The Lies Of The Borg Are The Glue That Binds

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The Borg are an alien group that appear as recurring antagonists in the Star Trek franchise. The Borg are cybernetic organisms linked in a hive mind called “the Collective”. The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of “assimilation”: forcibly transforming individual beings into “drones” by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components. The Borg’s ultimate goal is “achieving perfection”…



You will be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.

– The Borg


Ironically, this article begins with an epilogue.  It is because what began four years ago with a dream to Make America Great Again® has now become the nightmare of a collectivist coup and The New Domestic War on Terror®.

For years now, I have speculated on the presidency of Donald Trump as the “bleeding of the brake lines before the big stop”.  Unfortunately, it now appears that speculation has been answered in the affirmative, because it happened:  America has been assimilated into The Collective.

In my last article on The Borg, I took a very hard-line approach on Trump as a Judas Goat hired by The Borg to trick patriotic Americans into a trap.  After all, the only obstacles that remained in the way of The Borg’s “Great Reset” were the U.S. Constitution and those who would defend the nation as founded.  And, yet, a U.S. President who promised to make America great again and swore an oath on a Bible to uphold said Constitution has surrendered the country to a stolen election and foreign governance.

Regardless of anyone’s particular position on President Trump, it is good to have these discussions – especially prior to whatever Citizen Trump may do next. Before the former president begins a crusade on voting integrity, or forms the Trump Patriot Party® or a new Trump Media® Empire, it is wise to debate at least the possibility of him as a traitor to his base.

Certainly, online articles and comments can inform, but this writer views blog posts as a forum to primarily share perspectives and opinions. Although some of my articles are posted to provoke thought, or even persuade, I, mainly write to test ideas and, hopefully, generate comments and views that will enlarge my own perspectives on any given issue and, potentially, even change my mind.

Admittedly, the process often requires assuming a role and relentlessly hammering specific ideological positions.

So perhaps I am, or am not, the wild-eyed Trump hater as presented in my previous article. Either way, I wanted to force the conversation to the point of receiving push back from online commenters whom I respect. Perhaps unsurprisingly, in testing loyalties to Trump, I have mostly received feedback from those who are not yet willing to pronounce harsh judgment on the former president; perhaps out of residual love for his accomplishments and boldness, or because of how he has agitated the snowflakes in such gratifying ways, or a myriad of other reasons.

Yet, I’ve seen no unequivocal evidence that Trump is genuinely who he has presented himself to be; other than The Borg’s apparent oppression of the man, which could have been part of The Borg’s plan of distraction from the beginning. Moreover, as of this time, the outcome of Trump’s presidency has not been overly positive for his supporters; to say the least. Therefore, any remaining loyalty to Trump among his base seems to be visceral – in the same way, perhaps, we might make excuses and allowances for a beloved friend or family member.

When Trump didn’t fully release the Operation Hurricane documentation prior to the 2018 midterms, people said: “He is filling the courts with conservative judges first!” He was always playing 4-D chess or “he’s setting a trap” such as the “watermarked ballots”, etc. Then it was the executive order on foreign interference in elections, a brilliant plan for the “Stop the Steal” on January 6, 2021, and then the national guard in D.C. to arrest the Deep State cabal on January 20, 2021. Even now, some claim the country will be taken back by mid-March or sometime in April. And, yes, it appears Q-anon has played a role in some of the speculations.

But the feedback that gave me the most pause on my last article was as follows from a commenter called Thunderbird:

And speaking of the swamp did Trump not say he was going to expose the swamp creatures; or rather drain the swamp so everyone could see the creatures in it? Well he certainly exposed them. So what now?

Admittedly, Trump did do that. But does it mean Trump is real and still has the means to achieve effective political solutions? Or does it mean President Trump was installed by The Borg to facilitate specific outcomes, demoralize Deplorables, and to demonstrate the futility of resistance?

Perhaps Trump does have some more tricks up his sleeve. Anything is possible. Even so, after all we have witnessed so far, I fail to see how any next moves made by Trump will be anything more than Opposition Lite – just like his presidency over the last four years; and anyone refusing to acknowledge that contention may remain continually caught up in distractions and have difficulty facing the reality of America’s future.

It seems people always say “hindsight is 20/20” in sort of a disparaging, sardonic, or, even, self-deprecating way. However, hindsight can be a good thing if embraced as closure prior to making a new start. Because now we know:  The Borg has assimilated the entire government of the United States. And this is why the GOP, U.S. institutions, and the justice system have all completely collapsed.

The Latin term for this type of assimilation is solve et coagula which means to “dissolve and coagulate”.

Even so, there remain millions of Trump supporters who believe the Democrats have obtained power illegally through fraudulent elections.  It means a large segment of the American population will NOT be persuaded by the lies which bind The Borg. Obviously, this… shall we say… lack of acceptance represents a threat to The Borg in the same way an honest child might jeopardize the fashion show hosted by a naked emperor.  And, this is why Washington D.C. more resembles North Korea currently, as censorship now trends throughout all of The Borg’s media.

Certainly, The Borg fears facts because facts reveal the lies of The Borg. To The Borg, truth is resistance.  Therefore, The Borg now claims thoughtcrime may give rise to potential terrorism. It’s called “terrorism” because any sort of decentralized disruption would threaten The Borg’s very existence.  In fact, the War on Terror is a matter of survival to The Borg.  But, what The Borg now assigns as terror was once called free speech and freedom of association in America.

Why did this happen?  Because the billionaires own all of the biggest media bullhorns, and the lies they propagate are the means to gaslight the public.  This is merely The Borg’s method of manufacturing consent. The lies become narratives and the narratives form beliefs that people act upon in faith.

Honestly, it appears the lies of The Borg have become a new religion of sorts, complete with the accoutrements of faith that separate the believers from the terrorists.

As written in my last article on The Borg:

What do you get when you mind-meld collectivists and useful idiots into The Technocracy?

The Borg.

It is an apt description because people must assimilate into The Borg system or be considered as dead to the system. You are either assimilated, or targeted to be assimilated, or you must die. We are forced to choose because it is their system. It is their grid. They are The Matrix.

In truth, however, that is their illusion and the key to their destruction.

In the precepts of Marxism, there is, undeniably, a fanatically religious aspect to “The Greater Good” complete with its own morality and law; The Greater Good of course, being the survival of The Collective.  But even that is a lie.  Look to all of the purges throughout history to see how The Greater Good has always been primarily about the survival of the Queen Bees in the hive.

Now substitute the word “Marxism” in the above paragraph with “Covid-19”. Do you see it now?

The Borg has assimilated America; and the reason The Borg has done this is to ensure its own survival.  But even more than that, The Borg desires perfection to point of achieving transhumanism through the merger of bio-technology, artificial intelligence, and the technological singularity.  It seems they wish to evolve into gods and, as some believe, fulfill a promise dating all the way back to the Garden of Eden and The Fall of Man.  And given the fact The Borg has now swallowed the entire U.S. Government, this provides an entirely new perspective on the separation of church and state, does it not?

Politics defines mankind’s relations with each other whereas theology addresses Man’s relations to what is perceived by Man as The Greater Construct. It seems throughout history a fundamental conflict has consistently reoccurred between brute survival and the… shall we say… Long View of the Greater Perception.

And what is the Greater Perception? Some would call it spiritual truth, or law, or reason, or accepting Jesus Christ as Savior, or eternal principles, or, even, unselfish love for others.

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

– John 15:13

Except The Borg has twisted the Biblical standard of love into people sacrificing their lives for The Borg.  This is being done through deception and currently being administrated by the highest offices of American government, transnational corporations, and globalist organizations.  And, unfortunately, there appears to be little or no resistance at the national or global levels.

Therefore, in the vacuum of genuine leadership, the time has come for those who cherish the individual, and liberty, to abandon party politics and become the anti-borg.

Just as former presidential candidate Ron Paul once stated:  “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act“, so does maintaining one’s Higher Perception become revolutionary during times of lawless tyranny.

English philosopher John Locke claimed:   “The end of law is not to abolish or restrain, but to preserve and enlarge freedom. For in all the states of created beings capable of law, where there is no law, there is no freedom.”  This means, in a lawless nation, the governing authorities will always attempt to extinguish freedom.  It is happening now:  An illegal authority expects to enforce its own laws.  And that is the very definition of tyranny.

Those who maintain a Higher Perception have an understanding of Natural Law and “certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”. And, certainly, none of these are bestowed by The Borg.  In fact, all The Borg has to offer are deception and political power growing from the barrels of guns.   Their guns, that is; and that is why The Borg must now have your guns.  Because no more political power for you.

It’s true The Borg now has the advantages of deception and technology but it’s also a fact the anti-borg has the modern perspective of history; including the insights of former Soviet dissident and historian Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn:

And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand? After all, you knew ahead of time that those bluecaps were out at night for no good purpose. And you could be sure ahead of time that you’d be cracking the skull of a cutthroat.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956

In comparing the civil rights leaders Martin Luther King, Jr. and Gandhi, activist Malcolm X once claimed Gandhi was a big black elephant sitting on top of a little white mouse and King was a little black mouse sitting on top of a big white elephant.

The Borg knows it’s a little mouse riding an elephant harnessed by technology and this is why the new gulags have been digitally and robotically enhanced. It’s why the switches and gates are now being closed via the Covid lockdowns and the vaccine agenda. The Borg fully expects to inject all Americans with genetic software while licensing The People’s firearms and electronically billing their insurance companies for precautionary anal swabs.  And if American’s don’t cooperate, then forced mandates will soon occur under extreme duress in the wake of more false flags, or war, and martial law.

So what should be the response of the anti-borg?

The ideal would be to become the opposite of The Borg.

The anti-borg answers The Borg’s call for global centralization and digital cash, with local decentralization, barter, and genuine value.

Whatever The Borg seeks to bind, the anti-borg sets loose:

The Borg believes its survival is paramount.

The Borg believes people must assimilate into its system because it is The Borg’s grid and they are The Matrix.

The Borg believes resistance is futile.

The Borg believes the entire earth belongs to them.

The Borg believes its illegitimate laws will be enforced and obeyed by human drones willing to trade their souls for status and security in an ersatz empire.

The Borg believes its destiny is secured through technology.

The Borg believes its army of drones and robots are superior to human dignity.

Of course, these are just a few of the lies that glue The Borg together. Yet the illusions are far more fragile than The Borg can comprehend.

If the Borg binds The Collective through fear and lies, the anti-borg responds with random dismantling, on an individual basis, with courage and truth. When areas of vulnerability are identified, the anti-borg questions what can be won, separately, and in the right places at the right times. The anti-borg is a randomly accidental array of anonymous glitches in the system.

What can be won?

The anti-borg acts individually to defeat deception with truth while esteeming courage above cowardice, and faith over fear. Unlike The Borg’s beastly concern for dominance as its means to survive, the anti-borg enjoys the Long Perspective of Eternal Principles; as these transcend death.

The anti-borg values fundamentals like constitutional law, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness over political correctness and political party dialectics. The anti-borg appreciates the grand inevitability of historical and generational transitions with clarity and humility.

The anti-borg prepares and decides. It is cautious, and will not cast its pearls before swine. It chooses its options carefully, deliberately, and has identified which hill to die upon. The anti-borg sets realistic priorities and realizes what it does now and next are all that matter.

The anti-borg understands the divisions in the military and law enforcement and identifies them by their actions:

…as long as Mr. Security Agent remembers that he swore the same oath that millions of Americans swore, to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, he will certainly not permit himself to take part in gun confiscation raids. But if he does, well, let’s be frank: tens of millions of Americans would then consider him to be the very domestic enemy that they swore to defend the Constitution against.

The anti-borg has an understanding of the Long View of the Greater Perception and knows what is at stake at all times:

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Mark 8:36

Cities, counties, and entire regions can be secured when constitutionally-committed law enforcement agents coordinate with current civil administrations.  But the heads of select institutions and agencies must collaborate quickly and decisively to achieve self-sufficiency before The Borg assimilates them all.

Disbanding the glue that binds The Borg requires its illusions be shattered by surprise solutions – applied at the right time in the right locations.

What can be won?

The answers to that question are what the Borg fears most and this is why challenging The Borg’s illegitimacy has been labeled as “terror”. It fears “Irish Democracy” because no “conspicuous rebels” mean there are none for The Borg to “crucify for the edification of the public”.

So turn off the television, ignore the news, and courageously challenge the lies which bind The Borg.  Splinter and split the illusions from within, or out on the walls, in the shadows, just ahead, or around the corner: at times anonymous and apart, while making a stand or on the run.  In the words of musical artist Lou Reed:  “break up into a million pieces and fly into the sun”.

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Author: Uncola

I am one who has found the road less traveled while remaining a whiskered, whispering witness to the world. I hope what you just considered was worth the price and time spent.

Notify of
February 3, 2021 7:26 am

“any remaining loyalty to Trump among his base seems to be visceral – in the same way, perhaps, we might make excuses and allowances for a beloved friend or family member.”

Not this “loyal” supporter. My support for Trump when I voted for him had much to do with this fact; the alternative was far far worse. That is till true today. It doesn’t have anything to do with “making excuses.”


“The Borg has assimilated America”

There are, at a minimum, 100 million Americans who have NOT been assimilated. The Borg are doing a shitty Ass. job.


“In truth, however, that is their illusion and the key to their destruction.”

“SLEEP”, that’s the command Picard told Data to program into the Borg’s collective. Even the Borg need to regenerate, and they do so while asleep. Surely, 100 million American Patriots can put the Borg to sleep, a deep sleep, a permanent sleep.

February 3, 2021 7:32 am

You’re always #1 to some of us, or at least #2.

February 3, 2021 7:38 am

A. “Ahftuh oll, zere iss not enough Kobe beef und lobstuh tail foah oll uff us. so plees, get zee vaccine!” – Klaus Schwab, Davos man

(4 minutes)

B. and here’s a beautiful smart black girl with a message for wipipo practicing pathological altruism.

(1 minute)

C. make them think it’s a racial war, so they won’t notice it’s a class war.

A + B = C

February 3, 2021 8:23 am

Relevant and vitally important. Thanks Plato

Brought this from 4th turn det pt 2 because the discussion of all the damage to our government by the Clinton Administration is obvious as she discusses the One World Government we face (Uncola’s Borg, i think)

February 3, 2021 11:09 pm


Don’t mention it. I just wish Joan Veon was a household name, like Catherine Austin Fitts and Lynette Zang.

Lynette Zang has covered the technology associated with the Borg and the “Great Reset”and the plan for our future where “we will own nothing and be happy.”

Which I find ironic since our “natural” rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ” used to read, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of property” (aka owning stuff aka freedom).

February 3, 2021 11:24 pm

Plato- I never miss Lynette Zang on Youtube. I have been waiting for financial truth , she lays it out very nicely.

February 4, 2021 7:31 am

Joan Veon RIP

February 3, 2021 8:36 am

Dammit, I lost my opportunity to edit. Why is the edit feature set to just one hour??!!

At any rate, Doug, just wanted to say you did a very good job in showing how to put the Borg to sleep via your “anti-borg values fundamentals”. In fact, this advice …

“So turn off the television, ignore the news, and courageously challenge the lies which bind The Borg.”

… is perhaps the Best Solution of all time.

February 3, 2021 10:46 am

Some of us have been screaming just that for decades. We figured out the NWO in the 70’s, this is not news and don’t hold your breath for anything to change Unc til the pain becomes unbearable or most of us are dead.

Turn off the tv and ignore the news…. a little late for that isn’t it? The destruction is half way through the plan .

February 3, 2021 11:58 am

Sorry to quibble, but the destruction is mid 4th quarter, if I may use such a analogy.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
February 3, 2021 1:17 pm

In a blog post courtesy of the International Monetary Fund, IMF researchers Arnoud Boot, Peter Hoffmann, Luc Laeven, and Lev Ratnovski called for internet search history to be tied to credit score.

  Eyes Wide Shut
February 3, 2021 2:41 pm

If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear!

Tangentially, I have in my family a federal prosecutor who informs me that if, someday, somehow, child pornography is detected on your personal computer, you can hire all the attorneys can afford, but there is no effective defense against such a charge. Likely, you will find yourself begging for a quiet plea bargain….

I suppose the above is kept near the bottom of the feds’ bag of tricks, and only used if they can literally find nothing else to hang you with.

