Jack & Jill Went Down the Hill

by Uncola for TheBurningPlatform.com

Jack Climber sat on his kitchen floor and surveyed the wreckage.  Closing his eyes he could feel a breeze swirl around his head that felt like a caress on his face.  He figured he was feeling the breeze because the evil bastards who just left must have neglected to shut his front door.

He slowly, and very awkwardly, lifted his broken body up off the floor using the kitchen counter to support his weight.  Upon surveying the wreckage of what used to be his happy home, he limped over to the front door and looked outside.  His once well-manicured lawn now was overgrown with weeds and littered like a garbage dump.  There was his mattress laying over his front sidewalk, wet and rotting along with some old clothes that looked to be his neighbor’s and even a small safe rusting in the driveway, its contents vacated long ago.

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Controlled Burn: Smoke, No Fire

by Uncola for TheBurningPlatform.com

On December 5th, 2016, a brave and noble Texas paramedic by the name of Christopher Suprun, wrote his opinion in the New York Times and single-handedly declared Donald Trump to be a domestic enemy of the United States.  As one of the 538 members of the Electoral College, Suprun made his stand against the will of 62,759,366 misguided Trump voters and 65,383,628 ill-advised Hillary Clinton supporters in favor of Governor John Kasich of Ohio, or someone like him.

With a few strokes of his keyboard, this lone Texan expressed his willingness to repudiate the 2016 Republican Primaries whereby Kasich, and others like him, lost; and, at the same time, challenged the entire presidential election in a way only Henry Fonda, as Juror 8, could appreciate.

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One World Purple People Leaders

by Uncola for TheBurningPlatform.com

On November 16, 2016 I posted an essay which was actually the conclusion of a three part series, comparing current events with those of the French Revolution and with a touch of Charles Dickens thrown in just for fun.

The concluding essay, entitled:  “The Good, the Guilty and the Guillotine”, addressed various national uprisings that began in 2011 and proposed the possibility of an incipient Purple Revolution taking place in America.  Furthermore, Donald Trump was compared to the Biblical Samson as one who, potentially, could collapse the twin columns of the political Right and Left before a new phoenix arises from the ashes.  And finally, the aftermath of the inevitable forthcoming cataclysms were questioned along with the assertion that no middle ground could be ceded between the opposing forces.

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Morons, Misconceptions & Misgivings

by Uncola for TheBurningPlatform.com

If one ever wanted to witness a completely, beyond the pale, and over the top example of liberal hubris and condescending arrogance, one could do no better than to read Paul Krugman’s Black Friday essay published in the New York Times on November 25, 2016.

This opinion piece, entitled “The Populism Perplex”,  is a perfect example of educated stupidity and how to contort oneself in order to see things the exact opposite of reality.  Reading this treatise of surreality is like watching “Stranger Things”  on Netflix and viewing into the nebulous world of the “Upside Down”.

Regarding the outcome of the 2016 presidential election, Krugman claims:

Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by more than two million, and she would probably be president-elect if the director of the F.B.I. hadn’t laid such a heavy thumb on the scales, just days before the election.  But it shouldn’t even have been close; what put Donald Trump in striking distance was overwhelming support from whites without college degrees. So what can Democrats do to win back at least some of those voters?

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It’s ALIVE! Hillary Challenges Election Results

SOURCE:  Bloomberg.com

Hillary Clinton’s campaign will participate in vote recounts of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan if they take place, drawing a rebuke from Donald Trump’s team that the Democrat is being a “sore loser” and part of a “ridiculous” effort.

If Green Party candidate Jill Stein initiates recounts in those states as she intends, the Clinton campaign “will participate in order to ensure the process proceeds in a manner that is fair to all sides,” Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias said Saturday in a post on the blogging website Medium.com. He added that he doesn’t expect the action to overturn Trumps election.

Trump focused on Stein, not Clinton, in a response. “The people have spoken and the election is over, and as Hillary Clinton herself said on election night, in addition to her conceding by congratulating me, ‘We must accept this result and then look to the future,”’ he said in a statement.

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Gettysburg, Ghosts, Gifts and Gratitude

by Uncola for TheBurningPlatform.com

Earlier this week I posted a piece entitled “Thanks for Nothing, and Everything” which was generally political and fairly sardonic in nature.  Today, on the eve of Thanksgiving, I thought I would give thanks again, but this time distilled into a form more pure.  A Gettysburg Address of Gratitude, if you will:

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Today, I feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude to the founders of the United States of America.  Thank you for mutually pledging to each other your lives, your fortunes, and your sacred honor.  Thank you for sacrificing all so I could take part in the fountainhead of blessings flowing centuries into your future; none of which I either earned or deserved.

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Thanks for Nothing, and Everything

by Uncola

During this season of Thanksgiving, I would like to express my overwhelming gratitude.  Thank you, President Obama. Thank you for not upholding your oath to the U.S. Constitution to protect America’s southern border.  Thank you for illegally granting amnesty via executive action and avoiding the unnecessary hassles of passing the legislation through Congress.  And thank you for your efforts in turning the United States of America into a third-world refugee camp.

Thank you, Obama, for your broad support of Islam and for labeling American citizens as bitter, xenophobic racists clinging to their guns and religion. I would also like to express my gratitude to you, your enablers, and all of the sycophantically corrupt, establishment politicians for near doubling the national debt of the United States these last eight years.

