
Guest Post by Freed Radical

Reader feedback is important. For example, “Why all the negativity?” That’s a comment some readers have made regarding my articles. Let’s dig into that. What attitude should we realists have in this season of torture our nation is grinding through? (Ooops! Was that negative?)

In contrast to the deaf, dumb, and blind sheep you meet at the thinly stocked grocery these days, the readers here are shockingly realistic. It’s refreshing. Red is red, green is green, up is up, and so on. Pity the nation where basic facts of the universe seem “refreshing,” but that’s the way it is, and I know you feel the same way when you run into a person who sees things at face value. I have to suppress spontaneous hugging urges, particularly people with bare faces.

Unfortunately, at this time in the life of our nation and world, most of the facts are depressing and negative. Just scroll up or down this blog for evidence. Just listen to yourself talk to your spouse or children for evidence. You know the facts, the numbers, and the sources of data. The Kirsch article I read here recently has 67 points of reality about the scamdemic, enough evidence to convict and imprison a thousand government and industry criminals, if only we had a shred of a justice system left.

However, I try to convey my perception of the light on the horizon. Since any turn for the better is some years or decades out, it’s vague and subject to the uncertainties of time and the actions of good and evil people. Many here see that light, in some form, and I would like to illustrate that concept clearly, for that helps to soften the negativity and instill some sense of hope.

(As an aside for the theologians, I’m speaking only in human terms, civic and societal. I am a Bible believing, Jesus loving Christian, and I believe he created us and is working in us and through us today, and is on the way back. But the world has seen bad times before, and the despotic deaths of hundreds of millions, and still we wait. I hope and pray for a termination to the evil of this world, and ultimate and eternal justice for each person, and you can read how all that works in scripture, or tarry 15 seconds for the other theologians to lay it all out in the forum. However, I’m living as if God wants me to push through these difficulties rather than stand with my hands at my sides, being arrested or interned, waiting for the rapture. I hope you are not suffering from rapture paralysis, for we need your hands and back and brain right now.)

So here’s a little diagram I drew of how things might play out. This is a timeline, with the present at the bottom and the future at the top. All the evils we see along the red line are things happening today in real time. It’s a winding path with unexpected turns. For definitions and more detail, use the search blank at the top of this blog.

We are headed, in my estimation, toward a tornado of consequences, because of sowing and reaping. This tornado of consequences will be triggered (or accelerated) by one or more events, bubbles bursting, and there are literally dozens to choose from. Again, for details just scroll. Could be financial, an EMP weapon, cyberattack, food shortages, bioweapon, or planned implosion by the elites. You can find localized examples of such tornadoes, say, in the eastern European civil wars of the 1990’s after the collapse of Soviet communism.

The consequences will include famine, societal division of neighbor against neighbor, full governmental oppression of the population, abrogation of rights, rampant disease, breakdown of the already corrupt medical system, brazen crime, exponential inflation, and so on. Lots of these are spinning up quickly at present. When you see those strange rotating green thunderstorm clouds, you know to head to the basement.

Most of us will agree this tornado of consequences is coming on fast and the world is not turning away from it, but racing toward it.

There are three points I want you to take away:

1. The tornado is unavoidable. Sowing and reaping is immutable. Seven billion people sowing the seeds of their own destruction in everything they do, including killing their own children… there’s literally no way out. It’s simply too late to elect the right leaders, restore justice, fix our debt, or hope that everyone will slap themselves in the forehead and say, “Hey! I need to go get a job and contribute!”

In America, about half the population eats because of government payments, whether welfare, pensions, Social Security, government jobs, government contracting, etc. Those people are dependent on government, and when the government crashes or turns off the cash, they will starve, but not before burning the cities.

I also suspect it’s too late for another Great Awakening to fix the world’s problems. But God. So listen to him, not me. In any case, there’s only one exception of sorts to sowing and reaping, and his name is Jesus, and not an exception really, but a person who will step in and take the reaping for what we have sowed, if we ask. If there is such an awakening, it could save a lot of people from an ugly death, but at this point I have no faith in mankind. Again, but God.

2. The tornado may be unavoidable, but there will also be people who live and perhaps thrive through the difficulties. These are people who live close to the land, have brains and skills, have left the cities, and have some spiritual grounding. Yes, the future government will attempt to cleanse the world of everybody who does not stay connected to the matrix, but that’s impossible. We patriots outnumber their storm troopers ten to one. It’s just simply not possible to erase all the red from the map. They will simply spawn scattered guerrilla war, worldwide.

There are many readers and contributors here who belong to this group of survivors. It will be entertaining to look at some before and after pictures, say, 25 years hence, of the survivors and thrivers. Not a glamorous transformation for any of us, but there will be wrinkles, scars, and wisdom galore.

Now look, I’m no Pollyanna. Many, many God loving, freedom loving patriots are going to suffer or die as they skirt this tornado, as the green line my diagram illustrates. Your survivability clearly depends on your preparations now.

Which brings me to point three.

3. The tornado will ultimately do what the elites want, which is reduce world population by a double digit percentage. Those people will mostly be the sheeple who trusted the government and their bootlicking media without question. The world simply cannot continue with these people as dependents. There are not enough teats to go around, the elites know this, and they have no issue creating ten years of famine to cull the flock.

What should we do? We simply need wait.

I truly believe that if we can shelter together and defend ourselves in strong communities, staying healthy and well fed, there is a bright future for us. Evil always slays its own followers. Evil always falls to its own incompetence and arrogance. The evil people running this show are ivy league collaborators and middle managers. There are no leaders, no doers, no problem solvers, and certainly nobody with spirit and virtue. Picture an elite full of exactly the type of worthless glad handing bureaucrats that inhabit the UN. Once their system crashes, they yield the upper hand to men with testicles and women of strength. That’s us.

But we have to win with care. For those .308 of you, you are not going to win a spiritual battle with a rifle, and not much of a physical one, particularly in the cities or suburbia. Get your family out of the locations and situations where you will likely need .308. If we have better options, molon labe is for fools. They can’t take it if they can’t find you, or if your community (and official or unofficial sheriff) is so strong they don’t even try. Calm down and think strategically. We have 3000+ counties in the US and millions of freedom loving people. That’s what the tyrants fear, a John Galt community in every square mile, not some loner with a deer rifle.

In the big picture, there will be a time when we coalesce and rebuild nations, but that will take some years, or decades.

I know, I know, so many objections, and most of them are correct. Yes, children will be ripped from the arms of parents. Yes, you will have to fight to protect your family and food. Yes, there will be roving gangs in some areas. Yes, yes, yes. It’s not going to be pretty, it’s going to be ugly, and the smell of decaying bodies will perfume America. That is the future we have sowed, and to my embarrassment and shame I did not stand up and rail against this future when I saw it coming during the Carter administration.

But please, do not be discouraged. Evil is killing its own as we speak. I trust you are out of the line of fire. Kyle Rittenhouse is a hero to some, but if that boy were my son I would slap him in the face for going to a riot. When evil people are on a killing spree, burning their own cities, just get out of the way. They are their own worst punishment. When the riot comes to you, that’s a different matter, but we are smart enough to make that tough for the government informants, uh, I mean criminals.

Yes, talking about these things is not pleasant, but you can now focus on the positive aspect of building community, preparing for the coming distress, and getting tight with God. Ultimately, Christianity teaches we get new bodies anyway, so I need to make sure my body’s account is empty at my final breath. I should need help lifting my last leg into that casket, my body’s just so plum wore out. I want to die with blisters on my hands, firewood splinters in my skin, dirt under my fingernails, a sore back, and family and trusted neighbors at my side. It is a pleasure and honor to spend my time and life building up others and taking care of my family and community. That is my positivity every day I awaken, even as spineless ivy league weenies destroy the outside world.

The smiley face at the end of our timeline is really in jest. That’s because mankind has fundamental issues (cue the theologians) that cause us to revisit systemic evil tyranny every century or two. There’s probably another sequence like this one, oh, 240 years down the line. But this, today, is our chunk of the world’s timeline, and we will be judged on how we handle it, how we treat our (good and bad) neighbors, and on the strength of our character. You know what to do. Learn how to be a good domestic terrorist, that is, how to build community, how to raise Godly, hard working children, how to take care of yourself and your family, and ranks of us will make it around the tornado to start the rebuild, minus about seven billion dependents, government teats, and a lot of elites.

That’s about as positive as I can be.

Government teats, and a lot of elites. Any poets in the crowd?

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
December 17, 2021 3:37 pm

I don’t know – being threatened with losing my job, perhaps not being able to get on a plane or train (like Canadians) unless I succumb to a novel, UNauthorized, potentially harmful, largely ineffective “vaccine” that I don’t need or want tends to make me a little … “negative”. Sorry.

  Iska Waran
December 17, 2021 4:34 pm

I think all the paid drones enforcing all this shit need some special attention, widespread and consistent. Make them reevaluate their priorities.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  Iska Waran
December 17, 2021 7:06 pm

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  Iska Waran
December 17, 2021 9:32 pm

Grumpy as well, Iska.

Phantom lurking
Phantom lurking
December 17, 2021 3:53 pm

Loved this article, thanks! It is spot on, we reap what we sow, God will not be mocked. But I also see the positive in it. “Get tight with God.”…best encouragement ever!

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 17, 2021 4:12 pm

Rapture paralysis??? Seriously? Sigh…

I bust ass sharing the gospel daily out in public yet I await eagerly the blessed calling of my Lord and Savior; the day of redemption, the translation of the church which is his body!

