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Guest Post by Thaisleeze

Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals – Government Propaganda

Over the past few years I have seen multiple blog references to an individual by the name of Saul Alinsky. Often these discussed his socialist teachings and his suggested methods whereby a socialist state might be achieved. Sometimes this man’s ideas were linked to the philosophies of a Marxist body known as the Frankfurt School. What I have read also sometimes argues that the Deep State subscribes to these ideas and aims.

Until recently I dismissed this idea totally. What I thought to be the character of the Deep State in the Five Eyes countries of the USA, UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand was distinctly conservative and automatically contra to an extreme socialist system.

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Saul Alinsky’s 13 Rules For ‘Have-Nots’ To Gain Power

Submitted by Bilal Hafeez of Nomura

Obama used his ideas on his path to the US Presidency, Hilary Clinton wrote her thesis on his work, and grass-roots movements, from both the left and now the right, treat his work as the template for action. Yet many people have never heard of the American Saul Alinsky. He is thought be the founder of modern community organising and wrote one of the most influential books on setting up grass-roots movements: the 1971 book “Rules For Radicals”. The basic philosophy was to give power to the have-nots. In his introduction he wrote:

“WHAT FOLLOWS IS for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be. The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the Haves on how to hold power. Rules for Radicals is written for the Have-Nots on how to take it away”

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How to Woo a Moonbatted Snowflake

by Uncola via

Headlines were made last week when the results of an experiment by two New York University professors went viral.  The study was designed to demonstrate gender bias by reenacting the 2016 presidential debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, except the gender for each was reversed.  In other words, a woman recited the statements of Trump and a male reenacted Hillary Clinton’s original comments made during the debates.

The goal of the ‘Her Opponent’ project was to prove that people would not have accepted Trump’s aggressive behavior had it come from a woman, and that Hillary’s debate style would be much more likable if she were a man.

Ironically, the exact opposite happened.

The professors and audiences of the mock debates, however, were ‘unsettled’ to discover that the opposite was true –  Trump became more likable as a woman and Hillary became even less likable as a man.

At last. Although it took a scientific observation to remove the prejudice against Trump’s gender, these people could FINALLY see what the tolerant, open-minded “Deplorable” voters saw all along.

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Shoving Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals Right Back in the Left’s Ugly Face

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Shoving Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals Right Back in the Left’s Ugly Face

The Left is getting massively out-Alinskyed, and the hilarious thing is that this band of withered hippies, unemployable millennial safe-space cases, and unlovable + unshaven libfeminists don’t even know it. Oh, their masters sure know it. Soros is bitterly having to ramp up his infusions of blood money to keep his community-organized “grassroots” movements afloat. The less dumb ones among the lying dinosaur media are panicking as their influence fades, and Chuck Schumer is enduring such a non-stop parade of serial humiliations that if the Senate were a penitentiary, he’d be McConnell’s prison Mitch.

The Leftist mafia godmaleidentifyingparents pulling the strings of the Marxist Muppets know the score – they are losing. And it’s awesome. Because, finally, the Right has taken Saul Alinsky’s <href=”#the_rules”>Rules for Radicals and shoved it up where #TheResistance don’t shine.

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Is This Hillary Clinton’s Roadmap For America?

Tyler Durden's picture

As Conservative Review’s Jen Kuznicki explains, in 1993, the president of Wellesley College approved a new rule upon being contacted by Bill Clinton’s White House. The rule stated that all senior theses written by a president or first lady of the United States would be kept under lock and key. The rule was meant to keep the public ignorant about the radical ties of the first lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, to the radical Marxist organizer, Saul Alinsky. The 92-page thesis was titled, “There is only the fight…: An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.” The thesis became unlocked after the Clintons left the White House and is now posted online.

After being ruled by Barack Obama, another Alinskyite, for 8 years, perhaps one might think the fact that the modern Democratic Party is completely taken over by Alinskyites is old news, but the connection between Alinsky and Hillary is special.

Hillary describes Alinsky as a “neo-Hobbesian who objects to the consensual mystique surrounding political processes; for him, conflict is the route to power.” Alinsky’s central focus, she notes, is that the community organizer must understand that conflict will arise and to redirect it and, as she quoted him in her thesis, be “…dedicated to changing the character of life of a particular community [and] has an initial function of serving as an abrasive agent to rub raw the resentments of the people of the community; to fan latent hostilities of many of the people to the point of overt expressions… to provide a channel into which they can pour their frustration of the past; to create a mechanism which can drain off underlying guilt for having accepted the previous situation for so long a time. When those who represent the status quo label you [i.e. the community organizer] as an ‘agitator’ they are completely correct, for that is, in one word, your function–to agitate to the point of conflict.”

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“Lest we forget at least an over the shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins – or which is which), the very first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer.”

Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals

“Those who are most moral are farthest from the problem.”

Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals

“Love and faith are not common companions. More commonly power and fear consort with faith….Power is not to be crossed; one must respect and obey. Power means strength, whereas love is a human frailty the people mistrust. It is a sad fact of life that power and fear are the fountainheads of faith.”

Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals

“To say that corrupt means corrupt the ends is to believe in the immaculate conception of ends and principles. The real arena is corrupt and bloody. Life is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play his mother off against his father in the politics of when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life.”

Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals

“In the beginning the organizer’s first job is to create the issues or problems.”

Saul D. Alinsky, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals