5 Things To Do About Our Culture’s Antagonism Against Men

Via The Federalist

5 Things To Do About Our Culture’s Antagonism Against Men

In modern society, many of the ways we talk about male identity have either negative connotations or encourage disparaging, eye-rolling satire. If the term is man, then common terms we hear are “man flu,” “manspreading,” or “mansplaining.”

If the term is dad, then there is a droll shaking of the head at a “dad bod” or at “dad jokes.” If the term is guy, it is often in relation to stubbornly self-defeating behaviour: ‘I got sick, but I did the typical guy thing, and didn’t go see the doctor.” Or: “I was battling with my mental health, but I did the typical guy thing and didn’t ask for help.” If the term is masculinity, it is often used in relation to things males must atone for or confront: “toxic masculinity,” or “the crisis in masculinity.”

If educators, psychologists, and the media want to dissect emerging troubles in masculine identity, then a good place to start would be to acknowledge that many of the ways we talk about male identity undermine this goal. This is a problem that affects us all, because boys are growing up in a culture that is increasingly questioning what’s wrong with them, whilst perpetuating casual cynicism towards them.

There are several reasons why this kind of thing gets overlooked. One argument is that it’s just light-hearted ribbing, and shouldn’t be taken too seriously; but many of the examples above are not light-hearted, and it all adds up to a big picture of masculinity being an obligingly easy target. It seems that women are in many ways entitled to “punch up” at a fracturing but still prevalent male entitlement, and that therefore putting male-chauvinist antics or clumsily wayward men “in their place” is an amusingly empowering thing to do.

1. Start Calling This Bias and Negativity Out

So, the first change that needs to be made is simple and attitudinal: When boys see this kind of stuff on the TV, they should get in the habit of calling it out for being lame, and if anyone starts talking in a lazily derogatory way about men, they should tell them to take a hike.

Do we still believe that the male hierarchy remains rigidly oppressive? Certainly not boys, or at least not as much as they used to. When they look out at the world, they aren’t seeing a society dominated by a tyrannical patriarchy. They’re seeing their sex through an increasingly disorientating lens of negatively reinforcing pop culture and politically correct ideology, and they’re seeing themselves, as a sex, continuing to fall behind.

Women make up 60 percent of university graduates, and dominate education, health care, and law. Yes, there is a pay gap. While some of that is due to bias, it’s actually more to do with the fact that men do most of the dangerous jobs, work outdoors more than women, are in arduous trades more than women, tend to pick higher-paid occupations when they’re in training, and are more willing to move to get higher-paying jobs.

In many big urban and metro areas, women are also outperforming men in wages. In highly upskilled New York, for example, women are earning on average 8 percent more than men. In domestic life, boys see that women make the decisions on big-ticket items, and are responsible for 65 percent of new vehicle purchases.

Boys see that girls and women have better prospects, but don’t see anyone ever questioning the structures behind those developments, and they are culturally disincentivised to question such developments themselves. Psychologist and author Bettina Arndt, in her book “#Mentoo,” asks: “Why are boys doing so badly at school when the whole curriculum is set up to advantage girls? Why do women have such power in the family courts to shut men out of their children’s lives?”

Boys are being made to feel that their sex is in disarray, in crisis, and in decline, and that they are part of an enduring tyrannical patriarchy for which their sex must continuously account and atone, and they ought to help tear down.

2. Boys Need Balanced Information about Discrimination

So, the second change that needs to be made is contextual. Boys need to be given a clear and balanced context that reiterates there is still work to be done breaking down bias and encouraging inclusivity, but equally confronts the ways men are being marginalised academically, in multiple leading fields, and in domestic decision making, and encourages them to question and contest these things openly.

The issues young men face are often linked to the idea that there is something wrong with masculinity itself, and therefore the expression of aspects of masculinity should be limited. We see this in the fact that male behaviour is increasingly diagnosed as attention deficit disorder, the limiting of competition as a valid and empowering form of human interaction, and in the failure to recognise that competitive sports are deeply cooperative.

This leads us to the root of the problem: the social-constructivists. This social pressure grew out of a desire to advance women, by arguing that if we acknowledge that women are biologically different in any way, that could be used as justification for why they don’t deserve to be treated the same as men, or are not as capable as men.

