Sharing War Stories While Playing Tag With Flashlights in the Dark

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

A few weeks ago, I ran into an acquaintance who I’ve known less than a year: a 60-year-old liberal woman who started out by saying:  “I don’t know where you stand politically, but I just can’t believe the stupidity of Trump voters”.

I replied: “What do you mean?”

She answered: “Well, Trump acts one way when he’s being interviewed… then he dumbs down his speeches at his rallies and his supporters just eat that sh*t up ’cause their f*cking idiots.”

Intrigued, I wanted to hear more:  “Well,” I said, “Trump is a reality TV star, right?”

To her, that was like catnip to a feline: “He has 200,000 deaths on his hands because he won’t accept science. He’s responsible for letting the pandemic get out of control. All he cares about is himself. That’s why Biden is the only hope we have to save this country.”

A short time later, I was giving a ride to a friend of mine.  He is a 70-something liberal man.   While entering my rig in his driveway, he said: “My wife questioned me riding with you not wearing a mask”.

I said: “Would you rather not?”

He replied: “Nah, it’s OK. I’ll just take it off once we leave”.

I said: “You know, even the CDC and mask manufacturers agree that masks can’t protect us from getting Covid”.

He answered: “Yeah, but they protect other people around us.”

“Do they?” I asked, before following up with something like:  “Because the Covid virus is, supposedly, less than a micron in size and mask fibers are separated by hundreds of microns or so. That’s like using a chain-link fence to stop a mosquito, right?”

Many lives have been saved by wearing masks“, he said firmly.

So I responded: “Have you seen those online videos where they suck smoke through a mask and blow it right back out?”

Once again, he stated firmly: “Many lives have been saved by wearing masks.”

At this point, I would normally have replied: “No…, people’s immune systems save lives and masks weaken immune systems…” …but… truth is… I didn’t care anymore. Besides, would anything I’d have said changed his mind?

Or her mind for that matter?

And that’s the point. You can’t reason with people. Not anymore.

That, especially, goes for the younger generation.  They were raised on common core and political correctness; with closets stacked full of participation trophies.  These kids now believe President Trump is a literal dictator and supported by a political base populated entirely by KKK members.

Obviously, advertising works. The daily onslaught of propaganda in this country is unreal. And, sadly, for many, the bullsh*t is completely believable.

Then, if discussing politics and economics weren’t difficult enough, Covid® has made communicating with my fellow Americans damn near impossible.

At the same time, I personally know three people who have “tested positive” for COVID-19:  One fifty-something woman with persistent symptoms who fully recovered after self- quarantining. One very fit man in his fifties who had flu-like symptoms for three days. And, another man in his seventies, slightly overweight, who was hospitalized for extreme fatigue and difficulty breathing.

Surprisingly, all of their spouses have tested negative for the virus.

The older man had a fever of 100.6 degrees and was extremely tired for a week. His wife took him to the hospital after he went to bed one evening at 7 PM and did not wake up until 7 pm the next evening. He was never put on a ventilator and is on the mend now, but still had difficulty breathing for a time afterward when he talked.  In fact, his voice sounded different on the phone, similar to the way Covid-Positive President Trump® spoke during his public address from Walter Reed Hospital – vocal cords tight and slightly breathless.

The doctor told the older man that for every day of hospitalization, it takes about a week to recover at home. And, like Trump, my friend received small doses of Remdesivir® while hospitalized.

Interestingly enough, the older man was one who took the entire pandemic very seriously from the start. He had limited his public exposure since March and was never without a mask on in public. When the test came back positive, he was flabbergasted because he had done everything by the book. He still has no idea, whatsoever, as to how he contracted the virus.

Yet, again, in all three aforementioned examples, the virus was not contagious enough to be transmitted to any of the spouses who were in close daily contact with the “positively diagnosed” – before, during, and after their diagnoses.

Confusing and challenging times, indeed.

But is the COVID-19 virus real? Probably, yes. Very likely designed and patented for the specific reasons as highlighted in my previous articles:

The Coronavirus® pinprick collapsed the Economic Everything Bubble and deflected blame away from the bankers who blew it up. At the same time, it turned martial law into self-quarantine and abolished the First Amendment rights of American citizens including the free exercise religion, the freedom of speech, and the right peaceably assemble… all under the arbitrary mandates of Social Distancing®.  Additionally, cash has been transitioned into a viral threat – thus paving the way to a new digital world order; and the end of privacy.

Accordingly, there have been “whistleblower” reports of COVID-19 as an “Unrestricted Bioweapon”;  even as world-renowned doctors and scientists have cited evidence of Covid-19® being a “fake story all over the world”.

So, once again:  Is the virus real?  If so, then perhaps masks do help to (somewhat) limit respiratory droplets for those with symptoms. But are people contagious before they become symptomatic?  Maybe. Maybe not. Any sort of incubation period could definitely have been part of the design of the virus. But still, as in the previously-mentioned examples of my friends, it was not contagious enough to infect any of the spouses living in their respective households.

That was, also, very likely, part of the design: A virus just problematic enough to lockdown society, but not so threatening as to maim or kill too many people. Surely, all the Covid® confusion must have been part of the plan, too, from the start.

In any event, there’s no reason to judge people who wear masks.  Many remain deceived. They’re also scared.  And others are just trying to get on with their lives. Besides, everyone, sooner or later, will choose their line in the sand eventually– or, rather, what hill they wish to die upon.

In April of this year, I wrote an article about receiving an illegal haircut from my female barber/friend who I’ve known since the nineteen-eighties. This occurred during the height of The Covid Lockdown® and, in that post, I identified the two primary ingredients of dystopian societies (and in literature and film):  The two main components being lies and fear. 

Now, the rest of the story:  When I went back recently to get another haircut from the same woman, she and her partner were both wearing masks. When I told her I didn’t have one, her partner exclaimed to me, in no uncertain terms, that I had to wear one because there was now a city-wide mask mandate in place.   I replied:  “Yeah, but if you read the newspaper article, it said the city would not be enforcing the mandate”.   At that point, my barber, my friend with smiling eyes, said from behind her mask: “Fine! Sit down.  It’s your life”.

Certainly, last spring, no average person could have predicted that, in just a few mere months, Americans would soon be policing each other in ways which would make the post-war, East German Stasi proud. But consider that for a moment:  What is Marxism if not the subordination of the individual to the collective which, in turn, capitulates to the whims of a powerful few?

Now do this, Dear Reader: Replace the word “Marxism” in that last question with the term(s) “Coronavirus” or “COVID-19”.

See how that works?

Covid® has provided political correctness and virtue signaling with real teeth: If you comply, you can work and eat. And get a haircut. If you don’t, the mob Karens will eat you.

Like Communism, Covid® is another economic and political system by which citizens must work, consume, and obey; and “Essential Workers” personify success today. But who decides who/what is essential? That is the question, isn’t it?  Under Capitalism, the free markets decided what was essential. But, under Covid®, any Essentialism® is defined by the powerful few – in fact, the very same pimps behind every war and fiat bank note.

And, now, they’ve decreed that masks are essential.

When one of President Trump’s coronavirus advisors recently tweeted that masks were ineffective in slowing the spread of the Coronavirus®, Twitter censored the tweet flagging it as “false and harmful information”. Perhaps unsurprisingly, another member of Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force® actually expressed relief for the social media company’s suppression of free speech.

Fortunately, though, there are others who are still utilizing the (somewhat free) internet to bravely speak out regarding the futility, and even the harmful effects, of continually wearing face coverings.

No doubt the planners behind this plandemic are fully aware of the unhealthy consequences of mask-wearing and are expecting more people to become sick this winter as a result of wearing them.  The Spring 2020 Covid Offensive® was launched with great fanfare and success – primarily due to the element of surprise and the manipulation of people’s fear around the globe.

The fear was successfully sustained through the summer months when the Captured & Compliant Orwellian Media switched their focus from Flatten the Curve® (i.e. hospitalizations & deaths) to Positive Cases® which, of course, increased as a result of more and more people being tested.  Mission accomplished – because, now, the public has been primed to submit to nasal swabbing upon the early onset of every first sniffle as winter arrives.

To be sure, the Media Terrorists have relentlessly “informed” the public about Covid-19® – and how its “transmission has not slowed down during the warm months”.  Furthermore, in order to continually manage those who have recovered and to ensure enthusiasm and compliance for the forthcoming Vaccination Offensive®, the Cult of Covid has now also negated any perceived benefit of immunity against future infections:

Implications for vaccination

…Vaccines can be designed to induce much higher levels of antibody and much longer-lasting immunity…  Just because the natural infection doesn’t give you protection doesn’t mean the vaccines cannot. It’s a separate issue…

….The protection provided by infection or vaccination isn’t 100% perfect until the day it disappears completely, …. Instead, protection fades gradually, so someone exposed to a huge dose of the virus might get reinfected within months, while others could be protected for years….

… even people who already have been sick with COVID-19 need to protect themselves by wearing a mask, avoiding large gatherings, washing hands frequently and maintaining social distance…

To the Cult of Power, Covid® is a gift that will never stop giving, and, to them, face coverings serve as an accelerant to their agenda.

Coronavirus® guru, Dr. Anthony Fauci, has warned “the world” that we’re “not on the road to ending” the pandemic yet; as the writers at The Washington Post tell “how the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally may have spread coronavirus  across the Upper Midwest”.

Because liberty, after all, is inimical to good health, right?

Wrong. And, now, one wonders if this is what Trump really meant when he said he was a “wartime president” and “fighting an invisible enemy”.  That would also add some clarification to the COVID-19 attacks on the White House earlier this month:

A leaked memo has revealed that the White House coronavirus outbreak is more serious than was feared, with 34 White House staffers confirmed infected…

The battle against Covid has become a political demarcation line, so to speak, with Trump, seemingly, advocating (for what 6,000 doctors and scientists have termed)  “focused protection” and with the Harris-Biden ticket supporting a nationwide lockdown and mask mandate.  It seems the Democrats favor Communist China’s approach to Covid-19® and there can be no denying that Marxism will soon get under everyone’s skin, should Biden win.

Of course, we understand now that was the plan behind the plandemic from the beginning.  We’ve been inundated with misinformation, outright deception, and Orwellian terminologies such as Flatten the Curve®, Social Distancing®, Stronger Apart®, and Contact Tracing®.

Certainly, it’s about time they eat our words instead, and “Focused Protection” is a good start. Regardless of who wins the election, however, I say we launch and promote other new catchphrases like “Legal Medicine” and “Constitutionally Applied Healthcare”.  After all, Alinsky tactics are a two-edged sword.

The next few weeks will be fascinating because the 2020 Presidential Election could go either way. The demographics look good for Biden. But the fundamentals are strong for Trump. And it’s quite possible that many pollsters, political commenters and pundits have vastly underestimated the silent majority who view Trump as an old-school hero trying to save America, almost single-handedly.

To be sure, the Rabid Leftists have escaped Pandora’s Box and are now attempting to hide inside of a rickety old Trojan Horse’s presidential campaign. And, should they win, any previous social contract in this country will be shredded faster than Trump’s State the Union speech by Comrade Pelosi.

But if Trump wins, cities will burn, of course. Except, this time, the lame-duck “law and order president” may decide to go full Rambo.

Nevertheless, no matter which team emerges victorious, the entire Hegelian Ballgame may still be Covid-19® playing as a live TV infomercial targeted to all demographics in the global market.  I say this because, according to their previous public statements, both Biden and Trump favor vaccines in the fight against Covid.  So perhaps the real question, then, is this: Who would you rather have as U.S President while you and your family are vaccinated under extreme duress?

Sure, it’s true there are hundreds of millions of guns existing in that breach. But it also means someone’s going to have to do something about that, no?

What will it be?

Along these…shall we say… pessimisticskeptical…. realistic… lines of thinking:  I, personally, have this overwhelming sense of déjà vu during this election cycle.  Admittedly, this may, or may not, be the result of the Orwellian Media consistently churning out recycled plot themes more resembling murder-mystery television episodes than real-life culminations.

Allow me to explain:

Whether it’s an Agatha Christie-type “Murder She Wrote” series, or any CSI season, every 60-minute show unfolds in a similar manner and divided into four (approximately) 12-minute segments:

1.) Introduction of characters & description of crime.

2.) Gathering of the clues / facts

3.) Rising tension / conflict

4.) Climax, falling action, resolution

The 2016 and 2020 Presidential Elections have manifested as Decrepit Establishment Criminals versus a Fearlessly Media Savvy Establishment Threat.

During the 2016 election, the plot unfurled as follows:

1.) Frail and Corrupt Old Hag, deeply entrenched in putrid swamp, deletes 30,000 e-mails containing evidence of cash for play / quid-quo-pro grift schemes with foreign nations

2.) Jim the FBI Director [Comey] discovers missing e-mails on corrupt pedophile’s [Anthony Weiner’s] laptop

3.) Attempts by The Establishment to conceal crime(s) meets resistance from Orange-Haired Hero

4.) Hero prevails

Now, the 2020 election denouement that is currently in progress:

1.) Frail and Corrupt Old Bum, deeply entrenched in putrid swamp, commits cash for play / quid-quo-pro grift schemes with foreign nations

2.) Rudy America’s Mayor [Giuliani] discovers missing e-mails on corrupt pedophile’s [Hunter Biden’s] laptop

3.) Attempts by The Establishment to conceal crime(s) meets resistance from Orange-Haired Hero

4.) Hero prevails?

Will justice be served? Don’t you DARE touch that dial! Stay tuned and enjoy the show.

But seriously, I’ve written before that recorded history is akin to children sharing war-stories after playing tag with flashlights in the dark.

This also calls to mind the timeless axiom of history being written by the victors.

We can only understand that which we think we see.

Tell me what I’m missing.

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

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October 21, 2020 7:27 am

Here’s what you are missing:

October 21, 2020 8:30 am

Thank you, Bigfoot. I was viewing this article as a 2,700-word conversation starter. So thanks for the vid and I will view it later as I have time

Honest Lee
Honest Lee
October 21, 2020 11:09 am

Beware of quack “Doctor” Cowan.
He is retired from practice for a very good reason.
California suspended his medical license because he was diagnosing cancer patients over the phone without ever having seen them.
“COWAN, THOMAS SAMUEL, M.D. (G 86923), San Francisco, CA
Committed acts of gross negligence, repeated negligence, and failure to maintain adequate and accurate
medical records in the care and treatment of one patient. Revoked, stayed, placed on 5 years’ probation with
terms and conditions including, but not limited to, completing an education course, a prescribing practices
course, a medical record keeping course, and an ethics course; obtaining a practice monitor; and prohibited
from providing cancer treatment to patients. June 9, 2017”

  Honest Lee
October 21, 2020 5:01 pm

Dr. Cowan is among a large list of doctors that have lost their medical license due to giving improper medical advice on cancer as it goes against the grain with our current medical profession.

Ever since the Rockefellers and Carnegie gained control of the AMA as well as taking over of the medical schools with their large donations and pushed that the only proper treatment is through Big Pharma, surgery and radiation, while every other treatment is unacceptable. It is all about the treatment ($$$$$) and not a cure.

Here is a video that highlights the forbidden cures for cancer and the war on the holistic doctors that are curing cancer

  Honest Lee
October 21, 2020 9:17 pm

They do that to anybody that has an alternative view. Anybody, including Trump as a QUACK and why they call him Donald Duck.

It’s their highest argument of rebuttal is just to put a label on you to get you to shut up so you only hear the cacophony of resonating silence.

  Honest Lee
October 22, 2020 5:12 am

If “standard of care” was chemo, surgery, and drug cocktails and only that would the rate of cancer go down, or up? Honest Lee, tell us what you know.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
October 21, 2020 1:54 pm

bigfoot, Thanks for sharing the video. Regardless of what this doctor may or may not have done in the past, this video has some merit.

The powers that be are always insisting that we listen to the scientists. Most critical thinkers know that there is no such thing as settled science or consensus in science. Real scientists are always curious and always want to be able to prove their findings. And until there is genuine verified proof that can be repeated over and over, there is always room for more study.

The Covid narrative is not backed by real science. Most of the scientists appearing on TV spouting their narrative, have at least several oars in the water with dollars attached. Most people who think for themselves find more questions than answers regarding this illness.

The connection to 5G is not a narrative that the mainstream media, big business, big pharmaceuticals, or even government want us to consider as the culprit. But what if the researchers in this video are right? What if the construction of cell towers and cell phones, as well as other electronic activity is making people sick? No vaccine is going to cure that, but will probably make a lot of people sick and some will die from the vaccine. I can attest to this as the last time I got a flu shot, back in 2002, I was at the hospital 2 days later with pneumonia. Even though no medical personnel would agree, I know the flu shot made me sick and I will never participate in that particular activity again.

Watch the video and make up your own mind. That’s what sovereign Americans should do.

October 22, 2020 9:43 am

WTF. This is as bad as flat Earthers. You know people in Life Sciences do research on viruses all the time and that we can look at them directly and even figure out how to do experiments to find the mechanism how they cause disease?

I can’t even, anymore.

I was hoping to read some discussion on one of Uncola’s better articles.

October 22, 2020 2:23 pm

We can’t “look at them directly” unless we use an electron microscope. And viruses are just strands of RNA, they don’t even qualify as living things.

And I guess you’re in favor of the CDC bringing back the Spanish flu, Jurassic Park-style too? Because they did that a few years ago.

October 25, 2020 1:11 pm

That One dislike is from jeffery Epstein
Because he didn’t kill himself

October 21, 2020 7:29 am

déjà vu. This article been on TBP recently? I know I’ve read it before.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 21, 2020 7:50 am

Several passages appeared originally as comments on other threads.

Good eye.

Doug, I feel for you. I have already lost a friendship rooted in the disconnect between how we perceive this episode of history. That’s going to happen and no, reason and logic are not good avenues for rectifying the conflict.

The good news is this; it is all part of a natural cycle and however it resolves is proof of a rational system dedicated to the ultimate success of a species particular strategy. All closed systems have a perfect balance between winners and losers, health and decay, the living and the dead. And we all have the means to choose which strategy to employ in order to maximize our chances of survival.

So eat well, love those around you without reservation, dream of the future you wish to see, and do your best to accept the verdict of The Creator in how things turn out in the end.

  hardscrabble farmer
October 21, 2020 8:40 am

To I Know Who You Are,

As Hardscrabble correctly stated above: I quite often use TBP as a means to process current events, etc., and, as I am inspired to comment on various articles here, I will save the words for later reflection before collating the various conceptions, searching for patterns, and then organizing them for flow and cadence. Then, as in the article above, I will post the ideas as a stand-alone piece for broader distribution and discussion. This is because, as Hardscrabble has also stated here previously, the internet is forever.

To Hardscrabble,

Thank you for those words and right back at you, my friend.

October 21, 2020 3:20 pm

Thanks for the acknowledgment guys…. wasn’t sure if I was living in the matrix….

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
October 21, 2020 9:05 pm

Don’t worry, U; the whole world is half in and half out of those exact co-ordinates.

October 21, 2020 7:55 am

my 9 year old granddaughter and friends, required to wear masks in school, slip it down on the sly to free their nose. they know instinctively how stupid this is. my cute waitress pulls hers down all the way because i tell her i prefer her pretty face. she knows how stupid it is too, having been exposed to hundreds of people the last several months.

October 21, 2020 9:58 am

Have been hard of hearing for many years but did not realize how much I depended on lip reading till this Covid/mask thing came along. Almost 100% cannot communicate with anyone wearing their face diaper. But, when I tell people in stores, offices etc. that I haven’t a clue as to what they are saying, it is amazing how fast they respond by pulling down their mask so I can see their lips. Seems to offer a few moments of relief for them. They all know it’s BS anyway but have to do it to keep their jobs. So sad.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
October 21, 2020 2:51 pm

I have the same issues and same experiences.

October 21, 2020 2:51 pm

I work in the school system.
It would seem the kids are more aware than the adults about the Big Game, but then again, they don’t have jobs to lose. The kids are required to wear a mask in order to board a bus. I require them to have one but won’t get annoyed if they aren’t obeying the rules 100% during a ride. The teachers and school faculty, on the other hand, are something else.
When the weather changes and someone gets the sniffles you will quickly find the paranoids.

October 21, 2020 8:08 am

There is plenty of evidence this whole business was a preplanned farce. It was just another flu season. I agree with those who think it was orchestrated by banksters, and their like, to divert attention from a currency crisis and reset-the Hegelian dynamic: problem, reaction, solution. It’s worked for centuries.

This effect on many people (primarily Biden voters) reminds me of an Ayn Rand quote: “You can ignore reality but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” I’ve heard people call our present situation a war on reality. And so it is. We’re now seeing what happens when lots of people lose their grip on reality; confusion and chaos.

Thanks, Doug. BTW, cool title.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
October 21, 2020 8:11 am

Belief is stronger than facts and there’s no changing some folks beliefs.

  Cow Doctor
October 21, 2020 9:57 am

Covid has reached the status of a religion.

Cow Doctor
Cow Doctor
October 21, 2020 10:10 am


October 21, 2020 11:29 am

I have actually adopted the view that, when someone asks me to wear a mask in their establishment, I will do so in respect of their religious beliefs, same as I would if their request was based upon their Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, etc., faith.

Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 21, 2020 12:09 pm

Fuck that. Don’t give in or you are part of the problem. I quit my dentist yesterday because they would not let me in without a mask. Great business model. Fuck them.

  Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 21, 2020 1:23 pm

I get that. Yesterday, my dentist asked me to leave by the back door as a Millenial patient in an adjacent treatment room noticed I was diaperless while I was getting a crown installed and was starting to lose her shit about my presence. Now she didn’t think about how the dentist/hygenist could perform any dental procedure on anyone else in the office wearing a mask. My dentist also asked a patient to leave as he would not remove his mask! I said he should have randomly probed his mouth, without topical Lidocaine or injectable painkillers, through the mask!

October 21, 2020 2:24 pm

comment image

  Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 21, 2020 2:50 pm

Co2- I’ve yet to wear a face diaper in my dentist office and I just had a root canal and a crown put on. That required numerous visits and nobody said a damn thing.

  Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 21, 2020 5:04 pm

Same thing with my (now former) veterinarian, he put up a big sign saying you had to wear a mask to go inside; so, I didn’t (either go inside or wear a mask, that is).

Vets are daily around worse, and actually infectious to humans (zoonotic), viruses and diseases, not to mention having to birth animals and all that entails. ER doctors don’t have to do nearly as much as vets. I respect their trade, I really do.

I don’t respect this guy’s politics, however, so I can’t support him anymore. Plus he was charging too much.

October 21, 2020 8:46 pm

Vets, psychologists and chiropractors are all batshit crazy. Not kidding. Do not understand why but 40 years of observations and this I have come to believe….

October 21, 2020 10:13 pm

C1984 Orwell is only about one thing: Political Terrorism.
Everything we have see about it matches the classic definition of Terrorism.

October 23, 2020 1:00 pm

exactly this.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
October 21, 2020 12:35 pm

You’re exactly right about that. The religion of fear, fear has become virtue.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
  grace country pastor
October 21, 2020 2:53 pm

Fear is the tool and haven of Satan.

  None Ya Biz
October 21, 2020 8:49 pm

Fear is a liar……fear only makes one conjure up possibilities that do not exist in the present for if they were existing in the here and now that would be called a problem not fear. Fear is nothing more than an emotion tied to believable and unbelievable outcomes or possibilities no matter how far fetched or true.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 25, 2020 12:32 pm

Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake.

Job 4:14

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<<———====

Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters

Rev. 14:7

October 21, 2020 8:21 am

It is the gift that keeps on giving, isn’t it? Like Herpes it will never go away, even after the injection that’s been concocted for us. They learned how to control the population using fear and peer pressure which is what they will use to make people take the injection. They won’t need to mandate it by making it a law. Speaking of fear how they used fear, this interview Catherine Austin Fitts did with a psychiatrist, Dr Peter Breggin is quite interesting. I downloaded the paper he wrote about Dr Shortstuff. I don’t see how it can be denied that he was behind this whole thing. Not sure why I showed up anonymous.


Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
October 21, 2020 8:32 am

Every person with any significant influence (every politician, appointee, senior (O-6 & up, law enforcement.”justice” employee, media type, publicly traded corporate decision maker, teacher) and at least half the rest of the population will follow all the Coronavirus® scam right off the cliff. Some are evil liars, some are conniving go-alongs, some are afraid, most are just too lazy to object to things they can live with as long as that Netflix is on, the smartphone is purring, and the rent (metaphorically) can be avoided.

So don’t waste your time looking for someone to emerge from the scrum with your best interests in mind. Not Biden, not Trump, not any of them anywhere.Take care of yourself and the people you love, be nice to strangers right up until you are sure they are unworthy. Most (not the leaders referred to above, who are all bad) are worthy, it just takes a while to get there.

October 21, 2020 8:35 am

Funny how people swilling cheeseburgers and caramel colored high fructose corn syrup fortified with phosphoric acid daily are more concerned about a negligible heath risk than the real ones they inflict on themselves everyday. Man is not a learning animal.

Personally I’m more afraid of hormone, antibiotics laden dairy products than I am of Covid. I resolve to never touch the stuff, but a hot fudge covered sundae sometimes overwhelms my will to resist. I live in shame.

October 21, 2020 10:56 am

And much worse than any of those foods, consume industrial seed oils in large quantities….

Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 21, 2020 12:13 pm

Organic grass fed dairy is good for you. Read some Weston Price:


Sugar/corn syrup is the poison.

  Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 21, 2020 2:53 pm

Co2- Depends if the dairy has been heated to very high temps in the pasteurization process. At that point, it matters not if it was from a organic source.

Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 21, 2020 7:11 pm

Agreed, I meant to also state “raw”

  Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 21, 2020 5:39 pm

Is has nothing to do with what the cow eats. The milk is still full of estrogen, which is a major cause of prostrate cancer in men.

October 21, 2020 6:33 pm


October 21, 2020 6:51 pm

Flash, Jaz,

I am Pro-state too…especially when I piss or read the Constitution.

We need to enlarge the Constitution!

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
October 21, 2020 9:14 pm

Prostrate Cancer (C) – Noun; That cancer that adult Humans get (it’s so damn infectious!) manifested in individuals and groups of Humans, who prostrate themselves before idols and other mere Humans.*

*Known to be both acute and chronic.

October 21, 2020 1:17 pm

@ Flash,

I saw a meme last week that said:

“If I have to wear a mask to protect your health, I’m going to start slapping McDonalds out of your hands too.”

October 21, 2020 5:28 pm

Yes, I saw it too…great meme…seems the only defense We the People have now against out of control government and social justice warriors.

October 21, 2020 8:56 am

“He answered: “Yeah, but they protect other people around us.””

Every time you get into a vehicle there is a possibility you will get into an accident. Should people stop driving?

October 21, 2020 10:03 am

No. Keep driving. But See, you’re trying to apply logic and reason with a good analogy.
Tragically, those are lost on too large a percentage of the eligible voters.

Uncola’s most riveting words in this fine article, in my view:

“…Besides, would anything I’d have said changed his mind?

Or her mind for that matter?

And that’s the point. You can’t reason with people. Not anymore.”

I’ve tried, but I’m done trying to convince and sway, using logic and reason.

I’ve lost a friend or two over these things Doug cites, and I’ve drastically reduced association
with those Covidiots with TDS…2 morbidities in themselves, in my opinion.
An unfortunate sign of the times.

Farmer’s words ring best, on how to respond and react.

Carry On.

Edit: Dawg, I didn’t see your comment first…I see we are in sync. Cheers.

October 21, 2020 2:23 pm

“If you could reason with a Democrat, there wouldn’t be any Democrats left”

October 21, 2020 5:58 pm

L- I hear you loud and clear. No man is an island…..

but my island is getting smaller and more isolated with each passing day.
( a little h/t to .22’s Tabernacle Choir)

October 23, 2020 1:08 pm

The more immediate thing is that it’s an absurd argument that loose-fitting dust-masks are somehow selectively permeable, and are 100% effective but only in one direction.

If it can’t provide significant protection TO the wearer; then it can’t provide significant protection FROM the wearer.

October 21, 2020 8:59 am

Excellent story and info, thanks.. The divide in perceptions over this crisis is very deep and wide and extends right through my living room! My wonderful wife on the mask side and me on the other. 🙂 Needless to say she watches Network News religiously while I vigorously eschew it.. She is also in Public education. I don’t push my views on others and especially not on her or other people I care for.. It’s not worth the aggravation and angry silences. Thanks again.

Baba Looey
Baba Looey
October 21, 2020 10:33 am

I wish that I could adopt a similar mentality about not arguing. This event has definitely divided families, and to me that is the most sinister element of all. I grew up in what many people would call a religious cult, and it is very difficult to watch the religious reactions and responses to these events that are similar to how others react to “the gospel” or “the work”. I suppose what it really comes down to is keeping your mouth shut sometimes to protect your marriage.

October 23, 2020 8:33 pm

So glad I never got married. Missing unforeseen eventualities like a TV swilling, public sector union wife is something I thank my stars for every day.
There’s just no way I could live with that.

October 21, 2020 9:05 am

“Tell me what I’m missing.”
I’ll try.

“And that’s the point. You can’t reason with people. Not anymore.”
You can’t reason someone out of a position that they were not reasoned into. They were “feared” into it. I’m not sure how to “unfear” them. Any suggestions?

“I personally know three people who have “tested positive” for COVID-19”
Really? The PCR test does not test for covid19 specifically. According to the Noble Laureate who invented the test! It wasn’t designed for that. Therefore all the false positives.

“as to how he contracted the virus. But is the COVID-19 virus real? Probably, yes. “
According to Jonathon Rappoport the virus still hasn’t been identified or isolated yet. If they have, there would be an electron microscopic photo of it floating around by now. It’s being said that only 35 of the genes(?) out of 30,000 have been identified. It’s like finding a hoof, a tail and a horn and declaring you found a unicorn! (I forget where I saw this but it fits).

“They’re also scared.”
That’s the idea.

“both Biden and Trump favor vaccines in the fight against Covid.”
Not so. Trump is not in favor of mandatory compliance with shots. He says it’s your choice.

I know I like to kid around with being an ex-EMT, but there is some truth to my classroom education about these f**king masks. Multiple times I have explained how these masks are:
1. Not designed for preventing diseases from spreading. According to OSHA. If they were effective, why do lab techs wear full body positive pressure hazmat suits instead of street clothes and a mask?

2. Even under controlled environment, sitting still and not moving, the saccharine sniff test fails. Under real world conditions even a N95 does not even stop drywall dust getting through. Do you think DW dust is smaller than a fucking virus?

3. If you worked in a environment where there might be asbestos or airborne solvents, or whatever that requires respiratory protective gear, masks, and your employer gave you a N95 to wear, OSHA would fine the employer and you could sue for damages.

4. If you read the box that these masks come in, it says right on the outside that these will not stop the transmission of virus’ or bacteria.

People are deluding themselves into thinking they are safe wearing these fucking face diapers.

This isn’t meant to berate you, Doug. I appreciate your thoughts and perspective on all things “life”. It really saddens me to see how easily 2-3 billion, BILLION, people were so easily scared half to death, and now, what happens to those people if they get scared half to death again with the 2nd wave “they, TPTB” have planned.

I think I am done at this point trying to get through to people who just don’t want to listen to truths that are so easily discovered if only they would open their eyes to see and ears to listen.

Maybe if I had better credentials, BA Harvard, MD Berlin Polytechnic, Residency Johns Hopkins. But, alas, I’m just a lowly ex-EMT that drove ambulances and cleaned dirty cots.

Bring on Friday Fuckfest…Funnies….Fails. Did I get it right neuday?

