Stucky QOTD: Fox News

Martha Zoller, host of  Morning Talk thinks Fox News is just GREAT!! (Please first read below article.)

Q1: — What is your history with watching Fox News?
Q2: — Is Fox News as wonderful as she states below?
Q3 (optional) — What TV news do you watch, if any?


As a constant conservative analyst and broadcaster who has watched the growth of liberalism and the acceleration of censorship in the mainstream media, I urge conservatives to rethink the recent attacks on Fox News. I am a gal who lives in a small town in Northeast Georgia and because of 24-hour news I had the opportunity to appear on all the major cable channels and some of the so-called MSM ones. That need to fill time gave more voices an opportunity to be heard. The Fox News model in which the straight news was unbiased and the opinion shows were on the right allowed Fox to develop an audience that was mostly conservative but included center and left in big numbers and as a result changed minds.

Many of my friends are leaving Fox News because they are not only towing the President’s line. Is that what you really want? A news source that only tells you what you want to hear and never look to the opposing view? I do not think so.
Since the advent of news as a moneymaker, the mainstream media has gone hard left. You only need to look at what candidates they give money to. In every disclosure on this issue, journalists employed by traditional media outlets overwhelmingly support Democrat Party candidates.

President Trump never got a fair shot from the media. While he caused some unforced errors, there was no fair reporting on the economy, foreign policy successes and that he was the first president in a long time that did not send our troops into harms way. There are many more successes, the biggest of which is the Operation Warp Speed success in getting several vaccines to market in less than a year. One Democrat strategist said, “Maybe he had it right all along, the only way to fight Covid is to get a vaccine.”

But the media has another agenda. We see it with the media’s efforts to embrace socialism as mainstream with radical policies like the Green New Deal being advanced by Senator Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. And we saw it during the presidential campaign with the suppression of the Hunter Biden story.

Today, sources are active in my home state during the Georgia Senate runoffs, the results of which will determine the balance of power in Washington, DC. Americans like shared power and the pendulum will always swing back to that. Republicans will be able to restrain the left’s power by maintaining a majority in the U.S. Senate.
Just recently, MSNBC gave Stacey Abrams a platform to attack Mitch McConnell and Georgia’s two Republican Senate candidates. “Mitch McConnell has a vested interest in not only burning the house down, but blocking the firefighters from coming to save us,” said Abrams. “And unfortunately, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue are happy standing next to him holding the matches.” And let us not forget as we move towards a more balanced approach, Stacey Abrams has not conceded her loss in her run for Governor in 2018 and she’s claimed foul play in elections since then creating dark money organizations that spent money in Georgia and around the country but also made her a great deal of money.
Fox News has consistently given conservative voices a platform to compete with the liberal media’s agenda. The network is with conservatives and President Trump 98% of the time – it is the only major outlet that has supported President Trump’s right to use the courts to confirm the results of the presidential race. It is the bulwark against the activism of CNN, MSNBC, and the Twitter-led Cancel Culture by actually giving conservatives a real voice.
Fox News isn’t perfect. Some of its journalists have missed the boat from time to time, but Fox has been side-by-side in the trenches as our most reliable ally for decades. Make no mistake about it, Fox News changed the world for conservatives, and by giving conservatives a voice it helped give rise to President Trump’s successful presidency.
There has to be balance in the voices heard and to encourage critical thinking on all issues and conservatives cannot abandon the number one voice for our values. The stakes are too high – across the country and here in Georgia.

Next week, we’ll look at the three issues Republicans should embrace when the dust settles in order to break the 50/50 deadlock.


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Q1:  Meghan Kelly is one of the most hideous personalities ever on television. Nevertheless, When I first started posting here, many moons ago, I watched Fox about 80% of the time when tuning in to cable news. I started to sour when they cancelled Judge Napolitano.  I was curdling when they hired that libtard Juan Williams.  I was seeing red when they hired that worthless trash Donna”Bobo” Brazil.  My head exploded after the election.