February 3, 2021 10:51 pm

No, its towards the top of the feds bag; its easy, as most of them have it for themselves, and its effective.

  Eyes Wide Shut
February 3, 2021 8:46 pm

Dig it. The tens of thousands of posts over the years has likely guaranteed me a No Fly List honorarium.

  Eyes Wide Shut
February 3, 2021 8:47 pm

Wish you’d provided that link.

July 1, 2023 4:53 pm

Most of you will go to the FEMA camp. Not me . I’m to old to be a problem to them.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
February 4, 2021 2:28 pm

“What terrifying thing is just on the edge of tomorrow?” you might ask. It—or more accurately, they—were known by many ancient names. Universally, they were called the Shining Ones. To the Sumerian people, they were the Annunaki. To the Greeks, they were the Titans. The Book of Enoch calls this ancient evil the Watchers. And the Hebrews knew them as the Bene Elohim of Genesis 6. Literally, every ancient culture on this planet shares a common story of beings appearing from the great unknown other world—be it the heavens or another star system—that would bestow ancient (and forbidden) knowledge to mankind.

The apostle Paul encodes a warning of this approaching evil and connects it to the return of the Son of Perdition:

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. (2 Thessalonians 2:8–12)

The Bible uses some very interesting terminology in verse 11. “For this cause” may mean that something will come to prepare the way for the Son of Perdition. These ancient Shining Ones will prepare the hearts of those who have rejected God’s truth and have found pleasure in unrighteousness or adikia (ad-ee-kee’-ah) in the original Greek, which means not only “unrighteousness of heart and life,” but includes “deeds violating law and justice.”[i] What kind of delusion will be allowed by God? The word used for “strong” is the Greek word energeia (en-erg’-i-ah), which is used in the New Testament to only describe superhuman or supernatural power.[ii]

  Eyes Wide Shut
February 4, 2021 3:43 pm

Yep, yep and yep. Dr. Michael Heiser does some great work on this subject. One of his many talks linked below.

Graham Bell
Graham Bell
  Eyes Wide Shut
February 5, 2021 1:08 pm

The Watchers, evil fallen Angels were destroyed by Christ 2000 years ago.
Romans 16:20 The God of all peace will soon crush satan under your feet.

The evil we face is in the hearts of flesh and blood men. They fought not against flesh and blood but spirits, and authorities in high places. Thats first century people. Not us today.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Graham Bell
February 5, 2021 2:12 pm

Define ” soon”.
To God 1000 years is as a day.

  Eyes Wide Shut
February 6, 2021 7:06 am

Or, to God, a million years is like a minute and a million dollars is like a penny.

“Dear God, please give me a penny.”

God answers, ” Sure. Wait a minute, willya.”

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
February 6, 2021 10:47 am

2 Peter 3:8
New American Standard Bible
8 But do not let this one fact escape your notice, (A)beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and (B)a thousand years like one day.

Eyes Wide Shut
Eyes Wide Shut
  Eyes Wide Shut
February 6, 2021 10:48 am

Don’t act special Ed

  Graham Bell
February 5, 2021 2:56 pm

“The Watchers, evil fallen Angels were destroyed by Christ 2000 years ago.”
Wrong on both counts. Give this a listen.

February 6, 2021 2:48 pm

Defeated not destroyed.

  Eyes Wide Shut
May 5, 2021 3:58 am

No need for the Religious BS ! Great article.

February 3, 2021 3:20 pm

Quibble away Falcon but according to the Agenda 21/30 evil f’ers…..this is a forty year plan that started in the year 2000.

    February 3, 2021 8:49 pm

    Hell, they’re way ahead of schedule imo.

    February 3, 2021 2:34 pm

    I have a casual, ad-hoc mental map of the Earth, and have attached personal descriptors to many countries and regions. Most of North America is populated by “The People of The Lie”.

    Lying really has been developed to an art form in the USA (and elsewhere), and has been incorporated into the personalities of its inhabitants far more than I would at one time have believed possible.

    F**k Yeah!!!!

    February 3, 2021 3:54 pm

    Is your mental map of earth spherical or flat?
    Just curious.

    February 4, 2021 12:21 am

    Flat. The Kavrayskiy VII, or Robinson, projection is sweet!

    February 3, 2021 4:15 pm

    a little late for that isn’t it?

    Again, as written in the article, B, my contention was this: What we do now and next are all that matter.

    February 3, 2021 5:11 pm

    OK Unc…. So, what do we do? Sit around with our mask on and play pretend with the TPTB while they ruin the planet and kill off the useless eaters? I have to say that spending time on problem solving in lieu of blubbering for another month or two about how Trump disappointed us will be most beneficial. I nominate you to start the problem solving forum with any and all solutions you can muster and we will add on to yours.

    Otherwise….see ya in the poor house/tent city/ gulag.

    February 3, 2021 5:17 pm

    boy you sure showed him with all the possible suggestions for what to do.

    I think the question is rhetorical… asking for suggestions, getting feedback… you know the brain storming starter kinda question…

    February 3, 2021 6:29 pm

    So, what do we do?

    Every moment of every day, be the opposite of The Borg. Most intelligent and aware individuals know what their next right decisions/action should be. And if they don’t, they should seek the counsel of trusted friends and advisors in their area.

    It would be arrogant of me to claim to know the next best choices are for readers who are not in my area or in my specific situation – that’s why the article addresses the solutions from a general perspective.

    But let me give you an example: The other day, I had a liberal friend tell me he was going to get the vaccine, so I sent him the YT vid of the 1-16-2021 Dr. Lee Merrit interview. Can’t believe its still on YT. What is great with that vid, though, is she is a respected physician mainly asking questions like “why the censorship” of effective treatments such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and speculates on the profit motives of big pharma – hardly anything for my friend to kill the messenger over, ya know? After all, she’s a doctor.

    The opportunity to wake people up is better now than never

    February 3, 2021 11:40 pm

    Unc- I wish I could share your outlook. I have clients who still believe Trump is a god and will magically be president soon. Most people believe COVID is real, the tv told them. Two million signed up for the vaccine in Chicago the first hour. People are scared to death. I still say it’s going to be like rowing up stream to even get their attention at this point. TBP has residents that are brighter than the average bulb Unc. Outside of here it’s a brain dead wasteland.

    February 4, 2021 12:28 am

    I know man. It’s disheartening as hell. But the answer is not in the problem. The answer is in the answer.

    February 4, 2021 1:43 pm

    If the vaccine is really meant to depopulate…then won’t that mean 2 million less borg? So, just stay out of the way while they “depopulate” their own followers. How many people are they hoping to eventually vaccinate? We will eventually outnumber them…. problem solved.

    February 4, 2021 1:48 pm

    An interesting notion, but not being the opposite of The Borg though. Ya know?

    February 4, 2021 2:49 pm

    Anon – Bingo! That is my sentiment exactly. I don’t understand all of the hand-wringing over the vaccines. Let the stupid people take them, and if they die (or become sterile) then their genes will be removed from the gene pool. That is how natural selection works.

    February 4, 2021 3:57 pm

    What would Jesus do?

    Mary Christine
    Mary Christine
    February 3, 2021 7:42 pm

    B, did you happen to see the couple vids that leaked out of Canada bout the inbound Canuks who thought they followed the rules for testing but were abducted upon landing and taken to the medical gulag?

    Anyway, speaking about The Borg, maybe you and possibly Unc might like this video. 90’s Illuminati cards and all. I haven’t watched it yet and he removed all of his previous videos so it looks like he has only made one. He’s got The Borg on his mind, too. I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet. Just a fyi.

      Mary Christine
    February 3, 2021 11:32 pm

    MC- Canada has gone full retard with the covid torture. This is the time of year Canucks go to Mexico or they flip out from cold/snow/darkness. I heard there would be quarantine at the cost of 2K for us also. You know we are closer to the collapse when they keep everyone under tight control close to home. I’ll watch the vid in a little while.

    February 4, 2021 11:03 am

    MC- Watched the entire video. Interesting points on the Borg and the official “Operation Warp Speed” logo. Oh, the symbolism…….

    February 4, 2021 12:05 pm

    I began to use “The Borg” as a reference here many years ago:

    The Borg is dreaming new realities it wishes to be true. The Leftists are daily becoming ends unto themselves. By means of sheer will, their fantasies will come to pass; any contravening facts be damned.

    But, my more recent references began in force here on 1-2-2021 with the “Janus in transition” article. The date the video was posted was 1-29-2021. Internet minds thinking alike? Or ripples in the pond?

    Regardless, the symbolism as described in the vid (from the approx 15 to 2o minute marks) was very interesting indeed.

    February 4, 2021 12:19 pm

    Unc- Don’t forget in the Star Trek series, the Borg injected the victims to assimilate them.

    The box in the warp speed logo is far darker than the guy doing the video alluded to.

    ordo ab chao
    ordo ab chao
    February 5, 2021 2:35 am

    Mornin’ Uncola….

    This video takes it a bit deeper. From about 22 to 35 min., MAGA as the fifth level of hierarchy in the church of satan, and on into an interview with Anthony Patch from 2014 where he discusses coronavirus/vax/borg….

    Did you ever see the Seattle space needle virtual video that Mary Christine posted back around NYE? There are quite a few still shots of that display in this video as well.

    annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-=====

    While I'm here, (it's a long scroll to just the second comment, lol) I want to buck your T-Bird pause just a bit. From my view, if I could become so acutely aware of DC swamp critters from way out here on the plains, Trump should have also been aware, at the very least to the degree an internet surfer was.

    "Come on, man…give me a break"…..he gave up the high ground, as was said down thread, and left his MAGA minions exposed with the power of the state opposing them instead of supporting them. That's about as 180 as you can get, no?

      ordo ab chao
    February 5, 2021 9:44 am

    Thanks, Ordo. Regarding Trump draining the swamp for all to see the creatures therein (in lieu of the creatures being removed, per se) – T-Bird was correct in the sense 70+-million Trump supporters….who might have been blind before…. now see.

    But, as I alluded in my above article, it’s possible The Swamp wants the Deplorables to now see.

    That’s all I was gettin’ at over here.

    February 5, 2021 12:14 pm

    Ordo- The space needle was CGI. I will watch the video later when I get back from an appointment. Anyone who dare says Trump had our back in this Warped Speed criminal action against our citizens should be busted square in the mouth. Don’t worry, we will all be prisoners in our homes soon if we don’t go down on our knees. People will end this by taking the jab to get a “get out of jail” card. Deez iz Nazis Ordo.

    July 1, 2023 5:09 pm

    but Trump built the wall and cleaned up the DOJ.

    February 5, 2021 2:22 pm


    Reminds me of Birdbox, I think I mentioned something like that about making people see.

    Thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear not

    February 5, 2021 2:42 pm

    For anyone interested,

    ‘BIRD BOX’: Christianity, The Great Awakening 2.0, Transhumanism, and the Neo-Feudal Order

    February 5, 2021 8:28 pm

    Doesn’t seem like two years ago, Plato. My Birdbox article was about people moving toward the frightful future while setting priorities and making their best decisions in faith. But, now, I would say the blindfolds in the movie are more symbolic of Joe Biden voters unwilling to see the monsters pulling his strings – because if they did look, their blissful ignorance would die.

    Also interesting how your version made mention of transhumanism, the singularity, and, even, the Borg.

    Obviously, those not wearing blindfolds see the same stuff, no?

    February 6, 2021 12:59 pm

    No doubt it doesn’t seem that long ago. I always enjoy your perspective. Thought provoking and I believe we have more in common than differences in our understandings, beliefs and perceptions.

    I slapped that together after watching BirdBox and reading your thoughts on it. It is amazing how someone else’s thoughts can spur your own thoughts in a slightly different direction.

    I appreciate your energy spent putting together such ruminations. Those seeds you scatter are taking root, we just don’t see it always.

    The Borg = manufactured Neo-feudal Nanny State, no room for individualism in this hive mind collective.

    February 5, 2021 10:14 am

    BL – We are full on communista now and most simply comply with whatever the govt says. Its sickening. I have yet to wear a mask and will never, Will not get the jab, ever.

    We protested on the streets here and you’d be amazed at the number of people who give us the finger and curse us vehemently, completely deranged.

    February 5, 2021 12:07 pm

    Brian- The official word came down through the PRAVDA news channels today that we have another 7 years of this to endure. Do the best you can, that is all you can do in the insane world in which we now live.

    February 3, 2021 8:50 pm

    Top bunk beotch! ;0

    February 4, 2021 7:48 am

    Don’t support the enemy in any shape, form or fashion, whenever, wherever possible. It really is that simple. And if millions follow suit….

    July 1, 2023 5:06 pm

    Nothing will change until we make them afraid. One communist at a time. Communists(for want of a better name) only understand fear and pain.

    February 4, 2021 7:41 am

    It’s habbening BL. GOP is in it’s death throes . Regardless whether Trump works for the Left or Right, I’ll be forever grateful to him for exposing the nation to the fact that the Grifters Only Party is a criminal organization of backstabbbing corrupt cucks.. How do you like your crow … fried or boiled?

    Embattled Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) boasted of a “GREAT” conversation Saturday with ex-President Donald Trump amid rising calls for her expulsion from Congress.

    The newly minted, far right-wing lawmaker, who is facing a growing scandal over her support for extremist violence, said she would never get off the Trump train.

    House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) villified Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) in a statement released Wednesday, “unequivocally” condemning her for statements about Democrat politicians that he claims “have caused deep wounds to many” and “do not represent the values or beliefs of the House Republican Conference.”

    SPINELESS: Kevin McCarthy Says MTG Endorsed ‘Political Violence,’ ‘Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theories,’ Caused ‘Deep Wounds To Many’

    February 4, 2021 12:23 pm

    Flash- Call me when Mitch McConnell no longer has a (R) following his name on the idiot box.

    February 4, 2021 12:30 pm

    Flash- You are like the little train that could, “click your heels together and say,”I think I can, I think I can, I think I can”, wish the bad old Repugnants away.

    Save yourself a potion of that crow. 🙂 The word for today Flash is UNIPARTY. There is no two party system ya fuknut.

    February 4, 2021 3:54 pm

    The R wing of the UniParty is done crow eater. In the short term, this may not be a good thing for Right, because even though the Grifters Only Party incessantly stabbed us in the back, they did lend token support for Right wing causes such as pretending to be against gun control and immigration , which inadvertently helped the cause, if only in minuscule way. Now that they’ve took a big dump on their base, the Right now has to build something of our own or die. Death is a great long term motivator . In fact it is the best.

    Try not to be suck a defeatist dumbass in the future. In only makes you look weak and cowardly.

    February 4, 2021 3:45 pm

    Out of power is the term you looking for crow eater and I’m calling you now.

    February 4, 2021 7:41 pm

    Flash-I answered the phone but your head was so far up your ass I could not hear you. We are entering five years that you have been beating me over the head with this crap.

    Get on with your life Flash, the UNIPARTY will be here til something drastically new is introduced. Who cares anyway? You must be a Democrat to be so obsessed with the demise of the (R) wing. Do you lust for only one party to be left when the smoke clears…. DEMS….are you serious? AOC turns you on?

    February 4, 2021 8:34 pm

    Sorry. I didn’t realize you are a total self defeated idiot. My sympathy is with you.

    February 3, 2021 2:12 pm

    Yo, Stuck! Yeah, I believe after someone replies to any comment we make, we lose the edit option.

    As I mentioned to you before, I believe I litigated against Trump enough in my last article and the ensuing thread. This article, however, began with my epilogue on Trump for a couple of reasons:

    1.) To make clear my motives for the hard-line I took on Trump in my last article

    2.) To summarize my conclusions about the feedback received on the last article

    3.) To completely explain why I don’t believe Trump is a viable political option for (as you say) “putting The Borg to sleep”

    And perhaps a fourth reason is because whenever the Coincidence Theorists see someone challenging the results of the 2020 Presidential Election, they want to claim it is the direct result of believing Trump’s baseless lies regarding election fraud.

    You wrote (in your first comment above): “the alternative [to Trump] was far far worse. That is till true today.

    And, as stated before, I’m not going to debate “President” Trump….. but if I WERE to debate the isssue…. I would say he may have been the better option before the “new normal” but now we know what happened:

    A.) Known election fraud was ignored by his administration prior to the 2020 presidential election and Georgia senate run-offs in Jan, 2021. No effective attempts were made to avoid these disasters.

