Is It Impossible For Us To Forgive?

Guest Post by Mary Christine

“I shall allow no man to belittle my soul by making me hate him.” – Booker T. Washington

“Watch out that no bitterness takes root among you, for as it springs up it causes deep trouble, hurting many in their spiritual lives.” Heb 12:15 TLB

You don't owe people 'toxic forgiveness' | The Independent

I ask because I’m struggling with forgiving anyone associated with the mess we are in right now, particularly a friend and some family members. For the purpose of keeping this essay shorter I won’t make a list of all the wrongs we have seen perpetrated by governments, the medical industrial complex, media, and our own friends and family members.

Jesus commanded his followers to forgive. Indeed, The Lords Prayer includes this line “Forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Any of us who claim to be followers of Jesus must take him seriously when he commands us to forgive. There are parables and instructions throughout the New Testament regarding forgiveness. Most Christians are familiar with the passage in Matt 18:21-35 where Peter asks how many times we should forgive. I wonder what he was thinking when he heard Jesus’s answer? I know what I’m thinking, stay away from someone who sinned against you 77 times, Peter!

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Forgiveness Is Overrated

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

Journalist David Sirota has just published an excellent op-ed titled “America’s new aristocracy lives in an accountability-free zone”, which begins with the observation that “Enron executives were among the last politically connected criminals to face any serious consequences for institutionalized fraud.” Sirota goes on to remind readers how there was never any attempt by either mainstream political party to bring accountability to anyone responsible for monstrous offenses ranging from the disastrous invasion of Iraq to the ecocidal manipulations of fossil fuel plutocrats to the Wall Street plundering which led to the 2008 global financial crisis.

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