How Russia Fights A War

I’m disgusted when reading about significant Ukie victories … after they recapture a few small fucking villages.  I am disgusted reading that Russia is bogged down, or worse, in a stalemate. I am disgusted when reading that Russia’s war plans are a disaster.  In other words … Paul Craig Roberts kind of BULLSHIT.  Here’s why it’s bullshit.


Some *very* basic stuff about Russian defenses in the SMO

Yesterday I posted a short SITREP about the Ukrainian offensive on Balakleia.  And, sure enough, there are 72 comments on this already!  Many of them show a total misunderstanding of the nature of the SMO (it was a mistake for me to post a map which, obviously, most people cannot make sense of!).

So all I propose to do today is to explain something really basic about the concept of defense (in reality defensive operations are much more complex!).

First, this how Hollywood and the mainstream media present defense: you stand and fight, and if the enemy overruns your defensive position, you lost.

The reality could not be further from this silly notion.

For one thing, the USA never fought a real war, nevermind a defensive one.  As for the Europeans, they are used to the kind of terrain you would have in central Europe, i.e. a terrain with a lot of geographical and topological features which favor a dug in static defense.  For example, I did my basic training in an electronic warfare unit which was mostly deployed in the Swiss mountains and I can tell you that a single mountain infantry company (in some extreme cases even a well prepared platoon!) can fully lock a narrow valley or a pass against an entire mechanized/armored battalion (especially if that mountain infantry is supported by well concealed –  mountains are ideal for that – and powerful long range artillery!).  Much of Europe is what is called “mixed terrain” that is to say a mix of fields, forests, small town and villages, many rivers (often with steep banks and rapid currents), bigger and stronger regional towns, etc. etc. etc.  In that terrain you are naturally inclined to make the best use of these features and hold on to good defensive positions.  In fact, in this kind of terrain it is often impossible to deploy a full mechanized/tank brigade or division (they are too big!) and you are simply forced to fight mostly infantry battles with smaller subunits.

The Ukraine is totally different.  The eastern Ukraine, the Donbass, has a lot of small towns, and this is why the Ukrainians dug in and hold towns like Avdeevka.  However, once you leave that more heavily populated line of towns and villages, you mostly have open steppe with a few rivers and scattered forests, many of them pretty small.  This is why only small Ukronazi units can hide in these small forests, their bigger units mostly hide inside towns and cities, basically using the local civilians as “human shields” and since these Nazis hate the local “separs” anyway – they have no illusions about the real sympathies of most Ukrainians in the south and east – they don’t care at all if scores of civilians die in Russian strikes!  In fact, in a recent video Gonzalo Lira, who is currently in Kharkov, stated that since most of the anti-Russian locals are under no illusion about the inevitable outcome, they have long left Kharkov, hence the SBU’s “hunt” for “separs” and other “pigdogs” and “biomaterial” amongst the remaining population.  Yet another reason for the Russian to go everything humanly possible to avoid civilian casualties!

So in the case of warfare in the Ukraine, I think that it is helpful to think of it as “a land version of a naval battle” which centers not on the control of this or that wave, but on destroying the enemy forces while not getting destroyed yourself.

The next thing which I need to bring up is force concentrations.  The war in the Ukraine is more similar to soccer in which attackers and defenders fight each other all over the field than to US football in which there is a clear line of scrimmage and where everything is about “conquering” more terrain or advancing downfield.   This means that there are always temporarily unoccupied “grey zones” (think of them as parts of the soccer field which happen to be empty but which could quickly become a “combat area” if a pass is made there and two players will fight each other for control of the ball).

Just these two facts very strongly suggest that a mobile defense is the way to go on such terrain.  These are generalizations, of course, but by and large they apply.

