Understanding the 3 Faces of Nationalism


Nationalism is not unique to any country, yet it is a very important aspect to analyze in the field of political-economy. There are different types of nationalism and these types do not always fit together comfortably.

The first type of nationalism emerges from expanding a nation in what I call the Conquest-Model like the growth of Rome. This brand of nationalism  was accomplished well by Rome only because it sought to create an economy building roads and expanding investment opportunity with a common language and monetary system. Others who have sought to create an empire, such as Spain, failed to view its possessions as equals and instead sought to exploit their resources as economic slaves. Britain expanded around the world but it too did not actually embrace the different cultures as did Rome. Rome permitted its conquered states to retain their own religion and customs, but created a single economy through language that the EU has failed to even understand. The USA expanded from East to West building a common language and economy in the same manner as Rome.

The second type is often considered the only type that is defined very broadly to include all of the people and religious groups that have traditionally lived in a given the territory creating the image of one country v another. This is truly perhaps the most common for it is typically the one furthered by the state and political leaders for it supports greater power in their hands. The key desire of these nationalists is often inspired by the state for the goal is to reintegrate the territory after a fall, or defend it against the world when the economy declines such as Germany post-WWI. These two flavors within the second type provide subcategories that are distinct. This second form nationalism is also one of pride where a lot of Russians ascribe to this seeing the old empire as a dream and respond that taking Ukraine is good because Russia is getting bigger once again. They do not see the economic impact.

1844 Phila Nativism Riot Againt Irish

A third type of nationalism is a much more exclusive and even racist in nature. We saw this emerge in Philadelphia during 1844 as people rise up against immigrants during an economic decline under the theory that the domestic natives cannot find work because of the immigrants. We see the USA embroiled in immigration reform but this is again directed at Mexicans for economic reasons.

Ethnic nationalism unfold during economic declines. Groups will also emerge as we saw in Germany against the Jews that become committed to a pure state along blood lines. In Russia, there are those who are opposed to expansion for they want a state that is free of “polluting” peoples of other ethnicities, or at least those who are not Slavic. The primary declaration of these types of nationalists is to prevent immigration of unwanted groups and, for some, to bring their “stranded” people abroad back into the state’s domain. This type of nationalism rises everywhere from Japan that will discriminate against Koreans working in Tokyo to Singapore where natives blame inflation on all the foreigners who live there.

RUSTRD-M 7-29-2014

What we must understand is that since the emerging markets declined from a 2007 high, we have both types of nationalism running around in Russia right now. Our economic models on Russia point lower into 2020 that will complete a 13 year bear market. We must strive to understand what is taking place for these two forms of nationalism have substantial support in Russia, yet paradoxically, they are in deep conflict with each other simultaneously. The nationalism of restoring the USSR attributed to Putin would mean bringing into Russia and its major cities many of the very people whom the ethnic nationalists want to kick out, especially Islamic non-Slavs from former Soviet countries like Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Furthermore, some of these ethnic nationalists would actually want to contract Russia creating a pure state of Russian blood. This group wants a Russia without the Islamic regions and to jettison the North Caucasus region—a vision once famously articulated by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.


Obviously, like ice cream, there is never just one flavor. Consequently, interpreting the current international situation as simply a new Cold War or to see Russia’s Vladimir Putin as a Russian Hitler bent on reconstituting the USSR at all costs is not entire a fair representation. Clearly, the Cold War was driven in substantial part by competing ideologies of world scope where the ideology of communism was to save the world with global dominance. Putin has no such ideology. Yet I can find no one who can articulate exactly why the USA and Russia are enemies. It appears to have devolved into just an old Hatfield–McCoy feud (1863–1891).