The ideology then went after masculinity, and argued that the sexes are essentially the same, and that raising boys in the traditional way “socially constructs” their gender identity and sets them up for a life where they’ll be entitled to succeed and be aggressive and dominant. You’ve probably seen this framed as the emotionally heated, poorly argued issue of “making” boys play with trucks, and “making” girls play with dolls, and forcing kids to conform to gender “roles.” (It is impossible to discuss this without a deluge of ironic quotation marks.)

Now, to be fair, this is sometimes appropriate, such as in our emerging understanding about transgender children. It is vital to prevent them being forced to conform to characteristics of a sex they don’t identify with. But they are a tiny percentage of the population, and even then, it still leads to a rejection of the social constructivists, because women transgendered to men are often quite proud to show off their buff physiques as a statement of traditionally ideal masculinity. In other words, they had an innate gender; they just had to go through a transition to express it.

There is a fundamental problem with social constructivism: Most of it, upon analysis, is rubbish. Dr. Debra Soh, a former sex researcher and neuroscientist, has said of it, “If you read the social studies, you cannot come away from them believing that gender is a social construct.” We’re talking about multiple studies by multiple independent researchers who didn’t have an axe to grind and were just neutral psycho-scientists studying data.

Clinical scientist and professor of psychology Jordan Peterson points out that over the last four decades the Scandinavian countries led the world in policies that were designed to eliminate the cultural variations between men and women. They have done the most work trying to create a gender-equitable society. The idea was to eradicate the differences between men and women by social transformation.

“So what’s happened?” Peterson asks. “Well the personality differences and gender traits between men and women in these countries have actually widened. The exact opposite of what the social-constructivists said was going to happen. So guess what, social-constructivists: you’re wrong, and that’s that.”

3. Reject Social Constructivism, and Support Men as Men

So, the third change that needs to be made: parents and educators need to call out and reject social-constructivist teaching and thinking, and affirm to boys that there are inherently male characteristics and inclinations that are good: loyalty, practicality, competitiveness, quiet dignity, and many more.

As author D.C. McAllister reported in a recent Federalist piece, “The American Psychological Association has released new guidelines for psychologists to help boys and men overcome pathologies researchers say are caused by traditional masculinity.” Despite their ideas being based on extremely dodgy theory, the ideologues have managed to mainstream the idea that for boys, masculine behaviours and characteristics need to be regulated or subdued, to prevent them from growing up to express what is dubbed “toxic masculinity,” traits of which are being violent, unemotional, and sexually aggressive.

The vast majority of people are not criminals. A small fraction commit one or two crimes. The vast majority of the crimes—almost all of them—are perpetrated by a miniscule professional hardcore. The same thing applies with sexual assault and harassment. A terrible mistake would be to take the actions and behaviours of a tiny amount of men, and attribute the instincts for those behaviours to all men, or say it is a broad problem of entitlement, and testosterone, and aggression latent generally in men. It’s important to get that distinction right, and we are not at all.

The Me Too movement, as we all know, was borne out of good intentions, genuine outrage, and an urgent need for change. But many people also acknowledge that it has, in some ways, gone too far. Boys will have hopefully learned, from witnessing the downfall of a stream of terrible men, that it is wrong to be sexually aggressive. But all this has made a lot of boys uncertain whether they can be sexually assertive.

This has crucially become a less-clear distinction, and a hard thing for boys to try and navigate, and they are not being given guidance, and especially not proper role-modelling from men. A boy being sexually assertive does not mean him being sexually aggressive.

Regarding a relationship and sexual activity, a boy should first and foremost be a gentleman: respectful, trustworthy, decent, understand consent, and be able to demonstrate emotional maturity. Once that has been established, boys should revel in their physique, their stamina, their raw physicality, and find that top-gear of rhythm and intensity, of male prowess that has a special exhilaration that all guys (who experience it) can relate to. That is a boy being sexually assertive.

Being a decent young man and wanting to be sexually assertive are not mutually exclusive. Rather, the positive attitude creates the context for the positive sexual expression. That mindset needs to be articulated openly and clearly to boys, and reinforced.

4. Affirm Boys’ Instincts While Helping Them Mature

So, the fourth change that needs to be made: boys need to have their instincts to be maturely, sexually assertive, legitimised, and affirmed.

Little questioning has been made of the root causes of young male depression. I’ve started to establish a pretty clear through-line: a routed, satirised, and inadequately modelled masculinity that leads to uncertainty, cynicism, and withdrawal. If boys are faced with the burden of all this negative complexity, why wouldn’t a large number of them want to step aside and disengage?

