O’Keefe Undercover With Outraged Dems at the DNC

Daily Caller News Foundation Democratic Delegates Outraged Chick-Fil-A Served At DNC


Chick-Fil-A, Shutterstock,  Pamela D. Maxwell

Chick-Fil-A sandwiches abound at the Democratic National Convention, and some of the delegates aren’t happy about it.

Conference attendees can buy Chick-Fil-A sandwiches both inside and outside the convention arena. Joe Sacco, a Democratic delegate from Nevada who supports Senator Bernie Sanders and attended the LGBT caucus, told The Daily Caller News Foundation he’s unhappy Chick-Fil-A is being served.

“That was just really disappointing,” Sacco told TheDCNF. “I would hope that the DNC would be more sensitive in the future to the LGBT community.”

Many LGBT supporters boycotted the fast food chain after CEO Dan Cathy publicly spoke in favor of traditional marriage in 2012. Sacco said he’s not the only upset and that many other delegates shared his sentiment and were vocal about it.

“People were not happy about it, but it wasn’t just gay people who were not happy about it,” Sacco told The DCNF. “It was gay people and straight people and our allies, and the workers, in fact, also understood when we took a few moments to explain why we don’t support Chick-Fil-A.”

Sonya Lewis, an openly lesbian delegate seen holding a pro-LGBT sign, told TheDCNF she was unhappy with Chick-Fil-A being served.

“The owner is homophobic,” Lewis told TheDCNF. “I don’t buy Chick Fil A on purpose.”

Both Lewis and Sacco acknowledged there may be contractual obligations that require the Wells Fargo Center to allow Chick-Fil-A’s food, but both said they disapprove of the fast food company.

“They’re the type of company that closes on Sunday, puts money into lobbying against the LGBT community, and for that reason I will never support Chick-Fil-A until they change their ways,” Sacco said.

Will Putin Get a Pulitzer?

Guest Post by Patrick J. Buchanan

Will Putin Get a Pulitzer?

Waving off the clerics who had come to administer last rites, Voltaire said: “All my life I have ever made but one prayer to God, a very short one: ‘O Lord, make my enemies look ridiculous.’ And God granted it.”

The tale of the thieved emails at the Democratic National Committee is just too good to be true.

For a year, 74-year-old Socialist Bernie Sanders has been saying that, under DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the party has been undercutting his campaign and hauling water for Hillary Clinton.

From the 19,200 emails dumped the weekend before Clinton’s coronation, it appears the old boy is not barking mad. The deck was stacked; the referees were in the tank; the game was rigged.

For four decades, some of us have wondered what Jim McCord, security man at CREEP, and his four Cubans were looking for in DNC Chair Larry O’Brien’s office at the Watergate. Now it makes sense.

Among the lovely schemes the DNC leaders worked up to gut Sanders in Christian communities of West Virginia and Kentucky, was to tell these good folks that Sanders doesn’t even believe that there is a God. He’s not even an agnostic; he’s an atheist.

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Peak Hubris

Guest Post by Jesse

“I don’t understand people…who talk about us as being in decline, and who act as though we are not yet the greatest country that has ever been on the face of the Earth for all of history!”

Hillary Rodham Clinton, 25 July 2016

How can we possibly have any problems, except for malcontents, naysayers, and whiners?  We are the greatest!

The Democratic establishment’s lack of understanding of what a large portion of the public has been saying and thinking during this entire election cycle and beyond is both remarkable and yet understandable, given the insular bubble of easy money, crony capitalism, and endless favoritism in which their candidate and their pampered protégés exist.

This utter disconnect from the public is why liberal establishment figureheads can write columns in the New York Times suggesting that all must be well everywhere, because things are great in the affluent bubble-land of the Upper West Side of Manhattan, or in Silicon Valley.  And then go on to imply that anyone who may disagree, who may be protesting and working for meaningful reform, is ignorant or dishonest.

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The Odious Versus the Tedious

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

You thought the Republican convention was a ghastly spectacle of royal Trumpery (and Iago-style backstabbing featuring the arch-asshole Ted Cruz)? Now comes the Democratic Annunciation of I’m-With-Her-It’s-My-Turn, the incarnation of crony corruption in our late-state Republic of Racketeering. Remember that old movie, The Exorcist, with its demonic spewage of projectile vomit. Expect something like that on the grand scale in Philadelphia this week as the Exalted-Breaker-of-Glass-Ceilings steps forth to accept her victory tiara.

