Brexit Do Over Petition is a Scam…

“Signatories” came from Ghana, Vietnam, Uganda and Turkmenistan.

Via Truth Revolt

As if we needed further proof that the mainstream media are barren of a single shred of journalistic integrity and that its members are in dire need of public flogging.

So desperate are media elite for a Brexit “do-over” that they are literally reporting lies as incontrovertible fact. No sooner the majority of British voters made their voices heard with a vote to exit the European Union, did mainstream media at home and abroad begin peddling the narrative that Brits were “remorseful” over their decision and wanted a “do-over.”

How on earth members of media knew precisely how millions of British voters felt in the 24 hours following the vote is beyond us. Perhaps they went door to door to ask. Perhaps they acquired new telepathic abilities.

No. They just lied. Like they always do.

Continue reading “Brexit Do Over Petition is a Scam…”


The dying corporate media doesn’t have a shred of credibility left. They are mouthpieces for their corporate sponsors. Their job is to misinform, sway opinion to whatever their corporate bosses demand, protect the establishment, and distract the ignorant masses with drivel and infotainment. Impartial journalism is dead in the mainstream media. The only truth to be found is in the alternative media. And most of that is slanted.

Over the next four months the sole purpose of the corporate media will be to stop Trump from becoming president by any means necessary. The current method is to create fake poll results that show him so far behind Crooked Hillary that the outcome is a foregone conclusion. The polls a week ago also showed Britain would remain in the EU. Polls a year ago showed Trump had no chance of winning the Republican nomination. Don’t trust one iota of propaganda regurgitated by any mainstream media outlet. They have an agenda to elect Crooked Hillary. It will fail.

When doddering old fools George Will and Mitch McConnell denounce Trump it should give you further impetus to vote for him. When Obama and his minions cover-up and obscure the violence committed by Muslims, your only choice is to vote for Trump. When slimy Goldman Sachs scumbags like Hank Paulson, who fucked the American people up the ass with his TARP save a banker bailout, endorse Crooked Hillary, you know Trump is the only answer.

The enemy of your enemy is your friend. The corrupt, teetering, desperate establishment is flailing about in their death throes of debt. The feckless Fed has proven to be nothing but a banker brothel. Trump is unlikely to fix anything, but he would be the catalyst for the collapse of this corrupt social order. Change is coming. Fourth Turnings are a bitch for those in power. 


Death to All Zombies!

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

Wait a minute. They’re already dead. Brexit just reveals that not everybody’s brains have been eaten. A viral contagion now threatens the zombified institutions of daily life, especially the workings of politics and finance. Just as zombies exist only in the collective imagination, so do these two principal activities of society operate mainly on trust, an ephemeral product of the hive-mind.

When things fall apart in stressed complex systems, they tend to fall apart fast. It’s called phase change. Too many things in 21st century life have depended on sheer trust that the people-in-charge know what they are doing. That trust has subsisted on the doling out of money-from-nothing: debt, reckless bond issuance. TARP, QEs, bailouts, bail-ins, Operation Twists, Ponzi schemes… the whole sad-ass armamentarium of banking necromancy. The politicians let it get out of hand. Things that can’t go on don’t, and now they won’t.

Continue reading “Death to All Zombies!”

What’s a Clover?

Guest Post by Eric Peters

* Clover (noun):

The root cause of every affront to liberty. The spoonful of shit that ruins a gallon of ice cream. Clovers are instinctive authoritarian control freaks. They can be found on the political left and the political right and in between. They do not believe in live and let live. They believe in telling others how to live – using violence and threats of violence to coerce obedience.

Clovers can’t abide the organic society, voluntary interaction or free exchange. The are driven to control and regulate and micromanage and absolutely will not leave you alone.


Clovers think it’s ok to violate the rights of individuals when it’s done by a group or by an uber Clover claiming to “represent” a group. Clovers think individual dictators are bad but the dictatorship of the “majority” is acceptable.

Continue reading “What’s a Clover?”


“In 2008, their economic worldview and unrestrained corruption precipitated a global economic crisis that literally caused, and is still causing, billions of people to suffer — in response, they quickly protected the plutocrats who caused the crisis while leaving the victimized masses to cope with the generational fallout. Even now, Western elites continue to proselytize markets and impose free trade and globalization without the slightest concern for the vast inequality and destruction of economic security those policies generate…

Corrupt elites always try to persuade people to continue to submit to their dominance in exchange for protection from forces that are even worse. That’s their game. But at some point, they themselves, and their prevailing order, become so destructive, so deceitful, so toxic, that their victims are willing to gamble that the alternatives will not be worse, or at least, they decide to embrace the satisfaction of spitting in the faces of those who have displayed nothing but contempt and condescension for them.”

Glenn Greenwald


Democrats have run Baltimore for 65 of the last 69 years and solely since 1967. The creator of this bench must have a great sense of humor. The inhabitants of Baltimore have no respect for themselves or their city. This is the result.

Via Knuckledraggin

Forget the Lifeboat, It’s the Iceberg that Counts



Within 24 hours of the Brexit victory its disruptive effects made many argue it was a mistake; that it would not be long before a repentant Britain was pushing its face against the cold glass doors of the Euro cafe, wistfully eyeing the delicacies now out of its foolish reach.  Yet others have argued in the same breath it would be Europe with its face pressed against the glass, longing the other way round. For example Jamie Kirchick writes in the NY Daily News that an EU without Britain would be easy meat for Russia.

An E.U. without Britain is also more prone to appease Russia, which today poses a greater threat to European security than at any point since the collapse of the Berlin Wall. Soon to be a body dominated by France and Germany, where voices demanding accommodation with a revanchist Moscow grow louder every day, the E.U. is increasingly likely to lift sanctions on Russia regardless of its behavior in Ukraine. Indeed, if there is one world leader of whose reaction to Brexit we can be confident, it is Vladimir Putin, unquestionably delighted that the largest military power in Europe, and its strongest proponent of democratic freedom in Europe’s east, has decided to call it quits.

Come back, Lord Shane!  Come back!

Continue reading “Forget the Lifeboat, It’s the Iceberg that Counts”

Six More Countries Want Referendums to Exit EU

Le Pen Marine

Brussels simply went too far. They cross the line moving from an economic union to a political subordination of Europe. Now five more countries want to hold referendums to exit the EU – France, the Netherlands, Italy, Austria, Finland and Hungary all could leave. With Hollande approval rating at about 11%, Merkel lucky she is not tarred & feathered, the Front National leader Marine Le Pen has pledged to hold a French referendum. If she emerges victorious in next year’s presidential elections, that means the next major player in the EU after Germany is out and there goes the EU.

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Here’s How Bad US New Home Sales Are

The Census Bureau’s monthly update on new US home sales for May had lots of interesting data buried between the lines. I’ll touch on a few things here, with more to come in a subsequent post.

First, while prices rose only 1% year over year, they are now up nearly 31% since the 2011 lows and by nearly 22% since the 2007 peak. And this isn’t a bubble?

US New Home Sale Prices Bubble Up- Click to enlarge

Click here to view chart if reading in email.

Then there’s the business from economists and the media blaring about the “recovery” in the housing industry. Indeed sales are up a massive 122% since the May 2010 bottom! But the reports lack perspective. The bubble peak was in 2005, already 11 years ago, and sales are down 57.5% since then, and even down 35% since 2007, when the collapse was already under way for 18 months.

Continue reading “Here’s How Bad US New Home Sales Are”