Wall of Moms Protest

Via Branco

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Hard Choices

Guest Post by Southern Sage

I recently wrote an article about the death of Victor Jara, a Chilean Communist folk singer, and the September 11, 1973 coup in Chile, carried out by General Augusto Pinochet.  A number of readers expressed some skepticism about the article or objected to my central point, that hard choices and hard measures have to be taken to deal with Communists before they deal with you.  By “Communists” I do not mean just members of “official” Communist parties, who are often pen-pushing, lazy nobodies.

I include all Marxists who believe that they have a right to use violence or other extra-legal means to impose their will on ordinary people.  This most certainly includes Marxists who claim that they want to use democratic means to impose a Marxist state of any description.  My view, simply put, is that no Marxist or socialist state can ever be legitimate because by definition such a state will violate the fundamental, God-given rights of the population.  There is no such thing as “Communism with a human face”.

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Sad Death of a Crooner

Guest Post by Southern Sage

In the latest news from Chile, a kangaroo court has just convicted and sentenced to 18 years in prison eight former soldiers for the killing of Victor Jara, a Communist folk singer who was shot following the September 11, 1973 coup that overthrew the regime of Salvador Allende, the “socialist” president of that long, thin, country at the tip of South America.  One other soldier was sentenced to five years for his part in a “cover up” of the killing.

For one who has spent much of his life fighting people Like Jara, these “convictions” are a dreary repetition of many similar instances whereby soldiers and police officers who fought the Communists in Latin America are being hounded by their liberal and leftist enemies for actions taken under desperate circumstances.  In view of the looming civil conflict in America, it would be well for all of us to remember that a fight is not over until the last one of these rats and their sympathizers are put in a place where they are never again in a position to take revenge on their political enemies.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – McCarthy charges communists are in the CIA – 1954


Senator Joseph McCarthy charges that communists have infiltrated the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the atomic weapons industry. Although McCarthy’s accusations created a momentary controversy, they were quickly dismissed as mere sensationalism from a man whose career was rapidly slipping away.

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THIS DAY IN HISTORY – Congress investigates Reds in Hollywood – 1947


On October 20, 1947, the notorious Red Scare kicks into high gear in Washington, as a Congressional committee begins investigating Communist influence in one of the world’s richest and most glamorous communities: Hollywood.

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The Red in the Streets of Chicago

Via Stop Shouting Blog

The raging 40 yard dumpster fire that is Chicago and the almost Trump speech has cleared the decks of all other news items.  Many Americans who might see the events and maybe even read about them here (less likely every year that the Dept of Education works at it) may not have the reference points of the Cold War and actual experience with Commies.

Let me lay a few things out for you here regarding Commies… they are relentless.  They employ a range of tactics that Americans, inculcated with “football”, “basketball” and “golf” have no concept of.  Consider if you will that the national sports of Russia include Chess and Fencing, while ours appears to be a combination of taking “selfies” and the childs’ game of “checkers”.

For a bracing look at Communist tactics, go read THIS.  I follow with this summary:
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Portuguese Revolution Falls Far Short

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

The austerity imposed on the Portuguese people by the One Percent has resulted in the election of a coalition government of socialists, communists, and a “left bloc.” In the 20th century, socialism and the fear of communism humanized Europe, but beginning with Margaret Thatcher the achievements of decades of social reforms have been rolled back throughout Europe as bought-and-paid for governments have given all preference to the One Percent. Public assets are being privatized, and social pensions and services are being reduced in order to make interest payments to private banks.

When the recent Portuguese vote gave a majority to the anti-austerity bloc, the right-wing Portuguese president, Anibal Cavaco Silva, a creature of Washington and the big banks, announced that the leftwing would not be permitted to form a government, just as the senior British general announced that a Labour Government formed by Jeremy Corbyn would not be permitted to form.

True to her word, Anibal reappointed the austerity prime minister, Passos Coelho. However, the unity of the socialists with the communists and the left bloc swept Coelho from office and the president had to recognize a new government.

The new government means that for the first in a long time there is a government in Portugual that possibly could represent the people rather than Washington and the One Percent. However, if the new government leaves the banks in charge and remains committed to the EU, the current president, previous prime minister, and previous finance minister, Maria Luis Albuquerque, will continue to work to overthrow the people’s will as occurred in Greece.

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