Voluntary Suicide

Guest Post by The Zman

In debates about monetary policy, there is an old saying about the fundamental flaw in hard money arguments. “If your government is so corrupt you need a gold standard to keep it under control, your government is corrupt enough to find a way around the gold standard.“ It is an observation that is fundamentally true about the reality of ruling classes, regardless of the political system. It also speaks to the way liberal democracy warps the way the intellectual classes think about the relationship between ruler and ruled.

In all forms of government prior to the Enlightenment, the defects of the state were assigned to the people in charge of the state. In a tyranny, problems in one of the provinces meant the tyrant replaced the local governor. In a monarchy, bad policy coming from the crown meant the king was the problem. If he was enough of a problem, he would have a hunting accident and there would be a new king. In all forms of personal rule, the assumption is the problems arise from the person doing the ruling, not the system.

Since the Enlightenment, in contrast, whenever problems in governance are discussed, it is assumed that the system is the issue and not the people. This is true within various forms of socialism or liberal democracy. The one obvious exception is Chinese communism, where changing the people is still the rule. Thar’s mostly due to the fact that China was always Chinese first, communist second. Otherwise, the debate about government is about systems rather than the sorts of people who should rule.

All forms of communism start from the assumption that property arrangements, and relationships between property holders, is the basis of human society. This was certainly true of feudalism, but communists picked up where Rousseau left off and assumed property is the fork in the road of human societies. The communist solution is to get rid of property. This allows the scientific socialist to create new social arrangements that are beneficial to all of society. It’s a property solution to the human condition.

Similarly, libertarians start from the assumption that property is the basis of human relations and human society. Contrary to the communist, libertarians see the violation of property rights as the source of human misery. Their solution is to sanctify private property, by re-establishing it as the basis of human relations. That’s the thing about libertarianism. When you strip away the window dressing, it is simply a system property relations. Like communism, it is a property solution to the human condition.

Democratic systems are an effort to address the natural inequality of society by harnessing the will of the majority in the political system. The notion of “one man, one vote” acknowledges that all men may not be equal in wealth and status, but they have an equal stake in society, so they get an equal vote. The flaw is that what is good for the individual is often bad for society. If everyone votes their interests, or what they think of as their interests, you may end up invading Sicily and losing the Peloponnesian War.

Even if democracy does not result in a catastrophic failure, as with the Greeks, the system we call liberal democracy produces unfavorable results. A long observed problem with democracy is something called the Condorcet paradox, where the results swing between two fixed extremes. We see this in American democracy. We get one party in charge for a few elections, then for some reason, the results of the next election go the other way. The last two elections are pretty good example of cyclical results.

That’s the motivation behind schemes like quadratic voting, which seek to tie economic interest to the weight of the vote. The very short version is that everyone gets so much vote capital to spend on the issues they think are important. The greater the interest in an issue, the more voting stock you invest in it. Presumably this means people with no interest in some topic, will not vote on that topic. It is an interesting theory that is not based in reality and could never work in the real world. It’s a fun exercise for the bored.

Again, what you see here, and quadratic voting is a good example, is an effort to arrive at a system solution to the human condition. We know some people are not very smart and are not going to make rational choices when voting. We know there are evil people who will exploit dumb people. Democracy allows for no way to address this, as the starting assumption is all votes are equal, because everyone has the same stake in the outcome of elections. Quadratic voting is a clever attempt at vote-stripping that will fool no one.

The central defect of all political and economic systems since the Enlightenment is they assume there is a rational system that can address the human condition. Whether it was socialists trying to solve the problems that arise from material inequality or the humanists, who seek to address the biological reality of man, the assumption is there is a system that once in place, people will voluntarily support, thus making authority unnecessary. At the heart of all western political philosophy is the dream of voluntarism.

The funny thing is there is never much speculation into why it is or how it is that men voluntarily cooperate. The fascists, to their credit, looked at the brotherhood of trench socialism, as a model for voluntarism. In times of crisis and great danger, men of all classes and interests will join together in the struggle. Marxists came to rely upon perpetual revolution as a way to maintain discipline, but that hardly qualifies as a voluntarist solution to human cooperation. It’s an excuse for state terror.

French conservatives, writing in the later years of the Revolution, probably came the closest to understanding this problem. Joseph de Maistre looked at society as an organic thing, where the parts were defined by their relationship with one another. Individually, they could not exists, because their form and purpose was defined entirely within the state and in relation to the other parts of society. The members of society voluntarily participated in their role, because it is what defined them as human beings.

The fact that the old aristocratic order, that conservatives came to represent, collapsed in the face of Enlightenment radicalism, suggests it either had different defects or never addressed the problem of human cooperation. The long experiment that followed the French Revolution, all the murder and mayhem that defined it, has arrived at the same point as the old aristocratic order. The question is what will come along to push over the liberal democratic order, promising to solve the problem of human cooperation.

