Can Trump Still Save The United States?

Authored by William Craddick via,

Two years into his Presidency, Donald Trump’s accomplishments are constantly lauded by his followers. America’s finance and business worlds are on the road to recovery and diplomatic relations with North Korea are improving so substantially that a peace accord on the peninsula may be in store down the road. ISIS, while still maintaining a global network that threatens the United States, has been routed from much of the territory they once openly occupied in the Middle East.

But Trump’s tenure has also revealed the presence of a number of flaws. He overemphasizes his economic recovery, ignores attacks on his supporters in the real and digital world, is apparently unaware that his own officials are likely waiting till the end of his administration to pursue negative foreign policy objectives, and seems unwilling to go after his former friends, business colleagues and social acquaintances. All of these factors, combined with his constant desire to be well liked by even his enemies are beginning to create the very real risk of undermining goals of the movement that elected him.

I. Overemphasis On Economy While Supporters Marginalized

While the rapid growth of American economy and a rising stock market have created wealth and opportunity, it has come at the cost of the attention President Trump gives to his constituents. While Trump’s Twitter feed is a ticker tape of Fox News headlines and recent stats about the booming economy, he very rarely, if ever tweets about violence directed towards his supporters.

Attacks or threats of attacks on members of Trump’s movement have occurred as recently as September 11th, 2018 without comment from the President. Social media giants such as Facebook and Google directly allow foreign interests such as China to take a leading role in censoring communications of any right wingers, populists or anti-war proponents. This collaboration has dire implications for US security. Trump has yet to take action against groups targeting his base outside of strong words or probes that have not yielded real solutions to these problems.

Discriminatory focus on particular topics isn’t an anomaly for Trump. He also criticizes certain criminal, terrorist or extremist groups such as ISIS or MS-13, yet never mentions others like Antifa or Mexican cartels, giving these groups more space to operate due to decreased scrutiny. A walking contradiction, Trump will intervene in a foreign country over his concern for injured children yet not take similar forceful action against rampant crime and trafficking in Sanctuary Cities such as Chicago.

The tendency to ignore the pain of his people to spotlight the economy makes for a hollow victory. Trump himself frequently mentions that his economic recovery is fragile and could be immediately reversed by his predecessor. There is, however, an even more dangerous element likely not being considered by either Trump or his base:

Dramatic economic recovery can be a precursor to the outbreak of war.

Observers seeking to guess at which countries America might engage with militarily need only look where US sanctions are being applied – locations such as Iran, Syria, Turkey, China, Venezuela, Russia, or the European Union where anti-American sentiment has been on the rise. Sanctions provide valuable intelligence on the ability and resolve of a targeted country to respond militarily and economically in a conflict.

It’s doubtful that Trump is actively seeking to start foreign wars with these countries himself. A booming economy, sanctions and a newly robust military are all useful tools to employ in immediate negotiations with foreign states. But many groups delayed by Trump’s election will still proceed with their goals when he leaves the Oval Office. Trump’s tenure will only be another two to six years. The various factions who make up the bureaucratic class play the long con and will continue to exist after his administration has run its course.

The DNC has openly admitted that they can rig their primary process if they please. After Trump stormed the GOP in 2016, there is little doubt that they too will take steps to ensure that such an upset could never happen again. Anti-war supporters expecting that Trump’s successor to be a non-interventionist along the lines of Rand Paul are fooling themselves. The President after Trump will likely be open to entanglement in war. They will care even less about Trump’s base despite the fact that the “Resistance” openly state their long term goals of wiping out the opposition. Trump’s Presidency is merely delaying the inevitable.

II. Lack Of Resolve To Go After Old Acquaintances

Trump has done nothing to go after individuals undermining his administration, though in some cases he has publicly espoused a supposed desire to take strong action. A blatant example of this are the Clintons, who Trump and his family have a historied friendship with. Trump’s long time friend Bill Clinton encouraged Trump to run for President in 2015. Ivanka Trump, who has been accused of leaking administration secrets in the past, was also an old pal of Chelsea Clinton’s. The hard truth is that despite Trump’s bluster about Hillary Clinton and the crimes she is claimed to have committed nothing will ever happen to her.

