Now that Chris Martin has dropped this vacuous twit for Jennifer Lawrence, it looks like she wants some dark meat. This is the type of person Barack Obama associates with. She’s a brain dead, spoiled, rich, Hollywood starlet who has nothing in common with any average person in this country.

This picture shows Gwynth Paltrow practically drooling at the sight of Obama in her Brentwood, LA garden on Thursday night. Lending out her big backyard for a $1,000-$15,000-a-plate Democratic Party fundraiser, the “de-coupled” Hollywood starlet went all tongue tied:

“You’re so handsome I can’t speak,” she managed to gush out, adding that she was one of his “biggest fans, if not the biggest.”

The WSJ reporter who was on the scene said she earned a high-five from her daughter Apple as she sat down.

She also praised Obama’s green energy efforts, and then his advocacy for equal pay for women “something very important to me as a working mother.”  Back in March, Paltrow took some flack from the female species over this little gem:

“I think it’s different when you have an office job, because it’s routine and, you know, you can do all the stuff in the morning and then you come home in the evening…I think to have a regular job and be a mom is not as, of course there are challenges, but it’s not like being on set.”

Oh and she managed to fire this comment off to her audience, which included Julia Roberts and Bradly Whitford, as well before she sat down:

“It would be wonderful if we gave this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs to pass.”

Morons Unite


The mindset of liberals is a wonder to behold. They rule our society and will tell you what is proper, what you can and cannot do, and how you should live your life and run your business. It’s a disease of the mind. First they came for the pork lovers, and I said nothing.

Hat tip Gayle

Vermont Diner’s Bacon Sign Taken Down for Offending Muslims

By Andrew Johnson

A sign advertising the bacon at a Vermont diner has been taken down after a Muslim resident complained about the sign on the Internet and sparked a massive backlash against the restaurant, Sneakers Bistro.

In June, in return for taking part in a local volunteer initiative to plant flower beds in the city’s traffic medians, the diner was awarded a sign on a lamp post that said “Yield for Sneakers Bacon.” A woman took issue with the sign, calling it insensitive to those who don’t eat pork, according to WPTZ.

The woman’s objection, which she posted online, prompted several Facebook and Yelp comments calling on Sneakers Bistro to take down the sign. The diner’s owners contacted the woman to apologize and tell her the sign has been removed.

“We are here to serve people breakfast, not politics,” the owners wrote in a separate Facebook post over the weekend. “We removed the sign that was located on public property as a gesture of respect for our diverse community.”

The mayor of the town, Winooski, Vt., commended the diner for taking down the sign. “The cool part of living in a diverse community is that it’s not always comfortable,” Mayor Katherine “Deac” Decarreau told the television network. “It’s a fascinating place with lots of opportunities for conversation. The city has to pay attention to a lot of factors while acting within what we can regulate.”

Winooski is “a fabulous artist mecca,” Mayor Deac has told the Center for Media and Democracy. “Winooski has always welcomed immigrants,” she said, “including my ancestors who spoke only French in 1835 when they arrived here.”


The hypocrisy of control freak liberals is delicious to observe in all its glory. They want to control your lives and declare the government as your protector and savior. It seems the shrews on Obama’s favorite platform – The View – have a different view when it comes to their own safety and security. When you are in a life and death situation, the 2nd responder government drone is only 10 minutes away.


Liberal control freaks think they can change the course of nature and our atmosphere through laws, regulations and taxes. It’s beyond laughable, as they can’t predict next week’s weather with their supercomputers and the sun can make all their computer model predictions worthless in an instant. Their true goal is to control us. Maybe they should tax the sun or pass new regulations banning solar storms.

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) has captured rare footage of a coronal mass ejection (CME), or eruption of solar material, surging off the sun. CMEs belch huge clouds of superheated particles from the sun’s corona – the wispy, outermost and hottest layer – and can reach speeds exceeding 1 million miles per hour. Read More: http://on.rt.com/uk7xxy


Only 1% black employees?????

OMG. Where is Al Sharpton? Shouldn’t he be leading a march on Google headquarters?

How come our Teleprompter in Chief isn’t holding a press conference to decry this outrage?

Is Google under the control of the racist Tea Party?

The MSNBC dykes and fairies must be sputtering mad. Last time I checked, women made up about 50% of the population. How can Google explain only 30% women? Moochelle must be outraged.

NO. The sounds of silence coming from the liberal MSM and our progressive Democratic leadership?

Maybe Google is getting a pass because they pay off these politicians and cooperate with the NSA in tracking our every move. Maybe the advertising money generated from Google ads on the MSNBC and other MSM websites is more important than reporting the truth.

The hypocrisy of the liberal media and the political left is breathtaking to behold.


Google workforce data show company is predominantly white and predominantly male

Google published data detailing the diversity of its workforce, becoming one of the first large tech firms to do so. The data confirm a widely held belief: The company is predominantly male and white.

The numbers are stark: 70% of Google employees are men, and 61% are white. The company,  in a blog post published Wednesday, concedes it still has a ways to go to meet its diversity goals: “Put simply, Google is not where we want to be when it comes to diversity, and it’s hard to address these kinds of challenges if you’re not prepared to discuss them openly, and with the facts.”

