Here are two charts that show how successful, government solutions are for the citizens of this country. First off, even according to the manipulated and under-reported CPI figures, you have lost 65% of your purchasing power since 1978. Using a real measure of inflation, its closer to 85%, but why quibble. You are slowly but surely being impoverished by the Federal Reserve (aka Wall Street bankers) and the corrupt politicians you elected to represent your interests.

Doug Short presents the cost of college tuition, medical care and new cars over the last 38 years. One of these things is not like the other. The second chart shows the growth in Federal loans to students since 1995. You may notice that prior to the Federal government getting involved in college education, college tuition rose steeper than overall inflation but only by a moderate amount. My tuition at Drexel University in the mid-1980s was in the mid $5,000 range. I was able to work and pay the majority of my tuition, with only a couple thousand dollars in loans.

Inflation Markers

If you are perceptive (that leaves out all libs and government employees) you will notice that as the Federal government has doled out more loans, the cost of college tuition has skyrocketed. You see, just like welfare, you get more of what you subsidize. If the federal government is willing to give your tax dollars to every Tom, Muhammed, or Laquesha to go to college, demand will rise. Since the supply is limited, colleges can raise prices dramatically as they know the Feds are supplying the paper.