Why is it that such magnificent hope is equated with inaction?

  grace country pastor
December 17, 2021 4:23 pm


Have you ever considered posting a sermon the TBP every weekend?

Red River D
Red River D
December 17, 2021 5:42 pm

I’ll bring the coffee and beef jerky.

December 17, 2021 11:09 pm

That’s a marvelous idea. Because there just isn’t enough mention of God, Jesus,bible verses, and the devil … especially the devil …. during the week.

I would like to write a rebuttal the following Monday. Oh, my! The potential for extraordinary shitfests would be sky high.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 19, 2021 12:39 pm

Things could get really interesting Stucky! While it’s not a shitfest I’d be looking to start; rather, seeing souls saved and saints edified, I sure ain’t about to back down from one either.

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 18, 2021 3:18 pm

I could do that Glock. Would sir admin be amenable? See what I did there… 😉

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
  grace country pastor
December 19, 2021 1:07 am

Like Jesus, be prepared to be mocked.
Quite a bit of folks here think the infinite is a joke to be laughed at.

They had better hope they are right………..

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
  Colorado Artist
December 19, 2021 12:34 pm

They’re wrong; let’s hope they don’t learn the hard way. It’s not me they’re mocking…

  grace country pastor
December 17, 2021 11:04 pm

Soooo …. YOU aren’t “Freed Radial”?? I thought you were.

Sheesh. Someone please spill the beans, who the hell is this Freed Radical??

grace country pastor
grace country pastor
December 18, 2021 2:29 pm

I’m just me.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 17, 2021 4:52 pm

“…and I know you feel the same way when you run into a person who sees things at face value. I have to suppress spontaneous hugging urges, particularly people with bare faces.”

Ah, yes, you have to be careful not to wag that tail too hard when you find a kindred spirit, otherwise you’ll come across as desperate and needy. I, of course, wouldn’t know, but have only observed.

Svarga Loka
Svarga Loka
  Abigail Adams
December 17, 2021 7:25 pm

I just hug them. Total strangers.

December 17, 2021 4:57 pm

20 years ago I moved up to a small town in the Sierra Nevada mountains. I took my family and my business and left. I cashed out of the stock market and bought gold. I have a good assortment of guns and ammo. The family owns five acres of pretty good ground and we farm 3 of those acres ( vegetables and potatoes mostly). We share the crops between us the excess goes to the elderly and needy of our town. We are all active in local government and affairs. It has been a move that none of us regret, but it’s not enough. We can’t sit back and just wait for the evil elites to precipitate Armageddon. There are millions of us in America that still want to follow God and our constitution. Why the hell is it so hard to get together as a coherent force and take this country back?

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
December 17, 2021 5:08 pm

Because people haven’t become uncomfortable enough yet. Americans are soft nowadays.

And, the Constitution is completely dead now. *Maybe* we can revive it again down the road, (with some changes possibly) but that will only be after bloodshed. Maybe.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Abigail Adams
December 17, 2021 6:30 pm

I said ‘maybe’. 😊

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  Abigail Adams
December 17, 2021 9:22 pm

Well, you certainly are devoted, Archie.

  Abigail Adams
December 18, 2021 12:31 am

Ja, Hitler liebt die kleiner Deutschen Kinder sehr gern. Er wahr ihnen ergeben. Viele ergeben. Ich glaube und denke das ihr Bewunderer hat zweifelt jetzt Herr AP..
comment image

ursel doran
ursel doran
  Abigail Adams
December 17, 2021 6:39 pm

I fear that the complacency and ignorance from the population being entertained to mental numbness is so entrenched that the pain necessary to make the populace “uncomfortable” will likely be avoided by government programs at all costs.
Stimmy cash for instance from the computer generated money out of nowhere from nothing.

Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
  ursel doran
December 17, 2021 6:49 pm

You might be right.

  Abigail Adams
December 19, 2021 1:28 am

Eventually this constitution is going to fail enough times to allow people to see what is really there.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 17, 2021 7:12 pm

Very good question. I remember this saying. God unites, doctrine divides. People of the same religion, often, do not even believe the same thing. Which is fine. But Satan is an expert at keeping people divided.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 17, 2021 5:07 pm

Nothing to argue with here.

Colorado Artist
Colorado Artist
December 17, 2021 5:54 pm

The Drooling Houseplant and his feckless handlers
are already setting up the coming mass deaths by
blaming it…wait for it….on the UNvaccinated. That’s right.
They clearly know what is just around the corner so
when the “vaccinated” begin dropping dead, it
is somehow the pureblood’s fault the “vaccine” didn’t work.
Meanwhile we sane will be somehow spared cuz SCIENCE!. That may be “negative”
but it’s the truth and cannot be wished away.