Q2:  Martha is a deluded shit-head.  Fux News sucks Diseased Donkey Dick. The ONLY show I still watch is Tucker Carlson.  Hey, Fux News!!  I hope you cocksuckers go bankrupt!!!

Q3:  Newsmax.  And, OAN.  NOTHING else.


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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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January 12, 2021 5:08 pm

“Bobo Brazil” Funny but shows your age. I was a Dick the Bruiser boy myself.

1. Tucker’s show is the only ‘news’ show I watch. Period. Like you I shed the rest when the judge’s show was cancelled due to having principles.

2. I had no use for anyone who would go down on Roger Ailment.

3. Newsmax and Revolver but I learned a long time ago “the news” is bullshit. It’s opinion and I’d rather get that on LRC and TBP.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 12, 2021 5:18 pm

There’s no Dick the Bruiser without the Crusher. Vern Gagne. Larry Henning. Hercules Cortez and Red Bastine. Kenny Jay and Scrap Iron George Gadasky. Folding chairs and the Pile Driver. “This hold should be barred! It is barred in some SPLAT!…states.”


Moose Cholak

January 13, 2021 8:14 am

Surprised that “open borders” Napolitano had so many idiot fans.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
January 12, 2021 5:12 pm

Q1: — What is your history with watching Fox News?

From memory, used to watch them a lot back in the 90s and ’00s. Got out of the habit over a few years after that as I came to increasingly dislike all commercial TV, even when Fox still seemed more or less main stream conservative (which means cucked I now think). Have not watched them hardly at all in the last 5 years. Have not hardly any commercial or subscription type TV in at least a couple years now.

Q2: — Is Fox News as wonderful as she states below?
No. I have heard they are now liberal (more or less) but have not bothered to watch any to confirm for myself.

Q3 (optional) — What TV news do you watch, if any?
I just watched a couple OAN things in the last few days but mostly get my info from various non main stream internet sources and sometimes pull up an MSM web site just to se ehow they are reportng it vs the apparently more real serious journalists. Sheryl Atkinson is good in a old style main stream way as she does do real investigative and honest pieces (she had to quit CNN over a decade ago) and also Corbett Report.

  Didius Julianus
January 12, 2021 7:34 pm

Ditto all answers. But will add, we cancelled our cable. We have no ties to any cable/satellite but for what we get free via antenna. Websites only and only the one’s that have earned our trust… Chip

January 12, 2021 7:34 pm

And we pay to support the one’s that we do trust just like TBP… Chip

January 12, 2021 8:34 pm

That is key on the path to escaping from the corral. We finally did the same in 2017. Besides, why spend 1,000 bucks per year or more funding those who want you destroyed? Not even a sacrifice at this point.

Known Associate
Known Associate
January 12, 2021 9:23 pm

I killed my TV (never had cable) over 20 years ago. Occasionally catch Tucker on the web if someone tells me he has done a good show. Killed my cell phone 6 months ago.

I am experiencing that incredible lightness of being! If i need some blood and gore, i go visit HSF and help kill some chickens and then i eat one…

Life is good!

Tree Mike
Tree Mike
  Known Associate
January 12, 2021 11:38 pm

I’m jealous…I wanna eat one of HSF chickens.

  Didius Julianus
January 13, 2021 8:15 am

I taught the Boomers how to be conservative and then left them watching Fox news long after I stopped being one.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 12, 2021 5:13 pm

Just this afternoon, only Newsmax covered Trump’s visit to the border and his speech. FOX and CNN did not. FOX had some leftist loon trashing Trump.
Newsmax had a guy this afternoon who is former Navy SEAL and FBI agent explaining why the terrorism charges leveled everywhere including FOX are ridiculous. Simple. They were there to express how pissed off they were. As an expert in such things, he said if the intent were to kill all the congress critters there was nothing and no one who mattered to stop it. You haven’t heard that anywhere before except of course here at TBP over the past week.


We live in South Texas and Air Force One flew over our house coming into Harlingen International early this afternoon… Chip

January 12, 2021 5:14 pm

Who still has cable….period?! We use Plex to stream our own media (curated from…..”various sources”…..said the peg-legged patch wearing seafarer…..), and the interwebs to directly visit sites that aggregate from multiple providers (TBP, ZH, RT, Vox Popoli, WRSA, Wilder, Lew Rockwell, BigCountryExpat, ArmstrongEconomics, DV, etc).

Not perfect, but it avoids my family running the risk of unchecked faggotry, brilliant Africans, tougher/smarter-than-any-man on every show and commercial, and general satanic/pedo symbolism and normalization. But maybe I’m just too closed-minded?


bart simpsonson
bart simpsonson
January 12, 2021 11:02 pm

I assume you left out the word “women” tougher/smarter-than-any-man on every show and commercial blah blah blah. You are right about all of that.

January 12, 2021 5:20 pm

This is easy:
Q1: — What is your history with watching Fox News?
I quit after the 2016 election, Bret Baier kept having on a couple of losers, Stephen Hayes and Bill Kristol.
They were dead wrong all 2016, post election just confirmed they were dead wrong.

Q2: — Is Fox News as wonderful as she states below?
Not since Roger Ailes was fired, they purged the sexists, the two rich sons took over, and they put Lie’n Ryan on their board. The only shows I watch is Fox and Friends on weekends (you tube Tucker and Maria Bartiromo)

Q3 (optional) — What TV news do you watch, if any?
I quit watching all MSM TV, occasionally will actually watch OAN.

January 13, 2021 8:20 am

It would be difficult for someone to hate White people and Christians more than Bill Kristol does.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 13, 2021 12:28 pm

It is funny how many of these Never Trumpers have literally destroyed themselves over Never Trumperism like Kristol. If an honest analysis were done, a lot of shitheads would be on the list.
No massive nasty campaign or doxxing or deplatforming. Just started to ignore them. Like the walk away from FOX and abandoning Weekly Standard and National Review and now Forbes.

January 12, 2021 5:27 pm

When the judge got taken off the air stopped watching Faux News.

I do not have cable,will perhaps watch a segment if say part of a article ect.

I get me news from observing,reading the few sites like this worth a damn,tis about it.

I also feel the net will soon be not worth a damn with all the deplatforming ect.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
January 12, 2021 5:34 pm

1. I started watching it with Bill O’Reilly up until the election knife in the back.
2. It blows chunks.
3. None. I read Newsmax though.

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
  Articles of Confederation
January 12, 2021 11:45 pm

I hear the ads for Newsmax on the radio sometimes and it turns me off, too sensationalistic and not enough real digging journalism.

January 12, 2021 5:34 pm

We watched the turn of Fox News after they got their distribution rights deal in western China. It began becoming much more left leaning and the cutting off Newt Gingrich for bringing up George Soros, really? Watching how they joined the Kabol to take down Trump, we as an extended family are done. They are part of the problem

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
January 12, 2021 5:35 pm

Anyone else having trouble editing posts? Now I actually have to spellcheck the first time. 🙂

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
  Articles of Confederation
January 12, 2021 8:36 pm

The autocorrect here has been going nuts lately I have observed.

January 13, 2021 8:24 am

It still amazes me that people pay attention to Newt “I single handedly undermined and destroyed the Contract With America” Gingrich. That snake wrote the book on how to undermine and destroy patriots who manage to make it to Congress.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 13, 2021 12:30 pm

He got on the blame Trump for the “riots” train too.

January 12, 2021 5:37 pm

1. I don’t watch ANY MSM 24 hour news channel unless it happens to on a TV in a restaurant or airport.
2. Can’t imagine it is any better than any other news channel.
3. All online, this one and many other independent online news channels.

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
January 12, 2021 5:40 pm

I watch Tucker with 4chan every day. Otherwise don’t watch news on TV except for the weather.


Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 12, 2021 5:43 pm

Haven’t had cable for 15 years or so, so all I ever see is a video repeat of Tucker Carlson once in a while. I think Hannity is still on Fox, so maybe they deserve some credit for hiring the mentally handicapped.

