Orange Versus Black

Guest Post by The Zman

Just when you thought it was safe, after the Mueller testimony was a colossal flop, President Trump finds a way to get everyone outraged all over again. His tweets about Congressman Elijah Cummings and his congressional district, have all the usual suspects pointing and sputtering. Given the amount of pointing and sputtering they have had to do the last three years, it is a miracle that they can even sputter. It should not be possible to be outraged for three years, but here we are.

Of course, the usual suspects are howling about the racism, as Cummings is black and his district is a black carve out. It includes some of the worst parts of Baltimore city, which means the mostly black parts. The district is about 30% white, which is why Cummings wins his elections with ease. In 2018 he won with 76% of the vote. If you are white and trapped in one of these districts, voting is pointless. In fact, voting for anyone is pointless as the results are known in advance.

As is custom with these types of districts, Cumming is as crooked as a ram’s horn. His wife runs a shady charity that gets millions from people with business in front the Congressman’s committee. He also seems to have some connection with the recent scandal that brought down the last mayor of Baltimore. In one of his tweets, Trump mentioned the corruption. It should be pretty easy to run a sting on Cummings, but he is off limits for the reason everyone knows, but does not say.

Of course, no one will bother disputing the facts of Trump’s tweets. That’s a dangerous subject that must never be mentioned. Any examination of Baltimore would not only reveal Trump is right, but also reveal those things we all know are true, but are told we must never mention. Baltimore is a black city and the highest crime areas are the blackest areas. For example, 92.9% of those arrested for murder are black and 91% of their victims are black. Crime in Baltimore is a black thing.

Of course, this is something everyone knows to be true. In fact, no one alive in modern America has ever lived in a time when people were puzzled about the nature of crime, with regards to race. The reason the urban hipsters exist is their hipster neighborhoods were ethnically cleansed of non-whites, mostly blacks. Giuliani cleaned up Manhattan by having the police put out the unwelcome mat for blacks. The stop and frisk policy was a success, because it relied on those assumptions about race and crime.

This link between race and crime is so well understood, efforts to conceal it have become a meme on social media. For example, when the news says they are looking for teens involved in a wilding incident, everyone knows what it means. Here’s one from Washington. The same thing is true for the party shootings, which always have a certain color to them. Here’s one from the current news. Shootings at block parties are like shootings at hip-hop concerts. Everyone knows what it means.

Of course, black crime is a young black male problem. When the Obama Administration tried to make the case that the cops are racists, they learned that the cops are probably not racist enough. In their report on crime, they found that young black males are 3% of the population and near 30% of homicides. Blacks were disproportionately represented as both homicide victims and offenders. The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000).

The fact is, crime in Baltimore, like everywhere in America, is a black thing. The internent meme “1350” works because it is something everyone knows, even if they don’t know the exact details. Even when the issue is contained in certain sections of cities, people are made painfully aware of this reality, because crime in the hood does not stay in the hood. Every white person in America has a story in their family tree that involves leaving the old neighborhood because it went bad.

That brings us back to Trump. In sane world, his noticing the obvious should not be front page news, but we don’t live in a sane age. As the legendary quantitative blogger said long ago, “There are very few moments in a man’s existence when he experiences so much hostility, or meets with so little benevolence, as when he challenges fashionable perceptions of race.” Trump is about to face a fury of hostility from the usual suspects that no man has withstood in the past.

In fact, one of the usual suspects responsible for inflicting Barak Obama on the country is predicting that this is the Gettysburg of his presidency. From the perspective of the usual suspects, of course, Trump is Lee in this analogy. Like Charlottesville, this event will be the rallying cry for the Left until the election. Whatever other issues come up in the next year and a half, the 2020 election will be about race, specifically the old Progressive view of race versus one based in observable reality.

That is fundamentally the choice before us. Do we want to accept the Progressive view on the human condition, slowly sinking into the desperate, grinding poverty of a place like Baltimore? Or, we will not accept that and do what is required to prevent America from becoming a multicultural ghetto ruled by and parasitic elite? That’s what Baltimore is right now. It is a vision of tomorrow that no one should welcome. It does not have to be that way, but the only way to prevent it is to face it.

