The Beaches of Normandy 75 Years Ago: Images, Links and Stories

Supreme Allied Commander Dwight Eisenhower made the final decision to launch Overlord, as the D-Day invasion was code-named, June 5, 1944.   Storms delayed the original invading force,  but only briefly.  Eisenhower assembled and briefed the invading forces on the launch planned for the following day, June 6.

More than two and a half million soldiers, sailors, and airmen were briefed on the details of the invasion, which included landing troops on five sections of beach to move inland on roads and exits secured by paratroopers dropped behind line.

Paratrooper Support

The initial stages of the invasion did not go as planned when the planes that carried the paratroopers were driven off course by flak and gunfire.  The paratroopers in the U.S. 82nd Airborne Division were scattered in the drop and unable to secure the road to Cherbourg.

Many of the members of the 101st Airborne, who were to secure to exits from Utah Beach across flooded marshes, were scattered or drowned.  Surviving paratroopers regrouped and made their way toward the battle.  That is what paratroopers do.

Operation Tiger

Operation Tiger,  the dress rehearsal which occurred in late April, had deadly and unexpected fire from German boats.  749 troops were lost during the exercise.  The impact of that surprise attack caused Churchill to insist upon the construction of the innovative Mulberry Harbors to provide safe passage for troops and supplies to troops during and after the landings at Normandy.  Those harbors, while only temporary, secured the ability for troops to get from ship to shore quickly as well as providing supply lines during the critical first days of the invasion.

Utah Beach

The landing at Utah Beach went fairly well with modified Sherman tanks  lumbering onshore to the complete surprise of the Germans.  By nightfall the infantry met up with paratroopers  from the 101st Airborne and established bridgehead.

Gold Beach

The British 50th Northumbrian Division and 8th Armored Brigade were able to secure Arromanches on Gold Beach as a site for one of the Mulberry Harbors right away.  This was a key point of resupply.

Juno Beach

The landing at Juno Beach was delayed by offshore reefs and the landing craft were unable to approach at low tide.  Many landing craft were destroyed by the unseen mines in the water which further slowed the successive landings, but by nightfall a bridgehead had been established.

Sword Beach

Because of the heavily fortified seafront villas at Sword Beach, the heaviest preliminary bombardments by German troops occurred there.  Most of the amphibious tanks made it ashore and the invading force was able to secure a beachhead relatively quickly, in spite of counterattack.

Omaha Beach

The landing at Omaha Beach, on the other hand, did not go smoothly.  The stormy conditions on the water allowed only two of the 29 launched tanks to reach the beach.  Preliminary bombing targets had been obscured by low clouds and German defenses were intact there.  Germans were able to hold the U.S. 1st Division on the beach.  The beach became a killing field clogged by crippled vehicles.  The survival instinct and courage of a few small groups of soldiers enabled them to gain a tenuous hold on a path leading up the bluff.  By nightfall the Germans were being pushed back, but at a cost of more than 2000 casualties to the invading force.

LIFE Magazine’s Robert Capa landed with the 34,250 troops onto Omaha Beach during the D-Day landing. His photographs—infused with jarring movement from the center of that brutal assault—gave the public an American soldier’s view of the dangers of war.

The image above photographed from Life’s 50th Anniversary Issue, Fall 1986, with inset.

Inset explanation to the Life Magazine 50th Anniversary Image.

The soldier in this case was Private First Class Huston Riley, who jumped into water so deep after his landing craft was shelled, he walked on the bottom holding his breath as long as he could. When his life preservers brought him to the surface, Riley became a target for the guns and artillery shells mowing down his comrades. It took him more than a half hour to reach the shore amidst the gunfire and carnage.

Capa took the photo of him after he’d surfaced, then helped other soldiers assist Riley.  Riley later commented on his thoughts at seeing the cameraman.

“What the hell is this guy doing here? I can’t believe it. Here’s a cameraman on the shore.”

The cameraman spent an hour and a half under fire as men around him died.  His four rolls of film were carefully transported to LIFE’s London offices, stopping the presses for the images to be added to the June 19 issue. Many of the images did not survive the journey, but the images that remain provide a grainy, blurry look at the action, giving the photos an almost frenzied and frenetic feel.  The collection, linked below the short video below, provide viewers with a sense of the drama that defines our collective memory of that epic day.

The short documentary below provides insight about the prevailing attitude of a supportive media willing to face the dangers of war to help tell the story to the American people and gain their support for the Allied War Effort.

On this 75th Anniversary of the valiant actions of valiant men, when the hopes of the free world rested on their young shoulders, I hope we can all take a moment to thank them for their Sacred Honor.

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June 6, 2019 11:54 am

Not to in any way take away from what was accomplished that day or the courage it must have taken for all those men to make the charge onto those beaches and what they dealt with over the next months, but let’s not forget how the world ended up there.

(Overly simplified version) Wilson was actively provoking Germany by shipping arms to England in direct violation of the neutrality agreement the US had with Germany at the beginning of WW1. The usual contingent (the same one that promotes war for their profits today) was pushing him to get us involved in what clearly was Europe’s war. The American citizens wanted NOTHING to do with WW1. The sinking of the Lusitania, and non-stop propaganda by the media and others, finally got enough American support for Congress to declare war. Up until this point, the war was basically becoming a stalemate that would have ended with a peace treaty, the preservation of most of the Empires of Europe, possibly the continuation of the Russian empire, and likely the continuation of the Ottoman Empire’s control of the Middle East.

Instead, US troops made all the difference, the war dragged on for several more years, further weakening Russia and giving more support to the Communists who eventually toppled the Czar, Germany lost, the Ottoman empire fell, and the Sikes-Picot agreement carved up the Middle East, setting the stage for today’s M.E. misery. The Treaty of Versailles decimated Germany and the German people (only made worse by the global depression of the 30s), and set the stage for a strongman who would stand up to the allied powers that made the German people suffer so much. Most definitely there were behind the scenes machinations by the Bank of London, the newly created Federal Reserve, and other country-destroyers that worsened the situation while making their positions wealthier. Plenty of other behind the scenes stuff on multiple geopolitical fronts too, but ultimately US meddling in a war we had NO BUSINESS being involved in, set the stage for millions more deaths roughly two decades later.

So as we meddle again (have we ever truly stopped), in Syria, Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Mexico, N. Korea, China, Russia, Ukraine (oh hell, this list could go on for a long time), let us truly think about D-Day and how our worthless government simply treats its soldiers as nothing more than cannon fodder to achieve the financial and geopolitical goals of the globalists, banksters, arms cartels, natural resource cartels, etc.

“I shall say it again and again and again. Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars.” – FDR (Oct. 30, 1940)

“Why of course the people don’t want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don’t want war: neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But after all it is the leaders of a country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or fascist dictorship, or a parliament or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peace makers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” – Hermann Goering

June 6, 2019 3:08 pm

To buddies who have crossed the hill
Whose laughter once rang loud and clear
This moment finds us bowed and still
Because you do not answer “HERE!”

Mr. Liberty, you said to me on a recent Memorial Day Vietnam related post, after I posted the above and a Poem titled: ‘The Unwritten Poem by the Forgotten Man’

“If you have no point in being there, no moral justification for being there, and your nation is committing a war crime with every bullet you fire, then even killing the person attacking is immoral. It is like the home invader claiming it was ok to kill you because you were shooting at him while he was in your home. You are an invading force. Those repelling you have the entire moral high ground. That you are killing others to defend yourself and your “buddies” does not absolve you of the immoral acts you are committing. Sorry. Don’t enlist, don’t agree to fight if drafted, reject the war entirely, even if it means jail. THAT is the moral stance to take.”

