Understanding the American Civil War

Guest Post by Mike Whitney & Paul Craig Roberts

Paul Craig Roberts– Before I answer the questions it needs to be clearly stated that my answers are not merely my opinion, but hard facts supported in the historical record. Like John Maynard Keynes, I like to keep my views in accordance with the facts. In the case of what is called “the Civil War,” the facts are clear enough.

Lincoln and the Republicans understood that the 2 March 1861 Morrill Tariff would result in secession of Southern states from the Union. On the same day in an effort to prevent secession, the Republicans passed and Lincoln endorsed the Corwin Amendment. The Corwin Amendment would have made it impossible for slavery to be abolished.

“On 2 March 1861, in a futile attempt to prevent the secession of the slaveholding states, Congress proposed, and sent to the states for ratification, a constitutional amendment designed to protect slavery in the states where it existed.”

If the Republicans invaded the South to overthrow slavery, why did they pass a constitutional amendment that would have preserved slavery forever? If the South went to war in defense of slavery, why did the South not ratify the Corwin Amendment and remain in the Union?

These questions have been evaded by dishonest historians ever since the end of the war.

The war was a bloody business. The Union generals Sherman and Sheridan targeted not only Southern armies but civilians and their shelter and food supplies. As the war came to an end the devastated condition of the South was creating northern sympathy, something the extreme Republicans pushing more punishment and humiliation under their Reconstruction policy did not want. The Republicans saw the need to turn the explanation of the war into a moral project to free the slaves from the iniquity of white Southerners. Reconstruction went beyond the South’s defeat and inflicted brutal humiliation. This required creation of an immoral image of the South fighting to keep people in slavery.

As the victors write the histories, the reconstructed account prevailed. The creation of black studies as university departments and the civil rights disturbances in the 1960s served to renew the positioning of white Southerners as reprehensible and in need of a second Reconstruction via busing and coerced racial integration.

Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts

Mike Whitney– Help me understand the origins of the Civil War. I was taught that the Union went to war to end slavery and that slavery was the primary cause of the Civil War? Is that true?

Paul Craig Roberts– As all historical documentation shows, slavery had little to do with the so-called Civil War. Let’s get this straight at the beginning. IT WAS NOT A CIVIL WAR. A civil war is when two sides fight over the control of the government. The South made no fight to take over the government. The South merely used its Constitutional right to secede from the US.

Secession resulted in war because Lincoln was determined to “preserve the Union.” He proclaimed repeatedly that he invaded the South to “preserve the Union,” not to free the slaves. He said that he had no power to free the slaves because the US Constitution made slavery a states’ rights issue.

In his inaugural address Lincoln said: “I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so.” The North had no intention of going to war over slavery. The same day that the Republican Congress passed the tariff, the Republican Congress passed the Corwin Amendment that added more constitutional protection to slavery.

Lincoln said that the South could have all the slavery that it wanted as long as the Southern states paid the tariff. The North would not go to war over slavery, but it would to collect the tariff. Lincoln said that “there needs to be no bloodshed or violence” over collecting the tariff, but that he will use the government’s power “to collect the duties and imposts.”

The South did not invade the North. The North invaded the South. President Lincoln made the reason clear time after time. The War of Northern Aggression was to preserve the Union and to make the Southern states pay the tariff to finance Northern industrialization. The South fought because the South was invaded.

Until modern times serious historians, such as Charles Beard, who were not fighting ideological battles explained the conflict between the Northern and Southern states as being economic. The North wanted a tariff against British imports that would raise the cost of British imports above what the same goods could be produced for in northern factories.

The Southern states objected to being forced to pay in order to subsidize higher priced Northern manufactures. The Southern states were also concerned that the British in retaliation would impose tariffs on the Southern export of cotton and tobacco.

As territories were taken from native Americans and became incorporated as states, the difference between North and South, resulting, for example, in the Missouri Compromise, was not over the expansion of slavery, but over keeping the balance in Congress between North and South equal so that the North could not impose tariffs on the South.

President Lincoln said repeatedly that slavery was a state’s rights issue for which there was no federal authority to abolish, and that he did not intend to exceed his powers by abolishing slavery. In the North only the abolitionists who did not have much of Lincoln’s ear saw the war as a campaign to end slavery.

As Southern states were seceding because of the tariff that had passed, the Northern Republicans on the eve of Lincoln’s inauguration as president passed the Corwin Amendment which made it impossible for the United States to ever abolish slavery. Lincoln endorsed the Corwin Amendment. Today historians have to obscure this fact in order to protect their explanation of the war. They say that Lincoln neither opposed nor supported the Corwin Amendment, but here are Lincoln’s direct words accepting the Amendment in his inaugural address: “I have no objection to its being made express and irrevocable.”

President Lincoln made the deal clear to the South: Stay in the Union and slavery is guaranteed by the government of the United States of America for ever.

If the war was over slavery, why did the South not avoid the war by accepting Lincoln’ guarantee? Indeed, why was the guarantee even necessary as Lincoln admitted that slavery was a state’s right issue, not a federal one. So here is the South with two guarantees against the abolishment of slavery and the South still wants to fight for slavery?!

If the Union invaded the South to free the slaves, why did the Union pass the Corwin Amendment guaranteeing the permanent existence of slavery?

Clearly, slavery was not the issue.

The war was caused by the passage of the tariff and by the South’s refusal to pay the tariff by seceding. When the South could not be bribed by the Corwin Amendment to remain in the Union, Lincoln invaded.

Historians of the slavery explanation of the war find their support in Southern arguments for secession. The South in order to avoid war wanted to leave the Union on Constitutional grounds, thinking naively that the North would respect the Constitution.

In the US Constitution tariffs are a FEDERAL issue, not a STATES RIGHTS ISSUE. The South could not make a Constitutional case for secession on the basis of opposition to the Tariff. But the South could make a case for secession on slavery grounds, because the Constitution required northern states to return runaway slaves, and some northern states, in defiance of the US Constitution, refused to return the runaway property. Thus northern states were violating the US Constitution. This gave constitutional grounds to the Southern states for secession. They argued that Northern states had broken the Constitutional pact by violating it.

In order to show that they were acting in accordance with the Constitution and not committing treason or an act of rebellion by seceding, some of the states’ secession documents made the argument that Northern states that did not return slaves had voided the constitutional pact. This is the basis for the historians’ claim that the war was fought over slavery. I have written at length about this. See, (here) and (here)

Mike Whitney– On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which declared “that all persons held as slaves” …”henceforward shall be free.” What do Americans need to know about the Emancipation Proclamation that they weren’t taught in school? Was Lincoln really the “great American hero” he’s made-out to be?

Paul Craig Roberts– The Emancipation Proclamation was a war measure. Not a freedom of the slaves measure. As President Lincoln’s own Secretary of State said, “We have just freed slaves in territories that we do not control and left them in slavery in territories we do control.”

During the first two years of war Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson with far fewer soldiers had consistently inflicted defeats on Lincoln’s large armies. Lincoln ran through general after general, all defeated by the small Army of Northern Virginia.

Lincoln and his advisors decided that a Union proclamation freeing slaves in Southern territories would produce a slave rebellion and that Lee’s invincible army would run home to protect their wives and children.

But no such slave rebellion occurred. However oppressed the abolitionists imagined the blacks were, the blacks didn’t agree. There was no rebellion.

The misrepresentation of the War of Northern Aggression as Lincoln’s war to free slaves is impossible to reconcile with Lincoln’s view of blacks. Here is “the Great Emancipator” in his own words:

“I have said that the separation of the races is the only perfect preventive of amalgamation [of the white and black races] . . . Such separation . . . must be affected by colonization” [sending blacks to Liberia or Central America]. (Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln vol. II, p. 409).

“Let us be brought to believe it is morally right, and . . . favorable to . . . our interest, to transfer the African to his native clime.” (Collected Works, vol. II, p. 409).

(Lincoln) “I am not nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races. I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people” (Collected Works, vol. III, pp. 145-146).

How was the real Lincoln turned into “the Great Emancipator”?

Mike Whitney– In your book Empire Of Lies you refer to the Civil War as The War of Northern Aggression. I admit, I had never heard that term before, but it really helped me to realize that one’s interpretation of what took place depends largely on where one was born and raised. What are the most glaring errors that Northerners make about the Civil War?