    B.) The capitol building was not secured prior to the Jan, 2021 Stop the Steal rally thus allowing an easily predictable false flag to occur

    C.) A & B above resulted in the (as I wrote in my article above) the “dream to Make America Great Again®” to “become the nightmare of a collectivist coup and The New Domestic War on Terror®”.

    Now, whether Trump was incompetent or a Judas Goat is beside the point. The point is, either way, people are still willing to give Trump the benefit of the doubt like we would a beloved friend or family member.

    But, all that is just what I WOULD write if I were to debate the issue of Trump still being a “better alternative” today. Except, I’m not, really.

    You wrote (in your 1st comment above):

    There are, at a minimum, 100 million Americans who have NOT been assimilated. The Borg are doing a shitty Ass. job.

    300+ million Americans = 2 out of 3. Pretty good actually? 🙂

    And, regarding your mention of Star Trek: What is ironic is how so many who have been completely assimilated by The Borg, actually view themselves as The Federation of The New World Order with Senile Joe in the starring role of Captain Kirk.

    Dude, I couldn’t make this sh*t up if I tried

    Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
    Two if by sea. Three if from within thee.
    February 4, 2021 12:34 pm

    Uncola, you must take that number you’ve deduced in regards to NOT of the Borg and deduct all those who voted for Trump BUT still participating in the FAANG. (did I frame that correctly?).
    My bet those NOT of the Borg is a mere…
    Hmmm, say 10 million, tops!


    10-40 million maybe? Which would 10-13%. But, then again, there may many people who are awake and aware in the non-voting segment, too. Hence, their non-voting.

    Still, in March Madness terms, The Borg is sailing through the brackets on the way to the championship.

    February 5, 2021 2:49 am

    Isn’t it funny that if you remove an r, Borg becomes Bog, as in Swamp?

    February 3, 2021 10:01 pm

    Edward R murrow tried to warn us in His seminal farewell speech

    Ben Lurken
    Ben Lurken
    February 3, 2021 10:38 am

    As far as Trump is concerned he did not have anyone around him presenting his true best options. If he did in the beginning, in the personna of Bannon and Flynn, they were quickly marginalized. Jared had his own agenda and once he completed most of it, on behalf of a certain country he didn’t want to stick around anymore.
    To all my fellow TBPers who have the time, or want to take the time, Patrick Byrne’s parts 1 and part 3, I haven’t read part 2 yet, are remarkable.
    Part 3 gives great insight into the Trump White House during December where his close aides were preventing him from even knowing what his options were.
    part 3

    How DJT Lost the White House, Chapter 3: Crashing the White House (December 18-22)

      Ben Lurken
    February 3, 2021 11:18 am

    Orange man bad…yeah, we got it….again. I defend him, no apologies for doing so. I deliberately voted for him and did so twice because I knew what would happen if he lost and now….you little bashers….are (hopefully)getting the reality of what life will be like sans Trump. Enjoy. Everything about the ‘Borg’ was lined up in full force and fury against him, they stole an election to remove him and now you have Bolshevism on steroids. Enjoy that boot stomping on your face, it’s only just begun.

    As to the Borg? The answer is to go Galt. So long as the beast is fed, it will thrive. So long as there are useful idiots (liberal/leftists) who believe the propaganda and lies it will thrive. It’s astonishing just how many truly stupid and brainwashed souls there are out there. Legions of them and they actually think the Marxists that have seized power are honest and working for them. The entire downtown DC is wrapped in concertina wire and fencing with military checkpoints all over the place and the fools who live there feed their captors cookies and treats.

    February 3, 2021 12:01 pm

    Cop who murdered Ashli Babit not charged with murder….

    The Capitol Police officer who fatally shot Ashli Babbitt will not face criminal charges, according to a report of the recommendation made by investigators.

    But the fool in the viking/buffalo horn hat, Jacob Chansley, faces 25 years in prison.

    Chansley was arrested in Arizona on Monday and indicted on six federal charges, including two felony charges of civil disorder and obstruction of an official proceeding, and could face 25 years or more in prison if convicted.

    February 3, 2021 12:17 pm

    Under Biden Covid testing now requires anal swabs, but that’s ok because he’s not Trump.
    comment image

    February 3, 2021 10:07 pm

    When will people realize it don’t fucking matter who is President, both parties are owned and any new movement quickly infiltrated, co opted and redirected or minimized.

    February 6, 2021 7:48 am

    I think that the reason the shooter isn’t being arrested/prosecuted is that he must remain a non-person in the mythology. ‘Tying off’ that vein simplifies the main body of the tale, which is necessary for making the myth live.

    February 4, 2021 11:04 am

    I’ve said many times over the years we need to build a fence around that place and lock them inside

      Ben Lurken
    February 3, 2021 12:00 pm

    Not making excuses. Donald Trump was one man against the tidal wave.

      Ben Lurken
    February 6, 2021 7:44 am

    Thanks for bringing up Byrne’s Deep Capture site. In part 2, there is a tidbit that helps show how Trump lost, and was losing all along thanks to Obama holdovers:

    “32. On January 6, 2017 DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson on the Designation of Election Infrastructure as a Critical Infrastructure Subsector.

    a. This means that election infrastructure becomes a priority within the National Infrastructure Protection Plan. It also enables this Department to prioritize our cybersecurity assistance to state and local election officials, but only for those who request it. “…

    That should be enough to locate the reference. The Trump administration left in place key Obama holdovers who should obviously have been among the first to go in a transition.

    Mary Christine
    Mary Christine
    February 3, 2021 3:10 pm

    There are, at a minimum, 100 million Americans who have NOT been assimilated

    Interesting stat. Got a link for that? Because I think you are full of shit. There might, just might be 1/10th of that. Most people I know, even if they think the WuFlu is mostly baloney are still tied to the Borg. They actually think they will be able to retire in comfort in 8-10 years. That this will all pass. That if they get the jab, even if they are afraid of it, they need it to keep their job so they can retire.

      Mary Christine
    February 3, 2021 3:33 pm

    MC: Have to agree with you. Most folk I encounter believe it’s gonna be alright and things are hunky dory. Then again, there could be folk who publicly state they love Big Brother while privately holding totally different thoughts.

    February 3, 2021 8:54 pm

    It’s a fine time to be dissin’ Mr. Trump but his only option at the time was martial law. He still has a slick trick available:

    Donald J Trump can use a “Writ of Quo Warranto” against Joe Biden

    February 6, 2021 8:03 am

    Yes, I remember that article. Trump hasn’t ever taken advantage of any “slick trick available” sine he allowed Giuliani to snuggle up to him. About martial law, much was made of Trump having initiated the Insurrection Act. Apparently, he never did, because “the media would flame his ass off”, with some wannabe legal experts have said that the Insurrection Act was superseded by the Posse Comitatus Act, but that is nonsense.

    Biden, however, has kept troops in DC in open defiance of the Posse Comitatus Act. It all keeps piling up and it’s obvious that all of the “slick tricks available” have passed their use-by dates.

    February 3, 2021 9:37 pm

    Posting for a friend. Perhaps tilting at windmills, but it’s contributing to an Awakening.

    February 3, 2021 9:50 pm

    Sticky thinks,

    “100 million American Patriots can put the Borg to sleep, a deep sleep, a permanent sleep.”

    A 100 million Americans? Most Americans have been asleep their whole lives living the American Dream! Just like George Carlin said!! Surely you jest! And the majority of the recent “awakened ” Baby Boomers actually believed the Q nonsense and still have faith in our institutions hahaha!

    Give me a break!

    February 3, 2021 8:09 am

    Local, local, local. This is what it has come down to. Live in a community of like-minded individuals that share the same values. If you are not in a community like that, you are in the wrong place for what is not coming but, what is now here. While meat and foodstuffs are available — load up. Pick up that extra freezer and if you don’t have a generator, get one now. (And don’t forget jerry cans and fuel stabilizer).

    In most places you can still buy a gun but, for the most part, you can forget about the availability of ammo. Get what you can to protect what you have.

    If you have a garden, think of enlarging it a bit. If you don’t have a small flock of chickens, get them.

    Start attending your local counties monthly commission meetings. Let them see your face and introduce yourself as you can. Most cities/counties have a CERT (Community Emergency Restoration Team) group. Join it. You will meet other like-minded individuals AND, you will be one of the first to know of any emergency in your locality. The federal government is lost. Most state government are now too.

    As one of the meme’s above suggests, there is only so much in your power to control. Actually, we control very little. But, for those things you can control, do them! You will not feel helpless and you will be doing yourself, your family, and in the coming days, your neighbors a great service. You will have the means for survival and perhaps even thriving.

    Finally, for those of you that still believe in date setting and that on March 4th, Trump will be sworn in as the 19th president of the nation, wake up from this psyop. There are not 400,000 sworn affidavits, the Crown is still in Buckingham Palace, and Trump is golfing at some unknown destination. For the love of Mike — get over this delusion.

    February 3, 2021 8:20 am

    In the end Trump was like a 7th-8th grade prick teaser. He led us to believe we’d get some of that purty ass. Hillary was going to jail then, she wasn’t. We’d finally get a wall then, we didn’t, etc.
    I was floored when he diddn’t pardon Assange or Snowden. That was the big reveal. He had me hoping until his last day.
    Since his departure my worst fears were realized and that was the size and power of the swamp to rule over all.
    Yes, the BORG has been undeniably exposed. It’s a ghastly creature; the antithesis to our Constitution.
    The barbarians are not only within the walls, they are deeply entrenched.

    February 3, 2021 11:37 am

    He said snowden should be executed! Seen so many times people held out hope for his pardon. Everyone is ignorant or deluded. Including the monkeys here in this echo chamber, though the muzzled order followers are far worse off. They have been assimilated and no longer capable of reason or logic.

    Electromagnetic pollution, Rx, aerosols in atmosphere, pesticides, gmo, plastic, nanobots, et al. Bad times becoming worse are the future.

    Controlled opposition, bleeding the brake lines. Damn right. He was always a traitor and was allowed small, insignificant victories for perception and to continue the ruse. Keep hoping for ‘something’ while their agenda continues forward with no meaningful disruption.

    You will not be left alone, no one is going to save you, your guns will not stop the Borg. Complete destruction of all modern, technological infrastructure is the only way we’re not all fucked.

    Agenda 21/30
    2025 Owning the Weather
    Deagol 2025
    Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars

    Viral based genetic modification
    Vaccination by nasal swab
    I could fill a library but it won’t do any good.

    Just about sick of people who thought their idol would pardon someone he wants executed.

    Its all a bad fucking joke.

    February 3, 2021 12:56 pm

    The Clintons “they’re good people”
    Lock her up “that works on the campaign trail, now not so much”
    Red flag laws “take the guns first”

    Just off the top of my head. Yeah he’s on our side. The guy who’s pals and in photos with all the worst people. The guy who’s wretched casinos were bailed out by the worst of the worst.

    And just to say, there is not much to say about the new regime, they are and have been quite transparent. “I have assembled the greatest voter fraud whatever blah blah blah, I don’t know what I’m signing, I like when kids bounce on my lap in the pool and rub my leg hair”

    February 3, 2021 3:54 pm

    Letting Hope Finally Die,
    Leads to improved and more accurate Vision. – – –
    When did the people on the Titanic finally lose hope and faith?
    When their ankles were wet?
    The down-votes at times, amaze me here.

    February 3, 2021 4:22 pm

    Final thoughts, the shenanigans at the capitol were instigated by a certain fellow who told all of his followers to go there. With no plan, except for the hidden setup (infiltrators, police showing them inside, and media frenzy) and final betrayal (now any freedom minded individuals are branded as Terrorists!). Likely to be turned in by their own family!

    The only damn violence was an unarmed lady with a last name that means ‘average person’ being executed at point blank. Think about that, hidden meanings and symbolism are some of their favorite things.

    A bunch of idiots wandering around in dumb outfits and taking selfies. “Don’t dare care them protesters, they are violent, dangerous extremists. Terrorists!”

    Does anyone offer lobotomies? Drooling over a bowl of cold oatmeal has to be better than to be aware of being stuck in satans sick sitcom.

    grace country pastor
    grace country pastor
    February 3, 2021 5:15 pm

    “The only damn violence was an unarmed lady with a last name that means ‘average person’ being executed at point blank. Think about that, hidden meanings and symbolism are some of their favorite things.”

    Nice pick…!

    By The Way
    By The Way
      grace country pastor
    February 3, 2021 6:14 pm

    Definition of Babbitt

    : a person and especially a business or professional man who conforms unthinkingly to prevailing middle-class standards

      By The Way
    February 3, 2021 7:07 pm

    Yes, the symbolic final nail in the coffin of the middle class. An even better representation than what I remembered of it.

    A video was shared here a few weeks back. It is instrumental to understand why some things are how they are. It should stay on top of TBP indefinitely. It is that important.

    Dr Schroeder discusses the trading with the enemy act 1994.

    Basically in WWI it was made illegal to trade with the enemy. In the early 30’s people wanted their money out of the banks and instead the people of the US were now deemed the enemy. It’s why every thing you do now needs to be licensed. All actions to this day are still based on the original act in 1917 I believe and the one that turned us into the enemy in the 30’s. The land and property of every citizen was used as collateral to solve that crisis.

    There’s so much to it and Dr Schroeder knows much more about law and legalese than I do.

    The video and it’s contents are very important!

    ordo ab chao
    ordo ab chao
    February 5, 2021 2:57 am


    I was nodding in agreement with your first couple of posts, came across this one-is this the video ? I haven’t watched it, just thought I’d grab it for you:

    “Final thoughts, the shenanigans at the capitol were instigated by a certain fellow who told all of his followers to go there.”

    Absolute cointel….

    annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—–===

    I sure thought Trump would retain the emperor's seat for another 4, but which wing covers the nest is of no importance. The 'peaceful transition of power'…….haha, more like the passing of the baton (syringe) in Operation Warp Speed

      ordo ab chao
    February 5, 2021 3:02 pm

    I think you posted the hierarchy thing here. The video is on YT, a couple versions, one is by ragtag rite. Only a couple thousand views, criminal.

    Dr Schroeder discusses the trading with the enemy act in 1994.

    He reads from notes in a binder at a desk, the video was from an agriculture convention or something. Basically a timeline of how the constitution was shredded, banks took over, we became the enemy. Bright guy with law after law and high level documents as reference.

    February 5, 2021 4:22 pm

    That’s the video, phone browser for some reason before showed your same link from below. Let me know what you think

    February 3, 2021 4:29 pm

    Deagel forecasted America’s population diminished by hundreds of millions. Biden’s plan for Operation Warp Speed to vaccinate a hundred million Americans in his first hundred days.


    Either way, what could go wrong?

    comment image

    February 3, 2021 5:18 pm

    Undead- Is that zombie on the left the mayor of Chicago… sure looks like her? Have you all noticed how many people in charge don’t look all together human? Creepy.

    Mary Christine
    Mary Christine
    February 3, 2021 7:44 pm

    Have you been to Deagel lately? They just updated their website recently.

    ordo ab chao
    ordo ab chao
      Mary Christine
    February 5, 2021 3:03 am

    Mornin’ MC….

    These numbers are even worse, no?

    annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-====

    8 United States of America 99 $1,630 $32 $16,374

      ordo ab chao
    February 5, 2021 11:11 am


    ordo ab chao
    ordo ab chao
    February 5, 2021 2:45 am


    Here’s an alternate punch line….it is what it is:

    Registered Member (no degree)
    Active Member—Satanist (First Degree)
    Witch/Warlock (Second Degree)
    Priestess/Priest (Third Degree)
    Magistra/Magister (Fourth Degree)
    Maga/Magus (Fifth Degree)

    Hierarchy in the Church of Satan

    annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-==== when gods once again comingle with men

      ordo ab chao
    February 5, 2021 2:50 pm

    Ordo thanks for replying directly. First, derp is a foolish tag, I’ll now be (S)SS, (someone’s) sick sitcom, whenever I get to posting, which in the past has been very rare but maybe that will change.