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July 28, 2019 6:33 pm

Isn’t Cummings the one who said Guam was in danger of capsizing from the weight of military equipment?
Here in Houston we have a couple of feral nigger congresspersons aka Sheila Jackson Lee (SheeJack) and Al Green that are potentates of Houston’s “diverse” neighborhoods that are tirelessly working at embarrassing us all.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
July 28, 2019 6:50 pm

Hank Johnson (D) Georgia

July 28, 2019 6:52 pm

It was Hank Johnson…..
Henry Calvin Johnson Jr.[1] (born October 2, 1954) is the U.S. Representative for Georgia’s 4th congressional district, serving since 2007. He is a member of the Democratic Party. The district is based in DeKalb County, a largely suburban county east of Atlanta.

The Smoking Lamp Is Lit
The Smoking Lamp Is Lit
July 28, 2019 10:55 pm

I know most of you are too young to remember. But back in the mid 20th century, we didn’t let the niggers vote in the Southland. There was a reason for that.

  The Smoking Lamp Is Lit
July 29, 2019 3:05 am

Actually, some southern states did allow them to vote if they could prove that they were literate.
They had to read the first paragraph of an article in the Hebrew Times.
If they passed that, then they had to spell their name with a ball point pen
on waxed paper.

July 28, 2019 11:44 pm

What was the admiral really thinking Johnson asked for the measurements of the island for the third time ?

Probably the same thing I was thinking after I saw the video.

What a DFN.

July 29, 2019 2:15 am

Never knew the backstory about Guam tipping over, though I did hear something about a guy named Johnson who was worried about just that happening. Thanks for the video-now I have all the pieces to the puzzle and am, quite frankly, not one bit surprised. And those fuckers make 2, 3, 4x what an honest, hardworking American makes.

July 28, 2019 7:02 pm

No, that was the brain surgeon/astrophysicist Hank Johnson.
Cumming’s the guy with the corrupt POS wife Maya Rockeymoore.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
July 28, 2019 6:48 pm

“There are very few moments in a man’s existence when he experiences so much hostility, or meets with so little benevolence, as when he challenges fashionable perceptions of race.”


TN Patriot
TN Patriot
July 28, 2019 7:26 pm

Your comment “The stop and frisk policy was a success, because it relied on those assumptions about race and crime” is incorrect. You say assumptions about race, when in reality, it is statistics about race and crime.

It is amazing that very few are disputing Trump’s statement about the conditions, it is all about how racist his comments are. This is a direct shot at Cummings for his support of impeachment. Trump is, once again, trolling the left and they will take the bait, hook, line and sinker. Look for articles of impeachment soon, solidifying the President’s reelection.

July 28, 2019 7:39 pm

Why don’t the residents of Baltimore clean up their own areas where they live?

The answer is obvious, but cannot be stated in “polite company” as it would be deemed “racist”.

I don’t care.

It’s black culture and behavior–nothing more…

Where is the shame that the residents of these areas should have over the condition of their city?

When I lived in Detroit, I experienced the same “trashiness” that was and is still endemic to black behavior.

At the time, the city supplied large trash bins, one for every two residences, located in the alleys.

Us white residents ALWAYS used the containers to dispose of our trash. Our black “neighbors” were too lazy to use the containers, strewing trash throughout the alley.

Of course, when city inspectors came around, it was us white residents who were ticketed for “improper disposal of trash” despite our protestations that it was our (black) neighbors who were throwing their trash, not in the containers but in the alley.

After a number of incidents, both increasing criminal activity and “quality of life” issues, it was time to depart for “greener (whiter) pastures”.
I have never looked back…

July 28, 2019 9:03 pm

This was the best Z Man post I have read to date (I don’t read many but I may start).

Piss on the legs of the PC people, slap them in the face with the truth no matter who they are: race, color, creed, religion, class or age.

Political correctness is the greatest threat we have faced since 1913 and the ongoing subversion of our wealth the FED has stolen, and continues to steal. PC people are stealing the truth, and the meaning of our words and language.

PC people are just like shoplifters no profile, and all of them are dishonest, malevolent thieves who need to be confronted with their theft of the truth…culturally and politically arrested for lying.

We can’t be cowed as a society and let them get away with their PC bullshit.

Most Blacks are their own worse problem and everyone knows it…say it out loud everywhere not just on TBP.

1350 isn’t hate speech…it is the truth.

Make them face their failures.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
July 29, 2019 4:13 pm

I do not read 99% of Z Man’s articles. I did this one. However, it poses a question that can’t be answered politically. So….

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
July 28, 2019 9:04 pm

Nothing new here, Elijah Cummings is a Judas goat, a pharisee betraying his black constituents……Now that does not make Trump Jesus but it does put him on the right side of history. Our darker brothers can do better ( at least a little bit) though they don’t have the IQ or culture to resist the poison chalice of the Progressives.

  Martel's Hammer
July 28, 2019 9:19 pm

Here in Cleveland we have another carve out district whose rep is Marcia Fudge (you literally cannot make the name up). Recently, she was outraged when the Trump admin. had the audacity to try and limit food stamps. It struck me that this is all she does–rail against those who try and mess with their “entitlements”. It got me to thinking that if she only spent 1/10 of her time trying to promote education and trying to attract jobs, her district (of which I unfortunately live in) would not be so stratified by rich/poor, black/white. But alas the blacks and white libs shoo her into office every time, last time unopposed I believe. It is no wonder that private employers avoid these big city districts, or if they already here, are plotting to flee to the exurbs. Out.

Capn Mike
Capn Mike
July 28, 2019 10:17 pm

So, one of the themes in this article (which otherwise is completely correct) is that Trump will lose votes in Baltimore? As if there WERE any.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  Capn Mike
July 29, 2019 4:15 pm

There are plenty and they all vote for the colored people candidate, more than likely demoncrap.

July 28, 2019 10:43 pm

I’d almost bet that everyone willing to just say the truth is middle-aged. The youth of today are brainwashed to be PC about everything. I’ve said things and had people about faint from hearing the truth.

July 29, 2019 1:58 am

I learned along time ago about blacks and their behavior. I also learned to avoid them whenever possible. It does piss me off that no one is allowed to tell the truth about blacks. Affirmative action is another damn racist policy that upsets me. It nothing but giving stupid blacks a position they didn’t earn or deserve .

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
July 29, 2019 4:16 pm

Never work for a black manager for he will replace you with a black incompetent!

July 29, 2019 1:56 am

Cummings, just like his ugly fucking twin from another mother, Lewis in Georgia both look like a grouper I caught off the jetty the other day. Ugly motherfuckers. Lewis at least has an excuse… he was the deserving recipient of a wood shampoo justifiably administered when cops were allowed to do their job.

Trump has a long list of ploys to taunt the left into impeachment proceedings. This one, poking at the chimp Cummings, is brilliant. Not one news outlet can defend the statistics out of Baltimore, so the Pavlovian response is to scream “racist”. Does any rational white person really want to hear that many more times between now and 2020? Trump knows exactly how this idiot Cummings with the IQ of a domestic pet, will respond. Just as the Grouper is and the left will follow like a shadow, discussing impeachment and putting Pelosi twelve steps closer to her dirt nap. Meanwhile, zero legislating is taking place(which is a good thing), so Trump will tout a Democrat congress that has done zero and he will be correct. Even the propaganda branch of the DNC can’t fabricate accomplishments that are believable.

Prepare for another four years of Trump. It’s a lock.

22winmag - Q is a psyop and Drumpf is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a psyop and Drumpf is lead actor
July 29, 2019 5:54 am

Four more years of a Commie-saluting figurehead in the Oral Office!

A repeat of 424-0 for Israel in CONgress as well!

comment image


I wonder if he was returning the salute from a lesser rank? Who then reached out his hand to shake?

22winmag - Q is a psyop and Drumpf is lead actor
22winmag - Q is a psyop and Drumpf is lead actor
July 29, 2019 5:27 am

I never really believed in the rule of law as currently promulgated.

Therefore, I’m not surprised to see it crumble.