The issue of diversity in the tech industry has gained prominence during the past year, as social activists, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson, has called out Silicon Valley for its lack of racial and gender diversity and has begun pressing companies to release data about their workforce compositions.

Last week, Jackson appeared at Facebook’s annual shareholder meeting in Redwood City, Calif., to press the company to release data about its workforce, lamenting the scarcity of women and minorities in tech, especially at the executive level.

There are reasons, Google says, for its diversity deficit: Women earn roughly 18% of all computer-science degrees in the U.S., and blacks and Hispanics earn fewer than 5% of those degrees.

Progressive Left And Fox News/Neocon/Right Wing Jointly Declare War—-On Rand Paul Because He’s Anti-War!


Why do they hate him?

The Rovians hate him because he challenges the whole Fox Newsneocon right-wing paradigm that has kept the GOP a dwindling minority party ever since the Bush era ended with a whimper. The progressives hate him because he is the most likely candidate – at the moment – to be facing Hillary Clinton in 2016, and they know they’ll have a hard time selling a candidate who still refuses to second guess her 2003 vote for the Iraq war. So the two groups have a common enemy – which, in politics, is enough to cement a working alliance between two supposedly antithetical forces.

Of course they aren’t really antithetical: while Establishment Republicans and Establishment Democrats duke it out every election, it’s not an ideological fight so much as a battle for the spoils. And when it comes to foreign policy, “politics stops at the water’s edge,” as that old reprobate Arthur Vandenberg used to say: left and right are united for the Empire.

That explains why Mother Jones Washington correspondent David Corn popped   up with footage of Rand Paul attacking Dick Cheney for switching his position   on Iraq. Corn rips Rand’s remarks out of a   half hour long talk, in the relevant portion of which, Sen. Paul – who wasn’t   a Senator yet, he was campaigning for his father – goes into a long disquisition   on the military-industrial complex. Citing Eisenhower and answering critics   who say Ron Paul is weak on defense, Rand cites Cheney’s answer to neoconnish   questions about why George Herbert Walker Bush didn’t go all the way to Baghdad   during the first Gulf war: there would be a civil war, there would be “chaos,   we’d be sucked into a quagmire. In short, all the reasons Ron and Rand gave   for opposing Bush II’s invasion. Rand goes on to opine:

“And this is Dick Cheney saying this. But, you know, a couple hundred million dollars later Dick Cheney earns from Halliburton, he comes back into government. Now Halliburton’s got a billion-dollar no-bid contract in Iraq. You know, you hate to be so cynical that you think some of these corporations are able to influence policy, but I think sometimes they are. Most of the people on these [congressional] committees have a million dollars in their bank account all from different military-industrial contractors. We don’t want our defense to be defined by people who make money off of the weapons.”

Here’s what Corn makes of this:

“The message is clear: Cheney, a corporate shill, was more loyal to Halliburton – and the millions of dollars he earned from the company – than to the United States, and he and Halliburton manipulated the country into the Iraq War. Paul was essentially accusing Cheney of a profound betrayal: using 9/11 to start a war to profit Halliburton.”

Only Corn’s first sentence has any relationship to reality: yes, the “message is clear” indeed, except to uncomprehending “progressives” who’ve hung out in Washington for too long. Rand was describing a system in his talk, the Washington-based culture of crony-capitalist militarism that employs and enriches some very powerful people in this country. The merchants of death, as an early 20th century bestseller dubbed them, give millions to candidates – and Washington thinktanks – for whom war propaganda is mother’s milk. This isn’t about Dick Cheney – it’s about how Washington works.

In explaining how Cheney came to such a dramatically different view on Iraq,   Rand was quite right to point to the Vice President’s five year immersion in   the corporate culture of Haliburton as one important factor in his subsequent   evolution. Why wouldn’t being CEO of a company that provides “services”   to US occupiers incline one to favor American military intervention overseas?   Yet it is seriously understating the radicalism of Rand’s view to reduce it,   as Corn does, to Cheney was “using 9/11 to start a war to profit Haliburton.”   The Senator’s critique is more fundamental.

Remember what Rand actually said is that big defense contractors “influence   policy” – which is a far cry from dictating it. Later in the tape he mocks   John McCain for his “bomb bomb  Iran” Beach Boys act, and goes   on to say that war should be the absolute last resort: he’s visibly appalled   by the way in which these matters of life and death are trivialized by neocons   like McCain and Richard Perle. His point was that these people – including “most   of the people on these congressional committees” – live in a world where   war is the first option.

The system we’ve set up has a built-in bias, like all government programs, in favor of exponential expansion, and Cheney was a cog in that machine. And so while Cheney’s Haliburton connection wasn’t the determining factor in his Iraq policy turnaround, his experience there undoubtedly influenced his foreign policy views in general – and whatever personal profits he gained in the process sure didn’t hurt.

I can’t imagine Corn disagrees with this sentiment: but he doesn’t say so in   his piece, which is devoted to giving ample ammunition to the Rovians and their   neocon allies to take down the Republican frontrunner. Paul’s “accusations   about Cheney, 9/11, and Iraq could well provide rich material for questions   in presidential debates,” he snarks.