Paul Craig Roberts– It was the North that invaded the South. The South fought only because it was invaded. Lincoln rejected the South’s constitutional argument for secession, declared the South to be in rebellion and invaded to preserve the Union.

The Union Armies under Sherman and Sheridan committed war crimes. They attacked civilians and left them starving with slaughtered livestock and burned down homes. In contrast, when Lee took the Army of Northern Virginia into Union territory in an effort to conclude the conflict, he admonished his soldiers prior to Gettysburg to remember that their purpose is to defeat the enemy’s army, not to take revenge on Union civilians for what Union armies did to the South’s civilians.

The misrepresentation that the Union Army was fighting for black freedom becomes obviously absurd when we realize that at war’s end this same Union army and its generals Sherman and Sheridan were unleashed on the Plains Indians to exterminate the buffalo, the Indians’ food supply, and to massacre their women and children. Books have been written and movies have been made about this. The question always in my mind is: if saving blacks on Southern plantations is a great moral cause, what happened to the moral cause when the same army was unleashed against the Plains Indians? Why save one “people of color” and destroy another?

Mike Whitney– The monuments of Confederate Generals have recently become a source of controversy and deepening polarization. A number of these statues have been either torn-down or desecrated by radical leftists who believe that they are fighting racism. What is wrong with this line-of-reasoning?

Paul Craig Roberts– Everything. The South fought because it was invaded by Lincoln. The South fought to repel an invader, not for slavery. The Southern army was not composed of plantation owners. It was composed of ordinary people, most of whom were poor. They were fighting because they were invaded.

Mike Whitney– Here’s a quote from your book that I found particularly interesting:

“Before history became politicized, historians understood that the North intended for the South to bear costs of the North’s development of industry and manufacturing. The agricultural South preferred the lower priced goods from England. The South understood that a tariff on British goods would push import prices above the high northern prices and lower the South’s living standards in the interest of raising living standards in the North. The conflict was entirely economic and had nothing whatsoever to do with slavery, which also had existed in the North….”

This is a remarkable statement that suggests that our fundamental understanding of the Civil War is wrong. The official version of events implies that the war was launched for humanitarian reasons (ending slavery) by a benevolent leader (Lincoln) whose actions were guided by his unflinching commitment to principle. Your comment suggests that this version of history is wrong, and that the conflict had more to do with tariffs, industry and living standards than with slavery.

Can you expand on your statement and comment on whether –in your opinion– the US would have been better-off had Lincoln allowed the South to secede from the Union splitting the country into two separate parts forever?

Paul Craig Roberts– The “official version” is not official. It is a revisionist version entirely devoid of any support in historical documents. The purposes of the “official version” are to cover up Northern war crimes and justify Reconstruction, to set up reparations for blacks, to reduce whites to second class citizens and to legitimize racial preferences for blacks in university admissions, employment, promotion and exemption from criminal punishment for crimes, such as San Francisco’s law that blacks can steal up to $950 each time from stores without it being a criminal offense and the California legislature’s recent passage of a bill requiring less punishment for blacks than for white people for identical criminal acts.

If the South had prevailed, today the US would be a smaller country. In order to protect itself from the North, the South would have competed for expansion into western territories. Mexico might have been able to hold on to parts stolen from itself.

As a smaller entity, the US would be unable to claim hegemony over the world. We would not face the prospect of nuclear destruction from an aggressive foreign policy.

Mike Whitney– In many parts of the United States, discrimination and bigotry are considered the highest moral crimes. Unfortunately, there is one exception to this rule. Americans are still free to disparage Southern whites as ignorant, racist ‘crackers’ who are fully-deserving of their condescension and contempt. How do you explain this flagrant prejudice against southerners that still thrives in many parts of the country today?

Paul Craig Roberts– The prejudice against Southerners is prejudice against all whites.

Discrimination and bigotry are artificial issues created for the sole reason of demonizing all white Americans, not just Southerners. All whites, even the white liberals insisting on the demonization, are included. The doctrines of “aversive racism” and “critical race theory” do not exclude the white liberals who promote these doctrines. The white liberals have brought demonization on all white people, themselves included.

If the so-called “Civil War” was fought at great expense in white lives for the sake of black freedom, how can whites be said to be racists responsible for the oppression of blacks? As whites did so much for blacks, why are blacks taught to hate whites? How could “aversive racists” have gone to their deaths in war for the sake of blacks? Why did blacks turn on their liberators?