Next, when you have enough manpower, you normally would organize your defense into two, more rarely three, defensive echelons so if the enemy breaks through the first line, he is faced with a second line of defense and his flanks are potentially exposed to envelopment from all sides. And just to make sure that your defenses hold, it is recommended to have a reserve force behind the 2nd line of defense ready to “plug” any “holes” and/or to be used in a counter-attack (and if things go well, this reserve for can be used as a maneuver group to counter-attack).  With a few crucial exceptions, this is not the case in the Ukraine, especially not for the Russian forces who are roughly at a 1:3 numerical disadvantage.  This 1:3 figure is misleading, because it ignores the kind of force ratios which can be achieved locally.

Conversely, the Russians have an advantage in 1) firepower 2) maneuverability (they can move under the protection of Russian airpower and artillery, which the Ukrainians cannot) 3) logistics 4) reach (the Russians can strike even in the far western Ukraine 5) C3ISR 6) morale and 7) training.

There is another rule of thumb which should not be taken as dogma, but which is still helpful to keep in mind: a successful attack often requires a 3:1 advantage for the attacking side.  This ratio can go up to 6:1 and even higher in strongly built cities.  Since the Russians already have an overall 1:3 DIS-advantage in manpower, it is quite possible that in specific segments of the front, that disadvantage might locally peak at even much worse ratios, yet another argument for the Russians to first grind down Ukronazi forces, if needed by conceding terrain, before engaging in any counter-attack/counter-offensive.  And this is why

All these Russian advantages all dictate a flexible, mobile, defensive strategy to counter Ukrainian attacks.

In other words, it would be absolutely INSANE for Russians to try to hold a static defensive line at all cost just to prevent the Ukronazis to claim yet another “immense victory”.  So, keeping this in might, let’s revisit the Ukrainian “counter-offensives”, bullet style.

  • These supposed “counter-offensives” were announced weeks in advance (which the Russians noticed)
  • Then the Ukrainians began by sustained artillery strikes to weaken the Russian defenses (and, thereby, indicate again to the Russians where they planned to attack).
  • Then the Ukrainians concentrated large forces (which the Russians saw, of course) and then threw them all into a (relatively) mass assault on what they believed were the weakest spots in the Russian defenses.

This is what happened north of Kherson and this is what is happening just north of Balakleia now.  And it will happen again on other parts of the immense frontline And, each time, the Russians will resist if/when possible, but they will quickly concede terrain and fall back if pressed hard, not only to save Russian lives (why waste them for a few trenches or buildings??) and to “pull in” the Ukrainians into a network of mobile defenses.

So how does a mobile defense work?

Basically, it uses the Russian advantages (firepower, maneuverability, logistics, reach, C3ISR, morale and training) to save as many Russian lives as possible while killing as many Ukrainian soldiers are possible.  Why?  Because while terrain can always be re-conquered, dead soldiers cannot be resurrected.

So let me repeat this again: the Russians retreating before a determined Ukrainian attack is not the exception in this war, it is the rule.  So we should EXPECT the Russians to do that every time the Ukrainians launch a mass assault and sends entire battalions into the Russian meat grinder.

Some have suggested that this is bad tactic since it gives Kiev a good PSYOP/PR opportunity.  To this I will reply two things:

  • Kiev does not need anything anchored in reality to declare “heroic victories”, they can literally take a photo in the “grey zone”, then quickly run away and present that as a huge victory (they did just that a few days ago)
  • Russian commanders will not sacrifice Russian soldiers for a short lived PR victory.  That would be both immoral and totally self-defeating.

Think of the Russian advantages for a second (again: firepower, maneuverability, logistics, reach, C3ISR, morale and training) and realize that they are all dependent on the Russian ability to fight against the Ukronazis with lower manpower which, in turn, should suggest to you that the single most precious element of the Russian warfighting machine is the Russian solider: if the Russians tried to emulate Ukrainian “tactics” (i.e., throwing as much meat in the meatgrinder as available) they would quickly run out of the required manpower which, in turn, would create both military and political problems for the Kremlin.

And now, a flashback of sorts.