Corn is taking a calculated risk here: he may wind up converting the readers of Mother Jones into enthusiastic campaign workers loudly tweeting #RandPaul2016. And isn’t Cheney one of the most disliked political figures in recent history? We already know the neocons hate the Pauls, both of them, equally and irrevocably  –  and it’s only natural for partisan shills like Corn, who don’t have a principled bone in their bodies, to egg on the Bill Kristols of this world.

Getting beyond all this background noise, however, the real question is: can   the junior Senator from Kentucky brush these chirping sectaries aside and build a coalition that defies the old categories of “left”   and “right”? Can he unite Midwesterners angered by federal landgrabs   with urban millennials sporting Free Snowden t-shirts? It’s the War Party’s   worst nightmare: a serious presidential contender who’s serious about fighting   for civil liberties and a noninterventionist foreign policy (along with a dose   of good old fashioned dose of economic common sense).

This being a Republican presidential primary – yes, we’re talking about that already – there’s been much talk of Rand Paul’s relationship with Ronald Reagan, or, rather, with the ghost of the last Republican to build a broad-based center-right coalition. Jennifer Rubin has chimed in, claiming that the Senator and would-be presidential aspirant has “de-Reaganized” Reagan. Poor Jenn, possibly the most reviled pundit in Washington, mistakes Reagan for Benjamin Netanyahu. She also misses the real significance of the Reagan mystique – and that was his ability to reach out to the other side, in this case the so-called Reagan Democrats, inner city and suburban blue collar families. He managed to split the Democrats’ taken-for-granted constituency and built a new governing majority.

In the context of today’s politics, the demographics are different but the principle of “divide and rule” is the same. The “Paul Democrats” and “Paul Independents” are precisely the kind of younger urban voters both Rand and his father have done such a phenomenal job attracting. These are people Democrats have tended to take for granted – and Rand is the first Republican politician since Reagan to challenge them on this terrain. Which is why Democrats like Corn, and the other partisan hacks masquerading as “journalists”  –  Rachel Maddow comes to mind  –  have it in for Sen. Paul.

As for the Rovians and their neocon Deep Thinkers, their unappeasable hate for the Senator is due to his last name – and the knowledge that this isn’t really about Rand Paul or any particular person, it’s about a movement that threatens to overtake them. Once John McCain and Peter King stop being the face of the GOP, the Establishment that manipulates the leadership of both parties is in big trouble.

The last thing the Establishment of both parties wants is a 2016 presidential   race pitting an anti-interventionist anti-surveillance Republican against the   stridently interventionist Hillary, who long ago declared that the Internet   needs “gatekeepers.” I would argue that of all the potential candidates,   it’s Rand Paul who has the best chance of stopping the Clinton Restoration.   Jeb Bush as the candidate would make it a clash of dynasties, with the Clintons   an easy winner in that kind of contest. Marco Rubio has limited appeal, and   by the time the primaries get going will be polling in the vicinity of John   Bolton. Chris Christie is over. David Petraeus, once a neocon favorite, is in    disgrace: you only get to have that kind of fun after you’re safely elected.   So who’s left?

The Anti-Paul Popular Front is only just beginning to rev up its engines. With   David Corn and the Sheldon Adelson-funded Washington Free Beacon leading the   charge, this red-brown coalition is determined to spike Sen. Paul’s campaign   long before the first primary. The day is young, and so is this smear campaign.

This is a syndicated repost courtesy of Antiwar.com Original. To view original, click here.


According to a new Gallup Poll, Obama has an 80.8% approval rating in Washington D.C. They must be thrilled with his food stamp achievements, his droning of innocent people around the globe, his un-Constitutional collection of all electronic data from every American, and his ability to drive the National debt up by only $6.5 trillion since his reign of error began.

Obama’s next highest approval rating was in Hawaii, according to data released today by Gallup. In 2013, 61.3 percent of the people in that state–where Obama attended high school–approved of the job he was doing. Obama’s third highest approval–57.0 percent–came in Maryland, which borders Washington, D.C., and encompasses many Washington suburbs.

The results in Washington D.C. shouldn’t be a shock. The Free Shit Army has complete control of the capital. Blacks account for 51% of the population, with whites constituting 38%. There are only 7% registered Republicans in Washington D.C. I’m shocked his approval rating isn’t higher. After he announces the 39% increase in wages for the few employed inhabitants of DC, and pounds the podium for the food stamp program to be doubled, he’ll surely get his approval rating in DC, West Philly, Detroit and all the other democrat controlled kill zone shitholes off the charts.

Try to figure out which states are inhabited by delusional morons and which states are inhabited by hard working, rational, liberty minded citizens.

