FREEDOM & LIBERTY are under attack in Britain amongst more sleaze; but why are they being so manic in rapidly Jabbing everyone?- [08-28-21]

“The Financial Jigsaw” has been serialised here and is replaced by this weekly “Letter from Great Britain.”  NOTEIf anyone would like an electronic copy of the complete book, I should be pleased to email a free PDF on request to: [email protected].

HOT PRESS – As the Bard would have it in ‘King Lear’: “Many a true word is spoken in jest”. A minute or so of laughs:

YET more government sleaze and corruption is revealed in the NHS ‘Test & Trace’ system.  It appears that contracts have been awarded to government insiders and MPs acting well outside their remit.  This is a continuing saga in the British elitist system of snouts in the trough and yet nobody gets to be accountable, especially that criminal Hancock.

“The UK government has awarded a new £347m Covid-19 testing contract to Randox, the Tory-linked private healthcare company whose testing kits had to be recalled over the summer because of concerns about contamination.

The deal is a six-month extension of an existing contract and was agreed without other companies being invited to bid. It means the health secretary, Matt Hancock, has now approved transfers of nearly half a billion pounds in taxpayer funds to the Northern Ireland-based company since the pandemic began.          Disclosed in a filing on a European contracts website, the award has prompted concerns about “cronyism” and calls for an independent inquiry into the £12bn spent so far on attempting to control the pandemic through the test-and-trace system.

Critics raised further concerns about a separate revelation that the Conservative MP Owen Paterson, who is paid £100,000 a year to act as a consultant for Randox, was party to a call between the company and James Bethell, the health minister responsible for coronavirus testing supplies.

The disclosure raises fresh questions about Paterson’s continuing work for Randox, and the efficacy of the code of conduct for MPs, which is supposed to limit their work as paid lobbyists and regulate access to ministers.  “Legislators must not also be lobbyists,” said a spokesperson for the campaign group Transparency International.” The Guardian is on the case:

BUT – in France things are not working out as Macron expected.  Here is a postcard from this most ‘liberated’ of countries telling how it really is on the ground:

“Macron has claimed that, “Never before in our history was a crisis of such magnitude fought in such a democratic way.” In the parts we visited at least, the French are ‘democratically’ rejecting his rule by simply ignoring it. The motions are being made but on close-up inspection nothing is actually happening.” It is a lesson for us all – just go on ignoring them:

HAVE you ever wondered why the globalists are being so urgent about getting everybody jabbed?  Many commenters here have correctly identified the reason and now The New York Times is confirming our worst fears.

“The answer is obvious when you think about it. They can’t have a “control group” of unvaccinated people, because if there is then it will become abundantly clear that the Covid-19 injections don’t work, cause severe injuries, and kill people.

With more doctors, scientists, nurses and health care workers waking up and blowing the whistle every day, the authorities are now in a mass panic to make sure as many people as possible are given the injection before they catch on to the fact that they have been played. In truth though the game is up in regards to creating the illusion that the injections actually work, and this is where the alleged Covid-19 variants come into play in order for the authorities to save face and blame the new variants for the current experimental injections inadequacy.

The New York Times ran an article on the 19th August 2021 entitled, “Israel, Once the Model for Beating Covid, Faces New Surge of Infections.” The article openly admits that the Covid-19 injections given to 2.5 billion people around the world no longer work very well, and that the people who took those vaccines are now the ones getting sick and dying.”

We seem to have arrived at a tipping point. Humanity is awakening at an accelerating rate, and the authorities know it. The next few months will be the most challenging throughout this entire alleged scamdemic. Stay firm and resist, relying on the best defence – natural immunity.

BE WARNED – The British government were using subversive psychological tactics and NLP even before WW2 and they have refined it now into a totalitarian control technique.  This explains why 80-90% of the Brits are cowering in submission and following ‘the science’.  It’s all BS and manipulation on a grand scale and I am sure many other countries have engaged in it too – think MK Ultra in America.

“The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (“SAGE”), which advises the UK government, also relies on expert subcommittees for Covid-19 specific advice. These subcommittees include: NERVTAG; SPI-M; and, Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviours (“SPI-B”).  The Scientific Pandemic Influenza group on Behaviour and Communications (“SPI-B&C”) advised SAGE during the 2009/10 swine flu “falsified pandemic”.  Despite the 2009/10 swine flu being “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the Century,” SPI-B&C reconvened in February 2020, this time, its remit was limited to behaviour and it was renamed SPI-B.

