Academic Fascism

Guest Post by Walter E. Williams

Last week’s column highlighted college campus absurdities and the ongoing attack on free speech and plain common sense. As parents gear up to fork over $20,000 to $60,000 for college tuition, they might benefit from knowing what greets their youngsters. Deceitful college officials, who visit high schools to recruit students and talk to parents, conceal the worst of their campus practices. Let’s expose some of it.

Christina Hoff Sommers is an avowed feminist and a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. She’s spent a lifetime visiting college campuses. Recently, upon her arrival at Oberlin College, Georgetown University and other campuses, trigger warnings were issued asserting, in her words, that her “very presence on campus” was “a form of violence” and that she was threatening students’ mental health. At Oberlin, 30 students and the campus therapy dog retired to a “safe room” with soft music, crayons and coloring books to escape any uncomfortable facts raised by Sommers.

The problem for students and some professors is that Sommers challenges the narrative, with credible statistical facts, that women are living in a violent, paternalistic rape culture. As a result, she has been “excommunicated from the church of campus feminism” in order to protect women from her uncomfortable facts. This prompted Sommers to say, “There’s a move to get young women in combat, and yet on our campuses, they are so fragile they can’t handle a speaker with dissenting views.” I wonder whether there will be demands for the military to have therapy dogs and safe rooms in combat situations.

The University of New Hampshire published a “Bias-Free Language Guide,” which “is meant to invite inclusive excellence in (the) campus community.” Terms such as “American,” “homosexual,” “illegal alien,” “Caucasian,” “mothering,” “fathering” and “foreigners” are deemed “problematic.” Other problematic terms include “elders,” “senior citizen,” “overweight,” “speech impediment,” “dumb,” “sexual preference,” “manpower,” “freshmen,” “mailman” and “chairman.” For now, these terms are seen as problematic. If the political correctness police were permitted to get away with it, later they would bring disciplinary action against a student or faculty member who used the terms.

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It’s not what’s between your legs, it’s what’s between your ears

 Via Lonely Libertarian

Sweetie, that’s called Missionary position


I’ve had it. Completely and totally had it. I am a 48-year-old woman, yes WOMAN, two squishy boobies and all the female reproductive parts that entails, and I’m sick to death of Feminists. I want to state my position clearly and unequivocally, I am a personist (Not a Humanist as that philosophy tends more towards humans over God, and as flawed as I am, I’m still a devout believer in God). I believe all persons are created equal with the same rights and yes, obligations. I believe that what really matters is what’s between your ears instead of between your legs; and when you start squawking and making demands based on your gender/sexual identity/sexual practices, you reduce yourself from a thinking person to a set of genitals, and that reduces the power you so crave.

“Power” telling someone to fuck off.


Continue reading “It’s not what’s between your legs, it’s what’s between your ears”