Practical Christmas Gifts 2016: Let there be light

The latest flashlights are the brightest {practical Christmas gifts}

Continuing our Practical Christmas Gifts category – are products we love (and use): LED Flashlights.

While everyone and their brother thinks they have good flashlights on their stupid mobile phones – nothing beats a nice CREE LED flashlight. They come in all sizes for all situations.

Let me run down three today. For various budgets and situations.

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Practical Christmas Gifts 2016: Books

Books make practical Christmas Gifts every year!

Around this time of the year – we enjoy sharing what we feel are more thoughtful presents to give people. Part of our ongoing Practical Christmas Gifts category.

And understandably – books almost always make our cut. Why? Because they work without electricity and enrich the mind in ways “apps” or other mindless media can’t.

So here are a few that might fit someone on your list this year.

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What Does The Trump (And The Republican) Win Mean For Gun Rights?

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter

Glock with Constitution

There’s no question that the Trump win was a boon for gun rights.  Hillary Clinton was an openly anti-gun candidate who appeared to not believe in the Second Amendment at all.  She was committed to stacking the Supreme Court with justices who were against gun rights, and pushing for legislation for increased gun controls.  Meanwhile, Trump was endorsed by the NRA and consistently stated his position as a champion of gun rights, promising for a slew of gun rights bills in addition to pro-2A Supreme Court nominations.  There were likely many voters in this election who were so concerned with gun rights that they simply felt they had no choice but to vote for Trump.  In swing states like Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin, gun rights voters coming out in force could have been the difference between winning and losing.

It is important to note that Trump has historically not been friendly to gun rights.  In his 2000 book, The America We Deserve, he called out Republicans who “walk the NRA line” and “refuse even limited restrictions” on firearms.  He seemed to be supporting a ban on “evil black rifles”, and using nomenclature that has been commonly used by the gun control crowd to denigrate their owners.  A flip-flop of these proportions is quite epic, and it is worth questioning if Trump merely did it to gain the necessary support to win.  While he could be a wild card for gun rights, and his position supporting them cannot be taken for granted, let’s examine the proposals put forward by Trump’s team, and see what could be in store for gun rights.

Continue reading “What Does The Trump (And The Republican) Win Mean For Gun Rights?”


Movie theater popcorn in ‘Murica costs more per ounce than filet mignon.—NPR

In a typical three hour NFL broadcast, the ball is in play for roughly eleven minutes.—WSJ

$77,000 in assets puts you in the worlds wealthiest 10 percent.—BBC

In the universe there are billions and billions of galaxies. The following image is an artists representation of our home in the universe known as the Milky Way Galaxy. On the right in the small box there is a small yellow dot (blown up on the inset) that shows the maximum theoretical distance that humanity’s first broadcast radio signals could have traveled since they were first broadcast 100 years ago.

Radio waves travel at the speed of light. At that speed, radio waves could travel around the earth at the equator seven times in one second! Those same radio waves will take approximately 100,000 years to cross the Milky Way galaxy.

Feel insignificant yet?


Dictatorial Merchandise

Don’t you hate the recent trend in product directions and disclaimers that assume you are an imbecile? As if you aren’t smart enough to figure out that eating the rat poison out of the box isn’t a good idea for humans? Or you have to read the bottle of antiseptic spray to make sure it is intended for external use only?
 photo DSC04261_zpsyznjgvzo.jpg
Well, take a look at this product I just received in the mail! As if I’m so stoopid I would put New Hampshire Pure Maple Syrup on the rabbit I’m simmering in the pot in order to make Hassenfeffer to pressure can and send to Admin to support the TBP effort.

I am tempted to use this syrup for all sorts of things NOT on this list. Harrrrumph! That is one bossy jug of syrup.  And, it is IDENTICAL to the other half gallon jug I received, as well.

Looking forward to breakfast tomorrow!  Am planning to put the syrup on the scrambled eggs, since it isn’t on the list of approved items.

What’s Up Daddio? Evaluates the Amazon FBA Business Model

AMAZON FBA: The first business idea I want to review is Amazon FBA. Everybody has purchased something on-line from Amazon. Everybody knows what Amazon is. Many of you are familiar with the Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) program. It’s basically a value-add service. Amazon agrees to make sure the customer is 100% satisfied with the merchandise they have ordered and goes to great lengths to ensure customer satisfaction.

What you may not know is that on the other side of an FBA transaction is a regular person, who purchased and sent in the merchandise and gets the monetary credit for the transaction.

Here’s an example of how it works. Let’s say, for instance, that one day, after work, I have to go to Walgreen’s drug store to pick up something for my wife. As I’m picking up her prescription, I walk by the clearance rack. In Walgreen’s in particular, the rack is usually located in the same place in each and every store, so there is a pattern to be followed. Many times, the actual merchandise on clearance is also the same, so if you can find a winner, you can go to multiple Walgreen’s and purchase that particular item over & over again. I’m getting ahead of myself. Back to store #1.



