House Democrats Draft Legislation That Would Make It A Hate Crime To Eat At Chick-Fil-A

Via The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Under intense pressure from their left-leaning constituents to do something about the dangerous, Christian-founded restaurant chain, Democrats in the House of Representatives unveiled legislation Tuesday that would make it a hate crime to eat at Chick-fil-A.

The CFAHATE Act Of 2018 would make it a hate crime punishable by federal law to dine at the restaurant or use its drive-thru, with extra punishments for people who post that they’re eating at the restaurant on their social media accounts. The legislation would also impose heftier penalties for anyone who patronizes the extremist hate group’s chicken sandwich establishments during Pride Month.

“We want people making fast-food dining choices to think carefully about a restaurant’s background,” House Minority Leader and bill co-sponsor Nancy Pelosi said in a video posted to her official YouTube account. “If a restaurant’s leadership is associated with Christian values in any way, frequenting their locations amounts to literal violence against minorities, women, and the LGBTQ+ community.”

According to Pelosi, the legislation was rushed into motion after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey posted that he was eating at Chick-fil-A on his Twitter account over the weekend, and was later forced to apologize after weathering severe criticism by progressives. Federal agents found they were unable to prosecute him, since eating at a Christian-owned restaurant wasn’t “technically” defined as a hate crime under United States law.

“It’s 2018. It’s time to put intolerance behind us by making any association with Christians in the public sphere simply intolerable,” Pelosi concluded.

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December 31, 2018 2:55 pm

I actually would not have been surprised, if this was true.
If it was, I’d bet we’d see sales spike astronomically higher, in support of Chick-Fil-A, and in mass, middle finger response to the sjw’s who might hatch such a proposal.

Two females close to me took note of the fact that the racial make up of their employees is predominantly white, conservative, southern, and religious.
So, their takeaway: must be racist.
Give me a ‘kin break.
Is the food good? Decent enough.
Is the service pleasant?
Prompt & courteous.
End of story.

Bob McDoanld
Bob McDoanld
December 31, 2018 3:44 pm

Drive radical agendas through controlling legislation. This undermining of our country has been going on since the Vietnam era. The abnormal becomes the normal at the expense of the people. When we are ruined as a country, people will begin asking what happened. Joke or not, this is exactly where we are heading.

  Bob McDoanld
December 31, 2018 4:28 pm

It getting to the point where I just want to kill these leftist progressive bastards. Mercy to none of them.

December 31, 2018 4:38 pm

When government passes illegal laws (unconstitutional) it makes many of it’s citizens criminals. Once a criminal other laws matter much less. Bring it on!

December 31, 2018 5:15 pm

Yep,fighting back when cornered can ruin you financially/end you in prison for life/or,more likely dead.

That said,the first one expensive,the rest are free.

December 31, 2018 7:55 pm

An unconstitutional act is not a law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties. It is, in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.
—————————-U.S.A. Supreme Court, Norton vs Shelby County 1886

Sam Fox
Sam Fox
December 31, 2018 5:07 pm

I know the Dimms are dumber than a box of rocks, but this ‘news’ is from a Christian satire site. I am sure the day will come when they will try this kind of ‘legislation’, just isn’t today, yet.

Although the article is satirical, I am convinced dimms would do stuff along those lines. I bet the satire actually shows the basic mindset of the radical ‘progressive’ fascist Dimms.


Not Sure
Not Sure
December 31, 2018 5:33 pm

Laugh today, cry tomorrow.

How many times must we jump on the bandwagon of voicing our rage at the injustice of the deep state and cry out for our representatives to do something, only to be let down during the hearing and laughed at by the ones so deserving of jail time, yet who once again, can’t recall the date or don’t remember wiping the hard drive.
We’ve been doing this since Benghazi with the same result time and time again. But wait, there is more proof rolling in that the previous administration acted criminally in using government agencies to spy on a presidential candidate, get on the phones and demand a hearing.

no one
no one
December 31, 2018 5:36 pm

You need to warn us when posting jokes that quite possibly might come true.

December 31, 2018 5:43 pm

Compared to being served a cup of coffee at the Minnesota international airport by Somalia’s….whose vacant souless eyes make you glad they don’t have a machete?
I will take my chances at Chick-Fil-A and gladly have my day in court to see if America can fall to Pelosi’s lunacy .

December 31, 2018 7:31 pm

Fake News. No thanks.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 31, 2018 8:47 pm

Screw everybody that doesn’t like Chick Filet over some liberal nonsense . If you don’t like the food or the Christan values the owners and management express or practice in the daily activities of their business don’t buy their food .
I like everything about Chick Filet and after hearing this nonsense from Pelosi the queen of the DC shitheads I intend to go their more often !

December 31, 2018 10:49 pm

Think I’ll take my grandsons to Chic Filet before they return to government indoctrination camp after the winter solstice holiday non Christian celebration break.

January 1, 2019 8:15 am

CF is the most popular restaurant in my hometown. Dems can Screw Themselves. I support all businesses that close on Sundays. Pelosi is an old senile woman with a very low IQ.

January 1, 2019 8:17 am

Also, I really enjoy, and laugh, watching Pelosi say “Prescription Drugs!” One of these days, her dentures will fall out. Blah, Ha, Ha…

January 1, 2019 10:15 am

Fuck Nancy, Fuck liberals.