That is exactly what’s happening. Society is reading things the wrong way around: It’s not that a lack of emotional engagement and expressiveness is undermining boys, it’s that boys are being undermined, and it is making them less emotionally engaged and expressive.

This is leading to a dissipation of young masculinity, not just culturally, not just in the limiting of their potential, but literally. The rates of testosterone men produce has been decreasing for years. The reasons aren’t known for sure, but there are some clear contributing factors: increases in body-mass index, increased medication, and depression.

As young men become less willing to engage in a cultural landscape that extreme feminists and other ideologues of politically correct social engineering have made uncomfortably negative for them, they are more inclined to passively withdraw and to display traits we associate with a lack of resilience: weight-gain, increasing varieties and dosages of medications, and developing rates of depression. These are all factors various studies have identified as contributing to the lowering rate of testosterone.

Furthermore, traits associated with depression include low self-esteem and social withdrawal, which help lead boys to the compensation of online porn, with its further problems of unrealistic notions of sex, misogynistic attitudes, and addiction.

Boys are over-cluttered with mixed messages, mostly negative. They have grown up with a constant narrative, bolstered by statistics, that their sex is falling behind across the board, and that it is their innate behaviours as young men that are holding them back socially, emotionally, and academically.

The cultural message says their sex is historically to blame for oppression, and that they should accept a dilution of their status, and expect to be treated contemptuously if they don’t participate in that dilution. What has become permissible in flirtation and initiation of sexual expression has become dissonant and uncertain, and they are not receiving strong role modelling from older men.

5. Men Need to Champion Boys Again

This is the fifth and last necessary change: men need to be more assertive role models by pushing back, culturally, on behalf of boys.

Society needs to encourage boys to push back against the cultural satirising of their sex; give them a sense of balance about lingering male bias and overcompensating female dominance; parents and educators need to call out and reject social-constructivist teaching and thinking; boys need to have their instincts to be maturely sexually assertive legitimised; and men need to be more forthright and clear about reinforcing all these things.

Clear out all the crap. Give boys discipline and boundaries. Then let boys be boys. Sounds radical, doesn’t it.

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Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 10, 2019 2:09 pm

Example: On a forum dedicated to my profession a woman complained that she is in danger whenever she is alone with a male client. When I pointed out that men are also quite vulnerable when alone with a woman, the conversation got heated.

My comments were deleted by the moderator and labeled as misogynist.

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 10, 2019 2:14 pm


Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 10, 2019 2:15 pm


You will never really become a man until you can say no to pussy.

Stop lying to get pussy.

  Donkey Balls
January 10, 2019 4:58 pm

Is it ok to still take an occasional sympathy hump?

(I’m asking for a friend)

  Donkey Balls
January 10, 2019 5:44 pm

I can’t say no to pussy. Been married 33 years, and don’t have to lie. Am I a man?

January 10, 2019 5:47 pm

No, you are not a man. You are a pussy.

NO, you don’t have to turn into a fag. It just means you are not controlled by pussy.

January 10, 2019 6:06 pm

But what if your micro wave only wants to be controlled by the crock pot for about 30 minutes and the other 23 hours and 30 minutes you a bad boy pirate???

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 10, 2019 6:51 pm

You’re not a butt pirate, are you?

  Donkey Balls
January 10, 2019 7:09 pm

Nope, always been a hard core heterosexual…I thought this was a pussy thread?

You’re not fishing are ya Donkey testicles??? Not that theres anything wrong with that …yada…yada…yada…

Donkey Balls
Donkey Balls
January 10, 2019 7:45 pm

Haha, just busting your balls.

My 83 year old father gave me the “you aren’t a man until you can say no” advice just last weekend.

  Donkey Balls
January 10, 2019 8:09 pm

DONKEY…I knew that!

I was just tease’in ya back.

Now, being 83 and giving that specific advice is one thing…but when you’re young and walking around with the ability to crack open walnuts with your uncontrollable throbbing manhood…brought on by a stiff breeze…the old man advice is best saved for old men.

Come on, all serious micro wave men with real treasured memories…remember and treasure the memories of all the crock pots…not their blue balled backed up pride. Especially if there was an escape route handy…now if you’re talking about the “War of the Roses” you might want to gird up your loins…but just remember the ending…you should never have stayed that long to begin with.

Don’t just say NO! Run from the Venus fly trap…RUN!!!!!!

