UFO reported over Mars!

The American space agency has successfully flown a small helicopter on Mars.

The drone, called Ingenuity, was airborne for less than a minute, but Nasa is celebrating what represents the first powered, controlled flight by an aircraft on another world.

Confirmation came via a satellite at Mars which relayed the chopper’s data back to Earth.

The space agency is promising more adventurous flights in the days ahead.

By Jonathan Amos
BBC Science Correspondent Published April 19, 2021

Frames from a video show Ingenuity hovering above the Martian surfaceimage copyright NASA
Frames from a video show Ingenuity hovering above the Martian surface

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This Just In! Gun Control is Here! (Satire from JP)

JP’s summary is incredibly precise with a comical (but not funny) satirical assessment of what lies ahead in our built back better country.  In a world where information is hard to present in a way that doesn’t get you cancelled, JP seems to have found a way to keep his message broadcasting on YouTube by cleverly disguising the truth as comedy.

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Why Universal Background Checks Suck

Hat tip TampaRed

The best way to sum up UBCs is that they are designed to change the definition of possession of a firearm from the current definition used by BATFE and pretty much everyone with more than three working brain cells — “ownership” — to “physical possession” of the firearm. Here’s how that would work under the UBC rules as drafted by Michael Bloomberg’s “law fare” group (which we were able to prove in Colorado).

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Guns, Politics and the End of the 2nd Amendment

This is a rant might answer a few questions about what to expect in the ongoing debate about guns.

They are never going to stop until they have them all or until we stop them.

This discussion is an important one for everyone to understand.

The Cleveland Joke: Rust Belt Humor

A guest post by Richey Piiparinen


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China’s Tragic One-Child Policy: Only the Lonely Survived

With that teaser of a headline, I hope at least one of the STMs around here takes the bait and wants to debate the point made about there being a dearth of women in China.

The video does a good job summarizing the main points without getting too graphic about how brutally the one-child policy was carried out.  That video, The Dying Rooms, is linked below.

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Eyes of the Devil: Trafficking Babies

The film below was posted by an Anon on the Whore of Babylon post.

The film describes the buying and selling of children for any and all purposes, including murder and the sale of body parts.  That the filmmaker managed to save one child, little Marcelina, is profound. 

I hope this film is shared far and wide before You Tube takes it down.


Rust Belt Dignity: Life after Rust in Cleveland

Guest post by Richey Piiparinen

Everything is Awesome and There’s Nothing to See Here

Me getting waterboarded with radiation.)

It started with a mutation that kicked off a cell division that birthed a brain mass that made me see things that were not there and to miss things that were. That’s cancer purified. To take was working and break it. To take what was pink and charcoal it. To take what was pliable and harden it. To take what was benign at worst, and beautiful at best, and change the parameters so invasive and scarred were the new bookends that bounded what’s possible, if not probable.

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Are We Seeing End Times Events?


Whether you believe any supernatural deity impacts, effects or affects* any of the events which impact, effect or affect all of humanity, there are plenty of strange events of which many of us have witnessed that suggest we are living in “never seen before” circumstances, both manmade and otherwise.  This is eleven minutes long, but around the 6 minute point, the natural disasters occurring worldwide are discussed.

Is it Prophecy or Fallacy or just wishful delusion?

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Covid-19’s Biggest Casualty: Individual Rights by Dr. Mercola

hat tip Chemist46

A Century of Controlled Media

As detailed in “Reuters and BBC Caught Taking Money for Propaganda Campaign,” infiltration and manipulation of the media has been a routine occurrence since 1915, when J.P. Morgan interests, including the steel and shipbuilding industries, purchased editorial control of 25 of the most influential newspapers, thereby allowing them to control news about military preparedness, financial policies and other stories deemed crucial to their private and corporate interests.

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