    I’d briefly read at some point of that hierarchy, the bright red attire to go along…

    It seems a number of others may have been nodding along, to go with the handful that had their feelings hurt. Being that I wrote in cynical rant and called everyone a deluded dumbass, I didn’t expect a great thumb response. But I did only post shit that’s pretty hard to argue against. Not even one badfingerjoe on my take on the capitol and cold oatmeal, surprising.

    Anyway I agree with much of what you post, and being from small town and of no nonsense, I don’t really have people in my life that want to be bothered, by just about anything, including thought. So, I was hoping you’d be interested in more direct communication than public message board?

    I can set up a throw away email to get us in touch if necessary. Reply if interested.

    Open invitation, I’ve been at it for a long time now and maybe I could help others with a puzzle piece or two. Or just conversation, something that happens less and less these days.

    It’s been a hard life and my body has taken a heavy toll, so I’m entirely unsure of what I can offer to help the good of humanity, but I feel more compelled to do SOMETHING with each passing moment, as it seems our collective time draws near. So this is me reaching out, with sound, capable mind to any that hear this call.

    February 3, 2021 8:26 am

    So, the author is stating the boots on your door are going to come from the police and military!

    very old white guy
    very old white guy
    February 3, 2021 9:22 am

    They will.

    February 3, 2021 8:38 am

    “Except The Borg has twisted the Biblical standard of love into people sacrificing their lives for The Borg”

    The military (especially since the draft) has been snookered into this trap; instead of fighting the existential enemy right here in America.
    Maybe the 22 + suicides per day of veterans are those who realized what had been done to them and their dead friends.

    February 3, 2021 2:11 pm

    That and the PTSD.

    February 3, 2021 3:57 pm

    At least with a percentage of the military suicides,
    I have to believe that something breaks inside,
    when you realize that everything you did, – – – –
    You did for Nothing.

    February 3, 2021 9:37 pm


    That can be a factor…especially in the age of many understanding real history, and how WAR IS A RACKET…but My Uncle Red, who was like a second father to me, was haunted his entire life by what he saw and did in Germany in WW2 in the infantry.

    He was treated as a highly decorated hero his entire life…but was filled with regrets, nightmares, and unresolved trauma over doing and seeing what God never, ever created us to do and see.

    February 3, 2021 10:32 pm

    As a member of the military for almost 20 years, when people say thank you for your service, I say, it’s just a job. It also might keep me out of the gulag, but probably not

    February 4, 2021 8:03 am
    February 4, 2021 12:44 am

    >>>something breaks inside, when you realize that everything you did, – – – – You did for Nothing.

    Some things the US military are called upon to do are a good deal worse than nothing. Still, I hope any vets with serious guilt issues do NOT turn to suicide, but rather attempt to redeem themselves from any guilt… by whatever means necessary. Any training/experience picked up in the military can be used to make humankind’s situation better, though perhaps not in the same way as was intended by the trainers.

    February 4, 2021 2:15 pm

    Ununderstood and untreated PTSD can be a death sentence or at least will destroy your life, your marriage, and most of your relationships.

    After you come to terms with it, take it to the foot of the cross and lay it down…and LIVE! Really LIVE!

    very old white guy
    very old white guy
    February 5, 2021 7:54 am

    I read On Killing. I found it very interesting. After seeing your post I started looking for it but can’t find it. I must have given it away.

    February 3, 2021 9:28 pm

    Jaz, no name,

    You both are right.

    However, I believe God did not make us to do what we do to one another in war…any war…for any reason…when it comes down to eyeballing the trauma of human gore…and living with the aftermath, no matter the cause, side or reason…there is a cost to being exposed to that. The more exposure the more expensive the cost.

    Many pay that cost with their own lives at their own hands.

    The enemy’s or the buddy’s or the innocent trapped in-between screaming agonies, and human gore, will be expensive beyond endurance for many…for many reasons.

    Actions not taken or mistakes taking action or friendly fire given or received etc. etc. etc. will haunt beyond endurance for some.

    Shoulda, coulda, woulda, if I had, if I had not have, this or that would not have happened…would have happened…it can play in your mind like a Groundhog Day nightmare.

    The only ones who escape any degree of PTSD from close in killing, fighting, surviving, witnessing of any war for any reason are the 2% psychopaths and or Sociopaths…who would bath in blood if they could get away with it, but God will sort them out later.

    February 4, 2021 11:40 am

    Well Stated.

    February 5, 2021 9:34 pm

    Mark, I have to defer to men like you and Fleabaggs. Although, after reading: On Killing; if there were a clear and definite threat such as the Deep- State one might sleep pretty well after the battle.

    February 3, 2021 10:15 pm

    “Except The Borg has twisted the Biblical standard of love into people sacrificing their lives for The Borg”,

    The Borg is a collective, yet it must be viewed as the Mob. A mob is usually influenced and swayed by another force, sometimes a person other times an event. In our case I believe this explains it:

    Ephesians 6:12
    King James Version
    12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    ordo ab chao
    ordo ab chao
    February 4, 2021 5:40 am

    Mornin’ Plato….

    Director Mihail Roco, in the US government report, “Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance”, wrote of how what is coming sounds eerily similar to the Bible’s description of giving life to the image of the beast,

    “Humanity would become like a single, distributed and interconnected “brain” based in new core pathways in society.¼ A networked society of billions of human beings could be as complex compared to an individual being as a human being is to a single nerve cell. From local groups of linked enhanced individuals to a global collective intelligence, key new capacities would arise from relationships arising from NBIC technologies.¼ Far from unnatural, such a collective social system may be compared to a larger form of biological organism.¼ We envision the bond of humanity driven by an interconnected virtual brain of the Earth’s communities searching for intellectual comprehension and conquest of nature.”

    From the same article:

    “In a report to the Department of Defense titled “The $100 Genome: Implications for the DoD,” the JASONs convey that rapid advances in DNA sequencing and related technologies are not only ushering in an era of precipitous genomics information and sciences, but a time when both “genotypes” and “phenotypes” could experience unpredictable deviations. An organism’s genotype is the set of genes or the “genetic blueprint” it receives from its parents, while its phenotype involves the observable characteristics—the way it looks, walks, talks, and behaves. Thus what the policy advisors to ranking officials in Washington are warning is that, as we modify nature’s genetic balance (including animals and humans), we should expect they will manifest revisions in their phenotypic expressions as well. They may begin walking differently, thinking differently, and behaving in ways no longer atypical of known creation.

    That such unprecedented realities may well emerge has already been illustrated in animal-to-animal experiments, including those conducted by Evan Balaban at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, where sections of brain from embryonic quails were transplanted into the brains of chickens, and the resultant chickens exhibited head bobs and vocal trills unique to quail.[38] The implication from this field of study alone proves that complex behavior patterns can be transferred from one species to another, strongly suggesting that genetically altered humans will likely bear unintended behavior and appetite disorders that could literally produce modern “Nephilim” traits. In fact, some in government and science believe one-on-one, interpersonal malevolence by such altered humans might ultimately lead to a global Lucifer Effect and swarm violence. The seriousness of this is significant enough that a House Foreign Affairs (HFA) committee chaired by California Democrat Brad Sherman, best known for his expertise on the spread of nuclear weapons and terrorism, studied the implications of genetic modification and human-transforming technologies related to future terrorism. What the HFA found caused Congressional Quarterly columnist Mark Stencel to write in his article, “Futurist: Genes Without Borders,” that the conference “sounded more like a Hollywood pitch for a sci-fi thriller than a sober discussion of scientific reality…with talk of biotech’s potential for creating supersoldiers, superintelligence, and superanimals [that could become] agents of unprecedented lethal force.”[39] George Annas, Lori Andrews, and Rosario Isasi were even more apocalyptic in their peer-reviewed American Journal of Law and Medicine article, “Protecting the Endangered Human: Toward an International Treaty Prohibiting Cloning and Inheritable Alterations,” when they concluded: “The new species, or ‘posthuman,’ will likely view the old ‘normal’ humans as inferior, even savages, and fit for slavery or slaughter…. It is ultimately this predictable potential for genocide that makes species-altering experiments potential weapons of mass destruction, and makes the unaccountable genetic engineer a potential bioterrorist.”[40]

    Do these situations sound to anybody besides me like formulae for the coming armies of Antichrist? At a minimum they are highly suggestive that genetic alterations could play a role in the coming war against true believers.”

    annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—-===

      ordo ab chao
    February 4, 2021 10:17 am

    Ordo- Excellent link. They generally ask humans to volunteer to be sacrificed, looks like transhumans will do the volunteering for us. Great…….this game of life is already hard enough to deal with.

    EDIT: Let there be no doubt going forward that they are hell bent to remake humans into whatever it is they desire. Playing God is now the billionaire pasttime. Lucifer is salivating.

    ordo ab chao
    ordo ab chao
    February 5, 2021 3:08 am

    Mornin BL…

    ‘They generally ask humans to volunteer to be sacrificed,..’

    Thru this fear compaign, they’ll have most demanding a vax….

    Free will and all.

    annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum <—===

      ordo ab chao
    February 5, 2021 6:59 pm

    Ordo-Most things here in Slavelandia are geared toward volunteering. Women rush to take hormones that cause breast cancer, men rush to participate in bankster wars. Now, both sexes rush to the drive-thru vaccination centers. They prefer you give up your life to them over just dragging you out and shooting you in the head. The sacrifice is more desirable if you fuk up and kill yourself.

    Ya’ll chuckled the other day when I told you the object of the game of life was to stay alive. Still laughing?

      ordo ab chao
    February 4, 2021 12:11 pm


    As usual, you always bring something eye opening to the party! I am definitely going to read that link. Scary inhuman shit!

    ordo ab chao
    ordo ab chao
    February 5, 2021 3:16 am


    I found that Horn fifteen years back, and I have found some of the most interesting stuff there over the years. (originally it was They’ve also got a pretty good ‘five in ten’ news vid everyday.

    I give these guys a strong listen…they accurately predicted the resignation of a pope to the month and year.

    annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum……

    This is from a 2011 Strategic Perspectives conference:

      ordo ab chao
    February 5, 2021 9:52 am

    mRNA = synthetic biology?

    Brian Reilly
    Brian Reilly
    February 3, 2021 8:41 am

    Until the system completely fails, the vast majority of people will obey. As long as the beer is cold, Amazon is delivering, and the a/c comes on, old America is stating the course on the road to Hell. The trade of an easy material life for more abstract (seemingly, especially to the ignorant, sedated populace we have) bases of right, wrong duty, responsibility, liberty, choice and consequences was made some time ago. We encouraged, subsidized degenerates and psychopaths all for something bright and shiny today. We knew our children were being purposefully and maliciously misled by the popular entertainers and educators, but we did nothing. We knew that our courts and politicians were corrupt, but we just could not be bothered to do anything about it. We traded our right to freely associate and now we don’t have any choice to NOT associate. Too busy pretending we could all have our cake and eat it too. Then we were too busy making sure we had our cake in the form of unfunded pensions and government welfare, and are authorizing people to take it for us from others. More of us, fewer and fewer of them. Soon it will be ALL us, and there will be no THEM to take it from. What do you suppose we will do then? Start acting productively and decently again, or go hard into cannibalism? My bet is on the latter, and I pray it remains only metaphorical.

    It won’t last, it never does. But there will be Hell to pay. If the Borg metaphor works for you, fine. Just remember that this series of events is really as old as the Book of Genesis, and the Garden of Eden. You might say that America (for all faults one might attribute to her) from say, 1890 to 1980 was as close as a huge society has ever come to a sort of Garden of Eden. But it didn’t last. It never does.

      Brian Reilly
    February 3, 2021 8:52 am

    “Until the system completely fails, the vast majority of people will obey.”

    That is so very very true, Brian.

    comment image

    grace country pastor
    grace country pastor
    February 3, 2021 5:24 pm
      Brian Reilly
    February 3, 2021 5:52 pm

    Monetary auto-cannibalism is already here in the form of the pre-UBI covid stimulus checks. Every time you get one in whatever amount, all of your other dollars are diminished in value. People trade one dollar for two identical-looking bills worth fifty cent apiece and cheer as though they’d been made better off.

      Brian Reilly
    February 3, 2021 10:36 pm

    People won’t leave their old way b/c they have money in a dying system, and the only way to change that is to change money. They print the money so they have the power…anti-borg must reject it. Find alternative money and trade garbage paper money for it. Encourage others to do so. Most would say that I’m just pushing metals, I’m just saying that’s one of many alternatives.

    Hardscrabble Farmer
    Hardscrabble Farmer
    February 3, 2021 8:43 am

    Been processing a beeve for the past 8 days, from slaughter to finishing up the last of the jerky today. An 1,100 pound animal that was born here, grew, and gave it’s life for us and our friends and neighbors. Some of those days were brutally cold, the last two it snowed continuously, but we stayed on it the entire time as well as handling all the daily chores while heading into sugaring season.

    20 years ago I was filled with a white hot rage at things I saw going on, saw coming and though I knew in my gut I was right, there was no way for me to act honorably in response except by mimicking the behaviors of the opposition because I was a part of the system. I earned my living off the fraudulent economic system, filled our home with consumer goods, spent my entire day sitting motionless in front of a computer crunching numbers, looking at my future in terms of investments and 401K’s while my own family grew up out of my sight except for the short time I had in the evenings to spend with them.

    I wish that I could go back and start all over again doing something of value when I was younger and had more time ahead of me, but that’s not how life works. I am grateful that it finally dawned on me that in order to be of real value as anything other than an economic unit in the borg, we had to cut ourselves loose from it and stand on our own two feet.

    It is never too late to do something worthwhile, to start from scratch and begin to control those things we can do and to let the rest take care of itself. And when you do life starts to take on a texture and depth that you never knew existed before. Good people begin to enter your life, your health improves, your attitude becomes positive and every act has value no matter how trivial and common if it is done with intent.

    I really appreciate this one on this morning, this is what we need to hear if we are going to emerge- in one form or another- at the other end of this era.

    Now back to the smokehouse-

      Hardscrabble Farmer
    February 3, 2021 8:47 am

    “I earned my living off the fraudulent economic system, filled our home with consumer goods, spent my entire day sitting motionless in front of a computer crunching numbers, looking at my future in terms of investments and 401K’s while my own family grew up out of my sight except for the short time I had in the evenings to spend with them.”

    You should re-post this brutally honest assessment in today’s QOTD when it gets released.

      Hardscrabble Farmer
    February 3, 2021 11:54 am

    HSF, you offer us a glimpse into your life as proof of THE solution. Thank you. Being in the Borg, it is hard to imagine life outside. Hard to envision the life my family COULD have if we develop the courage (as Doug describes) to leave the Borg system.
    I imagine i am not the only person on here faced with the daily cognitive dissonance of knowing we are voluntarily offering our life force for a system that enslaves us.

    I think about breaking away every day.

    Hardscrabble Farmer
    Hardscrabble Farmer
    February 4, 2021 6:54 am

    It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult. – Seneca

    Just John
    Just John
    February 3, 2021 9:03 am

    So, how did the Borg pull off this coup? Simple. If you want to achieve a desired outcome you control both sides of the equation.

      Just John
    February 3, 2021 10:24 pm

    Understanding human behavior

    February 3, 2021 11:43 pm

    Plato- As a sociologist, is there anything in your toolbox to measure the insanity all around us now?

    February 4, 2021 12:35 am

    Mass hysteria and development of new diagnoses of mental disorders for Big Pharma to prescribe the solution for….more and more social anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, germaphobia, hypocondrea….the Nanny State will provide EVERYONE within the system a psychiatrist for your “right” to have adequate mental healthcare. I can see it already! Obama had the Affordable Health Act and Creepy Joe will have the mental health act I’m sure with some catchy name like the Patriot Act so no Real American would ever question it (sarc).

    No, nothing in my toolbox to measure this shitstorm. What has happened over the past year is so diabolical.

    Lockdowns, a prison term, mind you, introduced to our children for their “safety ” in our schools because of school shootings by kids usually who have been on prescribed psychotropic drugs, then to our neighborhoods at gunpoint, Boston Marathon Bombings and now entire States and countries, and still I know countless people who can’t wait to be vaccinated hahaha…

    I suppose a silver lining in this whole scamdemic is there hasn’t been a mass school shooting in America for almost a year now.

    Wait until the kids go back fulltime again, should be just fine, especially with all the ridiculous social distancing and mask wearing procedures they are implementing in the public schools here in California.