October 21, 2020 10:00 am

“Maybe if I had better credentials, …”, but you can read, comprehend and understand, evaluate, mitigate and accept the risks of living; abilities that the aforementioned credentials do not confer. Just look at all the CYIs(Credentialed, Yet Idiots) ht N. N. Taleb, that are driving this nonsense.

You Sir are a “God damn genius!”

Best of Luck


October 21, 2020 12:50 pm

Oooh………………shucks……………………………stop………please…………………………….you’re embarrassing me.?

October 21, 2020 10:08 am

Upvoted for the “Berlin Polytechnic” reference. Nice pull there.

Ben Lurken
Ben Lurken
October 21, 2020 11:02 am

Great comment Dawg. And as I’m on Jon Rappoport’s email list for about 10 years it was easy to know he’d expose the fraud right out of the gate. Another great piece by him I received about an hour ago. I never go to his website but for anyone interested here’s that article:

COVID is a fraud; so is Trump, so is Biden

October 21, 2020 11:47 am

Why democracy never works. Propaganda and emotion.

October 21, 2020 2:59 pm

Democracy doesn’t work when the greater majority of the people become stupid.
This is the reason America was originally a republic. It was supposed to remedy the problems of a simple majority. Now things are different. The fools want the electoral college done away with and have no problems with the idea of court packing.
This is what we’ve come to.

October 23, 2020 1:19 pm

The problems of mob rule were to be remedied by the existence of a Constitution which allowed the government ONLY certain limited powers, as well as the Bill of Rights to further limit the government.
A republic (in the sense that America was one) is a representative democracy … nothing more. It actually pre-emptively takes the first step towards tyrannical oligarchy that all pure democracies eventually take. Being a ‘republic’ is meaningless to distinguish from pure democracy. Being a Constitutional republic with a constitution limiting the powers of the government created is what once made America distinct from former attempts at democratic rule (now, not so much).

October 21, 2020 1:29 pm

Muscledawg wrote:

The PCR test does not test for covid19 specifically. According to the Noble Laureate who invented the test! It wasn’t designed for that. Therefore all the false positives.

“as to how he contracted the virus. But is the COVID-19 virus real? Probably, yes. “
According to Jonathon Rappoport the virus still hasn’t been identified or isolated yet.

I just replied to a commenter at my blog who questioned my take on that while also mentioning Rappoport.

I’m definitely familiar with Rappaport and have cited his posts in my past articles on Covid – especially regarding the… shall we say…. highly questionable… PCR and antibody testing.

And that was just one of the reasons why I placed quotation marks around the words “tested positive” and “positively diagnosed” all throughout the above article.

Here is a personal story I just shared over at my blog. I almost included it in this piece but decided not to for purposes of overall length and verboseness.

Someone who I trust knows of a family in our area who was in Florida this past March during spring break. On the way home, the teenaged son got a headache and was extremely tired. The next day, he felt fine. Next, the mother felt very nauseous and tired enough to stay home from work for three days. Then, the daughter was sick vomiting for a few days. She is in her early twenties, had no appetite, and whatever she ate or drank, she could not keep down. Finally, the middle-aged father got sick. He first lost his sense of taste and smell and he had no appetite. He then had a headache and a 100+ degree fever with aches and pains and was very, very tired – no energy whatsoever.

Because it was the beginning of the “pandemic”, the medical facilities had very strict protocols as to who could be tested. After a week of sickness, the miserable father called the hospital and after a few qualifying questions, they coached him into providing a reason/justification so they could test him (I think it was because his work required out-of-state travel or something like that?). In any case, the test came back (I’m told) faster than was normal at that time and it was “positive” for Covid.

Four family members sick after returning home from spring break at the onset of a “pandemic” – all with illnesses manifesting with diverse symptoms.

Is it merely propagandized flu? Or, a lab-created subtle monster?

At this point in time, does it matter?

Good questions, indeed.

Thank you for your comment. I enjoyed it immensely.

October 21, 2020 2:15 pm

I truly appreciate your response Doug. I think there is so much info floating around right now that it is difficult to keep all this shit sorted out. I really believe, excuse me for a moment while I adjust my tin cap, that we will learn the truth about this CV BS, and much more, after POTUS is reelected. It is all this confusion that does make it hard to convince people about any of this. I could have listed more “facts” but…..why bother.
Oh….and did you hear………………..Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself……….

October 21, 2020 2:35 pm
Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
October 21, 2020 2:04 pm

For me your credentials are better than those getting paid (and getting very rich) by pushing inaccuracies and downright lies. Plus there are plenty of doctors and scientists that are 100% against the popular narrative, but their voices are being silenced by the powerful media. After all, big Pharma gives the media millions of dollars every year. Ever wonder why all the football people are playing along with this silly game? They know without the big dollars from advertising they would be kaput.

How long are we going to continue to play along with the emperor’s brand new clothes when all of us can see the emperor is naked as a blue jay?

  Craven Warrior
October 21, 2020 3:15 pm

Thanks CW.

October 21, 2020 9:32 am

So, you know my sister?

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
October 21, 2020 9:50 am

Your usual good article. Trump wins in a landslide.

22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
  Robert Gore
October 21, 2020 10:01 am

America has had enough of Trump’s “winning” to last a lifetime.

Donald Trump Wanted to Keep This Video Deposition Secret. We Got a Copy.

  22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
October 21, 2020 10:59 am

Trump isn’t the President we totally want, but Biden (through whom the Deep State will rule, as Biden is demented) is the end for America and its white population…focus on that!

October 21, 2020 4:24 pm

Have you been paying attention. There has been no MURRICA for a long time anf war on Whitey was declared during Trumps term and he has done nothing to stop it. Quit listening to Rush.

October 22, 2020 7:47 am

Oh, so Trump didn’t really order all Federal Agencies to stop with the radical race theory training? Chip

On The Beach
On The Beach
  22winmag - I was told about 2020 in 1981
October 21, 2020 11:00 am

Tell us all about it, mormontard gay expert.

  Robert Gore
October 21, 2020 12:27 pm

Trump wins in a landslide.

I believe it is going to make Reagan’s win look like a nailbiting close call. Dukakis will end up with more votes than Biden. That’s if creepy joe is still “available” as the candidate. ??

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
October 21, 2020 10:11 am

It appears you, me, and most everyone else, have missed just a couple of the other disturbing negative force vectors that The Evil Fuckers have been able to redouble efforts with without gaining much notice due to the Scamdemic:

– Chemtrails. The skies have been streaked with the long lasting whitish effluent from high flying jet aircraft ( almost without a peep recently from even the most insightful or paranoid quarters.) The CoVid-19(84) monster has been the laser-like focus of everyone the last nine to 10 months to the exclusion of just about anything else. Yeah, Auntie thinks CHemtrail spraying is a synergistic component of the Hell-On- Earth They are trying to implement.

– “5G”. RF pollution, in the form of powerful microwaves gets increased to just at your “reproductive system has been cooked to well done via that brand new microwave relay on the lamp post 25 ft from the house” syndrome. Just keep playing with your devices Lumpen; plenty of streaming Disney, Jungleball and Spotify to soothe your pitiable depressed “Lockdown” souls.

– Closing of houses of worship! Auntie cannot believe the passivity of the populus and prelates with this astonishing development. Satan is smiling as to the successfulness of this plandemic tactical assault.

There are several more affiliated activities which should terrify everyone especially the Money BOmb that is getting ready to be deployed: elimination of cash because, well, you know, it’s dirty (with the virus)…..

At least your mind has not been turned into CoVid-Mush like the people you have been talking to, Uncola.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Auntie Kriest
October 21, 2020 12:09 pm

Satan ain’t surprised…

It’s the Roman’s 13 lie

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<<——-==== Is the Emperor comin around to my way of thinking ?

Or just panderin for votes?

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  ordo ab chao
October 21, 2020 12:45 pm

I vote for pandering.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
  ordo ab chao
October 21, 2020 2:08 pm

Definitely pandering. At least he doesn’t insult his constituency like creepy Joe does.

  Craven Warrior
October 21, 2020 4:29 pm

His constituency is so sedated on Orange Trumade they don’t even feel his Schlong.

  ordo ab chao
October 23, 2020 8:10 pm

Hi Ordo,
I enjoyed the stories of your and Uncolas sales careers a while back, did you know Uncola is “the Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee of sales”? Thats pretty good! Not that he likes to toot his own horn. I remember it like yesterday as my dad made a very good living selling commercial trucks, all the while consuming a 40 of vodka a day I should add. Anyhoooo….I was wondering what you think of these peace agreements, for example,
It is written, that this would happen.
Never enough comas brother

October 25, 2020 7:12 am

I don’t always have a beer and comment, when I do it’s on TBP. I’m always happy to see another thought provoking “Uncola Latest Distribution” in my inbox. Thanks!

  Auntie Kriest
October 21, 2020 6:34 pm

@ Auntie:

I’m glad you mentioned the chemtrails. I wondered many times in my younger years, living in Texas, what and why were they spraying up there? It wasn’t like the crop dusters, those were close to the ground. No, it was something else, and of course I didn’t care enough about it then to really find out what.

Doing some research a few years ago, I found out the following:

– They don’t want you knowing, which means they are doing something: Jewgle “what are chemtrails?” and the first stories are debunking conspiracy theories about chemtrails. Coincidence?

– The program of spraying was started in the late ’40’s by the Army/Air Force — for some reason 1947 comes to mind — ostensibly because they found a hole in the ozone layer, and their solution was to start spraying a compound of nano-alumin(i)um particles in the lower atmosphere which would reflect sunlight/UV rays and protect us. That should already be making you breathe heavier. Even after they discovered the ozone layer healed itself, did that stop the spraying program? Do you still see chemtrails?

– There is a difference between chemtrails and jet trails, which is the elephant in the room here: commercial jets fly at ~30,ooo feet, where the air is much thinner, and hardly leave a trail behind. Chemtrails are thick clouds in an already thick atmosphere and leave behind miles-long trails, and are sprayed thousands of feet farther down (~10,000 ft.). Even jets flying that low don’t leave trails behind them for miles; go watch an airshow and see for yourself. I knew from being on aircraft carriers, jet fuel burns clean, and too hot to leave billowy clouds. But most people don’t think about it — which is why this is such an insidious plan.

The obvious conclusion, to me: TPTB have attempted, for many years, to change the climate. What is their real purpose is obfuscated by layers of distraction, but you can bet it’s not for our benefit. If it was, don’t you think they’d be telling us how much it’s helping? I’d love to see an expose’ done on this subject by someone who’s got the contacts to do some digging.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 22, 2020 4:23 am


You’ve probably already been to this site:

Geoengineering Affects You, Your Environment, and Your Loved Ones

There are a lot of rabbit hole theories as to the ‘why’, everything from population control thru the aerosol seeding of nano particulants…… HARP…… 5G……to atmospheric adjustment to acc0mmodate visitors from another realm…..??

