Good News from the Other Side – Gates is Losing 8.6 Weeks

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

I have been getting calls from very key people who are starting to see the light. What is being relayed to me is that they are frightened. They have never witnessed such a conspiracy that has bound together politicians and the media against the public in their lives.

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Guest Post by Trader Garrett


In my view, this virus thing is way overdone and is a probable smokescreen for something quite different and unexpected.

In addition, I could not figure out why the plunge protection team (PPT) was not riding to the rescue in this market crash sequence.

Now I understand why.

The Background

As someone said, “The CDC estimated that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season in the U.S. No less than 647,000 people were hospitalized. And 61,200 died. Moreover, the CDC estimates that more than 23,000 people DIED of the flu during this past season”. (see chart and documentation below)

But where was the mass panic? Where was the stock market crash? Where was the hysteria?”

Continue reading “Smokescreen”


“Suckers think that you cure greed with money, addiction with substances, expert problems with experts, banking with bankers, economics with economists, and debt crises with debt spending”Nassim Nicholas Taleb, The Bed of Procrustes: Philosophical and Practical Aphorisms

The Logic of globalism | The Vineyard of the Saker

“Globalization has created this interlocking fragility. At no time in the history of the universe has the cancellation of a Christmas order in New York meant layoffs in China.”Nassim Nicholas Taleb

As we continue our national lockdown suicide cult to hell, I find myself getting angrier and angrier at the pathetic leadership displayed by politicians, government bureaucrats, so called medical “experts”, and intellectual yet idiot academics displaying their ignorance of facts, reality, history, and humanity. My nature is to be skeptical of everything I read or am told.

I most certainly disregard everything communicated to me by politicians, world leaders, central bankers, corporate CEOs, CNBC talking heads, the mainstream corporate fake news media, and lately – self-proclaimed medical experts who have distinguished themselves by not seeing the danger coming, downplaying the danger, not being prepared for the danger, incompetently handling the danger and righteously proclaiming the nation had to be brought to a full stop because their terribly flawed models said so.


Unprecedented Power Grab

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

We are living not just in interesting times, we are living in UNPRECEDENTED TIMES, which has raised the stakes profoundly toward civil war. You may have been laid off, struggling and hoping your employer will not fold, or you may be working from home and wondering if your employee will not make cuts and leave you there, eliminating offices. Then there is the home confinement which depends on whether or not you live in a Democratic state where they want 100% lockdown, fines, and/or imprisonment if you walk outside, while telling neighbors to report on you as if this were East Germany before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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My Take On Covid-19 “Conspiracy Theories”

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

A number of readers have been asking me for my take on the various “conspiracy theories”?  For example, is the virus a bioweapon?  Did the US release it on China or China on the US?  As Bill Gates and the US military ( ) knew in advance or predicted the pandemic, why weren’t preparatory steps taken?  Why are we caught with no plan, no protective gear, shortage of ventilators and no treatment? ( )  Is the virus a plot by the global elite to reduce the population, especially older people on Social Security and Medicare, in order to free more public money for subsidies to the One Percent?  Is it a plot to install tyranny?

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