Remember when before the Russian SMO many observers including myself said that Russia would not invade the Ukraine simply because the Russians did kind of numbers needed to invade the Ukraine?  Well, this was true then and this is STILL true!

The SMO is not a regular combined arms operation and the Russian STILL do not have the kind of manpower to “occupy the Ukraine”.  However, what the Russians did is the following:

  1. First, they gave the US/NATO (not the clowns in Kiev) and ultimatum which they knew the West would reject.
  2. Next, they basically destroyed the Ukrainian military as a coherent whole and broke it up into smaller, uncoordinated forces.  Oh sure, after a week or so, the Ukrainians still had a few aircraft left, plenty of subunits (brigades and below), some air defenses, etc. but what they lost is the ability to use all these resources as part of a single plan!
  3. Then the Russian began slowly and methodically grinding down the huge Ukrainian force in the Donbass (that is the force whose attack the Russians preempted).
  4. They pushed hard along the coast creating a southern front which the Ukrainians had to protect, tying down Ukrainian forces (which are still terrified by a possible Russian land and amphibious assault towards Nikolaev and Odessa).
  5. And now they are basically waiting for the Ukrainians to come to them instead of going after the Ukrainians.  Oh sure, when possible, the Russians will push forward, but they will concede terrain if/when needed.

Which leaves one last parameter: time.

Banderastan is a bloody mess, a failed state, a country 404 which is turning into a horror show run by a mix of local Nazis and US Neocons (what an ugly pair these two make!).  Western governments, ALL OF THEM, are in really bad shape, all the western economies have gone over the edge and are now falling into a recession and even into a fullscale de-industrialization.  The biggest western power, the USA, is run by a brain-dead old man, a former call-girl and with a Neocon ruling class which is absolutely terrified of the upcoming elections.

In sharp contrast, the Russian economy’s contraction will be in the 2% range by the end of the year, Putin is as popular as ever, as is Mishustin, the vast majority of Russians fully support the SMO and the Russian economy (a real economy, not a FIRE based one!) is flush with money and has the support of most of the planet.

So whose side is time on?  I think that the answer is obvious.  So the full list of Russian advantages should also include time: firepower, maneuverability, logistics, reach, C3ISR, morale, training and time.

[Sidebar: right now there is still plenty of forest and foliage in the Ukraine, but with the winter coming, this “green” cover will become very thin, making it even harder to hide for the Ukrainian forces!  That is also one more reason why the Russians are now mostly waiting]

Remember how “Ze” spoke of a “million soldiers army”?  Well, that is nonsense, of course, but it shows one thing:
“Ze” feels that his biggest advantage is to thrown tens and even hundred of thousands of soldiers in suicidal attacks.  As for the West, it poured so much money, manpower and hardware into the country 404 that many western leaders now complain that their countries have now compromised their own reserves of weapon systems.  The US alone is spending 228 million dollars PER DAY on the Ukrainian fiasco.  In sharp contrast, Putin is now openly saying that the SMO has been “beneficial” for Russia!

Apparently, “Ze” and his Neocon masters want to try to “drown the Russian military in Ukrainian blood“.  If you sincerely believe that this is a winning strategy, please contact me as I have some super bridges to sell you for very cheap prices 🙂

Having said all that, if the next time the Russians retreat for a few kilometers you want to either freak out and declare that “all is lost” or proclaim with great gravitas that “Russia is losing the war”, by all means, feel free to do so.  I will just ignore these claims simply because, frankly, I am sick and tired of repeating the same truisms over and over and over again, especially when plenty of “commentators” don’t even bother reading what I wrote, they just want to flood the comments section with their talking points!

If you rather trust Girkin-Strelkov or Arestovich that is fine by me as long as you don’t have to parrot their nonsense in the comments section which I consider as “deliberate pollution of the comments section”.  That will get you banned and, once we have the “comments for signed-up commentators only” thing ready, I will simply remove you from the approved list.

