Comment from A Money Guy that deserved to be a post

1. Think for yourself. This is critical. There is truth out there, but you must wade through and discard all the adolescent internally inconsistent garbage put forth by today’s culture as guidance and then you must ignore your neighbors and friends who have all the answers and know what’s best. About everything. Well, they don’t. Most individuals in this culture are arrogantly ignorant, everybody having all the answers for everyone else. Think for yourself and trust your own conclusions. Just ignore the nonsense.

2. Work for yourself, and keep trying until you can get as close to that ideal as possible. If you go along to get along, you will always be under someone else’s thumb and they will keep you down and keep you poor.

3. Be born at the right time. I was born at the tail end of The Silent Generation, meaning when the culture still taught sound and fairly consistent moral values.

4. Love truth.

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