If Your Government was Allowed to CARES – Part 2

If Your Government was Allowed to CARES – Part 2
April 27, 2020
The Ghost of Matthew Lyon
The Scourge Of Aristocracy and Repository of Important Political Truth – Fair Haven, Vermont

[ Link to Part 1]

Food, Thought, and Action
Daily Requirements for Freedom (*not government recommended).

Right now as you read, independent farms everywhere are on the brink of destruction. When natural growing and raising cycles are artificially stopped for political reasons they do not recover overnight. As the very tightly regulated and controlled hand-to-mouth existence of our “independent” farmers plays out. Markets are temporarily being overwhelmed with volume as they sell every last thing in a Grapes of Wrath lurch.

All in an effort to avert the financial hell of taking more unpayable debt from the thieving, market-controlling, money printers only to be slaughtered financially even more brutally later for their last bits of land and equity.

Spring will not come quite the same as it seemingly always has, to those farms or the proud people of this generation that once worked them. I know intimately. My family’s 200+ year old 8+ generation family farm is but one facing this today. You can be damn sure those same bankers using their monopoly power and controlled markets are ready to buy that farmland for pennies with the money just printed as debt on everyone else’s head.

Yes, money for them is debt on you. I hope you see from part 1.

They use that printed paper and magical digital entries to buy real things you can’t afford. They did this with the farmers of the great depression and the people answered with Penny Auctions. Will we be as creative and free as them? I am concerned. This time the existence of a usable national currency itself is in play…

If they can continue to convince you not to intervene, when the Federal Reserve fake money scheme comes to an end at their choosing, they plan to have all the “things”, and you have all the debt.

They cannot be allowed to provide the “solution” for the Hegelian planned problem they created. This is evil at work and must be treated as such. They are moral hazard, defined…

Don’t be fooled by the image below.  The powers I warn you of control both sides of this fence and the fence itself in this picture. Unless you are very high up in the monetary food chain, you are firmly planted on one side or the other.

Until you free your mind of the idea of political parties independent of this power, and independently acting nation states existing at all, you will remain trapped by the global money cartel’s manipulations.

No fiscal solution for Freedom can be achieved before a monetary solution resulting in honest currencies occurs.

They are few. We are many. We have the power when our minds are free.

– Warfare/Welfare, saving, planning, and minding the chickens in your own backyard. –

If it were in fact “our” government, couldn’t the just-in-time shipping capacity of the world, purposefully bobbing around idle on the seas be pointed at this challenge of too much food? Or is it too little???

Let’s work that through…

There is no conceivable honest reason to dump milk on the ground, till vegetables back into the earth or send a flood of immature animals that could contribute to future food supplies to slaughter at plunging market values for farmers, while limiting what you can buy in the store and honest people can trade with others around the world.

The processing capacity and the need in the world has not gone away. The desire to work and produce remains in the farmers and people that support the supply chain.

Heck, everything is fine in the real world!

So why, would we allow food, and more importantly the capacity to produce food in the future to be destroyed, if it was “our” government?

I hear screams from the front and back, “Corona”! Well, we will get to that later as mentioned in part 1

As it turns out, COVID19 seems to particularly like to seek out and destroy meat plants. First Chinese owned American producer Smithfield closes. Now corporate food giant Tyson too. Go figure???

If shutting down these plants is the only solution to sick or potentially sick workers? Does this seem like a choke point to you in the food supply and production chain that also closely follows a global agenda?


All these emergency powers, and “our” only solution is to close the plants? I would think those plants would be at least as important as professional wrestling? But, what do I know? I am not a super-smart ivy-crowned central-planner, with a giant brain in an exceptional-shaped head.

Let’s just put aside the entire issue of the globalist mindset on meat. Smell a rat? Well, very soon if we don’t fix this mistake crime, even the real rats won’t try to hang around those vacant plants anymore.  Don’t let them win!

Let’s just consider some simple logic here, if we can? Look, reducing pollution, “good. Fake definitions and measurements of pollution, corrupt climate “science” solutions all bad.

When the same wizard keeps turning up behind all the different curtains, maybe it is time to reassess your belief system.