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——-===="which is why this is such an insidious plan."

Pagan Truth Seeker
Pagan Truth Seeker
  ordo ab chao
October 25, 2020 11:41 am

Yep, there’s a myriad of reasons for the spraying. Their version of synchronicity, none of it good for us.

Fr. Mother
Fr. Mother
October 23, 2020 4:41 pm

I’m not normally a religious man but whenever I see one of those jets delivering the goods, I send up a prayer to The Father: “Lord, please have that idiot crash and burn in a vacant lot.”

Confused & Concerned
Confused & Concerned
October 21, 2020 10:23 am

I live in the shittiest of the shit states and as you would expect it has been a shit show here. I know a good number of people who got this and know of 2 who died. First the people who I know got it: an old lady (80) in a New England nursing home who smoked for 50 years and weighed no more than 90 pounds. She got it 3 days after the national guard came in and tested everyone in the facility. Other than fever, she did good for the first 4 days on ibuprofen and doxycycline, then blood oxygen plummeted and was admitted to the hospital. Now I could be a pessimist, but there it seemed like they wanted her dead. Immediately they tried to put her on a ventilator. When it became clear she was not going to be permitted to be on a ventilator, they wanted her out of the hospital. After insisting on oxygen, vitamin c and d, and her favorite donuts, she improved and survived. They categorically refused the malaria drug. Another man in his mid 60s got it; and was very sick for 2 weeks. He was given the malaria drug and various other cocktails. He lived. Another man in his low 30s got it; was mildly sick and okay now. A couple in their 40s that we know got it; one was mildly sick for a few days; the other hardly at all other than headache and that odd smell/taste deficiency. Another women (50s) had the latter and nothing else. Another fit man (40s) caught in at work and had a fever and nothing else; wife did not catch. Another fit 60 year old got it; was put on a ventilator; made it through; held on for 2.5 month and then died (my suspicion is the damage from the vent killed him). Another 45 year old 400lb diabetic got it; vented right away and died. Multiple family members work in big city hospitals. Philly saw hardly anything even at peek other than in the poor section. My communist (really can not get further left than this person) relative specifically told me a vent is a death sentence. Some of my oldest friends in the world (very smart and successful in medicine and finance) would disown me if I expressed my true views on this thing. After two months of taking serious precautions and studying this thing over and over, we decided to live as normally as possible starting Mid-May. My work is seriously hampered by the restrictions so that is causing constant anxiety and not knowing how far these psychos are going to take this thing also causes a great deal of distress. Not quite sure what the overall takeaway is, but I would be interested in where everyone is drawing their line in the sand (i.e. where they will disobey and risk jail or fight back and risk death). Ours is forced vaccination and Trump’s proposal to roll it out very powerfully with the military. Don’t really have a plan because the options ain’t good. We are torn between


What do you all think?

  Confused & Concerned
October 21, 2020 10:41 am

I don’t trust vaccines much to start with, let alone a new rushed one. I will pass, and I have health conditions. I take vitamins and zinc and quercetin. The vaccine will end up being worse for people than the virus.

October 21, 2020 11:18 am

Same here. Exactly. And they can have their vaccine up their ass!!

October 21, 2020 2:00 pm

They don’t vaccinate for the common cold, they don’t know how to make a vaccine that works against a rhinovirus and rhinoviruses are some of the primary cause of acute respiratory illnesses.The flu vaccination isn’t protection against getting an unknown variant of the flu so why expect a vaccination to protect against a ‘covid’ virus?

People are easily manipulated, fear is a great motivator, as is ignorance. The purveyors of fear are deliberately playing on people’s emotioness s in order to gain control over them. Control is power.
Witness the IMF and their mandates that Lukashenko follow the Covid restrictions in order to get a loan…..

IMF Made Loans to Belarus Conditional on a Lockdown. Lukashenko Turned Them Down

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Confused & Concerned
October 21, 2020 1:46 pm

Posted previously, but this is not your ordinary everyday vaccine. Live life according to Romans 12. One thing I know for sure, I’ll live here in this world until my body dies, then I’ll move on to greener heavenly pastures.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  grace country pastor
October 22, 2020 4:33 am

Mornin’ GCP….

That’s a good video, I saw it some time back. No sound, clicked to watch it on youtube, and there were two video links listed in description for sound, and both of those have been removed by youtube:
The guy that posted the video had the comment below:

Bones McCoy
2 months ago
Struggling to upload video with audio. click one of the first two links in description to listen.

And he provided this link a little further down the comments:

This one had sound, Humans 2.0…..

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——-==== "ye shall be as gods"

  Confused & Concerned
October 21, 2020 2:09 pm

“I live in the shittiest of the shit states …”

Where in New Jersey do you live?

Perhaps we’re neighbors. I live about 20 miles from Newark.

October 21, 2020 3:14 pm

you have my sympathy, with Murphy, but then again, I have Wretched Shitmore.
But at least she isn’t letting prisoners leave because of Covid scare, come Nov. 4th. Yet.
She did say if ‘ganders want the lockdowns to end, then vote for Buy-den.

(incidentally, if masks work so well, why not make prisoners wear them and stay in jail?)

October 21, 2020 3:17 pm

I grew up 15 minutes west of the mansion, but now I am in the southern part of the state. Hope to meet you someday.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
  Confused & Concerned
October 21, 2020 2:12 pm

Why does the medical community not question the fact that a husband gets it, but the wife does not? In fact, why does my husband get a cold and I don’t? I kiss him several times a day. Like I said before, there’s more questions than answers. And I question the quality of all the answers. Usually the answers are driven by dollar signs.

  Craven Warrior
October 21, 2020 4:41 pm

It’s your natural immune system! It is constantly eliminating the various millions of different virus’ out there, and bacteria. I have a similar situation, the Mrs. gets flu shots every yr, I don’t. She gets 1-2 colds every year. I set my calendar to it. I don’t get sick. Have only been sick 1 time in last 44+ years, 12 months after bypass surgery. My immune system was weakened by what I went thru. Haven’t been sick since. Eat right. Sleep right. Right attitude. Active/exercise. Get dirty. NOT THAT KIND! And it helps if you have that “fun” gene. For getting dirty. ?

  Confused & Concerned
October 21, 2020 6:21 pm

Unfortunately C&C, I know many people who have had cancer. Almost all of them have succumbed to the disease. It seems your story has a happier ending.

  Confused & Concerned
October 23, 2020 1:32 pm

As mentioned above, when you say this or that person “got it”, there’s no true way of knowing what “it” they got.

Also, there won’t be forcible vaccinations. No one will physically hold you down and stab you with a hypodermic against your will. Instead, you won’t be able to get a driver’s license, or car insurance, or homeowners’ ins., or a job, or fly, or enter a different state, or leave your state/county, or buy food, etc, etc, etc.

So, if your line is merely being injected without consent, but you’ll give consent as soon as some right or privilege you want is tied to the vax; then you don’t really have a line at all.

Fr. Mother
Fr. Mother
  Confused & Concerned
October 23, 2020 4:47 pm

I have already gingerly raised this with my family. If it comes to enforced immunization–forcing me as a healthy person to take a rushed vaccine directly into my bloodstream against my will–I will consider that a death threat and will take action that would be appropriate for same.

No kidding. I’m not going to allow myself to be violated like that for a little more time on earth. I will take as many of the fuckers with me as the Good Lord allows.

October 21, 2020 10:28 am

We went to a dinner party Sat night, upper middle class leftist suburban stronghold.
All small talk was focused on the hoax.
After meal jibber jabber at the table, I was put on the spot about my vote.
All were in disbelief, including me, how we spent 2 hours dissecting the hoax, ad infinitum, and they still support team virus was beyond me.
There were some looks though, that I got, with smiles, that made me wonder how serious they were about voting Joe.

October 21, 2020 6:25 pm

I’m surprised you were able to have any appetite after all their sour grapes.

October 23, 2020 1:35 pm

I’m surprised you haven’t caught on that team Trump is also team virus. Both sides are team Covid.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
October 21, 2020 10:44 am

Perhaps Covid is just a cold that TPTB have labeled “lethal”. After all, many sick people die every year after getting the common cold that develops into pneumonia. Or maybe, TPTB juiced up the common cold a bit to make it slightly more lethal. Who knows? But anyone with more than two brain cells should figure out that Covid is not lethal to most people; after all, over 99% survive.

We need to rename it the Control Cold. Or perhaps the readers here would come up with another more appropriate name. Regardless, we are losing the war against common sense.

October 21, 2020 10:47 am

I would say the virus and the media and our Government have achieved success. If your into controlling people using fear. I pulled my mask down the other day in a store because my glasses were fogging up and a lady almost screamed. This all supports my wussification of America thinking. I try not to wear my mask. It’s all BS. Soon we will have another flu season, more fear. Maybe a super COVID/FLU bug will be hyped?

October 21, 2020 10:54 am

My reply to Biden voters….How stupid do you have to be to vote for a guy who has taken millions in bribes from the Chinese and Ukrainians and who doesn’t even know what office he’s running for? And on top of that, Biden supports Antifa/BLM, who want all whites dead or enslaved….

October 21, 2020 10:58 am

What is …-ism if not the subordination of the individual to the collective

(Some people would nag that it’s actually the subordination to politics, with politics being described as ‘using any means necessary to win’, but let’s skip over that.)

So Doug, what is your prescribed antidote?
Because more individualism it is not.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 21, 2020 12:01 pm


annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——–===

October 21, 2020 2:09 pm

m asks:

So Doug, what is your prescribed antidote?

and concludes:

Because more individualism it is not.

Thanks, m, for that thought-provoking comment/question/conclusion.

I actually hodge-podged this article in rush yesterday, just to get it out there and off my plate. I probably needed to go through it a few more times because, today, in reading it again, I see the cadence and flow is off and, for whatever reason, I always overthink the commas.

Anyway, it is not the article that’s been really on my mind. The one I actually want to write has more to do with Capitalism – and, specifically, in relation to love.

A few weeks ago, we had a few warm days in the fading light before late fall and winter. I noticed some wasp activity and, after tracking down the source, I decided to go find my wasp and hornet spray. On that shelf, I saw a can of Deep Wood’s Off (i.e bug spray) that one of my kids took to summer camp long ago. Now, this is a pretty old can of Off because its label featured (in full color) some Caucasians walking in the woods. It actually looked like an amateur watercolor painting right there in front of me.

So, I started thinking along these lines:

“Hey, Doug, you have a wasp problem? Let me help you. Check out this mixture I made for you. The can shoots out over 20 feet, for your protection, and drops them little buggers right on contact.

