“Finding Madeleine” | Elite Networks, Chapter 6

Call me a pervert when I’m dead, I really don’t care.”

Sir Jimmy Savile

“Bill Clinton … associated with a man like Jeffrey Epstein, who everyone in New York, certainly within his inner circles, knew was a pedophile.”

Conchita Sarnoff, Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking

“Children are the world’s most valuable resource.”

Jerry Sandusky

TO KNOW WHAT may have happened to Madeleine, we are going to need to spend some time understanding how elite pedophiles networks are protected. It’s not going to be pleasant. Those wishing to avoid this topic may wish to skip this and the following Chapter 7.

Two of Sir Clement’s alleged victims claims were aired in an ITV Exposure documentary broadcast in June 2016, “Exposure: Abused and Betrayed – A Life Sentence”. Clement was accused of sexually abusing some of his alleged victims before they were teens. Clement is said to have abused his known victims over a 30-year period spanning the 1940’s to the 1970’s.


Clement Freud and One of His Victims, Recently and as a Young Girl

Finding Madeleine | Chapter 3, Sir Clement and Son

Finding Madeleine

Dedicated to all who are unjustly held and to those who set them free.

“There’s no place like home.”

The character Dorothy Gale from the Wizard of Oz

Chapter 3:     Sir Clement and Son

“If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you do read it, you’re misinformed.”

Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain

“Here’s the weird thing about the Murdoch [Fox News Corporation] family; they believe what they read in the papers.”

Matthew Freud

Clement Freud (b. 1924, knighted 1987, d. 2009) is Sigmund Freud’s grandson. Clement is a removed cousin of Edward Bernays through Sigmund’s mother. Edward Bernays was a propagandist for President Wilson for whom he coined the phrase “Make the Word Safe for Democracy” to promote Wilson’s desire to enter World War I on the side of England.

Clement was a witty and avuncular British celebrity chef, media personality, “raconteur” and bon vivant. Clement became much endeared to the British public through a series of dog food commercials in which he appeared with Henry, a droopy-eared and droopy-joweled hound he much resembled.

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