The End of the Empire

Originally posted at Dispatches from Reality, by Scipio

The barbarians are inside the gates…

“It is also a habit of tyrants to prefer the company of aliens to that of citizens at table and in society; citizens, they feel, are ENEMIES, but aliens will offer no opposition.”

— Aristotle


If the Biden suzerainty has made anything clear, it is the utter loathing that the Regime has for the native-born American populace.

Whilst America is embroiled in the midst of an unprecedented overdose epidemic, the Senate is busy passing bills that not only codify the ongoing invasion of America, but accelerates it. While American families struggle to pay their bills, families of illegal aliens are being funded to the tune of thousands a month and invaders are being handed “cash in envelopes” as they cross the border. While illegal invaders are being released without bail after assaulting the police, Navy veteran Michael Cassidy is being charged with felony hate crimes for righteously tearing down the satanic altar in Iowa’s state capitol. While the cartels are freely trafficking children over the border (sometimes with the assistance of Child Protective Services), American children are being kidnapped from their parents if they do not consent to the mutilation of their child’s genitalia.

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Get Out, We’re Closed

Submitted by Keith B.

Guest Post by Derek Hunter

There was a time when I was in favor of some streamlining of the legal immigration process. It seemed wildly unfair that it could take years and years to immigrate by the rules, especially when the applicant is working within the law and will bring something of value to the country – it will add to America’s greatness. Now, screw it. To hell with everyone trying to move here. Unless you’re coming with a small fortune and something truly extraordinary that will be a serious boost to the country and Americans, stay out. And everyone here illegally, get the hell out, we’re closed.

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Migrants Disappointed in America

He forgot to put ILLEGAL in front of Migrants in his title.

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

MigrantsThose who were not told to enter America but actually fled here for a better life are now realizing that the American Dream died long ago. The Chicago Tribune interviewed a man from Venezuela who said he’d prefer sleeping on the streets of his original socialistic hell than ours.  “The American Dream doesn’t exist anymore,” he told the paper. “There’s nothing here for us … we just want to be home. We didn’t know things would be this hard. I thought the process was faster.”

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Migrants Imploding Welfare State

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

MigrantCrisisPeople are coming to America for a better life at your expense. The excuse that migrants came here to work and contribute to our society does not match the statistics. As the NY Post recently reported, only 2% of 139,500 migrants in New York have applied for work permits, and thousands more are on their way to our cities to live off the welfare state.

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