Commentators in the press simply often now refer to Putin as a “nationalist” leader. Without question, he is riding high on a surge of nationalist sentiment following the annexation of Crimea as he has tapped into that first form of nationalism. This is because the Russian economy is declining. The sanctions now allow Putin to separate himself from any blame domestically for the economic decline. The USA has handed him his external enemy on a gold patter. The worse the Russian economy declines, the great the hatred toward the West emboldening the people to wage war. The sanctions will have exact opposite impact from their intention and are creating the precise same mistake as the reparation payment imposed upon the German people after World War I that support the rise of Hitler that evolved eventually into the third type of nationalism.

Unfortunately, the West’s idea of a partnership with Russia was wrongly based on its absolute acquiescence with all Western policies anywhere in the world. There was no real consideration of the consequences for Russia surrendering everything. The West’s brain-dead strategists wanted the total reshaping of Russian society according to a Western model, without any consideration for Russia’s peculiarities, history, and culture. Putin’s view that the greatest crime of the 20th century was the collapse of the Soviet Union. But Russia did not make the full transition to a free economy. It merely moved from the state ownership and dominance to one of oligarchies.


Therefore, even if some in Moscow may dream of a new Soviet Union where the state takes care of them and they need not really compete for income, such dreams mean very little in practical terms outside of Russia in states such as Poland, Hungary, Latvia, Estonia, and Ukraine proper where these neighbors have no interest in giving up their political independence and have made the transition to a free economy unlike that in Russia. The Ukrainian Revolution was precisely against a president from the East who was introducing a Russian Oligarchy with his own family as the exploiter aided by the corrupt police. These regions have moved to a free society and have no interest in going back to a state that is merely controlled by corruption.

Ferguson – Missing the Point

ferguson-Aug-2014 Militarization

A few people have sent emails justifying the killing of Brown saying they will prove he was dangerous and on drugs. It really is irrelevant. Aside from the fact there is the little Commandment that says thou shalt not kill with no exception if you have a badge, the only justifiable reason to kill someone is in self-defense. Ferguson is a flash-point. Justifying the shooting is irrelevant. This is no longer a race riot, it is being seen worldwide as war waged by military troops pretending to be police and this crosses the line for that same level of force will be used against white protesters when the economy turns down. The goal is to be so harsh and cruel, like in Donetsk, anyone who disagrees better not show their face.


Ferguson is a flash-point in the cycle of war. It is becoming the government against the people. Police have been mandated to militarize under 1033. We have the police forces going simply nuts. In Florida, police bought 8 Apache Attack Helicopters for Brevard County. When you have every person armed walking around town, shit happens.

I was in Washington DC and one of these police was walking around at the train station with a bullet-proof vest and a machine-gun. He did not look to be as smart as an average teenager, just mean, nasty, and looking for a fight. The typical school-yard bully type. He gave the impression that if you spit-out hot coffee on you and jumped up suddenly, he would shoot first and ask questions later. There was nothing going on there that day. Just this one power-crazed guy. I have been in countries like that. It is never a safe feeling.

This is not whether Brown was a good guy or bad. This is a flash-point and it is moving beyond racism. This is something that is spreading once again into 2017-2018.


$40 Million Lawsuit Filed in Ferguson


Missouri police have been sued for $40 million over actions in Ferguson protests by several people alleging civil rights violations through arrests and police assaults with rubber bullets and tear gas adopting ”militaristic displays of force and weaponry,” and engaged U.S. citizens “as if they were war combatants.”

It will be interesting to say the least for this is the trend in motion – the militaristic police that have taken this to a whole new level. Even the tiny town of Keene, N.H., it was reported that Mayor Kendall Lane whispered to Councilman Mitch Greenwald during a December city council meeting that they were going to get their own tank,.The town is tiny with a population of just 23,000. They have had only two murders since 1999. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security gave them a $285,933 grant to purchase a Bearcat manufactured by LENCO, an eight-ton armored personnel vehicle.

Homeland Security

It is clear. Homeland Security is arming against the people on a grand scale. The definition of “terrorist” is now anyone who disagrees with the government. The plain truth is they have seen the riots in Europe and Thailand watching how people rise up when the economy turns down. They know that is coming in this direction.