Health Dept Task Force Recommends Mental Illness Screenings for All U.S. Adults


“The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, an influential panel appointed by the Department of Health and Human Services, has released its recommendation that all U.S. adults over the age of 18 undergo a mental illness evaluation as part of their regular health check-ups.”


“The report makes a recommendation that all adults should be screened at least once, though the “optimal frequency of such screening has not been established.” Thus the “B” grade; the panel is only “moderately” certain that blanket screenings could bring those billions down. However, that score does qualify the screenings for coverage under Obamacare.”

Article here.

This one comment on the post caught my eye:

“Look at the scam going on in schools; almost half the class are often designated “special needs”, which requires extra teachers to be hired and classes to be smaller, which also requires teachers to be hired. If you think this ridiculous mental health “screening” won’t be used to take away gun rights, you need your head examined. Oh the irony!”

Now all those kids that will move into adulthood are already labeled special needs even if they aren’t.

(This entire post lifted from The Feral Irishman…..again. Sorry, I couldn’t improve on it.)


I’ve always loved high performance engines. I used to build racing engines in the 80’s that sold for $25,000. That’s roughly $76,000 today. The end goal was to race in NASCAR but the bastards wouldn’t license me since I’m blind in one eye. Most of the engines we built were for circle track racing but we built some truly savage street racing engines. All the proceeds and then some were used to support our own racing habit.

I knew that Top Fuel engines were some of the most extreme engines around but I never aspired to drag racing because the ride was too short. Blink and you’ve missed it! I came across this video via which led me to the fact sheet below. The video depicts the amount of nitro-methane fuel pouring into each of eight cylinders at idle first then at full throttle. At full throttle each cylinder is consuming a staggering 1.4 gallons per second! That works out to roughly 45 gallons per mile! Fuel cost is approximately $3000 per 1/4 mile run including warm up and burn out to heat the tires.


Continue reading “TOP FUEL DRAGSTER FACTS”


After going out to breakfast this morning I walked down the street to check out my first legal weed shop in person. I was curious to find out if the prices for weed on in states where it had been legalized were based on legal purchases or black market because their website does not say. I walked there mostly because I don’t want my license plate recorded (if that kind of thing is going on) but it is colder than a well diggers ass out there at 7 degrees above zero!

The place was clean and neat with no hint of marijuana aroma at all. Called Smokane, it looked a bit like a white sterile hospital room with jewelry display cases. There was a chalk board menu of their products on the wall which isn’t really helpful unless you are familiar with the hundreds of different strains that exist. They break things down by type which falls into sativa (head high) and indica (body high) and hybrids which supposedly offer aspects of both.


AWD remembered

Thanks Sensetti for your comment about AWD on the “Very Sad News” post.
In AWD’s memory I’d intended to make a mensual mention of AWD for some months, then occasionally thereafter. I forgot for October but, now reminded, here’s a a poetic paean to AWD.  Some of you others can post pix that AWD would approve.

Who’s taking care of the caretaker’s daughter
While the caretaker’s busy taking care?
Gee, oh gosh, oh gee; that’s what worries me.
I know that the caretaker must take care
And while he’s taking care, she’s alone somewhere.
So, who’s taking care of the caretaker’s daughter
While the caretaker’s busy taking care?


Who’s the fellow laying the bricklayer’s daughter
While the bricklayer’s busy laying bricks?
Gee, oh gosh, oh gee; that’s what worries me.
I know that the bricklayer lays lots of bricks
And you could too if you knew his tricks.
But who’s laying the bricklayer’s daughter
While the bricklayer’s busy laying bricks?

Remembering AWD

It’s been about a month since AWD died.  As a remembrance, here’s a post I think he would have enjoyed.  It’s about one of his favorite subjects and ours.  Though the photo reveals less than AWD was accustomed to show, you TBP readers are pretty good at looking behind coverups and into things. So what’s not apparent you can easily imagine.  Otherwise, the post offers a couple a AWD staples, advice, though no where near as sharply as AWD often gave his, and a bit of wit.



Mary was young, Mary was fair, Mary was her mother’s despair.


When she started courting, her mother wisely said,

“Mary, there are things that you must know before you’re wed.

“You ought to know better, a big girl like you.

“When I was 20, I knew plenty, a thing or two.

“Oh didn’t I rather, ask your father.

“When your boy gets mooney-eyed and plays around for hours,

“You can lead him up the garden, but don’t let him pick the flowers.

“Remember what your mother said and keep him off your parsley bed.

“You ought to know better, a big girl like you.”