Obviously, in both of my postings I was mourning and lamenting ‘buddies’ I fought with who were killed in action…some right next to me. But you reminded me I will not find absolution for my immoral acts and invasion, and that in 1968/69, when I was 18 & 19 I should have not enlisted, fought the draft, gone to prison, and as you so smugly self-righteously closed/emphasized:

“THAT is the moral stance to take.”

Then in relation to WW2 above you said:

“Not to in any way take away from what was accomplished that day or the courage it must have taken for all those men to make the charge onto those beaches and what they dealt with over the next months, but let’s not forget how the world ended up there.”

Considering Pearl Harbor and The Tonkin Gulf incident were both False Flags I was wondering why you did not want to take anything away from the D –Day veterans…but said what you did about me?

Now, I probably agree with you 98% of the time politically as since the early 90’s and my early 40’s I started to discover the truth, over 20 years since I watched my ‘buddies’ killed and maimed, but I was just wondering if you have ever sacrificed your life (or anything of value) or risked going to prison or alienating your family (all the men in my family were WW2 Vets) for any cause while riding the high, high horse you rode in on when posting about my life and the war of my youth?

My buddy niebo posted I should ignore your ‘kick in the balls’ and my buddy Flea (who also fought in Nam) said to remember, “It don’t mean nothing”. That’s a saying we had in Nam when something bad happened…that really did mean something.

June 6, 2019 4:20 pm

In that same Life Mag Anniversary issue are Vietnam stories. Ever heard of Veterans Corner (Dale Graham)?…amazing stories.

  M G
June 6, 2019 4:32 pm

I haven’t but I looked him up, good man!

Cuts like a Knife
Cuts like a Knife
June 24, 2019 4:18 pm

Have had a successful launch, I hope. Waiting for the cybersecurity specialist.

June 6, 2019 12:06 pm

Wow. Appreciate the effort and time you took to put this together. Very nice. Gonna take me some time to read some of the links but, I look forward to it.

Let’s all give Maggie a big thumbs up on this one folks.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  M G
June 6, 2019 2:18 pm