Perhaps it is just voluntary, cooperative suicide.

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Ham Roid
Ham Roid
November 26, 2018 6:30 pm

Two thoughts:

1. Don’t allow dumbasses to vote in a democracy.

2. The French stopped the guillotines too soon.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
November 26, 2018 6:50 pm

Back to feudalism!!
Check out Hans Hoppe.

November 26, 2018 7:01 pm

Erudite article. Thanks.

I would simplify it more by just saying human emotions ‘vote’ and they are what you’d get with ‘quadratic voting’. Some people feel pity for a Guatemalan migrant. Other’s are not so moved and see a threat. Politicians know this and appeal to our emotions not our intellect.

November 26, 2018 9:06 pm

It is one thing to convince people to support something with their dollars (charity appeal, “go fund me” appeal, marketing/advertising promotion, etc.) that are voluntarily contributed/paid, and quite another when you are trying to appeal to someone to vote to use the violence of the government to STEAL on behalf of a cause. The root of the problem is government POWER, and not how you go about allowing the citizenry to wield it against others in society.

Middle-aged Mad Gnome
Middle-aged Mad Gnome
November 27, 2018 6:44 am

Liberty is correct in identifying POWER as the real issue, who can force his/her decisions on others at the point of a gun. The framers attempted to divide real power up between multiple groups (including individuals). Power naturally consolidates. The framers hoped that the various groups would covet the power they had and fight the effort to take it by others. 230 years proves that is incorrect. Individuals stupidly allow all sorts of government entities to restrict and even take their firearms, the fruits of their labor, and all the other manifestations of real power summarized in the Bill of Rights. Congress allows Obama to ignore its laws with Executive Orders, etc., etc., etc. As the Democrat Party fights to destroy the Republican Party, the Republicans insist on fighting fair, or inexplicably even losing to Democrats. Clearly, the framers missed something about how Power works. I think it would be ignorant to think those who are fighting hardest for real Power aren’t going to get it. I would love to see suggestions on how we (the losers in this war for Power) should adapt, as I think power sharing is about to be a thing of the past.

November 26, 2018 7:09 pm

Here is our inevitable voluntary suicide


November 26, 2018 7:49 pm

Shit : communist are just envious people who are full of hate so they use the Marxist ideology to justify their stealing , killing and destroying of society .

Off topic : watch ” Stars are not what you think they are. A+ Q productions . NASA is full of lies and liars.Space is fake .
To understand the universe ….think in terms of light ,sound , frequencies and vibration. Nikola Tesla .
Another good one ” Jay weidner’s Kubrick Odyssey ” You will know who flimed the ” moon landings “.

November 26, 2018 9:42 pm

It’s understandable how white people willingly forfeited the nation their ancestors founded. Shit like this makes me sad and angry at the same time.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 27, 2018 4:09 pm

Dang Mark… that video is anything but funny as the title suggests. It’s sickening. Houston, we have a problem.

  grace country pastor
November 27, 2018 4:28 pm

Oh yea Pastor, that’s why I said…Here is our inevitable voluntary suicide.

It’s a massive threat, but the problem is the parents are just as addicted.

November 26, 2018 9:09 pm

When we talk about a “gold standard,” we are generally talking about a system of government controls and regulations that establish a “value” for gold of a specific weight, etc. In such a system, government is at the heart of the power and will ALWAYS be at the heart of the abuse of it. Saying simply that gold can freely circulate as a currency for debts, etc. and having government’s only role (if any) be the assurance of purity and quantity in the coins it produces/certifies, IS the way around the government. So long as money is “free” of the government and its manipulation of value, etc. then there is no guaranteed way for them to do an end run as it were. If they crap on the money with something they do, people can freely switch so long as they are allowed to be free. As always, government POWER is the lynchpin, not the system of voting, etc. One you have bought into the false premise that someone, for whatever reason, has the right to rule you or anyone else, you are doomed to permanent enslavement under their thumb.

November 26, 2018 9:48 pm

We’ll put Mr. Liberty. As always the root evil is government and it’s monopoly on the use of force from which its power devolves.

Harrington Richardson
Harrington Richardson
November 26, 2018 9:49 pm

If you had a Gold Standard you could of course simply price things in grains of Gold, grams, whatever with no Dollar or Pound or Yuan names involved. It is not necessary for national currencies to even exist. Mexico of all places has been going back and forth on the idea of issuing a Silver “Libertad” marked only with weight and purity and no Peso number on it.
Before someone brings it up, there are testers available to determine whether or not a metal is of the claimed purity, not unlike the way the clerk at Wally World tests 50’s or 100’s with that marker.
Government issuing of national currencies is ultimate tyranny to which most are blind.

