The End of the Empire

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio

The barbarians are inside the gates…

“It is also a habit of tyrants to prefer the company of aliens to that of citizens at table and in society; citizens, they feel, are ENEMIES, but aliens will offer no opposition.”

— Aristotle


If the Biden suzerainty has made anything clear, it is the utter loathing that the Regime has for the native-born American populace.

Whilst America is embroiled in the midst of an unprecedented overdose epidemic, the Senate is busy passing bills that not only codify the ongoing invasion of America, but accelerates it. While American families struggle to pay their bills, families of illegal aliens are being funded to the tune of thousands a month and invaders are being handed “cash in envelopes” as they cross the border. While illegal invaders are being released without bail after assaulting the police, Navy veteran Michael Cassidy is being charged with felony hate crimes for righteously tearing down the satanic altar in Iowa’s state capitol. While the cartels are freely trafficking children over the border (sometimes with the assistance of Child Protective Services), American children are being kidnapped from their parents if they do not consent to the mutilation of their child’s genitalia.

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America Is Undergoing Genocide

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

It is not a conspiracy theory that the 300,000 immigrant-invaders (official count) entering the US unopposed each month are recruits organized by NGOs and not refugees from political persecution. The NGOs that are underwriting the invasion provide maps of the routes along which food and shelter are provided.  Roads and bridges are being constructed to aid the invasion.   

One of the NGOs is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), of which the current director of the US Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, himself a Jew,  was a board member until December 2020.  According to an article on substack, HIAS has received $100,000,000 from the US government in the past three years.

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