    February 4, 2021 9:46 am

    I suppose a silver lining in this whole scamdemic is there hasn’t been a mass school shooting in America for almost a year now.

    On that issue, The Borg does not need to manufacture consent any longer because they have the power. They control all three branches of the U.S. Government.

    February 6, 2021 7:58 pm

    from here its manufacturing compliance

    February 4, 2021 5:16 pm

    On a side note, I was listening to Mcduff Lives the other day during a live stream and someone told me that in order to request a FOIA on your strawman you have to be dead.

    So, once I’m gone, please some TBPer do a FOIA on me, I’m sure Admin has my real name.

    February 3, 2021 9:05 am

    Great post Doug. Whatever Trump is/was, he let the high ground go, just like Lee at Gettysburg… Chip

    Call Me Ishmael
    Call Me Ishmael
    February 3, 2021 2:31 pm

    Don’t think General Lee ever held the high ground, that would be Cemetery Ridge. He did run the yankees off Seminary Ridge on the first day, and they all retreated through town to the best spot on the battlefield. Lee lost because General Longstreet did not want to fight and screwed up marching around the second day, and then General Hancock held the center and did not retreat the third day.
    Worth the visit, and spend at least three days there to get the full experience. Long time ago could go out on the battlefield at night, which was kind of spooky thinking about all the carnage that went on there.

      Call Me Ishmael
    February 3, 2021 10:13 pm

    I will go visit, thanks!

    George True
    George True
      Call Me Ishmael
    February 4, 2021 12:57 pm

    “…..Lee never held the high ground.”

    So true. And the fighting on the far eastern flank of the Union line at Little Round Top was pivitol, even though it was far removed from the main battlefield of Cemetery Ridge. Had the Confederates been able to turn the Union flank there (which they almost did) the outcome of Gettysburg might have been far different.

    February 3, 2021 10:38 pm

    Yea, and the problem is his soldiers worshipped him, believed he could do no wrong, just like a certain con-man president.

    February 4, 2021 2:03 pm

    Awwww…come on no name…leave Trump the hell out of this one…your TDS is almost funny if it wasn’t as the Orange Man would say: “So sad…So sad”…

    Just picture the Bad Orange Man singing this to you…it will brighten your day!

    comment image

    February 3, 2021 9:47 am

    We all figured out long ago that Star Trek was a preview of BS to come from the MEC. We are experiencing the foretold yutes rebelling against the established order episode. Some of you may remember that one, not one of the better installments. This yute rebellion would be interesting if it were not so apparent that it is orchestrated by our old friends in the establishment/cartel/TPTB.

    It isn’t hard to figure out why TPTB was so dedicated to producing brain dead morans in the public school system and ditto for their parents watching fantasy news on the idiot box. Smart people resist the Borg, they know this.

    February 3, 2021 4:07 pm

    I still remember sitting at the dinner table with my Parents.
    Huntly and Brinkley were on with the News. And every night,
    they would give the Death Reports from Nam with the numbers
    of Dead Viet Cong.
    and Once a Week with the weekly tally.
    And then We Still Lost Anyway. – – –
    And I continued to play with my fork in the mashed potatoes.

    February 3, 2021 5:20 pm

    LeRoux, I laughed….I don’t know why I laughed but I laughed. 🙂

    February 6, 2021 8:08 pm

    made me flash back to the same memories. kent state, gen westmoreland lying about body counts, cronkite (the stealth borg himself) droning it to familiarity…

    February 3, 2021 10:09 am

    Unc., you have broken through from your previous exploratory literary wordplay fun-smithing (all of which were most excellent, by the way) into a very effective, erudite and mature (please don’t hit me!) thoughtful conclusion.

    Taking a step back often seems to be counter-productive, but in reality is one of the most essential components to grasping the larger picture, hence making more effective and productive decisions (and therefore choosing the best actions to take) in practically any field of endeavor.
    I cannot view anything, in the whole existence of humanity, other than through the lens of scripture. When it states boldly that, love it or hate it or dismiss it, Israel will have ALL nations against it, that means that the US we believed existed cannot be in existence at that time. The reasons for that historical support, or the reasons for the eventual non-support matter not; all that matters is, like in every single other thing we are seeing today, what is actual reality.
    I have always had reservations about Trump; I stated clearly at the time and ever since, and to many people, that I remembered the sordid crap that went on during the 2016 Primaries, both by Trump and the Republican ‘leadership’ against him. (Dems are a whole ‘nuther level of ugly, so there needs to be no mention of their nefarious dealings) In fact, their blatant escalation (or revelation of what already existed) of corruption was the final straw that led me to choose once and for all to eschew any political affiliation with anybody. As soon as the whole election fiasco was done, I did what I had been pondering for years and became unaffiliated as a registered voter. I knew then, considering the alternative, that Trump was the only logical choice for my own personal opportunity to continue to prepare for what I, just as most here stated at the time, could see coming, one way or another. Trump is, and always has been, a symptom not a cause or a cure.
    Discussing these matters often helps prioritize and keep my mind on what is truly important, but has the inevitable feel of discussing an autopsy, or the final coma-ridden status of a terminally ill patient. I seldom get too involved.

    Now we are entering the later stages of what is to come.

    All in all, a most excellent article, Doug, with much to ponder.

    February 3, 2021 10:28 am

    TS? If you have time (and have not already done so) look at the Joan Veon Tulsa Seminar linked above. I had been watching it piecemeal (is in three parts) and when it was gone from the top of the page, I brought it back.

    In the seminar, Veon explains the increasing “interdependency” of ultra-national organizations and governments around the world. What grabbed my attention was her mention of the FAO and the idea of sustainable agriculture.

    FAO is the Food and Agroecology Organization of the United Nations, didn’t you know? They have an agenda to change the food systems across the world. If you think that sounds great, well… wait until you see what you can do with a plate full of sea worms.

    comment image

    I got interested in this because I read an opinion piece that guestimated up to 40 percent of our crops here in the “heartland” are owned by China due to corporate ownership of the crops planted.

    I still think the country will be broken into regions. I don’t think anyone is going to save us.

    February 3, 2021 10:55 am

    Maybe tonight I can get to it.

    February 4, 2021 12:38 am

    2 hours is quite a bit more than I want to do, so I basically scanned through it. I’ve seen most of it in shorter segments at various times over the last several years. I found that I’m already familiar with the material. But I do recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen or considered these things.

    February 3, 2021 10:32 am

    “I cannot view anything, in the whole existence of humanity, other than through the lens of scripture. “

    “To a man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
    Mark Twain

    Thinking that a hammer is the only choice to solve a problem is an illusion.

    February 3, 2021 10:53 am

    But the very first, the most foundational, understanding must be to accurately recognize what the problem actually is. Hammers are created for specific tasks, and can be used in ways that are not always consistent with their original design, but the eventual result is, generally speaking, a finished product. Someone with that in mind will also know how to use saws and plumb lines. The proper way would be to state that an ignorant and single-focused man with a hammer…
    I’m not about to take spiritual advice from the likes of Mark Twain. He could also be considered a ‘hammer’, in a materialistic world-view sort of way.

    February 3, 2021 11:09 am

    TS- While you are figuring it all out, maybe you can come up with a plan to fix the churches that have been completely neutered and have zero role in leading the flock in the right direction. Is it possible for Joe Six Pack to read the good book at home and have it sink in or does he need the help of organized religion? I say Joe SP will be home watching lame tv , drinking beer and consuming chips and scratching his ass…..period. Society needs to be lead, the Bible is useless to the sheep without a pastor.

    February 3, 2021 11:45 am

    How’s that Society-leading working out for ya?
    You seem to always be seeking a ‘plan’ or a ‘fix’. Every single person is responsible – and ONLY each person – for their walk or non-walk with God. Biblical basics are easily understood by an 8 year old, so why do I, or anyone else, need a ‘pastor’ or a ‘teacher’ to explain it to me? That’s a cop-out and placing the blame on someone else for a person’s own responsibility. We must be willing to explain the basics to those curious, but then it’s their responsibility to check it out. The nuances and growth of a discipled life can always use the support of mature Spirit-filled people, and like-minded Brothers and Sisters, but this ain’t the times of yore when the scripture was only in Latin, and only ‘Officially Designated Teachers’ could explain it to the uneducated masses.
    Joe SP’s choices are his problem, not mine. If he chooses that life, it’s on him. Just like those unwilling to see what’s going on around us right now.
    Either you want that eternal relationship with God, or you don’t, it’s pretty much that simple. The rest is window-dressing. A person ought to put in at least as much effort and time with that relationship as you would any other, earthly, relationship.
    Jesus and the gospel/epistle-writers are very clear about these points. All you have to do is read them, whether you finally believe them or not.

    February 3, 2021 12:31 pm

    TS- I can understand God on a level never explored by most. I will give you that one about Joe SP’s problems are his own. Unfortunately, we live in a world of Joe SPs who outnumber us on a massive scale. You and I may understand while most must be lead around by the hand. It is an imperfect world.

    How is the Bible working for you against the satanic forces that have taken control of every level of the human experience? Can you defeat the dark side by looking through the scripture on your own, Umm no….and that is your problem.

    February 3, 2021 12:53 pm

    BL – I don’t have to defeat the dark side, it’s already been done for me. That is the crux and final solution. This world has no hold on me, not in any way that is actually important.
    How is the Bible working for you against the satanic forces that have taken control of every level of the human experience?
    If you know God, aka Jesus, on a level you claim, than that is pretty much irrelevant.

    February 3, 2021 1:00 pm

    God / Jesus have a thin record on dealing with human suffering and genocide TS. You have the luxury of being smug.

    February 3, 2021 1:10 pm

    TS- 100+ million souls were exterminated off the planet last century, and the human misery was off the charts….. just sayin’. Our turn may be just around the next corner. I pray not.

    February 3, 2021 1:32 pm

    That single statement shows me that you don’t know God and His Self- stated ways nearly to the level you imply. I have been accused of being arrogant before because I trust God implicitly, and view His Word as the final say on anything of value. Once again, that’s my take and everyone else is free to have whatever opinions/beliefs they want. To equate the goings on of a fallen humanity’s horrific excesses to an unfeeling/powerless God, who respects free will despite the almost unfathomable consequences, is singularly spiritually immature. He is under no obligation to do anything, period. What He does is His choice, not our demand. He states, both in the Old and New testaments and the Gospels, that this fallen world will have mind-numbing levels of death and destruction, and to be prepared to suffer such. Especially in the time before He finally resolves the whole situation. His record does not need your approval.

    February 3, 2021 1:39 pm

    Call me when the Stasi come for you. That injection/bullet to the head won’t be far behind.

    February 3, 2021 2:16 pm

    Sigh. If you’ve read my prior comments over the years you know that I am most definitely prepared for that, and expect a bloody end to my physical life, barring the taking away. Just an infinitesimal blip in the eternal.

    February 3, 2021 2:42 pm

    To those that are lost the gospel is foolishness.

    1 Corinthians 1:18
    For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

    2 Peter 3:4
    and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.”

    There are many inside and out of the church that say these very things. Denying the power of the Cross. What you state TS is on the money, and many will not see this.

    February 3, 2021 3:31 pm

    Thank you, Brian.

    Eyes Wide Shut
    Eyes Wide Shut
    February 3, 2021 12:50 pm

    If alone or with family you are your own pastor first.
    In a community of individuals and families qualified elders of good moral character and example act as overseers of such.

    Call Me Ishmael
    Call Me Ishmael
      Eyes Wide Shut
    February 3, 2021 2:43 pm

    “But the Comforter, who is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” John 14:26
    And that was Jesus speaking .

    February 3, 2021 2:51 pm

    Unc., you have broken through from your previous exploratory literary wordplay fun-smithing (all of which were most excellent, by the way) into a very effective, erudite and mature (please don’t hit me!) thoughtful conclusion.

    Thank you for that, TS. I think? 😉 But seriously, I always strive to keep an open mind and sometimes that means it’s hard to write definitively when I’m not completely convinced. So it’s a fine line. And not easy. But, as I stated in my above article I’m always looking for new perspectives, hence the (as you say) “exploratory literary wordplay”.

    But now I guess time is answering all things; as it is known to do. And things are getting real.

    Thank you again for your comment and kind words. I appreciated them very much.

    February 3, 2021 3:44 pm

    Your quite welcome, Unc. It’s been a real pleasure watching your already excellent writing skills steadily improve. That’s the goal – or should be, hm? – for all of us.

    February 3, 2021 11:06 pm

    But TS, you misunderstand who Israel is; it is NOT that deserted sandbox in the mideast full of antiChrists! No way no how, regardless of the propaganda you have been fed. True Israel is a people – White people btw – and we are already seeing the prophecy come true.
    Dont believe me? Well, I could send you all sorts of links, but since you see things vis a vis Scripture – which is correct and good on you – I would encourage you to look it all up yourself. Look at the description of Israel, from the physical, to the mode of government, to the identifying marks including Gods law written upon their hearts, evangelising, exploring and inventing, and you will see that ONLY one people fulfill the Scripture. And it aint the antiChrist yid. You might even look at the physical description of the ‘new jerUSAlem’ – only one place I know of fits and it certainly isnt Palestine…

    February 4, 2021 12:26 am

    luke –
    Where did you get the idea that I’m down on Israel? Never and in no way have I ever stated such. I take God’s declaration that they are His chosen people very seriously. I know that they are at present not doing His will, and I am very familiar with their story, historically, militarily and scripturally from before and what’s to come. Please, seriously, explain why you got the impression that I’m not in line with scripture, on this. I’ve been to Israel several times, and love the place and the people. As a side note, I lump their gov. in with every other gov. on the face of this earth. Broken and fallen, and self-serving.
    The example of all nations being against Israel is scripturally accurate and was used as an example of why the America we knew, or believed existed, cannot continue. It will either be unrecognizable or gone.

    February 4, 2021 1:37 am
    February 4, 2021 1:23 am

    I re-read your comment and I think I got the wrong impression about what you’re saying. You appear to someone who believes in the replacement doctrine. If so, than I’m not interested.

    February 4, 2021 12:47 pm

    “A fool decides a matter before he has heard it.”

    I am not promoting replacement theory. I am asking you to use labels as scripture uses them rather than labels supplied to us by people who benefit from mislabeling.

    Could applying prophecies concerning one group of people to another group lead to errors in one’s eschatology?

    “Please, seriously, explain why you got the impression that I’m not in line with scripture, on this.”

    TN Patriot
    TN Patriot
    February 3, 2021 10:43 am

    Nice essay, Doug. The Borg may be all encompassing, but out here in rural TN, I don’t see much of it. TV news is nothing more than catching the weather report in the morning and watching the radar when a storm is near.

    I began liking Trump because he was saying all the same things I had been screaming at my TV for twenty or more years. He saw what was not right and he was able to express it on TV, Twatter & Fakebook.

    In ’76 Peanut Carter surrounded himself with his friends (called his GA Mafia). These people did not understand how the federal government worked and they were “swamped”. Trump also surrounded himself with old friends who were not looking out for the best interests of Trump or the country, but were long time swamp creatures. He would have been better off getting people on his team who had never spent a day in the District of Corruption and should have prevented his daughter and her grifter husband from ever moving to DC.

    I have been reading the series written by Patrick Byrne “How Donald J Trump Lost the White House” and it is quite eye opening. Trump was duped by his advisors and he was not smart enough to see it. When presented with the truth, he failed to grasp it and was dragged back into the swamp by the very people he trusted the most.

    Trump is now history for me, but I still believe in M A G A, just like I believed in the TEA Party and in Reagan’s Shining City on a Hill. I know how the story ends and my faith is in the One who will cause every knee to bend and every tongue to proclaim him Lord above all.

    February 3, 2021 11:07 am

    It became apparent after a few months that Trump was put in office to destroy th

    Robert Gore
    Robert Gore
    February 3, 2021 11:33 am

    At this point the Borg is too strong to challenge head on, but too weak and riddled with contradictions to survive. I await the collapse and will do whatever I can, in my own small way, to hasten it. I see and talk to all sorts of people who have essentially the same attitude. At this point you’re better off building bunkers and networks than manning barricades, but the time for manning barricades will come. Let our enemies make their mistakes and weaken themselves as we gather strength. With patience the opportunity will present itself to vanquish them.

