“Clinton hitman Mueller has Trump cornered, but not on Russia collusion. Trump will get charged for his business dealings and campaign finance violations. He won’t go quietly. Expect a war to distract, civil unrest and economic collapse. Buy crypto and gold. Move to New Zealand.”

Kim Dotcom

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August 25, 2018 7:45 am

Is there any more evil power on earth than government? Is there any more satanic human impulse than political ambition; i.e. libido dominandi? So you get trapped by the rats on a slave ship and look for some innocent men, women and children to slaughter because you know the slaves will reflexively cheer like retards watching a magic act.

Vote, my ass.

i forget
i forget
August 25, 2018 1:39 pm

Gov, another symptom. Of collectivism. Human herding. “Social” animalia.
Up is down.
In is out.
Yesterday’s hermit log cabin’r is more human, less antisocial, than vote & gov drones whose sole function is to be fruitful-stealers, & multiply.

22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
22winmag - Hug a Nazi, punch a Socialist!
August 25, 2018 8:45 am

He blew it with “buy NSAcoin”.


nsacoin indeed,did you see this winniemag?
banks are freezing crypto accounts on a presumption of wrongdoing–

Banks Freezing Cyrpotcurrency Accounts under Presumption of Guilt?

August 25, 2018 2:43 pm

This has been my #2 complaint about cryptos. TPTB own all the digital networks and ifnfastructure and yet we are supposed to believe they are safe from Govt. seizure or taxation.
#1 is if anyone or anything crashes the net my crypto money would be vaporized. I can have all the thumbnail drive records in hand and they are still useless.

August 26, 2018 7:13 am

Buy cryptos, as they are move to terminal decline…ugh

August 26, 2018 12:58 pm

We may very well eventually have The Purge to solve our problems but who in the hell would want to move to New Zealand? All of our scum elitists seem to be thinking that may be a good move and if any truth comes out on these people does anyone think the Kiwis will let Americans move there much less remain?

i forget
i forget
August 26, 2018 1:28 pm

Why do you believe kiwis in the street have more say than any other nat-man in the street of citizens about who lives there?

Gov mechanism exists to serve them that imposed it – which ain’t the functionaries installed to staff it.

Is interesting tho that islands generate giants – Galapagos tortoises, steroidal Samoans, etc – & that some of these other giants return to these spawning grounds, salmon-like. hmmm, Napoleon to Elba, Saint Helena. KD Com ain’t petite, either.