Top Bastions of Liberalism and Land of Idiots who think Obama is doing a fantastic job:

1. District of Columbia, 80.8%

2. Hawaii, 61.3%

3. Maryland, 57.0%

4. Rhode Island, 56.7%

5. New York, 56.7%

6. Vermont, 56.6%

7. Massachusetts, 56.5%

8. New Jersey, 56.4%

9. California, 55.8%

10. Connecticut, 55.1%

11. Delaware, 54.4%

12. Illinois, 53.7%

Rational Bastions of Reality, Reason and Responsibility who think Obama is a disaster

1. Wyoming, 22.5%

2. West Virginia, 25.1%

3. Utah, 27.3%

4. South Dakota, 31.7%

5. Idaho, 32.1%

6. Oklahoma, 32.1%

7. Montana, 33.1%

8. Alaska, 33.5%

9. Arkansas, 34.9%

10. Kentucky, 35.1%

11. Kansas, 35.1%

12. North Dakota, 35.5%

HAT TIP to Boston Bob


“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”

 George Orwell


Fact-Free Liberals

Written By : Thomas Sowell
January 21, 2014

Someone summarized Barack Obama in three words — “educated,” “smart” and “ignorant.” Unfortunately, those same three words would describe all too many of the people who come out of our most prestigious colleges and universities today.

President Obama seems completely unaware of how many of the policies he is trying to impose have been tried before, in many times and places around the world, and have failed time and again. Economic equality? That was tried in the 19th century, in communities set up by Robert Owen, the man who coined the term “socialism.” Those communities all collapsed.

It was tried even earlier, in 18th century Georgia, when that was a British colony. People in Georgia ended up fleeing to other colonies, as many other people would vote with their feet in the 20th century, by fleeing many other societies around the world that were established in the name of economic equality.

But who reads history these days? Moreover, those parts of history that would undermine the vision of the left — which prevails in our education system from elementary school to postgraduate study — are not likely to get much attention.

The net results are bright people, with impressive degrees, who have been told for years how brilliant they are, but who are often ignorant of facts that might cause them to question what they have been indoctrinated with in schools and colleges.

Recently Kirsten Powers repeated on Fox News Channel the discredited claim that women are paid only about three-quarters of what a man is paid for doing the same work.

But there have been empirical studies, going back for decades, showing that there is no such gap when the women and men are in the same occupation, with the same skills, experience, education, hours of work and continuous years of full-time work.

Income differences between the sexes reflect the fact that women and men differ in all these things — and more. Young male doctors earn much more than young female doctors. But young male doctors work over 500 hours a year more than young female doctors.

Then there is the current hysteria which claims that people in the famous “top one percent” have incomes that are rising sharply and absorbing a wholly disproportionate share of all the income in the country.

But check out a Treasury Department study titled “Income Mobility in the U.S. from 1996 to 2005.” It uses income tax data, showing that people who were in the top one percent in 1996 had their incomes fall — repeat, fall — by 26 percent by 2005.

What about the other studies that seem to say the opposite? Those are studies of income brackets, not studies of the flesh-and-blood human beings who are moving from one bracket to another over time. More than half the people who were in the top one percent in 1996 were no longer there in 2005.

This is hardly surprising when you consider that their incomes were going down while there was widespread hysteria over the belief that their incomes were going up.

Empirical studies that follow income brackets over time repeatedly reach opposite conclusions from studies that follow individuals. But people in the media, in politics and even in academia, cite statistics about income brackets as if they are discussing what happens to actual human beings over time.

All too often when liberals cite statistics, they forget the statisticians’ warning that correlation is not causation. For example the New York Times crusaded for government-provided prenatal care, citing the fact that black mothers had prenatal care less often than white mothers — and that there were higher rates of infant mortality among blacks.

But was correlation causation? American women of Chinese, Japanese and Filipino ancestry also had less prenatal care than whites — and lower rates of infant mortality than either blacks or whites.

When statistics showed that black applicants for conventional mortgage loans were turned down at twice the rate for white applicants, the media went ballistic crying racial discrimination. But whites were turned down almost twice as often as Asian Americans — and no one thinks that is racial discrimination.

Facts are not liberals’ strong suit. Rhetoric is.

Thomas Sowell is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305. His website is www.tsowell.com.


“Five percent of the people think;
ten percent of the people think they think;
and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.”

– Thomas Edison

The kabuki theater that passes for governance in Washington D.C. reveals the profound level of ignorance shrouding this Empire of Debt in its prolonged death throes. Ignorance of facts; ignorance of math; ignorance of history; ignorance of reality; and ignorance of how ignorant we’ve become as a nation, have set us up for an epic fall. It’s almost as if we relish wallowing in our ignorance like a fat lazy sow in a mud hole. The lords of the manor are able to retain their power, control and huge ill-gotten riches because the government educated serfs are too ignorant to recognize the self-evident contradictions in the propaganda they are inundated with by state controlled media on a daily basis.


“Any formal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend their most precious possession – their ignorance.” Hendrik Willem van Loon

The levels of ignorance are multi-dimensional and diverse, crossing all educational, income, and professional ranks. The stench of ignorance has settled like Chinese toxic smog over our country, as various constituents have chosen comforting ignorance over disconcerting knowledge. The highly educated members, who constitute the ruling class in this country, purposefully ignore facts and truth because the retention and enhancement of their wealth and power are dependent upon them not understanding what they clearly have the knowledge to understand. The underclass wallow in their ignorance as their life choices, absence of concern for marriage or parenting, lack of interest in educating themselves, and hiding behind the cross of victimhood and blaming others for their own failings. Everyone is born ignorant and the path to awareness and knowledge is found in reading books. Rich and poor alike are free to read and educate themselves. The government, union teachers, and a village are not necessary to attain knowledge. It requires hard work and clinging to your willful ignorance to remain stupid.

