A Blood-Filled Eye Calls Joe Biden’s Health Into Question

Originally Posted at FMShooter – Authored by Jon Hall

Whilst participating in CNN’s town hall on climate change last night, a blood vessel seemingly burst in Joe Biden’s left eye.

Notably, broken blood vessels can be caused by many things – high blood pressure, blood thinners, bleeding disorders, and excessive straining.

Although the media frequently harped on President Trump’s medical history, the last time Biden released any medical records was in 2008.

In a write-up by the Washington Examiner, they detail Biden’s tumultuous medical history. In 1988, Biden had an aneurysm that burst and required emergency surgery. Just months after that, a second aneurysm was stopped before it ruptured. Afterward, Biden took 7 month leave from the Senate.

In 1996, Biden had a benign polyp removed during a colonoscopy. In 2003, his gallbladder was removed. Biden also suffers from allergies and asthma and allegedly takes medication to lower his cholesterol and for an enlarged prostate.

After doctors found he had an irregular heartbeat, Biden hasn’t disclosed any of his medical history since the last records released over a decade ago. Bearing in mind, this isn’t even mentioning Biden’s numerous gaffes recently made on the campaign trail.

While in New Hampshire, Joe Biden thought he was in Vermont. Biden claimed that 40 students died at Kent State – in reality, 4 were killed and 9 were injured. Biden told rally-goers that “poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids”. He claimed he was vice president during the 2018 Parkland school shooting and said that he met with the kids personally in D.C.

Sadly, concerns about the health of the leading candidate in the Democratic field feels all too familiar

Biden, with a litany of problems and issues, is somehow the candidate the establishment seems to want to bet all their horses on for 2020. If they continue to push him upon voters, they will find themselves in a repeat of 2016 in more ways than just health concerns.

Joe Biden co-manned the disastrous Obama administration – that alone shreds his reputation and credibility. It’s baffling to think that the political Establishment believes Biden would be their best choice against President Trump, who they woefully underestimated the first go-around.

If the DNC is in belief their best path is to a run a man who seems to be going senile on the national stageand I say that not as a barb, but as the truth let us to allow them to dig their own hole deeper and deeper.

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TN Patriot
TN Patriot
September 5, 2019 11:35 am

I blame it on Globull Warming.

September 5, 2019 12:11 pm

How is this news? Why is this in the news for?

September 5, 2019 12:21 pm

What a phony, blather mouth, stupid, corrupt, blue collar traitor.

When the CLEAN Manchurian Candidate’s handlers picked blather Joe to be his VP to reassure all the white idiots who voted for the Trojan Horse, I was and remain disgusted at them for being the mooing herd they were, and the too many who remain mooing and waiting in line for the slaughter.

e.d. ott
e.d. ott
September 5, 2019 12:25 pm

It’s news because Biden’s health is a matter of concern for a healthy Presidential candidate. It affects his electoral chances.
If this stuff is happening to him it means he’s prone to strokes. Second of all, given this and the mindless, demented comments I suspect Biden is more brain-damaged than your typical Libtard.

  e.d. ott
September 5, 2019 3:49 pm

Uh oh, looks like the lizard form is starting to show through…..

September 5, 2019 12:34 pm

When the pressure of all that bullshit he is containing up there, gets to be too much, something’s gotta give.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
September 5, 2019 1:01 pm

That’s not blood, those are flames.

If no one cares about doctors sawing open his skull and cauterizing his exposed brain on multiple occasions, how could a bloody eyeball give rise to any concern? He’s a regular Michael IV the Paphlagonian.

not Hollywood Rob (EC)
not Hollywood Rob (EC)
  Hardscrabble Farmer
September 5, 2019 1:19 pm

They were alarmed when they heard Eagleton had electroshock therapy but they have no worries about a man who had a vasectomy on his brain.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  not Hollywood Rob (EC)
September 5, 2019 7:42 pm

Can you not post anything that is not negative? Your constant boorish behavior is a constant drain on the intelligent discourse that is offered on this site. I find myself wishing Jim would offer a ignore option on the site so abrasive comments from certain commentators can be bypassed. As it is, when ever I see EC I skip pass it as it offers no positive solutions to the questions posed. You only offer derision, ad hominems and division.

Are you a government planted troll? Don’t bother answering. As I will not read it. New comers to the site need to see positive ideas that will keep them coming. What you offer is crap. The new impressionable minds do not seek crap. They seek like minds. Remember crap only gathers flies!

Additionally, this war with HR is juvenile on its face. It reminds me of an elementary school bully that wants to force some kid to bend to the bullies’ way. Are you that shallow? Can you not let something in the past go? Are to so vindictive that you have to act like a five year old? HR offers many view points that are valuable. Yet your and Maggie’s pissing match are a detritus on discourse on this venue.

Let the animus end. Let intelligent discussion begin!

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  Hardscrabble Farmer
September 5, 2019 7:09 pm

One has to respect the Michael IV reference! 😀

September 5, 2019 2:03 pm

Gosh, the 4th gen Terminator models sure do look human, don’t they.
But on this particular example, the solder connections on it’s motherboard have become brittle, and prone to short circuit misfires.
Synapses are lapsing.

If nominated, focus more on its running mate, as heir apparent when this T2 model exhausts its usefulness.

Where is Sarah Connor in a tank top, imploring us to be afraid?
James Cameron couldn’t resist, way back then.
Casting couch alumnus?

Celtic Tiger
Celtic Tiger
September 5, 2019 2:08 pm

Put the guy out to pasture. He was already a tired old political hack the day he entered the Senate 40 years ago.

September 5, 2019 2:42 pm

This is great news.

Biden is the left’s fake candidate. Hes meant to hold the stupid white Male vote.

Hes like one of those fake horses they use to make the pace. Or a tour de France cyclist the yellow Jersey man uses to win.

September 5, 2019 3:46 pm

Must have been some pre-pubescent kids nearby who he wasn’t allowed to sniff.

September 5, 2019 3:47 pm

Completely normal for reptilian human hybrids and doddering old fools.

September 5, 2019 6:34 pm

The Democrat 2020 Presidential candidate Dream Team:

Joe Biden for preznit (and by the looks of that “conjunctivitis” he’s gonna hit that “sell by” date very soon; prolly no later than May or June 2021)

Good timing is so very important.

And Kamala “I H8 YT” Harris for vice preznit. Waiting breathlessly in the wings to declare – once in the sworn in as Commander in Chief from the Oval Office – The People’s Democratic Republic of North America now replaces the former, now defunct forever, raycisss U.S.A.

Trotskyitism Forever!

September 5, 2019 10:33 pm

For some reason Megan Kelly comes to mind….

September 6, 2019 8:40 am

“Notably, broken blood vessels can be caused by many things – high blood pressure, blood thinners, bleeding disorders, and excessive straining.”

Clearly, it’s caused by straining – – when you’re that full of s***, you HAVE to strain all the time.