What we saw in Ferguson is how the police are now trained and operate no different from a standing army. They are no longer “civil” in nature. Homeland Security has also militarized the nation and proof this is not a black or white issue as it was in the 1960s, is the simple fact that they are militarizing even small all white towns.

There is an 800% Higher Probabability Americans Will be Killed by Police Than by a Terrorist


The Ferguson incident has exposed the underbelly of the United States and now everyone is starting to pay attention that there is a higher risk of being killed by police even when they chase or shoot at people who need not be you. The risk is 800% greater that you will be killed by POLICE rather than a terrorist. The Economist has reported the death by police so far are ZERO in Japan and Britain, 8 in Germany and 409 in America.


But that is not the half of it. Since 911, the police have killed more people than the terrorists are claimed to have done in those attacks. It is getting to the point that if you see a policeman in the USA, you better try to move away. This is no longer the ’50s. If there is a cat in the tree, my bet they will try to shoot it first but probably take down the tree with the hail of bullets. Police seem to think they have the right to play soldier and war games on the streets of America.


Charles-Louis de Secondat Montesquieu, baron de La Brede et de (1689-1755) was truly perhaps the most influential of the political French philosophers who did more to alter the course of the world than anyone of this time. He gave us the separation of power for the structure of the United States and the Second Amendment – right to bear arms.

Savoy Prince

In Vienna, Montesquieu met the political leader and soldier, the Prince Eugene of Savoy (1663-1736), whose political discussions helped spark ideas within Montesquieu expanding his understanding of government. It was this encounter between Montesquieu and the Prince of Savoy that shaped the right to bear arms. For Prince of Savoy was considered even by Napoleon as one of the seven greatest strategists in military history. He fought against the Turks (1683-1688, 1697, 1715-1718) and he fought against the French in the War of the Grand Alliance (1689-1691). He was the teacher of even Frederick the Great of Prussia (b 1712; 1740–1786) who he shaped into a brilliant military strategist. The Prince of Savoy also fought in the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714), but he was plagued by a rumor that he was really the illegitimate son of King Louis XIV of France that he perpetually denied. Yet, Louis XIV was always ashamed of such offspring and he restrained Eugene’s ambitions as if he was perhaps his son so that after 20 years of living in Paris and at Versailles, he left France and offered his talent to Leopold I (1640-1705), Holy Roman Emperor who was fighting the Turks. He distinguished himself in the siege of Vienna in 1683 and his military career was born.

Prince of Savoy acquired a brilliant skill and the wisdom that allowed him to see that military victory was merely an instrument for achieving political ends. He was Europe’s most formidable general who was wounded 13 times himself, yet always faced a world of cunning foes with conspirators at his back that he regarded as the “hereditary curse” of Austria serving three emperors, Leopold I, Joseph I, land then Charles VI. Of these men, Prince of Savoy considered that the first had been a father, the second a brother, but with the third, he was just the hired help.


The Prince of Savory came to see that standing armies would be easily used. A talented general, he realized that there should be no armies and that would reduce war. The brilliant insight of the Prince of Savoy greatly influenced Montesquieu, that it laid the foundation for the right to bare arms, as the Second Amendment to the United States constitution for the idea was to eliminate standing armies that feed the cycle of war returning the nation to the very was Rome began – with citizen militias.


The Police are out of control and have become standing armies within the civilian population. They are truly our greatest risk to national security that should be defined as the welfare of the people not the safety of government. This will be the greatest threat to our liberty moving forward into 2020 domestically.They are trained to see us as the enemy for they are there to protect government from the people. Of course there are always individual exceptions. Some can be turned. This was the key to winning the revolution in Ukraine. Turn the police against government and you stand a chance to win freedom.

The Obama Dark Age


The arrogant President Obama suggested in an interview published in the New York Times on Saturday that you need to be a lawyer to understand the U.S. Constitution. This is precisely what I mean about law. It is always someone’s interpretation because it is impossible to ever write anything and have it mean a single thing.

