Original Antigenic Sin

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May 31, 2021 8:28 pm

Why the push from the deep state for the jab? Population control! We can go along to get along, or along we go to lose getting along. We can choose sides, but we can’t choose outcomes. Fun and games are about to commence!

June 1, 2021 12:03 am

The OOPS was sarc, right? They had to have known it before and are caught with hand in the cookie jar.

You have some of the best shares

i forget
i forget
June 1, 2021 9:12 am

OAS turned up, for the first time for me, in Humphries book (Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines & The Forgotten History); it’s an old understanding, but how many understand it, know about it?

I asked “my” doc about it. He’d never heard of it. Lent him the book. Six months ago.

You try to teach, or merely train, people, in an effort to help yourself…and it’s like a spawning run, gaunteleted by grizzilies.

This wilderness is no place for voices. Or heroes. Something about this kooky song:

It talks, you listen, if you can:

All kinds of original sine/cosine:

Anybody here know if the j&j “viral vector” jab is different from the mRNA’s, or does it merely hide that roman road in the label-description?

i forget
i forget
June 3, 2021 11:51 am

Thanks, Ghost. Someone close to me could not be dissuaded, got the jj. Rationale for choosing that one, “not mRNA.” Spike proteins weren’t in the decision tree at all. Nor was shedding.

This person’s centralized medicine info comes strictly from centralized media, ignores all else…& that deluge slips thru a central nervous system that shreds most past centralization•crimes, to the minimal extent those were ever understood to be criminal.

“This time it’s different. Things have changed.” And “progress.”

The infinite regress of the promise of progress. The regressed/stasis of hopeful (scared) projection. Chains of command are bio-constitutional. Technocrats would like to amend that constitution.

It’s disappointing when someone you know, thought you knew better, flips what was obviously your script about them all along, not theirs. But if shedding is a part of the plan thing, since so many have been jabbed, the spike protein infection soup will be unavoidable. Iverhydroxypineneedletea to the rescue? Maybe.

Consequential unintendedness? Definitely.

Anybody ever read Unintended Consequences, by John Ross? Dunno about its happy ending, but a lot of meat on its bones.

June 1, 2021 10:39 am

And here is a study which says OAS can be BENEFICIAL in certain circumstances.

“The term “original antigenic sin” (OAS) was first used in the 1960s to describe how one’s first exposure to influenza virus shapes the outcome of subsequent exposures to antigenically related strains. In the decades that have passed, OAS-like responses have been shown to play an integral role in both protection from and susceptibility to infections.”

Hey, don’t shoot the messenger! What the fuck do I know? Even after browsing through that article (link below) — one of the easier explanation of OAS out there — I still don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about.

All I know is some experts say OAS is bad, and some say it’s not. HOW to decide which expert is correct is far above my pay grade.