Anyway, that is all I had to say for right now.  I hope that the above has been helpful (though I am under no illusions: as I said, trolls don’t even bother reading what I write, they just need to populate the comments section with their slogans).




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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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September 8, 2022 8:42 am

I keep up with the Ukraine news (such that I even give a shit) from Doug Macgregor. He’s the only military man worthy of attention. He tells the same story; Russia is in control and the war is largely over.

World War Zeke
World War Zeke
September 8, 2022 10:32 am

Thx, I’ll check MacGregor’s analysis out.

Rhetorical modification though, the east Ukraine battle could soon end. However, the war is NWO’s struggle to reduce world population by 95%. TPTB just need a lie to explain to the enslaved surviving 5% that they had no choice but to escalate/protect them from madman Putinhiter.

Thus the unreal clumsiness of absurd lies like Russian shelling a near-border nuke plant they occupy, and Biden speech on ultra-MAGA/semi-fascist/white nationalist on the march against US society, and ZATO-Europe gas lighting about their own voluntary gas heating sanctions and upcoming fertilizer/food shortages.

This narrative tapestry is meant to be the founding mythology of the deviant elite remade world of 20 years from now. The truth will be erased from history without the resolve of good people.

  World War Zeke
September 8, 2022 10:39 am

Here’s a start:

World War Zeke
World War Zeke
September 8, 2022 10:58 am

lol, D.M. certainly nailed, the ignominious fate of BoJo, 2 months earlier.

He’s conversant on Olly Cromwell. Right on.

September 8, 2022 11:47 am

not only are you right, you’re 100% correct. and it’s not only oil=gas, it’s the gold-backed ruble vs. the Euro and the petro-dollar that’re backed (right now, anyway) by bovine excrement (since Dick Nixon)

September 8, 2022 8:02 pm

At least we have Israel on our side.

September 8, 2022 12:54 pm

We’ve been watching New Atlas, Alexander Mercouris, and Military Summary Channel, all on YT via Roku. Those people provide details way beyond Macgregor.

September 8, 2022 8:57 am

I don’t understand why Russia can’t end this thing on a shorter timeline being superior in strength .
We never hear about Russia’s air force, where is it? Winning a war is always better to do it quickly as possible
It makes me wonder if this is all staged for nefarious reasons that most can’t contemplate.
Daneric’s Elliott Waves insists that Valensky is the antichrist and the Ukraine war is the start of the end times.
Interesting times.
And PCR is a doom porn whore/idiot.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 8, 2022 10:23 am

When was the last time America won a war? (Movies don’t count.) If Russia has anything to learn from America, it’s how not to win a war.

  Iska Waran
September 8, 2022 11:17 am

When is the last time Ukraine won a war?

World War Zeke
World War Zeke
September 8, 2022 11:28 am

December 1991 Ukrainian independence referendum. 23 years later… never trust a Nudelman bearing cookies.

Historical note: nearly half of Crimea did not agree with western Ukraine to leave Russia. Those numbers shifted to a majority for Ukexit in 2014. Don’t know if that is considered a marginal eastern Ukraine victory over NWO OPFOR.

Anon y mous
Anon y mous
  Iska Waran
September 8, 2022 1:10 pm

Not really disagreeing with much of what is stated in the article or comments, so not intending to be argumentative – but when did Russia last win a war either? They’ve had trouble tamping down their own moslems in Chechnya and they certainly did not win in Afghanistan. Although you might say they are twice as smart as our ‘leaders’ since they left Afghanistan in 10yrs when it took us 20. They are putting their chechnyan moslems to use in Ukraine so maybe I should retract part of my statement. Looks like they at least figured out how to distract them.

  Anon y mous
September 8, 2022 8:22 pm

My understanding of how Russia is now “handling Chechnya” is that Moscow lets the locals run the place, except for foreign affairs and federation issues. Sort of how the USA (once upon a time) was envisioned.