The youth of the country consume themselves in techno-narcissistic triviality, barely looking up from their iGadgets long enough to make eye contact with other human beings. The toxic combination of government delivered public education, dumbed down socially engineered curriculum, taught by uninspired intellectually average union controlled teachers, to distracted, unmotivated, latchkey kids, has produced a generation of young people ignorant about history, basic mathematical concepts, and the ability or interest to read and write. They have been taught to feel rather than think critically. They have been programmed to believe rather than question and explore. Slogans and memes have replaced knowledge and understanding. They have been lured into inescapable student loan debt serfdom by the very same government that is handing them a $200 trillion entitlement bill and an economy built upon low paying service jobs that don’t require a college education, because the most highly educated members of society realized that outsourcing the higher paying production jobs to slave labor factories in Asia was great for the bottom line, their stock options and bonus pools.

Instead of being outraged and lashing out against this injustice, the medicated, daycare reared youth passively lose themselves in the inconsequentiality and shallowness of social media, reality TV, and the internet, while living in their parents’ basement. They have chosen the ignorance inflicted upon their brains by thousands of hours spent twittering, texting, facebooking, seeking out adorable cat videos on the internet, viewing racist rap singer imbeciles rent out sports stadiums to propose to vacuous big breasted sluts on reality cable TV shows, and sitting zombie-like for days with a controller in hand blowing up cities, killing whores, and murdering policemen using their new PS4 on their 65 inch HDTV, rather than gaining a true understanding of the world by reading Steinbeck, Huxley, and Orwell. Technology has reduced our ability to think and increased our ignorance.

“During my eighty-seven years, I have witnessed a whole succession of technological revolutions. But none of them has done away with the need for character in the individual or the ability to think.” – Bernard M. Baruch

The youth have one thing going for them. They are still young and can awaken from their self-imposed stupor of ignorance. There are over 80 million millenials between the ages of 8 and 30 years old who need to start questioning the paradigm they are inheriting and critically examining the mendacious actions of their elders. The future of the country is in their hands, so I hope they put down those iGadgets and open their eyes before it is too late. We need many more patriots like Edward Snowden and far fewer twerking sluts like Miley Cyrus if we are to overcome the smog of apathy and ignorance blanketing our once sentient nation.

The ignorance of youth can be chalked up to inexperience, lack of wisdom, and immaturity. There is no excuse for the epic level of ignorance displayed by older generations over the last thirty years. Boomers and Generation X have charted the course of this ship of state for decades. Ship of fools is a more fitting description, as they have stimulated the entitlement mentality that has overwhelmed the fiscal resources of the country. Our welfare/warfare empire, built upon a Himalayan mountain of debt, enabled by a central bank owned by Wall Street, and perpetuated by swarms of corrupt bought off spineless politicians, is the ultimate testament to the seemingly limitless level of ignorance engulfing our civilization. The entitlement mindset permeates our culture from the richest to the poorest. Mega-corporations use their undue influence (bribes disguised as campaign contributions) to elect pliable candidates to office, hire lobbyists to write the laws and tax regulations governing their industries, and collude with the bankers and other titans of industry to harvest maximum profits from the increasingly barren fields of a formerly thriving land of milk and honey. By unleashing a torrent of unbridled greed, ransacking the countryside, and burning down the villages, the ruling class has planted the seeds of their own destruction.

When the underclass observes Wall Street bankers committing the crime of the century with no consequences for their actions, they learn a lesson. When billionaire banker/politicians like Jon Corzine can steal $1.2 billion directly from the accounts of farmers and ranchers and continue to live a life of luxury in one of his six mansions, they get the message. Wall Street bankers are allowed to commit fraud, reaping profits of $25 billion, and when they are caught red handed pay a $5 billion fine while admitting no guilt. No connected bankers have gone to jail for crashing the worldwide financial system, but teenage marijuana dealers are incarcerated for ten years in our corporate prison system. The message has been received loud and clear by the unwashed masses. Committing fraud and gaming the system is OK. Only suckers play by the rules anymore. A culture of lawlessness, greed, fraud, deceit, swindles and scams was fashioned by those in power. Reckless disregard for honesty, truthfulness, fair dealing, and treating others as you would like to be treated, has permeated the beliefs and behavior of our society.