Obama made the outrageous suggestion that only lawyers understand the Constitution that is reminiscent of the Dark Ages when that very same proposition was argued as to when the Bible could only be read by priest – never the average person.This was the Dark Age when people could not read and Obama has done everything possible to destroy the foundation of law and the Constitution clearly in his mind because it means only whatever he says it does.

Obama’s outlandish statement was made when talking about members of Congress who have argued he does not have the constitutional authority to unilaterally suspend enforcement of parts of the Obamacare law. To set the record ABSOLUTELY STRAIGHT, Obama is without question WRONG!!!!!! He has the power to veto a law, but to suspend a law. The Constitution provides no such discretion whatsoever.

The New York Times even asked Obama if he “consulted” with “his” lawyer when making that outrageous decision to suspend the employer mandate, which would require businesses with more than 50 employees to buy them health insurance, and which was supposed to take effect on Jan. 1,  2014. Obama’s arrogant dodging of the question illustrates the dangerous position he has place the country in.

“[I]f you heard me on stage today, what I said was that I will seize any opportunity I can find to work with Congress to strengthen the middle class, improve their prospects, improve their security,”

“But where Congress is unwilling to act, I will take whatever administrative steps that I can in order to do right by the American people.”

“And if Congress thinks that what I’ve done is inappropriate or wrong in some fashion, they’re free to make that case,” Obama added.  “But there’s not an action that I take that you don’t have some folks in Congress who say that I’m usurping my authority.  Some of those folks think I usurp my authority by having the gall to win the presidency. And I don’t think that’s a secret.”

“But, ultimately, I’m not concerned about their opinions–very few of them, by the way, are lawyers, much less constitutional lawyers.”

Obama was merely a lecturer on constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 1996, and a senior lecturer from 1996 to 2004. He is by no means a specialist in Constitutional Law. There is no question that he does not have the power to pick and choose when mandates are enforced, contrary to the law. As President, he has sworn to faithfully execute the law of the land – not enforce whatever he like or not. That very position would nullify the entire Congress and mean that the United States is a dictatorship, not a Republic. There would be no purpose to elections whatsoever if the President is exempt from the law and the Executive branch has the duty to enforce the laws that only the people can introduce through their pretend representatives in Congress,

Suspending the deadline for the Obamacare mandate that requires large employers to provide health insurance for their workers that was supposed to begin on Dec. 31, 2013 was a political decision that he does not want to take effect until he leaves office for it will cause serious rise in unemployment. Any company with even slightly more than 50 employees will fire all excessive to avoid such expenses. Others will split companies and still others will hire temp employees if not move to contract status rather than employee status. This will also set in motion the end of pensions.

Obama’s argument that only LAWYERS can understand the Constitution is so arrogant it is just unbelievable. George Washington presided over the convention that drafted the Constitution and established the presidency and he was not a lawyer. Therefore, how can there be a Constitution if those who drafted and voted on the Constitution were not lawyers? Is the entire thing just babble?

This is yet another example of the arrogance of Obama and the very wrong path this man has taken the country down and this is not even about left and right politics. This is the great expanded power of Stalinistic surveillance he has supported and endorsed that is inconsistent with criticism the actions in Ferguson, and his Dark Age view of the Constitution illustrates he sees himself with the power of dictator and does not respect the separation of powers of the idea that the people have any role in government.

Are we on the Verge of Renewed Race Riots with the Turn in the War Cycle in 2014?

Guest Post by Martin Armstrong

Raxe Riot-Detroit_1967

There is an old saying that is very important in its depth – divide and conquer. Yes the Black Community is outraged. But have things really remained the same or are we dealing with a new movement of government against the people? Most Americans are at least aware of or remember the race-related riots that tore throughout numerous cities in the United States during the 1960s. Between 1964 and 1971, civil disturbances (as many as 700, by one count) resulted in large numbers of injuries, deaths, and arrests, as well as considerable property damage, concentrated in predominantly black areas.


What was amazing is that this civil unrest started precisely in 1964, which like 2014 now, was the turning point in the war cycle. What has taken place in Ferguson is simply outrageous. However, the Black Community needs to learn a lesson from history. They will only diminish their own position by characterizing this as simply a race issue. This time – its is different. It is government against everyone.


Although the United States has experienced race-related civil disturbances throughout its history, the 1960s events were unprecedented in their frequency and scope. They coincided with the upturn in the War Cycle in 1964 but characterizing them as simply a race issue then was perhaps on point. Law enforcement authorities took extraordinary measures to end the riots, sometimes including the mobilization of National Guard units. The most deadly riots were in Detroit (1967 picture as the heading), Los Angeles (1965), and Newark (1967). Measuring riot severity by also including arrests, injuries, and arson adds Washington (1968) to that list. Particularly following the death of Martin Luther King in April 1968, the riots signaled the end of the carefully orchestrated, non-violent demonstrations of the early Civil Rights Movement.

Today with the upturn in the War Cycle there is a different issue. The militarization of the police is against everyone. The incident in Ferguson may not be simply a race incident. This may be related to the militarization of police and the hostile attitude they are displaying everywhere. I was stopped in a road-block on my way to work in the morning. It was an unconstitutional stop for every car was stopped to see if you had all your documents. If you did not, they sent you to a line for tickets. There was no smile or friendly police officer asking for your papers. It felt very much like the East German police when I went behind the Berlin Wall – “papers please”, and I am not even sure there was a “please”.

The Black Community would do well realizing that this militarization of the police was NOT designed simply for them. This is against ALL Americans and they should be wise to distinguish this militarization as being un-American. It looks like we may be on a turn in race riots once again. They began precisely in 1964 with the turn in the War Cycle and it appears we are on schedule here as well. If so, the peak will not arrive before 2017-2018.

Pentagon’s 1033 Program is Preparing for War Against the Civil Population

ferguson-Aug-2014 Militarization

There is a growing awareness that the militarization of domestic police forces is the effective declaration of war against the civilian population in the United States. The local police force’s abusive militarized response to protesters in Ferguson, Missouri is sparking outrage around the world and even on capitol hill there is now a growing bipartisan criticism of what is going on as reported by Reuters.

The military style local police forces in the United States are about as un-American and unconstitutional as you can get. This incident in Ferguson, Missouri that has been witnessed as brandishing military weapons of war against unarmed citizens is in all honesty simply treason against everything the Founding Fathers fought a revolution against. This is NOT what a “free democratic” nation does to its own people.

In Britain for years the traditional policeman was unarmed. If someone had a gun, they called a special squad who was armed. When every policeman is armed, they are not all qualified mentally to exercise good judgement. The choaked one man to death recently and have shot an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson killing him. These tactics are uncalled for and it goes a long way to saying why all police should not be armed. People want to get rid of guns, well we have lunatics in the military shooting people on bases and former policemen also involved in such shoots. Being in the police force or the military is no guarantee that they know how to use such weapons or are not mentally defective. We have similar assumptions about Federal judges who are there for life as if they are above all human health issues. Such assumptions are just wrong.


Bonus-Army-4This is reminiscent of 1932 and the Bonus Army. The calling out of the military against veterans including the use of tanks on the street of the United States played a major role in the 1932 elections. Photos of the military on the streets shooting veterans who were there with their wives and children showed just how you can charge up police or military to fire on their own people.

bonus-army-confrontation-1Bonus-Army-2The assault on the veterans who defended the world in World War I and were treated like garbage moved the nation. That incident was the final straw that led the people to elect FDR with a majority in excess of 60%. This use of these very same tactics today is outrageous and quite frankly warrants criminal action against those in charge. This is not war games. But we have to realize, what you see in Ferguson is the attitude that has engulfed the entire civil police force throughout the nation. Top military generals led the assault against the veterans. It was the lowest point in American military history. Because of this incident, when World War II came, Congress had to pass the GI bill to promise veterans would never be treated that way again.