Critical race theory doesn’t just apply to southerners. It is taught in northern schools, midwestern schools, west coast schools, southwest schools. Clearly the official narrative of the “Civil War” is at odds with the demonization of white people as oppressors of blacks.

I don’t know of one, but possibly there is an example of a white southerner traveling to Africa and capturing and enslaving a black. But what we do know, or once did, is that slave wars conducted by the black kingdom of Dahomey were the source of the enslaved blacks brought to the Americas.

Mike Whitney– Are Lee and Jackson still honored as heroes in the South?

Paul Craig Roberts– For what remains of the South, yes. But Lee’s statues have been removed from the Virginia that he defended. Jackson’s statue has been removed from VMI. The South’s heroes have been deep-sixed. Southerners have been indoctrinated for many years that southerners are evil because they are white and thereby racists.

Robert E. Lee spent his life in service to the US military. He fought for Washington in the conflicts with Mexico. He was offered Union command when the North made the decision to invade the South. Lee refused the offer on the grounds that he could not invade his own state of Virginia.

Americans, being propagandized instead of educated, aren’t aware that in those days of states’ rights people saw themselves as citizens of states, not of the United States.

Lee owned no plantations. He was a US military officer forced by the War of Northern Aggression to defend his state of Virginia.

Stonewall Jackson was a professor at the Virginia Military Institute, which provided as good or better officers to the US Army as West Point. Jackson owned no plantations. He was a professor forced into war by Lincoln’s invasion of the South.

How do southerners today view Lee and Jackson? The real question is: Does the South still exist? The federal government controls its schools. Its universities are staffed by northern professors, because the Southern universities seeking approval abandoned their own and try to raise their standing by hiring northern Ivy league Ph.Ds.

Southern literature has been discredited as racist and cast down the memory hole, as has great movies such as “Gone with the Wind.”

Southern cities have been over-run by northerners escaping from the north, or by blacks, as Atlanta has been. Southerners no longer have a voice. They have been de-platformed. They don’t even have their own universities. There is no Southern media.

Whatever remains of the South stood aside as Southern cities removed the monuments of heroes, now described as racists, who defended the south from invasion.

The destruction of monuments destroys history. The destruction of history destroys memory. Thus the South disappears day by day.


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September 25, 2023 6:53 pm

Very misleading painting !
Like teevee in merca……………….blacks made up 75% of fighting men in the civil war.
Very few whites fought ………….mostly niggercock hungry young democrats.
That painting is why merca needs 24-7-365 nigger training !

September 25, 2023 8:26 pm


So you must have a high opinion of Republicans I take it?

September 25, 2023 9:30 pm

Dats sum funny shiite!

September 25, 2023 8:04 pm

The American Civil War was a disagreement among Freemasons.

And it wasn’t a civil war, it was a war of secession.

September 25, 2023 8:24 pm

ICE-9…in the black at 500 yards.

September 25, 2023 10:00 pm

I disagree Ice, it was 100% Freemason but they absolutely were not in disagreement. They wanted southern land and wealth and they got it. They wanted to test total war and that went as they had hoped. It was a plan that was stacked against the south from day one.

September 25, 2023 8:22 pm

Did you know in the wild west the train companies decided to smash two trains head on into each other.
They thought the trains would just rise up onto each other. They advertised the spectacle for months and on the day over 20,000 people showed up. Well when they exploded the crowd got hit by shrapnel and the rest is history cheers.

September 25, 2023 9:07 pm

Steam explosions can be quite violent.

This was a very good article and I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, but always understood that Arlington was Robert E Lee’s plantation until it were seized by the yankees.

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
September 26, 2023 1:04 am

I believe it was his wife’s family plantation, and after her father’s death she and Lee lived there. Hard to say how the Virginia property laws of the time may have looked at the situation.

But you are right about the seizure, and the family received zero payment, not then and not ever.

  The True Nolan
September 26, 2023 8:51 am


rhs jr
rhs jr
September 27, 2023 11:34 pm


  The True Nolan
September 26, 2023 1:27 pm

lee’s kids fought the feds in court 4 compensation over arlington & eventually received some $ over it but it was a pittance —

September 25, 2023 9:14 pm

People pretend there has been a legitimate government since 1861, but clearly there has not. Some of the same fallacious and tired arguments about the idea that a Republic is permanently binding are again presented by cursed Yankees.

September 25, 2023 9:28 pm

“How do southerners today view Lee and Jackson?”

To me, they are on equal footing with Our Founders.

September 26, 2023 1:49 am

Well,i grew up in S.C.,and i still respect Lee and Jackson. I have contributed to my grandchildren’s education,so they don’t believe all the woke bullshyte of government schools.

September 26, 2023 8:55 am

They were co-conspirators in the stage managed “Civil War” whose true purpose was to kill a whole bunch of small landholders….and free up the land for exploitation by the wealthy.
Even the alleged coup de grace of Lincoln was literally staged inside a theater using actors.
Actor John Wilkes Booth.

September 25, 2023 9:30 pm

Great column!

September 25, 2023 9:38 pm

And this: They must be deported after 15 years while millions of POC flood my country…illegally.

comment image

September 26, 2023 1:51 am

Oh yeah,White ,fertile, and intelligent looking. They definitely gotta go.

September 25, 2023 10:36 pm

One of Paul’s best articles I have read. Very convincing argument that mainstream history is similar to mainstream news, total BS.

gadsden flag
gadsden flag
September 25, 2023 11:20 pm

in Jacksonville Florida –

((they)) have removed the statues and the memory of the Southern men who withstood the Babylonians.

The insouciant, unintellectual carpetbagger peggersheep have initiated public referendums to remove the names of Confederates from some of the schools.

When the hoards arrive from Texas i shall not defend them.

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
  gadsden flag
September 26, 2023 1:11 am

What used to be N.B. Forrest High School in Jacksonville was changed to some “more socially relevant” name. Decades ago, the neighborhood became mostly Black — but when the students were polled, they LIKED the old name. That’s what it had always been. That’s what it was when their brothers and sisters and parents attended, and they wanted to keep the name. Sadly, some lady teacher from up north moved to town, started teaching there, and raised a big stink with the newspaper.

  The True Nolan
September 26, 2023 1:52 am

The Taliban are right.Educating women will corrupt and destroy your society.

Gadsden flag
Gadsden flag
  The True Nolan
September 26, 2023 11:09 am

Also Robert E Lee high school.

Cedartown Mark
Cedartown Mark
  Gadsden flag
September 26, 2023 1:00 pm

I had a girlfriend that went there in the late 60’s, she showed me her junior and senior yearbooks with pictures of some of the members of Lynyrd Skynyrd that also went there and the gym coach they named the band after.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Gadsden flag
September 27, 2023 11:54 pm

My dad had to run from the Law, so I grew up dirt poor; & on Woodcrest Rd just like Ronnie Van Zant; but Robert E Lee gave me an education that got me a scholarship to FSU. Since then, the Late Great RE Lee HS it has become a failed black shit-hole called Riverside HS. PS: My Grand Mother told us about Sherman’s murder’s tearing down her Grand Father’s house and barn and stealing every scrap of food, leaving him to painfully starve to death. Affirmative Action/Diversity is Reconstruction II. Whites told Stupids that blacks would destroy public schools; y’all Stupid liberal Bastards can never fix what you have destroyed; rot in Hell.

Daddy joe
Daddy joe
September 25, 2023 11:54 pm

Thank you PCR, for for the most direct and concise explanation of our second war of independence. I’ve read several books that couldn’t do nearly so well in many hundreds of pages. Likewise , I’m sure you’ve read many more to sift and learn the truth. Sadly, the same process that started in the 1850s, 60s, and 70s is now in hyperdrive and has now been institutionalized complete with cultural substitution, separate judicial systems. If the white race doesn’t wake up and reclaim their foundations all that remains is the final state supported genocide.

The True Nolan
The True Nolan
September 26, 2023 1:14 am

Great article — and correct. When I attended Grade Schools in the early 1960s in Tennessee we were still being taught that the war was primarily economic.

  The True Nolan
September 26, 2023 1:54 am

Ain’t it amazing how history keeps changing. Orwell nailed it.