The ever increasing number of people in the SNAP program along with abuses committed by retailers and recipients, the skyrocketing number of people faking their way into the SSDI program, billions of taxpayer dollars lost to Medicare fraud, billions more lost paying out earned income tax credit refunds based on non-existent children, public schools falsifying test scores, students cheating on SAT tests, credit card fraud on a grand scale, failure to report income and falsifying tax returns, and a myriad of other dodges and scams are just a reflection of a moral and cultural collapse. The dog eat dog mentality glorified by the media, with such despicable men as Dimon, Greenspan, Corzine, Clinton, Trump, Rubin, Bernanke and Bloomberg honored as pillars of society, has displaced honesty, compassion, humanity, shared sacrifice, and caring about our descendants. Self-interest, self-indulgence, and a narcissistic focus on what is in it for me today has led to an implosion of trust and an attitude of “who cares” about our fellow man, morality, right or wrong, and the fate of future generations. We ignored the warnings of our last President who displayed courageousness and truthfulness when speaking to the American people.

“As we peer into society’s future, we — you and I, and our government — must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.” Dwight D. Eisenhower

The Me Generation has devolved into the Me Culture. While the masses have been mesmerized by their iGadgets, zombified by the boob tube, programmed to consume by the Madison Avenue propaganda machines, enslaved in chains of debt by the Wall Street plantation owners, and convinced by their fascist government keepers that phantom terrorists are hiding behind every bush, they surrendered their freedoms, liberties and sense of self-responsibility. There will always be evil men seeking to control and manipulate the ignorant and oblivious. A citizenry armed with knowledge, critical thinking skills, and moral integrity would not passively submit to the will of a corporate fascist oligarchy. Well educated, well informed citizens, capable of critical thinking are dangerous to rich men of evil intent. Obedient, universally ignorant, distracted, fearful, morally depraved slaves are what the owners of this country want. As the light of knowledge flickers and dies, we sink into the darkness of ignorance.


“No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”Samuel Adams

Cult of Ignorance

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”Isaac Asimov


“While every group has certain economic interests identical with those of all groups, every group has also, as we shall see, interests antagonistic to those of all other groups. While certain public policies would in the long run benefit everybody, other policies would benefit one group only at the expense of all other groups. The group that would benefit by such policies, having such a direct interest in them, will argue for them plausibly and persistently. It will hire the best buyable minds to devote their whole time to presenting its case. And it will finally either convince the general public that its case is sound, or so befuddle it that clear thinking on the subject becomes next to impossible.

In addition to these endless pleadings of self-interest, there is a second main factor that spawns new economic fallacies every day. This is the persistent tendency of man to see only the immediate effects of a given policy, or its effects only on a special group, and to neglect to inquire what the long-run effects of that policy will be not only on that special group but on all groups. It is the fallacy of overlooking secondary consequences.”Henry Hazlitt

America’s cult of ignorance, combined with the selfish interests of various constituencies, the character weakness of the people elected to office, a lack of understanding or interest in basic mathematical concepts, and inability to comprehend the long term and unintended consequences of every piece of legislation, have brought the country to the brink of fiscal disaster. But still, the vast majority of Americans, including the supposed intellectuals and economic “experts”, are basking in their ignorance, as the stock market reaches a new high, the local GM dealer just gave them a 7 year $40,000 auto loan at 0% on that brand new Cadillac Escalade, Bank of America still hasn’t foreclosed on their McMansion two years after making their last mortgage payment, and they just received three pre-approved credit card notices from Capital One, American Express and Citicorp. As long as Bennie has our back printing $1 trillion new greenbacks per year, nothing can possibly go wrong. Our best and brightest economic minds are always right:

“Stocks have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.” – Irving Fisher, Professor of Economics, Yale University, 1929

“Many of the new financial products that have been created, with financial derivatives being the most notable, contribute economic value by unbundling risks and shifting them in a highly calibrated manner. Although these instruments cannot reduce the risk inherent in real assets, they can redistribute it in a way that induces more investment in real assets and, hence, engenders higher productivity and standards of living.” – Alan Greenspan – March 6, 2000

“We’ve never had a decline in house prices on a nationwide basis. So, what I think what is more likely is that house prices will slow, maybe stabilize, might slow consumption spending a bit. I don’t think it’s gonna drive the economy too far from its full employment path, though.” Ben Bernanke – July 2005

The profound level of ignorance displayed by economists, politicians, business leaders, media personalities, and the average American, regarding the mathematically unsustainable path of our fiscal ship is perplexing to me on so many levels. If the Federal government was a family, the budget ceiling debate would be put into the following terms. Our household earns $28,000 per year, but we spend $38,000 per year and add $10,000 to our credit card balance, which stands at the limit of $170,000. In addition, we owe our neighbors $2 million we don’t have because we promised to pay if they voted for us as Treasurer of our homeowners association. We celebrate our good fortune of getting approved for another credit card with a $30,000 limit by increasing our spending to $39,000 per year. Intellectuals scorn such simplistic analogies by glibly pointing out that the family has a crazy uncle with a printing press in the basement and can pay-off the debt with his freshly printed dollars. And this is where the deliberate and calculated ignorance by the highly educated Ivy Leaguers regarding long term and unintended consequences is revealed. They ignore, manipulate, cover-up and obscure the facts because their wealth, power and influence depend upon them doing so. But ignorance doesn’t change the facts.

“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.” Aldous Huxley

Nothing exposes the ignorance of various factions within our society better than a debate about budgets, spending, and unfunded liabilities. This is where every party, group, special interest, and voting bloc ignore any and all facts that are contrary to their selfish interest. They only see what they want to see. The fallacies, errors, omissions and mistruths of their positions are inconsequential to people who only care about their short-term self-seeking interests. When I question the out of control spending on entitlements and our impossible to honor level of unfunded liabilities, those of a liberal persuasion lash out with accusations of hating the poor, starving children and throwing granny under the bus. Anyone suggesting we should slow our spending is branded a terrorist by the overwhelmingly liberal legacy media.

When I accuse Wall Street bankers of criminal fraud and ongoing manipulation of the financial markets, the CNBC loving apologists for these felons bellow about the market always being right. When I rail about the military industrial complex and our un-Constitutional invasions of other countries, the neo-cons come out in force blathering about the war on terror and imminent threats. When I point out the horrific results of our government run educational system and how mediocre union teachers are bankrupting our states and municipalities with their gold plated health and pension plans, I’m met with howls of outrage about the poor children. The common thread is that facts are ignored because each of their agendas requires ignorance on the part of their team’s fans.

The following chart of truth portrays an unsustainable path. Ignoring the facts will not change them. This isn’t a Republican problem or a Democrat problem. It’s an American problem.


“There are men regarded today as brilliant economists, who deprecate saving and recommend squandering on a national scale as the way of economic salvation; and when anyone points to what the consequences of these policies will be in the long run, they reply flippantly, as might the prodigal son of a warning father: “In the long run we are all dead.” And such shallow wisecracks pass as devastating epigrams and the ripest wisdom.” Henry Hazlitt

Henry Hazlitt may have written these words six decades ago, but they aptly describe Paul Krugman and the legions of Keynesian apostles whose bastardized interpretation of Keynes’ theory has led us to this fiscal cliff. How anyone can truly believe that borrowing to consume foreign produced goods versus saving and making job creating capital investments is a rational and sustainable economic policy is the height of ignorance. One look at this chart exposes the political party system as a sham. When it comes to the fiscal train wreck, set in motion thirty years ago, the ignorant media pundits peddle a narrative about politicians failing to compromise as the culprit in this derailment. Nothing could be further from the truth. Compromise is what has gotten us to this point. The Republicans compromised and allowed the Democrats to create a welfare state. The Democrats compromised and allowed the Republicans to create a warfare state. The Federal Reserve compromised their mandate of stable prices and preventing financial calamities by inflating away 95% of the dollar’s purchasing power in 100 years, while creating bubbles every five or so years, like clockwork. There are a myriad of facts related to the chart above that cannot be ignored:

  • It took 192 years for the country to accumulate $1 trillion in debt. It has taken us 30 years to accumulate the next $16 trillion of debt. We now add $1 trillion of debt per year.
  • If the Federal government was required to use GAAP accounting, the annual deficit would amount to $6.7 trillion per year.
  • The fiscal gap of unfunded future liabilities for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and government pensions is $200 trillion.
  • Using realistic growth assumptions adds another $6 trillion of state and local government unfunded pension benefits to the equation.
  • The Federal government has increased their annual spending from $1.8 trillion during Bill Clinton’s last year in office to $3.8 trillion today, a 110% increase. The population has increased by 12% over that same time frame, and real GDP has advanced by 25% since 2000.
  • Defense spending has increased from $358 billion in 2000 to $831 billion today, despite the fact that no country on earth can challenge us militarily.
  • The average Baby Boomer will receive $300,000 more than they contributed to Social Security and Medicare over their lifetime. Over 10,000 Boomers per day will turn 65 for the next 17 years.
  • The Social Security lockbox is filled with IOUs. The funds collected from paychecks over the last 80 years were spent by Congress on wars of choice, bridges to nowhere, and thousands of other vote buying ventures.
  • A normalization of interest rates to long-term averages would double or triple the interest on the national debt and increase our annual deficits by at least 30%.
  • Obamacare and the unintended consequences of Obamacare will add tens of trillions to our national debt. The initial budget projections for Medicare and Medicaid showed only a modest financial impact on the financial situation of the country. How did that work out?
  • Entitlement spending in 2003 was $1.3 trillion. Entitlement spending in 2008 was $1.7 trillion. Entitlement spending in 2013 was $2.2 trillion. Entitlement spending in 2018 will be $2.8 trillion, as these programs are on automatic pilot.

When you consider the facts in a rational manner, without vitriolic denials, bitter accusations, acrimonious blame, and rejection of the entire premise, you come to the conclusion that we’ve passed the point of no return. Decades of bad choices, bad leadership, bad men in important positions, bad education, bad governance, and bad citizenship have led to bad times. But very few people, across all socio-economic classes, have any interest in understanding the facts or making the tough choices required to save future generations from a life of squalor. We willfully choose to ignore the facts.