Regardless of what one may believe about “science”. Such an oxymoronic statement on its face, I think you and I can agree. This is not the time or method to best deal with the future of meat as a topic of discussion based on the data points of the wholly own subsidiary of the ruling global elite money printers, the United Nations.  Oh, that was a mouth full of something. Let’s move on.

The cost of maintaining the most plentiful food production engine the world has ever seen? Priceless!

And, incredibly cheap if people are left alone to do their work unmolested by “our” government. Raging real or manufactured illness or not! I think we can open the darn plants.

I can’t help thinking of the multitude of ironies that arise as I think of my childhood reading of Peck’s, A Day No Pigs Would Die. Today, I can’t recommend it highly enough for all ages to read or re-read. *Warning, it may be censored in your child’s school already.

On a sign not too far from Peck’s Vermont home you will find, America’s true Creed from Alfange.

Never choose nor forced to be, a common man by “your” government.

As you may notice, this is not the bootlicking version crafted as tool of war and subjugation by William Tyler Page in 1917. The version heralded by “our” government. The one you will find when you “Google” American’s Creed. The one where Wikipedia uses its very first line, to by association, denigrate Thomas Jefferson. Remember him, my good friend?

Are they so frightened by Jefferson, that Wikipedia mobsters must be sure to remind you not to associate Jefferson with Alfange but, with Page’s waste of paper creed?  Laughable.

These essential food systems are not replaced so easily as they are manipulated and destroyed for nefarious purposes of a global psychopathic bunch of generational know-nothings. We have the power! All, can be rejuvenated if we start today by getting “our” government, and the people directing them to hurt us with these ridiculous crackdowns, out of the way!

So if the choice is to shut down farms, destroy lives and vital capacity, over a mathematically manipulated assumption of a statistical “virus curve” or, leave people alone and independent to make their own determination of their health risks and safety, What do you think we should do to support preserve and protect our collective food bounty?  Well, I thought so. Once you heard it that way, I knew all along you would understand it just fine.

Hold that thought, as some of us start looking for sturdy trees for our solution…

While we’re at it, and since they made us finally get off our duffs to fix things, maybe the ownership of our food supply should not look like this when the ropes stop swinging from the trees…

Imagine those giant bobbing boats full of food from America sailing to the ports of Yemen and Iran, Syria and Venezuela.

BTW… Please don’t let the Pentagon know I am the only one in the world that figured out a way to win all those wars and save all that money.  Until that is, I get my think-tank set up on the beltway and buy a couple of politicians. I just need a little time to package it up, sell it, and get my invoice into that (wink wink) FASAB56 “accounting” office, Yeh!!! Get me some of that missing money, before you do-gooders give them my idea for free!

If it were “your” government, they might actually listen… But, I think it is pretty likely they won’t buy my idea, or sell you back your government anytime soon.

There is NO money to be made for psychopaths in peace, and it is infinitely harder to control well fed people…

It was a nice idea. If it were “our” government…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8HLCpAJ-po&w=637&h=360]

The very economics of saving and preserving for the future is penalized in our fiat currency/regulatory captured system. The idea may not yet be completely wiped from the American mind. However, saving is less and less in practice today by design.

The collective psyche has replaced the brain space once reserved for concern for true hard times, with superficial social peccadilloes and butt hurts of the emotionally infantile and intellectually deranged.

Strangely, like one of Asch’s subjects, we seem to tolerate it just fine…

Don’t feel bad. If it were “your” government it would not be spending all this time on every conceivable dividing line between people, would it? It would just maintain a simple set of sandbox rules for everyone that included honest moneys and an ability to be left alone? If it were “your” government, that is…

We did have that once in the late 1700’s and early 1800’s when I still walked the Earth. We paid dearly for it and it was worth the price.

“All that government power now, just to make sure you never collectively remember me and the people of my time, correctly.
Most importantly, what we left you as our children.
Your heritage and sacred birthright to share with each other. “

The government gives nothing, leastwise education. They place you near forcibly in their schools today but it is not for your “education”…

Soon government enforced “schooling” will be completely inescapable if you do not take a stand to recover your children. In the near future, they plan to make sure no one “misses out” on the gifts of government approved and rationed knowledge.