During a meeting on 22 March 2020 the SPI-B proposed the use of fear – ‘sense of personal threat’ – through the media and intimidation – ‘the use of social disapproval for failure to comply’- against the trusting UK public. SPI-B’s report also stated: ‘There are nine broad ways of achieving behaviour change: Education, Persuasion, Incentivisation, Coercion, Enablement, Training, Restriction, Environmental restructuring, and Modelling’.  After which we saw a unified mass-media campaign that falls in line with these techniques, followed by a dramatic shift in public perception and behaviour.  What else can we call this but brainwashing?”

GIVEN that we are under nefarious psychological attack – how do we defend ourselves?  Here is some good information and resources already listed in the above link.  Briefly, you have to be aware and as clever as those designing these schemes:

“How do we stop ourselves being mesmerised and break free from their spell?  Begin by turning off the television and be aware of which online resources “the indoctrinators” are using – Google, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, “the fact-checkers” etc – and how they are being used.

Do your own research. Find reliable and independent media sources to follow.  Join local groups that meet up and are not afraid to discuss the truth.  Then share it, speak openly.  By exposing and getting information out we may be able to help others “see the light”.  Real knowledge kills the illusion they have created.  And in this sense, the “pandemic” that’s been thrown at us to make us fearful could actually be the very thing to get people coming back as human beings.

If you’re anything like me you’ve probably been spending a considerable amount of time over the past year and a half wondering in bewilderment how so many people around the world could buy into the mainstream narrative.  Why things that might seem so obvious to you just seem like wacky conspiracy theories to others and you’ve probably wondered how to properly get through to people, and why normal sane and logical conversations don’t seem to work.  There must be a hidden aspect of human psychology and subconscious programming involved that few people know how to navigate. Fortunately, a couple of people have actually figured it out:

NOW that events in Afghanistan have settled down into a reversal of 20 years of mismanagement and corruption, perhaps our political masters will take on board some important lessons (but I doubt it).  What this article reveals is that our leaders are forever misled on what is really happening on the ground.  This also applies to the Covid pandemic as it becomes increasingly clear that our politicians have been equally ‘misinformed’ having implemented extreme measure which proved destructive and useless.

“In a 2012 Armed Forces Journal article, Lt Col Daniel Davis, who spent a year in Afghanistan speaking with US troops and their Afghan counterparts, wrote that his observations “bore no resemblance to rosy official statements by US military leaders about conditions on the ground”.  The Sigar report also lambasted the tendency for politicians and senior military to look for good news. It says there is a “natural desire for good news to pass on up the chain of command”.

“In the words of one former senior military official: ‘As intelligence makes its way up higher, it gets consolidated and watered down; it gets politicised. It gets politicked because once policymakers get their hands on it, and frankly, once operational commanders get their hands on it, they put their twist on it.

“Operational commanders, state department policymakers and Department of Defense policymakers are going to be inherently rosy in their assessments. They will be unaccepting of hard-hitting Intelligence:” Perhaps this will remind of Vietnam and body-counts:

AND – I have to ask – what was Afghanistan really all about?  Is this just a normal bureaucratic FUBAR or is there something more sinister in the works; that we are engaged in a spiritual war during this Fourth Turning?

As the world watched in dismay, the fall of Kabul painted a vivid picture of the crumbling of the Anglo/American Empire. The US military, hell bent on going “woke” with transgenderism and homosexuals in the military, is utterly unable to protect its own personnel overseas, and has been impotent in protecting the US southern border from a relentless invasion of illegals that are pouring into the country.

As Biden’s rigged regime is ending, so is the United States of America as a “united” nation. With outrageous levels of fiat currency money printing, the collapse of the rule of law, blatantly rigged elections, government-enforced censorship of conservative views, media-fomented racial animosity, left-wing efforts to de-fund the police, racist CRT indoctrination in the schools and even a CDC director “doctor” who cannot admit that only women can get pregnant, the once great United States of America has fallen into a pathetic, laughable state of self-mockery and collapse.

The Anglo/American Empire is ruled by stateless and foreign occupiers. There is a viceroy masquerading in the White House. There are looters and vandals running wild on Main Street, K Street and Wall Street.  They have the courts running scared, destroying the rule of law, while Congress and Parliament have run out of money to bribe the people with.