But when it come to money, government never honors its word. Veterans have once again been treated with no respect yet they expect them to kill American citizens in any sort of protest. This amounts to murder and it is all about retaining power.

This was the design of the military to prepare for civil unrest because the government WILL default on social welfare and social security not to mention confiscating pensions. This is in the future and the only reason  Pentagon’s 1033 Program exists along with Home Land Security buying over 1700 tanks for domestic use. These people are preparing for war against the civilian population and Ferguson is just a preview of what lies ahead.


LuistaniaIn the Cycles of War conference, I examined the facts history has left behind for the excuse to start war. Here is the advertisement placed in the NY newspapers by the Germans warning people not to sail on the Lusitania. In the face of truth, the government and the press willingly transformed that incident into German aggression that was inhuman, The US was violating its neutral position sending arms to Britain using passengers as cover.

In order to justify war, the number one ploy is to always transform yourself into a victim and the target into the aggressor. This is the common theme to begin every war. It is WHY we must ALWAYS look closely at the real evidence. If you analyze history dissecting everything very carefully, you will realize that this is not something new, but has been used for thousands of years. The nature of society as a whole does not support ruthless aggression on a wholesale basis. To gather that support they must be transformed into a victim. The USA government knew Japan would attack Pearl Harbor and allowed it to happen because the people did not support war to defend anyone else. Vietnam  was the same thing. The Gulf War against Iraq was transformed into the aggressor that had nothing to do with 911. Even there with 911 they at the least knew what was coming and allowed it. They justify the death of civilians by saying they sacrificed their lives for the good of the country even if they had knowledge that they were being used in such a manner. To sleep at night, the civilians gave their life for their power-goals they always define as the national goals.


Temple of Alexandria & the Black Bust of Caesar

Commissioned by Cleopatra

Even if we look at the classic war between Octavian and Marc Antony we find the seeds of how to wage war even when it is civil for personal power. True, Octavian was the named heir of Julius Caesar. True, it was Marc Antony who was the better general and who had fought alongside Caesar. It is also true that Cleopatra gave birth to Caesar’s only son who is known to history named Ceasarion. Antony was partially manipulated by Cleopatra who had designs of conquering Rome through the bedroom. Antony supported her in battle against Octavian and had they been successful, no doubt the person on the throne would have been Caesarion – not Antony. The aggressor must therefore always start as a defender of a war.


Octavian never waged war against Marc Antony or Caesarion in a public forum. The evil aggressor was Egypt and Cleopatra. When Octavian defeated Antony and Cleopatra murdering Caesarion, his coins showed the war was with Egypt, not a Roman.

Now, with this in mind, let use look at the shooting down of a passenger aircraft by pro-Russian forces in Ukraine as a ploy to start war. If this is the case, then it is entirely possible that (1) this was a deliberate act by the West to provoke war with Russia, (2) was a mistake and then transformed into justification to wage war, (2) pro-Russian forces made a mistake and shot down the wrong plane, or (4) pro-Russian forces intended to shoot down a passenger plane.

APTOPIX Ukraine Plane

Before there was any evidence or investigation, Obama came out and accused the pro-Russian forces. But the wreckage of Malaysian Airlines MH 17  is curious. It shows bullet holes not a missile.

Ukraine Plane

It is known that there were two Ukrainian jets in the area. The next curiosity is the air traffic controller who was tracking the incident has disappeared. The bullet holes appear to be in the cockpit. That would make sense if you were deliberately trying to ensure no distress calls or hero tactics.


There are far too many questions once again like the weapons of mass destruction. Career politicians look at us as the expendable great unwashed – the pawns of their chess game. All I have learned over the years – that there is a reason for everything and question each statement made without proof especially when they immediately come out before any investigation takes place. This is like the Pentagon and WTC7 in the 911 attack. Furthermore, if someone vanishes, there must be a reason. Where is the air traffic controller and why has he suddenly disappeared?

The data received after the preliminary examination of Boeing-777 Malaysia Airlines black boxes indicated nothing unusual on board before the crash in eastern Ukraine.  New Straits Times reported Sunday.

“So far, from what the team has heard, there was nothing unusual. The last voice heard was not the pilot’s. No, there was no indication that the pilots saw or sensed anything off,” the paper quoted the source close to the international group of investigators as saying. But is this true or a false flag?

Earlier media reports suggested that the data from the black boxes proved the version of a powerful explosion damaging the Malaysia Airlines Boeing. This is now denied. Yet the wreckage looks like it has bullet holes. If there was machine gun fire, the black boxes should reveal that.

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 en route from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur crashed in eastern Ukraine on July 17. All 298 people on board, including 192 Dutch nationals, died in the crash.

The plane’s two black boxes were recovered by Ukrainian independence supporters and given to Malaysian authorities last week. They were then sent to the UK for a comprehensive analysis.

Kiev authorities and independence supporters have been trading blame for the downing of the plane, with independence supporters insisting they lacked the technology to shoot down a target flying at such a height.

So who is to blame. The problem is governments control the investigation and the press surrendered their freedom long ago. This still seems to be a coin toss.

World War III Is On The Horizon

Submitted by Martin Armstrong via Armstrong Economics blog,

Russia and China are becoming closer thanks to Obama and his insane policies behind the NSA that have left America trying to find friends in a dark hour. The sanctions being imposed on Russia have sent China into its camp. The USA is finding it increasingly more difficult to be the bully in the school-yard. No former administration has ever acted with such arrogance and blind stupidity than the Obama Administration. The net result is to empower Russia and to inspire a new dynamic-duo of Russia-China against the USA. China supported Russia, when Western countries launched an anti-Russian campaign. With both of their economies turning down, this is by no means the proper time to impose sanctions. All this policy is doing is re-enforcing Putin and placing him in the position where he must become more aggressive or seem weak in the shadow of Obama.

In keeping with the idea that the West/America plotted the fall of the Soviet Union as a covert plot rather than the economic collapse of Communism, feeds directly into the idea that the majority of people see whatever happens to them as a victim of someone else rather than the consequences of their own stupidity. Putin’s statements that the fall of the Soviet Union was the greatest tragedy of the 20th Century is gaining momentum in Russia.


There is now talk of Mikhail Gorbachev being put on trial. Gorbachev was the last president of the USSR and the proposition to bring him to trial for the collapse of the Soviet Union is being bantered about. This is part of the propaganda machine to enrage the people to justify the invasion of at least Eastern Europe. Putting Gorbachev on trial will be an indictment of the West and further the conspiracy theory that it was a plot and not economics.

The Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev delivered a well received speech in the Duma in Russia demonstrating the rise in power and determination of the New Russia. He stated regarding trade how the West suppressed Russia. ”For 17 years, we were actually kept in the hallway, where we argued that we deserved the right to enter the world trading community, that we meet its standards. Now we have a full right to demand other WTO member countries should observe the regulations with respect to Russian goods.”

The treatment of Russia by the Obama Administration has been appalling to say the least even before Crimea. The policies that are in place and the thinking is so outdated built around an ego of self-centered aggrandizement, it is hard to see how this cannot lead to any place other than armed conflict. I stated upfront, give the East Ukraine back to Russia on a timetable and allow free elections there that should have been monitored. The people should have decided this issue, not politicians. That should have been the serious solution just as East Germany was given back to the West. Failing to reach such a negotiated settlement allowing for real free elections has led to this confrontation with no escape. Both sides now have their backs against the wall and neither will back down fearing this will be a sign of political weakness.

Putin is playing into the conspiracy of a victim – not that Russia fell because of economics. This is going over very well and this is the danger for therein we find the seeds of war.