The New York Times is blaming the Ruskies for releasing those thousands of new emails disclosing the perfidy of the Democratic National Committee staff in pimping for Hillary against Bernie and trafficking with the major network news operations to manage and spin things Her way — and especially to rig the electoral machinery against Sanders. How much will his supporters Feel the Bern this week in Philly as the party attempts to put on an appearance of unity (Ha!) behind HRC? How can it conceivably be possible now for Bernie to stand by her side for the crucial unity photo op? I suspect he’d rather chew his right arm off.

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DNC convention gayest ever

Gays make up approximately 3% of the US population, but they represent 13% of the Democratic delegates. Do you think the Democratic platform will represent the values of the majority of Americans?

Via The Washington Examiner

The Democratic National Convention will feature the highest number of gays in history, drawn by party’s support for the LGBTQ community and a big list of gay-themed events at the Philadelphia confab set to endorse Hillary Rodham Clinton as the nation’s first female presidential nominee.

Some 600 of the 4,765 delegates to the convention are gay, or well more than 1 in 10, breaking the 2012 record of 550.

“LGBT political power is stronger and more visible than ever – with an unprecedented number of LGBT candidates this election cycle, and a robust presence of LGBT elected officials at the Democratic National Convention,” said the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund.

That group said that having solid numbers of gay politicians and lawmakers helps to influence and change the approach to their issues by straight politicians and lawmakers. In fact, during the convention in the City of Brotherly Love next week, the group said it would release research “showing straight lawmakers who vote on pro-LGBT legislation are heavily influenced by their LGBT lawmaker colleagues. The research demonstrates the importance of LGBT representation in advancing equality.”


Democrats Accuse Russia Of Hacking DNC Server To Help Donald Trump

In the aftermath of the fallout from the DNC server hack, the Democrats have been scrambling how to redirect public anger (especially among Bernie Sanders supporters) from the revelations that not only did the Democratic party try everything in its power to sabotage Bernie Sanders presidential bid, but also colluded with various “impartial” media outlets as well as breach fundraising rules in the process.

And, as of this morning, it appears that the solution they have decided upon is not to explain or even justify the scandalous actions, but to simply blame Russia for the hack.

Moments ago Hillary’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, appeared on CNN and as David Axelrod pointed out, suggested that Russians are behind the DNC hacking.


This is specifically what he said (highlights ours):

“What is disturbing to us is that experts are telling us that Russians broke into the DNC, stole these emails and other experts are now saying that the Russians are now releasing these emails for the purpose of actually helping Donald Trump. I don’t think it’s coincidental that these emails were released on the eve of our convention here and that’s disturbing.”

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I’m so sad I’ll be in Colorado during the Philly Democratic National Convention freak show of FSA army members, Black Thugs Matters activists, feminist freaks, trannies, and assorted other nutjobs. But I’m really upset that I’ll miss the great Hillary Fart In. The Wells Fargo Center doesn’t smell great to begin with and Hillary’s supporters already have the wretched stench of liberalism wafting above them. Now add in thousands of baked bean filled Bernie supporters and you’ve got an explosive situation. Mayor Kenney has proposed a fart tax to take advantage of the situation. Here is a preview of Hillary’s DNC acceptance speech:

Via Truthdig

Philadelphia: Cheri Honkala, the leader of the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, announced that her group was organizing the world’s largest “fart-in” to be held on July 28 at the Wells Fargo Center during Hillary Clinton’s anticipated acceptance speech for the Democratic nomination.

“We will be holding a massive bean supper for Bernie Sanders delegates on American Street in my Kensington neighborhood on the afternoon of July 28,” she said. “We are setting up a Clintonville there, modeled on the Hoovervilles of the 1930s where the poor and unemployed built shanty towns. The Sanders delegates, their bellies full of beans, will be able to return to the Wells Fargo Center and greet the rhetorical flatulence of Hillary Clinton with the real thing.”