    A good and well-thought out article.

      Robert Gore
    February 3, 2021 3:22 pm

    Re: Waiting…. if you’re above a certain age, think long and hard about to whom your remaining assets go after your death.

      Robert Gore
    February 3, 2021 5:05 pm

    I have thought the same for some time, but have one worry in that scenario. Total collapse of the US as a system is what the endgame has always been. A functional superpower nation state founded on basis of freedom and liberty (even if those freedoms are a just a memory) is a giant roadblock to one world government. It the Shining City on the hill proves to the world that all its vaunted freedoms and values were not enough to thrive, or even worse were a lie covering corruption and rot, well then the world will be much more accepting of something new.
    First we have President Trump and half the planet is convinced that he was a buffoon a liar and a racist fascist ect ect. This shows that our system allowed such awfulness to come to power. The we have our hero Biden come to save us, the system must still work if he can happen after Trump. There are two huge problems with that though. He is very obviously suffering from mental decline and the scandals surrounding his family are not going away. The American media might not be talking about the graft and corruption but again it is obvious to anyone who takes a moment to look at it that he is corrupt to the core. When the collapse happens Biden’s family secrets will be there seen and talked about by everyone.

    With these last two presidents we have a great narrative that our system and country are so corrupt that no matter who is in power they are evil and vile. The answer will be adopt a system that keeps another Trump or Biden from ever happening again. As for America? There are a lot of foreign and corporate interests and properties here that will need to be secured for the future.

    I think the collapse of everything is the goal, the Politicians think some status quo will continue for them, they are wrong. The billionaire oligarchs will likely move out of of the geographical US for the interim chaos. They all have redoubts elsewhere and have zero attachment to the US as a country or idea.

    February 4, 2021 6:35 am

    A functional superpower nation state founded on basis of freedom and liberty

    To me that statement is already a complete self-contradiction.
    (Unless you reduce the word “founded” to be there only for warm and fuzzy sentimental reasons, but then the whole statement becomes cynical instead of truth-telling.)

      Robert Gore
    February 3, 2021 10:31 pm

    “At this point the Borg is too strong to challenge head on,”

    Those who have usually bare the brunt of the focus from the Borg’s attention in the form of the Eye of Sauron and the power of the corporate controlled media and the social media Mob cancel culture.

    Gen. Chaos
    Gen. Chaos
      Robert Gore
    February 3, 2021 10:43 pm

    “He will win who knows when to fight, and when not to fight.” – Sun-Tzu

    White Rationalist
    White Rationalist
    February 3, 2021 12:04 pm

    Shouldn’t it be called The Berg? All their technology requires electricity, that is their Achilles heel.

    February 3, 2021 12:27 pm

    If we go back to the original purpose of Trump as a candidate for the Republican nomination for president, this reveals a lot. From the Wikileaks dump of HRC / DNC / Podesta emails, there is an exchange by DNC operatives with producers of Fox News. What appears to have been the original plan was for Fox News to give Trump coverage in excess of his standing as a candidate. His purpose was to beat up on Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio (the planned RINO uni-party ticket) and force their campaigns to burn through lots of money prior to the big event campaign. He was also supposed to bluster a lot to make the Republican party look foolish (and HRC like a stateswoman). But Fox News created a Frankenstein candidate that eventually won and the whole MSM spent four years trying to correct their cock-up.

    These emails appear to contradict that Trump was part of some plan – rather, he was to be used by that plan but TPTB’s who are completely detached from the general population got it horribly wrong. I see Trump rather – although I could be wrong – as going off the reservation and never gaining control of the levers of government. What we had the last four years was not so much an administration as a deep state interregnum. But deep state is back in power and has four years of crushing the US citizen to make up for.

    Nothing short of extreme violence will fix anything now. It has to be destroyed so it can be rebuilt as originally intended.

    February 3, 2021 3:57 pm

    Trump was designated by the NWO to be the winner in 2016 (just as Biden was the designated winner in 2020). We did not have a four year interregnum. Trump (knowingly or unknowingly) fulfilled the job he was put in office to fulfil – to condition the Right to accept the scamdemic tyranny and vaccines.

    February 3, 2021 4:38 pm

    but TPTB’s who are completely detached from the general population got it horribly wrong

    Did they really, though?

    comment image

    February 3, 2021 10:43 pm

    The fact that Trump came out of nowhere and defeated a field of 16 legitimate conservative nominees in 2016, makes sense now.

    February 4, 2021 5:35 pm


    February 3, 2021 12:33 pm

    The very simple problem the current state of things is having….is themselves. They are the ouroboros condemned to eat their own tail forever.
    Did anyone see Paul Watson’s video on “Wokeyleaks”? Even the left wing is starting to get fed up and outing the hypocrisy.
    We all know the elites don’t follow their own mandates, never have, not before Covid-1984 and certainly not anything after.
    And now the Hollyweirds are starting to default, as maybe some of them see a Kristallnacht of their own coming down the pike? Maybe they think being proactive is better than being reactive. Who knows. These people are so shallow they make a puddle at high noon in July look deep.
    All dictatorships, no matter how administered, generally cannot sustain itself for very long without some fundamentals being in place:
    1. Money
    well, I think we all see the writing on that wall. The dollar is heading the way of the dodo.
    2. Secure borders
    HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHA. That’s all I’m going to say
    3. An unarmed populace
    That’s not working out so well.

    Everything else, food supply chains, power supplies in the form of gas and electricity, these are all tucked in there too. But without money, who can buy food? Electricity? Gas? With illegal aliens rampaging across the border, the competition for resources becomes more fierce. You can’t give away to others what is no longer available to take from those who have. Thus the guns. Or just massive Gault-like defecting.
    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again….these idiots have literally shot themselves in both feet multiple times. They closed movie theaters, thus reducing the power of celebrity. Celebrities are feeling the pinch, and are maybe having the veil removed from their eyes.
    NFL, NBA, et all went woke and now are flopping around for viewers because no one who cares about sports gives a flying rat’s ass anymore. Sports celebrities are now just dumb asses in ugly jerseys running around.
    The recent GameStop debacle has revealed, in all it’s puppet glory, how rigged the stock market really is.
    Then we have The Lady Janet Yellen who has gotten an ethics waiver (the irony of that statement is akin to “dispensation from the Pope”) to oversee the whole clown show perpetrated by the very people who gave her six figures to flap her gums for an hour.
    A simple, mass exodus from everyone who has anything in the stock market would solve the problem very quickly. If there is no more game to play, then the big players are gonna be broke. The little guys have already been shown not one fuck is given about them anyway, so what do they have to lose? Would the markets have to be shut? Yup, and pretty much forever. The second they opened them again, the bleeding could again commence. So their only other option is to make individual trading illegal, further pulling back the curtain and ramping up the outrage. Not a good look. Perhaps another XO signed by the Two Minute Egg would fix everything.
    Or perhaps Pelosi can glue her teeth in and come out and bitch about it for 20 minutes.
    Ginger Jen can “circle back” to it when someone remembers to tell her what’s going on.
    I predict some more stimulus to be thrown at us, NY and CA to open up so people will shut up, and PCR tests will be ramped down to 30X magnification and we will be told it’s a MIRACLE! Infections are way down and of course it’s all because of the vaccine.
    The only wild cards at this point are the idiotic teacher’s unions, who continue to show themselves to be the laziest, lyingest, bunch of boxed-wine day-drinkers in history. They will continue their shit show of closed schools until someone on high steps in and fires the lot of them. Then we can finally have some unity we have been told is coming. Right.

    February 4, 2021 10:29 am

    The absolute WORST time to be an iconoclastic revolutionary,(if only in one’s mind), is after “your” cause has triumphed.

    Dig up the bones of an Old Bolshevik and ask them how all that worked out for them. Or one of the “Brass” of the Sturmabteilung…

    The overexposed gig-worker dancing monkeys that make up Hollywood are getting a glimmer that they might be headlining the inmate gala in the Labor and Re-education Camps…or worse…returning to waiting tables and driving cabs and such from whence so many of them came.

    Auntie Kriest
    Auntie Kriest
    February 3, 2021 12:46 pm

    The Collective’s – The B3rg*’s – power comes from electricity and therein lies its existential problem. Without centralized electricity it cannot exist. Think about that.

    *UnCola’s linking the Evil Fuckers with the Star Trek enemy – The Borg – is most appropriate.
    *White Rationalists suggestion is intriguing. “The Berg”. (Haw haw haw)

    Auntie would like to propose an original term to label the Enemy = The B3rg*.

    Its usage – The B3rg* – bypasses any copyright issues with the owners of the Star Trek franchise and using a totally new, most descriptive, appellation for the Entity and its constituent parts, that threaten not only Humanity’s freedom but its very flesh and blood existence, allows accurate delineation of the deadly threat.

    Auntie is absolutely convinced Donald Trump was given the Zapruder briefing going into the presidency and a Czar Nicholas II lecture just prior to his departure from the Oval Office. The Edward Snowdon & Julian Assange non-pardons prove it.

    Auntie applauds Doug’s incisive work on this critical issue. We are in gravest danger and its getting very late.

      Auntie Kriest
    February 3, 2021 12:55 pm

    Auntie- Maybe Da B3rg* for good measure. Never have so few f’d up so much for so many. The chosen have done their job well.

      Auntie Kriest
    February 3, 2021 2:42 pm

    Agreed about centralized electricity. But the other mission of the Green New Deal is to decentralize electricity production that is all owned by the (((Berg))). Oil & Gas isn’t controlled by the (((Berg))) so they want to kill it and replace it with grossly inefficient and expensive energy that (((they))) control.

    Mary Christine
    Mary Christine
    February 3, 2021 3:12 pm

    James Corbett got tired of dissecting the problems. He is now focusing on solutions. His las video is about taking back our right to free speech. I try to avoid using youtube if possible because that is one place we need to start avoiding.

    Citizens for Free Speech – #SolutionsWatch

      Mary Christine
    February 3, 2021 7:12 pm

    Up for Corbett

    February 3, 2021 3:33 pm

    Regarding the term “Borg,” which means “fortress” in Swedish, I remind your readers of the TV show “Star Trek: the Next Generation.”

    Remember how the Borg assimilated their victims? They first injected them with nanotechnology against their will.

    But sometimes real life is worse than fiction: we embrace the nanotechnology that is being injected into our veins by Operation Warp Speed, which ought to be called simply Operation Warped.

    It is warped to grind up the dead bodies of little children and inject them into people and call it a vaccine. It is warped to inject people with a “vaccine” that permanently alters your DNA. It is warped to inject people with a miniaturized
    operating system that some think is the first step towards a collective hive mind just like the fictional Borg.

    Can we EVER forget the warped grin of Trump as he gleefully announced the creation of this horrible and evil vaccine? People are DYING after taking it.

    Following World War II, the Communists invaded Austria. Their soldiers gang raped and crucified every Austrian woman they could find in front of her husband, boyfriend, father, brother, son, uncle, and any other Austrian male.

    Then they turned Austria into one big concentration camp. It was easy to do since Hitler had already disarmed Austria before the Commies took over.

    On May 13, 1955, the Austrians drove the Communists out of their country without firing a shot. How?

    They prayed the rosary every day by themselves and in processions that God would deliver their country from Communism. God heard their prayers, and this successful campaign was repeated in Brazil in the 1960s and the Philippines in the 1980s.

    Pray the rosary every day that God will save us from the Borg and Communism. And DO NOT take the vaccine!

    February 3, 2021 5:42 pm

    Native- Aha!! That is the secret. TPTB know that the construct must react to many minds/voices who COME TOGETHER IN PRAYER. That is another reason they have ruined the churches. No pastor will get up and lead a long prayer against PC/COVID19/the government and the lies that bind. Good post, well done.

    Organized prayer, that is a solution Unc.

    Eyes Wide Shut
    Eyes Wide Shut
    February 5, 2021 9:59 am

    And fasting

    February 3, 2021 4:26 pm

    I see your borg as nothing but a mutation allowed or maybe fed by the chaos and corruption. Like a bad yeast, visible in an already foul wart, the borg mind is likely only a phase or a moment. Like the yeast, the borg mind will kill itself if the wart doesn’t poison us first.

    February 3, 2021 8:37 pm


    grace country pastor
    grace country pastor
    February 3, 2021 4:39 pm

    I tried to post this over on your site Doug but it asked me for log-in credentials I’ve long forgotten… 🙄 So, here ya go!

    Figured I’d come on over here and say hi “in person”! Hope you and yours are well Doug.

    Regardless of anything Trump does from here on out, he was presented with the ultimate test and he failed. For that reason alone he establishes himself as untrustworthy. Me, I thought he would remain in power and was honestly surprised at bidens “win”. I felt that he’d remain and continue to press for globalist interests (he surrounded himself with swamp creatures); or, if he was on “our side” he’d be the lefts ultimate “fall guy”. Looks like I was wrong on both counts. Who knows what comes next. It was his “love for Israel” and his press for mass vaccination efforts bothered me most. All that said, local politics just became radically important. I use that term intentionally. There’s no not getting involved now. Lines are very clearly drawn. The battle arrived at the front door.

    Interesting you quote John 15:13 where Jesus dies for His friends. Believing Jews were His friends at that time, when He walked among them. Paul however presents:

    Romans 5:10 KJB… “For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.”

    How much more magnanimous was the cross as it was explained to Paul, post ascension? Incredible! He died even for His enemies. Peter and the other Jewish boys (the remnant) had no idea… (2 Peter 3).

    Thought number random: you ever read what’s tattooed on baphomets arms? This has been planned for a long time.

    Yeah, things sure are getting crazier by the minute. I always enjoy reading your musings and I hope they remain available for a long time to come. May all that’s good in life come your way… 😊

    Grace and peace, always;

      grace country pastor
    February 3, 2021 4:48 pm

    Thank you, GCP. I will look at the settings on the site. There should be no log-in credentials required to comment, so I appreciate you letting me know.

    In case people are curious, the tattoos on the original transgender say “Solve Coagula” (or dissolve coagulate)

    February 3, 2021 5:55 pm

    It is to remold the human into its new form, masons use the same ideology. Only I think the dark side really wants a new human more to their liking with the goodness eliminated so they can praise their new god.

    Solve Coagula is Lucifer’s dream of being a god.

    grace country pastor
    grace country pastor
    February 4, 2021 10:51 am

    And they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men…

    Things are sure in motion!

      grace country pastor
    February 4, 2021 3:59 pm

    Iron & clay?

    February 4, 2021 4:06 pm


    February 4, 2021 6:01 pm

    Interesting sub-discussion on what was and will be…and comments from everyone. This was a fascinating read on the subject.

    A Comprehensive Biblical Study of the Nephilim Giants – Prepare For Startling Revelations From The Pages of The Holy Bible 6,000 years ago a war began. A war to rule Heaven and Earth that dates all the way back to the Garden of Eden. In the Garden, God told Satan that one day a woman would give birth to a male child – the Messiah, who would redeem humanity and destroy him.

    In order to prevent this child’s birth, Satan instigated a fallen angelic rebellion. A group of angels broke off their allegiance to the Lord and entered the earthly realm to corrupt the human gene pool and prevent the Savior’s birth. These fallen angels (“sons of God”) took human wives (“daughters of men”) and had children with them. Their offspring – hybrid half-human, half-angelic beings, were superhuman giants known as the Nephilim. With human DNA corrupted and humanity hanging in the balance, The Lord unleashed a punishment against the Nephilim so severe, only Noah and his family would survive.

    New Discoveries From Scripture Regarding The Nephilim And Their Fallen Angelic Ancestors.

    This is a comprehensive Biblical study of the Nephilim. Using a literal reading of Scripture, we are given a complete picture of the war between two bloodlines – the lineage of the Messiah and the seed of Satan. Exploring passages rarely connected to the giants, you will discover new revelations regarding the Nephilim including:

    • Why did Pharaoh order all male children to be thrown in the river and Herod execute all male children in Bethlehem?
    • The Biblical location of the heavenly portal used by angels to enter the earthly realm.
    • How were angels able to reproduce with human women?
    • Who was the first human woman to marry the fallen Sons of God and conceive a child?
    • Who was the fallen angel who ruled the preflood world?
    • The specific timing and description of God’s punishment of the rebel Sons of God and the Nephilim.
    • How did the Nephilim return after the Flood and are there still Nephilim among us? All these questions will be answered and many, many more.