I’m an old man now, and a lonesome man in Kansas
but not afraid
to speak my lonesomeness in a car,
because not only my lonesomeness
it’s Ours, all over America,
O tender fellows—
& spoken lonesomeness is Prophecy
in the moon 100 years ago or in
the middle of Kansas now.
It’s not the vast plains mute our mouths
that fill at midnite with ecstatic language
when our trembling bodies hold each other
breast to breast on a mattress—
Not the empty sky that hides
the feeling from our faces
nor our skirts and trousers that conceal
the bodylove emanating in a glow of beloved skin,
white smooth abdomen down to the hair
between our legs,
It’s not a God that bore us that forbid
our Being, like a sunny rose
all red with naked joy
between our eyes & bellies, yes
All we do is for this frightened thing
we call Love, want and lack—
fear that we aren’t the one whose body could be
beloved of all the brides of Kansas City,
kissed all over by every boy of Wichita—
O but how many in their solitude weep aloud like me—
On the bridge over Republican River
almost in tears to know
how to speak the right language—
on the frosty broad road
uphill between highway embankments
I search for the language
that is also yours—
almost all our language has been taxed by war.
Radio antennae high tension
wires ranging from Junction City across the plains—
highway cloverleaf sunk in a vast meadow
lanes curving past Abilene
to Denver filled with old
heroes of love—
to Wichita where McClure’s mind
burst into animal beauty
drunk, getting laid in a car
in a neon misted street
15 years ago—
to Independence where the old man’s still alive
who loosed the bomb that’s slaved all human consciousness
and made the body universe a place of fear—
Now, speeding along the empty plain,
no giant demon machine
visible on the horizon
but tiny human trees and wooden houses at the sky’s edge
I claim my birthright!
reborn forever as long as Man
in Kansas or other universe—Joy
reborn after the vast sadness of the War Gods!
A lone man talking to myself, no house in the brown vastness to hear
imagining that throng of Selves
that make this nation one body of Prophecy
languaged by Declaration as Pursuit of
I call all Powers of imagination
to my side in this auto to make Prophecy,
all Lords
of human kingdoms to come
Shambu Bharti Baba naked covered with ash
Khaki Baba fat-bellied mad with the dogs
Dehorahava Baba who moans Oh how wounded, How wounded
Sitaram Onkar Das Thakur who commands
give up your desire
Satyananda who raises two thumbs in tranquility
Kali Pada Guha Roy whose yoga drops before the void
Shivananda who touches the breast and says OM
Srimata Krishnaji of Brindaban who says take for your guru
William Blake the invisible father of English visions
Sri Ramakrishna master of ecstasy eyes
half closed who only cries for his mother
Chitanya arms upraised singing & dancing his own praise
merciful Chango judging our bodies
Durga-Ma covered with blood
destroyer of battlefield illusions
million faced Tathagata gone past suffering
Preserver Harekrishna returning in the age of pain
Sacred Heart my Christ acceptable
Allah the compassionate one
Jaweh Righteous One
all Knowledge-Princes of Earth-man, all
ancient Seraphim of heavenly Desire, Devas, yogis
& holymen I chant to—
Come to my lone presence
into this Vortex named Kansas,
I lift my voice aloud,
make Mantra of American language now,
I here declare the end of the War!
Ancient days’ Illusion!—
and pronounce words beginning my own millennium.
Let the States tremble,
let the nation weep,
let Congress legislate its own delight,
let the President execute his own desire—
this Act done by my own voice,
nameless Mystery—
published to my own senses,
blissfully received by my own form
approved with pleasure by my sensations
manifestation of my very thought
accomplished in my own imagination
all realms within my consciousness fulfilled
60 miles from Wichita
near El Dorado,
The Golden One,
in chill earthly mist
houseless brown farmland plains rolling heavenward
in every direction
one midwinter afternoon Sunday called the day of the Lord—
Pure Spring Water gathered in one tower
where Florence is
set on a hill,
stop for tea & gas

Cars passing their messages along country crossroads
to populaces cement-networked on flatness,
giant white mist on earth
and a Wichita Eagle-Beacon headlines
“Kennedy Urges Cong Get Chair in Negotiations”
The War is gone,
Language emerging on the motel news stand,
the right magic
Formula, the language known
in the back of the mind before, now in black print
daily consciousness
Eagle News Services Saigon—
Headline Surrounded Vietcong Charge Into Fire Fight
the suffering not yet ended
for others
The last spasms of the dragon of pain
shoot thru the muscles
a crackling around the eyeballs
of a sensitive yellow boy by a muddy wall
Continued from page one area
after the Marines killed 256 Vietcong captured 31
ten day operation Harvest Moon last December
Language language
U.S. Military Spokesmen
Language language
Cong death toll
has soared to 100 in First Air Cavalry
Division’s Sector of
Language language
Operation White Wing near Bong Son
Some of the
Language language
Language language soldiers
charged so desperately
they were struck with six or seven bullets before they fell
Language Language M-60 Machine Guns
Language language in La Drang Valley
the terrain is rougher infested with leeches and scorpions
The war was over several hours ago!
Oh at last again the radio opens
blue Invitations!
Angelic Dylan singing across the nation
“When all your children start to resent you
Won’t you come see me, Queen Jane?”
His youthful voice making glad
the brown endless meadows
His tenderness penetrating aether,
soft prayer on the airwaves,
Language language, and sweet music too
even unto thee,
hairy flatness!
even unto thee
despairing Burns!
Future speeding on swift wheels
straight to the heart of Wichita!
Now radio voices cry population hunger world
if unhappy people
waiting for Man to be born
O man in America!
you certainly smell good
the radio says
passing mysterious families of winking towers
grouped round a Quonset-hut on a hillock—
feed storage or military fear factory here?
Sensitive City, Ooh! Hamburger & Skelley’s Gas
lights feed man and machine,
Kansas Electric Substation aluminum robot
signals thru thin antennae towers
above the empty football field
at Sunday dusk
to a solitary derrick that pumps oil from the unconscious
working night & day
& factory gas-flares edge a huge golf course
where tired businessmen can come and play—
Cloverleaf, Merging Traffic East Wichita turnoff
McConnell Airforce Base
nourishing the City—
Lights rising in the suburbs
Supermarket Texaco brilliance starred
over streetlamp vertebrae on Kellogg,
green jeweled traffic lights
confronting the windshield,
Centertown ganglion entered!
Crowds of autos moving with their lightshine,
signbulbs winking in the driver’s eyeball—
The human nest collected, neon lit,
and sunburst signed
for business as usual, except on the Lord’s Day—
Redeemer Lutheran’s three crosses lit on the lawn
reminder of our sins
and Titsworth offers insurance on Hydraulic
by De Voors Guard’s Mortuary for outmoded bodies
of the human vehicle
which no Titsworth of insurance will customize for resale—
So home, traveler, past the newspaper language factory
under Union Station railroad bridge on Douglas
to the center of the Vortex, calmly returned
to Hotel Eaton
Carry Nation began the war on Vietnam here
with an angry smashing ax
attacking Wine—
Here fifty years ago, by her violence
began a vortex of hatred that defoliated the Mekong Delta—
Proud Wichita! vain Wichita
cast the first stone!—
That murdered my mother
who died of the communist anticommunist psychosis
in the madhouse one decade long ago
complaining about wires of masscommunication in her head
and phantom political voices in the air
besmirching her girlish character.
Many another has suffered death and madness
in the Vortex from Hydraulic
to the end of 17th –enough!
The war is over now—
Except for the souls
held prisoner in Niggertown
still pining for love of your tender white bodies O children of Wichita!

Allen Ginsberg
from “Wichita Vortex Sutra” (1966)

June 6, 2019 12:18 pm

A big thumbs up from me Mags!

June 24, 2019 4:21 pm

Guess who is coming to dinner?

Dr. Mercola, or as you think of him, Dr. Death.

Love you man… praying miracles for you always. My mother is now praying for a little soft pelt raccoon skin she put one hand on and prayed over while standing with me at Big Joe’s grave.

And, yeah, it made me cry. Even though cowgirls aren’t supposed to.

lone wolf
lone wolf
June 6, 2019 1:17 pm

comment image

June 6, 2019 3:09 pm

Storming the Beaches of Normandy 75 Years Ago: comment image

Storming the Beaches of Normandy Today: comment image

June 6, 2019 3:39 pm

I’m in a doctor’s office right now so I can’t comment much but I will say Yumbo is right. Our ” leaders ” did everything they could to start the war with Hitler and over the last 75 years done everything they could to slander him. Couldn’t have Hitler taking control of the money and issuing it interest free and as value instead of Debt. From 1933 to 1939 Germany went from being broke to becoming a military / industrial superpower in Europe.Just couldn’t have that.
Same reason JFK was killed. He was trying to sit Americans free from these bankers . You have been betrayed and lied to about everything especially history. When you learn the truth it changes things. I used to think our ” leaders ” of ww2 were heroes. Now I could take all them of except Patton and put a bullet through their God Damn heads.
I just glad my grandfather died before he could learn the REAL reason they fought. Same with my father. I will comment more later on.
For all of you that want to know how much you have been betrayed and lied to. Watch ” The Greatest Story Never Told ” or Europa : The Last Battle . Both will rock your world . Your eyes will begin to open.

June 6, 2019 3:32 pm

What a staggeringly shameful disregard for our blood and treasure by our so-called leaders. What sacrifice do they make?

June 6, 2019 3:35 pm

“What sacrifice do they make?”________TC


June 6, 2019 4:12 pm

They joyfully sacrifice us.

I agree with General Patton: We fought on the wrong side in WWII. Every day that passes makes this increasingly clear to me,

June 6, 2019 3:39 pm

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grace country pastor
grace country pastor
June 6, 2019 4:30 pm


Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  grace country pastor
June 6, 2019 7:32 pm

Yes wow. Now you can see the real reason that men fight in war.

  Hollywood Rob
June 7, 2019 12:24 am

maggie you are a retarded cunt.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Hollywood Rob
June 7, 2019 12:28 am

I was commenting upon the depth of forgiveness and humanity demonstrated in TC’s post.

  grace country pastor
June 7, 2019 5:23 pm

Yes I was as well.

June 6, 2019 8:51 pm

Pining away for a world where Germany would have won WWII ……………. WTF IS THAT ALL ABOUT??? Especially on a day like today. I don’t get it.

Stucky (an Actual Austrian LEGAL Immigrant)

June 6, 2019 9:20 pm

Are you happy with Israel running the world Stucky? I think it is starting to stink like week old fish.

Mistico (EC)
Mistico (EC)
June 6, 2019 10:35 pm

Stuck, what a blessing it is to be from somewhere else. The natives are blinded with false patriotism, a patriotism of trannies who remove their father’s war uniform to put on the dress of the enemy. Like modern Jane Fondas, they wish they had doughbboys in their gunsights. And they get upvotes, hear, hear, they say – and a child leads them, BB.

Americans have lost their collective mind. They applaud communism, hail Naziism, swear by homosexuality and give hero medals to transvestites. Yesterday’s traitor is the new patriot. People gnash their teeth at the sight of animal abuse, yet are silent as lambs while millions of unborn fetuses are dissected for their valuable stem cells, enzymes and transplantable organs. The country reels under the boot of the banker. The people stagger under the weight of all the official lies.

Two formidable towers fell and the country collapsed into its own footprint at prostitute speed. The witnesses are silenced, the liars are lauded. There are werewolves in London and queers in Boston. They will have a Boston Tea-baggers Party this weekend. Our fearless leader makes himself scarce, he’s off to England to promote a wall to keep out the Lycans in Brussels. Good thing we destroyed Germany to save it, America’s enemies always fare better than America’s friends. But that’s just the backwards thinking of America, the 36D grand chess game. A nation at war with itself from within like a stage 4 cancer victim. It takes massive doses of opioids to manage the pain. Now the doctor is over-prescribing Fentanyl to accelerate death, sweet death.

Adieu, sweet white race, we hardly knew you. We trimmed your yards and washed your dirty linen. Planted your crops and walked your dog. Goodbye great warrior nation. You killed God in ’63 and ten years later you voted to kill your young in the name of prosperity. Decades later, you blamed your troubles on the stab in the back of ’65 – no mention of the crime of ’73. Give me money, cheap goods, cheap gas, cheap cars. Gimme gimme gimme. Your byline was, Live Long and Plunder. You built a tower unto heaven but heaven retreated. Death wants nothing to do with you, just keep feeding the boney with unborn white carcasses.

I better stop, I’m depressing myself.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Mistico (EC)
June 7, 2019 12:36 am

No Dude. Don’t stop. That is an epic rant. Inspired no less.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Mistico (EC)
June 7, 2019 8:54 am

That should be a stand alone post, EC.

  Mistico (EC)
June 7, 2019 11:29 am

Absolutely fabulous post, EC. Fabulous!!!

(You 2 down voters definitely suck Diseased Donkey Dick.)

  Mistico (EC)
June 7, 2019 12:55 pm

Great rant! Truly well said.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
June 6, 2019 10:43 pm

June is gay pride month. This is the freedom they fought for. They are turning in their graves. Battles were certainly won. But in the long run, we lost the war. If our parents and grand parents had known what was really going on, how different things might have been.

June 6, 2019 10:55 pm

Talk about physiognomy…Poor Talia…stupid jew cunt..

comment image

June 6, 2019 11:04 pm

Crap nkit…I looked at this and my watch stopped!

Mistico (EC)
Mistico (EC)
June 6, 2019 11:54 pm

I wonder if mygirl is that cute?

  Mistico (EC)
June 7, 2019 12:37 am

No he’s nowhere near that cute.

June 6, 2019 11:27 pm

She looks like something you might find living under a bridge, eating random travelers.

June 6, 2019 11:48 pm

U-G-L-Y you ain’t got no alibi……….

June 7, 2019 11:40 am

How did a lovely article with pics and links about D-Day turn into a discussion about evil Joos? How does that happen? Does anyone know??

June 7, 2019 11:44 am

IDK Stucky, maybe because there is just so much to complain about when it comes to that subject. If a certain group were not always doing things to bitch about ….well.

June 7, 2019 11:50 am

Whatever. Maybe Admin should rename this site Burning da Joo Platform.

Mil Mascaras (EC)
Mil Mascaras (EC)
June 7, 2019 12:18 pm

My buddy Yo-meme-bo in white strait jacket and matching hood might have something to do with the re-direction of the thread. My rant was in response to your question about pining away for a world where Hitler had won.

June 7, 2019 1:16 pm

How did WWII start? Why? Da evil Joos caused it. This is why they fear only one thing more than the truth – the well deserved consequences of their actions.

June 7, 2019 12:28 pm

Here is an article with a different perspective.


D-Day And The Myth That The U.S. Defeated The Nazis

Each D-Day anniversary the same question comes up. Who defeated Germany and its allies? The answer is, without any doubt, the Soviet Union.

But after decades of western propaganda the claims that the U.S. defeated the Reich has taken over many minds. Polls show that such propaganda works. More than half of the French people now believe that the U.S. contributed the most to the defeat of Germany.

The U.S. lost 411.000 people due to World war II, Great Britain lost 450,000, Germany some 7 million and the Soviet Union more than 20 million.

Many people think that the Soviet Union, now “the Russians”, were always the bad guys and that Germany was a loyal ally during that war. That is at least what the verified account of the British Royal Family seems to believe.

The Russian President Vladimir Putin was not invited to the royal reception commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Instead the Queen shook hands with German Chancellor Merkel. Merkel should have rejected to be there unless Putin would also be invited. The leaders from other Soviet countries, Vladimir Zelensky of the Ukraine and Alexander Lukashenko from Belarus, should also be there.

There is of course some truthiness in saying that a few German divisions took part in D-Day. And a few dozens sub-par German division later joined the fight at the Western front. But at the same time some 200 division of German led forces were engaged in the east.

Two weeks after D-Day the Red Army launched Operation Bagration and attacked the German Army Group Centre lines in the east on a thousand miles long front. Within eight weeks the German led forces were pushed back some 200 miles. Most of the 30 some divisions under Army Group Centre’s command were destroyed. It was that attack that broke the back of the German Wehrmacht. Cynically said – the U.S. led invasion in the west was a mere diversion for the much larger attack in the east.

Ten years ago Anatoly Karlin wrote in The Poisonous Myths of the Eastern Front:

MYTH I: Heroic Americans with their British sidekicks won World War Two, while the Russian campaign was a sideshow.

REALITY: Although Western Lend-Lease and strategic bombing was highly useful, the reality is that the vast majority of German soldiers and airmen fought and died on the Eastern Front throughout the war.

Rüdiger Overmans in Deutsche militärische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg estimates that from the Polish campaign to the end of 1944, 75-80% of all German armed forces personnel died or went missing in action on the Eastern Front up to the end of 1944. According to Krivosheev’s research, throughout the war, the vast majority of German divisions were concentrated against the Soviet Union – in 1942, for instance, there were 240 fighting in the East and 15 in North Africa, in 1943 there were 257 in the East and up to 26 in Italy and even in 1944 there were more than 200 in the East compared to just 50 understrength and sub-par divisions in the West. From June 1941 to June 1944, 507 German (and 607 German and Allied) divisions and 77,000 fighters were destroyed in the East, compared to 176 divisions and 23,000 fighters in the West. The two pivotal battles, Stalingrad and El Alamein, differed in scale by a factor of about ten.