Billionaire philanthropist and political activist George Soros is one of Trump’s biggest opponents, dumping millions into various organizations of the Resistance movement. He has been accused of attempting to foster a color revolution to destabilize the United States. But Trump has not mentioned Soros’ name once since the 2016 Presidential debates. He has never mentioned Soros on Twitter.

Indeed, the President did business with Soros, who leant the real estate mogul capital for the construction of his tower in Chicago. When Trump became active in the Tea Party movement, he openly defended Soros from criticism. Upon assuming the Presidency, he brought on Steve Mnuchin, who worked for Soros-backed SFM Capital Management and Soros Fund Management LLC, as Secretary of the Treasury.

Trump doesn’t seem to be planning to go after a single former social or professional contact he maintained in his old life.

This is no more obvious than in the case of Jeffery Epstein, the billionaire philanthropist caught running an underage sex trafficking ring, sometimes recording encounters between adults and underage women for the purposes of blackmail. Epstein was let off the hook with a single charge of soliciting a minor. None of the other individuals accused of wrongdoing in the scandal faced legal repercussions, though some cases were hotly debated in the legal community. The attorney who cut such an atrocious deal for Epstein is now serving as Trump’s Secretary of Labor.

Trump certainly knew what Epstein was doing, surely as he must know what some of his other acquaintances in New York were involved with – Disobedient Media has previously reported the known history of connections between philanthropic events and child trafficking networks. It would seem that such a case would be ripe for review by an avowed anti corruption administration. Yet he has not gone after high profile offenders even as his administration leads a major charge to clean up the trafficking networks themselves. Are these connected and influential figures simply above the law, even in Trump’s “great” America?

III. Will The Right Solve It’s Own Problems?

None of this is put forward to suggest that Trump doesn’t care about the United States, or doesn’t love his country. But it does show that for all the appeal to his supporters, Trump is a flawed individual. His Presidency was heralded as a new era of reform. A more realistic outlook began to set in when Trump made the hypocritical decision to bomb Syria in the first few months of his Presidency despite decrying such a move previously.

Trump is the dam holding back the floodwaters of total chaos that are bubbling over in the United States. When he is gone, no one with any meaningful power will lift a finger to stop the establishment’s inevitable purge of conservative, nationalistic and patriotic Americans. The great gulf that has begun to divide the country will soon be beyond repair.

This administration is likely the United States’ last chance to fix its systemic issues before real calamity sets in.

Many don’t wish to acknowledge this. They don’t want to accept the very real danger represented by corrupt and incompetent establishment figures still active in the administration, and their stagnation in the face of a resurgent far Left. There is more interest in maintaining the excitement of a nonstop pep rally than acting to secure the country. Trump’s personality and desire to be liked by demographics who will never accept him are preventing his supporters from realizing their potential and achieving anything that will have a lasting effect.

For a true return to an American golden age, the ‘Make America Great Again’ movement must learn to accomplish their goals in spite of their beloved leader and his flaws.

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September 29, 2018 8:59 am

He could if he wants lead the way but the only thing that will get country on track is “We the people”willing to work and sacrifice to get the country in order.May be we have to wait till it all goes down and then like the mighty phoenix shake the ashes of our self immolation and arise again.

That said,need to fix some tranny plumbing!

No,not that tranny but a transmission line leak in a truck,get your minds out of the gutter!

September 29, 2018 9:20 am

I. Overemphasis On Economy While Supporters Marginalized

The economy is in the shitter unless you are a fat cat on Wall Street that buys back your own stock and enjoys a 40% discount on your federal tax bill.

II. Lack Of Resolve To Go After Old Acquaintances

After using Clinton victims as props, he sang the Clintons’praises on election night and on inauguration day.

“We owe her a lot of gratitude for her many years of service to this country.” – DJT

“I have a lot of respect for those people.” – DJT

“Oh and “I don’t want to hurt them. They’re good people.” – DJT

Furthermore, Trump is supporting the arrest and prosecution Julian Assange and not Hillary Clinton.