November 26, 2018 10:11 pm

It comes down to how the guns will be paid for to protect what ever property arrangement has been made.

I don’t see the US Government going bankrupt. We will have a Pinochet moment. The military will boot the 30 million people who don’t belong here out and seal the border when the time comes. They will also allow US citizens with real Social Security numbers and real US passports to exchange their old dollars for new ones.

November 26, 2018 11:09 pm

Be still my beating heart!

November 26, 2018 11:10 pm

Of course the decimal place will have to be moved on the new dollars. And remember, sealing the borders is a two-way proposition.

Middle-aged Mad Gnome
Middle-aged Mad Gnome
November 27, 2018 6:54 am

Wow, a lot of really smart people commenting today. Yes, when illegal immigrants are no longer useful, they will be summarily expelled. When the corrupt, slow, expensive, obstructionist federal Judges have served their purposes, they will be removed and/or the system “reformed”. When the various government wealth redistribution programs have served their purpose and the power to rule fully secured, those programs will be reduced or eliminated summarily.

  Middle-aged Mad Gnome
November 27, 2018 8:30 am

“Wow, a lot of really smart people commenting today.” @MaMG
There has been a lot of that going around here lately. After three days of thanksgiving and no electronic media, it has taken me a week to catch up on my reading here. And why I am keeping quiet. I should read this post and comments every day…

  Middle-aged Mad Gnome
November 27, 2018 9:49 am

They will be removed for 1 purpose. To increase the velocity of money. To incentive the voluntary cooperation TheZman is referring to.

Captain Willard
Captain Willard
  Middle-aged Mad Gnome
November 27, 2018 11:10 am

With all due respect, you have it backwards. When there are sufficient immigrants, we will be expelled by the Progressives

1 of the 6%
1 of the 6%
November 27, 2018 5:00 am

Lets make history our guide first by asking some questions.

1. What happened after the income tax was instituted?

2. What happened after the Federal Reserve Bank was instituted?

3. What happened after women’s suffrage?

4. What happened after non-property owners got the vote?

5. What happened after The Supreme Court, in its famous Legal Tender and Gold Clause Cases, ruled that Congress has ‘plenary power’ to issue fiat money and dictate its value, pursuant to its power to ‘regulate the value’ of foreign and domestic coin? — the Constitution says this: “Congress shall have Power…to coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin” And from Section 10, “no state…shall make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”


The Constitution’s Seven Money Clauses

The Constitution’s Five Monetary Rules

Read in conjunction with the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, and the obligation-of-contracts clause (Art. I, sec. 10, cl. 1), we can identify five monetary policies that are constitutionally requisite in the United States:

The basic unit is the dollar, a silver coin containing 371.25 grains of pure silver.
Only gold or silver coins, or currency backed by the same, are legal tender.
No state may issue coins or currency.
No one may counterfeit U.S-government-issued coins or currency.
Fiat money is forbidden.

All in all the Constitution as written has been a big fat failure. I’d think any number of people who write for this site could have written a constitution that was in such plain English as to be understood even by the criminal class that inhabits Washington D.C. that government exists for national protection and for justice in the courts so that citizens can pursue their interests in voluntary exchanges without fear of an unhinged bureaucracy and a class of politicians having militaristic and personal ambitions. Such a constitution would create such a prosperous country that the world’s people would desire that for themselves and so by example this country would serve to create peace in the world. Meanwhile, build the damn wall and destroy the financial system and create a new one based on a means of exchange that cannot be controlled by anything other than price discovery.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
November 27, 2018 8:34 am

Seems to me the focus of Z’s piece was the human condition itself, not necessarily the economic means by which man tries to tame it.

The human condition is fallen, sinful; not as God intended. Should we not therefore look to what God intends for humanity as remedy for our condition and not necessarily economic systems?

Middle-aged Mad Gnome
Middle-aged Mad Gnome
  grace country pastor
November 27, 2018 9:17 am

“Should we not therefore look to what God intends for humanity as remedy for our condition and not necessarily economic systems?”

I agree with the sentiment but don’t find sufficient specifics. An economic system that insists on taking all or most of the fruits of my labors will impact not only my ability to live morally and ethically, it will directly impact how I understand and am willing to understand the very scriptures that communicate “what God intends for humanity”. Therefore, economics and economic systems necessarily matter.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Middle-aged Mad Gnome
November 27, 2018 4:05 pm

“I agree with the sentiment but don’t find sufficient specifics.”

Ok, fair enough.

“An economic system that insists on taking all or most of the fruits of my labors will impact not only my ability to live morally and ethically, it will directly impact how I understand and am willing to understand the very scriptures that communicate “what God intends for humanity”.”