This is not to disparage the Western Allied soldiers who fought and died to free the world from Nazism. In particular, the seamen who enabled Lend-Lease, at high risk of lethal submarine attack, to transport indispensables like canned food, trucks and aviation fuel to Russia, possibly played a crucial role in preventing its collapse in 1941-42. And the bomber crews massively disrupted Germany’s war potential at the cost of horrid fatality ratios, significantly shortening the war.

Another myth is that it were U.S. forces who led the D-Day invasion:

Andrew Neil @afneil – 11:05 utc – 2 Jun 2019

On 75th anniversary of D-Day, time to debunk Hollywood myth it was largely a US invasion force.
Of 1,213 warships involved, 892 were British/Canadian; only 200 US. Royal Navy in charge of Operation Neptune. Of 4,126 landing craft involved, 805 American, 3,261 British. 1/2
Two-thirds of the 12,000 aircraft involved in D-Day were RAF/RCAF. Two-thirds of the troops landed on the beaches were British/Canadian. Eisenhower was supreme commander but all his most senior officers in charge of land, sea and air were British 2/2

When Germany attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941 the U.S. was ambivalent about what to do. Both countries were seen as enemies. The well know Senator Harry Truman expressed the U.S. position quite succinctly:

“If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way let them kill as many as possible.”

Since they were attacked by the Germans in 1941 the Soviets had pressed their allies to open a western front against Germany. In 1943, after the defeat of the Germans in Stalingrad and the failure of their counter attack in the Battle of Kursk, it became obvious that the Soviets would defeat the Nazi forces. At the Tehran conference in November 1943 Stalin pressed Roosevelt and Churchill again to finally open a western front. Knowing that the Soviets would win over Germany they agreed to launch their invasion in May 1944.

The U.S. dominated western Europe ever since and quite successfully indoctrinated it with its false version of history.


June 7, 2019 1:20 pm

Yeah, the Commies were more than happy to expend millions of poor slavic farm boys for their cause, but if the US hadn’t sent $billions in armaments and supplies to Russia, they would have been fighting with sticks and rocks by the end.

June 7, 2019 5:47 pm

TC- The Ruskies starved 30 million and the Chinese offed 60 million. You will eventually see that there is a continual harvest of humans throughout history. One has to wonder why? Help from one power to another is common to ensure the massive death tolls. Per usual the do-gooders come in after everyone is dead to “save” the poor schmucks.

June 7, 2019 5:32 pm

Stucky, I always enjoy when you unleash that incredible storehouse of history that you have stored in your head. You should do more of it.

June 7, 2019 12:37 pm

Hey, Admin! Don’t know if you have seen this …

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“If you’re not yet familiar with the writing of Jim Quinn from The Burning Platform, he’s an author you may want to consider adding to your “must-read” list. Quinn’s articles are insightful and daring, and his grasp of history is spot-on.

Quinn’s latest article, reprinted here, is entitled, “Dancing on the Crumbling Precipice.” The title is apparently borrowed from a song called “The Violence” by a band known as “Rise Against,” whose lead singer believes that humanity will ultimately destroy itself with violence. (He’s not wrong on that point, by the way.) In this article, Quinn convincingly argues that humanity must declare war on the deep state and destroy it in order to survive. If we do not destroy the deep state, it will destroy the world, Quinn explains.”

Cuts like a Knife
Cuts like a Knife
June 24, 2019 4:11 pm

How about right here. That’s where the lioness hunts. Along with the big Gunn.

Dr Death
Dr Death
June 24, 2019 4:15 pm

Why jump on me on a simple and short little post like this one?

comment image

Our little festival went off with no problems here in flyover country. Yours is coming up.

Are you planning for False Flags?