TN Patriot
TN Patriot
January 12, 2021 5:57 pm

I used to watch Fox News a lot, but they started getting woke and fired some I enjoyed listening to. Most of the lefties they hire are so obnoxious, but I repeat myself, and I either would mute or change channels when they would start spewing their BS. I was down to watching Tucker, Maria and Lou Dobbs before the election and no longer watch Tucker. Still occasionally watch Levin and Hilton on Sun night.

Fox died when they did the woke purge and were buried when Wallace did the debate.

I watch OAN (Chanel Rion is HOT) and some Newsmax, but mostly watch old movies or Smithsonian

January 12, 2021 5:59 pm

1. I stopped regularly watching Fox News when they brought on all of the nevertrumpers in 2017. Each successive year it got worse and worse with more liberals and nevertrumpers than conservatives. It reached its lowest point when it fell blindly into line on the election night calls. Regardless of whether there was election fraud or not, it was the major news medias’ job to dig in and investigate; not to completely disregard all of the video and sworn transcripts out of hand.

2. No. Instead of continuing to give us an alternative voice to the mainstream liberal media, it has taken on the mission of simply being number one in mainstream media. If that means towing the liberal line, so be it.

3. None. The news makes me sick. Newsmax and OAN will get there eventually, but I simply can’t watch any of it.

January 12, 2021 6:36 pm

I don’t watch ANY news. I do, however, listen to WMAL. In my area, this is the radio channel that hosts Rush Limbaugh. Mark Levine, Chris Plante and others are on before and after Rush. I am now souring on WMAL as well. They have all been told to stop talking about The Steal.

It would seem I am correct in that I have mentioned a few times now that we are entering “The Entering”.

What is The Entering? We are entering the beginning of the new Dark Age.

January 12, 2021 6:52 pm

Since covid, no news, not even the fucking weather. I dont wanna hear it.

January 12, 2021 7:11 pm

I made this during Ron Paul’s 2008 run when Fox News , in particular that greasy POS Sean Hannity, was attacking RP everyday. I haven’t watched one of their broadcasts since…not even Tucker , who’ll likely turn out to be a backstabbing cuck too.
It’s even more true today.
comment image

Lest we forget. Don’t support your enemies in any way whatsoever.

January 13, 2021 8:30 am

I still can’t fathom how that clown thought the proper response to being accused of sexual harassment was to run off to Israel and look for lawyers while his assistant is being called a shiska and laughing about it. He is really a vile man.

Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
Harrington Richardson: They Are Quislings
January 13, 2021 12:33 pm

Care to expand on that a little? Never heard why he got divorced etc.

January 13, 2021 12:42 pm

Hannity is a Deep State asset…always has been.

Hannity Tries to Dismiss NY Times Report About McConnell’s Openness to Impeachment as ‘Salacious Nonsense’

Hannity Tries to Dismiss NY Times Report About McConnell’s Openness to Impeachment as ‘Salacious Nonsense’

January 12, 2021 7:51 pm

Sorry, but when you consider “fair and balanced” to include ONLY statist, big government positions, there is no reason to be called fair or balanced or journalists.

I watch Tucker when I feel the need to try and watch televised “news.”

January 12, 2021 7:52 pm

Don’t watch news, so no comment.

January 12, 2021 7:53 pm

Q1: 20 years ago I preferred fox news over the others. The women on fox were attractive. Lots of drug ads. Lots of fluff. I disliked bill o’rielly’s show. I don’t remember much else. I didn’t learn anything important watching Fox.

Q2: No, Fox News was bullshit even back then. It was neocon news. Lots of flash and fluff and superbowl food recipes. The OJ trial was a fraud. Fox and the other news channels Sux DDD I agree.

Q3: I don’t watch T.V. anymore, I read text news online on various sites and pick up video clips here and there.

January 12, 2021 8:17 pm

Q1. Yes, but, Megan was smokin’ hot!
Q2. Yes, but, Martha is smokin’ hot!
Q3. Yes, and it’s smokin’ hot!