On one hand I see what you’re saying. If you don’t have the time or money to study and “practice what you preach”, how can you. You’re busy trying to eat and stay warm. On the other… I find people in abject poverty understand and appreciate far more fully what God has done for all of us. He took care of our sin problem by accepting the punishment for it. Wealthy people enjoying the fruits of their labor tend to not have much need for God. They pretty much have things covered themselves. Let sickness or disaster come however and watch how fast that changes.

Please understand, I too despise any economic system that takes as much as our does, as I would be a far better “distributor” of that wealth (what little there currently is) than any other.

If I am imprisoned someday for my beliefs, starved half to death; need that alter my moral condition? Paul (the worlds “best” Christian – I’m far from it…) says:

Phil 4:12-13… “I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”

Paul suffered tremendously and kept on moving forward no matter his physical (financial) condition.

As to specifics… If more people realized just how “forgiven” they were, chances are very good they would be far more “forgiving” people in their everyday lives. Economic reality would flow naturally from such. Natural generosity would be the fruit. More would naturally prosper if all on TBP were looking out for one another’s best interest, for example. God today intends for humanity to be freed from sins punishment and to live gracefully among ourselves. See Romans 12 KJB.

peace, Mad Gnome… 🙂

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 27, 2018 9:54 am

Human beings exist in one of two states- Liberty or Slavery. Those are the only two options available. Societies- complex organizations of human beings above the tribal/clannish state-always organize themselves along this axis.

The Great Contradiction is that human collectives; societies, nations, principalities, kingdoms, emirates, empires, etc. are based on the fundamental drives of the individual, such as hunger, mate selection, child rearing, shelter, etc. Collectives have no interest in these needs beyond their ability to manipulate them in order to achieve their own ends. And so we have people like Z-man and in fact most Western Philosophers trying to reconcile their individual drives and desires, reasoning and logic to explain what is essentially an unknowable alien organism of which they are a but a small part. Collectives do not reason, they do not feel, they have no emotions, there is no logic beyond existence in the present. They morph and rearrange themselves to best suit the Collective regardless of the cost to the individual. They represent the greatest obstacle to individual success, but ironically, it’s only guarantee for survival. What they cannot do, what they NEVER do is to create and inspire the singular leaps forward (or upwards) that can ONLY come from the individual; the invention, the artwork, the symphony, the exploration, and the discovery.

These see-saw motions that we apprehend as movements between the poles of Liberty and Slavery are but the much larger movements of The Collective as it does it’s work for the species- expansion of territory, warfare, conquest. It benefits the species in a wholesale fashion by determining which particular branch has the will, the instinctual drive to persist in the face of adversity whether in climate and topography, or in inter-species struggles. It also causes far more damage to it’s components- the individuals that make up its body- and perpetually drag it to the Slavery side of the axis. It is only the result of Individuals that force a reset to the Liberty side of the equation once the Collective has exhausted itself completely on it’s blood feast.

There is no panacea to our organizational structures that will permanently enable human beings to live in a Utopian society as long as we exist as a species.

You cannot fix what is not broken.

Darrell Dullnig
Darrell Dullnig
  hardscrabble farmer
November 27, 2018 10:56 am

Exactly! There is no answer to the human condition. We are an infinitely expanding collective on a finite globe, and we have about run our course. We may as well get accustomed to the idea. If the majority of folks would just arrive at acceptance, we could make the best of what time remains instead of pointing fingers at “the other”.

  hardscrabble farmer
November 27, 2018 11:02 am

E.O. Wilson said recently an uneasy balancing act between the group and the individual. It’s biologically wed into our species. This is why egalatarianism is destined to fail. Ethnic groups want to be with their own kind not out of any cultural affinity but biologically.

This is why I think the Jew elite are in opposition. Let’s say for the sake of argument that Jesus is God. Why should a Jew elite accept someone else’s God when they feel they have earned the status to have their own?

They won’t. Because just as the Roman rulers had a right to choose their God so do the Jews. It’s biological depending on the status of who rules.

It will always be who rules not what rules. Only thing with the Jews promoting an egalatarian secular religion for them to rule over, it’s a fragile piece of China with self same paradoxes woven into it.

Middle-aged Mad Gnome
Middle-aged Mad Gnome
  hardscrabble farmer
November 27, 2018 2:04 pm

“Human beings exist in one of two states- Liberty or Slavery” – HSF.

Perhaps the either/or state of existence is “collective/group vs. individual” rather than liberty vs. slavery. Liberty and slavery exist in degrees, whereas people operating as part of the “hive mind” seem to relinquish their individual identities to some hive until they switch to their individual identity. This matters in terms of Power because no individual is sufficient to defeat a hive where survival is at stake. This is neither a good nor a bad thing. People who cannot or do not become part of a hive are weak and easy prey for almost any hive.