September 8, 2022 10:51 am

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is doing a mistake”

NATO is currently demilitarizing itself, Putin watches in amazement… and he will allow just enough equipment to reach the Ukrainian frontlines (to be soon after destroyed there), to not let the neocons come to their senses.

September 8, 2022 11:01 pm

My guess is that long drawn out wars are better money makers for every country’s military/industrial complex that is involved.

Putin it where it counts
Putin it where it counts
September 8, 2022 9:34 am

Good luck ever getting the loyalty of the occupied

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  Putin it where it counts
September 8, 2022 10:20 am

Russia will keep the areas filled with Russians and eventually cede the other parts to mini-Ukraine, Hungary and Poland. If logic reigns, the Ukrainian flag will be only yellow – no more blue.

Let the world burn
Let the world burn
September 8, 2022 9:58 am

I always hate Stucky, but a good read is a good read.

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
September 8, 2022 10:15 am

How does Russia fight a war? Something along the lines of “This will not be over quickly. You will NOT enjoy this.”



September 8, 2022 10:46 am

I think PCR’s bullshit is now seriously moving in the direction of “Russia should simply have nuked the entire West on Feb 24th.”

September 8, 2022 11:11 am

And on the psychological front….

comment image

September 8, 2022 11:20 am

So far it’s just a fake…

September 8, 2022 11:12 am
Daddy Joe
Daddy Joe
September 8, 2022 11:40 am

Stuck, Thanks for a good one that helps explain how the Russians do it and why. For those who are easily confused by our domestic propaganda machine. All Americans know is how to start wars then let someone else finish them. Russians are patient and masters at using their two greatest allies–landmass and winters.

  Daddy Joe
September 8, 2022 8:27 pm

The idea of the USA (or Britain) giving pointers to Russia about how to fight a land war in Ukraine is ludicrous.

The Germans might still have some institutional memory, but things didn’t work out all that well the last time they gave it a shot.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
September 8, 2022 1:08 pm

Irrespective, Russia should have opened the operation with the inclusion of a combined air- land -sea movement to secure Odessa. Oh, well, no Mulligans in that theatre.

That the Ze has freedom of movement, as does apparently all political players from the West in and out of Country 404 confuses Auntie to the core. Placing persons in harm’s way has a salutary effect on anybody that wants to play “the game” for real.

In any case fratricide is such a disgusting, ugly business (but it IS so good for business.)

The Central Scrutinizer
The Central Scrutinizer
  Aunt Acid
September 8, 2022 2:22 pm

He had to be careful not to panic the global herd. The object is to get what you want without blowing everything up. So far, so good.

  Aunt Acid
September 8, 2022 6:46 pm

“Russia should have opened the operation with the inclusion of a combined air- land -sea movement to secure Odessa.”

And how would they have done that without a significant loss of troops, and countless civilian deaths? Odessa is traditionally a Russian city. This isn’t a ‘shock and awe’ campaign.

Aunt Acid
Aunt Acid
September 8, 2022 10:53 pm

By properly planning and executing, across all spectrums of the game, to surprise and overwhelm the garrison, naval and police forces, using all methods to secure a nice perimeter and have enough folks on the inside to help get things switched over quickly.

Didn’t you ever play Risk, or are you just being a whippersnapper, Pete?

  Aunt Acid
September 8, 2022 11:57 pm

And over here to our left, we have our classic arm-chair general that thinks they know everything about warfare.

Nikita Koloff (the Russian Nightmare)
Nikita Koloff (the Russian Nightmare)
September 8, 2022 4:00 pm

Saker… same dude that said Russia had a big “cauldron” around the Donbass (by fire control) in late March. Almost 6 months later and still waiting on that. Just because PCR is a doomer doesn’t make Saker’s apologies for Russian military mess-ups correct.

They’re not perfect and majorly messed up allowing the Ukrainian offensive near Izium. Ukraine can’t sustain that obviously, but those gains should’ve never been made. Russian troops keep wondering why Russia doesn’t bomb all the supply route bridges and rail lines in the pro-Ukrainian areas of Ukraine. Russia liberated Lyschanks OVER 2 months ago and could’ve quickly pushed all the way to Sloviansk/Kramatorsk in probably less than 10 days… but over 2 months later they still haven’t even taken control of Bakhmut or Seversk.

Sure, it’s smart to let the Ukrainians come to you and die in mass by artillery to minimize Russian casualties, but let’s get the show on the road. Most of the Ukies in the trenches are unmotivated 2nd/3rd/4th rate untrained cannon fodder. Russia seems fine sitting back while the DPR/LPR troops do a lot of the down and dirty fighting and dying (along with Wagner PMC and Chechens).

Donetsk civilians keep getting pounded and killed by Ukie artillery and the nuclear plant keeps getting hit while Russia seems fine with allowing that to happen when they have the power to make a push to those 2 areas to stop it from happening. After opening the war with a crazy blitz in the north, it seems Russia is now extremely cautious and risk averse with Russian regulars.

Now that Ukraine expended almost all their best and battle-hardened troops in the Kherson and Izium offensives, once the Russians clean up the Ukie Izium offensive, what excuses will they have if they don’t make big pushes in multiple areas (DonBass/Kharkov/Nikolayev/Kriv Roh areas) and then do the classic Russian move of pouring in reserves to the best breakthroughs.

  Nikita Koloff (the Russian Nightmare)
September 8, 2022 6:52 pm

Consider the Russian objectives, denazification and demilitarisation. Seizing land quickly is not one of them.

Also consider the terrain beyond current lines, which is largely flat and open.

If your enemy keeps throwing their forces at your defences, and you can obliterate them with minimal losses, why would do you do anything else? The pace of territorial advance may be slow, but the pace of demilitarisation has increased as Zelensky becomes more desperate for PR victories.

Once these offensives pass, and the autumn weather reduces tree cover, the Russian forces will be in a much better position to move on Nikolaev and Odessa in the south, and Kharkov in the north, with much reduced Ukrainian resistance.

Nikita Koloff (the Russian Nightmare)
Nikita Koloff (the Russian Nightmare)
September 8, 2022 8:23 pm

I understand what you’re saying, and agree to a degree. But, if there’s a nuclear disaster, Russia would deserve just as much blame for allowing it to happen and everything you said about their objectives wouldn’t mean much.

As far as my Izium point, that still stands. Russia f’ed up majorly there. No explanation of a “Russian trap” to get Ukies out of their defensive positions or the offensive ultimately ending up in failure can justify what ended up happening there. People paying attention knew 3 weeks ago some sort of offensive was going to happen there and the results as of today show Russia was unprepared.

And, again, Russia not knocking out all bridges and rail lines carrying military supplies… and some road junctions. They can do it, but haven’t really. To have the capability to do that and not do it, that’s plain stubborn stupidity and a huge failure of leadership. If it’s a question of maintaining that infrastructure in pro-Russia areas, they can rest assured that the Ukies will destroy that stuff as they leave… and absolutely no reason to not destroy bridges and rail lines in western Ukraine. Ukraine can scorch earth eastern Ukraine, but Russia allows western Ukrainians to live mostly carefree. Wonder how the people in Donetsk feel about that.

ursel doran
ursel doran
September 8, 2022 6:45 pm

A reminder of strategy and tactics from ancient history. “The Art of War”
Putin has studied the book written in 400 B.C., and has it seared in his brain and very soul, I imagine.
It has been in continuous publication ever since and has multiple printings. The local Barnes and Noble used to have several different versions, but now none.

Rest assured that Zelensky has never read it and could care less as he is just there for the money he is taking to add to his personal fortune estimated to be a few hundred million. He is playing Biden and the USA like the fool the Demented One is, to get more cash sent over to be gifted, along with selling LOTS of the guns and ammo for more cash. “Never give a sucker an even Break.”

For those that may be interested Amazon has my favorite version of the book with a foreword by James Clavell for $12 -$14.