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The Good, the Guilty and the Guillotine

by Uncola

 “I see Barsad, and Cly, Defarge, The Vengeance, the Juryman, the Judge, long ranks of the new oppressors who have risen on the destruction of the old, perishing by this retributive instrument, before it shall cease out of its present use. I see a beautiful city and a brilliant people rising from this abyss, and, in their struggles to be truly free, in their triumphs and defeats, through long years to come, I see the evil of this time and of the previous time of which this is the natural birth, gradually making expiation for itself and wearing out.”

Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

In part one of this three part installment, “Best of Times. Worst of Times.”, I recounted my personal thoughts, considerations and play-by-play recollections of the U.S. elections on Tuesday, November 8th, 2016.

In Part 2, “A Tale of Two Cities”, the major themes of “duality, revolution and resurrection” were explored within the context of Dicken’s novel while comparing current events to the historical circumstances of the French Revolution. More specifically, Dickens’s technique of applying “duality” to his story to define “hidden parallels” was used in order to examine whether history repeats or rhymes.  And finally, the “eventuality of outcome” was questioned regarding what type of resurrection we might soon witness.

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Trump’s Revolution Is Over

By Gary North at GaryNorth.com

“President Obama is a very good man. I will seek his counsel in the future.” — Donald Trump (November 10, 2016)

The honeymoon with his supporters did not last long, did it?

I begin with two statements.

First, Donald Trump is not part of what is sometimes called “the conspiracy.”

Second, he will be on January 20, 2017.

We are about to see the capture of Donald Trump. It has already begun.

The mainstream media are beginning to see this. By January 20, it should be clear to anybody who wants to look at his nominees for the top cabinet positions. CNN’s headline has it right: Team Trump is already filled with Washington insiders.

We have already learned that the transition team has approached Jamie Dimon, the CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase. He was offered the position of Secretary of the Treasury. Anyone who thinks that this would be an improvement over the former CEO’s from Goldman Sachs is living in a fantasy world.

The handwriting is on the wall. We can expect more of the same. We had better expect more of the same.

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A Tale of Two Cities

by Uncola

 “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.  In short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

Charles Dickens was an enormously successful mid-nineteenth century author who came to be recognized as a very astute social critic.  Today he is considered a literary genius whose fictional characters have resonated within the minds of both children and adults alike for over 160 years.  Not only were Dicken’s books immensely popular during his lifetime, but many of his works remain in print today and are still widely read.

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Best of Times. Worst of Times.

by Uncola

On the morning of Tuesday, November 8th, 2016 I was making breakfast for my wife and daughter while mentally preparing myself for the inevitability of a Hillary Clinton presidency.  While flipping scrambled eggs in the pan, I found myself taking inventory and strategizing the future.  No matter what happened, I would not make stupid mistakes like Rick Grimes in the Walking Dead.  If the walls of my compound are breached like the walls of the prison at the end of Season Four, my family will have a predetermined rally point instead wandering aimlessly like Rick’s group at the beginning of Season Five.  We will have bug out bags and supply caches and I won’t be stupid.

When the stormtroopers come to my door in an open assault on my Second Amendment right to bear arms, I may not be there.  But what if they find my friends and family in order to blackmail my cooperation?  I can’t let that happen.  If I am caught, and they torture me, I will be like Mel Gibson in Braveheart and scream “Freedom” as they yank out my intestines.  So help me God, I will never betray my fellows.  Do I need more precious metals?  Do I have enough ammo?  Better water filtration? Water is a priority.  Wait.  What about night vision?  And before the bombs fall, where can I get Geiger counters and protective gear in the event of radioactive fallout?  That’s paranoid!  Hell no!  It could happen.  Let go of your normalcy bias.  The times, they are a changin’.

Continue reading “Best of Times. Worst of Times.”

Monsters under the bed. Chaos in your head.

by Uncola

I don’t know which is more frightening regarding Part Deux of James Comey and the FBI investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails; the apparent civil war going on in the high offices of the U.S. government, the mainstream media’s biased reporting on the saga, or the reaction of John Q. Public to it all.

According to Team Hillary’s campaign manager, John Podesta, as well as many various media outlets, this latest move by Comey is controversial because it is happening within two weeks of the general election.  In his letter to lawmakers, Comey said he felt an “obligation” to tell Congress about the investigation because he “testified repeatedly in recent months that our investigation was completed.”  In addition to Comey’s sense of obligation, he obviously had concerns the discovery of the new e-mails could be reported at a later date and this would, in turn, raise questions of a cover-up that would make Watergate look like a simple governmental subcommittee hearing on public waste reduction measures in Sokone, Senegal.

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Winners Who Won the Wind

NOTE: This essay was near finished around the same time the news broke regarding the FBI reopening the case against Hillary. This latest development is addressed towards the end.

by Uncola

Whoever brings ruin on their family will inherit only wind

Proverbs 11:29

On the morning of Wednesday, November 3rd, 1976, I heard my father tell my mother Jimmy Carter won the election. I have not forgotten how my mother replied. In a resigned manner, and with a fatalistic sigh, she said: “Oh no”, to which my father replied with the same sense of concern, sadness and resignation in his voice: “Yep”. Looking at the pimply faced pre-teen staring back at me from the mirror that morning, I sensed something bad had just happened. Something big. And something that was soon to deliver real consequences of the sort that gave my two small town, main street, Republican parents pause and even a palatable sense of resignation and foreboding.

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