January 13, 2021 4:19 pm

Martha WAS pretty hot. Gotta admit.
I loved her sidelong glances at the camera.

lamont cranston
lamont cranston
January 12, 2021 8:36 pm

Faux used to be semi-OK. No longer. Both of us (she-cum laude MBA/JD, retired CCO & Board Secretariat of the N American divison of an int’l financial svcs co & 3 yr pres of the Inman Park HOA; me 32+ yr biz owner/MBA) never watch network crap except for HGTV, TCM, Bama whipping the crap outta Woody State (in SC a “GBTO” rear window oval sticker is mandatory), etc. Tucker snippets the following day are the toatl Faux viewing I do, period.

This woman is a limited hangout Deep Swamp troller.

Breitbart, ZH, TBP,, Armstrong Economica, Paul Craig Roberts & The Abbeville Institute, sometimes, are my news sources. She’s into Red State & a few others I don’t have time for.

If you have SiriusXM, I strongly suggest listening to Radio Classics to see the difference between portrayal of wimmen in ther 40s/50s vs. the crap they are today. They’re mostly devious and whiny back then…wait, oh WTF.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 12, 2021 10:18 pm

1) I haven’t watched TV in over 10 years. I’ve only watched what has been highlighted on this site.

2) FOX is part of mainstream media, though it has a more conservative bent, but they still use the same tactics, putting their own spin on things and not reporting what they don’t want to report. In other words, lying by omission.

3) I watch no TV news. I have certain alternative websites and video channels I watch for my news. I do click on local news just see what crazy antics are going on around my town and to get the weather report.

January 12, 2021 11:00 pm
None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
January 13, 2021 3:14 pm

When I saw that the day he died, I immediately thought, good riddance to bad trash.

January 13, 2021 4:25 pm

Hey, Glenn Beck was awarded a “Defender of Israel” award by Adelson AND Bibi Netanyahu in 2011. Doesn’t THAT make you feel all warm and fuzzy? He bragged about it today on the radio. (Just listening in my car)

Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
Undiapered in VA ILuvCO2
January 12, 2021 11:37 pm

Used to watch before I cut the cable 5 years ago. Sometimes watch Tucker on BoobTube. Although now in Virginia, I at time listen to Howie Carr from Boston in the afternoon on a NH local radio app. Cut the cable!!

January 13, 2021 12:03 am

I question anyone’s motive or IQ who still pushes the same old Democrat-Republican two party bullshit, what side are you on crap. We need more Republicans vomit. There are Americans and there are traitors. Lets call it what it is.

Lee Harvey Griswald
Lee Harvey Griswald
January 13, 2021 12:49 am

1- Slim to none.
2- No
3- None. TV is only connected to a DVD player.

  Lee Harvey Griswald
January 13, 2021 8:34 am

And we very rarely even use the DVD player.

January 13, 2021 12:17 pm

Lots of reasonably good TV shows from the 1970s available on DVD. Just bought my wife the Wild Wild West series. The cable will likely leave this year.

January 13, 2021 4:26 pm

Have Gun, Will Travel, Rawhide, and early Gunsmokes are pretty good, too

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
January 13, 2021 1:11 am

Monkey Werx: Everything you’re seeing is a psy-op:

January 13, 2021 3:31 am

1.. basically never. have seen scraps of fox on the boob tube while in places where there’s one of those things blaring, just as ive seen scraps of all sorts of other channels and nonsense on the tube when there’s one around blaring.. like anybody who’s been in an airport in the past 20 years cant avoid CNN, for example..
2. fox is pretty much the same crap as all the rest. mass media itself, all of it, the mere existence of it, the mere technical feasibility of it, is an enormous force multiplier for corruption and deception.
3. don’t watch (or even own one) teevee. on the internet tubes anything that one does encounter gets sent straight to the bullshit filter. most of it fails the test there. any scraps that pass the initial bullshit test get further consideration. the most useful information that feeds into actual thought processes was gathered and written down decades, even centuries, even millenia ago.