And it feels like we have precious few friends or even temporary allies, not even Europe, itself in crisis. But we have also seen a massive wave of counter moves by those who still believe in such quaint notions as family, community and, yes, tribe.  In the end we all revert to our roots and Afghanistan is no exception:

AS Britain gradually crawls out from under the criminal government diktats of the past 18 months it seems that many workers have revisited their former wage-slave lifestyles and decided that returning to the office holds no attraction for them in the New Economy emerging from the unique, experimental Lockdown phenomenon.  ‘Hybrid working’ is now the new normal as fewer than 20% return to their place of work while many others have found far more rewarding ways of securing an income – the bulk of which is a discovery of freedoms attributed to self-employment.

“A report from the Centre for Cities thinktank said worker footfall in 30 big cities stood at an average of just 18% of pre-pandemic levels in the immediate aftermath of most Covid laws being scrapped in England. Cities where only a fraction of workers have gone back to the office include Glasgow, with an 8% figure – the city has had coronavirus restrictions in force for longer, given Scotland’s slower easing than England – followed by London and Oxford (15%) and Sheffield and Milton Keynes (16%).”  They are going to need a bigger stick!:

AND FINALLY – Britain is getting poorer and the future is bleak for many as the generous additional ‘Covid’ welfare benefits end in October.  Nearly 40% of responders say they will be unable to live on the lower level of income.  “Dan Paskins, director of UK impact at Save the Children, said: “The £20 increase is a lifeline for families. People we work with tell us that they’re relying on it to buy essentials like food and clothing for themselves and their children. Without it, hundreds of thousands more people will be pushed into poverty.” It’s slow attrition:

BREXIT. The British hospitality industry is suffering from Brexit as well as Covid. “There are about 200,000 vacancies in the sector, a vacancy rate of about 10%, according to the trade association UKHospitality. After being on furlough for months last year, many of these workers moved to other industries that have remained open and busy.

“This is just more evidence of how hospitality has been uniquely hit by the pandemic as well as Brexit,” the association said. “There’s crucial need for the government to continue its support of the sector.”  The problem is not unique to Britain, with France and other European countries facing similar issues. But Covid-related labour shortages are being exacerbated in the UK by Brexit, analysts say”: brexit-or-covid-whats-worse-uk-coastal-towns-in-perfect-employment-storm

VACCINE ADVERSE REACTIONS:  The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 21,766 fatalities, and 2,074,410 injuries, following COVID-19 injections; this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries. AND of course only an estimated fewer than 10% are reported.

To be continued next week.

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Author: Austrian Peter

Peter J. Underwood is a retired international accountant and qualified humanistic counsellor living in Bruton, UK, with his wife, Yvonne. He pursued a career as an entrepreneur and business consultant, having founded several successful businesses in the UK and South Africa His latest Substack blog describes the African concept of Ubuntu - a system of localised community support using a gift economy model.

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August 28, 2021 8:38 am

Saw a graphic 2 days ago that gave the total deaths in the UK from all causes. Last year, despite the hysteria over Covid, the total number was 2% down. This year, so far, the total deaths are 12% up, that’s over the average between 2014-2019. There was another item that said there had been 742 Delta variant deaths of which over 400 were vaccinated, 79 unvaccinated and the rest had single jab.

As we know there are people who are dying after the vaccination but it isn’t attributed to that. I’ve read that part of the narrative is that you are considered unvaccinated for 14 days after the 2nd jab. If you die in that period of time you are recorded as an unvaccinated death. May explain some of the media hype about hospitals filled with unvaccinated people. Many may in reality be single or double jabbed.

I’m certainly getting a lot more stories from people I know about reactions to the vaccines and vaccinated getting the virus. Mainly heart problems with a couple of people who have had a stroke and one with Bell’s Palsy. Also hearing vaccinated people say they’re not going to have the booster as they seem to have realised it isn’t a vaccine at all. Next it will be the concern that they may have damaged themselves in some way by having the jab, but we’re not at that stage yet. Depends on what happens over this coming winter.

August 28, 2021 9:55 am

I seldom watch videos, I just don’t take the time. I can read way faster than I can listen. But I watched the Kasper video this AM. It caught my attention and kept it. It definitely rings true. For me, my own recognition of the cognitive dissonance within and around me was a long long time ago, whilst still in my teens. It was so obvious and so unavoidable that I actually suffered a mental and emotional crisis. The reality so conflicted with what I had been told that I questioned my own sanity and, before I learned to shut up, was questioned by practically everyone I tried to talk to about it.
And, lo, these many decades later, it has been shown conclusively that I was not the crazy person. Certainly doesn’t give me any sense of satisfaction, but it does help to maintain my grasp of how to perceive myself and the events of today.

