Gore v Limbaugh: 1992

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Thirty years later, the world continues to thrive. The climate zealots claimed we had about 10 years left on this Earth. Limbaugh calls out Gore for blaming global warming on capitalism and fear-mongering in this two-part debate. Also noteworthy is how two sides of the spectrum were able to hold a civil debate on a hot topic.

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Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Cross-Examining the Climate Change Cultists

If you want to watch the pinkos fret, simply state the indisputable truth that what they call “climate change” is a massive hoax. Their fallback is inevitably that “science” – which they purport to love except when it demonstrates that there are only men and women and that you can’t change the sex you are born as – has decreed that because we peons insist on not living in caves like primitive tribesmen (okay, non-binary tribespeople) the Earth is going to cook. And, of course, the only solution is to do a whole bunch of things that leftists always wanted to do anyway. There’s no time to think, no time to reflect, and certainly no time to argue. Why, who are you to question the scientists?

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