Image result for charles mackay quotes

Image result for charles mackay quotes

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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
August 27, 2018 7:35 am

Herd mentality is alive and well world wide but never so obvious then in the US.
Support The Troops , Black Lives Matter , ANTFIA , DEA , FBI and countless other groups or cause celeb . Make America Great Again blah blah blah . Now the return of everything free but at a huge expense . War On Drugs , Terror , Poverty all Alfred Ninny Bowagger nonsense . Again all causes going nowhere at great expense .
Retirement financial crisis or just another herd riding over another . In this case the “ your shit is shit but my shit is stuff and it’s special stuff because it’s a taxpayer funded retirement so it must be paid in full ! Even if we have to tax real property out from under private citizen , many who found there retirement bankrupted legally thanks to decisions and rules or laws put in place by people who will receive taxpayer funded retirement . I hope everyone is getting the picture now .
The badge wearing herd members are waiting and salivating to follow orders for asset forfiture , just doing their job !

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Boat Guy
August 27, 2018 8:55 am

I used to wear a button that said “I’ll be Grateful when they’re Dead”, but it was a small club. I think I was President of it.