August 28, 2021 11:01 am

I was the same growing up, it’s hard having the discernment to see the BS when everyone else believes it, just because it’s coming over broadcast media.

August 28, 2021 10:16 am

HAVE you ever wondered why the globalists are being so urgent about getting everybody jabbed?

Here’s another possibility…

“FDA approval is checkmate for Pfizer.”

Don’t miss this. Start at about 3:40min. Watch to the end.

If only half of what she says is true, Pfizer is in enormous trouble. And so is the FDA; they knew too.

Pfizer has two weeks to list all ingredients in its vaccine. Graphene oxide makes its comeback.

Debt Rattle August 28 2021

August 28, 2021 11:04 am

I thought that the “vaccine” that was actually approved was different than the one that is being distributed. That the FDA did approve a Pfizer vaccine, but it is one that isn’t out for a year. And that Biden lied that it was the same one, Biden lying, imagine that.

August 28, 2021 10:42 am

There must be a hidden aspect of human psychology and subconscious programming involved that few people know how to navigate. Fortunately, a couple of people have actually figured it out:”

And you, too, can learn this “one weird trick” for the low cost of just $75 (up front).

Nothing but the truth.
Nothing but the truth.
August 28, 2021 1:21 pm

Saw this today on ZH – evil Gates now funds the UK’s medicine regulator . How is this even allowed to happen ? Mind you knowing our sleazy ,self serving, thieving ministers it’s highly likely to happen. The scale of corruption is staggering ,as Big Pharma now runs the governments of the world and imposes their medical tyranny upon us .

August 28, 2021 3:57 pm

One of your best, Austrian Peter, for several reasons.

“In the words of one former senior military official: ‘As intelligence makes its way up higher, it gets consolidated and watered down; it gets politicised. It gets politicked because once policymakers get their hands on it, and frankly, once operational commanders get their hands on it, they put their twist on it.

“Operational commanders, state department policymakers and Department of Defense policymakers are going to be inherently rosy in their assessments. They will be unaccepting of hard-hitting Intelligence:”

This is so powerfully true. I just read it to my husband and he said “That is absolutely true.”

Then, I asked him WHY is it true.

It is because the military leadership are corrupted by the need to be yes-men to the people at both DOD and the Military Industrial Complex, which controls Congress Critters.

I’ll make other observations, but this one came up first.

August 28, 2021 4:57 pm

It’s usually because everyone wants to put their imprint on it, have a piece of the limelight. It’s inherent in the ‘ticket-punch’ mentality of how to gain rank. Unless you stand out – whether deserved or not (usually not) – then you ain’t goin’ nowhere, while complete imbecile incompetents rise because they have no honor, only a drive to be seen as ‘go-getters’, and know how to game a system developed by the very ones in charge. Been there, saw that, said fuck that.

August 28, 2021 5:43 pm

We called it reinventing wheel brainstorming. Meetings for the sake of having meetings.

It started during the 1990s…part of algores reinventing government through public-private competition and Set Asides for minority owned business.

What a racket $!

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 28, 2021 6:47 pm

I was told to my face that I was not selected because I think for myself, that the military wants men who just follow orders; and that they the wanted younger men, not older officers.

  rhs jr
August 28, 2021 7:01 pm

My husband was told he was training students to an unnecessarily high standard, which was making his peers look lazy. (They were.,)

August 28, 2021 4:00 pm

As the world watched in dismay, the fall of Kabul painted a vivid picture of the crumbling of the Anglo/American Empire. The US military, hell bent on going “woke” with transgenderism and homosexuals in the military, is utterly unable to protect its own personnel overseas, and has been impotent in protecting the US southern border from a relentless invasion of illegals that are pouring into the country.

As Biden’s rigged regime is ending, so is the United States of America as a “united” nation. With outrageous levels of fiat currency money printing, the collapse of the rule of law, blatantly rigged elections, government-enforced censorship of conservative views, media-fomented racial animosity, left-wing efforts to de-fund the police, racist CRT indoctrination in the schools and even a CDC director “doctor” who cannot admit that only women can get pregnant, the once great United States of America has fallen into a pathetic, laughable state of self-mockery and collapse.

So vivid I am shutting up.

August 28, 2021 5:45 pm

My friends accounts seem closed on internet. From outside Dublin.