QOTD: What are the best ways to red-pill someone?

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

The Matrix At 20: Did We Take The Blue Pill?

Our goal is to red-pill as many people in the center as fast as possible.

To do that we need to know what works the best.

Since you are all red-pilled, you may be able to help us by noting in the comments how your transformation was accomplished:

  1. How did you go from blue pill to red pill (if applicable… some of you have always been red)?
  2. What method(s) have you used to successfully move someone from blue to red and which method do you think works the best?

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How to “red pill” your friends

Guest Post by Steve Kirsch

I get hundreds of emails a day from subscribers…but this one stood out. Apparently, a few of my posts have “red pilled” people. Wow. I didn’t think this was possible.

What does 'take the red or blue pill' mean?

To red pill a friend is very difficult to impossible

Before I show you the email I received, here’s a little background about red pilling people (i.e., to snap people out of their mass formation psychosis that the vaccines are safe and effective).

I’ve talked to psychologists that tell me that to “red pill” someone can take days to weeks of extensive work and in many cases, no matter what you do, you will fail.

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Kyle Rittenhouse and the Red-Pilling of America

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Kyle Rittenhouse and the Red-Pilling of America

You know, a few more rampages by inept alleged “white supremacists” like Kyle Rittenhouse – he only managed to shoot white criminals! – and everybody is going to be thoroughly awakened to the reality of the leftist scam. The trial that followed the Kenosha Kid’s act of social hygiene constituted only one tab in the big bottle of scarlet pills America’s been force-fed lately. Others include being confronted at work with mandates for vaxes that don’t act as advertised, as well as being inundated with racist CRT garbage, and having one’s kids come home from school with creepy porno crap that makes you wonder if they hit up the Lincoln Project lending library.

There are more pills going on than in Hunter’s medicine cabinet.

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CDC Cautions Against Taking The Red Pill

Via The Babylon Bee

ATLANTA, GA—The CDC has cautioned Americans against taking the red pill, as it can lead to severe side effects such as “realizing the truth about the way our society is manipulated by the elites” and “spending all your time on YouTube watching Jordan Peterson videos.”

According to the CDC, many are overdosing on red pills, which are a black market drug that has never been approved by the American government.

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Personal Politics, Public Impeachment, Persuasion and Post-Apocalyptic Planning

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via TheBurningPlatform.com

One of my primary concerns regarding the forthcoming economic chaos and societal breakdown is that there will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. As normalcy bias evaporates like tears on dehydrated sunken cheeks, hungry neighbors and pre-collapse friends and acquaintances will soon assimilate into zombie hoards and come knocking like its Halloween.

What are you going to do? Shoot them?

Regardless, saying “I told you so” or “I tried to warn you, but you didn’t listen” will not be an effective deterrent. Furthermore, the resultant chaos will also deliver local strongmen and gangs ready to thieve and plunder amidst widespread violence and starvation.

In such a scenario, any lone bananas are sure to be skinned.

Are you ready?

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How to Woo a Moonbatted Snowflake

by Uncola via TheBurningPlatform.com

Headlines were made last week when the results of an experiment by two New York University professors went viral.  The study was designed to demonstrate gender bias by reenacting the 2016 presidential debates between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, except the gender for each was reversed.  In other words, a woman recited the statements of Trump and a male reenacted Hillary Clinton’s original comments made during the debates.

The goal of the ‘Her Opponent’ project was to prove that people would not have accepted Trump’s aggressive behavior had it come from a woman, and that Hillary’s debate style would be much more likable if she were a man.

Ironically, the exact opposite happened.

The professors and audiences of the mock debates, however, were ‘unsettled’ to discover that the opposite was true –  Trump became more likable as a woman and Hillary became even less likable as a man.

At last. Although it took a scientific observation to remove the prejudice against Trump’s gender, these people could FINALLY see what the tolerant, open-minded “Deplorable” voters saw all along.

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