In fact, they are planning for you right now. Too bad their own virus restrictions messed up the June event date. Of course, they will see no irony in their own central planning actions disrupting their own event. While we take some time to rejoice in karma’s works in an infinite world of wonderful possibilities.

Very soon it will be quite easy for them. If we allow our families to be tagged, vaccinated, issued a lifetime MAC address, and tracked. You are not going to let that happen now that you know, are you?

God forbid, an original trait emerge that can’t be “treated” with a “therapy”. We wouldn’t want too many DaVincis or Curies running around messing up the works. That certainly couldn’t happen under “our” government, could it?

From the words of Gates, such is the role of modern government schooling today. It has always been thus. Since the inception by robber barons using their large non-taxable foundations this has been planned. What??? You thought “the people” dreamed this up this Egyptian nightmare?

Well, you can read this by one of the greatest teachers that ever lived, next chance you get. He passed in 2018. However, his legacy is just beginning now that you know him too.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oM524l_beA&w=640&h=360]
Do you want to see the immediate future of “public” education without your help? Look no further than any college campus, or primary, and secondary school steeped in IB/Common Core/CASEL in operation.

If that doesn’t cause you to yank your children out of their “public” school system immediately, and work to defund them, then I’ll be interest to find out what will?

After a long voyage from Ireland and more than few quarrels with my benefactor, my final education was “by the bulls that redeemed me …” But that is another story.

Sorry girls, I understand if you might have thought feminism was conceived by women to free women. Turns out, it was not. It was conceived by these same people to separate you from your children as early as possible. Clad brightly in colors of freedom, only to enlist you as tax chattel alongside the men. Because, further deflation of your money would demanded two incomes where once one would provide a good living for you and your family.

In “your” government, is this what would be considered an advancement in equality, or anything really?

It certainly is more “equal” …

Even early on in this process, complex manipulations lead to counterproductive social action in the populace by earnest and honest people believing completely fabricated falsehoods.

Did you know Ed Bernays got the whole country to eat eggs and bacon as a preferred meal for breakfast? Well, now you do…

It is shocking how low the character of the people we allow to rule us today really is.

Those who own and make up “our” government, pee down our collective backs telling us all the while, it is raining.  Heck, they hire scads of scientist, consultants, and think-tanks to do it, while sending us, our children, and grandchildren now,,, the bill.

May their gall know no bounds!

They had a little trouble with a law that said they could not purposefully, propagandize us with our own money but they fixed that.

In “our” reality the Superman/Bazaaro world is flipped on purpose. Definitions from an opposing universe have become our language.  Steering passions, wants, and demands of nearly all around us to vapid words and flights of fancy. Not timeless ideas clearly understood to foster freedom through the ages.

The technocratic corporate fascism that we actually live under is a Bazaaro villain posing as our Superman of free-market capitalism with democratic processes in a constitutional republic. Bazaaro doing his dastardly villainous deeds, while posing as his opposite in the task. Using a mask worn only long enough so that the people may identify and condemn their true heroic ideal, embrace the kryptonite of collectivism, and forsake the Superman of Liberty and Freedom.

The purpose is to kill the very idea of freedom among a once briefly free people, using their own minds and emotions. If it were “your” government, would this be happening?

In 1981, the Head of the CIA said this:
“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

In 2019, his interchangeable psychopathic counterpart said this:
“When I was a cadet, what’s the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole. We had entire training courses. It reminds you of the glory of the American experiment,” Director Pompeo boasted, as the audience laughed and celebrated the statement.

“Or, tolerate those who do.”
“Or, tolerate those who do…”
If it were “your” government, you wouldn’t tolerate this, right???

Well Mike old boy, maybe in Bazaaro world, maybe so… When the Universe tallies the winners and losers, character counts.

Paper has never held value in the long term for anything more than that which can be written upon it to inspire mankind to freedom from tyranny.  And maybe, wipe your butt!

If this is “your” government? Than by default you allow this character to pervade. You do it while accepting this paper for money today, as debt on your children’s tomorrow.

Own it.

In fact, you own the secret spending, death, poverty, oppression, debt on children and wars everywhere a dollar is used. This is done onto others in your name. That is ownership if you are doing nothing to stop it…

In your name, and through this debt blood money, you allow the evil to continue. When you send your sons and daughters to its servitude as labor, cannon fodder, and grist for the mill.