And you say, you want to protect your offspring from those pesky bugs in the woods? Here is another can I made for you. It doesn’t smell overly bad and it will guard your kids, and save them misery, while they enjoy themselves at camp. Look here, see? I even made a nice little picture for you, right on the can. Isn’t that nice of me?”

Overwhelmed with gratitude, I asked in disbelief: “Who are you?”

It replied: “Just call me Capitalism.”

So, in response to that, I started thinking that I could NEVER afford to make all that magic stuff by myself and, right then, Capitalism said: “Tell you what, just give me a few bucks and we’ll call it even”.

Anyway, that’s how my weird mind works: Economy of Scale is a beautiful thing. And if some of you reading this don’t understand, that’s fine. You will soon. Very soon.

So, in answer to your question, m: I do believe the right kind of individualism will always save us – but only within a free society thriving under just law; or, rather, in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.

If COVID were real, it would work like this:

“Oh, I see. You have an RNA strand wrapped in protein that’s causing problems and you say you can’t kill it beforehand because it’s not alive, per se? Hmmmnnn. I got you. Hold my beer….”

October 21, 2020 2:17 pm

“The one I actually want to write has more to do with Capitalism – and, specifically, in relation to love.”

Wow! Now that is an article I would love to read!!!!

There is no way in hell I would link together those two words; love and capitalism. That’s quite unique. Go for it, Doug (but you might, I think, expect some pushback from me.)

Just curious, will you be using any Biblical scripture to help bolster your case?

October 21, 2020 6:45 pm

…will you be using any Biblical scripture to help bolster your case?

Although I was thinking of love as in the Greek philia or (limited)agape sense, I haven’t really thought about tying Biblical scripture into it – but, if so, perhaps it could be approached from a “creation” aspect. Guess I’ll just keep mulling it over.

In a post from last spring on “…Quarantines and Trees, Pencils, Technology, Art and Music” I referenced [capitalist] “creations that are, truly, three-dimensional manifestations of intelligence, logic, and love.”

Maybe expand on that a bit? Thinking… thinking…

October 22, 2020 1:00 am

Do it, the above comment was packed.

Fulton Sheen
Fulton Sheen
October 23, 2020 3:23 pm
October 21, 2020 4:56 pm

Doug wrote:

“So, in answer to your question, m: I do believe the right kind of individualism will always save us – but only within a free society thriving under just law; or, rather, in accordance with the U.S. Constitution.”

Absolutely correct, sir.

And that gets directly to the heart of the matter.

As Joe Sobran noted:

“In their piecemeal way, liberals have always pursued the same ultimate goal as socialists and Communists: the remaking of society. Their conception of government is, in the terms used by the conservative Michael Oakeshott and the classical liberal Friedrich Hayek, “teleocratic” (end-governed) rather than “nomocratic” (rule-governed). They see the state not as a neutral umpire, allowing people to pursue their own purposes freely, but as a great architect, imposing its own ends on all of society.”

October 22, 2020 3:58 am

So, in answer to your question, m: I do believe the right kind of individualism will always save us – but only within a free society thriving under just law; or, rather, in accordance with the U.S. Constitution

the right kind of individualism
Riddle me one, what kind would that be?

If it wasn’t clear from my original question, I personally believe we already have an excess of individualism, the unsubordinated kind.
To expand on this, how/why would (future) individualists define/support ‘just law‘ or the U.S. Constitution, and not some new, “better” replacement instead?

October 22, 2020 11:33 am

There is a form of individualism that is subordinated to constitutional law and thrives while embracing the concept of “win-win”. That’s what I’m talking about. A better replacement is hard to imagine given the warped nature of mankind?

October 22, 2020 2:56 pm

So we agree that individualism has to remain subordinated to something. (And that was not visible in your article, BTW.)

You find constitutional law to be something to which a better replacement is hard to imagine.
I wouldn’t dispute that either, but still you are actually describing a system.
The key question for sustainability is how do we pass that knowledge/wisdom on to the next generation?
That’s where the rubber hits the road, and Classic Liberalism/Humanism/whatever you want to call it -ism, has completely failed. Proof: Julian Assange.

So maybe we shouldn’t be promoting a system, but instead a concept:
We need to find commonly agreed upon ultimate values.
If anybody does this with or without religion, doesn’t matter as the end result after thinking about those long enough will be almost indistinguishable.

That’s what I’m trying to point out.

October 22, 2020 4:19 pm

Certainly, systems derive from concepts. And the U.S. Constitution is, in fact, a compendium of conceptions – perhaps, some may argue, predicated upon… even… spiritual ( and not religious, per se) principles. And the reason America’s sustainability is in doubt today is because the intricacies of the constitution are no longer taught in schools. Of course, that’s only one of the reasons. The nation has been systematically dismantled over decades. We are now reaping what has been sown. We had a republic. We couldn’t keep it. But that doesn’t mean the (as you say) “ultimate values” haven’t been there all along. They still remain, but only for those worthy of them.

At the end of the above article, I asked to be told “what I’m missing”. I see your attempt, but, I’m afraid I’m still not seeing exactly what you are “trying to point out”.

I’m not sure, yet, what you mean by the following:

If anybody does this [find commonly agreed upon ultimate values] with or without religion, doesn’t matter as the end result after thinking about those long enough will be almost indistinguishable.

Could it be we are making the same argument to each other?

October 22, 2020 5:55 pm

We had a republic. We couldn’t keep it.


But that doesn’t mean the (as you say) “ultimate values” haven’t been there all along. They still remain, but only for those worthy of them.

That stance is not enough for me.
If you believe you know [some] ultimate values, don’t tire to point them out.

Muh Freedom and Moar Individualism are, while being helpful, not ultimate values.

(I was trying to say: Your resulting discovered ‘ultimate values’ will be very similar, no matter if you start from a religious or atheistic viewpoint.)
I have to leave it at that, or I’d need to write a two page essay about it.

October 23, 2020 1:05 am

I believe the following article/link alludes to some of the “ultimate values” of which we have only vaguely referenced in this discussion.

It is partly a glowing book review combined with a concise takedown of the Covid scam and one heck of a tribute to former Senator and Presidential Candidate Ron Paul.

Now placing it here for posterity:

Ron Paul: Wisdom From a Master

October 23, 2020 4:43 am

Once again, even Ron Paul misses the core problem.
What do we subordinate our individualism to? Today’s answer is usually “nothing.”

For another introductory angle, watch 30 seconds here

Here what I wrote elsewhere (slightly edited for cleanliness):

Read Augusto Del Noce.
He identified the core principle of Marxism to be “dependency on nothing [not even God],” for the genesis of the entirely self-created man. Therefore Marxism is atheistic, and not by accident. But it also makes Marxism the torch bearer for unfettered individualism!
Furthermore he parsed Marxism to be 80% philosophy with the goal to devalue/negate/destroy all values and all [relevance of] history, so to create a clean slate for the 20% messianic part that somehow, magically, in an unspecified way, would create the classless society afterwards.

Well guess what, the negation philosophy destroyed the messianic part too.
But if you look closely you see the 80% Marxism is nowadays predominant in -at the very least- all Western countries, but so far has only lead to a completely unrestrained bourgeoisie/Davoisie – as all limiting factors such as commonly agreed upon ultimate values, religion (but I repeat myself), and understanding of history have been dismantled.

Accordingly Del Noce’s last essay before his death in December 1989 was titled “Marxism Died in the East Because It Realized Itself in the West.”

So in other words we are 80% Marxist today.
This cannot be fixed by calling for ‘preserving/expanding freedoms’ or ‘fight against collectivism’ or such.
It can only be fixed by voluntary subordination of individuals to an ultimate value.
Otherwise we don’t have a society, we just have atomized individuals who happen to live in the same geographical location.

Read Augusto Del Noce.

October 23, 2020 8:46 am

Perhaps, in the end, Marxism is the result of displaced values; or, rather, errant priorities/focuses/objectives derived from false premises.

October 23, 2020 8:58 am

Holy crap, that’s an “academic” explanation.

I almost fell asleep reading it.

October 23, 2020 10:25 am

Perhaps that is Positivism in action, by you;
or, rather, the attempt to explain with stupidity which was obviously malice (by Marx.)
So how do you explain away my

Proof: Julian Assange.

And regarding your “win-win”:
“I’m not doing something because it’s the easiest, also not because I see a ‘win-win’ situation, and not even because it has the highest likelihood to succeed – I’m doing it because it’s the right thing to do.”
That is one stance that should come out of voluntarily subordinating one’s individualism to an ultimate value.

sweet dreams, Stucky, you know along George Carlin’s definition of ‘the American dream.’

October 23, 2020 2:13 pm

Maybe Marx had malice or maybe he was a true believer. Regardless, it is those embracing dreams of an earthly utopia with stupidity, who are the real marks.
comment image
comment image

October 23, 2020 4:59 pm

It’s even simpler than that:
Those embracing dreams of any earthly utopia, are the problem.

Unfortunately most people embrace exactly that nowadays, as scientific progress has been sold to them as being capable to solve all human ills/problems.
Which is total bullshit, as a hypothesis.

And I write all that as an engineer, who up to about three years ago had been a hardcore atheist all his life.

BTW I’ve come to understand ‘original sin’ as the realization (in theology) that us becoming conscious has made it categorically impossible to create perfect larger-scale human systems.
In simple terms it suffers the same issue as “herding cats”, and can’t be done.

October 23, 2020 7:12 pm

Perhaps Augusto Del Noce could be considered as an ideological older brother to Strauss & Howe. Primarily regarding how conceptions fuel zeitgeists. He is one who claimed Marxism was a blend of atheism and materialism. Along those lines he identified a concept similar to Orwell’s Doublethink (perhaps as a result of relativism?) to where Collectivism thrives as it simultaneously self-destructs. In past articles I’ve likened this to a rimfire consuming itself into ashes – or as a snake-eating its own tail.

If you think about it, it applies to Islam as well.

I’ve enjoyed our conversation – even though I wasn’t sure if you insulted me above with the “stupidity” remark. But I let it pass because you sound similar to someone else I’ve read here before. I’m almost sure who, but it doesn’t matter. As I’ve stated here prior… ideas over personalities.

Thank you for the exchange. It helped me to work out some things.

October 24, 2020 3:33 am

Huh, you never heard of Hanlon’s razor?
(Which can also deceive, if blindly applied, especially towards psychopaths.)

Oh my god, I really don’t know how much more I have to detail-explain every single word I write, so nobody in this ‘independent critical thinker’ community feels stepped on his toes – or has to run for his safe space.
Because at dishing out dripping sarcasm to slightly out-of-line steppers here, said community is pretty relentless. They just can’t take the echo.

And yes, I have been shadow-banned here before.

October 24, 2020 11:36 am

Re: Hanlon’s Razor

Which can also deceive, if blindly applied, especially towards psychopaths.

Oh… how I most whole-heartedly agree with that statement. It is, in fact, how so many intelligent and aware people aim small and miss small.

October 21, 2020 10:58 am

habitually wearing masks might have it’s ramifications
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Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
October 21, 2020 1:20 pm

Rod Serling’s genius. Auntie wonders what his take on the Scamdemic would be.

  Auntie Kriest
October 21, 2020 2:33 pm
October 23, 2020 9:21 pm

Serling was a multiculturalism-spouting Jew, and this episode is nothing more than “diversity” propaganda.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
  Auntie Kriest
October 21, 2020 4:52 pm

Auntie Kriest

See “The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street,” Twilight Zone, March 4, 1960. Never mind, didn’t see the post from Muscledawg. Great minds, etc.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  Robert Gore
October 21, 2020 9:22 pm


Hows about a Route 66 shaded SITREP from Nuevo Mexico, Mr. Gore. Please.

  Robert Gore
October 22, 2020 10:55 am

Careful who you praise Robert. Don’t want to drag you down to my level, eh.

October 21, 2020 11:23 am

See something, say something.

East Germany Stasi

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
October 21, 2020 1:34 pm

Roasting in Hell, (((Markus Wolf))) appreciates the compliment.

October 21, 2020 11:25 am

To those of you who have “lost friendships” over this fraud: Consider yourself blessed. Most people are either too stupid or too evil for mankind to ascend to a true spiritual awakening .

October 21, 2020 11:26 am

My daughter works in a hardware store owned by a 70 year old man and his wife. There is another worker who is retirement age. When I have gone in the store, my daughter is the only worker wearing a mask.

I think she does this for two reasons. First, she wants to protect her co-workers. Second, her chosen sources of news (not MSM, either broadcast or newspaper) promote the standard view. She also believes that hundreds of Biden supporters have been viciously attacked by Trump supporters, while the reverse never happens.

October 21, 2020 3:18 pm

most of the folks on here seems willing to kill our mis-informed children as enemies of… something or other. it is amazing to me the number of folks that cant, dont, wont realize that they are being Alinskied in the most machevialian of ways, while not understanding who their enemy actually is or if they do, they dont seem to be pointing their rifles in that direction. the blood lust of this reaction has even hit inside of me – and i am very pacifist.

October 21, 2020 4:34 pm

They don’t want to know who the enemy is and don’t you dare spoil their fantasies of an Orange savior by telling them either.

October 21, 2020 11:30 am

I have this peculiar and nasty habit of fucking with peoples heads. I don’t remember where I saw this ( maybe Eric Peters) but sometimes when the situation is right, I’ll claim that I tested positive for SOTS-20. Saying that “they” don’t know if it’s contagious or not, if it’s deadly or not, and it seems to effect only people who don’t test positive for rona-19, and there may not be any cure in the near future. Sometimes, with the very small minded, the looks are priceless. Then they ask what is it? Then I drop the punchline………..Sick Of This Shit!!!

October 21, 2020 11:32 am

FWIW, a leftist is not your friend. They are your enemy. Never turn your back on one.

October 21, 2020 3:07 pm

Many times you won’t see them until after they’ve stabbed you. The greater majority are cowards and rarely confront you directly. It’s easier to complain to the boss or stab you from behind.
One of them did it to me by complaining about me not wearing a mask via surreptitious text to the boss. Skeevy bitch didn’t confront me until after she knew someone with authority was aware.

October 21, 2020 12:02 pm

Until you have this one you aren’t safe. I wear mine to bed because I’m in the at risk category.

7 million face shields and counting

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
October 21, 2020 1:37 pm

Auntie just cannot wait for the compulsory supplemental suppository virus treatment that will be implemented to ass-ist in the protection of nether region sensitive mucus membrains (sic).

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
October 21, 2020 2:15 pm

Only on my cold dead body!

  Craven Warrior
October 21, 2020 4:13 pm

NWO to Craven.
Well ok then, we aim to please.

October 21, 2020 1:28 pm

I have said it before and I will say it again, Liberals are mentally ill and emotionally disturbed.

October 21, 2020 1:28 pm
Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
October 21, 2020 2:19 pm

Just checked that site and I sincerely despise Dr. Robert (Dickhead) Redfield. He is a spreader of lies and nonsense. My dead dog probably knows more about viruses than this lackwit.

October 21, 2020 3:13 pm

Think about this…..

The Russian “Sputnik” vaccine is ready and has been shipped to Venezuela for 200,000 test vaccinations. What does that say to you? Hhmmm?

October 21, 2020 5:56 pm

It tells me that Putin is smart enough to send that shit half way round the world to try it out on some other schmoes and see what happens.

Da Perfessor
Da Perfessor
October 21, 2020 1:43 pm

I don’t see that you are missing anything, Unc.

The “submission to the mask” cult perturbs me.

I will wear it in a few places where the old and infirm have to congregate (a small town pharmacy where we have our mailbox) but that is just to keep their blood pressure in check.

Anywhere else – nope!

As a commenter has already noted, those of us with hearing loss found the masks depriving us of having a conversation without the ability to read lips. So, I went and got hearing aids.

Now, masks and hearing aids don’t go together. I have been challenged only once for my mask-less visage. I just explained that risks to myself were higher in the absence of hearing aids than any the mask was going to reduce. That was the end of the discussion.

Da P

October 21, 2020 1:54 pm

Uncola, there is a story of a man who had much sadness and misery in his life. He was always downcast and had no peace in his life. So, he decided to find a Wise Man who could help. His travels took him to Tibet, where he climbed a high mountain, and at the top of the mountain sat The Wisest Guru that ever lived. And, the man asked; “Kind sir, please tell me the secret to living a happy life.” And, without blinking an eye, the guru (who had mighty friends in New Jersey) said; “Get rid of all the fucking liberals in your life.”

And so, the man did, and led an exceedingly happy life forever after.

October 21, 2020 2:10 pm


You crack me up, Heir Stuchenmeister

October 21, 2020 4:49 pm

Keeping the Libs close by has its own rewards..

Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 21, 2020 10:13 pm

How was Tibet?

  Diaperless in NH ILuvCO2
October 22, 2020 12:05 am

“How was Tibet?”

Not that great. Everybody there speaks in riddles.

I went to a restaurant and asked for a burger with everything. The waiter told me I already was one with everything. When I paid the bill I asked for my change. He told me change comes from within. My mustache trimmer attachment broke and I went to buy a new one. The clerk told me a happy life has no attachments. I got lost in the city and when I asked for directions the cop told me if I inquire within I would never be lost again.

I relayed my miseries to the Guru and all he could say was “shit happens”. And I said “yeah, maybe it does and maybe it doesn’t”. He replied, “oh, so you’re an agnostic?”. I nearly broke down at that point and the Guru told me I should chant some ohms, but I resisted.

October 21, 2020 2:09 pm

We must continue to educate one person at a time.

Grumpy old RN
Grumpy old RN
October 21, 2020 2:17 pm

People are so stupid today.
I see hive mind thinking everywhere these days. All those years of chemtrails have paid off. Self replicating nanoparticles that can be turned on and off.
The medical system went full on weaponized this year.
As a old RN, I am going to tell you this. This is not a public health problem. This the start of a genocide program. These people will be push to be first on the buses to the FEMA camps for food and protection.

October 21, 2020 3:02 pm

“You can’t reason with people. Not anymore.” – Doug, 2020

“Exposure to true information does not matter any more.” – Yuri Bezmenov, 1985

Ignatius J Rielly
Ignatius J Rielly
October 21, 2020 3:45 pm

The deja vu aspect is an interesting observation. Think it’s dead on.

I really hate what these pigs are doing to the kids with the masks. If there is any justice there will be hell to pay.

Craven Warrior
Craven Warrior
  Ignatius J Rielly
October 21, 2020 5:00 pm

Seeing small kids with masks makes my blood boil.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
  Craven Warrior
October 23, 2020 4:05 am

Mr. Rielly and the Craven are not alone. I live across from an elementary preK to 5th grade. Next door is an unlicensed type of daycare run by a black lady in her mid 50s and her white husband in his early 70s. There are usually 5 or 6 kids all day, and up to a dozen more that are dropped off at different times for different lengths of stay.

They run it like ‘grandma and grandpa’, and have white kids, black kids, mixed half black/white, half hispanic/black, hispanic……..they play outside nearly all day, with neighborhood kids riding bikes down to join in….none wore masks all summer long. Hybrid school started, and kids the same age 80 ft. across the street are marched in and out of the school bldg. by overweight gov’t workers, blowing whistles to remove/replace masks as they exit/enter for recess.

Kids 4, 5, 6 years old forced to wear the masks in school. The short weeks since the beginning, I watch as a class of 10-15 comply like Paylov’s dogs……recess after recess as some are admonished for running ahead with enthusiasm ?

Just yesterday, sitting on my front porch, I heard a couple of the daycare kids after they had all just gotten some kind of little snack treat. The view is blocked by bushes and native grasses, but it sounded like the usual type of kids sharing treats type stuff. I hear one ask “are you afraid of covid19?”……silence (there were 5 kids out in the yard, all sitting at the little picnic table under the oak tree). A minute or so, and another “scared of the covid?”……..

Yea, my blood boils too. May be one reason why the Lord never blessed me with any kids of my own.

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——====

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 21, 2020 7:22 pm

“And, like Trump, my friend received small doses of Remdesivir® while hospitalized”

Have you looked into the maker/patent holder, etc. any ? I haven’t until just now with a very few searches it seems it’s made by Gilead Sciences…….who owns Gilead ?

“And who exactly is Gilead Biosciences? Gilead is partnered with Wuxi Pharmaceuticals (Wuxi AppTec) owned by New World Order philanthropist and mass manipulator himself, George Soros (6)(7)! Here is a printout of Soros Fund Managaement Portfolio which will confirm this (8)!”

(look at the copy/paste for the link to that, lol)

Remdesivir: George Soros & Bill Gates Partner with China on Coronavirus Drug!

Of course, any more, all one has to do is keep looking, and there will be fact checks sites to claim otherwise….like a comment Ice-9 made about the number of sources available, or something along those lines.

And, Trump promoted this drug, as Fauci has been all along……..

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——===

Trump came out of his bout with the invisible enemy much like superman comes out of a phone booth

October 21, 2020 7:29 pm

Yeah, I believe you. I talked to my niece about Bitem and she’ll still vote for him despite me pointing out his crimes only for her to say, what about Trump’s crime? There wasn’t any but I don’t know if the believes me.

It’s gotten to the point I won’t reason with Bite’m voters anymore. If you’re that stewpid you deserve him but I don’t so what am I gonna do?

If he gets in I don’t want any of them near me and I hope to step over their dead maggot-infested bodies. I could have told them that but doubt they would believe me, anyway.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 21, 2020 7:40 pm

“That was, also, very likely, part of the design: A virus just problematic enough to lockdown society,”
From an article Apr. 30, 2020:

“Just last year, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), the organization led by Dr. Fauci, funded scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and other institutions for work on gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses.
In 2019, with the backing of NIAID, the National Institutes of Health committed $3.7 million over six years for research that included some gain-of-function work. The program followed another $3.7 million, 5-year project for collecting and studying bat coronaviruses, which ended in 2019, bringing the total to $7.4 million”

From 12-20-17 (another dirty deed passed under cover of the holidays?)

“The NIH is ending a three-year pause on funding research into ways to genetically engineer viruses so they become more contagious or deadly.
This sort of work is known as “gain of function” research. It could help us prepare for the possibility that a virus like this might evolve in nature.”

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——====

No body sheers the emperor's sheep

Sorry Uncola, just killin some time till the hen comes home

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 21, 2020 7:55 pm

“Like Communism, Covid® is another economic and political system by which citizens must work, consume, and obey; ”

But, but, but…they’re protecting us from those dangerous communists. As I type this, the msm breaking news -DNI Ratcliff and FBI Wray came out and announced Iran and Russia have attempted to influence our election

American politics……makes ya proud, don’t it?

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——-===== The Biggest Liars Win

October 21, 2020 8:43 pm

Ok so let me make my observation. If covid were an ant…..and one person who happens to be allergic to ants gets bitten and dies. The world freaks out and says everyone must wear full body suits to avoid ants. Yet many people have gotten the flu, i mean bitten by ants and not died. In fact many did not even know they had the virus. I mean did not know they were even bitten by ants. So if we must be tested to even know we have the virus. And when we do get the virus we do not even know it. We do not have any symptoms. We are not sick, at all. Of course we could spread it and many others get it and not even know it or have symptoms. So, i am confused who the fuck cares. It is almost like shaking hands with someone that pissed and did not wash their hands then you eat. Nobody dies from that. Few people if any more than the normal flu are dying directly FROM Covid. If it is not killing people then or enough of them to call it a pandemic then why such a big deal? That is the obvious question. But when you review the govt and political actions and motivations it surely must not be ignored as to the reasoning of the over reactions. On its own as a deadly virus it is the same as an ant bite. Simply put, it could just as well be fully ignored and not much would have happened just Like in Sweden. But now we have billionaires playing god to kill off people with vaccines and democrats trying to steal an election and dictators gaining more power. These bastards surely are not wasting this opportunity to create the crisis so they can fix it.

Dirtperson Steve
Dirtperson Steve
October 21, 2020 8:54 pm

Interesting and thought provoking Uncola. I also know two people that got Corona. Actually, I know their spouses and not them and like your acquaintances neither got the bug. Both spouses had an occasional cough and low grade fever that came and went for 3 to 5 days. That’s it. Neither was prescribed any medication whatsoever.

Here in the land of make believe where a man in a dress calls himself a woman, then dictates who is essential and how many of us plebes can be together, there is a movement not to be tested. The thought is why get tested unless you are on your way to the emergency room? If you are positive and not ill, Big Rachel and Tiny Tom will just use that as justification for more punishment. No, only a fool gets the test.

As far as your detective show analogy, I found another script that also fits our current situation. A script that every red-blooded american boy saw on Saturdays as a child. WWF wrestling. Or, as they call it now WWE as I have noticed when visiting some family members on Monday evenings.

1. The hero is always winning to start the match. This is Trump before January 2020.

2. Early in the match the villain does something unsavory to gain the upper hand. February 2020 until recently.

3. Then, just as the hero is almost counted out laying on the mat bleeding and gasping for air they find some magical strength to pull themselves up and defeat the villain. I believe this is the phase we are in until the (s)election. We shall see in two weeks how closely they follow the script.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
  Dirtperson Steve
October 22, 2020 12:58 am

Auntie would like to nominate Jesse Ventura for President 2020.

A write-in candidate to be sure but if enough voters did it —make that viral; it could happen. He’s a smart guy and up for the job. He did a fine job in what used to be Minnesota, so the executive part he can do. Also not afraid to speak his mind. Candor is king.

A Boston Crab maneuver executed on CHuck Schumer or that Nadler creature would be everything public Tel Avi(v)sion should be.

October 21, 2020 9:37 pm

Dear Sir,
You are missing a fail-safe plan of action. So am I, though I come here to learn, it is just choir practice, essay after essay after essay + thumbs up or down for different day of eternity, we know what is plausibly coming yet, plausibly denying the outcome we could change , as though maybe it’s time for everything to fail? Censorship in the past six moths is staggering. We should be in the parking lots of big tech, with our Boy Scouts building gallows (pioneering merit badge) Perimeter set up Rifle and Shotgun merit badges, etc cauz you know if we do not rise up to the tyranny, they will pull the rug out, helpless. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do something other than show off your writing skills , organize us without our intent to submit identity, except fellow american, btw, is all capitalized in my book. WTF happened? (Thank you Sir for your Essays!)

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
October 22, 2020 12:46 am

The Legacy Media in the USSA, in the following case The Old Grey Whore, bewitches its audience with spooky horror stories about the CoVid-19(84) Grim Reaper’s just in time for the All Hallows Eve celebrations, less than a fortnight away.

For Auntie, the contemporary images of dead streets in NYC, eight months after The Lockdown commenced are what is pretty damned blood-curdling.

So with the Times painting end of the world scenarios Bubonic plague-esque from the Scamdemic with the terrifying number of ongoing deaths in ‘Merka attributed to impeccable sources* at less than 250,000; the most repugnant, malignant, horrifying and evil monstrosity that claimed 650,000 corpses in 2016 alone — abortions. That is the demonic reality of death in America. The death penalty that is executed on the totally innocent. Needless to say, but Baal and Mol0ch are extremely pleased, ladies and gentlemen.


(And Auntie heard not even the best caterers from Georgetown to The Upper East Side nor Malibu and Matha’s Vinyid, can find any fresh pineal glands. Frozen only. Can you imagine?)

  Auntie Kriest
October 22, 2020 8:04 am

And speaking of the Old Gray Whore:

Have you ever noticed how there are never any paywall / subscriber prompts on the articles they want to go viral?

Why is that I wonder? I wonder….

Are you terrified yet?

The New York Times

‘It Has Hit Us With a Vengeance’: Virus Surges Again Across the United States

– Sarah Mervosh and Lucy Tompkins
Wed, October 21, 2020

As the coronavirus races across the country, it has reached every corner of a nursing home in Kansas, infecting all 62 residents inside. There are so few hospital beds available in North Dakota that patients sick with the virus are being ferried by ambulance to facilities 100 miles away. And in Ohio, more people are hospitalized with the virus than at any other time during the pandemic.

After weeks of warnings that cases were again on the rise, a third surge of coronavirus infection has firmly taken hold in the United States. The nation is averaging 59,000 new cases a day, the most since the beginning of August, and the country is on pace to record the most new daily cases of the entire pandemic in the coming days.

Saxons Wrath
Saxons Wrath
October 22, 2020 7:44 pm

The “Jew York Hymes”, not the old grey whore….FIFY.
Know your enemy and call (((them))) by their correct name.

ordo ab chao
ordo ab chao
October 22, 2020 5:32 am

“Wrong. And, now, one wonders if this is what Trump really meant when he said he was a “wartime president” and “fighting an invisible enemy”.”

“Of course, we understand now that was the plan behind the plandemic from the beginning.”

I heard something a bit different as I was tuned in live as he spoke that day. I heard both a foreshadowing of a war to come with China, while at the same time a declaration of the political theater. The ‘invisible enemy’ would be the convid-19 it would seem, but the more subtle identification of the ‘invisible enemy’ as being Death itself……with the state maneuvering to be the conquering force……

No need for Jesus….

annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <<——–===

General Hospital is battling the Convid19, and like sands thru the hour glass, As the World Turns, so too, are the Days of Our Lives, while the Young and the Restless peer into the Dark Shadows that dance at The Edge of the Night (thnx Flea)

October 22, 2020 9:20 am

The quote “Vaccines can be designed to induce much higher levels of antibody and much longer-lasting immunity… Just because the natural infection doesn’t give you protection doesn’t mean the vaccines cannot.”
is a flat out lie.
Vaccines are never as effective as natural immunity. A live virus vaccine works by forcing your body to build that immunity using less potent version of the virus. If anything, your body only builds a weak immunity – if at all.

That’s why the chicken pox vaccine is going to be a major problem for people when they get older (when chicken pox is actually dangerous) unless they get booster vaccine shots.

October 22, 2020 11:36 am

Exactly. Thank you, Scot

The Watchman
The Watchman
October 22, 2020 11:19 am

Very good article, Doug. Linking today @

  The Watchman
October 22, 2020 11:38 am

Awesome. Thank you. I appreciate it very much

The Watchman
The Watchman
October 23, 2020 11:59 am

No problem. You keep up the good work and I’ll keep linking your articles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jon otto
jon otto
October 23, 2020 5:40 am

covid 19 is not a naked virus. it must attach to something larger like spit to travel. that is why masks are effective to limit its spread. smoke on the other hand does not.

  jon otto
October 23, 2020 2:22 pm

In other words, it’s either airborne or it snot.

My bad. I couldn’t resist

October 23, 2020 9:59 pm

Good review Unkla.

“At that point, my barber, my friend with smiling eyes, said from behind her mask: “Fine! Sit down. It’s your life.”

She just laid down a line in the sand to you, her CUSTOMER (let alone friend). I would have said ” Fine, I hope your BIZ life survives, as you walk out the door.”

Mushroom Cloud
Mushroom Cloud
October 23, 2020 11:13 pm

In any event, there’s no reason to judge people who wear masks.

Pfft. Fuck em. At this point those silly face diapers just make good targets, like those unsoldiers and their ridiculous baby blue brain buckets. Ping!

Great article other than that temporary (?) display of character weakness…

  Mushroom Cloud
October 23, 2020 11:44 pm

What was the character weakness again? Just curious

Mushroom Cloud
Mushroom Cloud
October 24, 2020 2:40 pm

Showing mercy to uniformed enemy combatants wearing face diapers

  Mushroom Cloud
October 24, 2020 8:42 pm

Ah. Guilty as charged. If I were a better man, I’d try harder to change their minds.

Rise Up
Rise Up
October 24, 2020 10:29 am

Libtard in article:

“He has 200,000 deaths on his hands because he won’t accept science. He’s responsible for letting the pandemic get out of control. All he cares about is himself. That’s why Biden is the only hope we have to save this country.”
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