January 13, 2021 7:24 am

Q1: — What is your history with watching Fox News?
I used to watch back in the Glen Beck and Bill O’Reilly days, both pretty good authors.

Q2: — Is Fox News as wonderful as she states below?
Fox sold out, fuck them.

Q3 (optional) — What TV news do you watch, if any?
None, don’t have cable.

January 13, 2021 7:45 am

Used to watch Fox News a lot. They got rid of Bill O’Rielly which was a mistake. Tucker Carlson is OK, so is Lou Dobbs (on Fox Business).

Other than that I watch OAN and NewsMax.

Ignatius J. Reilly
Ignatius J. Reilly
January 13, 2021 8:02 am

Q1: — What is your history with watching Fox News?
Watched it pretty much daily from its beginning. Now only selectively, and not the news portions. The incident with Newt getting shutdown for mentioning Soros was the last straw.
I will watch Tucker Carlson, Maria Bartiromo, Lou Dodds & sometimes Hannity, though he wears.

Q2: — Is Fox News as wonderful as she states below?
NO, Not even close

Q3 (optional) — What TV news do you watch, if any?
OAN & Newsmax

Depressed Aussie
Depressed Aussie
January 13, 2021 8:54 am

1, Apart from Glen Beck as a child when visiting my aunts who had cable I have only seen a couple of Tucker clips,
2, No, plays the same narratives as the Clinton News Network these days albeit watered down.
3, My tv does not get used. Only keep it for guests. The blatant propaganda and mind dumbing ‘programming’ makes me angy. To be honest I even struggle reading a newspaper these days without wanting to jump off a bridge due to the vast stupidity and lack of awareness in the general population

January 13, 2021 9:50 am

Since I shitcanned Direct TV 2 years ago, I just have Roku, Netflix, and Newsmax. Occasionally get blurbs on Fox News, surf selected local news channels on Roku, subscribe to WSJ. With so much BS from talking heads, photoshopped photos, CGI…who, what, where, can truth be found? CNN was the go-to news in the early 90s then sometime after 9/11, it was FOX. Now it is TBP, Knuckle Draggin, Corbett, and a couple of astute old farts.

rhs jr
rhs jr
January 13, 2021 11:24 am

Don’t watch TV; can’t stand infuriating Leftist NYC Globalist Cultural Communist NWO lies and crap. I get most of my information from the Internet but the Beast is destroying that too; Conservatives are actually the Majority but are being stripped of everything of this world’s demonic system and soon will have nothing more of it to lose. Don’t pity the Commies when 160 million armed frogs jump out of the pot.

January 13, 2021 12:03 pm

There is no news, just opinion pieces which come from mostly incompetent hypocritical fools. No need to watch MSM any more, heck, seems like Australia has better news than US or EU. Used to watch RT some, just to get some comparisons, at least RT was doing pieces on BAD corporations, rich donors, try to find that in the last 10 years among the MSM. They get most money from Pharma, Military complex and now the Internet Industrial Complex. We will NEVER see a bad report on any of these in the future.

Only transparency would be to publish their advertiser/donor class list at the start of each program.

January 13, 2021 12:19 pm

Occasionally over the past four years.

Not great but tolerable compared to whats out there. The woman are hot.

Watch Tucker and Justice and mostly OAN

January 13, 2021 12:29 pm

I can’t stand the news for more than a few seconds at a time.

I guess I prefer to be uninformed rather than misinformed.

I listen to podcasts all day long while I work. Pretty much an assembly tech at this point so I can. There is so much great stuff to listen to I can’t begin to keep up.

None Ya Biz
None Ya Biz
January 13, 2021 3:02 pm

Q1: I do not watch Fox News at all.
Q2: Since I do not watch Fox News, I have no opinion of their broadcast.
Q3: All News channels on all my systems are blocked so their propaganda can’t poison the minds of people in the household. Local news channels are not blocked. However, the only part we watch is the weather. After that the channel is changed to something worth actually watching like the show on the Science Channel called ‘How It’s Made”.