    Citing dozens of ancient Christian and Jewish writings from the first century AD through the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, Judgment Of The Nephilim provides a thorough side-by-side comparison of the Bible and the extra-Biblical texts on this topic. It also details the connection between Genesis 6, Plato’s account of Atlantis and ancient mythology. This book is a must-read for those who want to learn more on the topic of the Nephilim giants. This is the story of God’s enduring love for all people and His promise to bring redemption through the prophesied Savior. This is the Judgment of the Nephilim.

    February 5, 2021 8:32 am

    Here’s an excellent video about the Nephilim –


    grace country pastor
    grace country pastor
    February 4, 2021 10:52 am

    You’re most welcome!

      grace country pastor
    February 3, 2021 5:47 pm

    GCP- Has the first batch come off the still? Could ya save me a snort? For medicinal purposes, COVID and all, gotta kill them germs.

    grace country pastor
    grace country pastor
    February 4, 2021 10:49 am

    Soon my friend, soon… 😉

    February 3, 2021 7:02 pm

    The gun battle is sure to come eventually . Heed the words of the Russians .
    As for trump , If you think about it ,he was the divide the borg needed , maybe by plan .
    The final nail for me was ,he didn’t pardon Assange and Snowden , but did his friends and thieves . Story over , move on !

    Known Associate
    Known Associate
    February 3, 2021 8:09 pm

    A prayer to our LEOs, soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines: Remember what you swore to defend, amen.

    February 3, 2021 8:13 pm

    Perfect timing.

    Mary Christine
    Mary Christine
    February 3, 2021 8:34 pm

    One way to fight!

    Honest Buck
    Honest Buck
      Mary Christine
    February 3, 2021 11:11 pm

    White people can be hilarious.

    Eyes Wide Shut
    Eyes Wide Shut
      Mary Christine
    February 5, 2021 10:03 am

    That’s hilarious

    Mary Christine
    Mary Christine
    February 3, 2021 8:46 pm

    More weirdness

    Truly we are together, alone.

    The Strange Neurology of the Anonymizing Mask
    — Without faces, we work in a sea of muted detachment.

    Mary Christine
    Mary Christine
    February 3, 2021 8:48 pm

    I don’t give a crap about the Super Bowl but if Fausti says not to have a party, I’m gonna have, or go to, a party.

    February 3, 2021 9:32 pm

    Uncola said,

    Except The Borg has twisted the Biblical standard of love into people sacrificing their lives for The Borg.

    The Borg is the collective connected to the Matrix. Those who have not been completely unplugged from the Matrix of Deceit and Distraction are the “woman in the red dress”…potential agents of the Matrix just like Agent Smith!

    February 3, 2021 10:56 pm

    Plato- I think Unc wants us all to unplug from the media, that would relieve humans from their hold. I agree but that should have happened before this last round of political and COVID theater, it’s a little late to save these minds. They are amping up the drama to really keep them terrified. Wait til the alien invasion….waaay too late then.

    February 3, 2021 11:21 pm

    The Spaced Invaders card is definitely gonna be played! The disclosures are being declassified, this year should have a bunch of stuff released on UFOs to prime the population for it. The world isn’t scared enough yet, WWIII has got to be peddled to the public, first.

    February 3, 2021 11:50 pm

    You and I are usually on the same page Plato.

    February 4, 2021 12:40 am

    Yes we are. I find it reassuring and a but comforting knowing someone with a much different background than I, someone, who is an Old Dog (meant with respect) have come to many of the same conclusions. I can only attribute my understanding and perceptions to The course of my life and the choices I’ve made, all the while God guiding me, whether I walked closely or fell astray.

    February 4, 2021 12:21 am

    The above article alludes to the former and current theological constructs. And we wonder what beast slouched toward Washington D.C. to birth the likes of John Brennan, James Comey, John Roberts, James Clapper, Clintons, Podestas, and, now, Bill Gates, Fauci, et al.

    It could be psychopaths naturally float to the top of the bowl. Or, it could be the private dossiers kept on past pizza and hot dog parties secure loyalty.

    Or, it could be they were taken to Antarctica or the basement of the Denver airport (or who knows where) to meet “real” aliens.

    That would certainly challenge one’s Biblical worldview, wouldn’t it? In that scenario it could even make diabolical narcissism seem downright virtuous. A new morality, indeed. Except nothing is new under the sun.

    And so it goes.

    February 3, 2021 9:36 pm

    Let’s see…Trump increased the debt every bit as much as Obama per annum. He blamed the fact that he couldn’t bring the troops home on the generals, BS. The wall was a side-show, saying Mexico was going to pay for it, get real, he has no idea of what the problem with immigration is, stop the funds, they’ll stop coming. He “packed” the Supreme Court with 3 more rhinos cut from the same cloth as Justice Roberts. He didn’t pardon Snowden or Assange, didn’t pardon any of the “rioters”, his supporters. He failed to even attempt to bring the stolen election to court. The only real resistance was the AG in Texas. He hired a closet commie for the Fed Reserve who completely played into the Reset crowd’s agenda and cranked out dollars like there’s not tomorrow. He did nothing but let Fauci and the rest of the medical dictatorship run amok all over the rest of the country this past year, he could stop lockdowns, he didn’t. Trump is a fake conservative and not champion of the American people.

    February 3, 2021 10:49 pm

    “Because the (((billionaires))) own all of the biggest media bullhorns, and the lies ((( they))) propagate are the means to gaslight the public.”
    There, fixed it for ya.

    February 4, 2021 10:10 am

    Anon- Trump added more debt than all presidents before him COMBINED.

    February 3, 2021 11:10 pm

    Eh Borg,what have you.

    I will admit had a affair(brief)with (9×7).

    That said,this shit is actually very funny,worth a follow:

    Taras 77
    Taras 77
    February 4, 2021 12:01 am

    Trump has the balls the size of a gnat: he was and is weak and unable to organize a one car parade; that combined with his unblemished track record of horrendous appointments, finalized by his inexplicable choice of Giuliani and jen ellis (who the hell is she and why was she even close to this legal team of $20,000 per day).

    Giuliani was in completely over his head and failed miserably.

    Fast Eddie Felson
    Fast Eddie Felson
    February 4, 2021 12:15 am

    Props for Fly Into the Sun. That’s a wonderful album that I haven’t listened to in a long time, though I regularly perform New Sensations and used to play Great American Whale, too. Best album of 1984 and just gets better with age, like most of Lou’s work. Cheers!

    Horselover Fat
    Horselover Fat
    February 4, 2021 12:15 am

    They’re not the Borg. They’re the Vogons.

    And that’s why we’re going to beat them.

    February 4, 2021 12:59 am

    For Globalism to prevail, Nationalism must be destroyed…and the best tool to destroy nationalism is via a nation’s own government.

    With the political coup against Trump, who believes that the US government is legitimate?
    Who trusts the US government?

    Your Borg grows by assimilating other smaller borgs. Let the “branch offices” do the dirty and unpopular work while World HQ pockets the revenue.

    If you wish to steal something, encourage some stooge to steal the thing first, and then steal that thing from them. The chumps that built and owned the thing will cheer your caper as your stooge is dispossessed, and will be pathetically grateful to you if you return 25% of their rightful property to them.

    February 4, 2021 6:43 am

    But globalism won’t prevail, see Putin’s WEF speech some days ago ever so nicely stating exactly that to their faces:

    Pepe parses the speech:

    Obviously that won’t stop the globalists to destroy as many nations as they can still manage to…

    February 4, 2021 10:14 am

    Oh, Globalism will prevail, but in its larval form, as locusts migrating from one green field,(nation), to the next, and stripping the earth bare.
    That is the only way that it CAN prevail, since it is fundamentally a parasite upon the economic lifeblood of the nation-states. Parasites, by their natures, do not do well when they are the ones ripe to be harvested.

    If you listen closely, you can hear the rumblings of the factions deep within the Borg’s guts. Plumbing wants its slice of the pie, Electrical demands it’s due, Air Conditioning will remind the rest that life could be a lot more miserable if they’re not happy with their share.
    Within 2 years they’ll be tearing each other to pieces for their own leftovers and scraps. Look at the woke Plumbers Union that just took it up the wazoo from “their boy” over Keystone XL…THAT didn’t take long, huh?

    February 4, 2021 12:04 pm

    OK, I understood “prevail” as to take over the whole world.
    And they were pretty close to that, around 1999-2004.

    February 4, 2021 7:29 am

    “Why did this happen? Because the billionaires own all of the biggest media bullhorns, and the lies they propagate are the means to gaslight the public.”

    And they build the Borg censorship right in.
    In case Nietzsche , Plato or Herbert Spencer didn’t tell you, Parler was/is Borg too. Resistance means researching who controls the media you consume, thus support.

    Never take their money
    The Mercers force out the founder of Parler:

    “Parler CEO John Matze has been terminated from the company after a decision by its board, the now-former chief executive said, noting that he played no part in the move, which comes after the site was booted from Amazon’s servers.

    “On January 29, 2021, the Parler board controlled by Rebekah Mercer decided to immediately terminate my position as CEO of Parler. I did not participate in this decision,” Matze wrote in a memo to employees obtained by Fox News on Wednesday.

    They did something similar to Milo. They “invest” in projects, but in a manner that retains the ability to pull their money out at any time. Which, of course, gives them the ability to disrupt, if not kill outright, any project in which they’ve nominally invested.”

    Magnus Stout
    Magnus Stout
    February 4, 2021 11:30 am

    Your writing is always worth reading because you have been right where many others have been wrong (cp. Vox Day’s fawning at the “genius” of the “The God Emperor”). That is no small accomplishment.

    What happened to QAnon Trump supporters in D.C. is similar to what happened to the Plains Indians at Wounded Knee. Those Indians (like QAnon) fell for a millennial delusion that rabid belief (“Trust the Plan”) would magically overcome the White Man and his technology; that is, that white bullets would not penetrate their “ghost shirts.” Predictably, it was a massacre.

    The Right must keep its wits and not fall for such delusional thinking. It must also have the courage to purge such reckless leaders from its ranks or continue to suffer a similar fate as the Plains Indians. Whatever the flaws of the Right may be, being unapologetically grounded in reality is not one of them. It is the Left that has historically persued delusional thinking, creating mass graves in a vain search for Utopia.

    Many on the Right are caught up in movements that shunt all energy and focus into the material plane. This is *exactly* what Left politics does and why it never works (remember: spiritual > material). Leftism denies the soul and believes that goodness is ultimately material–a product of System and its rules. It is a “morality” by bureaucratic diktat–a spiritual contradiction.

    Therefore, no Leader or System can force authentic Right thinking using the same methods of the Left. This is why Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany–outwardly politically polar–were actually *united* in Leftism’s belief that System produces Utopia (top-down thinking and diktats). It’s the same corpse of Leftism in a different garb. Both produced cultures of death–the inevitable outcome of Leftism.

    Being unapologetically grounded in reality means understanding that the ultimate reality is spiritual and the current of history flows through the hearts of Men. The concreteness of the material world is an illusion–the spiritual gave birth to the material, not vice-versa (see, St. John). This mortal shell is just a vehicle for the soul to learn and grow. This is the essence of Right politics. And, this is why Solzhenitsyn was able to distill The Error of all Leftism as this: “But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.” Therefore, Right politics is only right if built upon this proper understanding. If not, then such politics is merely a form of leftism and will inevitably lead to despotism.

    While the “Borg” analogy is colorful and helpful on many levels, it misses the mark that this conflict is ultimately spiritual (see, Ephesians 6:10-20). St. Paul withstood a similar foe in his time–the Roman Empire. The same lessons apply to us in our time: this isn’t really about power politics or who holds office at any one time; empires and nations come and go, but the Kingdom of God (not of this fallen world) lasts forever.

    Here, God does not permit Satan’s empire (the “Borg”) absolute rule. But, God does permit Men to be tested, for their souls to be sifted by the temptations of Evil. All of history (& spiritual practice) is merely this: 1) discern good and evil and 2) make a choice for either one. There is no other choice. Some periods of history may make this choice easier or harder, but our ultimate concern should always be witnessing for the Kingdom of God.

    Hard times (as we are entering) may pain the body, but are often good for the soul. There are some people who will be shaken from their stupor by the coming dystopia and success of the death cult. Our job is to prepare the harvest for the Master, who will come like a thief in the night. We should fear not who can destroy the body, but who can destroy both the body and the soul. This is why fear of God (and not Satan) is the beginning of Wisdom.

    Be brave, be fearless, and take heart: we will outlive galaxies….

    Honest Buck
    Honest Buck
      Magnus Stout
    February 4, 2021 2:18 pm

    ‘Many on the Right are caught up in movements that shunt all energy and focus into the material plane’

    People are still believing though. A friend sent this to me yesterday.

    Magnus Stout
    Magnus Stout
      Honest Buck
    February 4, 2021 4:33 pm

    That many yearn for Justice is a good thing, but how we go about it is critical. Peter was quick to pickup a sword and “defend” Jesus, but his actions were wrong at the time. Some are making similar mistakes today.

    It’s helpful to re-read those “Red Letters” in the New Testament lest we forget how revolutionary Jesus’ message is. Because we serve a living God, Believers can always call upon the Holy Spirit for discernment.

    “Ask and you shall receive…”

      Magnus Stout
    February 5, 2021 10:49 am

    James 1:5 – 6

    5.)If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

    6. )But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.

      Magnus Stout
    February 4, 2021 3:27 pm

    Magnus Stout,

    If I could have gave you +100👍 I would have, especially for the last 3 paragraphs!. I’m copying that and sending it to others if you don’t mind.

    Magnus Stout
    Magnus Stout
    February 4, 2021 4:17 pm

    Thank you for the kinds words. Use whatever you find useful. God Bless!

      Magnus Stout
    February 4, 2021 4:48 pm

    “This is why Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany–outwardly politically polar–were actually *united* in Leftism’s belief that System produces Utopia (top-down thinking and diktats). It’s the same corpse of Leftism in a different garb. Both produced cultures of death–the inevitable outcome of Leftism.”

    You exhibit very little understanding of the life and death struggle between Bolshevik Russia and post WWI Germany. It’s childish really. In the winter of 1918, the Bolsheviks were on a bloody march across Europe with Germany square in their crosshairs. It became a fight or die situation for German patriots. Germany would have ended Bolshevism forever if not for Britain and the US stepping stepping in to save it. Now We the People are on the verge of losing our nation to this same demonic force because our Bolshevik controlled leaders in 1939 chose the side of greatest evil mankind has ever seen over men of iron dedicated to riding the world of this demonic force. Now we pay the price.

    Their is no good war, but men willing to sacrifice themselves in defense of their nation, by any means necessary, for the survival of their people, is an honorable and courageous endeavor. They can do no more.
    “Duty is the sublimest word in our language. Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less.”
    Robert E. Lee

    “If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You are a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a tree. ”
    ― Michael Crichton

    Hitler: Born At Versailles
    by Léon Degrelle

    Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich
    by Guido Giacomo Preparata (Author)

    Arthur Bryant – Unfinished Victory (1940)
    by Arthur Bryant

    “It was, in fact, the German people rather than the
    discredited ruling class who defeated Bolshevism in
    central Europe. The surge of revolution that swept
    Russia in 1918 and was to devastate Spain twenty
    years later was never allowed to develop into the
    orgy of mass murder and destruction that it became
    in these more primitive lands. When power slipped
    from the exhausted hands of the military caste it was,
    as Mr. Mowrer has said, Fritz Ebert the saddler,
    Philipp Scheidemann the tailor and Gustav Noske
    the carpenter who “ snatched it from the streets.