January 10, 2019 10:13 pm

Yeah, I told dad he gave me that advice about 40 years too late. Better late than never?

January 10, 2019 11:28 pm

I’m happy for you that you still have him…my Dad went home when he was 79…I miss him every day.

January 10, 2019 2:18 pm

The problem is, women want it both ways.
Women want the right to say no, even after enticing a man to be sexually active with her, even days, weeks, months, and years after the event.
Her word is to be considered sacrosanct, and must be taken as truth without question, ruining many (innocent) men’s careers and even lives, as a result.
Men are not permitted to have a defense against such accusations.
Don’t get me wrong, I have no use for serial abusers such as Harvey Weinstein and other Hollywood, political and celebrity types; they deserve ostracization and severe punishment for their actions, BUT if women want true equality they must take responsibility for their own actions. They cannot have it both ways.
All one has to do is look at the way Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was treated by the mainstream media, who gave his accuser Anita Hill a pass, even though she followed him from job to job, without any mention of harassment.
Women want the same pay for equal work–not a problem in most cases, but if a woman cannot do the job, she then asks for special treatment because she is a woman, instead of realizing that she is not cut out for such work and should seek more suitable employment.
Men die sooner than women as they do the most hazardous work.
If women want to be treated as equals they have to step up to the plate and TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY for their own actions
Multiculturalism, diversity and especially feminism are flawed concepts that equate to the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Of course it took a female of the species to coax the male into eating of the forbidden fruit.
Another parallel example is that of the Tower of Babel in which separate cultures and languages developed.
At the risk of offending the female of the species, there were reasons why women did not achieve suffrage (the right to vote) among other things. I realize that there are many intelligent women who do not subscribe to externalized altruism, but there are too many who do . . . Women have a altruistic streak, which is necessary in the formation and care of their families. However, this altruism has been externalized, helped along by our enemies, caring for outsiders while neglecting the good within the family structure in–internalized altruism. This externalized altruism has become deadly which has been put into the hands of feminists. This externalized altruism made the communistic, so-called civil-rights movement a (hollow) success (Actually, the so-called civil-rights movement is falling apart), along with the country).

January 10, 2019 4:59 pm

Oh, so THAT’S what suffrage means. I just thought we needed to stop letting women suffer when I signed that petiton to “End Womens’ Suffrage” last week at the mall. Oh well. I will say it felt pretty damn good to seem virtuous and better than my neighbor by signing the petition.

January 10, 2019 5:08 pm

I hung around with a guy in the early 70’s. He had a saying: “Treat women like a pirate…and you will be beating them off with a stick.”

Now he was a good looking guy and made good money (repaied MGs) and owned a house he lived in by himself (we were 23 & 24 when we hit the nightlife together) but I’m gonna tell you I never knew anyone who had more women chasing him…and he was true to his word about how he treated them.

I was always a gentleman for the most part and all he needed was an eye patch and a parrot but he was arranging two a day sometimes to come over his place (at different times) for what he called a “double header day”, and then more or less asked them both to leave after.

He was a bad boy that a certain type of woman went crazy for.

January 10, 2019 2:27 pm

The American Psychiatric Association just declared Traditional Masculinity to be harmful according to an article on Breitbart yesterday.

January 10, 2019 3:40 pm

Those fucks don’t even know what masculinity is. They even profess that being queer is normal.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
February 17, 2019 6:11 am

The American Psychiatric Society is harmful to the people of the united States. Says me!

January 10, 2019 2:47 pm

Let’s look at American “popular culture” and see how the American male is portrayed and treated. Today’s popular culture and the culture going back forty years or so has portrayed white males as bumbling idiots, controlled and insulted by, a know-it-all domineering “wife”, with snotty and bratty children insulting him at every turn.
Adult white males are not looked upon as leaders and protectors of society and their families as they once were, but are relegated to the lowest level of humanity, to be used and abused by everyone else.
It doesn’t stop there, Hollywood’s negative portrayal of white males, with minorities being in positions of power and responsibility, the (inferior) white male is always answering to a black superior, supervisor or leader, despite reality dictating otherwise.
The “education system” is no better, being geared for females, who have totally feminized the system, relegating boys to the status of being dysfunctional, to be drugged and even ostracized, just for being boys.
The condemnation of white males is almost complete. It is long overdue to take back our rightful place in society. Start out by boycotting Hollywood and letting program sponsors know why…

January 10, 2019 3:08 pm

1. Kill the 19th Amendment.
2. Bring back coverture.
3. Shoot the irredeemable ‘feminists’ and other communists.
4. ????
5. Profit.

January 10, 2019 3:36 pm

The answer is simple but not easy. Tell the “victims” to fuck off and die. Refuse to be a milK cow for the enemy.

January 10, 2019 3:41 pm
January 10, 2019 5:10 pm

Interesting. Both the content, and that you posted it.
Wouldn’t have seen that coming.

January 10, 2019 4:57 pm

Girls desire love and acceptance. Boy’s want to know if they got the right stuff to kick life’s ass. For both, achievement inspires motivation. Be the wind beneath their wings and watch them fly.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
January 10, 2019 5:02 pm

Equal rights call for equal responsibility and accountability not equality of outcome . It’s obvious the feminization of the American male has done a great deal of damage and very little to improve the social construct or contract between men and women & boys and girls . The continuous claim one can replace the other is tenuious at best in many cases man or woman on specific jobs makes little difference . Then there are others it’s a huge difference , no I do not want a woman countering my weight over the side in a bosuns chair unless she is some sort of 200 plus pound body builder and no women want me as their hair dresser or fashion consultant wow I thought there is no difference “NOT”!
The leftist war on men is nearly complete though , considering 70% of men 18 to 24 are emotionally or physically unfit for military service ! That’s a stat should worry every American to their core man or women . Yes ladies I know women serve with pride and distinction but not to the degree enabling our nation to answer a world conflict call .
As for media from news or entertainment ,belittling the American male especially white men as become the order of the day . Dramas or Sit-Coms the “DAD” is always the bumbling baffon who without the advice of his 9 year old daughter teamed up with her mother and the gay couple next door they manage to keep him from burning the house down changing a light bulb or blowing up the garage starting a lawnmower .
Then there’s that show I refuse to stomach “The Fosters” the lesbian couple one is a police officer the other a black school principal who’s gayness solves all the problems the children awarded to them for care and paid for by taxpayers as are these lovebirds salaries . Generally the mother is downtrodden by the white alcoholic male loser or it’s a black male father who lost his children after a series of tragic events that would never have happened if he were white . The whole thing makes me puke !
My wife and daughter DVR that mess and if ever it interrupts me I send it into the ether vapor of deleteville !
I did a tough job for many years saved paid for a private education , volunteered as a sports coach and paid for college for my child , paid for our home health care cars and a little beach hideaway trailer in a comfy park .
If that makes me a bad male role model bury me upside down so the world can kiss my ass

January 10, 2019 7:04 pm

Thank you. It is a great resource to link to a variety of conversations.

January 10, 2019 8:14 pm

How about this? What say men grow a pair andquit giving a shit about this stuff? The next time I worry about this shit will be the first.

Beat your damn hairy chests and let the people around you know you are men. Be polite to all, but steamroll them if they fuck with you. Quit trying to control your natural tendencies.

January 11, 2019 3:37 pm

“What say men grow a pair andquit giving a shit about this stuff? ”

Was going to say the same thing.

This is as much as I read:

1. Start Calling This Bias and Negativity Out
2. Boys Need Balanced Information about Discrimination
3. Reject Social Constructivism, and Support Men as Men
4. Affirm Boys’ Instincts While Helping Them Mature
5. Men Need to Champion Boys Again

This sounds like it was written by a progressive woman. What actual man would write, speak, or think in these terms? The wording alone sounds like this article was written for Vanity Fair.

If I did give a shit, I’d also feel sorry for the metrosexual half-man who wrote this article.

January 11, 2019 7:53 pm

Amen.. Smacks of sensitivity training.

January 11, 2019 7:33 pm

All this bullshit about toxic masculinity is just a culture Marxists tactic in their overall Long March strategy of taking down the West in general and the Constitutional, gun toting, ass kicking, non-apologetic, testosterone dripping, hard living, fearless, Commie hating, bad-boy – bad ass American Man.

Piss on the metrosexuals and soy boys…I have laughed out loud a couple of gaggles of them I’ve seen, and they knew it…they actually gave me…wait for it…DIRTY LOOKS! What they gonna do hit me with their man bag-purse or choke me with their scarfs.

How To Stamp Out Cultural Marxism In A Single Generation


smoke em if you got em
smoke em if you got em
January 10, 2019 9:48 pm

…. or you could just punch the nutbars in the throat