has taken them to court. Check out his videos on You Tube-if they’re still up.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
August 6, 2018 11:49 am

Gentlemen, if TPTB murder Trump (God Forbid), it won’t be just some crazy lone gunman as the Controlled Media reports. The proof will be their Long Knives immediately killing their enemies; Cops/SWATs taking people, guns/ammo, communications, supplies, etc. It will be time to start the Counter-Revolution.