“Most ignorance is vincible ignorance. We don’t know because we don’t want to know.” Aldous Huxley

Our degraded and ignorant society is incapable of comprehending their dire circumstances or acting for the common good of the country. We are a nation on the take. Greed really is good. Everyone needs to play the game. From the top floor corporate CEO suite to the decaying urban wastelands, we have chosen comforting ignorance to uncomfortable knowledge. Our warped form of democracy enriches the few at the top, while dispensing enough subsistence payments to the lower classes to keep them from revolting, while enslaving the middle class in debt and convincing them it’s really wealth. Mencken understood the pathetic impulses of the American populace decades before we reached our point of no return.

“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance.” – H.L. Mencken

The only way a democracy can survive is if the population is knowledgeable, vigilant, skeptical, educated, individually responsible, self-reliant, moral, capable of critical thinking and willing to accept the consequences of their actions. A nation of takers, fakers and blamers will not last long. We’ve degenerated into a nation of knowledge hating book burners. Our culture of ignorance will lead to the destruction of our culture and the ignorant masses will wonder what happened.


“But you can’t make people listen. They have to come round in their own time, wondering what happened and why the world blew up around them. It can’t last.”Ray Bradbury – Fahrenheit 451

In Part Two of this examination about our culture of ignorance I’ll explore the roles of technology, family breakdown, government, and propaganda in creating the ignorance that is consuming our system like a mutant parasite. If you are seeking a happy ending, I suggest looking elsewhere.


It must be those dastardly tea baggers sabotaging the Savior’s glorious, well conceived, well executed, cost saving, life saving healthcare plan for America. Of course a 2,400 page law written by healthcare industry lobbyists, with 11,000 pages of rules and regulations, managed by thousands of government drones, enforced by the IRS, impacting 19% of the U.S. economy, and rolled out on a computer system that doesn’t work, was sure to improve the lives of all Americans. More government in our lives is exactly what we need. Now please bend over and await your Obamacare rectal exam. The $2,500 savings check is in the mail. But be warned, we are depending on another government organization losing $19 billion per year to deliver that check, so it might be awhile.  

…Individuals in most states will end up spending more on the exchanges. It is true that in some states, the experience could be the opposite. This is because those states had already over-regulated insurance markets that led to sharply higher premiums through adverse selection, as is the case of New York. Many states, however, double or nearly triple premiums for young adults. Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, and Vermont see some of the largest increases in premiums.

…The Obama Administration is desperate for younger people to enroll to prevent an adverse selection death spiral.

…Our findings confirm that younger populations see larger percentage increases in premiums. A state that exhibits this clearly is Vermont, where the increase for 27-year-olds is 144 percent and the increase for 50-year-olds is still 60 percent, but far less. All states exhibit this relationship.

Heritage Foundation


“If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor. Period. If you like your health-care plan, you will be able to keep your health-care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.”

“For people with insurance, the only impact of the health-care law is that their insurance is stronger, better, and more secure than it was before. Full stop. That’s it. They don’t have to worry about anything else.”

“If you already have health insurance, the only thing that will change for you under this plan is the amount of money you will spend on premiums. That will be less.”

“I want to be very clear: I will not sign on to any health plan that adds to our deficits over the next decade.”

“Health care reform will cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”





How come the libs aren’t taking to the streets and burning Obama in effigy? Where’s the liberal outrage at this warmongering tyrant? Where are the marches on Washington DC? Wasn’t their savior – Martin Luther King – against war? The hypocrisy of the liberal press and liberal douchebags in general is breathtaking to behold. Chris Matthews’ leg is tingling in anticipation of cruise missiles launching. Paul Krugman is already calculating the tremendous economic benefits for the American Empire.


The number of people on SSDI now exceeds the entire population of Greece. Anyone who argues that the rise in people on SSDI is normal and predictable is either a dumbfuck or a lying liberal Obama lover. The aging of the population has nothing to do with the increase. In 1968 there were 51 workers for every person on disability. Today there are 13 workers for every person on disablity. I think even liberal douchebags would agree that medical advancements since 1968 have been significant. These medical advancements would argue for less people being on disability and unable to work. Even a liberal douchebag would agree that workplace safety measures have been increased exponentially since 1968, so that also argues for less disabled workers. The good old ADA law forced all workplaces to become disabled friendly. That argues for less people on disability. The country has transitioned from a manufacturing society to a service society. Workers don’t work on dangerous assembly lines anymore. Robots do the dangerous stuff. Even a liberal ideologue would agree. This should have dramatically reduced worker injuries and disabilities.

Everything I’ve pointed out is true. The tremendous increase in people on SSDI is nothing but a gigantic fraud, perpetuated by the Federal government and slimy lawyers. The government broadened the scope of disabilities to include stress, depression, and non-diagnosable things like aches and pains. I have stress, depression and pains too, but I get the fuck up at 5:15 every morning and go to work. The SSDI program is a joke. More than half the people on SSDI are lazy good for nothing leeches. They are sucking you and I dry while sitting around eating cheetos, watching Judge Judy on their government subsidized cable TV, and texting with other lazy fucks on their iPhones.

Now lets hear from the a few liberal douchebags about the cruelty of my assessment and how Wall Street does far worse things. I love that line of reasoning. The next time I see one of those shyster lawyer commercials urging me to get what I deserve, maybe I should join the FSASSDI party. You get the added benefit of Medicare coverage after only two years of SSDI stress.