September 26, 2023 1:44 am

I am not a scholar of history,but i do have a degree of curiosity.Never heard of the Corwin Amendment,so thank you for this information. When studying any war,Follow The Money.

September 26, 2023 1:51 am

John Maynard Keynes!

You gotta be fuckin’ kidding me.

September 26, 2023 7:46 am

Where’s the lie ?
“Capitalism is the astounding belief that the most wickedest of men will do the most wickedest of things for the greatest good of everyone.”
― John Maynard Keynes

September 26, 2023 7:57 am

It doesn’t matter if he said some true things sometimes. He spewed a lot of BS, and in the end he changed his stance many times over the course of his “career”, all the way until he identified one [stance] the politicians liked.
Namely deficit spending.

September 26, 2023 8:04 am

He might have flipped and flopped between sound and voodoo economics for sure, but he never wrote one spending bill ….eh ?

“When my information changes, I alter my conclusions. What do you do, sir?”
― John Maynard Keynes

September 26, 2023 11:48 am

Where exactly did I imply he wrote a spending bill?

September 26, 2023 12:25 pm

Show us where John Maynard Keynes hurt you ….reeeeeee

September 26, 2023 2:13 pm


September 26, 2023 1:34 pm

keynes was definitely a leftist but he also had some sense —
what modern leftists,commies,and democrats(sorry 4 the repetition) ignore is that keynes believed in defecit spending but that when the economy started roaring again ,the defecit needed to be paid back —

September 26, 2023 2:12 pm

You really believe in the good old “let’s do the easy thing first” maxim?

September 26, 2023 7:40 am

“[T]he contest is really for empire on the side of the North, and for independence on that of the South, and in this respect we recognize an exact analogy between the North and the Government of George III, and the South and the Thirteen Revolted Provinces. These opinions…are the general opinions of the English nation.”
London Times, November 7, 1861

“They (the South) know that it is their import trade that draws from the peoples pockets sixty or seventy millions of dollars per annum, in the shape of duties, to be expended mainly in the North, and in the protection and encouragement of Northern interest. These are the reasons why these people do not wish the South to secede from the union”.
New Orleans Daily Crescent-1861

“The Southern Confederacy will not employ our ships or buy our goods. What is our shipping without it? Literally nothing… it is very clear that the South gains by this process and we lose. No…we must not let the South go”.
Union Democrat Manchester, New Hampshire. 19 February, 1861

“Everyone should do all in his power to collect and disseminate the truth, in the hope that it may find a place in history and descend to posterity. History is not the relation of campaigns and battles and generals or other individuals, but that which shows the principles for which the South contended and which justified her struggle for those principles. ”
Robert E. Lee

“The principle for which we contend is bound to reassert it’s self, though it may be at another time and in another form.”
President Jefferson Davis, C.S.A.

“Sirs, you have no reason to be ashamed of your Confederate dead; see to it they have no reason to be ashamed of you.”
Robert Lewis Dabney, Chaplain for Stonewall Jackson

September 26, 2023 7:44 am

Lincoln led US to the gay bar.

comment image

September 26, 2023 8:41 am

It doesn’t stop with Confederate statues. All White Christian heroes must be purged.

comment image

September 26, 2023 8:58 am

U. of Rhode Island changes course, will keep WWII-era murals it scheduled for demolition last year

September 26, 2023 9:01 am

I can’t wait till they hit the Bible for lack of diversity.

September 26, 2023 8:50 am

hard facts supported in the historical record

Milk through nose funny!
Oh, you meant
“hard facts supported in the “approved narrative ”


September 26, 2023 9:08 am

when a writer starts his article with a logical falllacy-i.e. ‘appeal to authority’

my answers are not merely my opinion, but hard facts supported in the historical record.

Appeal: “my answers are not merely my opinion, ”
To authority: “but hard facts supported in the historical record.”

September 26, 2023 9:09 am

The Histerical record written by history’s top liars!

September 26, 2023 9:33 am

Yep, and you think boomers were not brain washed? Most believe the war on slavery tripe. You try to explain the civil war was about money and power, you know like pretty much most wars. The boomer sheeple automatically think you are racist. Schools have been brainwashing factories for a long time now.

September 26, 2023 10:07 am

I’ve said what he said my whole life. nice to see someone who finally respects the truth.

Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
September 26, 2023 12:30 pm

What PCR refuses to admit is that a few powerful African kings and chiefs acted at the behest of Europeans who at that time were unable to penetrate into Africa to raid and secure human labor commodities! Eventually the Europeans including the US (as an observer) met to divide and colonize the continent in 1894. https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780195337709.001.0001/acref-9780195337709-e-0467
The War Between the States was a complicated affair but the actual fact is, it was never about abolishing slavery. In that regard Roberts is correct. America has never had any moral compunctions about enslavement or the extermination of indigenous peoples here or around the globe. Europeans love war, war is profitable and the war was profitable for some people mainly the industrialists and banksters both in Europe and here.
Contrary to popular propaganda the war was not popular in the North. It was so unpopular there were riots and violent protests against conscription in several cities and towns. https://www.britannica.com/event/Draft-Riot-of-1863 Rich whites could buy their way out of being drafted while poorer whites had to serve and they resented it. The so called Union Leagues in various cities were founded by wealthy Republican supporters to counter the opposition to the war.
As a “Free Soiler” Lincoln was opposed to the expansion of slavery into the territories but not to slavery itself. Slavery was the economic engine that drove American wealth and made the country a powerful player in the global economy. Poor whites like Lincoln could not compete against the free labor and skills of enslaved people. (Which is why following Reconstruction Blacks were legally excluded from so many trades and prevented from joining the organized labor movementhttps://www.history.com/news/black-codes-reconstruction-slavery ). Another inconvenient fact Roberts overlooks.
The Confederate States of America’s currency had pictures of Blacks picking cotton on several denominations. https://www.atlasobscura.com/articles/object-of-intrigue-confederate-currency
The truth is, slavery was not abolished by the war nor were rights and privilege’s universally accorded to Blacks by the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments as US history has shown.
Lastly the “Civil Rights” movement’s original goals were not racial miscegenation (certain Whites high jacked the movement to subvert its aims of equal protection under the law and the abolishment of racial oppression/apartheid and violence). PCR like most apologists for slavery and genocide never mentions or talks about the virulent post war violence that was waged against African-Americans up until the twentieth century.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Junious Ricardo Stanton
September 28, 2023 12:07 am

Blacks in America just all of a sudden went bad?

September 26, 2023 12:44 pm

Found an 1860’s bible the other day – it belonged to a young woman. A love note dropped out. A young man,
a Northerner, was stressing his undying love, but also, emphasizing how critically important it was for their union to remain strong. Awwwww. She must’ve been swooning.

Then, I realized he capitalized the letter ‘u’ – kind of weird – and maybe something else was being said here. Sure enough, he did it more than once, convincing me his love letter was also his political op/ed. Hmmmm, you mean he wasn’t concerned about freeing the slaves? He was more concerned with preserving the Union? But how can that be? All my public school American history indoctrination taught me otherwise.

Have I been red-pilled again? You bet. Who’d a thunk an old love note in an 1860’s bible would hold the real truth about what was going on then and what people were really concerned about – as compared to what the liberal historians of today want to throw at you.

September 27, 2023 11:16 am

Excellent. Thanks for sharing.

September 26, 2023 1:55 pm

it has not been that many years since the war between the states was fought —
160 years seems like a long time but not when it has only been a few generations —
my maternal grandmother’s (born 1914) grandfather was a confederate vet & he lived with them when she was a child —

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 28, 2023 12:11 am

My Grand Mother gave me some Confederate money but my mother stole it and sold it.

Lesionary Disease
Lesionary Disease
September 28, 2023 10:19 am

When I was a child and moved to Texas from Illinois in 1958, the loathing of Southerners for Northerners was still palpable. There were not a few people who had great-grandparents who told stories about the war they had lived through.

Over time, as the North moved to the South, that changed among the urban populations, but out in the woods, it is still Rebel Held Country. God Bless them.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  Lesionary Disease
September 28, 2023 12:47 pm

Slavery was wrong and needed to end; and it would have pretty soon anyway; but invading and destroying the whole South, was inexcusable to me; the Union owes the South War Damages. Reconstruction I & II are unConstitutional and the Union owes Southern Whites Reparations I & II (continuous since 1964). Given the political situation in WDC, the issue of Secession is still alive and not just for the South.