Real evil is happening all around us now.
Ammo up. Faith up. Thing are going to get ugly soon.

i forget
i forget
December 17, 2021 6:25 pm

“Envy the country that has heroes, huh? I say pity the country that needs them.” (Oh, look, there’s molon labe guy, too.)

Tyrants’ indifference to loners with deer rifles is commutative.

But John Galt communities is utopian: no commutation of that run-on sentence. Even if it’s spliced between the covers of an Ayn Rand novel.

  i forget
December 18, 2021 8:31 am

Right. Have you ever served on a board or council? It’s horrible.
That’s why I don’t listen to James Corbett for instance. He seems sincere but very inexperienced. He’s an immigrant from canada to japan and lives in a big city there it seems, and doesn’t seem to have knowledge of work beyond teaching and wordsmithing. He likes the idea of little gardening villages. This is better than some other things, and he does give out info, but not my cup of tea.

ursel doran
ursel doran
December 17, 2021 6:35 pm

The are the very few that have the public stage AND the courage to put out some reality need more exposure.

  ursel doran
December 17, 2021 11:56 pm

There’s no fucking “appear” about it — the gubmint couldn’t legally do an EUA for the “vaccines” if there were alternative treatments available. I despise all these media fucks like Hannity that have on a guest and they all lament how effective cures exist (Ivermectin and HQC) are being suppressed, but never take the additional step to explain why that is. Lying by omission — that’s the repuklican way…

December 17, 2021 6:38 pm

I hope you’re wrong on your timeline, but your points are spot on.

Just Thinking
Just Thinking
December 17, 2021 6:47 pm

The immortal words of Thorton Mellon.

  Just Thinking
December 17, 2021 8:09 pm

Another gem.

December 17, 2021 8:15 pm

Great article. Hits to the core.

December 17, 2021 11:15 pm

“For example, “Why all the negativity?” That’s a comment some readers have made regarding my articles.”

The proper response to that is “Blow me.”

Anyway, regarding your article today …. what’s up with all this positivity crap?? Don’t you realize the Deep Shit we’re all in??!!

I await your proper response.

December 18, 2021 12:37 am

Do you want him to grovel? Creep across the earth on his belly?

December 18, 2021 2:47 am

Confused article. And criticizing Kyle for going to the riot to protect his own town? You lost me on that. This article is why no-one is looking to christians to get us out of this mess.

December 18, 2021 10:24 am

weird how its mostly Christians that are the most outspoken and are actively opposing this mess we are in.

Known Associate
Known Associate
December 18, 2021 12:19 pm

Kyle was protecting his family property/business in Kenosha, just 20 minutes from home. He was a member of that community, not some roving stranger. He really ought to stay out of the limelight now, though. Other than that, great analysis of situation and approaches to surviving it.

December 18, 2021 6:36 am

Just Wow! Excellent post. This… ” I want to die with blisters on my hands, firewood splinters in my skin, dirt under my fingernails, a sore back, and family and trusted neighbors at my side.” … is ME through and through. Thanks for the dose of positivity. It truly is positive compared to my outlook… Chip

December 18, 2021 10:17 am

I’m living as if God wants me to push through these difficulties rather than stand with my hands at my sides, being arrested or interned, waiting for the rapture.

I want to die with blisters on my hands, firewood splinters in my skin, dirt under my fingernails, a sore back, and family and trusted neighbors at my side

Outstanding article and couldn’t possibly agree moreso… many thx

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 18, 2021 1:37 pm

The solution is to take personal responsibility for our own lives.

  John Pietrusiewicz
December 20, 2021 1:15 am

Nah. Government will take care of me from cradle to grave. I moved to a vary sparsely populated county in 2016 that voted Trump. I thought republicOns were the party of conservatism , you know, pull up the bootstraps kind of people. Surprise! This county is about 70% “white” yet the dangling on the government tit amazes me with the USDA handouts etc. As a kid my dad would tell me three things: 1) you do not rape women, 2) you do not steal and 3) the world owes you nothing . The owes you something mentality is astonishing around here.

John Pietrusiewicz
John Pietrusiewicz
December 18, 2021 4:21 pm

I love the Spiritual aspect of your article. Understanding of the Spiritual laws lead to a greater life is what true spirituality is about. Beyond, reap what you sow, karma, is the Law of Love. Not brotherly love, but Divine love. Divine love is doing for our brothers with no thought of reward. Not many people can get to that level is why there is a lot of sowing to be had.

December 19, 2021 1:38 am

A ZH article https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-builds-software-predict-chinas-response-military-action

Sparked my imagination that maybe all of this batshit insane foreign policy is being used for machine learning the opponent responses to try and predict scenarios. Which is batshit insane foreign policy, but I can see those clowns trying.

This is a big waste of time when they could Just have Gen Milley call them up and ask.