Cory Booker is Fartscus – Green New Deal

Via Branco

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Sharing With Them Our Thoughts

On Kavanaugh’s inquisitors:

At the 2:21 mark he calls the media “you Democrats”.  Classic.

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Democrats Threaten To Abandon Final Shred Of Sanity If Kavanaugh Confirmed

Via Babylon Bee

U.S.—Democrats across the nation have threatened that they will abandon their final remaining shred of sanity should the Republican-controlled Senate vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court in the next few weeks.

From Democratic senators to lay voters, liberal-leaning citizens have promised they will begin their wacky antics in earnest should the inevitable confirmation occur.

“I know it seems like we’re already totally nuts,” said Senator Cory Booker. “But believe you me—you ain’t seen nothing yet. We’re talking rending our garments and smashing stuff, constantly comparing ourselves to tragic martyrs on film and television, even punching ourselves in the face. And we’ll do it around the clock.”

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