Own that too. 

That is, if and only if,,, it really is “your” government…

So what’s it going to be?

Fascism, in all its Madison Avenue/Edward Bernays makeover glory glitz to “public private partnership” or Freedom??? All the World is watching. What’s it going to be, Champ?

We are being trained to hate the later while calling it the former. Fascism, Freedom, Freedom, Fascism do you just not know any more? Well that is their plan. How are they doing getting into your mind?  They sure had me for awhile…
Its OK.
Hang tough.
We will get there…

Freedom or Fascism, never really knowing which is which but, responding as stimulated. It is the worst kind of lie. A fake truth. In fact, one wrapped in tiny lies.  Sound bites, images, and statistics packaged to be delivered by any idiot and consumed by the naves they hope we all will become.

Once you know of Asch, Bernays, and the others, their plot is foiled.
Their curtain pulled back.
The Kryptonite blasted to outer space.
Your little dog freed, as your ruby slippers are revealed…
Start those heels-a-clickin’, Baby!

[Part 1 Link]
More from The Spitting Lyon –
Funding Your Own Enslavement – The Curse of Liberty Ignored

Archive, Download, and Repost Important Content – Use Freed Software – Get out of Your House Today

Somebody is out there stealing all your stuff!

We know who it is.

Want to learn alot more? Turn off Netflix and Amazon Prime tonight. Have a family evening with James.

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April 27, 2020 7:49 am

That chart it shows the consolidation of all the food brands into 8 or 10 mega-companies is only missing one thing. The handful of banks that own all those food companies.

April 27, 2020 9:57 am

Worst than that, those same banks OWN the farms in one way or another. The banks own the farmer through price supports, loans, tax law, commodities exchanges, equipment loans, slaughter house ownership and market outlets. starfcker; you have identified the single largest group of individuals that control nearly all the world IMO. I don’t care if they are jewish, gentile, black, white or other. They are the puppet masters. The bankers or money brokers don’t just own food production. They also have their fingers around all our necks.

April 27, 2020 7:54 am

Own your own gas station in St Petersburg for only 50k. Pump 11,000 gallons of gasoline a month. Earn a nickel a gallon for your trouble. BEFORE credit card fees. Everyone here is an Einstein. Do the math. https://www.bizquest.com/business-for-sale/citgo-gas-station-with-full-kitchen/BW1691032/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIwI6Nk62I6QIVSADDCh3d2ACWEAEYASACEgKaifD_BwE

April 27, 2020 10:01 am

Your math applies to any and all mature products and services. I was in steel and it was the same thing there. Work your ass off for a profit in the last month or week of the year.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
April 27, 2020 8:54 am

Actually independent farms are doing very well, it’s the ones that are tied to the industrial model that are facing extinction.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
April 27, 2020 10:05 am

HsF; I have to ask the question. How would that independent farmer do if he had no price supports? The banker would not loan him money for new equipment? How would he fair if the was driven back to the horse and plow because of equipment cost? Where will he sell his goods without the middle man or coop? Correct me if I am wrong, these issues started the industrialization of the farm community.

  Hardscrabble Farmer
April 27, 2020 10:18 am

yeah, but there’s easier ways to make a living. Tesla is up 10% in the last 45 minutes

  Hardscrabble Farmer
April 27, 2020 3:23 pm

I buy meat from a local farmer. No middle man. Just honest grass-fed beef for a decent (slightly higher than the grocery store but worth it) price. That’s the model for the future IMHO.

April 27, 2020 1:32 pm

this is a bit off topic but there is a small town in italy that is printing it’s own currency 4 use in the town–when biz owners need real money they cash their town money to the city 4 euros–


Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
April 27, 2020 7:56 pm

They are used to being creative after any number of monetary crises. My Italian family described that, back in the day, it was common to run out of coins, so stores would give change in candy or other small items to make up the difference. One of the oldest newspapers is called “Il Resto del Carlino”, given out in change (il resto) for your carlino (a type of currency from the Papal State).

April 28, 2020 5:30 pm
April 30, 2020 1:55 pm

Interview 1542 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato