Gut Check

By Tim “xrugger” Stebbins for The Burning Platform

Gut check – Addiction & Recovery News

What does it mean to be a free man anymore? Am I truly free when the money I pay in taxes goes to support the excesses of a profligate, overreaching, and immoral government? Am I truly free when the scum that make the rules do not abide by them? Am I not free then to ignore the rules?  Am I truly free when some cowardly dimwit at the grocery store looks askance at me for not wearing a filthy rag over my face? I know he is having an internal debate about whether he should confront me.

My hope is always that he decides in the negative, as I have had just about enough of this crap. Now, the highest court in the land has turned a blind eye to the egregious theft of the Presidency itself. Marxists across the nation are celebrating the final nail in the coffin of the American Republic. Democrats held it. “Conservatives” have hammered it home. The outward forms of ordered liberty are dead and there is no recourse for the redress of grievances. It is time for every patriot to face the situation, without illusion or reservation.

If we would recover our liberty, then we must look inward and assess our own desires, motives, and abilities. A time of choosing is upon each and every one of us. What do we owe and to whom do we owe it. What follows is an attempt to answer those questions for myself and myself alone. Others of a similar spirit may take what they wish from it and leave the rest.

The Indefensible Nation

What do I owe to my country?  Its central government is thoroughly and irredeemably corrupt. It is bankrupt both fiscally and morally. As of this writing, its judiciary has shown itself incapable of defending the Republic against the depredations of leftist rabble. The tentacles of its bureaucracy reach into the lives and wallets of the productive class “eating out the substance of the people” exactly as Jefferson warned.  Yet still, with the stench of corruption and theft pervading the country, this government  assumes my loyalty.

What, pray tell, has it done to deserve it? Mobs of the indoctrinated expect that we should all just “get over it” and “come together to heal” as if the gangrenous clot of necrotic tissue that is the political culture of this nation will ever heal.  Our rulers, our media, and half our “countrymen” piss down our backs and still insist it’s raining. The fealty of helots is what the Lords of Washington expect. They will not get it from me.

The loyalty of free men is reserved for a government of equals, not an aristocracy of reptiles. The latter is what we suffer now. The former we once possessed, but it lies now in the dust of history. The outward form and function remain, but the spirit of liberty, which animated it, has gone. The ties by which free men bind themselves voluntarily to any form of government have long since been sundered by the actions of those who have chosen to rule rather than govern. I will not suffer those ties to become shackles.

Since my forbears bequeathed to me a form of government that no longer exists, I am released from further obligation to the abomination that has replaced it. My loyalty, like my liberty, belongs to me and me alone. It is mine to give or to withdraw as I see fit. I owe the rulers of this land nothing: not life, not liberty, not the pursuit of my own happiness. These things are mine from my first breath to my last gasp. They cannot be abrogated, regulated, or terminated by the denizens of a distant city who presume to know what is best for me. These…people (I do not have the words for the contempt I feel for them) have polluted our forms of government, destroying what they can, dismantling what they cannot.

Everywhere is grift and graft. They have taken nearly everything, yet they still want more. They want my body shackled, my spirit humbled, and my mind enslaved. They try to steal the very breath from my body with their filthy rags. They have trampled upon my God-given rights, indoctrinated my children, accused me, threatened me, and silenced me. Now they have stolen even my choice from me. This government and its leftist appendages have betrayed my trust and half my fellow citizens treat me and mine with undisguised contempt. My loyalty to them and to their government is at an end.

The Shenandoah Syndrome

What then, am I to do personally in the face of this betrayal?  My mind often comes back to the old Jimmy Stewart movie “Shenandoah.” In it, Stewart plays the patriarch of a family trying to stay out of Lincoln’s War. He hopes to keep his family intact and neutral in the conflict. He wants no part of it and sees no reason why he, or his sons, should choose sides in a war that is, in his view, peripheral to the concerns of his family and the life they have built. It is only when rape, murder, plunder and the other accouterments of war destroy the precarious balance he has maintained, that Stewart realizes that the choice has been made for him.

I know that, in the end, what is happening in this nation will come to blood. I know too, that I and mine cannot hope to be left untouched while the nation tears itself apart. My one hope is that, by virtue of where we call home, we will see the tenor and scope of the destruction before it touches our lives directly. Perhaps that small grace will allow us additional time to prepare, though I believe I have done all that common sense demands and limited resources allow in that regard.

What remains to be done is the taking an intensely personal inventory.  Will I fight, run, or hide? Will I be able to lead and defend my family when the crunch comes? Would I be willing to leave them behind to engage in some broader defense of my own and other’s liberty? Do I wait for the storm or go to meet it? At 60 years of age, am I even mentally or physically capable of such an effort? My fervent wish is to be left alone to live a peaceful life. I know many like me wish the same, but Jimmy Stewart was just an actor, and my “Shenandoah” a bucolic dream. The fight will be forced upon us all. The choices we make will define us. In Lincoln’s words, “No personal significance, or insignificance, can spare one or another of us. The fiery trial through which we pass, will light us downin honor or dishonor, to the latest generation.”

The Refining Fire

I am a peacetime veteran. I served a three-year hitch in the eighties, half that time with the 2nd Ranger Bn. in Ft. Lewis, Washington and half with a line infantry company. I do not count myself among the many chest-thumpers who are overly certain of their own intestinal fortitude and are not afraid to expound upon their warrior attributes in any number of internet outlets. In my limited experience, those who talk the most usually run the fastest. I do not include in that company those who have seen war and its desolation first hand and who now seek to educate and guide those of us who have not. I’m talking about the posers who crow about “taking back the country,” and explain in detail their future exploits in the battle for freedom.

Personally, I am certain of only a few things:  I know what it is like to exit an aircraft more door bundle than man and land in a heap in the Alaskan snow. I know how dark it gets in an equatorial jungle and what it’s like to sit in the rain for days on end. I know what trench foot looks and feels like. To my everlasting embarrassment, I know the feeling of waking up with my own .45 (in the hands of a very angry platoon sergeant) staring me in the face because I fell asleep guarding a pallet of live ammo.

I know what it is like to catch multiple fragments of a 7.62 mm ricochet in the face due to the negligence of a range safety officer and the stupidity of a member of my M60 crew. I know that face and scalp wounds bleed a lot. These are some of the things I know, but they are the experiences of long ago and comparing them to the trials of actual combat would be like comparing regular roulette to the Russian variety.

I do not think I lack personal courage, but the simple fact is that I know what I do not know, and anyone who has not been in a fight like the one coming can say no different. Any man who claims a virtue not yet tested by the fight we face is a liar and a fool.  As a young man, I would have welcomed the test. Now, decades on, I ponder the depth of my commitment, the strength of my arm, and the clearness of my mind. Is the man I am now fit for the fight? Only the fight itself will reveal the truth of it. I simply do not know how I will behave when the shooting starts and to claim otherwise is the height of hubris. At the least, I hope that this old man will give good account for blessings received while on this good earth.


No good thing ever achieved by man remains unsullied by the grasping hands of those who seek to exploit it. So it is with these United States. Time, trials, the certainties of fallen human nature, and the machinations of the unprincipled have accomplished what they always accomplish. This nation will crumble and the ensuing chaos will engulf us all to one degree or another. Something good, either a restoration of the old or the institution of the new, will rise from the blood and ashes. I pray that I do not love this life so much that I would live it as a slave or be unwilling to expend it for the sake of those to come. That, at least, is my hope.

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Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
December 12, 2020 6:21 pm


Capn Mike
Capn Mike
  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
December 12, 2020 6:34 pm

That they do!

olde reb
olde reb
  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
December 13, 2020 11:16 am


  Zulu Foxtrot Golf
December 13, 2020 12:05 pm

One is only truly free when one’s freedom becomes the destiny of others. Being left alone isn’t freedom – it’s the middle ground between the despot and the slave, and despotism is thus always lurking around the corner. In reality, true freedom is despotism, and this despotism can be either beneficial or detrimental to those who fall under its destiny. Thus only those who set their own destinies and their choices affect many others – for good or bad – are truly free.

December 12, 2020 6:47 pm

Well written. I am wondering how many of us realize that there is no going back now? I know I’ve been asking many of the same questions you posed.

I am wondering if we have reached, or are near to reaching, critical mass. A phase change where we decide as a group that we are prepared to draw the lines and defend them.

December 12, 2020 11:17 pm

It is obvious that there is no going back now but I’d also like to remind everyone here that war is the subjugation of your enemy. That said, I’m not convinced that this war will be entirely kinetic as kinetics won’t be needed to subjugate your enemy. Alex Jones was correct in that this is an Info War. I think he is mostly crazy but he gave that war a correct name. We could also find ourselves in a cyber war. After all, it would certainly be interesting if the cities lost internet and 98% of the internet is carried on cables. Taking away internet from LA would be a worse punishment than taking away food.

The point of all of this is that there are a lot of ways to subjugate these Maoists now that we all agree that we’ve reached critical mass. It begins with non compliance and only goes kinetic when compliance is enforced. After all, if they couldn’t stand up to antifa, BLM and unorganized rioting mobs then what are they going to do when hard working organized people with weapons decide that it is now their turn to do whatever they want?

December 13, 2020 8:05 am

Alex Jones is not crazy, truth in these times seems crazy. We are weak, lazy and spoiled. Perhaps, he has to sound a bit crazy to wake us the hell up.

December 13, 2020 1:58 pm

I’m not saying that being crazy somehow hurts Alex Jones. Let’s look at two guys: Alex Jones vs. Noam Chomsky. Both guys have an equal number of legitimate complaints but one guy is very well known while the other is almost entirely unheard of.

December 14, 2020 12:05 am

Jones has been beating this war drum of warnings for decades going back to his short wave days out of Texas . Wild , crazy unbelievable considering he has only been wrong about time lines in the real wars declared on average citizens that always show up !
Armed conflict could be coming and I cannot run anymore so : FORGET ME NOT

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
December 13, 2020 10:14 am

I agree about the narrative control. What must be remembered when opposing a strong enemy is to determine their weak spots, and hit them there. We wouldn’t need to control the narrative, just limit their ability to disseminate theirs. Other weaknesses are apparent in geography and resources, and loyalty of forces.

  Horseless Headsman
December 13, 2020 2:18 pm

Exactly. I know a lot of people just want to grab their gun and go and get it over with but it wont be that easy. This will probably be a long drawn out ordeal and there may be times when allowing your enemy to destroy themselves actually makes the most sense.

Take Covid for example. Cuomo won a phyric victory in the insane lockdowns orchestrated by him and others wishing to remove Trump by destroying the economy. Now look at NYC. 90% of retail office space sits empty. Upwards 500,000 of its wealthiest residents have fled. It no longer has the tax base to even pay its pensions. It can no longer maintain its public transit system.

It would have taken a lot of kinetic energy to do the work Cuomo did all by himself. He singlehandedly turned NYC into wartime Berlin. All of the readership of TBP attacking NYC with RPG’s couldn’t do 1/10th of the damage they did to themselves. Frankly, all you’d need to do now to finish the job is to take out the cell phone towers and last I checked, no one is guarding them.

Going forward, anything in NYC that gets broken is not going to be fixed.

December 13, 2020 3:46 pm

Except that the next Covid stimulus will be giving billions to places like NY.
They will raise taxes on the productive and just redistribute it to the leftist cities..a real life hunger games.

December 13, 2020 3:59 pm

Which will do nothing but speed up the collapse of the dollar. The wild printing does more damage than a million man army attacking us. You prove my point.

December 13, 2020 8:07 pm

Let’s not presume that they give a crap about “america”, the infrastructure or the country’s fiscal well being.
The oligarchs and their administrative puppets will be just fine in a collapse, with self-sustaining grids of their own, internet servers of their own and they can even afford private armies and security details.
A collapse only hastens the sorting out of the “unessentials”– like Russia did when they ran out of public works and food for the masses, you just trim the masses. Covid-23? A more lethal strain? Camps for labour and disappearing of the proletariat? A nice big war? Anything short of nukes advances their cause and pocketbooks…
They don’t care if NY, Detroit, LA etc pay their bills… Cloward/Piven–the Obama Bible was always about bankrupting and reducing the USA to a third world “equal” status with the rest of the Globe…

December 14, 2020 1:06 am

I think you are wrong in your approach to the elites. You’d be the guy saying, “The Duke doesn’t care about us as he’s all locked up in his castle keep. He has his food and his well.” Well, I’ve studied a lot of military history and when the walls fall the keep isn’t of much use. After all, well fed men behind sturdy walls provides a greater level of protection over a safe room on top of a tower that is surrounded by enemies.

The elites are entirely helpless and require a managerial class to take care of them. While the managerial class may only make up 5% of the population, it depends on blue collar workers and farmers otherwise it could not be free to fluff the elites.

That said, as much as anyone may wish to remove “nonessentials”, you do so at the risk of complete collapse. Isn’t History just a chronological record of unexpected catastrophes befalling the elites?

December 14, 2020 12:06 pm

They are banking on DARPA hounds and other advanced weaponry to deal the the resistance. It could be similar to the Terminator movies.

December 14, 2020 12:15 pm

The rot extends well into academia. Just last night, a Rice University faculty member at the Baker Institute said on local TV the piling up of trillions in new national debt “was no problem.”

December 13, 2020 4:49 pm

Except for the fact that aiding New York and other illiberal, Marxist run cities through massive “stimulus” bailouts also harms all America in the long run. But, whether sooner or later, a massive collapse is building, from which their will be no real return.

Once America becomes so far extended, having sold Her future to Her enemies, no one will lend Her the necessary monies to even pay the interest on the national debt, and overnight, we will all have front row seats to Venezuela style economics driven home in America, where a loaf of bread may be purchased, if only one has the $1000 bill to do so.

Our economic system was bastardized in 1913, when we abandoned the allodial system for a debt based system, created and Federal Reserve Bank and added the Income Tax, with the latter three having much of their original premise in Marxist Communism. And of course, we have further decimated our economy through the process of printing however much money the Treasury deems necessary; our use of fiat currency is another anchor on the economy and a roadblock to any truly free market system.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 13, 2020 7:43 pm

I believe the Fed is the largest purchaser of US T bills, currently.

December 14, 2020 12:20 pm

And the IRS bill was sold to the people telling them only the top 1% would be paying any taxes. Now it is only the 1% who have wiggled their way out of paying any. This goes for a large number of the Fortune 500 as well.

December 14, 2020 8:13 am

The MSM claims all the rich people are fleeing NY because of Covid, not the Covid response.
It’s a new world, and Trotsky finally won. So far.
If the ‘Democrats’ close the deal, all the money the Fed can print will go to rebuild the cities they destroyed.

December 14, 2020 9:34 am

They can ‘rebuild’ all they want, the customer base is dead and the ‘stimulus’ money is nothing but graft going into the pockets of grifters. Look at all the stimulus that went into Admin’s Thirty Blocks of Squalor, did it do any good? Nope. All the money in the world isn’t going to put Humpty Dumpty together again.

Step back, don’t participate, don’t accept the fraud and practice civil disobedience at every opportunity. They are already nipping at one another, drawing little bits of flesh and blood. The ‘media’ is taking down Biden already and Kameltoes isn’t going to fare too well either, her ‘administration’ is Obamama’s and that is pissing off the other leftists who wanted a seat at the table.

Trump pulled back the curtain, anyone who believes anything coming out of the government or the media is an idiot.

December 14, 2020 12:22 pm

No, it will go to the banks that own the Fed who, with their subsidiary hedge funds will, in vulture fashion, pick up everything at depressed prices, making everyone else a renter.

king baker
king baker
December 13, 2020 1:06 pm

I truely believe it will be kinetic but when the Spec Ops and Marines get through with them we just need to protect our homes and property. We dont need to go in trying to work with them, we will only hinder their cause unless we get to the point that we are needed, which I do not think we will be.

When the Spec Ops and Marines hit them they will have no idea what rain has come down. The US Military is the best in the world bar none. So stand ready if called upon but let these folks do what they are trained for.

  king baker
December 13, 2020 1:46 pm

The U.S. military throughout its ranks, including its service academies and many of its ” elite” units like the Army Rangers and Special Forces, has been purposefully infested with marxist and anti-White agendas. Diversity, LBGTxxx, inclusion, tolerance, feminism, and racial equality are now explicitly prioritized over combat fitness. Russian and Chinese ground forces would prevail over U.S. infantry troops. In the air Russia now has superior weapon platforms. On the sea China is rapidly catching up.

December 13, 2020 5:00 pm

Especially in the upper echelons in the chain of command …. Obama saw to that in a handy fashion, for eight years. He systematically purged the more conservative officers from the military, by finding ways to “fire” them, essentially forcing their early retirements by making it impossible for them to receive their next promotion, and he then brought in officers who were receptive to his own Marxist, globalist worldview.

For this reason, we soon saw soldiers having a new “right” to receive sex-change operations, i.e. Manley Channing, if they considered it necessary for their “transgendered identity”, and we also saw the further breakdown of military bearing as beards and hair longer than those set by the Army’s — and the other services — grooming and appearance standards, even to the point of wearing a turban, if they were devout Muslims [which, in my opinion, have no place in the U.S. military or any government position … just sayin’.]

December 13, 2020 8:11 pm

And let’s not forget that the globalists and UN blue helmets would like nothing better than an all-out civil war in the USA.
The rest of the world has been itching to return the favor of sending in occupying armies, authorized by a global council, into the USA to ” defend democracy” and instill peace. You can bet that forces would stay to “ensure an end to hostilities.”

December 14, 2020 9:03 pm

And that would be bad because?

I look forward to the Balkanization of this country, just like Clinton did to Yugoslavia, to distract everyone from his potato prints on Monica’s dress.

December 14, 2020 3:33 pm

you guys have gone off the rails here. Alex Jones? LMAO. Ask him how many times he hit his wife

December 13, 2020 9:22 am

American “democracy” is dead, good riddance, but the replacement, hopefully a return to a real Republic, is yet to be determined….Maybe the Articles of Confederation would be best…

rhs jr
rhs jr
December 13, 2020 10:42 am

Maybe some adjustments to the Constitution about voting and finance would be better. The SCOTUS has shown their true colors with the 18 States Non-Decision. The Deep State is forcing We The People into a less civil resolution than ordinary Law and Order (Legislative or Court): it will probably have to be Martial Law and Military Tribunals. Yes, the seven robed Traitors will probably now have to soon themselves face a more simplified and efficient Court System of three Judges with less lenient punishments for criminals and Traitors; and the two White Hat Hero Judges Thomas and Alito will be witnesses against them. All Deep State supporters need to think hard and carefully about their futures too.

  rhs jr
December 13, 2020 3:51 pm

The Constitution was just fine as written. If only it was followed. You cannot deficit spend if nothing but gold and silver coinage are used as defined by that document. If the bimetallic standard was still in effect, those metals would still have the buying power they had for thousands of years. Senators are supposed to be elected by the state legislatures. Crimes are no longer punished. A horse thief was hanged – usually the same day he was found guilty. A car is today’s horse. A car thief should be hanged by the neck until dead. See how quickly car theft would stop. An attempt to steal an election is treasonous and those found guilty should also hang.

There… fixed it without changing the document that produced the greatest country in the history of the world.

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
December 14, 2020 11:02 pm

A few changes might be needed. The problem will be limiting any Constitutional Convention convened to just a few needed ones – the evil ones will use any opening if they are allowed to attend.
How about –
One must be current in taxes, both personal and corporate, to vote? And own real property worth not less than a man’s average annual income?
Individuals own all information (taxes, personal spending, medical, etc.) that pertains to them? Creating a “database” of others’ personal information has a public whipping penalty?
Surveillance by ANYONE not part of a crime investigation is a ten-year imprisonment offense?
No-knock warrants are invalid, and invading a household without a valid warrant results in imprisonment for the officer?
You’re probably right, even the improvements would be subject to abuse somehow. A defect of the Founders, who at least tried to tie down the Government with the chains of the Constitution; lacking vigorous defense (street justice if needed) by the CITIZENS, no Constitution will stand undiminished.

  James the Deplorable Wanderer
December 14, 2020 11:18 pm

I have to admit that these are very cogent ideas. The founding fathers limited voting to landholders. I have said for a long time that anyone receiving governmental financial assistance should not be able to have a say in how tax money is spent (i.e. elections). I’d also like to see civil asset forfeiture & policing for profit forbidden . There is little excuse for knocking doors down to effect a warrant in most cases. Old fashioned policing techniques were to stake out the premises and arrest the individual when he came out.

Steven Rowlandson
Steven Rowlandson
December 14, 2020 7:27 am

Evidently the USA has been looking forward to Canada joining their confederation since 1778.

“Article XI.
Canada acceding to this confederation, and joining in the measures of the united states, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of this union: but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine states.”

December 14, 2020 12:32 pm

An educated public is essential to sustenance of a Republic, for example to understand the Constitutional basis for creation of law in America. And education has become shoddier by the year. For example, the so-called conservative Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts cast the deciding vote for Obamacare( absurdly referred to as the “Affordable Healthcare Act”) on the grounds that it was a tax, and not an imposition of health care. But all tax bills according to the Constitution must originate in the House, and this was a Senate bill. Unconstitutional on its face. But where were educated people to protest? Playing Grand Theft Auto.

December 14, 2020 3:00 pm

AS they want a southern state (as in GEORGIA) to vote for scumbag establishment GOP’s to save this UNION. After seeing their votes canceled by cheating and fraud by their ELECTED reps. What arrogance and misunderstanding of the citizens they represent. imo

Jim Sullivan
Jim Sullivan
December 15, 2020 12:08 pm

Like the author I served in peacetime. I don’t know war. What I do know is that I am too old and slow to run from it. Who or whatever comes will have to go over or through because I am entrenched in my neighborhood.

December 12, 2020 6:53 pm

“Am I truly free when the money I pay in taxes”… stopped right there. The answer is no. Tax is theft. Period. If you have taxes withheld by a “withholding agent” you are by definition an “employee” working for .gov… which is the only way they can lawfully keep a portion of your “income”. So yes you are a slave. Cheers.

December 12, 2020 9:11 pm

Tim, you fucking nailed this one! What a great post. I’m 60 as well, and a 24 year military vet. This hit home with me, especially this…

Since my forbears bequeathed to me a form of government that no longer exists, I am released from further obligation to the abomination that has replaced it. My loyalty, like my liberty, belongs to me and me alone. It is mine to give or to withdraw as I see fit. I owe the rulers of this land nothing: not life, not liberty, not the pursuit of my own happiness. These things are mine from my first breath to my last gasp. They cannot be abrogated, regulated, or terminated by the denizens of a distant city who presume to know what is best for me. These…people (I do not have the words for the contempt I feel for them) have polluted our forms of government, destroying what they can, dismantling what they cannot. Everywhere is grift and graft. They have taken nearly everything, yet they still want more. They want my body shackled, my spirit humbled, and my mind enslaved. They try to steal the very breath from my body with their filthy rags. They have trampled upon my God-given rights, indoctrinated my children, accused me, threatened me, and silenced me. Now they have stolen even my choice from me. This government and its leftist appendages have betrayed my trust and half my fellow citizens treat me and mine with undisguised contempt. My loyalty to them and to their government is at an end.

Bamm!!!! You the man… Chip

December 13, 2020 9:24 am

Sic semper tyrannis….

December 14, 2020 3:03 pm

SEMPER FI and I ONLY bend my knee to GOD.

December 12, 2020 9:21 pm

Just asking for a friend!

December 13, 2020 9:51 am

Excellent essay, on point, and notes primary questions
we are all asking. What now?
We are facing an enemy that will use all efforts to further
subjugate us more than ever. Thinking about the theft and
fraud, most evident to many by 2008. Then 8 years of suffering
assaults on a weekly, if not daily, basis, from a lawless administration.
To question the administration meant one was a nasty racist, which
added insult to injury.

And it has been all down hill from there. Trump gave us some hope
for a return to rule of law…but the establishment shunned and
pummeled the president at every turn. Now, instead of some relief
in the second 4 years, the election was rigged. The election was
essentially stolen, almost openly/in our faces.

This is all so fearfully depressing. It is as though we are caught up
in a nightmare of epic proportions. What can we do about it?
I say, not much. All the talk about civil war is mostly crap.
Who is going to leave their home and family to go fight mindless
savages in cities or where ever? We have to trust ourselves to make the
right decision for ourselves, and loved ones, and communities…
when the time comes to openly rebel. Meanwhile, we quietly rebel.

I am an older woman. I will not be fighting in any conflict. Most
men in the same demographic will not be fighting either. The
Machiavellian cheaters really have free reign now with the Rona-
ruse, and can lock us down behind “cases.” What a giant mess
we are in, all ideas are welcome, as we are up against a wall.

December 13, 2020 10:22 am

Ah, Suzanna, now don’t you cry for me.

Is Mags here feeling quite bewildered at what appears to be the end of the Republic as it once stood.

Nick and I discussed whether we thought the Reparations tax would be retro-active (as the Clinton tax increase was in 1993) or just an annual levee on our total wealth accumulated to this point. Just as our county tax assessor visits each year to see what improvements we’ve made in order to charge us more tax dollars for our efforts, the Reparations agents will be visiting to determine how much wealth is due to white privilege and tax it accordingly. And it will never stop.

We were/are soldiers and will respond to any legitimate call to assist a valid militia effort as much as we can. But, we do not have any delusions about that effort or its success.

December 14, 2020 11:40 am

Was Eve Entitled to that Apple?
by the Ghost of XMas Passed

-Not so very long ago during an era which seems now saner
I mentioned a tale of the first woman Eve to a lumberjack with whom I did banter.-

I haven’t seen Stucky here in a while, so I’ll put this little blurp here hoping the few eyes who see me will let me know if his mother has taken a turn for the worse… or worse.

I’ve lost a lot of people in my community and it is not related to any pandemic unless pancreatic cancer counts and I know two who died. Am praying for ec who hinted in his last email to me that the worm medicine cure someone at TBP mentioned was ineffective. (If he had pancreatic cancer and died of it without telling me I will kick his ass in the Promised Land.)

Since the beginning of this great change (March/April 2020), three aunts and two cousins have died, none of flu-related causes. Since the bulk of both mine and my husband’s family are either passed “on”, living far distant or just flat-out estranged from us, losing people takes us by surprise and then leaves us somewhat numb.

I’m betting that serpent took Eve by complete surprise that day in the Garden when she lost her innocence along with her entitlement to Paradise. But I’m betting the realization her son Cain had killed her son Abel over the same sense of entitlement which had caused her to question God’s Authority also made her heart heavy and numb, as mine has grown since facing so many losses.

So, if Stucky is around and feels like chatting, maybe we can discuss whether that tree in that garden has anything to do with the meaning of life.

And, if you are thankful I stopped before launching into one of my longagofaraway rambling stories leading nowhere?

comment image

With a bit of luck, TBP will hit the 40K goal this year…

December 14, 2020 3:08 pm

And am now worrying about Stuckenheimer?

Tree Mike
Tree Mike
December 14, 2020 6:05 pm

I’m worrying.

December 14, 2020 10:01 pm

Eve wasn’t innocent.

Adam was a cuck.

Cain was her son from another brother.

So, yes, entitled. Or else.

December 14, 2020 3:07 pm

GUERRILLA WARFARE FOR US OLDSTERS. up close and personal one at a time if need be. imo

December 13, 2020 2:15 pm

“Who is going to leave their home and family to go fight mindless savages in cities or where ever?”

If that’s who you think should be fought, you haven’t been paying attention.

December 13, 2020 2:12 pm

Great post, very well written.

Time will tell what will come of the things you have accurately depicted. My guess is …. nothing.
Nickelthrower, above, asks “what are they going to do when hard working organized people …”
I don’t think they (TPTB) worry about it because there are no such “hard working organized people with weapons” who will “do whatever they want” in the same style as BLM or Antifa. These mythical people may be hard working, but they are not organized … and they will not organize. What they want is to continue to be hard working. What they do not want is to become ‘organized’ in the sense that Nickelthrower means it.
I want very much to be wrong about this, but personal interactions indicate that there’s NO interest in “doing something”.

December 14, 2020 10:14 pm

nailed it

those who are happy being productive don’t want to destroy lazy dolts who live with a grudge against everything they aren’t because life sucks when relying on handouts from the productive

after doing whatever we do to keep our family afloat who can swim up a waterfall of socialist demands for more of yours or cries for rebellion from the overburdened they leach.

olde reb
olde reb
December 13, 2020 11:53 am

You will not believe me, but there is no law that imposes an income tax on a ‘citizen.’ ‘Liberty’ of the Preamble, 5th and 14th Amendment includes the Right to pursue a livelihood. Such Rights are not suitable objects for taxation, just as your Right to a trial by jury cannot be conditioned to a fee. If the government could legally confiscate 3-5% of your earnings, they could properly seize 100% and the status of 1860 would be reinstated.

[26 USC #871 imposes an excise income tax on ‘nonresident alien individuals’ for the privilege of visiting our nation. Section 1 imposes an income tax on ‘taxable income’ but such term is not defined nor is it cited in indictments. Sections ##7201-7215 cited as being violated in indictments apply to ALL taxes collected by IRS. They therefore cannot identify violation of ‘a known legal duty’ required for valid process.]

When you sign a tax form over ‘taxpayers name/address’ under threat of perjury, the court will accept that as quiescence that you owe a tax. Lawyers who [have] challenge[d] the scam face loss of license and bogus criminal charges.

Taxation is an exercise of sovereignty. If We the People are sovereign who created the government for our pleasure and security, we cannot be subject to a tax.

Search ‘cracking the code.’


  olde reb
December 13, 2020 2:49 pm

Government can only require a duty of that which it created or for the use of its property. Thus, US citizen, taxpayer, or any other US “person,” is a creation of government. However, Man created Government and owns it all, including government property. Be careful of who or what you claim to be.

olde reb
olde reb
December 13, 2020 9:17 pm

‘Duty’ as used in the constitution as one of three indirect taxes, refers to an import tax. A citizen , as sovereign, owes no duty to the government.

It is We the[sovereign] Citizen who created government to serve our purposes—as you say.

  olde reb
December 13, 2020 3:07 pm

As I understand the argument, Congress borrowed money on credit of the united States (which cannot be questioned) pledging the Nation, the People, the land and the wealth and defaulted on the loan. The Federal Reserve Bank, the Supreme Court were formed to execute the “mortgage” and the rest is history.

  olde reb
December 13, 2020 8:54 pm

As much as the next guy, I despise the what the “United States Government” has become.

That said, trotting down the primrose path of “the income tax is unconstitutional” is not worth serious effort. That belief may actually be correct, but in practical matters, it’s the tax court’s opinion that matters, not yours, or Thomas Jefferson’s, or Irwin Schiff’s.

There’s no harm in believing that the IRS, together with all its enforcement and enabling acts, is both unjust and illegal; just don’t assume that your view will prevail in any court, or with any financial institution in this country…. because it won’t.

December 12, 2020 7:10 pm

It is on………or not. One thing is certain this once great nation will get what it deserves. If we ar lucky we will experience a slow shameful decline like the Brits. It looks to me that we have the Cheka in our future.

December 12, 2020 7:16 pm

I have been practicing a bit with my rifles. I dropped a largish critter at about 175 yards the other day with a rim fire. Now, used to be I could have done it offhand, open sights, back when I literally shot thousands upon thousands of rounds. Today, I need a good rest and a scope. But the key words in the above are “a rim fire”. I encourage anyone to at least have a .22, lr or mag, and a .17hmr is even better. Why? Because they are cheap to practice with, you can carry thousands of rounds on you if absolutely required, and they are much more effective than people generally understand, if fired accurately. The .17 is a revelation, and I think there is a .17 wsm available that takes it up another notch. The .17hmr will fragment out to about 160 or 170 yards, but if well placed is quite effective even beyond that. The .17wsm adds another 50 yards. I recommend the Hawke scope that is calibrated for the .17hmr. You zero once at 100 yards, and then the scope is calibrated out to around 400 yards, needing no further adjustments. Very handy.

If you do not have a rim fire, you need to consider it.

December 12, 2020 9:17 pm

The Ruger 10-22 with a 10-22 scope is the single best and cheapest rifle/scope combination you can buy. And has available 25 round clips. Dead accurate. I’ve fired thousands of rounds and never had a misfire or jam…. Chip

Ohio Guy
Ohio Guy
December 13, 2020 11:49 am

He said, “clips”:)

December 12, 2020 10:04 pm

Just bought one today.

December 14, 2020 7:31 am

First time in weeks I went to Wally World. No ammo.

A few boxes of shotgun shells.

No other ammo.


What are you seeing?

December 14, 2020 3:09 pm

I’ve news that it is the same all over. No bullets.

Tree Mike
Tree Mike
December 14, 2020 6:24 pm

Same in western middle (rural) Tennessee. Walmart has shotguns, rifles, shotgun shells and muzzle stuffer supplies.

December 13, 2020 12:10 am


I agree they are highly underappreciated. I have 2 Ruger 10-22s and they are pretty much bad ass out to 200 yards. 500 rounds was $30 and you could put them all in one pocket. The Ruger 25 round magazines are nearly flawless. 6-8 of those fit in a cargo pocket. That’s a lot of firepower.
Primary Arms also has a .22 calibrated scope that works like the Hawk. I don’t yet have one but the reviews are it’s outstanding.

December 13, 2020 2:53 am

Steve – the issue with the .22 at 200 is it drops over 3.5 feet. The .22 really struggles at that range. Wind is an issue as well, as it is in the air so long.

The .17 drops 8” at 200 yards. That is a huge difference. It is around 35 inches at 300 yards. Energy of the .17 is slightly more than the .22 at 200.

The 10-22 generally shoots around 1.5 MOA out of the box. That is not bad. It can be tweaked to be much better. But as far as accuracy goes, a bolt action of similar quality guns will be more accurate. My Tikka .17 is around .75, and a friend shoots his at around .4, but he is a fanatic. That is pretty damn accurate.

The .17 wsm only has a drop of 4 inches at 200!!!, with 190 ft pounds of energy, and only 16 inches of drop at 300. With 120 ft pounds at 300.
I would immediately buy one, but so far they are now real established and ammo is still rare. But that is some real performance out of a rim fire.

I highly recommend the calibrated scopes. They really do work well.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 13, 2020 10:47 am

Do you have any trouble with cleaning rods? I had a Remington 700 BDL in .17 Remington centerfire decades ago. 4,100 fps with a 25 grain pill. It would shoot .25 moa at 200 yards. I would break the cleaning rod every time I cleaned it. Others had similar problems at the time.

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 13, 2020 3:35 pm

Not so far. Just gotta keep the patches really small. The brush works fine so far, too.

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
December 13, 2020 10:26 am

I think most of this crowd has that aspect covered. I know I do.

December 15, 2020 1:18 am

It is military philosophy 101, that it is better to wound your opponents, than it is to kill them. Doing that requires that the enemy devote more of it’s manpower to care for their wounded. Small arms like rimfires will do that much better than larger calibers. I have had a lot of shooters tell me that I am crazy to suggest small calibers for self defense, but unless the subject is high on something like crack, they will likely incapacitate them. Think about how YOU would fare if hit by, say a .22 rimfire (and be honest). It would pretty much ruin your day. The only exception to this, is if the other side had decent body armor, then. obviously, the largest jacketed caliber you could lay your hands on would be what you would want.

December 15, 2020 3:37 pm

SLug em with .308 hot-loaded pushing M14API pulldowns from old 30-06. Use a AR10 platform. Remember they are using body armor, minimum AR500 plate which m14AP projectile penetrates nicely, federal orcs wear level 4 ceramic so give them 4 or 5. Just put rounds on target! That is the infantry mindset.

Auntie Kriest
Auntie Kriest
December 12, 2020 7:17 pm

“…the gangrenous clot of necrotic tissue that is the political culture of this nation… ”
– T. Stebbins

A magnificent description of the malignancy that has overcome the once great former-republic.

Auntie’s gut says spicy time is nearly here.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 12, 2020 7:23 pm

Amen and God bless! None of us truly know what we will or can do until pressed. I’m afraid we’re all going to be squeezed hard sooner rather than later. Pax Vobiscum

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Cow Doc
December 13, 2020 11:50 am

The most dangerous one’s are those with nothing left to lose.

James the Deplorable Wanderer
James the Deplorable Wanderer
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 14, 2020 11:08 pm

I’m reminded of the movie “RED”, which stood for “Retired – Extremely Dangerous”.

Saami Jim
Saami Jim
December 12, 2020 7:24 pm

Excellent piece, Tim.
Read and reread, as we are similar age, it hits home.
I do what I currently can do, and will do the best I can, come what may.
As Ol’ Remus was want to say, food first, and as one who is not as sharp as I once was, I find I can grow quite a bit of food. Who knows, perhaps I will be of some use to others of like mind in that regard in the coming sporty times.

  Saami Jim
December 12, 2020 7:38 pm

I really miss Remus and his art intros,kind of made the after reading easier to digest!

No matter ones age,all can do something,best of luck to all of us.

December 12, 2020 8:07 pm

Second that.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Saami Jim
December 12, 2020 7:59 pm

Jim – I was amazed at how much produce I got from 4 summer squash plants and a dozen okra plants. It took very little space and I now have a freezer full of the summer’s bounty. I will up the space next year and try to get started earlier.

We all need skills that can be used by the collective and will be appreciated for whatever we bring to the table. Even an old man like me can use a table, rest and scope to reach out and touch someone who needs it.

Peter Horry
Peter Horry
  TN Patriot
December 13, 2020 9:37 am

Raised bed gardening (3’x8′ box dimensions are easy to weed and maintain and harvest and rotate) can put a LOT of food on your table. Here at the farm our kitchen garden has 28 raised beds constructed out of bald cypress. The production is epic. Anyone in rural or suburban America with any yard to speak of can do this. So easy a cave man can do it. Even a solo caveman with no helpers.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Peter Horry
December 13, 2020 10:32 am

below is great article about raised bed gardening that was very informative. As usual, the comments section was tremendous.

Llpoh: Raised Vegetable Beds to Starve the Beast

December 12, 2020 7:51 pm

Today, here in Maine, I was refused access to the self-checkout for the first time in a major grocery store. The manager gave me an option to take a mask or leave the groceries. I kept the conversation calm. I left the groceries. At least for now, they still have curb-side pickup where you order online and schedule a pickup where they just drop the groceries in your vehicle. Although I have a pretty deep larder, I still need to top a few things off. Apparently, now is the time to do it before they end the curbside pickup.

From things I’ve read, this shit is going to get worse for another 4 months or so, but it appears there may be a significant change for the better after that. Let’s just pray it’s true.

December 12, 2020 7:59 pm

A good option would be for folks, one after another, to load up grocery carts full, mostly of small, individual items, go to the counter, and abandon them. If people would do it over and over, hundreds of times, it will drop the supermarkets to their knees. Restocking random items is an absolute bitch.

We normal sorts have got to start using civil disobedience as a means to effect change.

December 12, 2020 8:07 pm

Most people won’t get through the front door. I got the intimidation routine by a massively overweight store employee. I just told him he’d have to call the police and went on in.

December 12, 2020 8:22 pm

I thought of that. Wear one just long enough to fill the cart. It is important in these matters to blend in.

December 12, 2020 9:00 pm

This is a nice start,but,as times get more interesting,perhaps you work for the power company and throw the wrong switch/perhaps you work for water dept. and close a few mains/this can go on and grow.

I feel though with the reset in play these folks do not give a damn about the productive folks,then time for a new set of switches to hit.

December 13, 2020 11:11 am

caltrops in parking lots

December 13, 2020 12:31 pm

what really is needed is for the grocery store owners to completely shut down in non-compliance. That would cause a shitstorm from the people.

December 13, 2020 9:09 am

Yes. ‘They’ are trying to be more activist. It is disgusting that they recruit and use minimum wage desperate people to do their dirty work, standing at the door ordered to work to enforce their ‘mask’ psyop.

Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
Joey Joe Joe Shabadoo
December 12, 2020 8:32 pm

Strike by the productive class … my first vote …

Let’s see how these power hungry f*cks get along without smart, disciplined and honest folks who get it done.

December 12, 2020 8:48 pm

Yesterday was a defining moment for me. I had been looking at the horizon and biding my time, waiting to see what was going to happen. The SCOTUS decision was the final straw. I now realize the America I grew up in is dead, the rule of law is dead and as the author so aptly stated, the ‘gangrenous clot’ that is the Federal Government revealed itself it all its evil glory. I hold no allegiance to fraud, lies and outright theft. I hold no allegiance to an illegitimate government or an illegitimately appointed ‘president.’

The Biden campaign told you in no uncertain terms what they planned and what was coming. The ‘new normal’ and the ‘Great Reset’ are all there in black and white. The virus restrictions will intensify a hundred fold and the economic destruction will continue apace.

We all know what is in store, there aren’t any surprises here, look to any totalitarian takeover in history to know what’s scheduled next. The cops aren’t your friend and the military will kill you if ordered to do so. The timeline is in question but I daresay once Kamala is annointed, the actions will be swift.

Atlas Shrugged kept coming to my mind yesterday, seems it resonated with many people. I’m no youngster either, seems most folk commenting here aren’t. That said, I’m not dead or crippled and I am capable of doing stuff, maybe not so quick as before but then, I can still do things.

December 12, 2020 9:03 pm

My Girl – that this was the final straw simply goes to show that even smart folks like you have been ignoring what has been right in front of them for a very long time. I listed a number of outrages that should have been the final straw on that recent article. Any one of them should have been sufficient to have been the final straw. Asset forfeiture. Boys being allowed into girls locker rooms. Militarised cops. Income tax. Redistribution of wealth. Riots allowed to happen. Gun rights eroded. No go areas in parts of the country. Etc. Any was enough to be the final straw.

This is your final straw. Ok. But be assured, it will not be the final straw, and 98% of the people will stand idly by and do absolutely nothing. Nothing. You can carve that prediction in stone and come back to it. That is until there are many millions of people starving, then they will do something is a disorganized fashion that will have serious unintended consequences. Even millions of evictions, which might well happen, will have little effect – those impacted will not organize.

That this is a final straw says all there is to know about how far south things have gone.

December 12, 2020 10:42 pm


What I meant by the final straw was that I realized that the country, formerly known as America, was dead.

All the other outrages you listed were bad but not mortal. They could be fixed and Trump was on the way to fixing some of them, like banning teaching white folk bad BS in government programs.

As to the rest of the folk? So long as they are comfortable they will accept most anything. During WWII the Japanese realized that one in ten of their prisoners of war were capable of leading and possibly stirring up dissention and trouble. They learned to recognize those people and removed them from the camp. That insured that the other prisoners remained docile and complacent. That one in ten ratio applies most aptly to the population in general as well.

December 14, 2020 5:22 pm

It was ever thus.

December 13, 2020 2:26 pm

“That is until there are many millions of people starving, ”

Very, very true. I think some commenter here pointed out that starving people do not revolt, stupid hungry people do. The starving just lay there because they have no strength.
The point is, stupid hungry people revolt. Smart people revolt before they go hungry because they recognize what a short window there is before they go from hungry to starving.
There aren’t enough Americans with eyes to see to have an effective revolt. Short spasms of unrest from some of the hungry is what to expect, just before they become starving, which is just before they get rounded up (don’t worry, even this won’t be a significant percentage of the populace).

December 12, 2020 8:56 pm

X – if we need to bury the hatchet, I have no memory of it. Consider it buried. Until next time, of course! 😁

I do not hold grudges, generally. It is non-productive, and mostly is an issue of small differences. I have one or two grudges on here, not really more than that, but I really do not remember any major issues between us. If I called you a fucking idiot, or vice versa, we probably deserved it! Family fight. That is how it is. Hell, even Yo and I are best buds!


TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 12, 2020 9:16 pm

Leave the cart in a random area of the store, so they do not know for sure who left it.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  TN Patriot
December 12, 2020 10:35 pm

Go protest at the company HQ. Bitch at the investor relations people. Making life hell for the hourly people is ineffective. Make the suits uncomfortable. They make the policies.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 13, 2020 9:18 am

Hourly people are paid to do mundane work at grocery stores and it is too far for me to drive to Cincinnati (Kroger) or Benton (WalMart) and waste my time protesting. Hitting them in the pocketbooks will get more attention than 100 people with signs at corporate. They are used to protests, whether it is PETA, BLM or homosexuals.

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 13, 2020 1:31 pm

call the analysts who follow the company’s stock,it’s usually not hard to find–

  TN Patriot
December 12, 2020 10:39 pm

Put the meat on the very bottom of the cart.

December 13, 2020 7:07 am

Under a big bag of dog food

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 13, 2020 10:55 am

If you guys are hell bent on fucking with your neighbors who work in these places you may as well put it under a 40 pound bag of softener salt. Or two.
I would caution that by doing such you create a one hundred person group plus their families who would see us as “THOSE FUQUERES” instead of seeing us as people trying to keep and restore our country with and for all of us.

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 14, 2020 5:27 pm

I agree, it isn’t smart, wise or right to go after regular people. Go after the string pullers as when and if possible. Don’t hurt normal people unless of course they are bolsheviks, then they don’t fall in that definition.

  TN Patriot
December 12, 2020 10:43 pm

Camera’s everywhere. You’d have to completely mask all identifying features and park somewhere away from the store (in a residential area) where there are no cameras that would capture you entering your vehicle.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 13, 2020 8:46 am

A big glob of mud will obscure a license plate, making it harder to trace

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
  TN Patriot
December 13, 2020 10:57 am

Again, do not have a cell phone or a car that transmits data to the manufacturer when you do anything.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  TN Patriot
December 13, 2020 1:32 pm

Hey TN! “Leave the cart in a random area of the store, so they do not know for sure who left it.”

Or maybe tell them you are leaving “and can you please sanitize and restock the items from my cart?” Tell them you are “suffering claustrophobia and anxiety from your mask”. Tell them you are sorry, but you just have to get out and take your mask off. Tell them you love their store and how accommodating they are to their shoppers. Post a comment on their website about how nice they were and that you think they probably wiped your hand prints off of all your items before they put them back on the shelf. Make THEM work harder every time they enforce their stupid mask policy.

  Jason Calley
December 15, 2020 4:44 pm

Wear a three hole ski mask.

No objections so far. It’s a face covering mask.

December 13, 2020 11:10 am

Damn. You beat me to the cure for face diaper rash.

David J
David J
December 14, 2020 9:51 am

Way back around 1954, that tactic was used with great success in the grocery stores, to discourage the stores to stop carrying comic books, and it worked.

December 12, 2020 9:02 pm

What change for the better do you expect/hope for in 4 months,unless something changes now and quickly I feel will be getting worse/worse/worse ect.

December 12, 2020 10:20 pm

This 90 minute video is probably one of the best 90 minutes you’ll spend watching something… if you have faith, that is:
Bo comes in after a couple of minutes, but Greg’s discussion up front leads into the discussion.

Also, Jim Stone has come out with a very interesting statement. Something good is in the gear works.

And one other thing, which I know will earn downvotes (as if I care)…. Trump stated, “Nothing can stop what’s coming.” We haven’t seen what that is yet.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 13, 2020 10:59 am

I remember Bo Polny as a half assed Gold expert. One of those guys who got it right once and lived off of that for years. Got it wrong much, much more IIRC.

  Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 13, 2020 12:27 pm

It wasn’t his gold advice that had me interested, but rather his biblical timeline analysis.

December 13, 2020 12:24 am

I’d stock up on long term (25 year) #10 cans of rice and beans.
They plan on using food as a stick for compliance. We’re also getting into a global cooling out to 2050 that will play havoc on crop/food production. See YT Ice Age Farmer or Adapt 2030 channels.

December 13, 2020 11:09 am

If you went into that store everyday and left a cart full of groceries at checkout and if others did the same, the face diaper issue would soon correct itself.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
December 12, 2020 7:58 pm

The libs have gotten away with literally everything and only become ever bolder.
Things could certainly accelerate rather quickly from here.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
December 12, 2020 7:59 pm

A well-written piece, reflecting a mind that is not just astute, but represents a storehouse of hard-won wisdom. Many of us are asking the same sorts of questions, and pondering our own readiness and ability to fight. Yesterday was the defining moment–there will be no going back, and unfortunately, the resolution, whatever it is, will not be without blood. Yesterday was a defining moment in another way. As Mr. Stebbins noted about the Jimmy Stewart character, we’ll all have to make a choice as to which side we’re on. The Supreme Court has defined the sides. Pretending a choice won’t be necessary is itself a choice. Evasion is always a choice.

December 12, 2020 8:00 pm

Well written and I agree wholeheartedly. I am an Army Veteran, infantry, served 2 years active duty, one on the DMZ in Korea. Age 67 and wondering the same things expressed here in this article. These are Domestic Enemies we are dealing with. I have come to the conclusion that it is inevitable that there will be bloodshed since it is now crystal clear (at least to any thinking person with a conservative bent) where we are and what the Marxists have planned for the country. How it all plays out is the difficult thing to discern. And the real challenge for us on our end is going to be how to organize with all of the surveillance. You can bet your sweet ass they are monitoring this website and others like it for just this kind of thinking and gathering information for what they know is coming. My opinion, for what it may be worth, is that at least initially it is going to be Guerilla warfare, random individuals doing random raids her and there, then retreating. Perhaps a few of these Governors and Mayors being assassinated by loan wolfs will be the tell that something real is afoot and people are motivated. I do believe there are enough people like myself and the author of this article who took their Oath to the Constitution seriously and are actually willing to put their lives on the line once again. Hell, my family has grown and are now on their own, and quite frankly I am not at all afraid to go out with a bang. Just a matter of how to do it effectively and make a difference.
One last thought, it won’t take a majority of the population to actually get physically involved and behind this. I forget who said it, but a small and determined minority is all it really takes. And I sense we have that, starting with all the Veterans they have created with their endless wars. We are who they fear.

December 13, 2020 10:29 am

And only about 1/3 of the population actively supported the Revolution…

December 13, 2020 8:41 pm

And only 3 percent were grunts.

Cow Doc
Cow Doc
December 12, 2020 8:24 pm

  Cow Doc
December 12, 2020 8:30 pm

I think I like Joe Rogon.

  Cow Doc
December 12, 2020 11:57 pm

Fuck’in A

EMERGENCY Situation Update, Dec. 12th – The betrayal is now complete

December 13, 2020 9:33 am

A team of four or five extremely mobile snipers could kill dozens of marxist tyrants all over the country in less than an hour.
And then just disappear.

Put the fear of God into them.

December 13, 2020 6:58 pm

You’re dreaming, Ned. You ain’t getting close to anybody who matters. Might pick off a puppet or two, but the Masters of the Universe have better security than you can even imagine.

December 13, 2020 9:13 pm

Got to work up the ladder. How many historical leaders met a terrible end?

December 12, 2020 8:16 pm

No taxation without representation. If my vote doesnt matter because govt allows rigged election to stand… then all of the laws they try to enact upon me will be ignored or followed at my discretion. I will follow God my creator laws only.

December 12, 2020 9:04 pm

It’s as if we are strangers in our own country. I’ve lived a long useful life and appreciate being a free man, not totally free but relatively free. Our betters in DC are on a collision course with their constituents. As I look back over the decades of what my parents accomplished and my immigrant grandparents only thought of in their Eastern European dreams, I am let down. I will not go softly into the night, when the bureaucracy is afraid to go to work is when it will change. As Churchill stated “We are all worms, I think of myself as a glow worm!” Hang out with all the glow worms in your environment, avoid the subterranean type. We live in interesting times!

December 12, 2020 9:11 pm

Not sure there is a collision coming. If it was going to happen it should have happened long ago. The sheep are entranced by their big screens and igizmos, and a large percentage of the population wants what they are getting. The part of the population that might do something are too busy working, raising families, paying bills, etc., and are not nearly aware that they are just frogs being slowly boiled. Fact is, the water is already fatally hot, and they missed their chance to hop out.

So those such as you have to hop out and take care of themselves and their family. Because it may be a long time before enough people are aware of what has happened. It really may take large scale starvation to make it happen.

December 12, 2020 10:50 pm

When you back a man up against the wall, take everything that he values away from him and leave him nothing, well, you’d best be real concerned about that man. It may take starvation but just the threat of a major loss of security can set people off.

The Virus excuse is doing a great job of destroying lives and livelihoods. Government checks and stimulus only work for so long. Make note of the massive exoduses from the blue states, soon the governors and their minions will be squeezing blood from a stone and their only hope is a massive bailout. They stood no chance with that under Trump but Biden? Well, let’s just say there’s a reason the election fraud was so rampant.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 12, 2020 9:12 pm

Tim – Nice article. Shenandoah is one of my all time favorite movies and I well remember Charlie Anderson’s desire to stay neutral and let the war be fought without participation by his family. I have many of the same questions as you, but do not have the military experience to fall back on. I hope and pray I am able to defend my family and do my part so our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can have peace, hopefully without the world’s oligarchs telling them every single thing they must do.

Your first few paragraphs brought to mind a document I have read scores of times and I think it is fits today’s times with a different list of grievances. (emphasis mine)

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.

Just John
Just John
December 12, 2020 9:18 pm

We may be a bunch of old geezers, but we know how to get things done when the time comes. Either in person or by enabling others to fight in their stead. I’ve helped a lot of others who didn’t see what was coming get better prepared by giving them “the essentials” that they’re going to need. Maybe they have been in denial or maybe they couldn’t afford the things I’ve made available to them, but they have them now and I think they’re ready to use them.
I’m not rich but better off than many these days so I decided to put my hard earned money to really good use instead of leaving it for others who could care less or refuse to see what’s headed their way. Why waste money on them but instead get it and supplies into the hands of those who can and will use it.
There are ways to fight and there are ways to fight. I may be old but I can still aim and shoot straight and plan on doing so until I can’t. Fugg’em all.

  Just John
December 12, 2020 10:26 pm

Remember a lot of these liberal, leftist marxists are the very ones terrified of this coronahoax virus and will gladly be lining up for their salvation in the form of the rushed to market mRNA vaccines with no peer reviewed studies, animal trials, etc.
Give ‘em about 6 months or so after their 2nd shot and there will be a lot of seriously sick, dying and dead marxists from hyperactive autoimmune caused cytokine storms raging in their bodies.
You can’t fix stupid but these evil and corrupt pharmaceutical companies have figured out how to do that.
When you refuse to learn how to optimize your own bodies wonderful defense immune system that neutralizes and destroys viruses then you deserve to suffer the consequences.
I’m 68, and a 4 year Navy veteran having served on a destroyer in the gunline off N. Vietnam and was 20 years old. Saw enuff from a ringside seat a mile off the coast to know that war is not pretty.
I’ve kept myself in good health and am proficient in multiple firearms use. That said, I also know that I don’t know how I’ll react if and when bullets start flying around me. I’ve had a great run and would like to think hopefully I’ll give a good account of myself if and when the situation presents itself.
I’m also not afraid of death and am prepared physically, mentally and spiritually.
Best of luck to all of us on TPB if and when it’s our time to meet the test.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Just John
December 13, 2020 9:07 am

All it takes is one good William Wallace to rally the troops.

Not jack london
Not jack london
  Eyes Wide Shut
December 13, 2020 12:11 pm

Where is our William Wallace or even Francisco Franco?
Overt resistance is futile. I am as pro 2nd Amendment
as possible. Bought first .22 at eleven and a shotgun at 14, ķú8then various larger caliber rifles, better shotguns and later a couple of hand guns. Used M1s, M-14s and M 16s over 30 years.
However, we live in a survielance state where when three men talk one is an informer or their communications are monitored and can be accessed. See Bundy Ranch and Waco stand-off. Strange how kiddie porn appears on computers of enemies of the state.
The concept of dedicated snipers taking out domestic traitors doesn’t fly. They need to work in teams which facilitates betrayal. If Malvo and Mohammad had a third person they would have been caught sooner if not been apprehended prior to crime. As it was their evil success was in choosing random targets of no importance and being the oposite of what the profilers predicted:angry southern white.
The shopping cart scenario,
crazy glue in locks, keying vehicles with government plates, flooding call centers, stopping traffic passively and innocently and such are the only pathes to resistance.
Very personally frustrating, sometimes painful and totally unheroic. But maybe.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Not jack london
December 14, 2020 10:57 am

Camera’s and microphones everywhere and reading every post.
Secrets not whispered between more than two don’t exist.
Expect it.
Creating wild goose chases and diversionary tactics can be effective.

December 12, 2020 9:59 pm

Might as well go to the front of the line as far as stages of grief and accept what just happened. They won. They won fraudulently. And elections have no meaning any longer. But they won. Nobody was there to stop them. Our President didn’t stop them. None of our institutions stopped them. They didn’t just win, they routed us. Nobody is going to do anything about it. There’s nothing that can be done that would be meaningful anyway. Our way of life just got changed in a major way. How, time will tell. I would just suggest paying attention and trying to figure out how to live out your life in the most comfortable way possible, whatever that turns out to be. This way of living is the norm in most places. We were very fortunate to have lived in an exceptionally free place in an exceptionally free time. But that doesn’t look like it will be the case going forward. Unplug. Live your life. Find reasons to be happy. Anything else you’re going to just drive yourself nuts.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 12, 2020 10:45 pm

They didn’t win, they stole. We caught them doing it. We are now in the process of “prosecuting” that crime. By courts, or if need be by force of arms. Just stay out of the way while the men take care of business. Wimp.

December 12, 2020 10:52 pm

I agree starfcker.
If people would make peace with their mortality and if all the fake christians around here truly believed in an afterlife and a benevolent God, they would spend more energy considering the good before the bad. The vast majority of current misery felt by people in these times is of their own doing. When it’s my time to die I will leave this world being grateful. Yes I will defend myself and others from evil if forced too but until then…
I’m old and I’ve had a good life and I am fucking over this shit show and as far as I’m concerned the human race deserves what’s coming… good and hard.
Enjoy your war keyboard commandos.

The first Noble truth….”life is pain”…. Buddha

December 12, 2020 11:01 pm

My grandchildren do not deserve it.

December 13, 2020 8:19 am

No they do not.
They deserve all the love you can give them while you can.

December 13, 2020 12:37 am

Nice post, GAZ. I am grateful every day. And I’ll always do what I can to make the world around me a better place. The older I get, the more I am impressed by small acts of kindness, and small acts of courage. I tried to impress on those around me not to lose their humanity in any situation. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. No better words were ever spoken. No better words can ever be taught. If there were something I could do to change our current political situation, I would do it in a heartbeat. Regardless of consequences. Sign me up. Done. But no options exist. I don’t live in fantasyland. There is no glory in doing something stupid. I accept reality, whether I like it or not.

December 13, 2020 8:17 am

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference. ” Reinhold Niebuhr

December 13, 2020 7:01 pm
December 13, 2020 7:10 pm
Option 911
Option 911
December 12, 2020 10:01 pm

Was at a Sprouts supermarket today, with a mask under my chin. I’m tall, but an bulky, bald guy taller and older than me says in a whiny voice, “would you mind pulling your mask over your face for me?” I say “no thanks” and proceed to continue my shopping at the bulk food area. He then taddle-tales on me to someone, a clerk or his wife, I don’t know. He then passes by me and shouts, “Hey you’re an asshole, fuckhead.” I just laughed and shook my head at him. I finish my shopping quickly thereafter and get in the checkout next to his. He couldn’t take his eyes off me. Seething with rage. What a militant, mental midget

  Option 911
December 13, 2020 12:09 am

a similar situation for me: someone at the local Safeway told me to “Put a mask on, asshole!”. I told him he should take his off. Of course he asked why; I told him “so you can suck my dick…” Dude looked like I had just ear-slapped him…

  Option 911
December 13, 2020 5:40 pm

Why do you bother to even wear the mask under your chin? Just curious. I haven’t donned one the first time, in this entire sorry hyped Covid mess, and I never will.

I’ve had a few attempt to ask me to put one on, and I just ignore them and go on about my business … same with the police; two walked up to me in a checkout line a few weeks back, with their little notepad in hand, as if to ticket me. I looked at them dead in the eyes, noting that their big dumb asses weren’t obeying our local mayor’s mask mandate either, and I kept on loading my cart.

I don’t know their full intentions. The new eo has them “educating” citizens, with the option of ticketing. However, the older one turned to the younger and said, “He’s seen us.” I guess attempted intimidation is part of the new game, the “new normal”, too.

Oh well … come what may, I intend to live free. I suspect I’ll live ’til I die, the one thing I know for certain.

  Option 911
December 13, 2020 6:35 pm

Metoo today at Safeway. Just ignored them as if they didn’t exist (a skill I’ve developed that really hits people with character displacement).

December 12, 2020 10:06 pm


December 12, 2020 10:14 pm

WOW – Absolutely Outstanding ! You very eloquently expressed the thoughts that myself and I would guess many other on this site think routinely but basically dare not speak in “normal” society.

December 12, 2020 10:35 pm

The country I grew up in the 70 ‘s and 80’s is gone and I’m damn glad I’m on the back 9 of life. Progressives/Liberals damn you all to hell

December 12, 2020 10:45 pm

Start to finish …….excellent piece. Been ruminating the same.

December 13, 2020 5:52 am


December 13, 2020 7:36 am
December 13, 2020 7:54 am

I think this is pure fantasy. The shits comin down man. I highly doubt it, but it must be a comfort to believe. We live in a communist/socialist nation now. The transition is complete. Game over. I will see you in the camps long before i see you in the revolution. Just think how long this talk has gone on. We still have something to lose. When thats gone, perhaps you will be correct. However the rusdians, then later the chinese, had nothing to lose. Did they revolt? How about the cambodians vs the khmer rouge? No revolutions, just the long wait for systemic collapse or change.

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
December 13, 2020 12:29 pm

They still have a problem to deal with – we are not disarmed.

  Horseless Headsman
December 13, 2020 5:42 pm

Amen, Brother! Amen!

  Horseless Headsman
December 13, 2020 6:04 pm

And a BIG problem it is for them. As far back as WW II the Japanese concluded that actually trying to invade the United States would likely prove futile given the number of weapons in civilian hands. Those numbers have grown exponentially since then. The founders new the second Amendment was our ace in the hole. God bless their sweet revolutionary hearts and their brilliant minds.

December 13, 2020 7:56 am
December 13, 2020 8:29 am

Eloquent words of a true patriot. The spirit of liberty lives, and our numbers, will and fortitude will determine the outcome of this coming storm. May God bless us all and may the mantle of liberty still shine in the darkest hours.

very old white guy
very old white guy
December 13, 2020 8:48 am

I do appreciate the article and the thoughts, many mirror mine. The age factor is one that concerns me being quite a bit older than 60. I no longer have the capacity to do much more than pull a trigger. I have been watching the decline for decades now and a personal fear was that I would be an old man, as I now am, and unable to do anything to reverse the march towards communism and slavery of a once free people. This has been coming since the second world war and I believe it will reach the point of a global conflagration once again. I have no answers nor questions. I can see and I can hear.

  very old white guy
December 13, 2020 9:02 am

You can do much more then just pull a trigger white guy,while still time teach others to pull a trigger,help those younger in combat with food/care/a refuge/info. ect.Teach others any good skills that long term will serve folks in the future,be it trade/intellectual ect.

The good thing about being old the threat of a life sentence/death has lost a lot of it’s deterrence value.

Hell,you can pull a trigger you can start a car,drive thru a bunch of antifi/black olives matter types with your truck,hell,the list goes on as far as what you can do in spite of not being in spec ops shape/age category.

Sure, we will not be the point of the spear but can still be one of the many hands holding/supporting the spear.

Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
Harrington Richardson-M2, It's A Ball!
December 13, 2020 11:37 am

Someone who does not appear threatening might be able to get away with quite a bit without drawing attention if you get my drift.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 13, 2020 1:10 pm

Someone has to sharpen the spear while the warrior rests and gets nourishment.

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
  very old white guy
December 13, 2020 12:35 pm

I’m with you on that. I started my 7th decade this year. I’m in pretty good shape except for an untrustworthy knee and I’m well prepped. I don’t like to contemplate the idea of being too old to make a difference when the opportunity arises. Most of the people have forgotten the concept of dying well, such as in service to a cause you believe in. I hope that when my time comes, I can strike a blow, however lightly, for the light. I would call mine then a life well spent.

Bob in Apopka
Bob in Apopka
December 13, 2020 8:52 am

I would never start a war with the gov., but if I did I wouldn’t use a gun in a direct confrontation. ( There are ways well known on how to fight a superior force.) Personally my talents lay along the wrench, guys like me will understand ( aka. blue collar nail drivers, auto mechanics, repairmen of all types ) that it isn’t all “right-ie tight-ie . If I were so inclined ( I am not. ) I could bring my entire state to its knees without ever firing a shot, when you spend your entire life building it, you damn sure know how to destroy it.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 13, 2020 9:06 am

I’m right there with you Airborne, for whatever that’s worth.

60 is a bigger number than I thought it would be.

My Grandfather loved Shenandoah, going to have to give it another watch- thanks for the reminder.

December 13, 2020 9:19 am

An unverifiable leak about the SC deliberations on the Texas case, Clarence Thomas saying “John, this is the end of democracy”…

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 13, 2020 1:15 pm

I have said all along that Roberts is more concerned about how historians will view the court under his “leadership” as chief than he is about protecting the Constitution. He knows history is written by liberals and he will not allow a controversial case to come before them, much less get settled by them.

December 13, 2020 7:57 pm

Thank You for sharing this. Whether verified or not, it certainly has a ring of real truth to it, given all the recent history of the Court failing to properly follow its Constitutional mandates, especially under the Turncoat “chief justice” Roberts.

I can almost see and hear the scene playing out, as they gathered in a darkened room to ring their hands over actually being asked to do something of the utmost importance for all America and the cause of freedom.

It’s a fascinating piece. And if true, it is more disgusting and reprehensible than I have proper words to describe.

Thank You Again. I’ve just shared it with friends.

Now we wait and watch and prepare.

December 13, 2020 9:25 am

I appreciate your writing, as I couldn’t have done it better or more succinctly.
We may have passed each other in the night, B troop, 3/4 cav Scout. I have gone on to the contracting business, but like you, feel my best days are behind me, and bitter at having served in the same operation as my Son, who I had hoped would never see war.
I withdraw consent.
I don’t comment much as I am selfishly prepping and training my neighbors. I don’t know what else to do

December 13, 2020 9:56 am

Really great write up. Thank you. May the LORD our God be with you.

December 13, 2020 10:07 am

Statements like this always make me sad-not that this outcome was a disappointment. Thirty-five years ago I came to terms with the fact that there is a power we can’t see that calls the shots. If they could whack John Kennedy before our eyes and get away with it then we all were their slaves in one way or another.

Do you wonder why the SCOTUS didn’t hear the Texas suit? They weren’t allowed to.

December 13, 2020 10:09 am

This is why I just sent a donation to TBP to support our right to read such fine essays and generally fine comments, which is why I continue to haunt the site.

December 13, 2020 1:01 pm

So, little Ghostling….how is our dear friend, the Coyote?

olde reb
olde reb
December 13, 2020 11:22 am

It is written: ” the highest court in the land has turned a blind eye to the egregious theft of the Presidency itself.” I believe that is a misunderstanding.

The SC concluded one state does not have constitutional power to question the validity of the legislation of another state, nor to question the enforcement of such legislation. Each state is independently sovereign. If such legislation is to be challenged, it must come from a citizen that is subject to that law.

Horseless Headsman
Horseless Headsman
  olde reb
December 13, 2020 12:45 pm

“Each state is independently sovereign”
Only when it’s convenient. The USSA has only one sovereign.

olde reb
olde reb
  Horseless Headsman
December 13, 2020 9:34 pm

Only when it is relevant.

olde reb
olde reb
  olde reb
December 13, 2020 9:25 pm

Example: Think Brown v. Topeka. Coordinated suits were filed in several states by affected individuals and denied by all states. Each was appealed to SC and consolidated. Schools were integrated.

AC briefs could be filed by 18 states in SC—with permission.

December 13, 2020 11:34 am


It’s great to see you writing again. Seeing as we were “bloodied” in same plagiarism fiasco with Stumpy from Tennessee, I feel a special kindship with you. Like you I wonder what I am going to do when the bugles call for final act in this shitshow. Because like Jimmy Stewart I want nothing to do with those who piss and call it rain. You should write moar as your prose has the gentle sort of contempt for authority that I have of late come to embrace.

This morning, I have taken it upon myself to get outside and enjoy the day by taking advantage of the reprieve from winter here in Nova Scotia. The snows have stayed away. So far, so good.

I have decided to not give in to the fear this is being spread by the kept wonks, wags and pundits by fear mongers prone to work for the gubmit. My simple act of defiance now is spending as much time as possible outside in the fresh air. Yesterday I worked with my son milling lumber with a jig that he recently bought. Between us we have a couple hundred acres of woodlot to browse for wood. It is getting expensive of late at hardware store so we decided to make our own. He has been cutting spruce and fir. Like you I am getting old and can’t keep up like I used to. I do marvel at what a young man can do when he puts his mind to it…

Like you I’m tired of eating Baloney…

I’m taking a timeout right now to catch up on the morning. A trip inside, I see that my lovely wife is starting dinner. For now it is a cup of tea and quick bite to eat. Firing up the ghetto blaster Mark Knopfler becomes part of my break. Opening my computer to check in with my favourite webpage, I would like to thank you Sir for letting what you wrote reflect on my day.

The first song starts out like this..

and sums up how I feel..

But back to the trees… My wife and I have been talking about an old apple tree that has seen better days. It sits at corner of our lot blocking the view for cars coming up the street, branches bedraggled, the apples have grown bitter instead of sweet.

Yesterday I cut it down… and hauled it up to my Son’s place.
comment image

It was made it into planks.
No match for the saw
left of cure and they’re now tucked away.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 13, 2020 1:20 pm

RINS – Apple wood makes great smoke for meat. Hope you saved some of the bark and smaller branches.

  TN Patriot
December 13, 2020 2:57 pm

I still have all the bits… thanks for the idea. Might have to get me a smoker!

December 13, 2020 11:39 am

If you pay taxes then you are not free now are you.

December 13, 2020 11:44 am

Choose your line in the sand . 40 million or more gun owners have drawn the line at confiscation/registration of guns. If you spend some to time to look at ammo prices,the availability of guns and even reloading supplies you’ll see that the American people are readying for a fight .

People like Keith Olbermann and AOC have told us they are coming for Trump supporters and even those that support the Republic in the form that was given to us by our Forefathers .

Buy more ammo…Bourbon as well to enjoy while you can. Just remember the Demonrats are no different than the rest of histories Leftists .

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
December 13, 2020 1:31 pm

There’s more than 40 million gun owners in this country now. A whole lot more FYI.

December 13, 2020 11:49 am

While your prose is no doubt delightful, you pose the wrong question. Should it come to a firefight, many will take up arms out of necessity rather than republican ideal or some imagined chauvinism. Watching the Proud Boys last night, I did not see leaders of the next political revolution but rather angry young men looking for a good scrap. A fine way to spend a Saturday night, perhaps, but nothing will change come morning.

If it were merely a question of shooting the right people, they would be dead by now and all your dreams realized. The real conflict lies in each our hearts. Karen at the grocery store is as much your enemy as Soros. Indeed moreso in terms of your personal experience. Do you think she will be turned when you wave a banner over a smoldering statehouse or wipe antifa blood from your brow? Or will she picnic on the fields of Gettysburg while the men, young and old, have it out?

We are quick to remember the glorious battles and desperate victories of our past, but these are not how wars are won. The South was not defeated at Cemetery Hill. They were defeated at Savannah at the end of Sherman’s trail of blood and fire.

This country is full of patriots willing to die for it. Many have already. Victory, however, belongs to he who is willing to kill for it. Do you have it in your heart to lay siege upon the bastions of urban corruption until starvation brings them to ruin? Are you willing to watch your enemy eat their children?

That is the real question.

December 13, 2020 12:01 pm

OUTSTANDING! My sentiments exactly.

Wes Rhinier
Wes Rhinier
December 13, 2020 12:12 pm
William Moye
William Moye
December 13, 2020 12:45 pm

As I was reading this essay, I was amazed at how much it echoed my own thoughts. It was becoming spooky. Then it jumped to “Twilight Zone ” level when you mentioned being a peace time soldier in the eighties. I started with 1/509th Airborne in 1980 and transferred to 2/75th Inf ( Ranger ) in 82. We share many of the same experiences. Thank you very much for this essay . I plan to read it several times to glean the things I may have missed. Perhaps we crossed paths in the RDF. We still did RIP/ Pre Ranger on North fort when I was there. Thanks again Brother!
RLTW, Sua Sponte.

William Moye
William Moye
December 14, 2020 10:07 am

I can’t recall meeting a Tim Harris. The 509th back then was a very large Airborne Battalion combat team. Quite unique. 3 line companies, an HHC, a combat support Co. and it’s own 105 mm howitzer Battery. I was FIST. We were housed with the D Battery and when in the field would go with our assigned Inf. company and platoon. Not like in 2nd Batt where we always lived with our company and were assigned to the Weapons platoon. Really great days in those two units. I have started reading some more of your essays. You have a great talent Brother. Perhaps you should consider a book. You must have had LTC. Powell and CSM Stock as your Bn. CO and Bn. CSM. Shame what happened to Col. Powell and the others in Nevada. I had just received orders to 2nd batt around that time. Take care Brother.
RLTW. Will

William Moye
William Moye
December 14, 2020 11:32 pm

Hey Tim, Yeah I knew Kurt (Mad Max ) Sturr. He was a character, Pretty funny dude. Caught up with him several years ago on one of the fledgling Ranger websites/ list servers. He grew a considerable ego after Grenada. He ended up in I-Corps. I think he went back to school and became and officer. Mattoon was another true legend. Mattoons Goons. I think Sturr was Charlie company, Right?

James R McKenna
James R McKenna
December 13, 2020 12:59 pm

As an xrugger (75-04) and veteran (US Cavalry 75-81) you expressed how I feel in a way I never could. Thanks…and may God bless you and protect you…McKenna

December 13, 2020 1:03 pm

The enemies within publicly declared themselves four years ago when they disavowed their oaths of office and allegiance to the Constitution. How that was not sufficient cause for a tidal wave of armed citizens to flood the streets of the nation’s capital and forcibly remove these malevolent parasites from the corruption-mired nests they have made of their offices has ever troubled me. That any American should not feel the blade of a knife pierce their heart to witness such a betrayal in the clearest light of day? Why can’t I wake up?

December 13, 2020 1:15 pm

Your were made a slave the day they started taking the taxes, how they have spent them is just throwing poop down your throats. Im 1913 with the central banking system and the income tax being installed you and the nation were doomed to satan and his minions the jew.

Shinmen Takezo
Shinmen Takezo
December 13, 2020 1:44 pm

This is a great piece Xrugger.

I forgive you for stealing my line about them “pissing on us and then later claiming it war only raining.”

But to get to my point…

Everyone here should re-read the Declaration of Independence. And pay close attention to the long list of grievences levied against King George.

In the last three decades (actually more like four decades) government on all levels (local, state and federal) have exceeded these outrages and we have done little or nothing other than mail in checks to the 7oo Club and ‘vote harder.’ The only thing that hasn’t been laid upon us ‘licensed consumers’ (formerly US citizens) has been the ‘quartering of soldiers, police or alphabet agents’ in our homes.

The Supreme Court absolutely screwed the pooch when they blew this case off.
What a bunch of fucking losers–and cowards.
They had the means to save this country from complete implosion and fucked it off.

The secession and civil war metrics are exploding off the meters now.
Any kind of spark could and would set off nation-wide violence and chaos at any moment now.

Now to save this country Trump MUST invoke the insurrection act after the 14th of this month along with the executive order he signed a couple years ago about foreign election interference. The evidence of fraud and foreign interference with the voting machines is undeniable–and even then, it was was not enough to throw the election for Biden. They had to shit out ballots and truck them in by the pallets to bury Trump in Biden votes.

Of course doing so would set off the leftist rage and violence–but Trump would be in charge of the federal levers of power and the chaos would be short lived. Should Biden be seated as president, then CWII would come in the near-term and the result would be the breakup of the USA and violence on a massive scale.

  Shinmen Takezo
December 13, 2020 1:58 pm

You stole it from Outlaw Josey Wales

December 13, 2020 2:51 pm

The contract has been broken and the Declaration of Independence is our guidance and spells out our duty. The decision now is whether the long trane of abuses has brought us to the redline.
I to am 60 and my body is broke from years of toil. I only set three goals if drug into this. I expend what resources I have on my person. I’m able to destroy what is useful to my enemies and I make it a ratio of at least 2:1. I’m not dying on my knees and I’m not dying alone.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
December 13, 2020 8:25 pm

It is easy to believe he was the recipient of friendly fire.

December 13, 2020 4:16 pm

Excellent piece of writing. The best encapsulation of our current dilemma I’ve read. My hat is off to you sir.