III. Will The Right Solve It’s Own Problems?

Nope, and neither will the left. Time to get the Left Vs. Right paradigm out of your head as I have pointed out in the Kavanaugh articles. Kavanaugh is an enemy of the constitution. But the right is suffering from cognitive dissonance concerning this fact. This is REALLY about Tyranny Vs. Freedom.
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Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
September 29, 2018 9:46 am

Bringing on the calamity is the point of it all. Left and right, Dem and Republican and all the establishment and bureaucracy everywhere know that the current scam has just about run it’s course. The paramount goal is to use the coming crisis (which will be both entirely real and ginned up at the same time) to seize control over the entire monetary and govening system of every part of the globe that matters, and all just about at once. If Trump is not an active participant in this, he will be skillfully used by left and right alike as one (among many other) excuse to sever the last ties to Constitutional Republican governance and national sovereignty.

The hope of this crowd (And yes, your governor, State legislature, Judiciary, mayor, town council, local cops and hospitals, all of them) is that the crisis will give them the ability to force without much bloodshed the “reforms” (tyranny, really) they all feel are needed to usher in the sustainable future. It is a plan to end the archaic idea of any personal sovereignty or liberty, writ on a global scale. Oh, if you want to live in the Congo, or take quietly to the woods Kacszynski (sp?) style, you will be tolerated, but no one who wishes to participate in society will be allowed to dissent on pain of some sort of re education or economic boycott or worse for a relative few.

It is coming as sure as the sun rises each morning. When? As soon as they feel that the time is right, and the new system is ready to be loaded and initiated. They are running tests large and small all over the world right this minute. I don’t think there is any way to prevent it, but maybe we can mitigate the damage and keep the duration of the the coming mess shorter than it otherwise might be. It will be a long game in any case. Maybe an old hand cranked ditto machine and a cache of supplies might be a good idea. There sure won’t be an internet and blogs to use. That all can be shut down in a moment, and will be.

No one should be surprised when it all goes down. Not tomorrow, and not next week, but not 10 years either.

September 29, 2018 9:48 am

“Can Trump Still Save The United States?”

That would be an unequivocal . absolutely positively 100% …… NO!!!

That is not an indictment of Trump. He is but one man. He is not Jesus Christ. While he can perform minor miracles … he can not perform the Ultimate Miracle of raising the dead (USA!USA!USA!!). A movie title for America would be “Dead Man Walking” because this country has terminal cancer …. our demise (ALL empires die) is only a question of “when”, not “if”. Trump can only delay the Day of Reckoning.

Diogenes’ Dung
Diogenes’ Dung
September 29, 2018 11:10 am

100% correct.

Trump cannot “save” anything or anybody, not even himself.

If there were an accurate “Freedom Index”, ranking the amount of personal liberties the individual enjoys in each country, countries with the least government would score the highest.

The U.S. Constitution made its citizens sovereign, not the government. That ideal died long ago. No one person can revive it. It has been replaced entirely with a nation of distracted pawns who need the guiding hand of Uncle Sammy/Tranny/Nanny, who always knows best.

Trump is the only U.S. politician in U.S. history to see a clear path out of this air-sucking swamp, but it made too much sense and threatened too much power for it to ever be embraced by Congress.

For every new law the government passes, two must be eliminated.

People don’t change history, ideas do.

That was the best idea to sprout from a politician’s head since Solomon threatened to split a baby.

September 30, 2018 1:58 am

I think the problems facing the country are part and parcel of the Federal government’s overreach into our personal lives. Think about how much federal bureaucracy is woven into the fabric of our lives.

Seriously, think about the daily routine you face each day, whatever it might be. There is bound to be some package or container in your fridge which has a label telling you how many calories, fat, sugar, etc. Why? Why doesn’t it just say “Apple Juice?” Because the Federal government says they have to tell you how many calories per serving on the front label. And, unless you live on a farm like I do, you have many other packages with labels informing you of all the information your Food and Drug Administration determines you want to read.

How did we get to this point? I don’t know if you are old enough to remember the milk man dropping by the two quarts of fresh cold milk each morning, but my Poppa Grooch from Cleveland told about listening for the clip clop of the milk man’s horse’s hooves to signal time to get up and start the stove. He was probably less than ten years old, responsible for getting the stove going for the family’s meal, whatever it might be other than milk and some sort of bread. But, it was a family effort to get the family fed, from the provider to the mother to the youngest kid getting up to start the fire in the stove. The family had to feed the family.

The Federal government declared war on the family when it declared war on poverty. The Great Society is just the earliest version of It Takes a Village. The Federal government became a nanny state during the 1960s and while most of us realize what that meant financially, I only recently grasped what happens when a family relies on a nanny too much. The nanny runs the show. The members of the family start asking the nanny for permission to use their things. The nanny controls it all.

You can attribute the change in our world to race issues and desegregation or you can attribute it to a general cultural upheaval that happened in the 60s. All of which coincided the boom in local news outlets (locally printed and distributed newpapers and local radio and even television) then a virtual explosion in information distribution by mass communication methods including television, radio, satellite and global computer networking systems and now we tweet and message and text with people around the world.

I don’t know for sure how that impacts our grasp of how the world works. My son certainly doesn’t see the world the same way I see the world. How could he with his earliest memories about the World Trade Center attack? Just as my Poppa Grooch lived with being an immigrant kid in Little Italy, and my own father lived with being a former POW from World War II and I myself have recently adjusted from military industrial life to membership in a local agrarian community, my own son will filter his future through the lens of his past. Not mine. Yet we can’t really control what we see through our lenses all the time now that Mass Media is so tightly controlled.

Mass control of the distribution of information results in the canned news we seem to get these days. Most days, if we happen to have a television on when a news show starts, Nick or I just groan and turn it off rather than listen to any of it. We know the different opinions of the various news teams, both local and national. We don’t want their opinions; just the news. But, we can’t just have the news. So, rather than see their opinion, we don’t listen. Even on the internet, I limit my time to reading what I want to learn about. Now that I’m really doing the seed to seal life for real, I spend a great deal of time working on my garden soil and learning about the soil. There is a virtual avalanche of information we have been restricted from seeing and understanding. I’m not talking about space exploration or moon landings or even secret societies who eat children’s pineal glands for energy. I’m talking about a society that is sick physically, emotionally and spiritually. And I think it is all interconnected.

I am talking about the evil rat bastards who run our pharmaceuticals/chemicals/food (in the USA those three are synonyms) industries and have made this country sick physically by poisoning our foods and taking the supermarket out of our back yards, addicting us to the idea that we need to take a pill for everything from vitamin deficiency to mood swings, and making us thing that our bodies depend on doctors to make them work correctly when the only Physician anyone needs is a good grasp of what makes the body work and how to feed it. The rest, as the chef said to the baker, is just chemistry and temperature. Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals and Food. Same companies under different names.

Just like the Main Stream Media giants. Eventually, the robber barons always show their true nature. I hope that makes sense, but if it doesn’t just ignore and move along.

I am hungry and I think I will go fry myself some bacon and eggs. Butter some toast. Cold fresh milk. Yum.

Bat Guano
Bat Guano
September 29, 2018 9:57 am

The Donald is and always has been about himself. If anything or anybody gets ‘saved’ it will be unintentional unless it puts some schekels in his pocket.

And yes, I did vote for him knowing full well what to expect. He was my ABH (Anybody But Hitlery) choice and nothing more. He is a world class bull shitter and con man to be sure.

I say this after living the first 40 plus years of my life (near 70 now) in the NYC metro area watching launch, crash and burn of too many Trump fiascos to count. I’m in a more 2nd amendment friendly state and happy to be there.

I feel almost sorry for the true believers. You will be disappointed.

September 29, 2018 10:42 am

And why do we wan’t to save America now ? Frankly the only thing that could save it is a asteroid pulverizing DC to dust.

September 29, 2018 11:51 am

The premise of the question is wrong to begin with. There are NO UNITED states. There are 320,000,000+ citizens and countless other millions of non-citizens, who are being both victimized and supported by the financial crimes, destruction of freedom, restrictions of freedom, outright theft, and so much more, by 536 unaccountable criminals (ok, some aren’t 100% evil), millions of parasitic government employees, government-protected cartels, and other big business puppetmasters. There is NOTHING UNITED about these states. Some can’t even get along when it comes to water rights and the rivers that flow through them all. Some are net “takers” and some are net “victims.” At the root of it all is the federal power that is being used as the “legal” tool of this oppression.

All anyone should be working towards is the peaceful dismantling of the entire federal government apparatus and a restoration of 50 sovereign, independent states. These states should further be encouraged to see if they too are too large to ever provide anything close to representative democracy for their citizens and should be encouraged to break up even further if there is citizen demand.

Indeed, this is NOT Trump’s doing. This fundamentally began in earnest with Lincoln (and the “Reconstruction” that followed the war of southern secession), but has truly been a festering issue since 1789, when the central government was given powers that would ultimately run amok over the states and the citizens. The creation of the Federal Reserve, the Income Tax, the direct election of US Senators, and so many other cancers from the Progressive Era only enriched power and weakened citizen rights and freedoms.

Time to stop pretending and let everyone go their own way in PEACE. The alternative will NOT be pretty or positive for anyone.

September 29, 2018 12:14 pm

There is no saving our once great nation but Trump is / can give us all more time to prepare for our destination with our ” hell on Earth “. So I pray for him. Not that he does anything but stay in office.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
September 29, 2018 12:11 pm

Another “Trump isn’t Jesus and hasn’t delivered heaven on earth in 23 months” loser. A leader can only do so much and flatassers waiting for deliverance with no effort or investment on their part are as disgusting as Dhimmicrats.

September 29, 2018 1:06 pm

When the Government is paralyzed the Bolsheviks will strike.
The question is wrong. I am not even sure this recent circus was even about Kavanaugh. The Dems didn’t seem to have any serious gripes about him a month ago. I think it’s one more deliberate show trial to convict all conservatives of crimes against humanity with trial by accusation by any liberal or moderate. Soon public stonings of anyone even looking remotely like a stereotypical conservative will be tolerated and then encouraged. The feds will protect the instigators. The public stonings in Muslim countries are a good example of what it will look like.

September 29, 2018 1:30 pm

Then it will grow until a kmer rouge forms up as things deteriorate, they will shoot you in the street for looking to white, to productive or successful, or wearing a cowboy hat or work shoes or carrying a briefcase, it will be insane.
Welcome to the dawning of a new dark age of man.

September 29, 2018 1:26 pm

Trump should read this:

Letter To The CivNats

September 30, 2018 1:34 am

This is here because I am researching a bit about medical issues related to my fairly recent surgery and recovery period. I have become convinced the relationship between the poor health in the USA and the policies and regulations guiding the American Medical Association and all of the bureaucratic tangledwood that weaves the tapestry of the congressional marketplace is not really coincidental.

I think the bastards planned for the entire country to get obese and die. The big question facing us all is this: Can the tapestry that is the fortress of Mordor on the Potomac be cleaned of the slime or must it be completely destroyed and rewoven?

If Trump doesn’t take on Big Pharma and the Medical Industry head on (stop tiptoeing around Obamacare… take on the bastards directly!), there is no hope. Our country is SICK. Why is it sick when we are forced to spend so damn much money on health insurance and care?

It is a plan.

Why are there these sorts of treatments in Panama and other Central American countries that are not available here?

Free Speech Forum
Free Speech Forum
September 30, 2018 1:35 am

You know that you live in hell when the US is a police state and you are not allowed to say it.

The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state, but Americans think everything is just fine.

Anyone who challenges the narrative will be called a nutjob or racist and will be banned, get an IRS audit, be arrested, or be killed.

Doesn’t the collapse of the US bother you?

How can you sleep at night now?

Are you going to speak up while the USA collapses or are you just another mindless zombie?

Those who stay silent today are no better than the elites who have turned the US into a bankrupt police state, are pushing for a civil war, and are doing everything they can to start WWIII.

September 30, 2018 5:55 am

I believe Trump wants to help the USA. It’s just that he won’t have much energy to do so, after spending all of his effort helping Israel first.

September 30, 2018 9:34 am

There’s only a few things that can save the United States, and they aren’t pretty. The paper and credit monetary system will first have to fail, but that is inevitable anyhow. Next, all entities that rely on Federal money handouts and subsidies will either collapse or die. People will then have no choice but to work or die, and cronyism corporations who rely upon outsourced parts and just-in-time delivery will collapse themselves, leading to the end of the big box supply chain. Finally, you will have people fighting over what they think they deserve, or what they know they should keep because they worked for it. The people who don’t support themselves will die in great piles. Those who actually work and contribute to society will ultimately survive. The people who live in small towns that are less dependent upon the supply chain in addition to having a railroad that goes through town will probably have the best bet to live well and long enough to rebuild society.

September 30, 2018 11:07 am

The parasites will NOT go quietly. Have plenty of ammo ready.