    Yet it had been touch-and-go/ The Allied states-
    men in Paris were haunted by the fear that Germany
    would relapse as Russia had done, and that a
    raging sea of primitive terror and barbarism would
    engulf all Europe and Asia from the Pacific shore
    to the banks of the Rhine. Their fear was no old
    maid’s nightmare, as some have since supposed.
    Mr. Winston Churchill, in his World Crisis, quotes
    figures to show that in the first flush of revolution
    the Communist dictators of Russia killed 28 bishops,
    over 1200 priests, 6000 professors and teachers,
    9000 doctors, 12,000 landowners, 54,000 officers,
    and more than a million bourgeois, workmen and
    peasants. “ Russia had fallen by the way ; and in
    falling she had changed her identity. An apparition
    with countenance different from any yet seen on earth
    stood in the place of the old Ally. We saw a state
    without a nation, an army without a country, a re-
    ligion without a God. 2

    From these astronomical figures of murder and
    waste Germany was saved not by the Allies but by
    herself. Yet she had felt the breath of the furnace
    and did not quickly forget either her fear or her
    hatred of that nameless terror. It is doubtful
    whether for all the recent apostacy of her Nazi
    leaders she has forgotten it yet. Law-abiding
    Britons who in the past have cast doubt on the
    genuineness of the popular German dread of
    Bolshevism should try to conceive the effect on
    themselves if, in an hour of famine and defeat
    Manchester, Bradford, Hull, Birmingham, Birken-
    head, Nottingham, Plymouth, West Ham and Bristol
    had in turn been seized by a Communist junta and
    sacked by the mob, and Buckingham Palace, after
    the King’s flight, tenanted for two months by a gang
    of armed mutineers. That theoretical sympathy for
    Communism among the well-to-do and sheltered
    classes in this island which has surprised and some-
    times enraged the inhabitants of countries situated
    nearer the storm centres of eastern Europe and Asia,
    would have had little chance to grow under such
    circumstances. ”

    comment image?w=600

    Magnus Stout
    Magnus Stout
    February 4, 2021 5:28 pm

    “There has never has been, and never can be, a non-religious Right; and all purported examples of non-religious Right are actually merely (more or less) moderate forms of Leftism; just like the NSDAP.

    All forms of political atheism are 1. Leftist, and 2. Totalitarian.”

    Read Dr. Charlton’s trenchant observation here: “How the neglect/ suppression of the real nature of Communism and ‘Fascism’ led to our current (unrecognised) atheist totalitarianism.”

      Magnus Stout
    February 4, 2021 6:43 pm

    Who said German members of the National Socialists were non-religious ? You might be surprised to learn that the Wehrmacht had chaplains runnign the gamut mof the chain of command too.
    Regardless, the issue is not Left or Right. It is about doing what it takes to preserve one’s culture, tradition , faith , heritage and very nation. It is national survival.
    Ideology is a divisive tool, designed by the enemies of Christ to defeat the faithful. I’m surprised you don’t understand this.

    “You are living in a post-ideological age. Understand this. Accept this. It is time to stop thinking in terms of Left and Right, of Liberal and Conservative, of Democrat and Republican, and think in terms of identity instead…. Ideology politics are dead. Idea wars are reserved for homogeneous societies, not multiracial, multiethnic, multireligious, war zones. The culture wars are intrinsically interidentity, and anyone who is still babbling about Left and Right, or Liberal and Conservative, is simply demonstrating the extent to which they fail to understand their own reality. Social Justice is Satan’s Justice. “
    Vox Day

      Magnus Stout
    February 4, 2021 7:07 pm

    “My high school education took place in the 1970s, and as a result I had a pretty solid understanding of Communism – and its evils. I knew about both the Russian and Chinese versions; and these were expounded alongside National Socialism in Germany as variations on the theme of totalitarianism – three ideologies with many similarities and lesser distinctions.”
    Bruce Charlton

    Well that settles it. Everything BC knows about communism and national socialism I learned in high school. No one can top that degree of advanced education.

    “However NSDAP is nearly-always abbreviated to Nazi, presumably to de-emphasise its roots in Socialism and its Communist-like pro-worker stance. And nowadays the NSDAP is treated as an “extreme Right Wing” party.

    Funny I didn’t get that in high school either .I always thought that Nazi was a Jewish controlled German media slur against the NSDAP. Learn something new albeit erroneous everyday I stopped reading the nonsense after this.

    ” The Mormon achievement
    Recent readers of this blog may not be aware of my profound debt to Mormon theology and metaphysics; becuase [sic]I did most of my writing on this subject up to about five years ago, culminating in the ‘mini-book’ Speculations of a Theoretical Mormon.” Bruce Charlton

    It figures… wrong and confused.

    February 4, 2021 11:41 am

    One of the major items that Trump lacked was an actual STRATEGY to grab control back from the swamp, and give that POWER back to those that actually elected him, and in this, he FAILED. He failed to use the power available to him to complete this task peacefully, and has now left us no option but to submit, and watch the collapse and suicide of the United States, or for the youth of America to decide to actually do something about it, and this means civil war. Not a very palatable set of choices.

    What he could have done:
    1. Immediately FIRE EVERYONE…and yes, I do mean EVERYONE within the Executive not protected by the civil service laws that protects the bureaucracy. This would have undermined the ability of the sycophantic Left to release damaging lies and work from WITHIN the administration that hurt him from the beginning.

    2. Deny the ability of his own branch of government from investigating something that he KNEW to be a total lie. (he gave “truth” to the lie by agreeing to investigate something that never happened.)

    3. Assign prosecutors from those that HE appointed to Justice to investigate and prosecute EVERYONE in the D.C. branches of both the legislative and the judicial branches.

    4. Declared Martial Law when the push back rose to fight back.

    5. Used the laws on the books, such as those that outlawed Treason to go after members of the Press who printed outright lies, as SEDITION.

    6. After getting rid of ALL US Military Commanders appointed by Obama, using military tribunals to try those where evidence pointed to illegal activity. (Bring down the Clintons as the primary targets, but EVERYONE who has become RICH as a result of their “ownership” of elected offices.)

    7. Required that ALL voting be completed in person, with a national voting ID.

    He did not recognize the nature of the corruption he faced, and he failed to believe what we all know to be true regarding the people now in charge; that they are all dishonest, and willing to to ANYTHING to maintain power. He had the majority of The People on his side, and he failed to use this support, and we’re all going to pay a terrible price, now.

    February 4, 2021 12:23 pm

    I want to thank everyone for the very thought-provoking comments. Since I don’t recognize some of the monikers on this thread, I’m wondering if some of you might have come to this particular article by way of the links on Steve Quayle or Lew Rockwell?

    Just curious.

    Regardless, if new here, welcome, and I do hope you’ll stick around.

    February 4, 2021 12:54 pm

    “Quiet Desperation” is falling out of favour.

    Dickweed Wang
    Dickweed Wang
    February 4, 2021 3:52 pm

    (((The Borg)))

    Big JiLm
    Big JiLm
    February 4, 2021 9:39 pm

    Spot fukin on…

    February 5, 2021 2:36 am

    Great post!!!

    I especially like the details on how to resist the efforts of the Borg. It’s funny, the more that you see their agenda, the more noxious it is to be exposed anything promoting it (MSM, etc). I can no longer sit through a newer movie, for example, it is just so blatant.

    I think that many Americans who voted for Biden truly had no idea what they were doing. Aside from the usual blue haired shrieking true believer loonies, many of them are just clueless saps who do whatever the MSM tells them to do.

    Their eyes are going to be opened wide with the devastation that this administration will bring to the economy and their freedom. Pain is what it will take to open people’s eyes, they need to personally experience the disconnect between the propaganda and reality. Too many are still too comfortably asleep, but more are waking up every day. The Borg shouldn’t count its chickens yet, it is early in the game still.

    One and done
    One and done
    February 5, 2021 4:21 am

    “Regardless of anyone’s particular position on President Trump, it is good to have these discussions…”

    Really? I tried to tell you people that Trump was just another stooge. I warned you that TDS goes both ways. I’m pretty sure I mentioned that while half the nation was paralyzed with fear, they were using hope to paralyze the other half. Or maybe that was one of my comments that got deleted.

    When I pointed out that Rudy Giuliani could likewise not be trusted, with evidence, that was also deleted, interesting. The discussion must be had, hmm. Unless of course it’s not the discussion you want us to be having.

    I’m becoming increasingly convinced that TBP is just another limited hangout, As is most alternative media. Titillating, engrossing, but most importantly, engaging. Ingest the hopium. Bang away at your keyboard. Talk and do nothing. And everything will remain the same, except it never remains the same, it only gets worse, and you suckers never learn. And it’s going to get a whole lot worse, a hell of a lot worse.

      One and done
    February 5, 2021 7:31 am

    Go fuck yourself, you bloviating fool, banging away on your keyboard telling everyone you were right. The stupid, it burns bright.

    Hardscrabble Farmer
    Hardscrabble Farmer
      One and done
    February 5, 2021 5:43 pm

    You should start a blog.

    Call it the Modest Sage, or I Told You So.

    Vlad the Skewerer
    Vlad the Skewerer
    February 5, 2021 5:01 am

    From the moment he descended that escalator I yelled at the TV “dude your money is in their systems there ain’t gonna be no revolutions”, there weren’t. As Stucky stated below the alternatives were worse, flat out war criminals! Our politics is pro wrestling writ large and Trump was Baron Von Rashke or the Iron Sheik with Wilbur Ross as his maniacal manager.

      Vlad the Skewerer
    February 5, 2021 10:03 am

    Vlad said:

    Our politics is pro wrestling writ large and Trump was Baron Von Rashke or the Iron Sheik with Wilbur Ross as his maniacal manager

    Pro-wrestling was an apt description. Comic books might have been another. 2020 was MAGA Man against the Human Mummy.

    But, unfortunately, 2021 is taking us in the direction of a Stephen King novel. Except nonfiction.

    February 5, 2021 1:52 pm


    Re Trump, I am reminded of the first comment I ever made at the Toll, in response to your article, “On Channel Surfing, Circus Acts, and Time Passages”

    On Channel Surfing, Circus Acts, and Time Passages

    “. . . is he the “danger” delivering his supporters on a political platter?” I think that is THE question of questions in regards to Trump; on display for all to see is the on-going inequality of protection under the law that, as yet, remains to be resolved; bankers, regardless of ethnicity, fill his cabinet positions, and we continue, regardless of “draw-down goals”, to have our military present in nations that are no threat to us (for the cause of freedom AND corporate profits). He supports civil asset forfeiture and red flag laws, so he is no advocate for due process but FOR presumption of guilt, and, (which aligns with the observation that he “is the one who knocks”), who is to say that the wall is not meant to keep us in?

    And IF he keeps the campaign promise and it is built, and IF it turns out, even in the future of some other administration, to be OUR wall, then, well . . . we elected to be imprisoned.

    Of course, the Wall was never completed and is no more, or will not be soon (in theory), so my point back then is moot now. Sort of. (I do not foresee it being torn down in its entirety, just “opened” up enough to allow easy passage but left intact enough to be “closed” again, should the need arise, to, you know, keep us in.) Like the Pipeline that just got canceled. Like the Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord that just got canceled. And like the Obamacare that never did get canceled. And, as T-bird pointed out . . . EVERYONE sees the extent of the swamp now, the creatures in it, the sell-outs, the turncoats, the outright traitors, and every damn one of them still there, all busy CANCELLING the UNITED STATES.

    So, Yeah, the creatures are exposed to those who knew they were there already (most of us) and to quite a large number who had no idea until now, but, otherwise . . . Trump failed. On pretty much every level. And this election, to paraphrase that scumbag Michael Moore, “Was a big ‘NO, nationalists . . . F* YOU’!” from the globalists to everyone who does not want to assimilate with the BORG/New Babel. THEY do not care who won the vote, never have, never will. And sure, there are still investigations pending in certain states and their state senates, so who knows what else might be exposed, but, but, but . . . my bet? We are on our own. Against the god-machine. So, yes . . . exploit every weakness.

    February 5, 2021 5:51 pm

    Niebo wrote:

    Trump failed. On pretty much every level.

    What gave me the most pause regarding T-Bird’s “drain the swamp” comment was this: If “drain” meant removing the swamp denizens, then, yes, Trump failed in that respect. So far, anyway.

    However, if “drain” meant revealing the actual amount, size, and magnitude (i.e. entrenchment), of the swamp creatures after the muddy veil was torn away…. then Trump was wildly successful in that regard.

    Then, T-Bird asked: “What now?”.

    Ask yourself this: Post Trump, were you surprised at the depth and breadth of the corruption in the FBI, justice department, and the court system/Supreme Court?

    I’ll just say The Trump Show absolutely confirmed what I hesitatingly suspected but never wanted to completely accept.

    But, as I wrote in the above article: “…now we know: The Borg has assimilated the entire government of the United States.”

    And that makes “what now?” a very pertinent question indeed. Hence the article above. Although I’m always open to any other suggestions

    February 6, 2021 11:11 am

    Post Trump, were you surprised at the depth and breadth of the corruption in the FBI, justice department, and the court system/Supreme Court?

    Yes and no. I never expected the FBI to lift a finger, nor the justice department. I think they revealed themselves YEARS ago (thanks to Benghazi/Fast-and-Furious but also bolstered by the entire “Collusion” hoax). The Supreme Court, by them, yes I was surprised. That the highest court bailed on upholding the law of the land, yeah, that surprised me. But what surprised me even more was, on January 6, how quickly the BS narrative gave excuse to every traitor who abandoned their promise to “stand” for the people and do the right thing. THEY ALL FAILED. Well, no, seeing it in all caps, that’s not true. They didn’t fail; THEY SOLD US OUT. That’s what surprises me. And in that sense, I agree; the draining of the swamp has revealed that it is, IMO, hopelessly corrupted. There is no rule of law. Equal justice is a damned lie. People who are loyal to the founding document, the original contract, are labeled terrorists by usurpers and traitors . . . so I don’t think there is any reclamation, nor fix. As we have known it, America is finished. Next stop, the NWO/Great Reset/Agenda 2030/Green New Deal . . . global communism, regardless of name. BUT I am not a fatalist, nor a nihilist, but a realist.

    “…now we know: The Borg has assimilated the entire government of the United States.”

    Indeed. So I agree that “What now” is the most pertinent question, for all of us. And I also agree with what I perceive to be your take: ” expose the lies via surprise solutions”. For different circumstances, situations, and people, there is no end to what that might mean. The BORG knows it is a liar (which is why it reacts with censorship, because it cannot debate), and that it has no creativity (ever notice in the early 00’s that Hollywood, for example, started its endless retreads of comic-book movies and sequels? It’s a symptom of the BORG.). So the door is open to “Irish Democracy” and to “Spanish Resistance” and all manner of subversive behaviors . . . that start, IMO, with the simple refusal to call good evil or evil good, to never accept/believe/trust the lies. Because many do, and I think that most of us consider them to be zombies/useful idiots; they have betrayed the truth and, perhaps, their own souls, for an endless string of falsehoods and false gods who will never save, but only destroy, them.

    So, I am not arguing with you or your article. For that matter, not even debating, really, aside from potential solutions. Which you attest and I concur, starts with TRUTH. And aside from filling my brain with truth and with facts and with understanding, with wisdom, from God and Jesus Christ and from other people who earnestly seek truth , pursue it, and speak it, each from his/her own perspective and experience . . . I am expanding my garden. And drawing some blueprints/acquiring materials/resources for some structures that will help others do the same. THEY want MOAR control; I say . . . do not give it to them.

    Like you, I knew some back when and suspected even worse, but now, I accept the system for what it is. For a couple of weeks after Jan 6, I felt, almost, despair. Now, I feel free. Because, for me, 2+2 (will never) = 5. I do not embrace the BORG. And I will never love it. So IT has no dominion over me. And I KNOW that I – you – we – none of us – are alone.

    February 5, 2021 5:29 pm

    What I find so interesting is that nobody is adding in the earth changes that are occuring. The elites know what is coming over these next few years. Food shortages! Mass migration! The plandemic was planned of course….financial changes big time, but even bigger than that are the coming volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. All set up right now for 2024. It’s in our faces and it’s a big part of the big equation.

    February 5, 2021 5:30 pm

    Two recommendations here to add on to my comment below….. check out Adapt2030 and IceAgeFarmer. Youtube channels that you can’t go wrong with.

    Ghost Who Walks
    Ghost Who Walks
    February 5, 2021 7:39 pm

    The Anti-Borgsters may act individually, yet they must all be of ONE mind about the one terrible act that will become necessary at the one final moment when it becomes clear that there is no other way and that act is the only and final solution.

    That is not anything that is not expected of any soldier in any army on earth; it has been done by countless millions of soldiers, often for less worthy goals, eh.