The Hole at the Bottom of Math

For those who enjoy pondering the imponderables, this  thought-provoking presentation about theories which we intuitively know to be true shows why they cannot be proven formally.

Truth and Provability are not the same thing at all.

The video contains a lot of interesting information if you are weary of the latest discussion about you-know-what.

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A Video Exposition: Quantum Theory, Waves, and the Bulbous Bow of Confusion

By Doug “Uncola” Lynn via

The “Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle” is a mathematical law of the universe involving “trade-offs”.  In fact, it could be summarized as the law of having your cake but not being able to eat it too.  Or, as applied for the sake of this article, it means either position or momentum can be measured at any given time, but not both simultaneously; at least not accurately.

I, personally, favor the rows or columns example of the Uncertainty Principle because of its simplicity in explaining Quantum Mechanics intuitively; if that were possible.  The point is when studying columns the definitions of the rows disappear, and when focusing on the rows the columns vanish.

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